Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CHRONOGRAPHS Watch Victorinox
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In 1897 the Original Swiss Army ™ Knife was created in the small village of Ibach, Switzerland. Since that time, V ictorinox ® has become known in more than 100 countries for precision, quality , functionality and versatility . This century old heritage has been extended to Swiss Army W atches and T imepieces.
- 2 - W A TER RESIST ANCE W ater -resistant to 30 meters (100 feet/3 A TM). Will withstand rain or splashes of water but should not be worn while showering, swimming or diving. W ater -tested to 50 meters (165 feet/5 A TM). Suitable for showering or swimming in shallow water .
TH RE E HAN D ANAL OG QUARTZ NOTE: Y our watch will have either a “pull-out” or “screw-down” crown. T o determine this, gently try to pull out the crown to position (2). If it does so, your watch has a pull-out crown. If not, use the thumb and forefinger to apply mild pressure on the crown while rotating toward you to release it.
- 4 - T o Set Time Alone Refer to instruction “C”. S ETTIN G THE DA TE & TI ME - Screw Down Crown A. Using the thumb and forefinger , apply mild pressure on crown while rotating toward you until crown releases. B. Pull out crown to position (2).
- 5 - ANALOG CHR ONOG RAPHS * Ref er to NOT E on page 2 to determine the type of crown on your watch. CH RONOG RAPH OPE RA TIN G P RO CEDURE (CHR ONO TYPE I, II, I II, IV , V) Chrono types I and II feature a 30-minute counter , one-tenth second timer , sweep second hand and date calendar .
- 6 - The crown has three positions: 1. Normal position – recessed. 2. Extended position – to set the date. 3. Fully extended position – to set the time. S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E (CH RONO TYPE I) A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. Rotate the crown toward you until the date showing is the day before the desired setting.
- 7 - CH RONO TYPE I I AN D V The Quick-Set feature allows the hour hand to be advanced without advancing the minute hand and will also quick-set the calendar . It is especially useful when traveling to different time zones, as the hour hand can be rapidly advanced to set the desired time.
S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E (CH RONO TYPE II) A. Pull out crown to position (2). T urn the crown away from you and the quick-set feature will rapid-advance the hour hand. As the hour hand passes midnight it will also advance the calendar . Continue to turn the crown away from you until the date showing is the day before the desired setting.
- 9 - S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E (CH RONO TYPE I II & IV) S ETTIN G THE DA TE (Quick Mode) A. Pull out the crown to position (2) (the watch continues to run). B. T urn the crown until the correct date appears. C. Push the crown back into position (1).
- 10 - S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E A. Pull out the crown to position (2) (the watch continues to run). B. T urn the crown until yesterday’ s date appears. C. Pull out crown to position (3). D. T urn the crown until the correct date appears. E. T urn the crown until you reach the correct time.
- 11 - CH RONOG RAPH FUN C TION S (CH RON O TYPE I + II) The stopwatch function records the time of an event in tenths of a second starting from zero. Measurement of Elapsed Times A. Press Pusher A (top) once to start the timing operation: press again to stop timing.
- 12 - CH RONOG RAPH SU B DIALS 30-minute counter One-tenth second timer Seconds subdial Seconds counter Pusher A Pusher B Crown.
- 13 - Measurement of Intermediate (Split) T imes (continued) C. Press Pusher B to continue timing. The chronograph has continued its measurement so that the tenth of a second hand now reverts to zero and the other hands “fly back” to allow for the elapsed time.
- 14 - Measurement of T wo Times at V ery Short Intervals This function enables two times separated by a very short interval to be measured. A. Press Pusher A to start timing. B. Press Pusher B to stop the first time without interrupting measurement of the second time.
- 15 - CH RONOG RAPH FUN C TION S (CH RON O TYPE III + IV) Chrono T ype IV Chrono T ype I II.
- 16 - The chronograph function records the time of an event in seconds up to 12 hours. Basic Function (Elapsed T ime) A. Press Pusher A (top) once to start the timing operation: press again to stop timing. B. Once the timing operation has been completed, press Pusher B (bottom).
- 17 - Measurement of Intermediate (Split) Times A. Press Pusher A to start timing. B. Press Pusher B to read off the first split time without interrupting. C. Press Pusher B to continue timing. The chronograph has continued its measurement so that the chronograph hands catch-up to allow for the elapsed time.
- 18 - CH RONO TYPE V The crown has three positions which affect push button functions: Position 1: Normal position. Push-buttons: chronograph functions. Position 2: Quick correction of hour hand. Date corrections by passing through 24 hours. Push-button B (at 4 o'clock): Initialization of the 60 minute counter .
- 19 - S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E (CH RONO TYPE V) Remember , the date advances at 12:00 midnight, not 12:00 noon. A. Pull out the crown to Position 2 (middle position). B. Rotate the crown away from you until the date showing is the day before the desired setting.
- 20 - second counter hand (both located on center post - silver with red tip) and one tenth second indicator . Measurement of Elapsed Times A. Press Pusher A (at 2 o'clock) to start the timing operation. B. Press again to stop timing. NOTE: T iming will be indicated within 1/10th of a second on appropriate sub-dial.
- 21 - measurement by reverting the 1/10th hand to zero and “flying back” to the elapsed time. D. Press Pusher B again to read the second split time. E. Repeat this procedure until the action to be timed has been completed. F . Press Pusher A to stop timing.
- 22 - R EI N ITIAL IZIN G THE CHR O NO G RAPH HAN D S (SU B-DIALS) Following a battery change, an incorrect actuation, violent impact or exposure to a strong magnetic field, one of the chronograph counter hands may fail to revert to the original position (0).
- 23 - CHR ONO TYPE I I Zero Reset of the Minutes Counter Hand A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. Press Pusher B briefly until the hand reverts to the original position. Zero Reset of the Seconds Counter Hand A. Pull out the crown to position (3).
- 24 - CHR ONO TYPE I II A. Pull out the crown to position (3). B. Keep the Pushers A and B depressed simultaneously for at least 2 seconds (the center stop-second rotates by 360 degrees. Corrective mode is activated. Zero Reset of the Center Stop Second A.
- 25 - F . Continuous: press and hold Pusher A Return the crown to position (1) CHR ONO TYPE IV A. Pull out the crown to position (3). B. Keep the Pushers A and B depressed simultaneously for at least 2 seconds (the center stop-second rotates by 360 degrees.
- 26 - CHR ONO TYPE V Zero Reset of the Minute Counter Hand A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. Press Pusher B briefly until the hand reverts to the original position (on 60). Zero Reset of the Seconds Counter Hand A. Pull out the crown to position (3).
- 27 - D IG IT AL DI SPLA Y By repeatedly pressing Pusher C the following functions can be selected: – Date – Second T ime Zone (12 or 24 hour display) – Alarm – Chrono (60-Minutes) / Lap ANAL.
- 28 - ADJU STIN G THE D IG IT AL DA TE, MONTH, DA Y By pressing Pusher A and Pusher B simultaneously when the date or the second time zone is displayed, the chime can be switched on or off. ANALOG DI S PLA Y T o set the analog time, pull out the crown.
- 29 - ADJU STIN G THE D IG IT AL DA TE, M ONTH, DA Y (cont’d).
- 32 - US I NG TH E CHR ONOG RAPH NOTE: T o use your digital chronograph as a tac hymeter , refer to “Case Functions: T achymeter” f eature (page 45).
- 33 - LAP TI ME.
- 34 - N IG HT VIS ION The Night V ision watch makes use of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for its flashlight and soft dial lighting. LEDs last longer than conventional incandescent bulbs, and are more durable and energy-efficient. Please note that the battery life of the lighting functions is significantly reduced with greater use.
- 35 - Time and Date T o set time and date please refer to page 3 (Three Hand Analog Quartz). Lighting Functions 1. Dial Illumination Mode One quick push of the pusher will activate the soft LED light. The angle of the light directs it to reflect off t he crystal for maximum visibility of the dial and hands.
- 36 - Ö 2. 2. Extended Light Mode T wo quick pushes of the pusher will activate the LED flashlight for 2 1 ⁄ 2 minutes. Light will automatically deactivate, or you can turn the light off by pressing the pusher once. 3. Signal Mode Three quick pushes of the pusher will cause the light to strobe continuously .
- 37 - Light Function The lighting module of your Night V ision watch operates off of a separate battery power source (2 battery cells) than the watch movement itself (1 battery cell).
M ECHAN IC AL: MAN U AL WIN D WA TCH ES NOTE : Y our watch will have either a “pull-out” or “screw-down” crown. T o determine this, gently try to pull out the crown to position (2).
S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. T urn the crown away from you until the date showing is the day before the desired setting. C. Pull out the crown to the fully extended position (3) and rotate toward you. When midnight is reached, the date will advance to the desired date.
- 40 - M ECHAN IC AL: S ELF-WI N DI NG TH R EE-HAN D WA TCH ES NOTE: Y our watch will have either a “pull-out” or “screw-down” crown. T o determine this, gently try to pull out the crown to position (2). If it does so, your watch has a pull-out cr own.
- 41 - S ETTIN G THE TI M E A. Wind the movement if necessary . B. Pull out the crown into position (3). The seconds hand will stop. C. Make sure that the position of the hands corresponds to a change of date at midnight and not at noon. D. T urn the crown to pre-position the hands on the desired time.
- 42 - Setting the Day/ Date A. First turn the crown (in position 1) away from you approximately ten times to activate the automatic movement if the watch is not already wound. The sweep second hand will be moving. B. Pull the crown out into position 3 (completely out).
- 43 - A UTOMA TIC CH RONOG RAPH S The chronograph movement indicates the hours, minutes, seconds and date and enables short times to be measured up to a total of 12 hours. The crown C has three positions: A. Position (1:) Neutral and winding position B.
- 44 - Pushers • Pusher A: Chronograph start/stop • Pusher B: Chronograph zero reset Watc h Indications F Hours D Minutes G Seconds H Date Chronograph Indications I 12-hour counter E 30-minute counter J 60-second counter NOTE: If your watch is equipped with screw down pushers, they must be released prior to operating.
- 45 - T ACHYMETE R The tachymeter scale, located on the inner bezel of the watch, enables the speed of a moving body to be read off in km/h (or in some other unit of measurement). Measure the time taken to travel one kilometer (or a different unit) and read the result on the tachometer scale.
- 46 - ALLIANCE TRA VE LLER - D UAL TIM E ZON E S ETTIN G THE DA TE & TI ME Upper Time (upper crown) A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. Rotate the crown toward you until the date showing is the day before the desired setting. C. Pull out the crown to position (3) and rotate toward you.
- 47 - S ETTIN G THE DA TE & TI ME - Lower Time (lower crown) A. Pull out crown to position (2). B. Set the time by rotating the crown toward or away from you.
- 48 - ALAR M W A TCHE S The crown has three positions: 1. Normal position – recessed. 2. Extended position – to set the date and desired alarm activation time. 3. Fully extended position – to set the time. S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E A. Pull out the crown to position (2).
- 49 - T o Set Time Alone Refer to instruction "C". Setting the Alarm A. Pull out the crown to position (2) and rotate away from you to set the alarm hand to the desired activation time. NOTE: The alarm will only sound once the hour hand aligns itself with the alarm hand.
- 50 - I NSTR UCTION S FOR U SI NG YOUR 2N D TIM E ZON E WA TCH The 2nd time zone watch is equipped with four hands (hour , minute, second and 2nd time zone) and a ratchet bezel (see 'ratchet bezel' section of manual).
- 51 - C. Pull out the crown to position (3) and rotate the crown until the date advances to today's date. Continue to rotate the crown to set the time. Remember , the date advances at 12:00 midnight, not 12:00 noon. D. Push in the crown, returning it to position (1).
- 52 - RA TCH ET B E Z E L (Available on select models only .) The rotating ratchet bezel was designed to enable divers to time dives, but can be used to measure any elapsed time period.
- 53 - I LLU M I NATI NG D IAL (Available on select models only .) T o illuminate the dial, press the button located at the eight o’clock position. The normal battery life is 27 months (using the light for 30 seconds per day). Excess use may decrease normal battery life.
- 54 - LEAS H W A TCH The crown of the Swiss Army Brand Leash W atch has three positions: 1. Position 1 - recessed 2. Position 2 - extended 3. Position 3 - fully extended S ETTIN G THE DA TE AN D TIM E A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. T urn the crown away from you until the date showing is the day before the desired setting.
- 55 - LEAS H W A TCH (con’t) T o Set Time Alone Refer to instruction “C”. P ACK, POCK ET , AN D POCKET/ D ES K WA TCH ES The crown of your Swiss Army Brand T imepiece has two positions: 1. Position 1 - recessed 2. Position 2 - extended S ETTIN G THE TI M E A.
- 56 - POCK ET/D E SK ALAR M The crown of your Pocket/Desk Alarm has three positions: 1. Position 1 - recessed 2. Position 2 - extended 3. Position 3 - fully extended The alarm button of your Pocket/Desk Alarm has two positions: 1. Position 1A - normal recessed 2.
- 57 - S ETTIN G THE ALAR M A. Pull out the crown to position (2). B. Rotate the crown left to set desired alarm time. C. Push in crown to return to position (1). D. Pull alarm button up to extend position (2A). Alarm is now activated and will be confirmed by bip sound.
- 58 - TRA VE L ALAR M (con’t) S ETTIN G THE ALAR M A. Open the back lid. B. Set the alarm time by using the convenient finger -dial (4). Continue to turn it until the desired wake-up is set. C. Then pull out the on/off button (5). The alarm is now set.
- 59 - D U AL TI M E TRA VE L ALAR M The travel alarm face cover (1) doubles as a kickstand. T o insert the battery (2) open the back lid. S ETTIN G THE TI M E A. Open the back lid. B. Set the time by using the con- venient finger -dial (3) that is protected under the back cover .
- 60 - S ETTIN G THE ALAR M A. Set the alarm time by using the convenient finger -dial (4). Continue to turn it until the desired wake-up is set. B. Then pull out the on/off button (5). The alarm is now set. C. T o turn off the alarm, push in the on/off button (5).
- 61 - It will remain high until the alarm is shut off. If it is not shut off, it will ring at the high setting for about 15 minutes. Snooze: If the alarm is ringing, it can be shut off temporarily using the button on the side of the case. It will start to ring again every 4 1 ⁄ 2 minutes for 6 to 8 cycles—also in crescendo mode.
- 62 - TH RE E- YEAR LIM ITE D W AR RANTY: Swiss Army Brands, Inc. warrants, for a period of three years from the date of original purchase, the face, hands and movement of this Swiss Army Brand W atch to be free from defects in material and workmanship.
- 63 - The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties of quality and performance, written, oral or implied, and all other warranties, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby disclaimed.
TH RE E- YEAR LIM ITE D W AR RANTY RE P AI R COU PON Name Address City State Zip Date of Purchase Purchased from Repair Coupon. T o be detached and submitted with watch only when watch is returned for repair covered by the warranty .
SWIS S ARMY B RAN DS, I NC. One Research Drive, P .O. Box 87 4 Shelton, CT 06484-0 8 7 4 Consumer Department: 800 442 27 06 www .swissarmy .com SAF05248 06/05.
An important point after buying a device Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Victorinox CHRONOGRAPHS Watch along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center