Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product TQ-315DP Turbosound
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QLIGHT ™ DP DIGITAL POWER SERIES USER MAN UAL TQ-308DP TQ-310DP TQ-315DP TQ-445DP TQ-425DP TQ-115DP Turbosound Ltd. Star Road, Partr idge Green West Sussex RH13 8RY Unit ed Kingdom Tel: +44 ( 0)1403 711447 Fax: +44 ( 0)1403 710155 web: www.tur bosound.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 2.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 3 CONTENTS Importan t Safety In formation ................................................................................................................. 5 Importan t Safety In formation .
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 4 Removal of t he low fr equency driver – TQ-308DP, TQ- 310DP, TQ-315DP .....................................26 Removal of t he HF unit – TQ- 308DP, TQ-310DP ..........................
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 5 An example of t his equipment has been test ed and found to compl y with t he followin g Europ ean and internatio nal Stan dards fo r E.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 6 Important Safety In formation Plea se read carefully and ke ep the fo llowing ins tructions and sa fety informa tion. Heed all warnin gs and follow all ins tructions . Do not remove cover s.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 7 INTRODUCT ION Thanks Thank you for choosi ng a QLight™ ser ies loudspeaker product for your applicat ion. Pl ease spare a lit tle t ime to r ead the cont ents of t his manual, so that you can obt ain the best possible perfor mance from this uni t.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 8 FEATURE S • Superb audio quali ty: car efull y designed and matched l oudspeaker dri ve units ar e used to give you excepti onal perf ormance and many year s of rel iable, troubl e free oper ation.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 9 PRODUCT RANGE SUMMARY TQ-308DP self- powered tw o-way loudspeaker The TQ-308DP is a compact trapez oidal sel f-power ed two- way loudsp.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 10 TQ-308DP and TQ - 310DP connector panel functions 1. Signal input – lo ckable 3-pin XLR l ine input socket connects t o audio mi xer. Ful ly balanced, pin 2 Hot, pin 3 Cold and pin 1 not connected.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 11 TQ-315DP self- powered tw o way loudspeaker The TQ-315DP off ers ful l range r esponse and the highest perfor mance fr om a two- way loudspeaker.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 12 TQ-315DP and TQ - 445DP connector panel functions 1. AUX connecti on – RS232 port used f or updati ng setti ngs or fi rmware. 2. Signal link – lo ckable 3-pin XLR l ine input socket connect s to audio mi xer.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 13 TQ-425DP self-po wered subwoofe r The TQ-425DP is a self -power ed dual 15” subwoofer designed for use with QLi ght™ seri es self-.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 14 TQ-425DP connector panel f unctions 1. Aux – RS232 port used for updat ing sett ings or f irm ware. 2. Gain cont rol – gai n tri m contro l ranges fr om +6dB to - 6dB 3. Signal input – lo ckable 3-pin XLR l ine input socket connects t o audio mi xer.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 15 TQ-115DP connector panel functions 1. Signal input – lo ckable 3-pin XLR l ine input socket connects t o audio mi xer. Ful ly balanced, pin 2 Hot, pin 3 Cold and pin 1 not connected. 2.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 16 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS System requirements – TQ-308D P, TQ-310DP and TQ- 315DP These products ar e two-way sel f-power ed loudspeaker systems.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 17 AMPLIFIER MODULE S Power Amplifiers The digit al power ampl ifi ers used in QLi ght™ DP ser ies loudspeaker s are conservat ively r ated and designed wit h suffi cient headr oom to handle l arge signal transi ents wit hout break- up or dist orti on.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 18 Limit ing Functi ons The amplif ier modul es are equipped wi th accurat e limi ters f or bot h high fr equency and low frequency sect ions.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 19 Mode A / Mode B s witch This rear panel swit ch modifi es the over all r esponse of the syst em in order to gi ve you optimi sed profi les for diff ering appl ications.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 20 CONVERGIN G ELLIPTICAL WAVEGUIDES ™ A design feat ure of t he TQ-308DP, TQ- 310DP and TQ-315DP loudspeaker s is the Conver ging Elliptica l W aveguide ™ (CEW ™ ). Thi s gives many user advant ages.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 21 MOUNTIN G AND FIXING Rigging Hardw are A versati le range of mounting har dware is avai lable t hat all ows enclosures t o be used in a vari ety of way s, in eithe r mobile app lications or permane nt installa tions.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 22 quickli nks or shackles. When used in thi s way the lo ad is taken t hrough the f lying st rips r ather t han through t he woodwork of t he enclosure.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 23 The FB-12 fl ybar assembly com es supplied wi th a U-6 Unil ock fit ting, which provi des a single attac hment poin t. The po int at which the Uniloc k is attac hed to th e flybar d etermines the vertic al angle of t he loudspeaker as shown i n the tabl e follo wing.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 24 Flying f rames are avai l able f or use wit h the TQ-308DP, TQ-310DP and TQ-445DP. These enable the ca binets to be installe d in semi-p ermanent a pplication s with the ma ximum of sec urity.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 25 It was st ated earl ier t hat the TQ- 445DP’s ti ghtly cont roll ed direct ivit y gives it essential ly point and shoot quali ties. Every room has i ts own unique set of char acteri stics t hat aff ect any sound intr oduced into t he room.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 26 MAINTENANCE If any of the dri ve units shoul d cease functi oning you are advi sed to remove t he fault y unit f rom the cabinet and send it t o a professi onal servi ce centre aut horised t o recone Turbosound loudspeake rs.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 27 from t he low fr equency driver . Depending on whi ch section needs ser vicing, the appropr iate dr ive unit shoul d be retur ned to an author ised Turbosound ser vice centr e.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 28 from t he cabinet. WARNING - this uni t is heavy! Disconnect t he cables fr om the l oudspeaker termi nals and compl etely r emove the dr iver f rom t he cabinet. Make a note of t he dri ver polar ity for l ater r econnection.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 29 APPENDIX A: SPARES A ND ACCESSORIES CD-114 1” ( 25mm) HF com pression dr iver TQ-445DP CD-110 1” ( 25mm) HF com pression dr iver TQ-308DP, TQ- 310DP CD-208 1.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 30 APPENDIX B: TECHNICA L SPECIFICATIONS TQ-308DP TQ-310DP TQ-315DP Dimensions 464mm x 270mm x 301m m (18.3” x 10. 6” x 11.8”) 525mm x 315mm x 300m m (20.7” x 12. 4” x 11.8”) 691mm x 443mm x 420m m (27.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 31 TQ-445DP TQ-425DP TQ- 115DP Dimensions 588mm x 409mm x 363m m (23.1” x 16. 1” x 14.3”) 836mm x 511mm x 632m m (32.9” x 20. 1” x 24.9”) 559mm x 450mm x 600m m (22” x 17.7” x 23.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 32 APPENDIX C: WARRANTY Limit ed Warr anty This Turbosound l oudspeaker product is warr anted to t he origi nal end-user purchaser and al.
user manual QLight™ DP series QLight D P seri es manual page 33 Incident al and consequenti al damages Turbosound's lia bility is limited to the re pair or r eplaceme nt, at our opt ion, of any.
Turbosound Ltd. Star Road, Partr idge Green West Sussex RH13 8RY Unit ed Kingdom Tel: +44 ( 0)1403 711447 Fax: +44 ( 0)1403 710155 web: www.tur bosound.
An important point after buying a device Turbosound TQ-315DP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Turbosound TQ-315DP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Turbosound TQ-315DP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Turbosound TQ-315DP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Turbosound TQ-315DP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Turbosound TQ-315DP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Turbosound TQ-315DP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Turbosound TQ-315DP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Turbosound TQ-315DP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center