Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SPSX51 Trimble
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T rimble ® SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers u s e r gu i d e.
V ersion 3.60 Revision A January 2008 F USER GUIDE Tr i m b l e ® SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers.
2 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Corporate Office Tr i m b l e N a v i ga t i o n L im i t e d 935 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA www .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 3 Safety Information Before you use your T rimbl e ® SP S GP S rec eiv e r, ma ke su re t ha t y o u h ave rea d a nd understood all safety requir ements.
Safety Information 4 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide • All equipment must be prop erly ground ed according to T rimble in stallation instructions for safe operation.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 5 Safety Information Battery safety C WAR N IN G – Do not damage the rechargeable Lit hium-ion battery . A damaged battery can cause an explosion or fire, an d can result in personal injury an d/or property damage.
Safety Information 6 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 7 Contents Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Regulations and safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Bat ter y performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Charging the Lithium-ion bat ter y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 9 Contents Configuring the receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Configuring system settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 10 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide A NMEA-0183 Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 NMEA-0183 me ssage over vie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Common message elem ents .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Rece ivers User Guide 11 Contents Login authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 F U pgr ading the Receiver Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 12 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
CHAPTER 1 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 13 Intr oduction 1 W elcom e to the SPSx51 Modular GPS Rec eivers User Guide. This manual descri be s how to set up and use the T rimble ® SPSx51 M odu lar GPS re c ei v er s .
1 Introduction 14 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide SPS751 GPS receiver The T rimble SPS751 is a dual-frequency GPS receiver with the ability to r eceive O mniST AR corrections.
CHAPTER 2 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 15 Featur es and Functions 2 In this chapter: Q SPS551 features Q SPS551H features Q SPS651 features Q SPS751 features Q SPS851 features Q Use and ca.
2 F eatures and Function s 16 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide SPS551 featur es The r eceiver provides t he following featur es: • Integrated G PS receiver and radio • Location RTK capable.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 17 F eatures and Fun ctions 2 • Can be upgraded to receive GLONASS signals. Note – W hen the receiver is upgr aded to GLONASS , the GA510 ro ver GPS antenna should be replaced w ith the Z ephyr ™ Model 2 ante nna .
2 F eatures and Function s 18 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide • Not upgradable to full RTK (SPS751 or SPS851) • Optional 450 or 900 MH z internal radio • 72-channel L1 C/A Code, L1/L 2 F ull Cycl e Carrier .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 19 F eatures and Fun ctions 2 SPS651 Receiver optional features • Internal 450 MHz (3 fr equenc y bands) radio wit h receive capability • Internal 900 MHz .
2 F eatures and Function s 20 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide • Small , light weight d esign – 1.65 kg (3.64 l bs ) receiver onl y including th e battery ; 4 kg (8 .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 21 F eatures and Fun ctions 2 • Integrated r ec eive-only r adio • Easily upgr aded to the SPS751 Max (if t h e SPS751 Basic rover r eceiver is already fit.
2 F eatures and Function s 22 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide • Choice of external GPS ant enna for base station or rover operation • At tached or ext ernal radio antenna for rover or high-gain b ase station operation • Small, ligh tweig ht design – 1.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 23 F eatures and Fun ctions 2 • Opera tes as an SBAS r over when cover age is a vailable This receiver is id eal for contractors who operate mi d-to-large s i ze projects with machine contr ol .
2 F eatures and Function s 24 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide K eypad and display Figure 2.1 Front view of the recei ver Feature Descr iption 1 Power LED Indicates if the receiver is turne d on or off. 2 Buttons Used to turn on and config ure the receiver (see Button functions, page 62 ).
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 25 F eatures and Fun ctions 2 Rear connectors Figure 2.2 Rear view of the recei ver Connector type Descript ion 1 TNC Connect to the GPS antenna 2 • TNC (450.
2 F eatures and Function s 26 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide.
CHAPTER 3 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 27 Batter ies and P ower 3 In this chapter: Q External power Q Battery safety Q Battery performance Q Charging the Lithium-ion bat tery Q Storing the.
3 Batteries and P ower 28 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide External power The GPS r eceiv er uses an extern al power so urce in prefer ence to its int ernal bat terie s. If the receiver is not c onnect ed to an ext ernal power s ource, or if the external p ower suppl y fails, th e internal batteries are used.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 29 Batteries and Power 3 • The Lithium-ion bat terie s are r ated to operate from –20 °C to +60 °C (–4 ° F to +140 °F) • Do not allow a b at ter y that is in storage to discharge to below 5 V .
3 Batteries and P ower 30 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Using the Lithium-ion battery as a Universal P ower Supply (UPS) The receiver has an internal L ithium-ion batt ery . The internal battery w ill only charge from an external p ower source that delivers more than 15 volts, for e xample, an AC power adaptor .
CHAPTER 4 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 31 Setup Guidelines 4 In this chapter: Q Base station operation guid elines Q Rover operation guideline s GPS Real- Time Kinematic (R TK) operation provides centimet er -lev el accuracy by eliminating errors that ar e present in the GPS system.
4 Setup Guidelines 32 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Base station oper ation guidelines A base station c onsists of a receiver that i s pla ced at a known (and fixed) position. Th e receiver tracks the same satellit es that are bein g tracked by the rover receiver , at the same tim e that the rover i s tracking them .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 33 Setup Guidelines 4 Base station setup guidelines F or good per formanc e, obser ve th e follow ing base station setup guidelines: • Place the GPS receiver in a location on t h e jobsite wh ere eq ual range in all directions provide s full cov erage of the site.
4 Setup Guidelines 34 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Cell phone towers can inter fere with the base station ra dio broadcast and can stop corrections from reaching the rov er receiv er . High-pow er signal s from a nearby radio or rad ar transmit t er can o ver w helm the receiver circuits.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 35 Setup Guidelines 4 • T rimbl e recommends that you install lig htning protection equipment at permanent b ase station locations. Eq uipm ent should include a gas capsule lightning prote ctor in th e GPS and radio antenna fe ed line and appropriate safety grounding.
4 Setup Guidelines 36 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide refer ence station system . Th e conn ection is prov ided by an integ rated radio, a cellular mod em i n th e c ontro ll er , or throu gh a n ex ter nal c el lula r pho ne that is conn e ct ed to the receiver either by Bluetooth wireless te chnolog y or by means of a cable.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 37 Setup Guidelines 4 Rover receiver se tup guidelines F or good rover operation , obser v e the fol lowing setup guidelines: • Place th e GPS ant enna in a lo cation that has a clea r line of sight to the sk y in al l dir ections.
4 Setup Guidelines 38 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide • On a vehicl e or marine ve ssel, place th e GPS antenna in a lo cation as free from shock and v ibration as po ssible.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 39 Setup Guidelines 4 • Do not locate th e receiver or antenna within 4 00 met ers ( about 1,300 ft) o f powerf ul r adar , te levision, cell ular com muni catio ns towe r , or other t rans mit ters or GPS antennas.
4 Setup Guidelines 40 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Once th e radio freq u encies are configured , use the control ler or receiver to select channel frequencies dur ing base station or rover setup operations.
CHAPTER 5 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 41 Setting up the Receiver 5 In this chapter: Q Connecting the receive r to external devices Q Common ways to set up a base station Q Common ways to .
5 Setting up the Receiver 42 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Connecting the r eceiver to external devices Y ou can co nnect an SP Sx51 Modular GPS receiver to the follow ing de vi ces: • a .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 43 Setting up the Receiver 5 Note – “ T x ” indic ates th at the radio transmit s corrections. “ R x” indicat es that the receiver receives correc tions. “ Tx/Rx” indicates that the radio both tr ansmits and receives correc tions.
5 Setting up the Receiver 44 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide On the l arges t jobsites, and on tho se that remain operat ional for the longest time, a permanen t or sem i-permanent installa tion is a po pular solu tion.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 45 Setting up the Receiver 5 Setting up a base statio n for daily site use: T -Bar F or construction applications w here a da ily setup and takedow n of equipme nt is requ ired for security r easons, T rimble recommend s that you use a T -Bar setup.
5 Setting up the Receiver 46 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Figure 5.2 System set up on a T -bar showing an external ra dio an tenna to gain longer range Setting up a mobile base station: T .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 47 Setting up the Receiver 5 1. M ount the GPS ant enna on the tribrach adaptor . 2. Clip the GPS receiver to the tripod . 3. Connect the GPS antenna to the re cei ver u sing the appropriate cabl e. 4. If necessar y , connect the GPS receiver to an e xternal 12 V p ower supply .
5 Setting up the Receiver 48 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Figure 5.4 Fixe d height tripod setup Common ways to set up a r over receiver Y ou can set up a rover receiver in different ways dep ending on the application .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 49 Setting up the Receiver 5 Setting up the rover r ece iver on a jobsite vehicle C CAUTION – This following rover setup is suited only to offroad (jobsite ) vehicle use. Do not use this method on a vehicle that is driven at speed or i n traffic.
5 Setting up the Receiver 50 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Figure 5. 5 Configurin g an SPSx51 fr om the cab. A Zephyr Model 2 ant enna is mounte d on the roof. Setting up the rover r eceiver on a rod F or rod-based operation, mount the SPS x51 M odular GPS r eceiver as follows: 1.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 51 Setting up the Receiver 5 Setting up a rover r eceiver on a belt or in a backpack If you prefer to work free of t h e weight of the receiver on a pol e, you can mount th e rover recei ver on a b elt (SPSx51 onl y ) or carr y it in/on a backpack ( all receivers ) .
5 Setting up the Receiver 52 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide The Moving Baseline RTK positioning technique In most R TK applications, the reference receiver remains s tationar y at a known location and the rover receiver can move.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 53 Setting up the Receiver 5 Mounting a pair of GPS receivers T o obtain a position and h eading s olution , you n eed to c onnect t wo receivers to make one comp act unit. A mounting bracket and interconne cting cable i s supplied with the SPS551H receiver .
5 Setting up the Receiver 54 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Assembling the r eceivers Fi g u re 5 . 8 shows an SPS551 and an SPS551H set up to provid e a Heading so lution. T o assemble the receivers, you need a Phil lips he ad #1 screwdriver and a 1/4" socket set or wrench ( s panner).
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 55 Setting up the Receiver 5 4. U se the four Posi screws to secure the plate to the receiver . (Secure t wo screws at each end.) The black plat e is n ow at tached to the b ottom o f the receiver . 5. Replace th e rubber end caps.
5 Setting up the Receiver 56 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide 11. Replace the r ubber endcaps. 12. Place th e black cradle on the black base plate. Thi s places the SP S551H GPS receiver on top of the SPSx51 GPS receiver . 13. Mak e sure that the display is facing in th e same direction on bo th receivers.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 57 Setting up the Receiver 5 15. Insert the first bolt. At tach the f lat wa sher , the spring washer , and finally the nut and then tighten f irmly .
5 Setting up the Receiver 58 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Installing the r eceiver Select a location at which all of the fol lowing conditions are met: • the r eceiver is not exposed to .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 59 Setting up the Receiver 5 2. Select Head i ng mo de. The receiver display shows t w o extra set tings for headin g: – He ading Adjus tment .
5 Setting up the Receiver 60 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide.
CHAPTER 6 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 61 Configur ing the Receiver Using the K eypad and Display 6 In this chapter: Q Button functions Q Power button op erations Q Home screen Q Status sc.
6 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 62 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Button functions Us e th e but tons on the front panel to turn the receiver on and of f and to check or change the receiver set tings. P ower button oper ations Press the Po wer button E to turn the receiver on and of f.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 63 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 6 Home scr een The Home screen is th e main screen displayed on the receiver . I f the receiver is displaying another screen and i s left i dle for 60 se cond s, you are ret urn ed to the Home screen.
6 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 64 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Configuring the r eceiver as a base r eceiver T o set up the SPSx51 a s a base receiver , use AutoBase technolog y , the T rimble SC S900 Site Controll er soft ware, the receiver keypad, or an ext ernal computer .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 65 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 6 8. Press G to move th e cursor to th e next charact er . 9. Repeat Step 7 throu gh Ste p 8 to ent er the c ode of the base station. Th e co de can be up to 16 characters.
6 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 66 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Outputting corrections In t h e Output scr een : 1. Press G to enter Edit mode for the por t. 2. Press J or K to chan ge which por t will be used to output corrections.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 67 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 6 Changing the elevation mask and RTK mode 1. Press G . Wh en the valu e for the current elevation mask begins to f lash, th e receiver is in Edit m ode and y ou can chan ge the setting.
6 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 68 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Configuring system settings Y ou can use the keypad and display of the re ceiver to configur e the f.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 69 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 6 T urning off AutoBase technology Y ou can turn of f AutoBase t echno log y usin g ei ther the receiver’ s keypad and display or the web inter face ( see Receiver Confi guration menu , page 90 ).
6 Configuring the Receiver Using the Keypad and Display 70 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Managing application files Y ou can use the front panel to manage application file s in the receiver .
CHAPTER 7 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 71 Configur ing the Receiver Settings 7 In this chapter: Q Using the SCS900 Site Controller software to configure the base station, the rover , and t.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 72 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Using the SCS900 Site Controller softwar e to configur e the base station, the r over , and the r adios As par t of a to.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 73 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Configuring the r eceiver to log data for postpr ocessing The receivers do not c ome equipped w ith the Dat a Logging option. The receivers can have this added either at th e time of purchase, or at a later d ate as an option .
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 74 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Configuring Ethernet settings The r eceive r has an E thernet port so t hat t he recei ver can co nnect to an Ethernet network. Y ou can use th e Ethernet n etwor k to ac cess, configure, and monitor the receiver .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 75 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 5. F rom the De vice Co nfigu ra tio n screen, sel ect the T rimble SPSx51 Receiver . F rom the P C serial port li st, select the appropriate P C serial por t. Click Next : 6.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 76 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide 7. F rom the Se t ti ngs Revie w screen , click Finish : Once th e WinFlash utility connects to th e receiver , the Ethern et C onf igu ration dialog appears. 8. Enter the net w ork set tings in the Ether net C onfi guration dialog .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 77 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Configuring the r eceiver using a web br owser The r eceiver can be configur ed using the key pad and displa y , T rimble SCS900 Site Controller s oft ware, or a web browser .
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 78 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Connecting to the r eceiver using a web browser and Bl uetooth wireless technology This sect ion describes how to acces s the web interface on a SPSx51 M odular G PS rec eiver t hat has fi rmwar e vers ion 3.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 79 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 3. Start th e Blu etooth S etup wizar d ( cl ick Start / All P rogr ams / My B l u et o o th P l a ces ): 4.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 80 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide The following dialog appears: 5. Select the Blu etooth serial p ort yo u created and then click Next .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 81 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 The following dialog appears: 7. Click Configur e to select th e C OM port on y our office computer . Think of Bluetooth as a cable replacement and thi s as t he serial port on your office computer into w hich th e Blueto oth ‘ cable ’ w ill b e conn ect ed .
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 82 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide 10. Double-click this ic on to conn ect: Creating a new connection 1. F rom y our Windows Control Panel , o pen Network Conne ctions and th en click Crea te a new connection : 2.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 83 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 –G u e s t 3. Give the connection a nam e w hich relates to the C OM port being used on the office compute r . This is like a cable connectio n bet ween t w o compute rs only the cable is b eing replaced by a Blu etooth wireless conn ection .
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 84 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide 4. Sel ect th e co rrect COM por t f rom th e li st an d th en t ap Next . The following dialog appears: 5. Enter the user name and password and then click Connect . The defaults for the SPSx51 receiver ar e: Us e r n a m e: a d mi n Password: passw ord 6.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 85 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 7. Right-click on the connection and sele ct Status: 8. The Det ai ls tab show s the Ser ver IP ad dress. U se this IP to c onnect to th e receiving using the web interface.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 86 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Menus Once y ou are logged in, the h ome page appears ( see Fi g u r e 7 . 1 ). Figure 7.1 SPS GPS receiver Home page Changing the settings Use the webpage to configure the receiver settings.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 87 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Receiver Status menu The Receiver Status menu provides a quick li nk to r eview the recei ver’ s a vailable options, c.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 88 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Satellites menu Use the Satelli tes menu to vie w satellite tracking detail s and enable/disable GPS, GLONASS, and S BAS ( W AAS/EGNOS and MSAS) satellites. Note – T o conf igure the recei ver for OmniST AR , use the O mniST AR menu .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 89 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Data Logging menu Use the Dat a L ogg in g menu to set up the receiver to log static GP S data . Thi s menu i s available only if the receiver has the Data Log ging option enabled .
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 90 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Receiver Configuration menu Use the Receiver Configuration menu to configure such set tings as ele vation mask and PDO P mask, the antenna type and he ight, the re ference station position, and the refer ence station name and c ode.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 91 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 I/O Configuration menu Use the I/O Configurat ion menu to set up all outputs of the recei ver . The receiver can output CMR , R TCM, NME A, GS O F , or BINEX messages . These messages ca n be output on TCP/IP , UDP , seri al, Blueto oth, or r adio ports.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 92 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Bluetooth menu Use the Bluetoot h menu to configur e the recei ver to co nnect to othe r devices tha t use Bluetooth wi reless technolog y . These dev ices can be used to configure the receiver , and generate or receive corrections.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 93 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Radio menu Use the Radi o menu to c onfigure the internal radio of the receiver , if applicable. The receivers ar e available with 410–430 MH z, 430–450 MHz, 450–470 MHz, or 900 MH z radios.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 94 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide OmniST AR menu All receivers, except the SPS551H, can re cei ve OmniST AR corr ecti ons.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 95 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Network Configuration menu Use the Netw ork C on f ig ura tion menu to c onfigure Ethernet set tings, email al erts, PPP connection , H TT P port, F TP por t, and VFD por t sett ings of the receiver .
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 96 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Security menu Use the Sec uri ty menu to c onfigure the login ac counts for all u sers who w ill be permi tte d to configu re the r eceiv er using a web bro wser . Each account cons ists o f a username, password, and permi ssions.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 97 Configuring the Receiver Settings 7 Firmwar e menu Use the Fir mwa re menu to veri fy the current firmware and load new firmware to the recei ver . Y ou can upgr ade firmwar e across a networ k or from a remote location without having to connect to the receiver with a serial cable.
7 Configuring the Receiver Settings 98 SPSx51 Modular GP S Receivers User Guide Help Menu The Help menu provid es information on each of the receiver sett ings avail able in a web browser . Selecting the Hel p menu op ens ne w windows. Sele ct the section of the Help that you want to vi ew .
CHAPTER 8 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers Us er Guide 99 Automatically Setting up a Mobile Base Station Using AutoBase T echnology 8 In this chapter: Q AutoBase W arning Q W orking with AutoBase technolo.
8 Automatically Setting up a Mobile Base St ation Using AutoBase T echnology 100 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide AutoBase W arning The AutoBase W arnin g, wh en enabled , preven ts the receive.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 101 Automatically Setting u p a Mobile Base Station Using Auto Base T ec hnology 8 Wh ere you set up each time w ith potenti ally different antenna h eights, T.
8 Automatically Setting up a Mobile Base St ation Using AutoBase T echnology 102 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide 6. The antenna type, antenna h eight and measurement metho d used in the previous setup of this b ase station are applied .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 103 Automatically Setting u p a Mobile Base Station Using Auto Base T ec hnology 8 station . Make sure that you use the same b ase station latitude, longitude, and height a s in the pr evious set up othe rw ise you will e xperience po sitio n or he ight er ror s in all sub sequent measur ements.
8 Automatically Setting up a Mobile Base St ation Using AutoBase T echnology 104 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
CHAPTER 9 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 105 Default Settings 9 In this chapter: Q Default receiver settings Q Resetting the receiver to factory defaults Q Data Logging option All set tings a re stor ed in application fil es. Th e default application fi le, Default.
9 Default Settings 106 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Default r eceiver settings These settings are defin ed in the d efault application file . Resetting the r eceiver to factory defaults T o re se t t h e rec e iv e r to it s f ac t or y d e fa u lt s , p re ss E for 35 seconds.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 107 Default Settings 9 Logging data after a power loss If power is unexp ected ly lost w hile th e receiver is logging data , once power is restored, the receiver tri es to return to the state it w as in imm ediately b efore the power loss.
9 Default Settings 108 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
CHAPTER 10 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 109 Specifications 10 In this chapter: Q General specifications Q Physical specifications Q Performance specifications Q Electrical specifications Q.
10 Specifications 110 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Gener al specifications Physical specifications Featur e Specificat ion Keyboard and di splay VFD di splay 16 characters by 2 rows On/Off .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 111 Specifications 10 Performance specifications Featur e Specification Measurements • Advanced T rimble Maxwell ™ 5 Custom GPS chip • High-precision mul.
10 Specifications 112 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Electrical specifications Featur e Specificat ion Power Internal External Integrated internal battery 7.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 113 Specifications 10 Communication specifications Featur e Specification Communications Port 1 (7-pin 0S Lem o) Port 2 (26-pin D- sub) 1PPS (1 Pulse per secon.
10 Specifications 114 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide GPS satellite signal tr acking This table shows the GPS sat ellite signal tracking capabilit y for each receiver in the SPSx51 Modular GPS r ec eiver family .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 115 Specifications 10 V ariable configur ation options This table li sts the default options for ea ch r eceiver in th e SPSx51 Modular GPS receiver family . Upgrading the r eceiver Y ou can upgrade the follow ing receivers: • SPS7 51 Ba sic ba se or SPS7 51 B asic rov er t o th e SP S75 1 Max.
10 Specifications 116 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
APPENDIX A SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 117 NMEA-0183 Output A In this appendix: Q NMEA-0183 message overview Q Common message elements Q NMEA messages This a ppendix des cribes the form ats of t he subset o f NME A-0183 messages that are a vail able for output by the receivers.
A NMEA-0183 Output 118 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide NMEA-0183 message overview Wh en NMEA-0183 output is enabled , a subs et of NMEA-0183 m essa ges can be output to exter nal instrument s and equipm ent conn ec ted to the receiver serial por ts.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 119 NMEA-0183 Output A Common message elements Each mes sage con tains: • a message ID c onsisting of $GP followed by the m essage type.
A NMEA-0183 Output 120 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide GGA Time, P osition, and Fix Related Data An ex ample of t he GGA message s tring is shown belo w . Ta b l e A . 1 descri be s the message fiel ds. Note – Th e following d ata string exceeds the NME A standard length .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 121 NMEA-0183 Output A GSA GPS DOP and active satellites An ex ample of the GSA messag e string is sh own below .
A NMEA-0183 Output 122 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide GST Position Error Statistics An example o f the GS T message s tring is s hown below . Ta b l e A . 3 describ es the message fiel ds. $GPGST ,17281 4.0,0.006,0.023,0.020,273.6,0 .023,0.020,0.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 123 NMEA-0183 Output A GSV Satellite Information The GSV m essage string identifies the number of SV s in view , the PRN numbers, elevations, azimuths, and SNR valu es. An example of the GSV m essage string i s shown bel ow .
A NMEA-0183 Output 124 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide HDT Heading from T rue North The H DT string is show n below, and Ta b l e A . 5 descri bes the m essage fiel ds.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 125 NMEA-0183 Output A PTNL,A VR Time, Y aw , Tilt, Range for Moving Baseline RTK The PT NL, A VR me ssa ge strin g i s sh own below, and Ta b l e A . 6 d escrib es the m essage fields. $PTNL,A VR ,18 1059.6,+149.
A NMEA-0183 Output 126 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide PTNL,BPQ Base station position and q uality indicator This m essage describ es the b ase station position and its qualit y .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 127 NMEA-0183 Output A PTNL,GGK Time, P osition, Position T y pe, DOP An ex ample of the P TNL,GGK messag e string is sh own below . Ta b l e A . 8 describe s the message fiel ds. $PTNL,GGK,453049.0,0,3728.455 440850,N,122 15.
A NMEA-0183 Output 128 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide PTNL,PJK Local Coordinat e Position Output An exa mple of the PTNL,PJ K m essag e string is sho wn b elow . Ta b l e A . 9 describes the message fiel ds. $PTNL,PJK,010717 .00,081796,+732646.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 129 NMEA-0183 Output A PTNL,VGK Ve c t or I n f o r m a t io n An example of the P TNL,VGK me ssage string is shown below . Ta b l e A . 1 0 describes the message fiel ds. $PTNL,VGK,160159.00,010 997,-0000.161,00009.
A NMEA-0183 Output 130 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide PTNL,VHD Heading Infor mation An example of the PTNL,VHD m essage string is shown below. Ta b l e A . 1 1 describes the message fiel ds. $PTNL,VHD ,030556.00,093098,1 87.718,-22.138,-76.929,- 5.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 131 NMEA-0183 Output A RMC Pos i ti o n, Vel oc i t y , a nd T im e The R MC string i s shown below, and Ta b l e A . 1 2 d escrib es the m essage fields. $GP RMC,123519,A,4807.038,N ,01131.000,E,022.4,084 .4,230394,003.
A NMEA-0183 Output 132 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide ROT Rate an d Direction of T urn The ROT string is show n b elow , and Ta b l e A . 1 3 describe s the me ssage fields.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 133 NMEA-0183 Output A VTG T r ack Made Good and Speed Over Gr ound An example of the V TG message string is shown below, and Ta b l e A . 1 4 describes the message fiel ds. $GPV T G,,T ,,M,0.00,N,0.00,K*4E T able A.
A NMEA-0183 Output 134 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide ZDA UTC Day , Month, And Y ear , and Local Time Zone Offset An example of the ZDA m essage string is show n below , and Ta b l e A . 1 5 describes the message fiel ds. $GP ZDA,172809,12,07,1996,00,00*45 F ield s 5 and 6 together yiel d the total of fset.
APPENDIX B SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 135 GSOF Messages B In this appendix: Q Supported message types Q General Serial Output Format Q Reading binary values Q GSOF message definitions This a ppend ix provid es info rmati on on the General Serial O utput F ormat (GSOF) m essages.
B GSOF Messages 136 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Supported message types This table summarizes th e GSO F messages that are s uppor ted by the receiver , and shows th e page that contain s detai led information ab out each m essage.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 137 GSOF Messages B Each message begins w ith a 4-byte header , followed by the bytes of data in each packet. The packet end s with a 2-byt e trailer . Byte 3 is set to 0 (00h) when the packet contains no data.
B GSOF Messages 138 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide • Sign bit f ie ld The sign bit field i s the most significant bit of the f lo ating-point number . Th e sign bit is 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numb ers. • Fr a c ti on f i el d The fraction field contains the fracti onal part of a normaliz ed number .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 139 GSOF Messages B DOUBLE The DO UB LE data type is stored in the IEEE double-pr eci sion format which is 64 bits long. The most significant bit i s the sign bit, th e n ext 11 most significant bits are the exponent field , and th e remaining 52 bits ar e the fractional fi eld .
B GSOF Messages 140 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide TIME This message describes posi tion time informa tion. It contains t he following data : • GPS time, in mil lisecond s of GPS week • GPS w eek nu mb e r • Number of satel lites u sed • Init i ali z a tio n co un t e r LLH This message de scribes latitude, longitude, and height.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 141 GSOF Messages B ECEF This m essage de scrib es the ECEF p osition. It contains the fol lowing data : • Earth-Cent ered, E arth-Fix ed X, Y , Z coordinates, in meters ECEF DEL T A This m essage describ es the ECEF D elta position .
B GSOF Messages 142 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide V elocity This mes sage p rovides vel ocit y infor mation. I t contai ns the follo wing data: • Horizontal velocity , in m eters p er seco.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 143 GSOF Messages B PDOP This me ssage describes the PD OP information . It contains the following data : • PD O P • HD OP • VD OP • TD OP SIGMA This m essage de scrib es the Position Sigma information .
B GSOF Messages 144 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide SV Brief This m essage provid es brief sat ellite information . It contains the follow ing data : • Number of satel lites tracked • The PRN number of each satellite • Flags ind icating satellite s tatus SV Detail This m essage provid es det ailed satel lite information.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 145 GSOF Messages B • Sign al-t o-no i se ratio (SN R) of L1 si gna l • Sign al-t o-no i se ratio (SN R) of L2 si gna l UTC This message describes curr ent time info rmation.
B GSOF Messages 146 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Batt/Mem This m essage provi des information relating to the receiver battery and memor y .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 147 GSOF Messages B BASE POSITION AND QU ALITY INDICA TOR This m essage describ es the b ase station position and its qualit y .
B GSOF Messages 148 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Flags T able B.17 Posi tion flags 1: bit values Bit Meaning 0 New position 0: No. 1: Y es. 1 Clock fix calculated for current position 0: No. 1: Y es. 2 Hori zontal coordin ates ca lculated this position 0: No.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 149 GSOF Messages B T able B.19 Flags: Bit values Bit Meaning 0 Time in formation (week and millisecond of week) val idity 0: Not valid 1: V alid 1 UT C offset validity 0: Not valid 1: V alid T able B.
B GSOF Messages 150 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide T a ble B.23 Attit ude flags Bit Meaning 0C a l i b r a t e d 0: No. 1: Y es. 1 T ilt valid 0: No. 1: Y es. 2 Y a w valid 0: No. 1: Y es. 3 Reserved 4 Range valid 0: No. 1: Y es. 5–7 Reserved T a ble B.
APPENDIX C SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 151 Adding Internal Radio Fr equencies C In this appendix: Q Adding receive frequencies for the 450 MHz internal radio If you ha ve the optional int ernal 450 MHz r adio in your GPS receiver , use the WinFlash utilit y to add the relevant receiv e frequencies to the default list of frequencies.
C Adding Internal Radio Frequencies 152 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Adding r eceive frequencies for the 450 MHz internal r adio 1. Start th e WinFlash utility . Th e Devi ce Co nf igu r at ion screen appears. 2. Fr om the Device type list, select th e appropriate receiver .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 153 Adding Internal Radio Frequencies C Setting UHF r eception radio fr equencies using the web interface T o enter your own Receive (R x) fr equency u sing the web inter face: 1. Select the Radio menu. 2. Select the Fre q ue n cy Man a g em en t subm enu : 3.
C Adding Internal Radio Frequencies 154 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
APPENDIX D SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 155 T r ansmitting Corr ections D In this chapter: Q Scenario 1: Outputting corrections using an HPB450 radio-modem Q Scenario 2: Outputting correct.
D T ransmi tting Co rrections 156 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Scenario 1: Outputting corr ections using an HPB450 r adio-modem A Construction base station such as the SPS851 has an internal 900 MHz r adio and you want to als o transmi t corrections on a T rimble HPB450 ra dio-mod em conne cted to the SPS851 receiver .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 157 T ran smitting Correc tions D Scenario 2: Outputting corr ections using a TRIMMARK 3 r adio A Construction base station such as the SPS851 has an internal 900 MHz r adio and you want to transmit corrections on a T rimbl e TRIMMARK 3 radio conne cted to the SPS851 receiver .
D T ransmi tting Co rrections 158 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Scenario 3: Outputting corr ections from a SNB900 r adio to an HPB450 or TRIMMARK 3 radio Output corrections from the T rimble SNB 900 radio through the Lem o port to an HPB450 or TR IMMARK 3 radio.
APPENDIX E SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 159 Real-Time Data and Services E In this appendix: Q RT17 Streamed Data service Q Login authentication The real-tim e Binar y Output op tion (also kn own as RT17 messages or raw data) is available a s an optional upg rade.
E Real-T ime Data and Services 160 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide RT17 Str eamed Data service An R T17 ser vice provide s GPS obser vation s, eph emerid es, and oth er information , as defined for that ser vic e. Wh en a “ client” conne cts to the ser vic e, all data f low is from the receiver to the client.
APPENDIX F SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 161 Upgr ading the Receiver Firmwar e F In this appendix: Q The WinFlash utility Q Upgr ading the r eceiver firmwar e Q F orcing the receiver into M onitor mode The GPS receiver is supplied with th e late st version of the receiver firmwar e already installed.
F Upgrading th e Receiver Firmware 162 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide The WinFlash utility The W inFlash u tilit y communica tes with T rimble pr oducts to perform var ious functions includin.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 163 Upgrading the Receiver Firmware F Th e Set ti ngs Revie w window appears. This screen prompts you to conne ct the receiver , suggests a conn ection method , and then li sts the receiver configuration and selected op eration.
F Upgrading th e Receiver Firmware 164 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
APPENDIX G SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 165 T r oubleshooting G In this appendix: Q Receiver issues U se this app endix to identi fy and solve c ommon problems tha t may occur w ith the receiver . Please read this section b efore you contac t Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t .
G T roubleshoo ting 166 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Receiver issues This section de scribe s some possible receiver issues, possible causes, and how to solve them . Issue Possible c ause Solution The receiver does not turn on. External power is too low .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 167 T roubleshoo ting G The base station receiver is not broadcastin g. Port settings between reference receiver and radio are incorrect. Using the SCS900 Site Contro ller software, connect to the reference radio through the re ceiver .
G T roubleshoo ting 168 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide The receiver is not receiving satellite signals The GPS antenna is connected to the wrong antenna connector . Make sure that the GPS antenna cable is tightl y seated in the GPS antenna connection on the receiver and not connected to the wrong/radio antenna con nector .
APPENDIX H SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 169 Dr awings H In this appendix: Q Back view Q Side view Q Bottom view The drawings in this appendi x show the dimensions of t h e receiver . Refer to the se dra w ings if you n eed to bui ld mounting brackets and housings for the receiver .
H Drawings 170 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Back view Side view.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 171 Dr aw i n gs H Bottom view.
H Drawings 172 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide.
APPENDIX I SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 173 Receiver Connector Pinout Information I In this appendix: Q Lemo connector Q Modem multi-function port Q 1PPS and ASCII time tag Q ASCII time tag Q 26-Pin D-sub connector wiring chart (P/N 60789-0 0) The receivers ha ve a wid e range of interfacing options.
I Receiver Connector Pinout Inform ation 174 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide Lemo connector The lemo connect or is a 7-pin 0- shell Lemo connector . 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 Pin Usage 1 RS-232 Signal GND 2G N D 3 RS-232 TX data out 4C A N - 5C A N + 6 DC Power In (+) 10.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 175 Receiver Connector Pinout Info rmation I Modem multi-function port Pin 1 is top left Pin Usage 1 RS-232 Modem port da ta terminal ready (D TR) 2 RS-232 Mod.
I Receiver Connector Pinout Inform ation 176 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide 1PPS and ASCII time tag The SPSx51 receiver can output a 1 pul se-per -sec ond (1PPS) time strobe and an associated time ta g message. Th e time tags are output on a user-sele cted por t.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiver s User Guide 177 Receiver Connector Pinout Info rmation I ASCII time tag E a c h t i m e t a g i s o u t p u t a b ou t 0 . 5 s e c o n d b e f o r e t h e c or r e s p o nd i n g p ul se . Tim e t a gs ar e in ASC II format on a user-sele cted serial por t.
I Receiver Connector Pinout Inform ation 178 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide 26-Pin D-sub connector wiring chart (P/N 60789-00) RJ45 plug USB A plug DE9-P plug DE9-S plug DC jack BNC plug 1 2 .
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiv ers User Guide 179 Glossary 1PPS Pu l se- p er - se c ond . Used in hardw are ti min g . A pu ls e i s ge ne rat ed in c onj un cti on wi th a time stamp.
Glossary 180 SPSx51 Modular GPS Recei vers User Guide dat um Also called geodetic dat um . A mathematical model designed to b est fit the geoid, defined by the relationship bet ween an ellipsoid and , a point on the topographic surface, established as the origin of t he datum.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiv ers User Guide 181 Glossary emph emeri s / ephemerides A list of pr edict ed (accurate ) positions or locations of sat ellites as a function of time . A set of numerical para m eters that can be used to d etermine a sat ellite ’ s position.
Glossary 182 SPSx51 Modular GPS Recei vers User Guide Omn iS T AR T h e OmniST AR HP/XP service allow s the use of new generation dual-fr equ ency receivers wit h the O mniST A R ser vice. The HP/XP ser vice does not rely on local refer ence station s for its signal , but utili zes a g lobal sat ellit e monitoring network.
SPSx51 Modular GPS Receiv ers User Guide 183 Glossary SNR See si gn a l-to -n oi s e ra tio . triple frequen cy GPS A t ype of receiver t hat uses three carrier phase measurements ( L1 , L2 , and L5 ). UT C Universal T ime Coordinated . A time standard based on local solar m ean time at the Greenwic h m erid ian .
Glossary 184 SPSx51 Modular GPS Recei vers User Guide.
NORTH AMERICA T rimble Construction Division 5475 Kellenburger Road Dayton, Ohio 45424 usA 800-538-7800 (Toll Free) +1-937-245-5600 Phone +1-937-233-9004 Fax EUROPE T rimble GmbH Am Prime Parc 11 6547.
An important point after buying a device Trimble SPSX51 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Trimble SPSX51 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Trimble SPSX51 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Trimble SPSX51 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Trimble SPSX51 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Trimble SPSX51, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Trimble SPSX51.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Trimble SPSX51. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Trimble SPSX51 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center