Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SL66 SERIES Toshiba
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EMl-31055 WARNING This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications.
EMl-31055 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page l INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1 . PRECAUTIONS ............................................. 1 .%‘EClFlCATlONS ........................
EMl-31055 INTRODUCTION We thank you very much for purchasing the TEC Electronic SL66 Series Scale. This series has been designed with TEC reliability to offer a cost efficient system for a modest investment. The SL66 (with thermal printer) takes advantage of the latest technology in microprocessors.
1. SPECJFICATIONS Items Maximum Capacity Minimum Scale Division Using Weight Range Display Range Tare Unit Price presettable Minimum Price Display Power Requirement Current Consumption Temperature Limits Relative Humidity Dimensions (approx.
EMl-31055 2. OVERVIEW Remote display switch .Power Speed keyboard L-- Operation keyboard 3. REMOTE DISPLAY COMMODITY NAME 1 1 stable leg -3-.
EMl-31055 4. KEY LAYOUT FEED :& TEST ZERO MSG ‘ROG N;fuT VOID I I NOTE: The characters (1 - 90) indicated on the speed keys are shown for the convenience of explanation in this manual. The indications on the actual unit are not as shown in this illustration.
Name of Key & Lamp Function CLEAR Key This key is used for clear-entry of numeric keys, return the scale 0 C condition to the normal weighing mode, release the scale from the SAVE or ERROR mode, and suspend batch printing. TARE Key Ll T r PLU Key El PLU PRINT/VERIFY Key c PRT/.
This key is used to adjust the ZERO point. NET Lamp Lights when tare is subtracted. PREPACK Lamp <+$ Lights when the SAVE key is depressed. ERROR Lamp Lights when this machine is improperly operated or there is a function error.
EMl-31055 6. CONTROL LOCK The control lock has seven marked positions. There are two control keys which will operate these locks. Manager Key This key (MA) will access the PROG/CMT, REG, M. DOWN. and REWRAP positions. SE Key This key (SE) will access all seven positions.
EMl-31055 7. LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Set the scale on a stable and level surface. Level the scale by turning the adjustable legs so that the air bubble is inside the center circle.
EMl-31055 9. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF LABEL ROLL (for On-demand printing mode) 1. Remove the printer cover and right side cover. Then push the head-up lever in the direction indicated by the allow. 2. Pull out the label cassette and remove the core’ of the label roll and the label backing paper.
EMl-31055 0 Label (for Batch printing mode) and Report Paper Threading Roll stopper Label or Report paper 10. NOTES BEFORE STARTING OPERATION (1) Be sure to plug the power plug into an AC outlet. (2) When the power switch is turned on! the scale goes through the test scanning sequence, such as 0000, 0000, 0000, then 11 1 1, 1 11 1, 1 1 1 1 l.
EMl-31055 11 OPERATION PROCEDURE 11-l. Weighed Article Registration Control lock : REG. M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW(2) : WEIGH Example A) In the case of an article for which PLU # 100 and a unit price of s3.00/lb are set in speed key q . Depress the speed key.
EMl-31055 Example B) In the case of an article for which a unit price of S2.5O/lb is set for PLU # 505. t ENTER THE PLU # I I inn bplp Enter the PLU #. Depress: Place an article on< (Ex. 7.00 Ibs) /5// r T I I PLU I 1 ENTER THE PLU # I pEiq~]Ip 1 LAMB SIRLOIN I t LAMB SIRLOIN I A”‘~ :;,,, MANUAL L 1 J MAX: gl,, The label is issued.
EMl-31055 11-2. By Count Registration Control lock : REG, M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW(2) : BY COUNT Example A) In the event that a price of $1.80/l 2 pcs is set for PLU #lOS. ENTER THE PLU# 1 Enter the PLU#. cl PLU kRUSTY ROLLS I 1 I I-----mm cl PAT/* Press to suspend label issue temporarily.
EMl-31055 Example 6) In the case of purchasing 20 pcs of an article for $1 .OO of price for 4 PCS. (In the event that a price of $1.00/4 pcs is set for PLU # 1 13.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPLIT PRICE Enter the PLU# LIFEI I cl PLU I Enter the quantity of purchase.
EMl-31055 11-3. Fix Price Registration Control lock : REG, M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW(2) : FIX Example A) In the event that PLU #3036 and a unit price of $3.80/lb are set in speed key q . 1 ENTER THE PLU # I Depress the speed key. piqp-jpE6q 7 q SMOKED SALMON CHUNKS ~o.
EMl-31055 Example 8) In the event that an open unit price is set for PLU # 205 Enter the PLU #. Depress: Enter (he price. ENTER THE PLU # hpl-1 PORK LOIN RIB CHOPS Place an article on. - (Ex. 1.50 Ibs) PORK LOIN RIB CHOPS 1 AUTO MANUAL The label is issued.
EMl-31055 1 l-4. Preset Count Registration and Operation Control lock : REG. M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW(2) : WEIGH, BY COUNT, or FIX Example A) When Mode SW. (2) is at the ‘WEIGH” position Depress: 1 Set the number of labels (Max. 99 labels) Depress: 1 Enter the PLU #.
EMl-31055 A ,?, Remove the shrimps. Place other shrimps on. I [ SHRIMPS 1 * PREPACK + PREPACK MANUAL: fiF :AUTO Batch printingJJb&-demand printing -1 r,.,.,..,,.,J PRESET COUNT Clear the preset count. I c I PRESET COUNT 0 BALANCE 0 Depress: q PRT/- ENTER THE PLU #.
EMl-31055 NOTE: To check the remaining number of the specified label during operation or to cancel the specified number of the label. MANUAL: PRTI- 5 Depress: :AUTO I The label is issued. I 4 Remove the article. Depress: Depress: Depress: Place the shrimps on.
EM-31055 Example B) When Mode SW. (2) is at the “FIX” position. Depress: PRESET q COUNT 1 Set the number of labels. (Max. 99 labels) 00 5 1 Depress: q PRT;. Enter the PLU #. E/II 5 1 Depress: 1 Depress: r-l SAVE L--L 1 Place an article on. i ENTER THE PLU # 1 0.
EMl-31055 Example C) When Mode SW. (2) is at the “BY COUNT” position. 1 ENTER THE PLU # I Depress: Set the number of labels. (Max. 99 labels) Depress: Enter the PLU #. Depress: cl PRTi . &ii 5 1 / PLU PRESET COUNT BALANCE 0 n - PRESET COUNT BALANCE 25 0 ENTER THE PLU # 1 CHEESECAKE Refer to BY COUNT Registration.
EMl-31055 11-5. issuing Net Weight Label (initial set change will be required) The unit price and tare weight those are programmed in the PLU will be used as Price and Net Weight. The value of the price and net weight could be changed by numeric keys entry.
EMl-31055 NOTE 1: With this procedure, the tare weight programmed in the PLU is displayed and printed. Example) Tare Weight: 1 lb + T NET WT. 16 02 (1LB 002) ! correct wetght The weight which is entered to change the tare weight is printed out as it is.
EMl-31055 11-6. Tare Function Procedure There are two kinds of tare subtraction procedures, one is “Direct tare”, the other is “Preset tare”. Put on the tare. (Ex.0.20 Ibs) 1) Direct tare subtraction WEIGHT UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE []p---lpEEq PO.
EMl-310% 2) Preset tare subtraction WEIGHT UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE Enter the tare weight. (Ex. 0.20 Ibs) Depress: T t i I 0.20 Ibs 1 Put on the tare. -c, Fi f 1 I Weighing operation : t i (Ex. Depress speed key Lfl, f 4 f and place an article on.) : 5.
EMl-31055 3) Preset tare subtraction (PLU including tare weight) (only for backroom type) Enter the PLU #. 1 Depress: El PLU 1 ~~~ i r-----------t Temporarily change the Tare weight. New Tare weight. Place the tare on. t:lA 1 Place an article on. (Ex.
EMl-31055 11-7. SAVE Key Operation Sample The SAVE key is used to save the tare weight and unit price after taking the article off the platter. WEIGHT UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE pqp)] Place the tare on. (Ex. 0.50 Ibs) Depress: q T Enter the PLU #. Depress: The unit price and tare are fixed.
EMl-310% 11-8. VOID Key Operation Sample On depressing the VOID key, the data of the last registration is subtracted from the memory. 1 ENTER THE PLU # I Depress the speed key. 1 L-l I Place an article on. (Ex. 5.00 ibs) T-BONE STEAK ‘mpzq& 1 t T-BONE STEAK 1 Depress: jThelabelisissued.
EMl-31055 11-9. Date Change The date can be changed temporarily. Control lock : REG, M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW(2) : WEIGH, BY COUNT, or FIX Depress: I Enter the new date. (Ex. Sept. 15, 1989) Month I-! 8 Year Depress: q PRT/* NOTE: When the original date is desired.
EMl-31055 1 l-1 0. Selection of Print Item on Registered Label This operation specifies whether each print item on the issued in registration labels is to be printed or not. Control lock: REG. M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW(2): WEIGH, BY COUNT, or FIX When using VARIABLE LENGTH LABEL (option), select Initial Set #4-&O and 2-8:4.
EMl-31055 1 l-l 1. Setting Automatic Display Switching Time When initial set #6-4 is set to “2” (standard), it is available to specify the time before a scrolling message appears automatically on hte commodity name display after a label has been issued or after “ENTER THE PLU#” has been displayed.
EMl-31055 11-12. Calling and Printing Grade Line Control lock : REG,M.DOWN, or REWRAP Mode SW (2) : WEIGH, BY COUNT, or FIX 1 ENTER THE PLU# Enter the PLU#. Enter the grade line#. cl PLU 1 cl GLSAN:E i The label is issued. [CHEESE AND ONION BANS j IENTER THE G.
EMl-31055 1 l-1 3. Calling and Printing Logo When the initial set # 10-7 is set to “1” (option), the logo containing picture, mark, POP message, etc., can be printed on the ingredient label which having 12 lines or more. Logo data is created on the PC and stored into the memory through the CMT interface.
EMl-31055 11.14 FUN Automatic Reception Control Lock : REG, M.DOWN or REWRAP Mode Switch (2) : WEIGH or BY COUNT I ENTERTHEPLUx I IN PROCESS CLEAR No IENTER THE PLU # I 1 o.
EMl-31055 NOTES: 1. DATA ERROR 04 Framing error OS Verify error X Compared contents do not correswnd. 10 Character over error 20 BCC error 0 TIME OUT ERROR 40 Data error SO Timeout error Text with designated time has not 0 0 been received. *2 0 : Error occurs x : No error occurs l 1 P: PLU + ING u: UNIT PRICE Ml: MISC.
EMl-31055 12. TOTAL OPERATION PROCEDURES When the control lock is set to the “X” or “Z” position, it is available to issue READ or RESET reports. Both kinds of reports can be issued on labels or report paper. Control lock: X or Z “X” position: READ The totals will not be cleared as they are printed on labels or report paper.
EMl-31055 12-2. Grand Total Report 1 REPORTS READ (RESET) I 1 GRAND TOTAL 2 1 SELECT DATA FILE 1 Select the total memory. Day total: 1 NORMAL 1 Mark Down total: 1 MARK DOWN 21 Rewrap total: 1 REWRAP 3.
EMl-31055 12-3. PLU Report Select the total memory. Day total: Mark Down total: Rewrap total: Select the search code. PLU# UPC# 1 cl PRT/. f Et- 1 cl-- 2 El-- 3 + cl PRT/- I 1 TV 2 1 REPORTS READ (RES.
EMl-31055 @ Individual Total Ex.) Individual PLU Total (PLU # 100) PLU # 1 PLU TOTAL 1 PlUIt MO 000 100 PACKED ON AU6 25 SELL BY (Sample label) [ PLU# 100 1 . r-l PRT/* IN PROCESS I PLU REPORT PLU I ocwl tafm. Em mlIHl 88 N&2586 STolEI 31 17:65 RU I alJiT YIMT rmm I5 alnlM r-ME STE#c 26 73.
EMl-31055 @ Zone Total Ex.)PLU Zone Total (PLU#300 l-309 1) ] PLU TOTAL PACKED ON PLUt Nb 003001-003091 AU6 25 SELL BY 46.54 15 105.06 4401-i BANKERS CIRCLE AT (Sample label) PLU# 1 PLU# 3001 1 1 3001- I I 3001- 3091 1 t IN PROCESS I PLU REPORT ml I Wxml-imJ91 lium Etm mlI#l 88 fuiKa6 STMIEI 31 I746 RU I cur IEmIT Mllrvls 5 x MHlOl CD0 FILETS 1 5.
EMl-31055 @I Entire PLU Total Cl PRT/. PLU TOTAL PLUt NQ ALL PACKED ON AU6 25 ELL BY 200.73 362 601.68 4401-A BANKERS CIRCLE AT (Sample label) PLU REPORT flu I KL tim n#lHIKI 88 KG2586 sloaEl 31 1943 Ru I tall1 !4IcHT OuLfus s ‘/, OLIN35 MEYNE a 0.M 42.
EM1-31055 12-4. Combination Report The total reports or setting reports are printed in the order of the specified tables (max. 8 tables). Depress: Select the table: Table # 1 Table #2 Table #3 Table #7 Table #8 Depress: n PROG.
EMl-31055 HOURLY REPORT HWR QNiT YlMT OflLM 16-17 31 15.61 18.60 S % 2.6 17.18 78 3U.64 109.92 s % 15.2 IS-19 160 201.22 5u.13 s:: m.2 19-M 92 6.76 I3.60 S % 6.0 20-21 61 10.92 62.64 s 4 5.9 lOTAL 622 265.15 721.21 GRAND TOTAL HDRWY REW mcnlLll 88 WC2586 STMEQ 31 1741 WT !mlT WlLM lOTR 365 M7.
EMl-31055 13. ACTION FOR ERROR MESSAGES Take the following action if an error message appears on the commodity name display with the buzzer sounding. 0 Label Issue Mode Control lock: REG./MARK DOWN/REWRAP epress the ic1 key, and check the PLU data. Depress the ICI key, and turn the key, and check head are set correctly.
EMl-31055 l Read and Reset Mode Control lock: X (read)/Z (reset) Message PLU NOT FOUND NO REGISTED REPORTS PRT FAILURE DETECTED CASSElTE ERROR Cause Solution Corresponding PLU # or UPC is Depress the a key, and enter the not registered. correct PLU #.
EMl-31055 14. LABEL PRINT FORMATS 1) Weighing Label Commodity Name __ Packed on date Unit price Weight Store Address 2) By Count Label I RED DEL I Cl OUS APPLES PRODUCE OF U.S.A. I Commodity Name PAW33 ON AU6 25 SELL BY SEP I Number of articles - 5 PiWS $1.
EMl-31055 4) Ingredient and Period of Relish Label 5) Net Weight Label BUTTER COOKIE - COOKED BY DEC 1 + IllSEDIElWJWt6 A FtPtn DF BEST DMLITY t ik~i NW 21 SELLBY NOV 28 1 PlfCES aaol-IA BANKERS CIRCLE AT 4 CHOCOLATE HERIMWE PIE -- AU6 27 Plosn a Au6,30 f3Yl 4 NElWT.
EMl-31055 6) Bar Code Change Label CHEESECAKE, Commodity Name , Ingredient Message Price Net Weight d401-A BANKERS CIRCLE Store Address - 48 -.
EMl-31055 7) Read & Reset Mode 0 Hourly report “READ” mark (+ : RESET) Total Weight Total Items Total Amounts 0 Grand total report AU6 25 Total Memory mark - no SFAL BY ( N: Day Total M: Mark Down Total R: Rewrap Total I= 1 202.
EMl-31055 15. BEFORE YOU CALL FOR SERVICE It is our primary concern to give you full satisfaction and better service. If, however, any problem arises in connection with the operation of this scale, please check the following points before calling for service.
16. APPENDIX SL66 Series Bilingual Specification US type: Owner’s Manual at page 32 NOTE: The print position of the grade line is selectable by setting the Initial #3-6. EM1 -31055 No. of lines for commodity name #3-6 Print position of the grade line 1 line (No print in the 2nd, 3rd-.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba SL66 SERIES (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba SL66 SERIES yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba SL66 SERIES - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba SL66 SERIES you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba SL66 SERIES will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba SL66 SERIES, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba SL66 SERIES.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba SL66 SERIES. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba SL66 SERIES along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center