Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RKP002Z Toshiba
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E6581277 c Remote Keypad Instruction Manual RKP002Z NOTICE 1. Make s ure that this instruction m anual is delivered to the end user of Rem ote Key pad. 2. Read this m anual before installing or operating the Rem ote Keypad. Keep it in a safe plac e for r eference.
E6581277 c - 1 - Safety precautions On the inverter and in its ins truction m anual, im portant inf orm ation is contained f or preventing inj uries to users, dam ages to as sets, and f or proper us e of the device.
E6581277 c - 2 - Limitation of use Safety precaution Never use this unit with any device other than TOSVERT ser ies inverters . Doing so m ay cause an accident. Handling in general Danger Never Disassemble Never disass em ble, modif y or repair the product.
E6581277 c - 3 - Operation s Danger Prohibited Do not apply a dropping shock or other physical shoc ks. Otherwise, dam age or m alf unction will result. Do not pull on the cable and connector It may cause dam age or error . Even if this pr oduct is deactivated by an unusual event such as tripping, an oper ating error, power outage, etc.
E6581277 c - 4 - Preface Thank you for purc hasing Rem ote Keypad (RKP002Z ) f or T OSVERT series inverters . Using this product, panel operation, dis play and adjus tment of the inverter c an be rem otely controlled from up to 5 meter s away .
E6581277 c - 5 - Table of contents 1. Overview ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 6 2.
E6581277 c - 6 - 1. Ov erv iew The f ollowing seven functions are available with Remote Keypad. 1. Function to ser ve as rem ote operation panel. Remote Keypad can be used as a r emote oper ation panel for the inverter .
E6581277 c - 7 - 2. Names and functions of main p art s The drawings below show nam es and f unctions of main par ts. Front view 8((8 COPY MODE RUN PRG MON EASY Hz % RUN A STOP B MODE ESC ENT EASY Hz la mp *1 Lights when displayed values are Hz. % lamp *1 Lights when displayed values are %.
E6581277 c - 8 - Operation k eys and their f unctions in “COPY MODE” The operation k ey’s functions in “ COPY MODE” are explained in the f ollowing table.
E6581277 c - 9 - 4. Functions in det ail Remote Keypad can be used as r emote oper ation panel (“REMOT E KEYPAD MODE”) or param eter back -up device (“CO PY MODE”). W hen the “COPY MODE” lam p is lit when turning power on, Remote Key pad operates in “CO PY MODE”, otherwise in “REMOT E KEYPAD MODE”.
E6581277 c - 10 - 4.3.1. Copying function “ copy ” The data s tored in a m emor y can be copied to another mem ory selected fr om among f our mem ories (the inverter's m em ory and Remote Keypad mem ories A, B, and C) . Remote Keypad can not be used to copy parameters from one inverter to another inverter of a diff erent series.
E6581277 c - 11 - 4.3.2. Simple copying function The data stored in the m em ory A, B or C of Remote Keypad can be copied to the inverter's m em ory with simple operation of two keys to selec t one of the m em ories A, B and C. Us e this func tion to set the sam e param eters to m ore than two inverters.
E6581277 c - 12 - 4.3.3. Comparing function “ comp ” This f unction enables the operator to com pare data stored in two mem ories select ed from am ong four m em ories (the inverter ’s m em ory and Remote Keypad m em ories A, B, and C) as well as to search f or param eters that dif fer from each other.
E6581277 c - 13 - 4.3.4. Memory protection function “ prot ” The m em ory protection function pr otects the selec ted mem or y from being overwritten. W hen this func tion is initiated copying data to the mem ory is prohibited. Reading the m emo ry data is perm itted.
E6581277 c - 14 - 4.3.5. Memory init ializing funct ion clr A selected one of the m em ories either m em ory A, B, C of Rem ote Key pad is enable to be initialized with this function. In addition, all mem ories including sy stem m em ory of Remote Keypad is also enable to be initialized.
E6581277 c - 15 - 4.3.6. Remote Keypad parameter editing function This function allows the user to edit the param eters of Remote Keypad. Remote Keypad paramet er list Title Func tion Description f-01 Softwa re versi on displaying Display shows the software vers ion of Rem ote Keypad.
E6581277 c - 16 - 5. Before making a serv ice call If a problem aris es, pleas e see the following tr ouble-shooting tables. If the problem c an not be solved, please contac t a Tos hiba distributor.
E6581277 c - 17 - 5.3. Warning indi cations W arning indications : Indicat ed by flashing LED display. W arning Code Problem and Solutions prot The target memory to copy data or to initialize is write protected. C opying any data to the memory or initializing the memory cannot be executed.
E6581277 c - 18 - 6. Outline draw ing Following is the outline drawing of Remote Keypad (Uni t: mm).
E6581277 c - 19 - Mounting Mount Remote Keypad on the front of the panel board as illustr ated below. On the fr ont of the panel boar d, cut the area shown below f or m ounting Remote Keypad. Then, f ix Remote Keypad on the panel board with the mounting scr ews (M3 x 12) supplied as acc essories.
E6581277 c - 20E - 7. S pecifications Item Specific ations Part num ber RKP002Z Applicable m odel Model with either an RS485 (2- wire ty pe) connec tor or a com mon serial connector ( optional) with a baud rate of 9600, 19200 or 38400bps.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba RKP002Z (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba RKP002Z yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba RKP002Z - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba RKP002Z you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba RKP002Z will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba RKP002Z, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba RKP002Z.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba RKP002Z. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba RKP002Z along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center