Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product KB-80 Toshiba
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i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES ........................................................................... 1 LISTS OF COMMANDS, STATEMENTS, AND FUNCTIONS ............................... 3 ABS .........................................
ii Page LEN ...................................................................................................................... 42 LINE INPUT# ........................................................................................................ 43 LOC .
- 1 - CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES CONSTANTS Character constants: A string which is 255 digits or less including alphanumeric, Kana, symbol, and Kanji, enclosed in double quotation marks (”). If a double quotation mark (”) is used in the character string, the CHR$ function should be used.
- 2 - OPERATORS Arithmetic operators: Operator Operation ^ Exponential operation - Sign *, / Multiplication, Real division ¥ Integer division (The quotient is output.) MOD Integer division (The remainder is output.) +, - Addition, Subtraction The operations enclosed in parentheses are processed first.
- 3 - LISTS OF COMMANDS, STATEMENTS, AND FUNCTIONS Declarations and definitions Statement CLEAR Format CLEAR Function Initializes a variable. DIM Format DIM <variable name> ( <subscript> [, <subscript> ] ···) [, <variable name> ( <subscript> [, <subscript> ] ···) ] ··· Function Specifies the max.
- 4 - IF ~ THEN ~ ELSE Format IF <expression> THEN <statement> [ELSE <statement> ] <line number> <line number> IF <expression> GOTO <line number> [ELSE <statement> ] <line number> Function Judges the condition, and changes the flow of the program.
- 5 - Character string process Statement ASC Format ASC ( <character string> ) Function Provides the character code (ASCII) for the first character of the character string.
- 6 - Error process Statement ON ERROR Format ON ERROR GOTO <line number> Function Declares that the interrupt for the error process is enabled, and declares the line number of the subroutine to be executed when an error occurs.
- 7 - Communication input/output Statement OPEN COM Format OPEN ” COM <line number> : [communication condition] ” AS # <file number> Function Opens the communication file.
- 8 - File input/output Statement OPEN Format OPEN <file designation> [FOR <file mode> ] AS [#] <file number> [ LEN= <record length> ] Function Opens a file. CLOSE Format CLOSE [ [#] <file number> [, [#] <file number> ] ···] Function Closes a file.
- 9 - ABS Function Provides the absolute value. Format ABS ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation The absolute value for <numeric expression> (0 or a positive value) is provided as a function value.
- 10 - ASC Function Provides the character code (ASCII) for the first character of the character string. Format ASC ( <character string> ) Explanation The character code for the first character (left side) of <character string> is provided.
- 11 - BEEP Function Sounds the internal buzzer. Format BEEP Explanation The internal buzzer is sounded for 100 ms..
- 12 - CHAIN Function Loads another program, and executes it. Format CHAIN <file designation> [, ALL] Term <file designation>: The program file to be executed should be specified. (The file name should be included.) Explanation The program designated in <file designation> is executed.
- 13 - CHR$ Function Converts the character code (ASCII and internal sequence code) to a character. Format CHR$ ( <numeric expression> [, <numeric expression> ] ···) Term <numeric ex.
- 14 - CINT Function Provides the integer value to which a real value is converted. Format CINT ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation The value for <numeric expression> is rounded off to the nearest whole number, making it into an integer.
- 15 - CLEAR Function Initializes a variable. Format CLEAR Explanation The memory used for storing data is freed without deleting any programs in the memory. After the CLEAR statement is executed, all numeric variables and character variables become 0 and null strings (“”), respectively.
- 16 - CLOSE Function Close a file. Format CLOSE [ [#] <file number> [, [#] <file number> ] ···] Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file or the device by the OPEN statement Explanation The file corresponding to <file number> is closed.
- 17 - CLS Function Clears the screen. Format CLS.
- 18 - COMMON Function Declares the variable is to be passed from the origi nal program to a program called by the CHAIN statement. Format COMMON <variable name> [, <variable name> ] ··· Term <variable name>: The variable name to be passed should be specified.
- 19 - COM ON/STOP Function Enables/Stops an interrupt from the RS-232C communication file. Format COM ( <line number> ) ON COM ( <line number> ) STOP Term <line number>: The RS-232C.
- 20 - CSNG Function Provides a value which is converted to a single-precision real value. Format CSNG ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation The value for <numeric expression> is converted to a 7-digit single-precision real value.
- 21 - CVI/ CVS Function Provides a value for numeric value data which is converted to the numeric data. Format CVI ( <2-byte character string> ) CVS ( <4-byte character string> ) Explanation All numeric values in the random file on the disk are converted to the character string type.
- 22 - DATA Function Sets a numeric value or a character constant read by the READ statement. Format DATA <constant> [, <constant> ] ··· Term <constant>: A numeric constant or character constant Explanation The DATA statement is a non-executing statement, and should be placed before a READ statement.
- 23 - DIM Function Specifies the max. number of array elements, and allocates the memory area in the memory. Format DIM <variable name> ( <subscript> ) ] ···) [, <variable name> .
- 24 - END Function Terminates the execution of the program, closes all opened files, and returns to the command level state. Format END Explanation The END statement can be placed in any position in which the program is to be terminated. One or more END statements can also exist in the program.
- 25 - EOF Function Checks the end of the sequential file, or whether or not the communicati on buffer becomes empty. Format EOF ( <file number> ) Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement Explanation The EOF function returns -1 (true) when the specified file reaches EOF (End of File).
- 26 - ERASE Function Erases the sp ecified array from the program. Format ERASE <array name> [, <array name> ] ··· Term <array name>: Array name to be erased Explanation When there is not enough memory area while executing the program, arrays which become unnecessary should be erased by using the ERASE statement.
- 27 - ERR/ERL Function Provides the line number in which an error occurs (ERL) and the error code (ERR). Format ERR ERL Explanation The system variables, ERR and ERL, are used in the IF ~ THEN statement, and used for branching to error processes. (For details, refer to “ON ERROR”.
- 28 - FIELD Function Allocates the variable area to the random file buffer. (Record definition) Format FIELD [#] <file number>, <field width> AS <character variable> [, <field wi.
- 29 - FOR ~ NEXT Function Executes the statements included from the FOR statement to the NEXT statement repeatedly while the given conditions are satisfied.
- 30 - Other FOR ~ NEXT statements can be used (nested) within the FOR ~ NEXT statement. In this case, each <variable> to be set should be different.
- 31 - GET Function Inputs the data in a file into the buffer. Format GET [#] <file number> [, <numeric value> ] Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN state.
- 32 - GOTO Function Moves the execution to the specified line without any conditions. Format GOTO <line number> Term <line number>: The line number to which the execu tion is moved Explanation The GOTO statement moves the execution to the specified line.
- 33 - HEX$ Function Converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number, and then provides the character string. Format HEX$ ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation <numeric expression> is converted to an integer value which is rounded off to a whole number before <numeric expression> is used for the HEX$ function.
- 34 - IF ~ THEN ~ ELSE Function Judges the condition, and changes the flow of the program. Format IF <expression> THEN <statement> [ELSE <statement> ] <line number> <line n.
- 35 - INKEY$ Function Provides the leading character if any key is pressed on the keyboard, or provides a null string if no key is pressed on the keyboard. Format INKEY$ Explanation The number of characters provided for the INKEY$ variable is 0 (null string) or 1.
- 36 - INPUT Function Reads a numeric value or a char acter from the keyboard, and assigns it to a variable. Format INPUT [;] [” <prompt statement> ” ; ] <variable> [, <variable>.
- 37 - INPUT# Function Reads data from the sequential file, and assigns it to a variable. Format INPUT# <file number>, <variable> [, <variable> ] ··· Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement <variable>: The variable name to which data is assigned.
- 38 - INPUT$ Function Reads the character string with the specified length from the keyboard or the file. Format INPUT$ ( <no. of characters> [, [#] <file number> ] ) Term <no. of characters>: The number of characters to be read from the keyboard or file (1 to 255.
- 39 - INSTR Function Searches for the specified characters from the character string, and provides the first character position of the characters. Format INSTR ( [ <numeric expression> , ] <.
- 40 - INT Function Provides the max. integer val ue not exceeding the specified <numeric expression>. Format INT ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation The max.
- 41 - LEFT$ Function Provides a character string of the length specified on the left side of the character string. Format LEFT$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression> ) Term <character string>: Any character string <numeric expression>: The length is specified on the left side of <character string>.
- 42 - LEN Function Provides the length of the character string (the number of bytes). Kanji is counted as 2 bytes. Format LEN ( <character string> ) Explanation The le ngth should be between 0 and 255 bytes. A space and a code which is not displayed as the control code are also counted and included in the length.
- 43 - LINE INPUT# Function Reads one whole line (record) (max. 255 characters) from the sequential file. Format LINE INPUT# <file number>, <character variable> Term <file number>: T.
- 44 - LOC Function Provides the current theoretical location in the file. Format LOC ( <file number> ) Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement Explanation The file specified in <file number> is: 1.
- 45 - LOCATE Function Specifies the position of the cursor on the screen and determines the display of the cursor. Format LOCATE [ <line> ] [, [ <column> ] [, < <switch> ] ] ] Te.
- 46 - LOF Function Provides the size of the file. Format LOF ( <file number> ) Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statemen t Explanation The file specified in <file number> is: 1. Disk file The file size is provided in units of bytes.
- 47 - LSET/RSET Function Transfers data to the buffer for a random file. (In preparation for the PUT statement) Format LSET <character variable> = <character expression> RSET <character variable> = <character e xpression> Term <character variable>: The character variable used for the assignment in the FIELD statement.
- 48 - MID$ Function Provides the specified character in a given character string. Format MID$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression 1> [, <numeric expression 2> ] ) Term <cha.
- 49 - MKI$/MKS$ Function Converts a numeric value to the numeric data of the character string type. Format MKI$ ( <integer value> ) MKS$ ( <single-precision real va lue> ) Explanation Whe.
- 50 - ON COM Function Declares an interrupt which occurs when the data is input into the communication buffer, and declares the start line number for the subroutine to be executed.
- 51 - ON ERROR Function Declares that the interrupt for the error process is enabled, and declares the line number of the subroutine to be executed when an error occurs.
- 52 - ON GOTO/GOSUB Function Branches the execution to the specified line number according to a value for <expression>. Format ON <expression> GOTO <line number> [, <line number&.
- 53 - ON TIMER Function Declares an interrupt which occurs at specified intervals, and the line number from which the execution of the subroutine is started by the interrupt. Format ON TIMER ( <n> ) GOSUB <line number> Term <n>: The time interval at which an interrupt occurs should be specified in units of 100 ms.
- 54 - OPEN Function Opens a file. Format OPEN <file designation> [FOR <file mode> ] AS [#] <file number> [LEN= <record length> ] Term <file desi gnation>: The file name to be opened should be specified. <file mode>: The type of file should be specified.
- 55 - OPEN COM Function Opens the RS-232C communication file. Format OPEN ”COM <line number> : [ <communication baud rate> ] [, [ <parity> ] [, [ <data length> ] [, [ <st.
- 56 - PRINT Function Displays the charact er string and contents of the variable on the screen. Format PRINT [USING <format control character string> ] [ <expression list> ] [;] Term <.
- 57 - PRINT# Function Outputs data (numeric value or character string) to the sequential file. Format PRINT# <file number>, [USING <format control character string> ; ], <expression list> Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement.
- 58 - When a comma (,), semicolon (; ), or space is placed at the beginning of the string, carriage return and line feed are included in the character string, and the output can be performed by the PRINT statement.
- 59 - PUT Function Outputs the data to the file. Format PUT [#] <file number> [, <numeric value> ] Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement. <numeric value>: A record number between 1 and 4294967295, or the number of bytes of the data read from the RS-232C communication file.
- 60 - READ Function Reads a value defined by a DATA statement and assigns it to a variable. Format READ <constant> [, <constant> ] ··· Term <variable>: The variable to which the .
- 61 - REM/APOSTROPHE (’) Function Enters a comment into the program. Format REM [ <comment> ] Term <comment>: Any character string Explanation The REM statement is ignored when the program is executed. The REM statement is used for entering a comment into the program to make the program easy to understand.
- 62 - RESUME Function Terminates an error process, and resumes execution of the program. Format RESUME [0] NEXT <line number> Term <line number>: The line number from which the execution of the program is resumed should be specified.
- 63 - RETURN Function Declares the end of a subroutine, and returns the execution to the location where the subroutine was called up. Format RETURN Explanation The RETURN statement should be p laced at the end of the subroutine called by the GOSUB statement.
- 64 - RIGHT$ Function Provides a character string of the length specified on the right side of the character string. Format RIGHT$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression> ) Term <file number>: Any character string <numeric expression>: The length is specified on the right side of <character string>.
- 65 - SGN Function Provides a sign for <numeric expression> Format SGN ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation If <numeric expression> is positive, 0, and negative, 1, 0, -1 is p rovided, respectively.
- 66 - SPACE$ Function Provides character strings of spaces in the specified length Format SPACE$ ( <numeric expression> ) Term <numeric expression>: Indicates the number of spaces Explanation Character strings of spaces for the number specified in <numeric expression> are provided.
- 67 - STR$ Function Provides the character string indicating <numeric expression>. Format STR$ ( <numeric expression> ) Explanation The value for <numeric expression> is converted to a character string. For example, the numeric value, 123, is converted to the character string “123”.
- 68 - TIMER Function Returns the elapse time after the system is reset in a single-precision floating point format. (In units of 100 ms) Format X = TIMER Explanation A fractio n is rounded off to the nearest value.
- 69 - TIMER ON/STOP Function Enables/Stops a timer interrupt. Format TIMER ON TIMER STOP Explanation The interrupt specified by the ON TIMER statement is enabled by the TIMER ON statement, or stopped by the TIMER STOP statement.
- 70 - VAL Function Converts a character string to a numeric value. Format VAL ( <character string> ) Explanation The opposite of the STR$ function, the VAL function converts a character string indicating the numeric value for a 1-byte or 2-byte character (ex.
- 71 - WHILE ~ WEND Function Repeats the statements included between the WHILE statement an d the WEND statement for as long as the given conditions are satisfied. Format WHILE <expression> WEND Term <expression>: The execution is repeated for as long as the <expression> (a numeric value or character) is satisfied.
- 72 - WRITE# Function Outputs data to a sequential file. Format WRITE# <file number>, <expression list> Term <file number>: The number assigned to the file by the OPEN statement. <expression list>: Numeric expressions and character expressions are delimited by a comma (,), semicolon (;), and listed.
- 73 - KEY ENTRY CODE LIST Key Name Keyboard Entry Code (Pressed only the key) Keyboard Entry Code (Pressed together with the SHIFT key) 0 30H B0H 1 31H B1H 2 32H B2H 3 33H B3H 4 34H B4H 5 35H B5H 6 36H B6H 7 37H B7H 8 38H B8H 9 39H B9H .
- 74 - RESTORE Function Returns the starting position where the DATA statement is read by the READ statement to the beginning of the program. Format RESTORE Explanation When the READ statement is plac.
- 75 - SENDCMD Function Sends a command packet of character strings to the printer, and makes a response to an ACK or a NAK from the printer. Format SENDCMD <expression list> Term <expression list>: List of character expressions or character strings (A character string should be enclosed in quotation marks (”).
- 76 - ERROR CODE TABLE Code Meaning 1 There is no FOR statement for the NEXT statement, or the number of NEXT statements does not match with (is more than) the number of FOR statements. 2 The program is not in accordance with the grammar. Statements which are not defined are included in the program.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba KB-80 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba KB-80 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba KB-80 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba KB-80 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba KB-80 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba KB-80, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba KB-80.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba KB-80. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba KB-80 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center