Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product IPR16-X Toshiba
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1 N e t w o r k V i d e o R e c o r d e r I P R U s e r M a n u a l I P R 8 - X I P R 1 6 - X m o d e l n o . P l e a s e c a r ef ul ly re ad t h e s e i n s t r u c t i o n s b e f o r e u s i n g t h is p r od uc t . S a v e t h i s ma n u a l f o r f u t u r e u s e .
ii Surveillix™ IPR User Guide Manual Edition 27810AC – FEBRUARY 2007 Printed in USA No part of this documentation may be rep roduced in any means, electronic or mechanical, for any pur pose, except as expressed in the Software License Agreement. Toshiba shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or o missions contained herein.
iii LIMITED W A RRANTY NETWORK VIDEO RECORDER The Imaging Sy stems Division of Toshiba A merica Information Systems, Inc. ("ISD") makes th e following limited warranties. The se limited war ranties extend to the Or iginal End-User ("You [r]").
iv IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS 1. Read Owner’s Manu al – After unpacking this product, read the o w ner’s manu al car efu lly, and follow all the operating and other instruction 2. Power Sources – This product should be operated only from the type of pow er source indicated on the label .
v IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS, continued 15. Damage Requiring Servic e – Unplug the unit fr om th e out let an d refer servicing to qua lified ser vice personn el under the following conditions: When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the unit.
vi NOTES ON CLEANING Use a soft dry cloth for cleaning. For stubborn dirt, soak the cloth in a weak detergent soluti o n, wring well and wipe. Use a dry cloth to wipe it dry. Do n ot use any type of solvent, such as thinner and benzene, as they may damage the surface of the IPR unit.
viii RACK MOUNT INSTRUCTIONS Elevated Operating Ambient – If installed i n a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment may be gr ea ter than ro om ambient.
xi Table of Cont e nts PREFAC E ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 About this Guide ......................
xii Creating/Editing a ‘ Special Day’ Schedule ............................................................................................................... 38 Deleting a ‘Specia l Day’ Schedule ..............................................
xiii Creating a Preset .......................................................................................................................................................... 67 Viewing a Preset .....................................................
PREFACE ABOUT TH IS GUIDE This manua l is a setup and maintenance guide that can be used for reference when setting up the IPR unit and for troubleshooting when a problem occurs. Only authorized personnel should attempt to repair this unit. Toshiba reserves the right to make changes to the IPR units represented by this manual without notice.
2 INTRODUCTION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A Surveill ix IPR is simply a server that performs as a High Definition Digital Recorder. By utilizing the many feat ures o f a computer, including processing p ower, stor age capacity, graphics compr ession, a nd security features, the IPR unit is more pow erful than the analog recorders of the past.
3 FEATUR ES Toshiba’s Surveillix IPRs include the following new features: Optimized and Designed for Microsoft® Windows XP Embedded® Remote System Operation & Configuration Supports Multiple S.
5 CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Input / Output Connector Locations • • • • Front Panel Controls and LEDs • • • • Rear Panel .
6 SYSTEM SPEC IFICATIONS Surveillix™ state-of-the-art Network Video Recorders are housed in a high performance and versatile 3U R ack-Mount case allowing easy storage of multiple IPRs for enterprise applications.
7 FRONT PA NEL CONTROLS A N D LEDS The front panel of the IPR unit contains the devices that will be comm only used for data removal, retrieval, and backup re placem ent.
8 REAR P A NEL CONNEC TORS The rear panel of the IP R un it contains the connectors used to attach cameras, sensors, and relays to the IPR. Below are diagrams that outline the location and description.
11 GETTING ST ARTED This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Included Components • • • • Setting the IPR Hardware • • • • Optional Components.
12 IDENTIFYING INC LUDED COMPONENTS Surveillix™ IPRs c om e with a mouse, keyboard and selected software and cables. Ide ntify the foll ow ing components to make su r e everything ha s been p rop erly included with the new IPR unit. If an y of the foll ow ing items ar e missing, contact the dealer to arrange a replacement.
13 KEYBOA RD SETUP To attach the keyboard to the IPR unit, plug the end of the Keyboard into the keyboard PS/2 Port located on the back of the machine. The keyboard PS/2 Port can be identified by the purple color. Refer to the Rear Panel Connectors diagram for more information.
14 MONITOR SETUP The IPR may have one or both of the following connections available for monitors which can be used individually or in tandem. SVGA Output To VGA Monitor. S-Video Output To TV/VCR. Attach the monitor or monito r s to the rear of the IPR unit using the c ab le suppli e d by the monitor manufacturer.
15 TURNING ON TH E IPR 1. Turn on the monitor and any external peripherals (ex. Printers, External Storage Devices, etc.) connected to the IPR unit. 2. Turn on the Power Switch located in the rear of the IPR unit. 3. The IPR will run a series of self-tests.
17 IPR BASICS This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Registration and Upgrade • • • • Turning the IPR on and off • • • • Becoming familiar with the Display sc.
18 IPR REGISTRA TION Important Information Have the following information on hand before registering the IPR upgrade IPR Software Serial Number: The Product Serial Number is the unique number that Toshiba provided with the software. System ID: The Sy stem ID is a number generated by the IPR Softwar e.
19 5. Verify the information 6. Click Next if the information provided is correct 7. Once the information is validated, the unlock code will be generated 8.
20 IMPORTING IPR SETTINGS 1. Exit to Windows b y c licking the Exit Button on the Main Display Screen and selecting Re start in Wi nd ows Mode. (See the Display Screen section later in this chapter) 2. Click Start > Programs > Surveillix > VFormat 3.
21 DISPLAY SC REEN Each time the IPR is started, the program defaults to the Display screen. The following diagram outlines th e buttons and features used on the Display screen. You should b ecome familiar with these op tions as this is the screen that will be displayed the majority of the time.
22 CAMERA VIEW The Camera status for each camera is displayed next to the Camera number (or name) on the Video Display Area. The following are 1 Camera Number and Name Displays the camera number and the custom name given to the camera. 2 Recording Status Displays the current recording status of the camera using symbols.
23 RECORDING STA TUS INDICA TOR The camera status for each camera is displayed in the upper right corner on the Video Display Area. The following are the different states for each camera: Recording Displayed when the camera is currently being recorded to the IPR unit.
24 SCREEN DIVISIO N MENU The Screen Division Menu allows you to view cameras in groups s uch as two by two, three by three and four by four. The button options are shown below. 1st Four Cameras View – Displays cameras 1-4 in the Video Displ ay Ar ea.
27 SETUP OPTIO NS This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Setup Overview • • • • Add Network Recording Device • • • • Channels • • • • Color • • .
28 SETUP OVERV IEW The Setup options all ow you to optimize the IPR unit by adjusting things like camera names, reboot schedul es, recording schedules and more.
29 CAMERA SETUP 1 Select Camera Selects the camera to be edited 2 Camera Display Displays the live camera feed from the camera selected 3 Sensor Connection Specify which sensors are currently in use. 4 Use Network Device / Enable PTZ Enables setup and use of Network Camera and PTZ Functionality.
30 NETWORK DEVICE SETUP 1 Setup B utton Specify the necessary information to setup a network device 2 Con fi gure Button Opens the Se tup In terface for the selected network device after setup is comp.
31 Setting Up a Network Device 1. Check the Use N etw ork Ca mera Bo x, once selected the Setu p Networ k Device Button will ap pear. If your Network Device i s equipped with PTZ capabilities, the Enable Network Device PTZ may be selected.
32 REGISTRA TION WINDOW 1 Registered Serial Key Display Lists a summary of i nstalled licenses and Net work Video Channels used 2 System ID Displays the System ID used t o activate network devices 3 R.
33 MOTION SETUP The IPR unit allows the user to adjust several different Motion Settings and create motion detection areas. 1 Beep on Detect When motion is detected an alarm sounds. 2 Full Screen Pop-Up When motion is detected, the camera displays in full screen mode.
34 Create a Motion Area 1. Place the mouse pointer at the upper l eft hand corner of the area to designate, click and ho ld down the left mouse butt on, drag the mouse. Let go of the button when the Motion Ar ea is the si ze desired. 2. Create up to five Motion Regions pe r camera.
35 SCHEDUL E SETUP Recording Schedule The Recording Schedule Window allows the user to create different r ecording schedules based on the day, tim e, an d type of rec o rding desired.
36 Sensor Schedule The Sensors will supersede all other types o f recording mode s ( Motion, Continu ous, No Record ing). Regardless of the recording schedule of a particular camera, if a sensor event occ ur s the associated camer as will begin recording as a Sensor Event.
37 Create a Recording Schedule 3. Select a day to begin creating the schedule for -or- Select the Day Selection Mode Button, enabling Multi Day Selection, to create the same schedule for multiple days. 4. Highlight the Time-Blocks within the Recording Sch edule Window for th e camera(s) selected to s chedule.
38 Special Day Schedule The user can create days that h ave a unique recording schedule. If necessary create these on days that a re ‘ not typical’ such as Holidays, Special Events, etc. 1 Special Day Schedule Displays the current saved Special Days.
39 SYSTEM RESTA RT SETUP System Restar t Setup allows the user to define a schedule wherein the IP R a utomatically restarts according to speci fied parameters. 1 Day of the Week Displays the day for the settings being adjusted. 2 Enable Enables the IPR to shut down the computer at the time specified.
40 GENERA L SETUP 1 Video Loss Alarm Allows you to customize the settings in the event of video loss 2 Beep on Login Fail Enables the IPR Softwa re to be ep continuously in response to a failed login attempt. Only an authorized login will stop the beeping.
41 Voice Warning The IPR unit al lows users to play a sound fil e whe.
42 Volume The volume contr ol allows fine tuning of the volume settings on the IPR. Volume Options: • • • • Slider Controls – Used to adjust the literal volume for the respective devices listed.
43 A ut o Sequencing Setting Auto Sequencing is used either in the main screen w he n Auto Sequencing has been enabled or when a Spot-Monitor out si gn al is used to display on a spot monitor. Auto Sequencing conveniently displays video channels and at specified intervals, sequences through each selected channel.
44 NETWORK SETUP Network Setup allows the user to adjust settings such as ports, setup emer gency PPP information for use with the Emergency Agent and enable Remote Access. 1 Disable Remote Control Enables or disables access to the IPR from remote connections.
45 INFORMAT ION The Site Inform ation Window allows us e rs to define the site code necessary for connecting to remote software, save comments relative to the IPR and store tech support and contact number information. 1 Drive Information Displays the Total Space and Free Space of the Drives installed in the IPR.
46 ADMINISTRA TIVE SETUP The Log Viewer displays detailed information about th e IPR, incl uding S hut Down and Resta r t info rm ation, U ser Logins and Recording problems and failures.
47 Storage Check The Sto rage Check allows users to configure E-mail alarms, assign u sers to E- mail alarms and configure storage checks o n the Surveillix IPR.
48 Data Management T he Toshiba IPR Software allows users to specify which hard drives are being used to store information. Users can also monitor connected hard drives by total size, free space and percentage free. Utilizing Data Management 1. Enter Setup.
49 Delete Recorded Data The Data Management window allows the user to periodically delete recorded data. NOTE: While this option is available for configuring, it is not necessa ry; the IPR Softwar e will automatically overwrite the oldest data in order to record new data.
50 User Management The User Management Console allows th e administrator to create, edit, and delete user acc ou nts. Each user account can be assigned different p rivileges to limit the usage of the IPR system.
51 User Rank The User Ranking structure allows the option to assign a privilege system (1-10 where one has the most rights) to users of the IPR Software. For example. Si nce only one user is allowed to use the PTZ controls at an y one time, an administrator with a higher rank can kick another user out and take control of the PTZ.
54 SEARCH This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Search Overview • • • • Play Controls • • • • Index Search • • • • Preview Search • • • • Obj.
56 10 Camera Select Enable (or disable) selected cameras to perform searches. 11 POS Enables search of POS data 12 Open Ope ns video from a saved location on disk. 13 Print Outputs a selected image to an attached printer. 14 Save Save a selected image as a .
57 ADJUST TH E BRIGHTNESS OF A N IM A GE 1. Select an image to adjust by double-clicking on the desired image. Multiple images cannot be adjusted at one time. 2. Move the Bright slide bar to the right or left to adjust the brightness. 3. Reset the Brightness by moving the slider back to the center of the bar.
58 DAYLIGHT SA VINGS TIME The IPR automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings Time changes. When the hour “jumps for ward ” no video is lost because an hour is skipped. However when the h our “falls back” there is a duplicated hour that under normal ci r cumstances would be recorded over .
59 SINGLE CLIP BA CKUP Along with the Save op tion, a single camera backup option is also included with the Surveill ix s o ftware. The single Camera or Clip Backup all ow s the user to backup a single camera w ithout having to b ackup multiple came ras a t a given time.
60 PERFOR MI N G A BA SIC SEARCH There are sever al different types of s ea rches that can be performed on the IPR unit. The most basi c involves selecting the date, the time, the camera, and clicking play. 1. Select a date using the calendar button in the Date Box.
61 Performing an Index Search 1. Select the Index Search Button. The Index Search Option Box will open. 2. Select a single camera or check the All Cameras option. 3. Select an event to search (sensor, motion, instant record) or select the All Event option.
62 PREVIEW SEA RCH Pr eview Search can be used in a nu mb er of circumstances to quickly find an exact moment where an event, such as a theft, occurred. The Preview Search gives a 24 Hour visual overview of a single camera by separating a 24 hou r period (1 day) into 24 image s, one image fo r each hour of t he day.
63 Performing a Preview Search 1. Select a single camera by either turning off all cameras but one or double-clicking a displayed image. 2. Select the Preview Search Butt on. 24 images display. If the re is no reco r ded video du ring a portion of the day, “No Image” will be displayed where the image should be.
64 OBJECT SEA RCH Object Search is a powerful Search utility that is used to s earch a region on the video fo r any m ot ion changes. Results are ne at ly displayed and can be viewed quickly. 1 Search Results Search results are displayed in this column and listed by date and time.
65 Object Search Filter Information 1 2 3 4 5 1 Start Displays the time and date of the initial key frame. 2 Sensitivity Used to cont rol sensitivity of the motion to be detected. Poor lighting conditions can often be interpreted as motion; the sensitivity setting can compensate for this.
66 PAN / TILT / ZOOM This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Overview • • • • Setting up the PTZ • • • • Creating and Viewing a Preset Position • • • •.
67 PAN / TILT / ZOO M OVERVIEW The PTZ cont rols within the IPR sof twar e allow f or powerful control over the network d evices. This can be extremely beneficial by increasing the usefulness of the recorded video. Using the PTZ controls you can cr eate custom pr eset configurations that can continuously sweep across large areas.
68 ACCESSING PTZ MENUS Some protocols support the ability to access the Internal PTZ Onscreen Menu 1 Camera Menu Menu opens the PTZ Camera Menu. 2 Select This option selects an item on the Onscreen Menu. 3 Close Close closes the Onscreen Menu 4 Up / Down The Up and Down butto ns on the PTZ controller m ove th r ough the PTZ Menu options.
69 CONTROL LING A PTZ NETWORK DEVICE The Surveillix IPRs provide control for a PAN/TILT camera in two different ways. The first method is to use the Graphical PTZ Controller that appears when the PTZ Button is clicked on the main screen. The second method is to use the mouse to control the camera directly from the live video display.
70 Using the On-Screen Compass 1. Click the PTZ Button on the main screen. 2. Control the PTZ by drag ging the mouse on the screen in the desire d direction. A green line will appear to show the direction the PTZ will move. The shorter the line the l ess the PTZ will move.
72 BACKING UP VID EO DATA This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Overview • • • • Saving Video to a DVD-R • • • • Saving Video from a single camera • • .
73 BACKU P OVERVIEW The IPR can easily backup impor tant video data to an internal or exte r nal media l ocation . The most commonly used for ms of th is are CD-R/RWs, External USB or FireWire Ha r d Drives, and Network Drives. Every IPR unit comes standard equipped with a DVD±RW drive, USB port, and Network Adapter.
74 General Backup Screen The General Backup Screen is used for performing bulk backup of video recorded by all cameras for a selected period or periods of time to a specified storage location. 1 Hou r / Minutes Displays recording data in hourly (24 horizontal columns) and 10 minute (6 vertical cells) segments.
75 Clip Screen Overview The Clip Scre en is used for backing up video r ecorded by i ndividual camer as for a selected period of time to a specified stora ge location 1 Description Enter information to be stored and displayed with the backup. 2 Backup Drives Selects the drive to backup video to.
76 PERFOR MI N G A GEN ERAL BA CKUP 1. Click the Backup Button on the Main Display Screen. 2. Select the date or dates to back up video from using the calendar. Dates highlighted in blue contain recorded data. 3. Select the blocks of time to back up using the Hour/Minute Menu.
77 Specifying Scheduled Backup Drives In orde r to use the Scheduled Backup feature one or more storage drives or partitions conne cted to the IPR must be l abe led as a backup drive. 1. Exit and restart in Windows mode. 2. Double click the My Computer icon on the IPRs desktop.
78 LAN / ISDN / PSTN CONNECTION S This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Overview • • • • Configuring TCP/IP Settings • • • • Connecting to a LAN.
79 LAN OVERVIEW The IPR unit can easily be connected to a L ocal Area Network (LAN) and uses Microsoft’s® po we rful and secure Windows® XP Embedded operating system. This allows for easy and well - documented instructions on setting up LAN conne ctions no m atter what type of LAN you want to use.
82 WEB VIEWER This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Overview • • • • Configuring the Web Viewer.
83 WEB VIEWER OV ERVIEW The IPR unit allows you to access video using Microsoft® Internet Explorer® Browser 6 Highlights: View Live Video from most computers Username and Password protected Easy to use graphical interface Basics: 75 users can access the Web IPR simultaneously.
84 Configuring the Server for Remote Connection 1. Enter Setup on the IPR unit. 2. Click the Network Setup Button 3. Uncheck the Disable Remote Control option. You should now be allowed to adjust port settings if necessary. NOTE: If you are using a Firewall, it may be necessary to adjust the port settings on both the IPR and the Firewall.
86 INCLUDED SOF TWARE SETUP This chapter includes the following information: • • • • Emergency Agent Overview • • • • Remote Software Overview • • • • Digital Verifier • • .
87 EMERGENCY A G ENT OVER VIEW The Emerg ency Agent software is a utility that stream s video across a Local Area Network t o a Client PC whe n an alarm is detected on the IPR unit. The video that streams across can be stopped, played forwards and backwards, in slow motion or real speed.
88 REMOTE SOFT WARE OVERVIEW The IPR unit was specifically design ed to be fully operated an d maintained remotely. It connects using the stand ard TCP/IP protocol thorough connection types such as DSL, Cable Mode, T1, ISDN, 56K Mod em, LAN, and more.
89 Remote Client Minimum Requirements Intel® Pentium® III 750 or equivalent 32MB System Memory DirectX 9 or higher Compatible video card (ATI Preferable) Internet or LAN Connection (56K, DSL, Cable Modem, T1, ISDN, etc.
90 Create a New Remote Connection 1 Import Import previously saved configurations 2 Export Export selected configurations 3 User Name Enter the login username. 4 Password Enter the login password. 5 OK Button Click to exit window without connecting 6 Connect Connects the Surveillix Remote Client to the Server.
91 Configuring the IPR In order to access the IPR unit remotely, the IPR Server must be setup to allow remote connections. 1 Disable Remote Enables/Disables acceptance of remote connections by the IPR server. 2 Time Out Value Specifies a value (in seconds) to wait for a signal from the Surveillix Remote Client.
92 DIGITAL VERIF IER OVERVIEW .JPG images and .AVI video files that are exported from the Digital Video Recorder are automatically emb edded with a digital signature. Digital Signatures are a way to verify the authenticity of the images to ensure that they have not been tampered with or edited in any way.
93 BACKU P VIEWER OVERVIEW The Backup View er allows you to pl ay back the exported video in its propr ietary format. Video saved i n this format is extremely difficult to tamper with and therefore is the ideal solution when law enforcement and the legal department are involved.
94 Loading Video from DVD or Hard Drive 1. Open the Backup Viewer program: Start > Programs > Surveillix > Backup Viewer > Backup Viewer. 2. Click the Open Button. T he Total Backup Search Window will open. 3. For DVD-ROM data, s elect the appropriate DVD-ROM drive letter from the Backup Media Box.
An important point after buying a device Toshiba IPR16-X (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Toshiba IPR16-X yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Toshiba IPR16-X - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Toshiba IPR16-X you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Toshiba IPR16-X will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Toshiba IPR16-X, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Toshiba IPR16-X.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Toshiba IPR16-X. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Toshiba IPR16-X along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center