Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product NAVIGATOR TomTom
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Chapter 1 Before you start... 2 Before y ou start. .. Installation If you have purchased TomTom NAVI GATOR on a TomTom memory card, insert the memory card in your device. Then go to step 4 below. If you are installing TomTom NA VIGATOR from a DVD do the following: 1.
3 Tap Automatic , then enter your product code. The product code is printed on the product code card that is included with your pr oduct. TomTom NAVIGATOR will connect to To mTom using the wireless data connection and activate the map. • Manually To activate a map manually, do the following: 1.
Chapter 2 Making your first journey 4 Making your first journey Planning a route with T omT om NA VIGA T OR is very simple. T o plan your first route, follow the steps be low . 1. T ap the screen to bring up the main menu. 2. T ap Navigate to... F or your firs t journey , we will n avigate to an addre ss.
5 • Po s t co d e - tap this button to enter a postcode as your destination. • Crossing or inters ection - tap this button to set yo ur destination as the point where two streets meet. F or your firs t journey , we w ill enter an ex act address. 4.
6 Ta p YES to enter an arrival time. NA VIGA T OR shows you whether you will arrive on time. F or more information, see Arrival times on page 6. The route is then calculated by your T omT om NA VI GA T OR. 9. When the route has been calculated, tap Done .
7 Y our arrival time is constantly recalculated during your journey . The status bar shows wh ether you will arrive o n time or late, as sh own below: What are the other navigation options? When you tap Navigate to... , you can set your destination in many ways, not just by entering the address.
8 Planning in advance Y ou can also use your NA VIGA T OR to plan journeys in advance by selecting both your starting poi nt and your destination. Y ou could, for example, do the fol lowing: • Find out how long a journey is going to take before you start.
9 More information about a route T o find out about your route in detail, tap the Details button on the route summary screen. Y ou can then select from the following options: Browse as text T ap this button for a list of all the turn instructions on the route.
Chapter 3 Driving View 10 Driving View A Buttons to zoom in and zoom out on your position (to uchscreen devices only). T o z oom in and out on your posit ion on devices without a touchscreen, push the joystick up to zoom i n, and push the joystick down to zoom out.
Chapter 4 Menus 11 Menus Main menu T ap the scr een at any time when T omT om NA VI GA T OR displays the Driving View to open the Main Menu. • Navigate to.
Chapter 5 Finding alternative routes 12 Finding alte rnative route s Once you have planned a route, you may want to change something about the route, without changing your destinati on. Why chang e the route? Maybe for one of these reasons: • Y ou can see a roadblock or a line of traf fic ahead.
13 Tr a v e l v i a . . . T ap this button to change your route so that it passes a particular location, perhaps to pick someone up on the way . Y ou choose the location you want to pass in the same way as you choose a destination.
Chapter 6 Using the map 14 Using the map Every time you use your T omT om NA VIGA T OR to plan a route, you are using the map. However , you can use the map in many other ways. T o open the map, tap Browse map in the Main Menu . Place your finger on the screen and drag it across the screen to move the map.
15 in the map browser: the F ind button an d the Curs or button. Y ou can also set what is shown on the m ap and centre the map on your GPS p osition. E The cursor F The Find button T ap this butto n to find specific addr esses and P oint s of Interest on the map.
16 Add as POI T ap this button to create a POI at the cursor position. F or more information about POIs, see Points of Interest on page 21. Tr a v e l v i a . . . T ap this button to travel via the curs or position. This button is onl y available if you are currently navigating to a destination.
Chapter 7 Favourites 17 Favo ur ite s What are Favourites? F avourites are places that you go often. Y o u can create F avourites so that you don ’t have to enter the address ever y time you want to navigate there. They don ’t have to be pl aces you like, just useful addresses.
18 Po i n t o f Interest Y ou can add a P oint of Interest (P OI) as a Favourite. Does it make sense to do this? If you visit a POI you particularly like, for example a r estaurant, you can add it as a Favourite. T o add a POI as a Favourite, tap this button, then do the fol lowing: 1.
19 How can I use a Favourite? Y ou will normally use a Favourite as a way of navigating to a place without having to enter the address. T o navigate to a F avourite, do the following: 1. T ap the scr een to bring up the Main Menu. 2. T ap Navigate to.
20 2. T ap Change prefer ences to open the Preferences menu. 3. T ap Manag e Fav ourites . 4. T ap the Favourite you want to rename. 5. T ap Rename . Tip : T ap the arrow to move to the next page buttons.
Chapter 8 Points of Interest 21 Points of Interest P oints of Interest or POIs are useful places on the map. Here are some examples: • Restaurants •H o t e l s •M u s e u m s •P a r k i n g g a r a g e s •P e t r o l s t a t i o n s Showing POIs on the map 1.
22 Y ou can select one of these options: • POI near you - to search from a list of POIs near yo ur current po sition. • POI in city - to choose a POI in a particular town or city . Y ou have to specify a town or city . • POI near Home - to search from a list of POIs n ear your Home lo cation.
23 F or exam ple, you could create a category of POIs calle d ‘F avourite re staurants’. With each POI, save their p hone num ber so th at you can call th em from your NA VIGA T OR to reserve a table. How can I create my own POIs? 1. T ap the scr een to bring up the Main Menu.
24 How can I set warnings for POIs? 1. T ap the scr een to bring up the main menu. 2. T ap Change prefer ences . 3. T ap Manage POIs . 4. T ap W a rn when near POI . 5. Select the c ategory o f POI you want to b e warned about. Select the ca tegory from the list or start to type the nam e of the ca tegory and select it when it is shown in the list.
25 7. Choose the warning so un d for the c ategory of POI y ou selected ..
Chapter 9 Itinerary planning 26 Itinerary planning What is an Itinerary? An Itinerary is a plan for a journey with more stops than just your final destination. An Itiner ary is ma de up o f the fo llowing items: • Destinations - the end of a particular jour ney , the place whe re you want to stop.
27 Creati ng an Itiner ary 1. T ap the scr een to bring up the Main Menu. 2. T ap Itinerary planning . The Itinerary planning screen opens. At fir st, there are no items on the Iti nerary .
28 Start usin g an Itinera ry Ta p Options , then tap Start navigat ion . Once you have created an Itinerary , it ’ s a g o o d id e a t o s a v e i t . T o s a v e an I t i n e r ar y , tap Save Itinera ry . T o load a saved Iti nerary , tap Load Itinerary .
Chapter 10 Preferences 29 Preferences Y ou can change many things about the way your T omT om NA VIGA T OR looks and behaves. T ap Change prefer ences in the M ain Men u. Use night colours / Use day colours T ap this button to reduce the brightness th e of the screen and use darker colours on the map.
30 The Main Menu shows only a few buttons that may be needed while you are driving. As soon as your car stops moving , you will be able to access all of the buttons and features again.
31 T urn off sound / T urn on sound T ap this button to turn the spoken instructions off. The button changes to Tu r n o n sound . If you turn the sou nd off , warnings for up coming PO Is are also turne d off . V olume preferences T ap this button to change the volu me of the spoken instructions.
32 Change language T ap this button t o change the language us ed for all the buttons and messages you see on your NA VIGA T OR. Y ou can choose from a wide range of languages. When you change the language, you are also given the opportunity to change the voice.
33 Don ’t del ete a map unless you have already made a backup of the map. If you delete a map before you make a backup, you won ’t be able to put the map back on your NA VIGA T OR. F or more information about making a backup, see Using TomTom HOME on page 40.
34 Planning preferences T ap this button to set the kind of route pl anned when you select a desti nation. The following options are availabl e: • Ask me every time I plan • Always plan fastest ro.
35 •T e m p e r a t u r e •A i r p r e s s u r e Operate left-handed / Ope rate right handed T ap this button to move import ant buttons, for exam ple, the Done and Cancel buttons as w ell as the zoo m bar , to the left hand side of the screen. Th is makes it easier to tap the buttons with your le ft hand without blocking the screen.
Chapter 11 TomTom Traffic 36 To m To m T r a f f i c T omT om T r affic T omT om T raffic is a T omT om PL US service that sends up-to- date traffic information to your NA VIGA T OR. T o u se T omT om T raffic you must have a mobile phone with Bluetooth and a wireless data connect ion, for example, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS , CDMA.
37 T omT om T raffic will im medi ately try to re trieve the latest traffic information. Updating traffic information With T omT om T raffic, there are two wa ys to update the traffic informatio n: •T a p Update traffic info in the T raffic menu. • Set T raffic to be updated auto matically at regular intervals.
Chapter 12 TomTom PLUS 38 To m To m P LU S T omT om PL US is a collection of services that keep you inf ormed and entertained while you ’re on the road. Y ou can subscribe to a range of extras and download them either directl y to your NA VIGA T OR, or to your comp uter from w here you can transfer them to your NA VIGA T OR.
39 P oints of Interest Find the places you need quickl y with the locations of thousands of P oints of Interest (POIs)..
Chapter 13 Using TomTom HOME 40 Using T omT om HOME Using T omT om HOME, you can, for example , do the followin g: • Make and restore backups of your T omT om NAVIGA T OR. • Manage the maps, voices, POIs and other extras on your NA VIGA T OR. • Read the full version of the user manual, available in 21 languages.
41 Restoring a backup If you ever have a problem with your NA VIGA T OR, you can restore the backup. F ollow steps 1 and 2 above, then select the latest backup and click Restore . The latest back up will be restored to your NAVIGA T OR. F or more information, see the Help included with T omT om HOME.
Chapter 14 How does navigation work? 42 How does navigation work? Global P ositioning System (GPS) In order to navigate you to your destinat ion, your T omT om NA VIGA T OR must know where you are now . T o fi nd your current position, your T omT om NAVIGA T OR uses the Global P o sition ing Syst em (GPS).
Chapter 15 TomTom limited warranty 43 T omT om l imited warra nty WARRANT OR Non-U .S. and non-Canadi an purchases: If you have made your pur chase outside the United States and Canada, this Limite d W arranty is granted by and thi s Limitation of Liability is stipulated for the benefit of T omT om Internation al B .
44 5) This Limited W arranty is the only expr ess warranty made to you and i s provided in lieu of any other express warranties or similar obl igations (if any) creat ed by any advertising, documentation, packaging, or other communicati ons.
Chapter 16 Addendum 45 Addendum Important Safety Notices an d W arnings Global Positioning Syste m The Globa l P ositioning Sy stem (GPS) is a satellite-base d system th at provides location and timing infor mation around th e globe.
Chapter 17 Copyright notices 46 Copyright notices © 2006 T o mT om In ternational B.V . , The Netherlands. P atents P ending. All rights reserved. T omT om and the T o mT om logo are registered trademarks of T omT om International B.V ., The Neth erlands.
An important point after buying a device TomTom NAVIGATOR (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought TomTom NAVIGATOR yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data TomTom NAVIGATOR - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, TomTom NAVIGATOR you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get TomTom NAVIGATOR will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of TomTom NAVIGATOR, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime TomTom NAVIGATOR.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with TomTom NAVIGATOR. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device TomTom NAVIGATOR along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center