Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CMC1-50D36N Thermo Products
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GAS FIRED HIGH EFFI CI ENCY FU RNACE DOWNFLOW & DIRECT VENT (SE ALED COMBUSTION) MODELS: CM A 3- 50 D36 N, C M A3 - 75D36N, CM C1 - 50D36N, CM C1 - 75D36N, CM C1 - 50DV3N, CM C1 - 75DV3N INST ALLATION AND SERVICE MA NUAL For ins tallation i n: 1. Manu factured H omes 2.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. I. SA FETY INFORMATION This and the follow ing pag e contain r eproduct ions of th e vari ous warning and instruc tion labels pl aced on the Ther mo Pride C ondensi ng Gas Furn aces.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. This and the prev ious page c ontain r eproduct ions of th e various safety and i nstruct ion labels plac ed on the Therm o Pr ide Cond ensing Gas Furnaces. Please r ead and co mply wi th the contents of these l abels.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. This and the prev ious page c ontain re produc tions of th e various safety and i nstruct ion labels pl aced on the Ther mo Pride Cond ensing Gas Furnaces. Pl ease read a nd co mp ly wi th the contents of these l abels.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. The follow ing s afety inform ation sho uld be r ead, unders tood, a nd followed by the installe r. 1. Use only wit h type of gas approv ed for this furnace . Refer to furnace r ating pl ate.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. : The vent and air intake e lbows mu st be kept away from b ushes, shrubs or any vegetation that ma y restrict the flow of flue products. I t mus t also be kept c lear of an y leav es, weeds o r other combustibl e materi als.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. : Copper and bras s tubing and fittings (e xcept tin lined) shall not be used if t he gas contai ns more than a t race (0.3 gr ains per 100 cub ic ft.) o f hydrogen sulfi de gas.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. II. FURNACE SPECIFI C ATIONS MOD EL CM A3 - 50D36 CM A3 - 75D36 INPUT IN BTUH 50,000 75,000 OUTPUT IN BTUH 48,000 72,000 MAIN ORIFIC E - NAT. #42 MAIN ORIFIC E - LP #54 GAS SU PPLY PRESS URE L.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. MOD EL CMC1 - 50D36 CMC1 - 75D36 INPUT IN BTUH 50,000 75,000 OUTPUT IN BTUH 48,000 72,000 MAIN ORIFIC E - NAT. #42 MAIN ORIFIC E - LP #54 GAS SU PPLY PRESS URE L.P. MINI MUM 11” IN.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. MOD EL CMC1 - 50DV3 CMC1 - 75DV3 INPUT IN BTUH 50,000 75,000 OUTPUT IN BTUH 48,000 72,000 MAIN ORIFIC E - NAT. #42 MAIN ORIFIC E - LP #54 GAS SU PPLY PRESS URE L.P. MINI MUM 11” IN.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. I NS T AL L ATI O N P AR T S P AC K AG E S PARTS PKG # DESCRIPTION CMA3 - 50D 36N CMA3 - 75D 36N S00S4248 S00S4249 PAR.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. III. GENERA L INSTRUCTIONS AND CLE ARANCES – READ BEFORE S TART OF INSTAL L A TION 1.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. d. Ameri can Natio nal Sta ndard (AN SI - C1/NFPA - 70 Electric C ode for all electrica l field wiring. e. Thes e gas - fired uni ts h av e been investig ated under standar ds AN SI Z 21.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. IV. GENERA L INSTALLAT ION A. F UR N ACE L O C AT I O N 1. For best per formance, locate t he furnace so that i t is centr alized with r espect to the duct sy stem.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. Coil Cabinet Model: CE113 S / C E213T Note: Co il cabi net cannot be utiliz ed as a cott age base. CE113S CE213T Figure 1B. Cott age Base Model : 01COT - BAS E For CMA3 models onl y.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. B. BA SE INSTALLATION – CMA 3 model s only 1. Comb ustible F loor Base M odel: 70 BASE (for CMA 3 models only) Use the base botto m panel as a templat e to mar k floor op ening loc ations (s ee Fig ure 2).
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. connector duct. R emov e the bottom panel. C ut an opening in the distri bution duct slightly larg er than the c onnector d uct. (re fer to Fig ure 2 for location of this cut .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. C. AL COVE INSTALLA TION In this applicati on, a mi nimum o f 18 inches o f clearanc e must be pro vided to t he front o f the unit. See Fig ure 4. Note – acces s to diag nostic view port.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CMA3 SER IES CMC1 SE RIES Figure 5. : Do not obstruct any re turn a ir openings, including the return grille on the furnace . To do so ma y cause the furnace to activate the high limit and shut down.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. E. FUEL PI PING Siz ing and installati on o f fuel lines must be in accor dance wi th Federal, St ate & Local reg ulations . Incl uding the N ational F uel Gas C ode NFPA 54/ANSI - Z2 33.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. occurs. Wait at leas t 24 hours for the circuit to fully dry before energizi ng the system .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. MA XIMUM VENT LENGTH VENT SIZE 2 IN. PVC FURNACE MODEL VENT LENGTH (FT.) EXHAUST VENT ELBO W S (NO.) COMBUST ION AIR INTAKE ELBO W S (NO.) CMA * /CMC * 30 8* 7** *Note t he drain el bow suppli ed wi th furnace c ount as 1 elbow.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. G. CONNECTI NG THE EXH AUST VENT AND COMBUSTION A IR INT AKE Figur e 6. shows the typi cal exhaust v ent and combustio n air int ake conn ection for CMA /CMC furnace . Figure 6.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. the concl usion o f the vent pipe inst allation. This w ill insure a l eak fr ee return air compartm ent. Re fer to Fi gure 6A. Figure 6 A . NOTICE: The exhaust vent pipe must be su pported every 4 feet.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. gas flame. Shoul d acid compounds form in your furnace, it may reduce the life of th e furnace. H. Direct Venting Through a Sidew all 1. Vent And Combustion Air Pipes Vent an d combusti on air pipes may pas s thro ugh a maxi mum wall thickness of 18 inc hes.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. b. The bo ttom edg e of the v ent termin ation el bow must be install ed at least 1 2 - inches ab ove the outl et of i ntake ter mination el bow.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. • wher e wetting of components by condens ate, or water v apor, could be detri mental to t he oper ation of pr essure r egulator s, relie f valves , or any other equi pment.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 4. Vent Termina l Location Guide lines : Bushes, shr ubs, or any vegetation that may r estrict t he flow of flue pr oducts must be kept away fro m vent and air intake t ermin ations.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. Figure 10: Typical Construction De tails of Sidewall Vent and A ir Inta k e Terminations 3. Finis h the v ent instal lation by caulking the annulus t o seal ar ound th e two (2) holes w here the t hermoplas tic pipes pass thr ough th e wall.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. The fur nace may be vented v ertical ly throug h the roo f. The outle t/inlet o f the vent and air intake ter minations shall be a minimu m of 12 inc hes abov e highes t anticipa ted snow level.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CEILING: Frame o ut area aro und where PVC pipe i s to pen etrate ce iling .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. L. ELECTRI C AL WIRING All w iring shal l be perfor med by a qual ified el ectrici an or serv ice pers on.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. IMPORT A NT: T he r oom ther mostat sho uld be ins talled 4 t o 5 fee t above the floor on an int erior w all whi ch is relati vely free from direc t source s of heat (s unlight or s upply airflow ) or expos ure to cold (dr afts fro m open wi ndo ws and doors ).
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 4. BLOWER MO TO R SPEED WIRING Figure 15. BLOW ER DEL AY SET TINGS To d elay fan turn - on by : Set Switch #1 #2 1 5 sec. 30 s ec. *45 s ec. 6 0 sec, Off Of f Off On On Off On On To d elay fan turn - off by : Set Sw itch #3 #4 60 sec.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CM A3 - 50D36 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L ST AT IC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HT G Speed Recommended CLG Speed 24,000 L OW MED - L OW 30,000 L OW MED - HIGH 36,000 L OW HIGH Speed Tap Static Pressure Furnace A irflow (CFM) v s.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CM A3 - 75D36 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L ST AT IC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HT G Speed Recommended CLG Speed 24,000 MED - L OW MED - L OW 30,000 MED - L OW MED - HIGH 36,000 MED - L OW HIGH Speed T ap Static Pressu re Furnace A irflow (CFM) v s.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CM C1 - 50D36 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L ST AT IC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HT G Speed R ecomm ended CLG Spee d 24,000 L OW MED - L OW 30,000 L OW MED - HIGH 36,000 L OW HIGH Speed Tap Static Pressure Furnace A irflow (CFM) v s.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CM C1 - 75D36 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L ST AT IC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HT G Speed Recommended CLG Speed 24,000 MED - L OW MED - L OW 30,000 MED - L OW MED - HIGH 36,000 MED - L OW HIGH Speed T ap Static Pressu re Furnace A irflow (CFM) v s.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CM C1 - 50DV3 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L ST AT IC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HT G Speed R ecomm ended CLG Spee d 24,000 L OW MED - L OW 30,000 L OW MED - HIGH 36,000 L OW HIGH Speed Tap Static Pressure Furnace A irflow (CFM) v s.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CM C1 - 75DV3 ALTERATIONS RE Q’D FOR A/C @ DESIGN EXTERN A L ST AT IC PRESSURE COOLING UNIT HT G Speed Recommended CLG Speed 24,000 MED - L OW MED - L OW 30,000 MED - L OW MED - HIGH 36,000 MED - L OW HIGH Speed T ap Static Pressu re Furnace Air flow (CFM) vs.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. : TURN OFF THE ELECTRICAL POWER to the furna c e before attempting to c ha nge blower speed wiring. The fur nace is factory w ired to the i gnition control w ith stand ard heat ing and cooli ng speeds.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. V. ST A RTING THE U NIT A . SEQUENCE OF OPERA TIONS START TRIAL FOR IGN ITION CONTINUOU S SAFE OPERAT IO N CHECK IF FL.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. M AI N BU RN ER O PER ATI O N EN D O F CY CL E C ALL FOR H EAT SA TI SF I ED AF TER DEL AY- TO - F A N- ON PERI O D EN DS , CI RCUL ATI NG AI R F A N I S ENE RG I Z ED A T H EAT I N G SP EE D.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. B. INITIAL START UP: This furn ace does not hav e a pilot. It i s equipped w ith a hot sur face ignit er which automat ically lights the burner . Do not att empt to li ght the burner by hand.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. C. ADJUSTMENT OF BTU INPUT RATE: The orifice for this furn ace was sized: 1) for natural gas having a heat ing value o f 1025 B TU per cubic fo ot and a speci fic grav ity of .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. GAS PRESSURE CHA RT F O R CMA */CM C* MODEL FURN ACES TABLE 3 This gas furnace i s equippe d with a fixed ori fice siz ed for th e manifo ld pressur e shown on t he rati ng label.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. Figure 16. : The CMA/CMC furna ce models are direct vent des ign and do not require an air shutter adjus tme nt (air shutters are not used) for proper flame ch aracterist ics.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. F. FURNACE CHECK OUT PROCEDURE Before any sys tem of gas pipi ng is finall y put into ser vice, it shall be care fully tested t o assur e that it is gas t ight as i ndicat ed in the F uel Pi ping Sect ion of thi s Furnace Manu al .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. VI. INS T A LLER'S I NSTRUCTIONS TO USER: After co mpleting the install ation, the ins taller shall inform a nd/or demons trate to t he homeow ner: 1.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. A . ELECTRIC A L: 1. Check diagnostic code t hrough v iew port pr ior to re moving ac cess door. 2. Check al l wiring for loose connec tions and any signs of damage or unus ual wear .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 5. GA SKETS/SEAL ING MATERIAL S Inspect all vis ible gasket s for sig ns of deg radation or liquid seep age, es pecially any seal s which w ere removed as par t of the i nspection.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. FILTER M AINTEN ANCE PROCEDURE The filt er is loc ated insi de front d oor of t he CMA/CMC . Remove filte r retaini ng rod and rem ove dirty filter. Clean the filter by vacuuming , rinsing with tap water, hosing or dipping in an or dinary deter gent sol ution.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 3 flash es, then pa use pressur e switch s tuck open 4 flash es, then pa use open high lim it switch 6 flash es, then .
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. TURN THERMO STA T TO CA LL FO R HEA T DO ES T HERMO STA T MA KE CO NT A CT? IS R OOM T EM PE R AT UR E BELO W T HERMO STAT SETTING ? IS R OOM T EM PE R AT U R E ABOVE 90 DE GR E ES F ? TUR N T'S TA T SETTING A BOV E R OOM T EM P.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. C HECK W I RI N G TO I ND UC ER A N D I F OK , RE P L A CE IND UC E R AS SEM BL Y.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. CHECK F OR P ROPER MANIFO LD P RESSURE. No Y es Y es Y es AFTER GAS VA L VE OPENS , DO THE BURNE RS IG NITE? ADJUST TO 3.5" F OR NATURA L GAS OR 10 .0" W C FO R LP G AS IS IG NIT O R POSITIONED CORRECT L Y? R E PO SI T I O N TO CORRECT LO CA TIO N.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. DOES SYS TEM R UN U NTI L T H ERM O ST AT I S SAT I SF I ED ? CHECK A L L WI RI NG FOR LOOS E CONNECTI ONS . CHECK FOR SHORT I N WI RE T O T HE RMOSTAT AND CORRECT I F NECESS ARY.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. Yes T R OU BL E SH OOT IN G C OMPL E T E . Yes IF LED LI G HT FLA SHES: 1 FLA SH, THEN PA USE SY ST EM LO CKO UT 2 FLA.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. A PPENDIX – A REPLA CEMENT P AR T S 58.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 59.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 60.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 61.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. A PPENDIX – B WIRING DIA GRAMS 62.
All installatio ns and services must be performed by qualified service personnel. 63.
An important point after buying a device Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Thermo Products CMC1-50D36N along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center