Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8.00E+05 Tektronix
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Us er M anual 80E01, 80E02, 80E 03, 80E04 & 80E 06 El ectrica l S a mp l in g Mo d u les 071-0434-05 Th is d o cu m en t ap p lies to firmw are v ersio n 1 .
Copyright © T ekt ronix. All ri ghts re served. Lic ensed s oftware products are owned by T ektronix or its subsidia rie s or suppliers, a nd are protec te d by nat iona l c opyright laws and int erna ti onal trea ty provi sions. T ektroni x product s are c overe d by U.
W arrant y 2 T ektroni x warrant s that this product will be free from defe ct s in ma te rial s and workmanship for a peri od of one (1) yea r from the dat e of shipme nt.
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual i T able of Contents Gen eral S a fety S u mmary iii ................................... Environmental Considerat ion s v ............................... Pr eface vii .....................................
T able of Contents ii 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual List of Figures Figure 1: Sampling modu le block d iagram 3 ..................... Figure 2: Sampling modu le, 80E04 sh own 3 ..................... Fig ur e 3: Sam pling mo dule co mpa rt me nts 6 .
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual iii General Safety Summar y Rev iew t he fol lo wi ng s afety p recaut io ns t o avo id i nju ry and p reven t dam age to this product or any produc ts conne cte d to it. T o avoi d po ten ti al hazard s, us e thi s pr oduct only as spec ifie d.
General S afet y S um mary iv 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual T erms in this Manual . These te rms ma y appe ar in this manual: W ARNING. W arning statements ide ntify conditions or practic es that could r esult in injury or loss of life .
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual v Environmental C onsiderations This section pr ovides information a bout the environmenta l impact of the product. Observe the following guide lines whe n re cycling a n instrument or c omponent: Equipment Recycli ng.
Environmenta l C onsidera tions vi 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual.
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual vii Preface This is the user manual for the 80E01, 80E02, 80E03, 80E04, and 80E06 sampling modules. It c overs the following inf ormation: H Descr iption.
Preface viii 80E00 Electric al Sampling Modules User Ma nual.
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 1 Getting Started The T ektronix 80E01, 80E02, 80E03, 80E04, and 80E06 sampling modules a re high-per formance sampling modules tha t ca n be insta lled .
Getting Starte d 2 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Product Descr ipt ion The sampling module s provide the fe atures shown in T able 2. T able 2: Sampli ng module featur es Feature 80E01 80E02 80E03 80E04 80E06 Number of independent channels 12221 Rise ti me 7 ps, typi cal 1 ≤ 28 ps ≤ 17.
Getting Starte d 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 3 Sampler Sampler Strobe Generator Strobe drive 50 Ω From main instrument 50 Ω Note: t he 80E01and 80E06 are single channel modules with a dedicated strobe drive and generator .
Getting Starte d 4 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Opt ions and Accessori es Thi s s ecti on l is ts t he s tan dard an d o pt io nal acces so ries av ail abl e for t he s amp li ng modules.
Getting Starte d 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 5 T able 4: Opti onal accessories (cont.) Item Par t number Pow er divide r 015-0565-xx SMA accessory kit 020-1693-xx T orque wrench, 8 mm (5/16 i nch) open end n.a. 3 . 5m a l et o3 . 5f e m a l eS M A 015-0552-xx Slip-on SMA connect or 015-0553-xx 3.
Getting Starte d 6 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Ins ta lla tio n The sampling modules fit into the front panel of the main instrume nt. Figure 3 shows the front panel of a DSA8200 and the locations of the sampling-module compar tments.
Getting Starte d 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 7 Know your signal source. If it is capable of de livering overvoltage s, it is safe r to not depend on the signal source settings for pr otection, but instead use an exter nal attenuator that prote cts the input from the wor st-c ase conditions.
Getting Starte d 8 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual T o install a sampling module, fir st turn of f the instr ument using the front-pa nel On/Standby switch. Then place the sampling module in a compartme nt and slowly push it in with firm pr essure.
Getting Starte d 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 9 After installing a sa mpling module or after moving a sampling module f rom one compar tment to another , you should run c ompensation f rom the Utilities menu to ensu re the in st rum ent m eets i t sp ecifi cati on s.
Getting Starte d 10 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual.
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 11 Operating Basics This chapter ma kes you familiar with the oper ation of your sampling module. It descr ibes the front-pane l controls and connec tors, interac tion of the sampling module with your ma in instrument, programming the sampling module, and use r adjustments.
Operat in g B asi cs 12 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Front- Panel Cont rol s Each sa mpling module contains two ide ntical input c hannels (80E01 a nd 80E06 each hav e on e chan nel ). T hi s s ecti on d escri bes ch ann el co nt rol s, c onnec tors, a nd indicator s.
Operat in g B asi cs 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 13 H If you pr ess the button and the c hannel is not curr ently acquir ing (for any channe l or math wavefor m), then the instrument activa tes (turns on) the chann el.
Operat in g B asi cs 14 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Figure 6: V er tical Setup dialog box Progr ammer I nter face Commands The remote -programming comma nds for all sampling modules are doc umented in the online Programmer Guide .
Operat in g B asi cs 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 15 W ARNING. T o pr even t in ju ry , p ow er d ow n t he in st ru men t and d is c onnect it fr om line voltage befor e performing any cle aning. Cl ean t he ex teri or s urfaces o f th e m odule with a dry , lint -free clot h o r a so ft- bristle br ush.
Operat in g B asi cs 16 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual.
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 17 Reference This chapte r contains the following sections: H T aking T DR Measur eme nts describes how to use the 80E04 sampling module to perf orm time-domain- reflec tometry (TDR) me asure ments.
Referen ce 18 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Read the f ollowing topics; they provide de tails that ca n help you set up and take effective TD R m easu remen ts . TDR Step Generation. Both channe ls in the 80E04 TDR/sampling module have a selec table polar ity step gene rator which give s both channels me asure ment capa bilities.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 19 propaga tion time from the acquisition point to the short in the device unde r test and b ack. S ee F ig ure 8 . 250 mV 0V E i E r Figure 8: Step gener ator with a shorted out put Operation Into a 50 Ω Load.
Referen ce 20 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual When the diode switch ope ns (r eve rse- biased), appar ent resista nce to gr ound at the ac quisition point (and at the c hannel conne ctor) is 25 Ω becau se th e in tern al termina tion resistanc e is 50 Ω in parallel with the connec tor impedance of 50 Ω.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 21 E i E i E i E i —E i E i /3 E i E i —E i /3 Open circuit termination, Z L = 1 ,E r =E i Line terminat ed in Z L =2 Z o ,E r =E i /3 Lin.
Referen ce 22 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual This example demonstr ates the TDR featur e of the 80E04 sampling module. TDR is a method of e xamining and mea suring a ne twork or transmission line by sending a ste p into the network and monitor ing the ref lections.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 23 Overview Control elements & resources T o take a TDR measurement ( cont.) Set other TDR para m ete rs 7. Adjust t he VERTICAL SCALE (500 m ρ/ div in thi s example) and HORIZONT AL SCALE (2 ns/di v in thi s exa mple) to s how a tr ace simila r to that sh own .
Referen ce 24 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Overview Control elements & resources T o take a TDR measurement ( cont.) Spe cify ing h or i- zontal timebase units 11 . Sel ect t he HORIZONT AL tab. 12. Select t he Distance radio butt on.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 25 Overview Control elements & resources T o take a TDR measurement ( cont.) T ake automatic measurements 16. Use the V erti cal but tons t o select the TDR waveform to be measured. 17. Select one of the measurement tool bars.
Referen ce 26 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Overview Control elements & resources T o take a TDR measurement ( cont.) T ake cursor measurements 22.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 27 TDR Measur ements Backgr ound TDR is based on a simple conce pt: Whe neve r e ner gy transmitted thr ough any medium encounte rs a change in impedance , some of the ener gy is ref lec ted bac k toward the source .
Referen ce 28 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual The reflect io ns t hat a TD R d is pl ays an d meas ures are caus ed by ch ang es in t he imp edan ce of t he p ath o f th e st ep (ci rcui t b oard , cab le, or i nt egrat ed circu it ). A ny sig ni fican t ch ang e in i mp edan ce wi ll cau se a refl ecti on .
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 29 Short Figure 14: TDR step and r eflection (shor t) What is the range of your TDR? is a common question asked by people looking to purchase a TDR. This is a very important question that ca nnot be answere d simply .
Referen ce 30 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual The time betwee n the incident edge and the re flected edge is valua ble in deter mining the length of the transmission line from the TDR to a mismatch, or betwee n two mismatches.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 31 Figure 15 shows a typical wavefor m from a T ektr onix CS A8200 mainfra me equipped with a n 80E04 TDR /sampling module. In this c ase , the instrument is connec ted through a 50 Ω coaxial cab le t o a 7 5 Ω device under te st.
Referen ce 32 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual A nu mb er of i ss ues m us t b e con si dered t o m ake accu rate T DR meas urem ent s. In general i t is rel ati vel y easy t o mak e imp edan ce measu remen ts n ear the reference imp edan ce (us ual ly 5 0 Ω ).
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 33 Read the f ollowing topics; they provide details that c an he lp set up to ta ke effective differenti al and co mm on m od e TDR meas urem ent s. The 80E04 TDR/sampling module is a ble to perf orm dif fere ntial and common- mode TDR measureme nts.
Referen ce 34 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Overview Control elements & resources T o take a common mode or different i al TDR measurement (cont.) Preset TDR 4. Initializ e the instr ument ( pr ess DEF AUL T SETUP ). 5. Press the SETUP DIALOGS but ton and sel ect t he TDR tab.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 35 Overview Control elements & resources T o take a common mode or different i al TDR measurement (cont.) Common m ode TDR 13. Notice t hat bot h channels assert a posi ti ve TDR step f or common-mode TDR.
Referen ce 36 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Overview Control elements & resources T o take a common mode or different i al TDR measurement (cont.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 37 When ma king diffe rential or common-mode TDR mea sure ments, the two ste ps must arrive a t the same time at the ref erence pla ne (usually the connection point to the device under te st).
Referen ce 38 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Connector and Adapt er Care Requir ement s This section descr ibes proper car e and use of the connector a nd adapte r for elec trical modules, including protec tion against elec trostatic discha r ge (ESD), clea ning connector s, and the asse mbly and torquing of c onnector s.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 39 H Reduce c onnector we ar by ke eping connec tors cle an and by conne cting them proper ly . H Replace calibr ation de vice s with worn c onnector s and use an ada pter on the input connec tor , when applicable , to minimize wear .
Referen ce 40 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Overview Control elements & resources T o follow proper cleaning procedures ( cont.) Cleaning the connector threads 1. Use compressed air or nitrogen to l oosen particles on the connector mat ing pl ane surfaces.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 41 Good connections re quire a skilled operator . The most common cause of measu remen t error is b ad con nect io ns . T he pro cedu res in t hi s sect io n descri be how to make good c onnections.
Referen ce 42 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Overview Control elements & resources T o proper l y perform assembly and torquing of connectors ( cont.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 43 TDR Im pedance Measuri ng This stand-alone a pplication implements the TDR calibration proc edure(s) specif ied by the IPC - - TM - - 650 te st methodology .
Referen ce 44 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual Figure 16: TDR step of undamaged sam pling module EOS (El ectri cal Overst ress) Pr eventi on EOS occurs whe n an electr onic device is subjected to a n input voltage higher than its designe d maximum tolerable level.
Referen ce 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 45 If the wave for m top is bowed, sa gged, hooke d, or tilted, assume static ha s damage d the module and se rvice is requir ed. Figure 17 on pa ge 45 shows a typical wa veform signatur e indicating EOS dama ge.
Referen ce 46 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual trig ’ d T 261.7 ns 2 s/div 20.26 s/ div EOS signature 1.995 p 200 m p /div - - 2.
Sp ecifi cati on s 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 47 Specifications Elect ri cal Sampli ng Modul es This sec tion contains spe cifications for the 80E01, 80E02, 80E03, 80E04, and 80E06 sampling modules. All spec ifications a re gua ranteed unle ss noted as “typica l.
Sp ecifi cati on s 48 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual T able 7: Electrical sampling modules - Signal acquisi tion Specifications Characteristics Real ti me accessory inter face T ekprobe - - SMA interface i s provided through the el ectrical sampli ng-module i nterface, one per vertical channel .
Sp ecifi cati on s 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 49 T able 7: Electrical sampling modules - Signal acquisi tion (cont.) Specifications Characteristics n Rise ti me 4 Sam pli ng modul e Rise ti me 80E01 ≤ 7 ps, typi cal 80E02 ≤ 28 ps 80E03 and 80E04 ≤ 17.
Sp ecifi cati on s 50 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual T able 7: Electrical sampling modules - Signal acquisi tion (cont.) Specifications Characteristics n Random noise, Sampli ng modul e Noise , displayed 80E01 ≤ 2.
Sp ecifi cati on s 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 51 T able 8: Electrical sampling module (80E04) - TDR system (cont .) Specifications Characteristics Maxim um input voltage Do not app.
Sp ecifi cati on s 52 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual T able 1 1: Electrical sampli ng modules - Mechanical Specifications Characteristics Weight (unpackaged) 0. 4 kg (13 oz.) Overall dimensi ons Height: 25 mm (1.0 i n) W i d t h : 7 9m m ( 3 .
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 53 Glossary Accu racy The closene ss of the indicated value to the true va lue. Analog-to-Digit al Con verte r A device that conve rts a n ana log signal to a digita l signal. Atten u ati on A decre ase in magnitude of curre nt, voltage or power of a signal.
Glossary 54 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual El ectrica l Ov erstress (E OS ) Elect rical o vers tres s occu rs wh en an elect ron ic dev ice is s ub ject ed to an input voltage higher than the designe d maximum tolerable le vel.
80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual 55 Index A Acces sor ies, 4 List, 4 Op tional, 4 Standard, 4 Accu racy , 53 Address, T e ktroni x, vi Ad justments , 14 Analog-to-di git al c onvert er , 53 Applica ti on software version, requi rem ent vs.
Index 56 80E00 Electr ical Sampling Modules User Manual M Manuals, part num bers, 4 Meas urements Au tomatic, 25 Cursor , 26 Meas urements , TDR, 1 7, 32 O Op erating bas ics, 1 1 Op tional accesso ri.
An important point after buying a device Tektronix 8.00E+05 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Tektronix 8.00E+05 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Tektronix 8.00E+05 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Tektronix 8.00E+05 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Tektronix 8.00E+05 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Tektronix 8.00E+05, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Tektronix 8.00E+05.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Tektronix 8.00E+05. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Tektronix 8.00E+05 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center