Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 071-1844-00 Tektronix
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Ser vic e Manual DPO 4000 Ser ie s Digital Phosp hor Oscilloscopes 071-1844-00 Th is d ocu men t ap plies to firmw are versio n 1.0 0 and a bove. W a rnin g Th e serv icing instru ctio ns are fo r u se by qu alified per sonne l onl y . T o avoi d per sona l i njur y , do not perfo rm any serv icin g un less yo u are qu alified to do so .
Copyright © T ekt ronix, Inc . All rights re served. Lice nsed software products are owned by T ekt ronix or its subsidiari es or suppliers, a nd are prot ect ed by nat ional copyright laws and int ernat ional trea ty provisions. T ektroni x products are covere d by U.
W arranty 16 T ektroni x warrants tha t the produc t will be free from defe cts in m ate rial s and workmanship for a pe riod of thre e (3) years from the date of origi nal purcha se from an authoriz ed T ektronix distri butor .
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual i T able of Contents Gen eral S afety S umma ry iii ................................... Serv ice S afety S u mmary v .................................... Environmental Considerat ion s vii ............................
T able of Contents ii DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual List of T ables T a bl e 4 - - 1: Extern al in sp ectio n check l ist 4 - - 3 ...................... T a bl e 4 - - 2: Intern al in sp ectio n check l ist 4 - - 4 ...................... List of Figures Figure 2- - 1: DPO4000 serie s block diagram 2- - 1 .
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual iii General Safety Summar y Rev iew th e follo win g safety p recauti ons t o avoi d inj ury and p revent d amage to this product or any pr oducts connec ted to it. T o avoi d poten tial h azards, use th is pr oduct only as spec ified.
General S afety S um mary iv DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual These te rms may appe ar in this manua l: W ARNING. W arning statements identify conditions or prac tices that could r esult in injury or loss of life . CAUTION. Caution stateme nts identify conditions or prac tices that could r esult in damage to this pr oduct or othe r pr operty .
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual v Service S afety Summary Only qualifie d personnel should pe rform se rvice pr ocedure s. R ea d this Servic e Safety Summary and t he General Safety Summary before perform ing an y service proce dures. Do Not Service Alone.
Service Saf ety S ummar y vi DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual vii Environmental C onsiderations This section pr ovides informa tion about the envir onmental impac t of the product. Observe the f ollowing guidelines when r ecycling a n instrument or c omponent: Equipment Recycli ng.
Environmenta l Considerations viii DPO4000 Series Service Ma nual.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual ix Preface This Service manua l provides infor mation to troubleshoot, disasse mble, and repla ce parts on the DPO4000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope s. Manual Convent ions This manual use s certa in conventions that you should be come fa miliar with befor e attempting servic e.
Preface x DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual.
Operat ing I nfor mati on.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 1- 1 Operating Information For informa tion on installing and oper ating your DPO4000 Series Digita l Phosphor Oscilloscope, please r efer to the DPO4000 Se ries Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope s User Manual . This manual i s available on the W eb at www .
Opera ting Informa tion 1- 2 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual.
Theory of Oper ati on.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 2- 1 Theory of Operation This chapter de scribes the ele ctrica l opera tion of the oscilloscope to the module level.
Theo ry of O perati on 2- 2 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Power Suppl y The power supply conve rts AC line voltage to +12V to powe r all inter nal circ uits. I/O Bo a rd The I/O boa rd contains USB ports, Compact Flash port, an Ethe rnet conne ctor , T ekLink, XGA V ideo, and a T rigge r Out por t.
Theo ry of O perati on DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 2- 3 The proce ssor system contains a 440EP P ower PC microproce ssor that controls the entire instr ument. The processor system also conta ins FLAS H ROM, system RA M, an d int erfaces to US B p orts an d a Com pact flas h slo t.
Theo ry of O perati on 2- 4 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual.
Adjust ment Procedur es.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 3- 1 Adjustment Pr ocedures This chapte r contains the fa ctory adjustme nt procedur es for the DPO4000 serie s oscilloscope s. Only qualified per sonnel should perf orm adjustment pr ocedure s. Read t he Service Safe ty Summary and t he General Safety Summary before perform ing an y servi ce procedu res.
Adjustment Proce dures 3- 2 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Over view of the Adjust ment Pr ocess Before pe rforming adjustme nt proce dures, you must warm up the oscilloscope at least t en min utes i n an ambi ent tem peratu re between 2 0 ° C and 30 ° C.
Adjustment Proce dures DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 3- 3 Factor y Adjustm ent Procedur e T o perfor m the fac tory adjustment pr ocedure , do these steps: 1. Connect the oscilloscope to an AC power source . NOTE . Y ou must connect the oscillosc ope and the test equipment to the same AC power cir cuit.
Adjustment Proce dures 3- 4 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 8. Push th e Factory lower b ezel bu tton . 9. Push th e OK Do Factory Calibrat ion s ide bezel b utt on to s tart th e adjustment pr ocess. 10. Connect signals from the DC voltage source a s instructed by the oscilloscope display .
Maint enance.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 1 Maintenance This section c ontains the infor mation neede d to do periodic a nd corre ctive maintena nce on the osc illoscope as we ll as repa ckaging instruc tions if you need to retur n the oscilloscope to T ektronix for ser vice.
Maintena nce 4- 2 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Prev enti ve main tenan ce consi sts o f visu ally i nsp ectin g and clean ing t he oscilloscope and using ge neral c are whe n operating it. How often you do ma intenance depe nds on the sever ity of the envir onment in which the oscilloscope is used.
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 3 CAUTION. A void the use of c hemical cle aning agents, w hich might damage the plastics used in this osc illoscope. Use only de ionized water when cleaning the menu buttons or fr ont-pane l buttons. Use a 75% isopr opyl alc ohol solution as a cleane r and rinse with deionized water .
Maintena nce 4- 4 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual T o access t he in sid e of the o sc illoscope f or inspection a nd cleaning, re fer to the Remo val Procedu r es in this section. Inspec t the internal portions of the oscilloscope f or damage and wea r , using T able 4- - 2 as a guide .
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 5 Cleaning Procedure — Interior . T o c lean the osc illoscope inter ior , do the following steps: 1.
Maintena nce 4- 6 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Over view of Removal Pr ocedures Refer to Figures 4- - 1 and 4- - 2 for the loc ation of modules tha t you are r emoving or installing. If you are disasse mbling the instrument for clea ning, refe r to the Inspec tion and Cleaning proce dure on page 4 - - 1 for instruc tions.
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 7 Rear case Front cover Front foot Figure 4 - 1: Locator for tr im and cabinet rem oval.
Maintena nce 4- 8 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Front Panel assembly Main board I/O board assembly Side fans assembly Power supply assembly Inverter board assembly Display assembly Front Case asse.
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 9 CAUTION. T o avoid damage to the fr ont panel Standby /On sw itch asse mbly , do not set the Display module assembly on a w ork surface. Sliding the oscilloscope over the edge of the work surface could br eak off the On/Standby switch assembly .
Maintena nce 4- 1 0 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual Follow these steps to r emove the I /O board. Y ou need to have pre viously remove d the rea r case and powe r supply module. Use T OR X T -15 sc rewdrive r tip. S ee Figure 5- - 4 on page 5 - - 10. 1.
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 1 1 Follow these steps to remove the front ca se assembly . Y ou must have previously remove d the R ear Case Asse mbly . S ee Figure 5- - 2 on page 5 - - 6. 1. Pull off 14 knobs (2 la rge , 5 medium, 6 small, and 1 rotar y).
Maintena nce 4- 1 2 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual T roubl eshooti ng This section c ontains informa tion and proce dures to help you isola te a def ective module in a DPO4000 series oscillosc ope.
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 1 3 T roubl eshooti ng Procedur e Figures 4- - 3 through 4- - 5 are trouble shooting procedur e flowcha rts. Use them to troubleshoot a n instrument fa ilure. Begin with Figure 4- - 3. NOTE . Befor e performing the tr oubleshooting pr ocedur e, r emove the instrument cabinet (se e page 4 - - 9 ).
Maintena nce 4- 1 4 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual ¯ Reconnect loose cables. ¯ Retu rn to top o f Fig ure 4 - - 3. No Ye s Are there +12 volts on the connector pins ? ¯ Measure for +12 V DC ( ± 0.
Maintena nce DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 4- 1 5 ¯ Push UTILITY . ¯ Push System t o select Self T est. ¯ Push OK Run Self T est. ¯ Determine f ailure from Self T est Results. ¯ Use table to select module t o replace. From the oscilloscope power-up diagnostics message display .
Maintena nce 4- 1 6 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual Unpacking and Repacki ng Inst ruct ions This section c ontains the infor mation neede d to unpack the osc illoscope and repa ck it for shipment or storage. The oscilloscope a nd its standard accessori es are careful ly p acked at t he facto ry in a shipping ca rton.
Mechanical Par ts List.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 1 Mechanical Parts List Thi s chap ter con tain s a li st o f the rep laceabl e m odules for the DPO4000 series oscilloscope .
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 2 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Modules ca n be servic ed by selec ting one of the f ollowing three options. Contact your local T ektronix ser vice cente r or repre sentative for r epair assista nce. Module Exchange. In some ca ses you may excha nge your module for a rema n- ufac tured module.
Mechan ical P arts Li st DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 3 The table titled Ma nufactur ers Cross Inde x shows codes, names, and a ddresses of manuf acture rs or vendor s of components liste d in the parts list.
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 4 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Figures 5- - 1 through 5- - 5 on the following pa ges show the module- level exploded views of the DPO4000 series oscillosc ope. The adj acent pag e is t he li st of compone nts for that e xploded view , indexed by the numbe rs in the figur e.
Mechan ical P arts Li st DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 5 Replaceable Parts List Fig. & inde x number T ektron ix part number Serial no. effective Serial no.
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 6 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Flex Circuit J13 13 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure 5 - 2: Exploded view: fr ont panel and displ ay , 4-channe.
Mechan ical P arts Li st DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 7 Replaceable Parts List Fig. & inde x number T ektron ix part number Serial no. effective Serial no.
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 8 DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 5 - 3: Exploded view: front panel 2-channel instrum ents.
Mechan ical P arts Li st DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 9 Replaceable Parts List Fig. & inde x number T ektron ix part number Serial no. effective Serial no. dis cont’ d Qty Name & description Mfr. code M fr . par t num ber 5- - 3 Front Panel - - 1 335 - - 1 189- - 00 1 LABEL.
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 1 0 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual Main board I/O board assemly Main board J310 J780 J850 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 2 Figure 5 - 4: Exploded view: power suppl y and I/O boar.
Mechan ical P arts Li st DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 1 1 Replaceable Parts List Fig. & inde x number T ektron ix part number Serial no. effective Serial no.
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 1 2 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual I/O board assemly Main board J610 Display assembly to Invert er board assembly Main board Inverter board assembly Main board CN2 CN1 J930.
Mechan ical P arts Li st DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual 5- 1 3 Replaceable Parts List Fig. & inde x number T ektron ix part number Serial no. effective Serial no.
Mechan ical P arts Li st 5- 1 4 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual Replaceable Parts List Fig. & inde x number T ektron ix part num ber Serial no. effective Serial no. dis cont’ d Qty Name & description Mfr. code M fr . par t num ber ST ANDARD ACC ESSORIES -- -- -- A c c e s s o r i e s 161- - 0104 - - 05 1 CA ASSY ,PWR: 3,1.
DPO4000 S erie s S ervic e Manual Index - 1 Index A acquis ition s ys tem, descr iption, 2- - 2 adjustm ent proce dure, 3 - - 2 factor y , 3 - - 3 adjus tments , 3 - - 1 appli cat ion modul es, ix C c.
Index Index - 2 DPO4000 Series Servic e Manual R rear cas e removal, 4- - 9 remova l procedure s, 4- - 6, 4 - - 8 display m odule, 4- - 1 1 fans, 4- - 10 fro nt case, 4- - 10 front panel , 4- - 1 1 I/.
An important point after buying a device Tektronix 071-1844-00 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Tektronix 071-1844-00 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Tektronix 071-1844-00 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Tektronix 071-1844-00 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Tektronix 071-1844-00 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Tektronix 071-1844-00, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Tektronix 071-1844-00.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Tektronix 071-1844-00. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Tektronix 071-1844-00 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center