Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 8752 Taylor
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Models 8752 & 8756 Horizon ® Pump So ft Serve F reezers Original Ope rating Ins tructions 028752HPM 1 1/ 17/09 (Or igi nal Publi cati on) (Updat ed 1 1/ 29/1 1).
Com plete this page for quick r efer ence when se rvi ce is r equire d: T aylor Distri butor: Address: Phone: Serv ice: Par ts: Date of Installation: Infor mati on found on the data labe l: Model Numb.
Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump T able of Conte nts T able of Contents Section 1 T o the Installer 1 ............................................ Installer Safety 1 ........................................................ Site P reparation 1 .
T able o f Co nten ts Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T able of C ontents - - P age 2 Section 6 Operating Pr ocedu res 18 ..................................... Assembly 18 ............................................................ Horizon ® Pump As sembly 22 .
1 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T o the Installer Section 1 T o th e Installer The f ollowing are general installat ion instruct ions. For complet e inst allation det ails, please see the checkout card. Installer Safety In all ar eas of t he world, equipment should be installed i n ac cordance wit h existing loc al c odes.
2 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T o the Installer W ater Connections (Water Cool ed Un i ts On l y) An adequate c old water supply must be provided wit h a hand shut - - off valve. O n the underside rear of the base pan, two 3/ 8” I.
3 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T o the Installer Beater Rotation Beater rotat ion mus t be cloc kwise as viewed looking int o the f reezing cy linder . Note : The following proce dure s mus t be perf ormed b y an autho ri zed T aylor service tech ni cian .
4 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T o the Operator Sec tion 2 T o the Ope rator The f reezer you have pur chased has been carefully engineered and manuf act ured t o give you dependable operat ion.
5 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Safe ty 1 10617 Se cti on 3 Sa fety We, at T aylor Company , are concerned about the safet y of t he oper ator when he or she c omes in cont act with t he fr eezer and its parts .
6 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Safety S DO NOT allow unt rained pers onnel to operat e this m achine. S DO NOT operat e t he freez er unless all serv ice panels and access doors ar e restrain ed with screws. S DO NOT rem ove any int ernal oper ating part s (examples: f reez er door , beater , scr aper blades, et c.
7 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erato r Parts I den ti fi cati on 1111 2 9 Section 4 Operator Parts Identif ication Model 8752 Figur e 1.
8 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n 1111 2 9 Model 8752 Par ts Identification ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 HOOD 050464 2 P ANEL - - UPPER REAR 022074 3 TRIM A.- - UPPER SIDE X22423 4 P ANEL - - UPPER SIDE RIGHT 028600 5 P AN - - DRIP 027503 6 P ANEL - - L OWER REAR 025128 7 P ANEL A.
9 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erato r Parts I den ti fi cati on 8752 Beater Door Assem bly Figur e 2 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 SEAL - - DRIVE SHAFT 032560 2 SHAFT - - BEA TER 032564 3 BE A TER A. - - 3.4 QT - - 1 P IN X46231 4 CLIP- - SCRAPER·BLADE*7.
10 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n Model 8756 Figur e 3.
11 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erato r Parts I den ti fi cati on Model 8756 Par ts Identification ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 HOOD 048526 2 P ANEL - - UPPER REAR 022015 3 TRIM A.- - SIDE X22424 4 P ANEL - - UPPER SIDE RIGHT 028600 5 P AN - - DRIP 027504 6 P ANEL - - L OWER REAR 023598 7 P ANEL A.
12 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n 8756 Beater Door Assem bly Figur e 4 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 BE A TER A. - - 3.4 QT - - 1 P IN X46231 2 SHAFT - - BEA TER 032564 3 SEAL - - DRIVE SHAFT 032560 4 BLADE- - SCRAPER - - PLASTIC 046235 5 CLIP- - SCRAPER·BLADE - - 7.
13 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erato r Parts I den ti fi cati on Horizon ® Mix Deliver y Pum p Figur e 5 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 CAP-VALVE- CHECK-PERIS. 051946 2 PIN -RE TA INING 1/4 O D x 2” L 042306 3 POPPET-RUBBER- BLACK 022473 4 SPRING- COMP 300x.
14 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erato r Parts I den ti fi catio n 1 10617 Accessor ies Figur e 6 ITE M DESCRIPTI ON PART NO. 1 BRUSH- - MIX PUMP BODY 023316 2 BRUSH- - PRESSURE.
15 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump Impor tant : T o the Ope ra tor Section 5 Important: T o the Operator Model 8752 Model 8756 Figur e 7 Item Descript ion 1 Power Swit ch ( T oggle) 2.
16 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Impor tant : T o the Ope ra tor Power Switch When plac ed in the ON posit ion, the power switc h allows “SO F TECH” cont rol panel operat ion.
17 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump Impor tant : T o the Ope ra tor Auto When t he AUTO k ey is pr essed, t he light c omes on indicating t he main ref rigeration syst em has been acti vated. In t he AUTO m ode, t he W ASH or S T ANDBY key func tions ar e automat ically cancelled.
18 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Section 6 Operating Procedures The M odel 8752 has been select ed t o show y ou the pict ured st ep- - by - - s tep oper ating procedures f or both models c ontained in t his manual.
19 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 2 Inst all the beater ass embly . F irs t chec k the sc raper blades for any nicks or signs of wear . I f any nicks are present , replace bot h blades. If t he blades are in good conditi on, install the scr aper blade clips on the sc raper blades.
20 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Slide the o - - rings int o the grooves on the prime plug(s) . Apply an even c oat of lubricant to the o - - rings and shaft(s). Figur e 15 Note: T here ar e two pr ime plugs f or t he Model 8756 door , one f or each f reezing c ylinder .
21 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 6 Lubricat e the ins ide of t he fr eezer door spout (s ), top and bott om, and inser t t he draw valv e(s) f rom the bottom unt il t he slot in t he draw v alve(s) comes int o view .
22 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 9 Inst all t he rear dr ip pan. Slide t he rear drip pan into the hole in the s ide panel. Figur e 23 Step 10 Inst all t he front drip t ray and the s plash shield beneath the door s pout( s).
23 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 3 Assembl e the check valve. Figur e 27 Step 4 Place t he o - - ring ont o the body of the chec k valve and lubricat e. Figur e 28 Step 5 Place t he rubber poppet in one end of the spring.
24 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 8 Attach the check valve a ssembly to the pressu re switch cap . ( Note: Be s ure t he quick disc onnect is fir mly lock ed into pos ition.
25 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 13 Inse rt the p arts a ssem bl ed in Step 1 2 i nto th e v al ve outlet f itt ing. Figur e 37 Step 14 Slide the pr essur e relief v alve ont o the main pump assemb ly .
26 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 17 Inst all t he press ure line. A tt ach t he quick disconnect fit ting of t he pressur e line to t he other fit t ing on the mix inlet t ube, jus t above t he f lare line.
27 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Sani tizing Step 1 Prepar e a pail of approv ed 100 PPM s anitizi ng solution (exam ples: 2 - - 1/ 2 gal. [9.5 liters ] of Kay - - 5 R or 2 gal. [7. 6 liters] of S tera - - Sheen R ).
28 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 6 Aft er 5 m inutes , open the prime plug. Pr ess the PUMP key . Pull the dr aw handle down and draw off t he remai ning san itizer . Figur e 49 Note: O n t he Model 8756, m oment arily pull down t he cent er draw handle t o sanit ize the c enter door spout .
29 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Prim ing Step 1 Sanitiz e the mix t ank, mix t ank cov er , mix probe, mix stor age cover and the f unnel.
30 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 7 Press the P UMP key . T his will allow t he mix t o be pumped t hrough the fr eezing cylinder and f orce out any rem aining sanitiz er . W hen full s trengt h mix is flowing f rom t he door s pout, close t he draw valv e.
31 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Dr aining P roduct Fr om the Freez ing Cylinder Step 1 Pres s the A UTO and MIX REF k eys to canc el freez er operat ion. Step 2 Open t he mix c abinet door and r emove t he mix s torage cover(s), mi x tank cove r(s), mix tank(s), and mix probe(s ).
32 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 5 Place an em pty pail beneat h the door spout. Raise the prime plug and pr ess t he W ASH and P UMP k eys.
33 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® P ump Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 5 Place an empty pail beneath t he door spout, raise t he prime plug, and press the WASH and PUMP keys .
34 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Op erati ng Pro ced ures Step 7 Retur n to t he freez er wit h a s mall amount of cleaning solu tion. With t he bl ack b ristle brush, brush cle an the rear shell bearing( s) at t he back of the freezing cylin der(s).
35 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump Impor tant : Opera tor Che ck list Section 7 Important: Operator Checklist Dur ing Cl eaning and Sani tizing Clean in g and san i tiz in g sched u les are govern ed by fe der al, s tat e, or local r egula tory agenc ies , and must be f ol lo wed acco rdi ng ly .
36 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Impor tant : Opera tor Che ck list j 7. If your m achine is air cooled, chec k the condenser s for accumulat ion of dirt and lint. Dirt y condensers will reduc e t he efficienc y and capacit y of t he machine.
37 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump T r oubles hooting Guide Section 8 T roubleshooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 1. No produc t is being dispensed. a. Low on mix. T he “MI X OUT ” light is on. a. Ad d mix to the m ix tan k and press t he AUTO key .
38 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T r oubles hooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 2. I nsuffic ient mix in the freez ing cylinder. (Cont’d. ) d. The pum p motor is not act ivated. d. Place t he power swit ch in the O FF posit ion.
39 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump T r oubles hooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 4. Pr oduct is t oo soft . a. Viscosit y cont rol is set t oo warm. a. Contac t a ser vice technic ian. -- -- -- b. Worn scr aper blades.
40 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp T r oubles hooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 8. Excessive mi x leakag e into t he rear dr ip pan. a. Worn or mis sing driv e shaft s eal. a. Ins tall or r eplace t he seal. 18/ 42 b.
41 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pump T r oubles hooting Guide PROBL EM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY PA G E REF . 12. The mac hine will not operat e in the AUTO mode. a. The m achine is unplugged. a. Plug t he machine int o the wall recept acle.
42 Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts Rep lacemen t S ched ul e Section 9 Parts Replacement Schedule PART DESCRIPTI ON EVERY 3 MONTHS EVERY 4 MONTHS EVERY 6 MONTHS ANNUALLY QTY.
Section 10 Parts List 43 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PART NUMBER 8752 QTY. 8756 QTY. WARR. CLASS RE MARKS PART S UPDATE ADAPTOR-PUMP- CABINET-PERI STALTIC 051947 1 2 103 BEARING- REAR SHELL *NICK.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 44 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER CABLE-RI BBON-PWR/ RELAY-18 IN 032444 1 2 103 CAP-DESI GN-1. 010"ID- 6 POINT 014218 1 3 000 CA ST ER -SW V-3 /4-1 0 S T .
45 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 46 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER DOOR A.- 1 SPOUT X51531-10 1 103 +GASKET-DOOR HT 4"- DOUBLE 048926 1 000 +HANDLE A.
47 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 48 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER HOUSING- FRONT-PUMP * PERISTALTIC* 051885 1 2 103 HOUSING- REAR-PUMP *PERI STALTIC* 051886 1 2 103 KIT A.
49 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 50 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER SOCKET-QD. 3/ 16 BARB 020021 1 103 TUBE-VI NYL 3/16I D X 1/16 WAL 020940-24 1 000 R30314 TUBE-VI NYL 3/16I DX5/16OD- 100'R LINE A.
51 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 52 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER TUBE-PUMP * PERISTALTI C* 053891 1 2 000 RELAY-3 POLE- 20A-208/ 240 50/60 066795-33 1 2 103 REPLACES 012725- 33 8/17/09 RELAY-DPDT- 24VAC-30A@277V 054703- 03 2 103 CONTROL A.
53 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER OVERLOAD-THERMAL- 1P-6.3/ 10A 067461-1K 2 103 STARTER-3 PHASE 4 TO 6. 5 AMP 066794- 33J 2 103 208-230V 60HZ 3PH - REPLACES 041950-33J 10/ 14/09 OVERLOAD-THERM AL-3P-4.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 54 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER SPRING- COMP. 480X.047X1.00 032651 2 103 SWITCH- PLUNGER-SPDT15A125- 25 032260 2 103 SWITCH A.
55 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 56 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY.
57 + A vail able Separ atel y Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp Parts List DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER TEE-1/ 2 X 3/8 X 3/8FP G ALV. 024333 1 000 VALVE-WATER 3/ 8 REG/HEAD PRESS 046686 1 2 103 +BRACKET-VALVE- WATER MOUNT 038777 1 103 +SCREW-8- 32X5/16 PHI L PAN EXT.
+ A vail able Separ atel y 58 Parts L ist Mo del s 8752 & 8756 wi th Hori zo n ® Pu mp DESCRI PT IO N PARTS UPDATE REMARKS WARR. CLASS 8756 QTY. 8752 QTY. PART NUMBER MOTOR-1.5 HP 021522-35 1 2 212 380- 415V 50HZ 3N~ MOTOR-REDUCER- SERVICE 051874-40S 1 2 212 220- 240V 50HZ 1PH & 380-415V 50HZ 3N~ PULLEY-2AK30 X .
Mo del 8752P 062336 - - 27 Rev . 6/ 1 1.
Mo del 8752P 062336 - - 33 Rev . 6/ 1 1.
Mo del 8756P 051900 - - 27 Rev . 6/ 1 1.
Mo del 8756P 051900 - - 33 Rev . 6/ 1 1.
An important point after buying a device Taylor 8752 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Taylor 8752 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Taylor 8752 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Taylor 8752 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Taylor 8752 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Taylor 8752, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Taylor 8752.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Taylor 8752. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Taylor 8752 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center