Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AS1020S-8 SUPER MICRO Computer
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AS1020S-8 USER’S MANUAL 1.0.
The information in this User ’s Manual has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate. The vendor assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document, makes no commitment to update or to keep current the information in this manual, or to notify any person or organization of the updates.
iii Preface Preface About This Manual This manual is written for professional system integrators and PC technicians. It provides information for the installation and use of the AS1020S-8 server . Installa- tion and maintenance should be performed by experienced technicians only .
AS1020S-8 User's Manual iv Chapter 4: System Safety Y ou should thoroughly familiarize yourself with this chapter for a general overview of safety precautions that should be followed when installing and servicing the 1020S-8.
v Preface Notes.
vi T able of Contents Preface About This Manual ............................................................................... ....................... iii Manual Organization ...........................................................................
4-3 ESD Precautions ............................................................................................ 4-3 4-4 Operating Precautions .................................................................................... 4-4 Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 Handling the Serverboard .
viii Overheat LED ........................................................................................ 5-17 W ake-On-Ring ...................................................................... .................. 5-17 W ake-On-LAN .................
T able of Contents ix Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7-1 7-2 Main Menu ............................................................................
Notes x AS1020S-8 User's Manual.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Overview The AS1020S-8 is a high-end dual processor server that is comprised of two main subsystems: the SC813S+-500 1U server chassis and the H8DSR-8 dual AMD processor serverboard. Please refer to our web site for information on operating systems that have been certifi ed for use with the 1020S-8.
1-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 1-2 Serverboard Features At the heart of the 1020S-8 lies the H8DSR-8, a dual processor serverboard based on the Serverworks HT -2000/1000 chipset. Below are the main features of the H8DSR-8. (See Figure 1-1 for a block diagram of the HT -2000/1000 chipset).
1-3 Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3 Server Chassis Features The 1020S-8 is a high-end, scaleable server platform. The following is a general outline of the main features of the SC813S+-500 server chassis. System Power The SC813S+-500 features a single redundant 500W power supply .
1-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Cooling System The SC813S+-500 chassis has an innovative cooling design that includes four 4- cm counter-rotating fans located in the middle section of the chassis. The power supply module also includes a cooling fan. All chassis and power supply fans operate continuously .
1-5 Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1-1. Serverworks HT -2000/1000 Chipset: System Block Diagram Note: This is a general block diagram. Please see Chapter 5 for details.
1-6 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-1 Chapter 2 Server Installation 2-1 Overview This chapter provides a quick setup checklist to get your 1020S-8 up and running. Following these steps in the order given should enable you to have the system operational within a minimum amount of time.
2-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Choosing a Setup Location - Leave enough clearance in front of the rack to enable you to open the front door completely (~25 inches). - Leave approximately 30 inches of clearance in the back of the rack to allow for suffi cient airfl ow and ease in servicing.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-3 Rack Mounting Considerations Ambient Operating T emperature If installed in a closed or multi- unit rack assembly , the ambient operating tem- perature o f the rack en vironment ma y be greater than the ambient temperature of the r oo m.
2-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Installing the Rack Rails Be gin by jo inin g one set of r ac k rail s co r resp on ding to e ith er th e lef t o r the r ig ht sid e of the ra ck. Do this by a ligning the studs of one rail with th e holes of the other rail.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-5 Installing the Chassis Rails T wo of t he c has sis ra ils ( Chas sis R ail 1 ) s houl d have alr eady b een p reat t ac he d - o ne to each side of th e cha ssis. Attach th e secon d s et of ch assi s rai ls (Ch assis Rai l 2) direc t ly to t he cha ssi s wit h th e scr ews pr ovi ded.
2-6 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Figure 2-3. Installing the Server into a Rack Installing the Server into the Rack Y ou s houl d now have r ails at t ach ed to b oth t he ch assi s and t he rac k unit . The n e xt s t ep i s t o in s ta l l t he s erv e r i n t o t he r ac k .
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-7 Figure 2-4. Installing the Server into a T elco Rack Installing the Server into a T elco Rack If you a re inst al ling th e 1020 S - 8 into a T e lc o t yp e rac k, fo llow t he dir ec tio ns give n on t he prev io us pag es fo r rac k inst al lati on.
2-8 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 2-5 Checking the Serverboard Setup A f t e r y o u i n s t a l l t h e 1 0 2 0 S - 8 i n t h e r a c k , y o u w i l l n e e d t o o p e n t h e u n i t t o m a k e s u r e th e ser ver boa rd is p rop er ly ins ta lle d and al l the c on nec ti ons have b een m ade.
Chapter 2: Server Installation 2-9 Figure 2-5. Accessing the Inside of the 1020S-8 2-6 Checking the Drive Bay Setup Next, you should check to make sure the peripheral drives and the SCSI drives have been properly installed and all connections have been made.
2-10 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 4. Check the airfl o w Airfl ow is provided by four 4-cm counter-rotating fans. The system component layout was carefully designed to direct the airfl ow to the components that gener- ate the most heat.
Chapter 3: System Interface 3-1 Ch ap t e r 3 Sys tem Inter face 3- 1 O v ervi e w Th ere ar e severa l LEDs o n the c o ntro l pane l as well a s othe rs o n the SC S I dri ve c ar r i er s t o ke ep y ou c o ns t ant l y in fo r me d o f th e ove ra ll s t at us o f t he sy st em a s we ll as the activit y and health of spec ifi c components.
3-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 3 - 3 Control Panel LEDs The c o ntro l pan el lo cate d on t he fr ont of t he SC 81 3S - 5 0 0 ch assi s has fi ve LE Ds. The se LE Ds prov ide yo u wit h cr it ic al inf or mati on re lated to di f fe rent pa r ts of t he system .
Chapter 3: System Interface 3-3 HDD: Indic ate s ID E cha nnel ac ti vit y . O n the 102 0S - 8 , this li ght indi cate s S C S I a n d/ or C D-R O M d r i v e a c ti v it y w h e n fl a s h i n g . Pow er : Indicates power is being supplied to the s ystem' s power s upply u n i t s .
3-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
Chapter 4: System Safety 4-1 Chapter 4 System Safety ! Basic electrical safety precautions should be followed to protect yourself from harm and the AS1020S-8 from damage: Be aware of the locations of the power on/off switch on the chassis as well as the room's emergency power-off switch, disconnection switch or electrical outlet.
AS1020S-8 User's Manual 4-2 4-2 General Safety Precautions Follow these rules to ensure general safety: Keep the area around the 1020S-8 clean and free of clutter .
Chapter 4: System Safety 4-3 4-3 ESD Precautions Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is generated by two objects with different electrical charges coming into contact with each other . An electrical discharge is created to neutralize this difference, which can damage electronic com ponents and printed circuit boards.
AS1020S-8 User's Manual 4-4 4-4 Operating Precautions Care must be taken to assure that the chassis cover is in place when the 1020S-8 is operating to ensure proper cooling. Out of warranty damage to the 1020S-8 system can occur if this practice is not strictly followed.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 C h a p t e r 5 Adv anc ed Ser verboard Setup Thi s cha pter c overs t he ste ps re quire d to inst all p roc e sso rs a nd heat sin ks to the H 8D SR- 8 se r ver b oard, c o nnec t th e dat a and p ower c abl es an d inst all ad d - on c ards .
5-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 5-3 Processor and Heatsink Installation ! Installing the Processor (install to the CPU#1 socket fi rst) 1. Lift the lever on CPU socket #1 until it points straight up. Exercise extreme caution when handling and installing the proces- sor .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-3 2. Use your thumb and your index fi n- ger to hold the CPU. Locate pin 1 on the CPU socket and pin 1 on the CPU. Both are marked with a triangle. 3. Align pin 1 of the CPU with pin 1 of the socket. Once aligned, carefully place the CPU into the socket.
5-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Installing the Heatsinks T o install the heatsink (SNK-P0012, optional), do not apply any thermal compound to the heatsink or CPU die - the proper amount has already been applied. Place the heatsink directly on the CPU so that the two mounting holes are aligned with those on the CPU backplate.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-5 5- 4 C o nn e c t i n g C ab l es Now th at the processors are i nstalled, the ne x t s tep is to connect th e cables to the serverboard. These incl ude th e data ( r ibbon ) cables for the periphera ls and c ontr ol pa nel an d the p ower c abl es.
5-6 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Figure 5-2. Front Control Panel Header Pins (JF1) Connec ting t he Control Pan el JF 1 c ont ains he ader p ins fo r var ious f ro nt c ontr ol pan el c onn ec tor s.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-7 Figure 5-3. Rear Panel I/O Ports 5-6 Installing Memory CAUTION Exercise extreme care when installing or removing memory modules to prevent any possible damage. 1. Insert each memory module vertically into its slot, beginning with CPU1 slot 1A, then 1B, etc.
5-8 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Figure 5-4. Side and T op Views of DDR Installation T o Install: Insert module vertically and press down until it snaps into place. The release tabs should close - if they do not you should close them yourself. T o Remove: Use your thumbs to gently push each re- lease tab outward to release the DIMM from the slot.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-9 5- 7 A dd in g P C I C a r ds 1. PCI slots: The H8DSR-8 has four PCI expansion slots, which includes two x8 PCI-Express, one 64-bit 133 MHz PCI-X and one 64-bit 100 MHz PCI-X slots. An additional slot (slot #7) supports a low profi le IPMI 2.
5-10 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 5-8 Serverboard Details Figure 5-5. H8DSR-8 Serverboard Layout (not drawn to scale) Notes: Jumpers not indicated are for test purposes only .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-1 1 H8DSR-8 Quick Reference Jumpers Description Default Setting JBT1 CMOS Clear See Section 5-10 JD1 Onboard Spkr En/Disable Pins 6-7 (Enabled) JI 2 C1/2 I 2 C to PCI Enable/Disable Closed (Enabled) JP A1 SCSI Enable/Disable Pins 1-2 (Enabled) JP A2, JP A3 SCSI Channel A/B T erm.
5-12 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 5-9 Connector Defi nitions Required Connection A TX Power 20-pin Connector Pin Defi nitions (J1B4) Pin# Defi nition Pin # Defi nition 1 1 +3.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-13 Power LED The Power LED connection is located on pins 15 and 16 of JF1. Refer to the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
5-14 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Power Fail LED The Power Fail LED connection is lo- cated on pins 5 and 6 of JF1. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Power Fail LED Pin Defi nitions (JF1) Pin# Defi nition 5 Vcc 6 Control Power Button The Power Button connection is located on pins 1 and 2 of JF1.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-15 Fan Headers The H8DSR-8 has five 3-pin fan headers. Fan speed is controlled via Thermal Management with a BIOS setting. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions. Serial Ports The COM1 serial port is located be- side the USB.
5-16 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Power LED/Speaker On JD1, pins 1, 2, and 3 are for the power LED and pins 4 through 7 are for the speaker . See the tables on the right for pin defi nitions. Note: The speaker connector pins are for use with an external speaker .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-17 W ake-On-Ring The W ake-On-Ring header is desig- nated JWOR. This function allows your computer to receive and "wake- up" by an incoming call to the modem when in suspend state. See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
5-18 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 5- 1 0 J u m pe r S e tt in gs Exp lana tion of Jump er s T o modify the operation of the ser verboard, jumpers can be used to choose between op tional settings. Jumpers create shorts bet ween t wo p i n s t o c ha n ge t he fu n ct i o n o f t he con nec tor .
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-19 Onboard Speaker Enable/ Disable The JD1 header allows you to use either an external speaker or the internal (onboard) speaker . T o use the internal (onboard) speaker , close pins 6 and 7 with a jumper . T o use an external speaker , connect the speaker wires to pins 4 through 7 of JD1.
5-20 AS1020S-8 User's Manual SCSI Co ntro ller E nab le / Disable J u m p e r J P A 1 i s u s e d t o e n a b l e o r d i s - able the Adaptec A IC -7902 W SCSI c ontr oll er . The default setting is on pins 1-2 to enable SCSI. Se e the t ab le on ri ght f or jumper settings.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-21 I 2 C t o P CI Enable/ Disable JI 2 C1/ 2 pair of ju mper s all ow you to c onne ct t he Sy stem M ana geme nt Bus to any o ne of the PCI slots. The default set t ing is c lo se d for b oth ju mpe rs to e n - ab le the con ne ctio n.
5-22 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Reading the POST Code LEDs: When on, each of the eight separate LEDs represent the value of the number shown beside it in the diagram on the left.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-23 5-12 Floppy , IDE and SCSI Drive Connections Use the following information to connect the fl oppy and hard disk drive cables. The fl oppy disk drive cable has seven twisted wires. A red mark on a wire typically designates the location of pin 1.
5-24 AS1020S-8 User's Manual IDE Connector There are no jumpers to con- fi gure the onboard IDE connec- tor . See the table on the right for pin defi nitions.
Chapter 5: Advanced Serverboard Setup 5-25 Ultra320 SCSI Drive Connectors Pin Defi nitions (JA1/JB1) Pin# Defi nition Pin # Defi nition 1 +DB (12) 35 -DB (12) 2 +DB (13) 36 -DB (13) 3 +DB (14) 37 -.
5-26 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-1 Chapter 6 Advanced Chassis Setup This chapter covers the steps required to install components and perform mainte- nance on the SC813S+-500 chassis. For component installation, follow the steps in the order given to eliminate the most common problems encountered.
6-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Figure 6-1. Chassis: Front and Rear Views System Reset 6-2 Control Panel The control panel (located on the front of the chassis) must be connected to the JF1 connector on the serverboard to provide you with system status indications.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-3 6-3 System Fans Four 4-cm fans provide the cooling for the 1020S-8. Each fan unit is actually made up of two fans joined back-to-back, which rotate in opposite directions. This counter-rotating action generates exceptional airfl ow and works to dampen vibra- tion levels.
6-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Figure 6-2. Removing the Fan Housing 6-4 Drive Bay Installation/Removal Accessing the Drive Bays SCSI Drives: Because of their hotswap capability , you do not need to access the inside of the chassis or power down the system to install or replace SCSI drives.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-5 SCSI Drive Installation 1. Mounting a SCSI drive in a drive carrier The SCSI drives are mounted in drive carriers to simplify their installation and re- moval from the chassis. These carriers also help promote proper airfl ow for the drive bays.
6-6 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 2. Installing/removing hot-swap SCSI drives The SCSI drive carriers are all easily accessible at the front of the chassis. These hard drives are hot-pluggable, meaning they can be removed and installed without powering down the system.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-7 CD-ROM and Floppy Drive Installation The top cover of the chassis must be opened to gain full access to the CD-ROM and fl oppy drive bays. The 1020S-8 accomodates only slim CD-ROM drives. Side mounting brackets are needed to mount a slim CD-ROM drive in the server .
6-8 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 6-5 Power Supply The AS1020S-8 has a single 500 watt power supply , which is auto-switching ca- pable. This enables it to automatically sense and operate at a 100v to 240v input voltage. An amber light will be illuminated on the power supply when the power is off.
Chapter 6: Advanced Chassis Setup 6-9 Figure 6-5. Removing/Replacing the Power Supply.
6-10 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 Chapter 7 BIOS 7-1 Introduction This chapter describes the AMIBIOS™ Setup utility for the H8DSR-8. The AMI ROM BIOS is stored in a fl ash chip and can be easily upgraded using a fl oppy disk-based program.
7-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 7-2 Main Menu When you fi rst enter AMI BIOS Setup Utility , you will see the Main setup screen. Y ou can always return to the Main setup screen by selecting the Main tab on the top of the screen.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-3 IDE Confi guration Onboard PCI IDE Controller The following options are available to set the IDE controller status: Disabled will disable the controller . Primary will enable the primary IDE controller . There is no Secondary option since only one IDE slot is provided on the board.
7-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual data transfer rate of 3.3 MBs. Select 1 to allow AMI BIOS to use PIO mode 1 for a data transfer rate of 5.2 MBs. Select 2 to allow AMI BIOS to use PIO mode 2 for a data transfer rate of 8.3 MBs. Select 3 to allow AMI BIOS to use PIO mode 3 for a data transfer rate of 1 1.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-5 Floppy Confi guration Floppy A Move the cursor to these fi elds via up and down <arrow> keys to select the fl oppy type. The options are Disabled, 360 KB 5 1/4", 1.2 MB 5 1/4", 720 KB 3½", 1.44 MB 3½” , and 2.
7-6 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Super IO Confi guration Onboard Floppy Controller Use this setting to Enable or Disable the onboard fl oppy controller . Serial Port1 Address This option specifi es the base I/O port address and Interrupt Request address of serial port 1.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-7 Serial Port2 Address This option specifi es the base I/O port address and Interrupt Request address of serial port 2. Select "Disabled" to prevent the serial port from accessing any system resources. When this option is set to "Disabled", the serial port physically becomes unavailable.
7-8 AS1020S-8 User's Manual MCT Timing Mode Sets the timing mode for memory . Options are Auto and Manual. User Confi guration Mode Options are Auto and Manual. Bank Interleaving This setting is used to determine whether bank interleaving is to be employed.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-9 ECC Chip Kill Allows the user to Enable or Disable ECC Chip Kill. DRAM Scrub Redirect Allows system to correct DRAM ECC errors immediately , even with background scrubbing on. Options are Enabled and Disabled . DRAM BG Scrub Corrects memory errors so later reads are correct.
7-10 AS1020S-8 User's Manual S-A T A Confi guration HT1000 S-A T A Use this setting to Enable or Disable the on-chip SA T A controller . S-A T A Mode Use this select either IDE or MMIO as the SA T A mode. HT1000 SA T A HostRaid Support This setting is used to Enable or Disable the SA T A Host RAID.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-1 1 Clear Event Log This setting will clear all event logs when set to "OK". The options are OK and Cancel . Event Log Statistics Highlight this item and press <Enter> to view details on the count of total unread events.
7-12 AS1020S-8 User's Manual MPS Confi guration MPS Revision This setting allows the user to select the MPS revision level. The options are 1.1 and 1.4. PCI Express Confi guration Active State Power Management This setting is used the Enable or Disable the PCI Express L0s and L1 Link power states.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-13 System Health Monitor CPU Overheat T emperature Use the "+" and "-" keys to set the CPU temperature threshold to between 65 o and 90 o C. When this threshold is exceeded, the overheat LED on the chas- sis will light up and an alarm will sound.
7-14 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 7-4 Boot Menu Boot Settings Confi guration Quick Boot If Enabled, this option will skip certain tests during POST to reduce the time needed for the system to boot up. The options are Enabled and Disabled. Quiet Boot If Disabled , normal POST messages will be displayed on boot-up.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-15 Boot Device Priority This feature allows the user to prioritize the sequence for the Boot Device with the devices installed in the system. The recommended settings (with generic names) are: · 1st Boot Device – Removeable drive (e.
7-16 AS1020S-8 User's Manual 7-5 Security Menu AMI BIOS provides a Supervisor and a User password. If you use both passwords, the Supervisor password must be set fi rst. Change Supervisor Password Select this option and press <Enter> to access the sub menu, and then type in the password.
Chapter 7: BIOS 7-17 Load Optimal Defaults T o set this feature, select Load Optimal Defaults from the Exit menu and press <Enter>. Then Select "OK" to allow BIOS to automatically load the Optimal Defaults as the BIOS Settings.
7-18 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
Appendix A BIOS Error Beep Codes During the POST (Power-On Self-T est) routines, which are performed each time the system is powered on, errors may occur . Non-fatal errors are those which, in most cases, allow the system to continue the boot-up process.
A-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
B-1 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Appendix B BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes When AMIBIOS performs the Power On Self T est, it writes checkpoint codes to I/O port 0080h. If the computer cannot complete the boot process, diagnostic equipment can be attached to the computer to read I/O port 0080h.
B-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Checkpoint Code Description E0h The onboard fl oppy controller if available is initialized. Next, beginning the base 512 KB memory test. E1h Initializing the interrupt vector table next. E2h Initializing the DMA and Interrupt controllers next.
B-3 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Checkpoint Code Description 03h The NMI is disabled. Next, checking for a soft reset or a power on condition. 05h The BIOS stack has been built. Next, disabling cache memory . 06h Uncompressing the POST code next.
B-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Checkpoint Code Description 25h Interrupt vector initialization is done. Clearing the password if the POST DIAG switch is on. 27h Any initialization before setting video mode will be done next. 28h Initialization before setting the video mode is complete.
B-5 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Checkpoint Code Description 4Ch The memory below 1 MB has been cleared via a soft reset. Clearing the memory above 1 MB next. 4Dh The memory above 1 MB has been cleared via a soft reset. Saving the memory size next.
B-6 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Checkpoint Code Description 86h The password was checked. Performing any required programming before WIN- BIOS Setup next. 87h The programming before WINBIOS Setup has completed. Uncompressing the WINBIOS Setup code and executing the AMIBIOS Setup or WINBIOS Setup utility next.
B-7 Appendix B: BIOS POST Checkpoint Codes Checkpoint Code Description A9h Returned from adaptor ROM at E000h control. Performing any initialization required after the E000 option ROM had control next. Aah Initialization after E000 option ROM control has completed.
B-8 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
C-1 Appendix C: System Specifi cations Appendix C Sys t em Specifi cati ons P r o c e s s o r s Single or d ual A MD Opteron ™ 20 0 Series 64 -bit processor s in 9 40 -pin micro P G A Z I F s o c k e t s Note: Please refer to our web site for a complete listing of supported processors.
C-2 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Serverboard Model: H8DSR-8 (Extended A TX form factor) Dimensions: 12 x 13.05 in (305 x 332 mm) Chassis Model: SC813S+-500 Form Factor: 1U rackmount Dimensions (both): (HxWxD) 1.7 x 17.2 x 27 in. (43 x 437 x 686 mm) W e i g h t Gross (Bare Bone): 38 lbs (17.
C-3 Appendix C: System Specifi cations Regulatory Compliance Electromagnetic Emissions: FCC Class B, EN 55022 Class B, EN 61000-3-2/-3-3, CISPR 22 Class B Electromagnetic Immunity: EN 55024/CISPR 24,.
C-4 AS1020S-8 User's Manual Notes.
An important point after buying a device SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device SUPER MICRO Computer AS1020S-8 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center