Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SPH-N200 Sprint
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Sprint PCS ® The cl ear alt ern ativ e to cel l ul ar . SM.
Cop yright© 2001 Sprin t Spe ctrum L .P . All r ights reser ved. N o rep roducti on in whole or in part withou t prior wr itten ap prova l. Sprin t, Sprin t PCS, Sprin t PCS Phone, Spr int PCS Wire l.
1 Unde rstand ing Roaming Gett ing Star ted Under stand in g Roaming Getting St arted Ge tt in g Sta rte d Welcome to Spri nt PCS Sprint PCS built the only all-digital, all-PCS nationwi de network from the ground up for clearer calls, s erving more t han 300 major metropolitan areas.
2 Unde rstand ing Roaming Gett ing Star ted Under stand in g Roaming Getting St arted Ge tt in g Sta rte d.
Table of Contents Welcome to Sprint PCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 Getting Started With Sprint PCS Se rvice 9 䊳 Gett ing Start ed Wi th S pri nt PC S Se rvice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
With Pauses 37 䊳 Fou r-Dig it Ca llin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 䊳 Call ing Emer gen cy Nu mbe rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
䊳 Extra ctin g Ph one Nu mbers From Spri nt PC S Web Messag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 䊳 Sprint PCS Wirele ss Web Updat e Opt ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 䊳 Era sing A ll Web Me ssages . . . .
䊳 Retu rnin g to Voic e Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 12 Setting Yo ur Phone’s Sec urity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 䊳 Accessing the Security Menu .
䊳 The Spri nt P CS Wi reless Web Home Pag e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 䊳 Usin g the Spr int PCS Wir eless We b Brow ser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 䊳 Spri nt PC S Wireless Web Mail .
Ge tt in g Sta rt ed Wi th S pri nt PCS Se rv ice 9 Getting Start ed 1 1 1 1 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 1 1 Getting S tarted Wit h Spr int PC S Service In this Section 䊳 Set ting U p Y o ur V oi.
Sect ion 1 10 Gett ing Sta rted Wi th Sprin t PCS Se rvice Gett ing Star ted With Sprint PCS Service Det ermi ne if your Ph on e is Alr eady Acti va ted If you received your phone in th e mail or purchased it at a Sprint PCS Center , it probably has been activated.
Getting Started W ith Sprint PCS Service 11 Gett in g Sta rte d 1 1 1 1 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 1 Gett ing He lp V isiting Our W eb Sit e Stop by www .
Sect ion 1 12 Gett ing Sta rted Wi th Sprin t PCS Se rvice Receiv ing Automa ted Billing In formation For your convenience, your phone gives you free acc ess to bill ing info rmatio n on y our Spr int PC S account. This information includes bal ance due, payment received, billing cycle and the amount of minutes used since your last bil ling cycle.
Getting Started W ith Sprint PCS Service 13 Gett in g Sta rte d 1 1 1 1 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 1 Unders tandi ng This User Guid e This user guide introduces you to our technology and all the advantages of your new Sprint PCS Phone – through easy-to-f ollow in structi ons.
Sect ion 1 14 Gett ing Sta rted Wi th Sprin t PCS Se rvice.
Getting to Know Your Sprint PCS Phon e 15 Getting Start ed 2 2 2 2 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 2 2 Getting t o Know Your Spri nt PCS Phone In this Section 䊳 Y our P hone’ s High li ghts and Fea.
Sect ion 2 16 Get ting to Know Your S print PCS Ph one Highl ights Congratulat ions on the purc hase of your Sprint PCS Phone ™ (Model S PH-N200). This phon e is lightweight, easy-to-use, rel iable,.
Getting to Know Your Sprint PCS Phone 17 Gett in g Sta rte d 2 2 2 2 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 2 䊳 A Cal endar fun ction allo ws the sc hedu lin g of eve nts , the abili ty to c reat e “T o Do L ists”, set t imer s and al arms . 䊳 V oi ce acti vate d dia lin g wi th 10 loc atio ns.
Sect ion 2 18 Get ting to Know Your S print PCS Ph one Fron t Vi ew of Phone Re ceiv er Phon e c over (flip) End Ta l k Keyp ad Microphone Accesso ri es connecto r.
Getting to Know Your Sprint PCS Phone 19 Gett in g Sta rte d 2 2 2 2 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 2 Command Key s MEN U Displays the first page of the Main Menu of options on your phone. Press agai n to display further pages and opt ions. OK When navigating a menu, press t o select the highlighted item.
Sect ion 2 20 Get ting to Know Your S print PCS Ph one V iewing the Displ ay Screen This list identifies the symb ols that show on your display screen. 䊳 display s current signal streng th. The more lines d isplayed , the stro nger the si gnal. 䊳 indi cates t he phone cannot fi nd a sig nal.
Getting to Know Your Sprint PCS Phone 21 Gett in g Sta rte d 2 2 2 2 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 2 If your phone is unable to find a signal after 15 minutes o f searching, a Power Save f eature is automatically activated. When a signal is found, your phone automatically ret urns to standby mode.
Sect ion 2 22 Get ting to Know Your S print PCS Ph one The Emp ty Ba tte ry Ic on Approximately five m inutes before the battery charge lev el gets too low to operate the phone, the battery senso r will let you know by blinking an empty battery icon ( ), sounding an audible alert and displaying a warning message.
Getting to Know Your Sprint PCS Phone 23 Gett in g Sta rte d 2 2 2 2 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 2 1. So that no stored mess ages or numb ers are lost, power off your phone by pressing and holding the key . 2. Press the bat tery rele ase lat ch (see ill ustra tion) and slide th e ba ttery aw ay fr om the l atch.
Sect ion 2 24 Get ting to Know Your S print PCS Ph one 䊳 Insert a single bat tery into the rear compart ment of your d esktop charger , and th e phone (w ith batt ery at tached), into the fr ont co mpartm ent. The LED on the front of the dual-slot desktop charger indi cates the fol lowing : 䊳 A red light indica tes t he bat tery is ch arging .
Understanding Ro aming 25 Getting Start ed 3 3 3 3 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 3 3 Understandin g Roaming In this Section 䊳 Unde rst andi ng Ho w Roami ng Works 䊳 Und ersta nding t he Differe n.
Sect ion 3 26 Unde rstanding Roam ing Unders tandi ng How Roamin g Works Reco gn izin g Ic ons on the D is play Scre en Y our phone’ s display scr een will alw ays indicat e when yo u are off the Sprint PCS Network, and whether your phone is operating in analog cellular or digital mode.
Underst anding Roam ing 27 Gett in g Sta rte d 3 3 3 3 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 3 䊳 There are security and pr ivacy risk s (eavesdr opping and cloni ng) tha t ex ist wi th co nve ntio nal anal og c ellul ar servic es today . 䊳 Y our battery needs rec harging earlier when you use your phone for a nalog cel lular ro am ing.
Sect ion 3 28 Unde rstanding Roam ing Sett ing a n Aler t When Roam Charge s Apply (Call Guard ) In addition to the roaming icon, Call Guard alerts you when roaming charges apply . This feature makes it easy to manage roaming charges by re minding you when you make or receive roam ing calls.
Underst anding Roam ing 29 Gett in g Sta rte d 3 3 3 3 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 3 Sett ing the T ime and Date in Analog Mode If the ti me has not been set sin ce the batt ery was i nstalled and you turn your phone on outside a Sprint PCS Service Area, you are prompted to e nter the current time and date.
Sect ion 3 30 Unde rstanding Roam ing.
Making and Answer ing Calls 31 Getting Start ed 4 4 4 4 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 4 4 Making an d Answering Call s In this Section 䊳 Maki ng C alls 䊳 Answe ring Calls 䊳 Spr int PCS Voice Co.
Sect ion 4 32 M aking and Answ ering Call s Making Cal ls Y our Sprin t PCS Phone ™ offer s many diff erent ways to make calls, including V oice Comm ands ("Placing a Call Using V oice Dial&quo.
Making a nd Answering Calls 33 Gett in g Sta rte d 4 4 4 4 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 4 2. Press f or Calls . 3. Pr ess fo r Mi sse d. T o dial a Mi ssed Call entry’ s phone number: 䊳 High lig ht th e en try and press and ho ld .
Sect ion 4 34 M aking and Answ ering Call s There are several ways t o update your addr ess book: 䊳 Choos e Sprint PCS V oic e Co mma nd a nd r eceiv e a fu lly func tional we b-base d add res s book wher e you can cr eate an d update your contact s for free at www .
Making a nd Answering Calls 35 Gett in g Sta rte d 4 4 4 4 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 4 䊳 Thr ee-Way Cal l allows you to talk to two d iffer ent people at th e same tim e. Fo r furth er in forma tion se e "T hree-W ay Call ing" on pa ge 50.
Sect ion 4 36 M aking and Answ ering Call s Savin g a Phone Number Y our Sprint PCS Phone can store up to 238 Internal Phone Book entries. Phone Book entries can st ore up to a total of six phone numbers and the entry’ s name can contain 12 characters.
Making a nd Answering Calls 37 Gett in g Sta rte d 4 4 4 4 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 4 3. Press for Find , or just highlight that option and press . The phone prompt s you t o “Wait” and tells you how many numbers match the n umber of cha rac ters you just ente red into th e phone .
Sect ion 4 38 M aking and Answ ering Call s T o dial or sav e a phone number with pauses: 1. When in standby mode, enter th e first digits of the phone number that comes before the required pause. 2. Press to open the Menu options. 3. High ligh t either Hard Pau se or 2sec Pau se , and press .
Making a nd Answering Calls 39 Gett in g Sta rte d 4 4 4 4 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 4 Using One-T ouch/ T wo-T ouch Speed Dialin g With th is feat ure, you can autom atica lly call Speed Dial entries using one key pre ss for locations 2-9 or two key presses f or locations 10-99.
Sect ion 4 40 M aking and Answ ering Call s.
Naviga ting Throu gh Menus an d Enter ing Text 41 Getting Start ed 5 5 5 5 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 5 5 Navigati ng Thro ugh Menus an d Enteri ng Text In this Section 䊳 Menu Na viga tio n 䊳 .
Sect ion 5 42 Nav igating T hrough Me nus a nd Ent ering Text Menu Nav igati on Y our Sprint PCS Ph one allows you to toggle through menus quickly and easily . The button is surrounded by arrows that allow you to move up/down, left/right, and backward/forward through menus.
Navigat ing Throug h Menu s and Entering Text 43 Gett in g Sta rte d 5 5 5 5 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 5 V iewing the Menus Menu S truct ur e Menus let you to check or change your phone’ s settings. The following outline shows your phone’ s menu structure.
Sect ion 5 44 Nav igating T hrough Me nus a nd Ent ering Text 4 W eb Alerts 3 Alarms 4 Data/Fax In 3 Key Beep Off/Low/ Me d/H i gh 4 T one Lengt h Short /Lon g 5 Aler t 1 Min .
Navigat ing Throug h Menu s and Entering Text 45 Gett in g Sta rte d 5 5 5 5 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 5 Y ou will notice that when pressing the following keys, the characters appear in the foll owing order .
Sect ion 5 46 Nav igating T hrough Me nus a nd Ent ering Text.
Adjusting V olume 47 Getting Start ed 6 6 6 6 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 6 6 Adjusting Volume In this Section 䊳 Chan ging Ring er V olu me 䊳 Sile ncin g the R inge r 䊳 Adju sting V olu me Du.
Sect ion 6 48 Adjusting Volume Changi ng Ringer V olume T o change the r inger volume, use th e volume keys on the side of your phone when th e phone is in standby mode. T o change the r inger volume from the Main Men u : 1. Press for Menu options. 2.
Usi ng Spri nt P CS Se rv ice Fea tu re s 49 Getting Start ed 7 7 7 7 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 7 7 Using Sprint P CS Servi ce Feature s In this Section 䊳 Using Ca ller ID 䊳 Respo nding to Ca.
Sect ion 7 50 Using Spri nt PCS S erv ic e Featu re s Using Call er I D Call er ID le ts you kn ow w ho’ s c alli ng by d isplayi ng th e number of the person calling when your phone rings. If the caller’ s name and number are already s tored in your Internal Phone Book, the corresponding name appears with the number .
Using Sprint PCS Ser vice Fea tures 51 Gett in g Sta rte d 7 7 7 7 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 7 Here are two met hods for making a Three-Way call: Using the ke y method: 1. During a conversation, press . 2. Enter the number f or the third party , and press .
Sect ion 7 52 Using Spri nt PCS S erv ic e Featu re s.
Managing M essaging 53 Getting Start ed 8 8 8 8 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 8 8 Managing Messagin g In this Section 䊳 Messa ge T ypes 䊳 New Messa ge Alerts 䊳 Messa ge Opti ons our Sprint PCS Phone is always working to help you stay connected – even when you’re unavailable.
Sect ion 8 54 M anaging M essagin g Sett ing Up V oi cemail The first t hing you’ll want to do af ter activating your phone is set u p your voicem ail.
Managing M essag ing 55 Gett in g Sta rte d 8 8 8 8 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 8 New V o icemail Mes s age Al erts When you receive a new voi cemail me ssage, your phone alerts you and displays . Retr ievin g Y our V oicemail Me ssages Y ou can revie w your messages direct ly from your Sprint PCS Phone or from any other touch-tone phone.
Sect ion 8 56 M anaging M essagin g New Sprint PCS W eb Messages When you receive a new Wirel ess W eb message, your phone alerts you by displaying the following options: T o sel ect an option, toggle to highlight it and press . 䊳 Read displ ays t he messa ge.
Managing M essag ing 57 Gett in g Sta rte d 8 8 8 8 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 8 䊳 Extr act #s to ext ract p hone numbe rs (if there a re numbers co ntained i n the te xt messa ge.) ( For furt her information see "Extracti ng Phone Numbers From Sprint PCS Web Mess ages " o n pa ge 57.
Sect ion 8 58 M anaging M essagin g The options are: 䊳 Ta l k to dial the phone n umber . 䊳 Sav e to save t he item. 䊳 Era se to eras e the it em. 䊳 Next to p roc eed to the ne xt item. 䊳 Pr evious to retu rn t o the pr evio us it em. 䊳 Extr ac t to extr act t he phone n umber .
Managing M essag ing 59 Gett in g Sta rte d 8 8 8 8 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 8 Spri nt PCS Wirele ss W eb Update Opti ons T o have Spri nt PCS Wireless Web Updates automatically sent to your phone, see "Signing up for Spri nt PCS Wireless We b Updates" on page 105.
Sect ion 8 60 M anaging M essagin g Displ aying Spri nt PCS Wirele ss W eb Alerts Y ou are notified of new Sprint PCS Wireless W eb Alerts by the icon in the di splay screen. 1. Press for Main Me nu . 2. Press for Wireless W eb . 3. Press for We b Al e rt s .
Managing Call Hist ory 61 Getting Start ed 9 9 9 9 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 9 9 Managing Call Histo ry In this Section 䊳 Viewin g C all L ogs (I ncomi ng, Ou tgoi ng and Misse d) 䊳 Call Log .
Sect ion 9 62 M anaging Call History V iewing a Call Log (I ncoming, Outgoi ng and Misse d) Y ou’ll find your call logs i nvaluable. They are a list of the last 10 phone numbers or names for c alls you placed, accepted and missed. Cal l logs make redialing a number fast and easy .
Managing Ca ll History 63 Gett in g Sta rte d 9 9 9 9 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 9 Making a Cal l From a Call Log T o place a call from an existing call log: 1.
Sect ion 9 64 M anaging Call History Eras ing Ca ll L ogs T o eras e individual call log entries see "Call Log Options" on page 62. 1. From standby m ode press to open the Ma in Menu . 2. Press for Calls . 3. Press for Er ase Hi sto ry . This opens th e Eras e T otal menu.
Managing Ca ll History 65 Gett in g Sta rte d 9 9 9 9 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 9.
Sect ion 9 66 M anaging Call History.
Using Your Internal Phone Book 67 Getting Start ed 10 10 10 10 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 10 10 Using Your In ternal Phone Boo k In this Section 䊳 Addin g a New Inte rna l Phone B ook En try 䊳.
Sect ion 10 68 Using Yo ur Internal Phone Book Adding a New In ternal Phone Book Entry Y our Sprint PCS Phone can store up to 238 Internal Phone Book entries. Phone Book entries can st ore up to a total of six phone numbers and the entry’ s name can contain 12 characters.
Using You r Internal Phon e Book 69 Gett in g Sta rte d 10 10 10 10 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 10 Find ing Int ernal Phon e Book Entries There are several ways to display your Internal Phone Book entrie s. Follo w the s teps out lined in the s ection s belo w to display entries from the Internal Phone Book menu.
Sect ion 10 70 Using Yo ur Internal Phone Book Repla cing a Stor ed Number With a Ne w Number T o repl ace a stored phone number with a new number: 1. From standby m ode, press for Main M enu . 2. Press for Ph one B ook . 3. Press for Fi nd Nam e . 4.
Using You r Internal Phon e Book 71 Gett in g Sta rte d 10 10 10 10 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 10 䊳 Set Sec ret When a number is set t o Secret, the phone will not allo w an yone to v iew inform at ion on the numb er unless the y enter the phone ’ s lo ck code.
Sect ion 10 72 Using Yo ur Internal Phone Book.
Changing Your Phone ’s Set tings 73 Getting Start ed 11 11 11 11 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 11 11 Chang ing Your Phon e’s Setti ngs In this Section 䊳 Chan ging th e Gr eeti ng 䊳 Adjust ing.
Sect ion 11 74 Cha nging Yo ur Ph one’s S ettings Changi ng the Gree ting The greeting can be up to 12 characters in length and is displayed on the first line of your phone’ s display screen in standby mode. T o change your gre eting: 1. From standby m ode, press for Main M enu .
Changing Yo ur Phone’s Set tings 75 Gett in g Sta rte d 11 11 11 11 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 11 6. T oggle through the avai lable Ring er V olume options, and press . Ringe r T ypes Ringer types hel p you identify in coming call s and messages.
Sect ion 11 76 Cha nging Yo ur Ph one’s S ettings Selec ting Rin ger T ypes for Alarms T o sel ect a ringer type fo r alarms: 1. From standby m ode, press for Main M enu . 2. Press for Se tu p / T o ol . 3. Press for So unds . 4. Press for Ri nger T ype .
Changing Yo ur Phone’s Set tings 77 Gett in g Sta rte d 11 11 11 11 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 11 Changi ng the Cont rast T o adjust the cont rast on the phone’ s dis play: 1. From standby mode, pres s for Main Men u . 2. Press for Se tu p / T o ol .
Sect ion 11 78 Cha nging Yo ur Ph one’s S ettings Retur ning to V oice Mode T o ret urn to standby mode from Data/Fax mode: 1. From the Ma in Men u , pr ess f or Wir e les s We b. 2. Press for Co nnect ion . 3. T oggle to highlight Data/ Fax In Off: V oic e Cal l Only .
Setting Yo ur P hone’s Security 79 Getting Start ed 12 12 12 12 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 12 12 Setti ng Your Phone ’s Sec urity In this Section 䊳 Acce ssing t he Sec urit y Menu 䊳 Locki .
Sect ion 12 80 Set ting Y our P hone’s Secur ity Access ing t he Sec urity Menu Y ou must ent er you r loc k c ode to vie w th e Se curi ty men u. If you forget your lock code, try usin g the last four digits of your Soc ial Secu rity num ber , the las t four digi ts of you r Sprint PCS Phone Number , or 0000.
Set ting Your Phone ’s Security 81 Gett in g Sta rte d 12 12 12 12 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 12 Changi ng the Lock Code T o change your l ock code: 1. Access the Security menu. 2. Press for Ch ange Lo ck . Yo u r Lo ck Co de number displ ays. 3.
Sect ion 12 82 Set ting Y our P hone’s Secur ity Eras ing Sp ecial Numbers T o eras e a special number: 1. Access the Security menu. 2. Press for Sp ecia l # . 3. T oggle to highlight the number that you wish to erase, and press . 4. Press to erase the number , and press .
Per so nal I nfo rma ti on Man age ment 8 3 Getting Start ed 13 13 13 13 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 13 13 Person al Infor ma tion Manageme nt In t his Sectio n 䊳 Acce ssing t he Sch eduler 䊳 A.
Sect ion 13 84 Per sonal Info rmation Mana geme nt Access ing t he Sch eduler Y our scheduler helps organize your time and re minds you of im por tant e vents . How T o Ac cess Y our Sc heduler 1. From standby m ode, press for Main M enu. 2. Pr ess fo r Cal endar .
Persona l Information Man agem ent 85 Gett in g Sta rte d 13 13 13 13 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 13 Jump T o Da te Jump T o D ate allows you to specify the cal endar date you want to view . Arriving at the de sired date, yo u can enter , edit, and/or erase eve nts in your calendar .
Sect ion 13 86 Per sonal Info rmation Mana geme nt 䊳 Use the num eric keys to ent er the curre nt time and da te. Adding New Ev ents 1. From standby m ode, press for Main M enu. 2. Press for Ca le ndar . 3. Press for To d a y . 4. Press fo r inp ut mode optio ns T9 (Englis h), Alph a, Symb ol, and Number .
Persona l Information Man agem ent 87 Gett in g Sta rte d 13 13 13 13 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 13 Viewin g an E vent The Event screen di splays the numbe r of events lis ted for th e current day . T oggle t o scroll thr ough other eve nts. If no events are sche duled, you will be prompted to add a new event.
Sect ion 13 88 Per sonal Info rmation Mana geme nt Alar m Clock Y our Sprint PCS Phone has an Alarm Clock feature with three s eparate alarms . Each alarm can be set once, or daily at a programmed time of your choosing. T o set the Alarm Clock: 1. From standby m ode, press for Main M enu.
Using the Voice Se rvices of Your Sprint PCS Phone 89 Getting Start ed 14 14 14 14 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 14 14 Using the Voic e Services of Your Spri nt PCS Phone In this Section 䊳 Using V oice Dialing his section explains the features assoc iated with your phone’ s V oice Services.
Sect ion 14 90 Using the Voice Ser vices of Your Spr int PCS Phone Using V oi ce Diali ng Y our Sprint PCS Phone features voi ce-activated dialing. Y ou can call up to 10 s tored entries by speaking the individual’ s or company’ s name into the microphone.
Using the Voice Ser vices of Your Spr int PCS Phone 91 Gett in g Sta rte d 14 14 14 14 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 14 6. T o st ore the phone number , press .
Sect ion 14 92 Using the Voice Ser vices of Your Spr int PCS Phone name. Please check name.” The phone returns aut omatic ally to st andby mo de, and you ca n try the call ag ain la ter . Revie w ing V oice Dial Entr ies T o revi ew V o ice Dial entries: 1.
Expe riencing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 93 Getting Start ed 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 15 Experi encing Sprint PCS Wireless Web In t his Sectio n 䊳 Launc hin g th e Spri nt PC S Wi.
Sect ion 15 94 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb The Sprint PCS Wir eless W eb With the Sprint PCS Wi reless Web and your wireless Internet- ready phone, you have acc ess to many fe atures via t.
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 95 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 The Sprint PCS Wi reless W eb Br owser Y our phone comes equipped with a MiniBrowser , which allows you t o access up-to-the minute infor mation through the Spr int P CS Wi reless Web.
Sect ion 15 96 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb because the Mi niBrowser will display the page you were viewing when you last exited the Mi niBrowser . The Sprint PCS Wir eless W eb Ho me Page Y ou m ay n otice th at so metim es the M ini Brows er wil l launch wit hout placing a call.
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 97 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 Using the Sprint PCS Wi reless W eb Brows er Using the MiniBrowser is easy once you've learned a f ew basics.
Sect ion 15 98 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb Sele cting Once you've learned how to activate the so ftkeys, you can start na vigating th e Wirel ess Web Internet sites. 䊳 Sel ect on -scr een ite ms, togg le to high light the de sire d ite m, then selec t the de sir ed so ftke y by pr essin g .
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 99 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 Goin g Back 䊳 T o go bac k on e page , pre ss . Ente ri ng T ext Some wireless Internet sites re quire that you enter text by using your phone's keypad .
Sect ion 15 100 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb Deletin g a Bookmark 1. From the bookmark li st, toggle to highlight the bookmark you want to delete, and press . 2. T oggle to sel ect Erase , and pres s . A mes sage disp lays p rompt ing you to co nfir m dele tion.
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 101 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 Rec omme ndati on T ry again later . Sites are sometim es temporari ly inaccessibl e due to high traffic vo lume. If the problem persis ts, there may be a probl em with the site.
Sect ion 15 102 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb Spri nt PCS Wirele ss W eb Mail With Spri nt PCS Wire le ss W eb Mai l, you can s et up a Sp rint PC S e-ma il accou nt at n o add itional ch arge , and per form ma ny of the typ ical email fun ctions u sing you r Sprin t PCS Phone as you can f rom your pe rs onal c omputer usin g www .
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 103 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 PCS Phone to Sprint PCS Phone, personal computer to Sprint PCS Phone, and Sprint PCS Phone to personal computer .
Sect ion 15 104 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb Spri nt PCS Wirele ss W eb Short Mail Sprint PCS Wireless Web Short Mail is perf ect for those instances when you need to send someone a mess age, but don’ t have their em ail address or they’re not on your AOL Instan t Mess enger B uddy List .
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 105 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 Signi ng up for Spri nt PCS Wirel ess W eb Updat es With Sprint PCS Wirele ss W eb Updates, you can have the Inter net-b ased inf ormat ion se nt d irectl y to your S prin t PCS Phone at the times you choose.
Sect ion 15 106 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb 2. Connect your lapt op PC to your Sprint PCS Phone by using the serial data cable. The cable adapte r will connect to a hand-held or palm-sized comput ing device. 3. Finally , take a few minutes to install the Sprint PCS Dialer SM softwa re o nto your co mpu ter us ing th e CD.
Experi encing Spr int PCS Wireless Web 107 Gett in g Sta rte d 15 15 15 15 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 15 2. Once you've r eceived the incom ing data/fax call, y ou may want to return the phone to its normal stat e by disabling incoming data/f ax calls.
Sect ion 15 108 Exp eriencing Sprint PCS W ireless W eb.
Select ing Your Acc essories 10 9 Getting Start ed 16 16 16 16 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 16 16 Selec ting Yo ur Acc essories In this Section 䊳 Overvi ew of Availa ble Acc essor ies for your Phon e 䊳 How to Order e offer a variet y of accessor ies for your new Spr int PCS Phone TM .
Sect ion 16 110 Selecting Your A ccessories Access ory Op tions Stan dard Batte ry The standard battery prov ides approximately 3.8 hours of continuous talk time in digital mode and 1.
Selecting Your Ac cessories 111 Gett in g Sta rte d 16 16 16 16 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 16 connection and expanding the number of available peripherals by freeing up the s erial port for fax or pr inter use.
Knowing Performance and Safety Guidel ines 113 Getting Start ed 17 17 17 17 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 17 17 Know ing Performance and Sa fety Guidel ines In this Section 䊳 Getti ng th e Mos t Ou.
Sect ion 17 11 4 K nowi ng Pe rfor manc e and Sa fet y Gu idel ines Gett ing t he Most Out of Y our Rec eption Keep ing T abs on Sign al St ren gth The quality of each call you make or receive depends on the signal strength in your ar ea.
Know ing Perform ance and Safety Guidelines 11 5 Gett in g Sta rte d 17 17 17 17 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 17 Know in g R adio Fr equen cy Saf ety The design of your Sprint PCS Phone complies with updated NCRP standards described below .
Sect ion 17 11 6 K nowi ng Pe rfor manc e and Sa fet y Gu idel ines Mainta ining Saf e Use of and Access to Y our P hone F AILUR E TO FOLLOW TH E INSTRUCT IONS OUTLINE D MA Y LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJUR Y AND P OSSIBLE PROPERT Y DAMAGE Using Y our Ph one While Drivin g T alkin g on your phone while driving is illegal in some states.
Know ing Perform ance and Safety Guidelines 11 7 Gett in g Sta rte d 17 17 17 17 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 17 Usi ng Y our Pho ne Ne ar Oth er Ele ctr oni c Devi ces Most modern electroni c equipment is shielded from radio frequency (RF) signals.
Sect ion 17 11 8 K nowi ng Pe rfor manc e and Sa fet y Gu idel ines T urni ng Off Y our Phone in Dang erous Ar eas T o avoid in terfering with blasting operat ions, turn off your phone when in a blasting area or in other areas with signs indicating that two-way radios should be turned off .
Know ing Perform ance and Safety Guidelines 11 9 Gett in g Sta rte d 17 17 17 17 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 17 Cari ng for the Battery Pr otect ing y our Battery The g uid eline s li sted b el ow help y ou get the mos t out of your battery’ s performance.
Sect ion 17 12 0 K nowi ng Pe rfor manc e and Sa fet y Gu idel ines Dispos al o f Lithiu m Ion (LiIon) Batteri e s For safe disposal opti ons of your LiIon batteries, contact your nearest Sprint PCS- authorized service center . Specia l Note: Be sure to dispose of y our battery properl y .
Know ing Perform ance and Safety Guidelines 12 1 Gett in g Sta rte d 17 17 17 17 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 17 Body -Worn Oper at ion T o mai ntain compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines, if you wear a handset on your body , use the Sprint PCS supplied or approved car rying case, holster or other body- worn accessory .
122 limits specified in ANSI/IEEE Std. C95.1- 1992 and h as been tested in ac cordance with the me asurement proce dures specified in ANSI/IEEE Std. C95.3-1992. Part 22 AMPS Mode - Head Max. SAR: 1.1860 W/ Kg Part 22 AMPS Mode - Body Max. SAR: 1.4610 W/ Kg Part 24 PCS Mode - Head Max.
Terms an d Cond itions & Warranty Inform ation 123 Getting Start ed 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 18 Terms and Condi tions & Warranty In format ion In this Section 䊳 T erm s .
Sect ion 18 124 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation T erms and Condi tions of Service s Tha nks for c hoos ing to co nnec t with Sp rin t PCS. T hese terms and conditions are part of yo ur agreement with Sprint PCS for Sprint Personal Communication Services.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 12 5 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 may decide not to provide Serv ices to you for any lawful reason. We ma y request that you provide us with any information we reasonably req uire to determine whether you qualify for Services.
Sect ion 18 126 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation Ser vice Pl an Y ou m ay be el igib le for a fixed len gth Service P lan ("T erm Service Plan") or for a month-to-mo nth Service Plan ("Non-T erm Service Plan"). We determin e the Serv ice Plan for wh ich you qual ify .
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 12 7 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 Limits if a person 18 yea rs or older is al so named as a subscriber on the Acc ount. Se rvices and e quipment m ay not be used for any unlawful, fraudulent or abusive purpose.
Sect ion 18 128 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation your phone or other wireless devi ce and the network until the network connection is br oken, whether or not you are successful in connecting with the service with whic h you seek to connect, ev en if the connecti on is later broken or dropped.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 12 9 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 key(s) and end when your call is termi nated by hitti ng the END key or by returning to the V oice Command platform.
Sect ion 18 130 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation noti ce or conse nt is requir ed befor e we invoic e the cr edit card or debi t the bank account for al l amounts due to us or billed by us on behalf of a third party .
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 13 1 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 sales or general busi ness offices ar e not notice of a dispute. If disputed invoi ce procedures are described on the invoice, you must follow them.
Sect ion 18 132 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation equipment or otherwise. If yo u promptly cure the breach, we may , but are not obligated to, reactivate Servi ces to you. Y ou must pay all charges for (a) Ser vices provided befo re termination of a Number and (b) equipment, regardless of who terminates Servi ces.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 13 3 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 must pay all charges for Serv ice s even if they e xceed the amount of your Account Spending Limit.
Sect ion 18 134 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation Portal calls) that are attempted, but not completed, you are charged for the time during which the network attempt s to connect the call .
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 13 5 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 T ax es and O ther R egul atory -Re lated Char ges We i nvoice you for taxes, fees and other charges lev ied by federal, state or l ocal authorities, or foreig n government on Services.
Sect ion 18 136 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation other applicable rules imposed by the roam ing service provider . Inte rruption of Se rvice We m ay give credit for a continuous interruption of Servi ces for more than 24 hours on a case-by-case basi s.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 13 7 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 as require you to pay a react ivation fee. We wi ll deactivate Ser vice s to a ny Nu mber witho ut pr ior not ice t o you if we suspect any unlawful or fraudulent use of the Number .
Sect ion 18 138 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation omissi ons, inte rruptions, d elays , errors, or defects) does not exceed (1) in cases r elated to a specifi c piece of equipment, th.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 13 9 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 phenomena, fire or earthquake) , war , ri ot, strike, or orde rs of government.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 14 1 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 party successful ly stays such action or compels arbitration, the party filing that action must pay the other party’ s costs and expenses incurre d in seeking such stay or com pelling arbitration, including attorney’ s fees.
Sect ion 18 142 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation not used to i nterpret this Agreement. Y ou may not assign this Agreement to any other person or ent ity without our prior written approval.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 14 3 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18 the U.S. Vi rg in Islands and be charged at your Home Ser vice Area airtime rates , with no additional long distance charges.
Terms and Conditio ns & Warran ty Informatio n 14 5 Gett in g Sta rte d 18 18 18 18 Navigat ing and Entering T ext 18.
Sect ion 18 146 Ter ms an d Conditions & Warranty Inform ation.
147 Index Numer ics 4-Di git Dial ing 38 A Acc ess th e Se curity m enu 78 Accesso ries 107 Accesso ry Optio ns 108 Acc ount Sp ending L imi t 129 Adju sting Vo lume 47 Ana log M ode - Setting the Tim.
148 H Ha nds- Free Car Ki t 10 8 Help 11 I In-Cal l Op tions 35 Inco ming Cal l Noti fication 35 Inde mnific ation 13 6 Intel lectual Property 1 40 Intern atio nal C alling 135 Interr upt ion of Ser v.
149 On other net works 26 S Saf e Use of and Acces s to Your Phon e 114 Safe ty Guid elin es 11 4 Sav ing a Ph one Numb er 36 Secu rit y - Eras in g the Inte rnal Phon e Book 80 Resetti ng Yo ur Ph on.
150 Browser 93 C onne cti on 1 03 Messag es 54 S erv ic es 131 Short Mail 102 Update Opt ions 59 Update s 103 X Y Yell ow lig ht 24 Z.
An important point after buying a device Sprint SPH-N200 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sprint SPH-N200 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sprint SPH-N200 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sprint SPH-N200 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sprint SPH-N200 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sprint SPH-N200, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sprint SPH-N200.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sprint SPH-N200. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sprint SPH-N200 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center