Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 Sony
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model name1[STR-D A1000ES] [4-246-802- 17 (1)] filename[I:STR-D A1000ES4246802161424680216STRDA1000ESUGB01CO V_STR- D A1000ES-U .fm] maste rpage:R ight ©2003 Sony Corporation 4-246-802- 17 (1) FM Ster eo FM/AM Receiver Operating Instructions Owner’ s Record The model and serial numbers are located on the rear of the unit.
master page:Left filename[I:STR-D A1000ES4246802161424680216STRDA1000ESUGB02REG_STR- D A1000ES-U .fm] 2 GB model name1[STR-D A1000ES] [4-246-802- 16 (1)] To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not ex pose this apparatus to rain or mo isture.
3 GB About This M anual • The instr uct ions in thi s ma nual are f or mode l S T R- DA1000ES and STR-DB79 0. Check yo ur model number by looking at the l ower right corner of the front pa nel. In this m anual, S TR-DA100 0ES is used for illust ration pur poses unless stated oth erwise.
4 GB Getting Started 1: Check ho w to hooku p your compon ents ......... ........ ....... ....... ........ 6 1a: Co nnec ting comp onents with digita l audio output jacks ........... 8 1b: Conn ecting c omponents with multi c hannel output j a cks ...
5 GB.
6 GB Steps 1a t hr oug h 1c beg in ni ng on page 8 descr i be how to ho ok u p your com p onents to thi s r ec eiver. Befor e yo u begi n, refer t o “Connec table comp onent s” below fo r th e page s whi ch de scri be h ow to connec t each com pon en t.
Getting Started 7 GB Requir ed cord s The hoo ku p diag ra ms on th e su bseq uen t pag es assume th e use of th e fo llow in g optio nal conn ect i o n cords ( A to H ) ( not supp lied ).
8 GB . Hookin g up a DV D playe r, TV, or sate llite tu ner For details on th e require d cords ( A – H ), se e pa ge 7. 1 Connect the audio jacks. * Conn ect to either the ASS IGNABLE COAXIAL IN (DVD CD/SACD) or the OPTICAL DVD IN j ack. We recommend making connections to the AS SIGNABLE COAXIAL IN (DVD CD/SACD) jack.
Getting Started 9 GB 2 Connect the video jacks. The follo wing illust ration sh ows how to co nnect a TV or sat ellite t uner and a DVD player with COMP ONENT V IDEO (Y, B -Y, R -Y) out put j acks . Conne cti ng a TV wi th c ompon ent vide o input jacks a llows you to enjoy hi gher qualit y video.
10 GB Hookin g up an MD/Tap e dec k For details on th e require d cords ( A – H ), se e pa ge 7. Tip All the digita l au dio jacks are co mpa tible wit h 32 k Hz, 44. 1 kHz, 48 kHz and 96 kHz samp ling freque ncies. Note You ca nnot make digital r ecording s of di gital mu lti ch annel sur round signa ls.
Getting Started 11 GB 1 Connect the audio jacks. If y o ur D VD o r Su per Audi o CD pl a yer i s equipp ed with mul t i channel outp ut j a cks, you can co nnec t it to t his rece iver’s MULTI CH IN jacks to enjoy th e multi c hannel soun d.
12 GB 2 Connect the video jacks. The following il lustr atio n shows how to connect a DVD player with COMPONENT VIDEO (Y, B-Y, R-Y) out pu t jacks. Conn ecting a TV w ith compon ent vi de o input jac ks allow s y ou t o en joy high er quali ty vi de o.
Getting Started 13 GB Hooki ng up audi o compo nents For d e tail s on t h e r equ i red c o rds ( A – H ), se e pa ge 7 . Note If your turntable has a ground wi re, connect it to the U SIGNAL GND terminal.
14 GB Hookin g up v ideo c ompone nts If you co nn ect yo ur T V to the M O N IT OR jack s, you ca n watc h th e vi de o from the se lected in put (page 24) .
Getting Started 15 GB Connect th e supplied AM lo op antenna and F M wire antenna. * The shape of th e conne c tor va ri es dep end ing on the area code. Notes • To prev ent no ise pic kup, k eep the AM loop antenna away fro m the r eceiver and ot her componen ts.
16 GB Conne ct y our sp eake rs to the recei ver . Thi s rece iver allows yo u to use a 7.1 chann el s ystem (STR - DA1 00 0ES) or 6. 1 ch anne l speake r syst e m (STR -D B79 0) .
Getting Started 17 GB Required cords A Speaker cords (no t supplied) (+) B Monaural audio cord ( not supplied ) Black (–) STR-DA1000ES * You can select the front sp eakers you want to use with SP EAKERS. For deta ils, see “ Selecting the s peaker syste m” (page 43).
18 GB STR-DB790 * You can sele ct the front speakers you wa nt to use wit h SPEAKERS. For det ails, see “Se lecting the speaker syst em” (page 43).
Getting Started 19 GB Connect th e AC power cord to a wall ou tlet. * Mo de ls of area code U , CA, SP onl y. The configura tion, shape, and num ber of AC outlets vary accord i n g to th e mo d el and the area code.
20 GB You ca n use the SP SETUP menu to se t the size and dis ta nce of th e spea ke rs con ne cted to t hi s system. 1 Press ?/1 to turn o n the system. 2 Press MAI N MENU repeatedly to select “SP SE TUP ”. 3 Rotate MENU to select the menu item you want.
Getting Started 21 GB x (SURROUND) (Surround speakers) • LARGE If you connect large spea kers that will effe ctivel y repro duce b ass fre quenc ies, sel ect “LARG E ”. N or m ally, se lect “LA RGE” . However, if the front speaker s are set to “SMAL L ”, yo u canno t set th e s urround speakers to “LARGE”.
22 GB Lets yo u set t he dist ance from your listening position to the c enter s peaker. Yo u can adju st from 1.0 mete r to 7.0 meter s (3 to 23 fee t) in 0. 1 me te r (1 foot) st eps. x DIST. X.X m (Surround spe aker distance) Initia l se tt ing: 3.
Getting Started 23 GB Adjust the spea ke r leve ls and balance while list ening the t est ton e from your listeni ng positio n. Use th e remote f or the oper ation. Tip The rece iver employs a test tone with a frequenc y cent ere d at 800 H z. 1 Press ?/1 on the remote to turn on the receiver.
24 GB 1 Rotate INPUT SE LECTOR to select the input. The sel ected in pu t appe ar s i n the dis pl ay . 2 Turn on the component and start playback. 3 Rotate MASTER V OLUME –/+ to adj ust the volum e.
Amplifier Opera tion 25 GB You ca n l i s ten to FM and AM broa dca sts throug h the bu ilt -in tun er. Befo re ope ra tion, make s ure you have co nnected the FM and AM antenn as to the receiver (s ee page 15). Tip The tuning s cale for dire ct tuning differs depen ding on the model .
26 GB (Models of area code CE L, CEK only) This function l ets you stor e up to 30 FM a nd F M RDS st at i ons in alphabe tical ord er without redund ancy . Add ition al l y, it onl y store s the stat ions with t he cl earest si gnal s. If you wa nt to store FM or AM s ta tio ns one by one, see “Pres ett ing radio sta tio ns ”.
Amplifier Opera tion 27 GB Using the remote 1 STR-DA1000ES: Move the easy sc roll key to select “TUNER ”, then press the key repeatedly t o select FM or AM . STR-DB790: Press TUNE R repeatedly to select FM or AM . 2 Press D.SK IP/CH/PRES ET +/– repeatedly to select the preset station you want .
28 GB • If a station does not provide a parti cu la r RDS service, “NO XX” ( such as “ NO CT”) appea rs i n t he dis play. • When a statio n broadcast s radio text da ta , it is displ ayed at the sam e rate a t which it is sent from th e statio n.
Amplifier Opera tion 29 GB Changi ng the info rmatio n in the displa y You ca n ch eck the sound field etc. by chan ging the info rmation in the di splay.
30 GB A SLEE P: Lights up when sleep timer is activa ted. B SPA/SPB : Lights up in acco r da nce with th e speaker system being used ( A or B). T urns off when speak er output is turned of f or when headpho nes are c onnecte d. C ; DIGITAL (EX): Li ght s up whe n the receiv er is d ecoding signals reco rded in the Dolby Digital format.
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sound 31 GB In this mode, the rece iv er output s the sound from the front L/R spea kers only. There is no sound fr om the sub woofer .
32 GB Enjoying ster eo sound i n multi channe l (2 cha nnel decodin g mode) This m ode let s you spec ify the type of decodi ng for 2 c han nel audi o sou rce s. Th is re ceiv er c an repro duc e 2 chan ne l sound i n 5 ch anne ls thro ugh Dol by Pr o Lo gi c I I; 6 c han ne ls th roug h DTS Ne o: 6; or 4 c hann els thr oug h Dolb y Pro Logic.
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sound 33 GB x C.ST.EX C (CINEMA STUDIO EX C) DCS Reproduces th e sound chara c te risti cs of the Sony Pictur es E nterta inment scoring stag e. Th is mode is ideal f or watch i ng mu si ca ls or film s whe re or chestr a music is f eatured i n the s oundt rack.
34 GB This fu nction le ts you s elect the de codi ng mode for the su rrou nd b ack si gn als of th e mult i channel in put str eam. By decoding th e surroun d back si gnal of DVD software ( etc.) r ecorded in Dolby Digital EX, DTS-ES Matrix, DTS-ES Discret e 6.
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sound 35 GB How to selec t the su rroun d back decod ing mod e You can select the surr ou nd back m ode you w an t accord ing to th e input st re am.
36 GB You ca n sw i tch th e au dio inpu t mode f or compo ne nts wh ic h ha ve digital a udi o i nput jacks. 1 Rotate INPUT SE LECTOR to select the input. 2 Press INPUT MODE rep eatedly to select the audio i nput mode. The sel ect ed au di o in pu t mode appears in the displa y.
Adv anced Adjustment s and Settings 37 GB x CTR XXX.X dB (Center spe aker level) x SUR.L . XXX.X dB (Surround s peaker ( L) level ) x SUR.R. XXX .X dB (Surroun d speaker ( R) leve l) x SB X XX.X dB (Surround b ack speaker level) * x SBL XX X.X dB (Surroun d back (L) level) ** x SBR XXX.
38 GB You ca n adjust the tona l quali t y (b ass, treb le level) o f each spea ker using the EQ menu. 1 Start playing a source encoded with multi ch an ne l s ur r o und eff ect s (DVD, etc.). 2 Press MAIN ME NU repeatedly to select “EQ”. 3 Rotate MENU to select the parameter.
Adv anced Adjustment s and Settings 39 GB x SB X XXX (Surround back decodi ng mode) You can use the CUSTOM I ZE me nu to set the surround ba ck deco ding mode (page 34). For details on eac h de cod ing mode, see p ag e 35. • SB AUTO •S B M T R X •S B O F F Note This para me ter is va lid only in the A .
40 GB All SP SETUP menu parameters * Default unit is “ ft.” (fee t) for STR-DA1 000ES. Default un it is “m ” (meter ) for STR-DB7 90. ** Adjustable only when “MENU” is set to “MENU EXP.”. x DISTANCE (Distance unit) Lets yo u select the un it of measure for se tting distances .
Adv anced Adjustment s and Settings 41 GB x SP > XXX H z (Speaker crosso ver frequency ) Initial set ting: 100 Hz Lets you set the bass c r osso ver frequen cy of spe a k e rs set to “SM ALL” in the SP SET UP menu . You can adjust t he bass c rossover frequency i n thre e steps (60 Hz, 1 00 Hz and 150 Hz).
42 GB You ca n enter a name of up to 8 cha ra ct er s for pres et s tat ions and i nput s se lect ed wi th INPU T SELECTOR, and display it in the receiv er’s disp lay. T o index a pr eset station 1 Rotate INPUT SELECTO R to select FM or A M. 2 Tune in t he preset station you want to create an index name for (page 26).
Other Operations 43 GB You can set the receive r to turn off automatically at a spe cified ti me by usin g the remote . For det ai ls, refe r to th e oper at ing ins tru ctio ns supplied with the remote. Press ALT, then press SLEEP on the remote while the po wer is on.
44 GB Befor e you be gi n, make sure you ’ v e conn ec ted all com ponen ts pr operly . Record ing on an audi o tape o r MiniDi sc You ca n reco rd on a Mi ni D isc or c asse tte t ap e using the re ceiv er. See the op erati ng instr uction s of your cas se tte dec k or MD deck if yo u need help .
Other Operations 45 GB The CONTRO L A1 II Control System was design ed t o si m p lify the op erati on of audio system s compos ed of sep ar at e Sony compon ents.
46 GB On sa fet y Should any soli d objec t or liqui d fall i nto t he cabine t, unplug the re ceiver and hav e it che cked b y qualif ied personnel before ope rat ing it any further. On powe r sour ces • Befo r e ope r a ting the unit, che c k that th e ope r a tin g voltage is iden tical with your loc al po w e r sup ply.
Additiona l Inf ormation 47 GB If you experi ence any o f t he f ollowi ng difficu ltie s while using the recei ver, use th is troubles hootin g gu ide to he lp you re med y th e proble m . Sh ou ld any pr oblem per si s t, consu l t your n ear es t Son y de aler.
48 GB • Adjust t he spea ker le vel (page 23). • Make sure the surround sp eake r s are se t to eithe r “SMALL” or “LARGE” ( page 21). • Make sure the sur r ound ba c k spe a k er is set to either “DUAL” or “SINGLE” (STR-DA1000ES), or “YES” (STR-DB 790) (pag e 21).
Additiona l Inf ormation 49 GB Error messages If ther e is a m al f unctio n, the di s p l ay s hows a code of tw o number s and a m es sa ge. You can check th e co nditi on of th e syste m by t he message. Refer to th e foll owing table t o solve the problem.
50 GB FRONT 1) : 80 W + 80 W CENTER 1) : 80 W SURR 1) : 80 W + 80 W SUR R BA CK 1) : 80 W Actual R ated Ma ximum Ou tput at S tereo Mode 2) (8 ohms, JEITA) 110 W + 110 W Actual R ated Ma ximum Ou tput.
Additiona l Inf ormation 51 GB Vide o secti on Inputs/Outputs Video: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms S-video: Y: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms C: 0.286 Vp -p, 75 ohm s COMPONENT VIDEO: Y: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms B-Y: 0.
52 GB Main unit A.F.D. qd (31, 32, 33, 38) DISPLAY 7 (29) Display 5 (30) INPUT MODE 8 (36) INPUT SELECTOR 0 (24, 25, 26, 31 , 36, 39, 42) IR recep tor 1 MAIN MENU 3 (20, 36 , 38, 42) MASTER VOLUME –.
Additiona l Inf ormation 53 GB P U S H 28 9 6 5 3 4 7 1 ql ws wa w; qk qj qh qg qf qd qs qa q; To remove the cover Press PUSH to r emove t he cove r. When you r emove th e cover, ke ep the cov er out of re ach of the chi l dren.
54 GB A Adju stin g CUSTOMIZ E para m eter s 38 EQ param eter 38 LEV EL pa rame ter 36 , 41 SP SETUP parameters 20 , 39 speaker volume 23 Autom a ti c t uni ng 25 C Chan ging disp la y 29 Clearing receive r’s memory 19 Crossover fre qu ency 41 CUST OMIZE menu 38 D Digital Ci ne m a Soun d 32 Direct tuning 25 Dubbing.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Malaysia.
An important point after buying a device Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony STR-DA1000ES, STR-DB790 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center