Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product S605 Sony
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©2006 Sony Corporation 2-887-743- 13 (1) NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Operation Guide NW-S603 / S605 / S703F / S705F / S706F T able of Contents Menu Index.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 2 2 About the Manuals Inc luded with the play er are the Quick Start G uide and this PDF -forma t Operation G uide. Addi tionally , after installing the SonicStag e s oftwar e f ro m the sup plied CD-ROM, yo u can refer to the H elp wi t hin SonicStag e.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 3 3 T o change the page lay out The bu tton s at the bot tom of the A dobe Reader s creen ena ble you to select how pages ar e display e d. Single Page P ages are dis played on e at a time. When y ou scroll, the displa y chang es to a pr ev ious o r succeeding page.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 4 4 Continued T able of C onten ts Ho me Menu List .................................... 6 Supp li ed Accessories ............................. 7 Pa r ts and Controls .............................
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 5 5 Listening to FM R adio (NW-S703F/S705F/S706F only) Enjoy Listening t o FM R adio .............. 61 1 Switching t o t he FM tuner .........................61 2 Presetting br o adcast statio ns au tomatically (FM A uto Preset) .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 6 6 Home Menu List Y ou can dis play the HO ME s creen b y pressing a nd holding the DISP L A Y/HO ME bu tto n of the player . The HO ME s creen is the starting poin t to play a udio, sear ch for songs, a nd change settings such as f ollows.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 7 7 Supplied Ac cessories Please check the accessories in the package . H e adph ones (1) H e adph one extension co rd (1) Earbuds (Size S, L) (1) USB cab le (1) A ttachmen t (1) U se when connecting the pla yer to the optio na l cradle (B CR -NWU3) * 1 , etc.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 8 8 WM-PORT Connect to the sup plied USB cab le, accessories fo r WM-POR T such as op t ional accessories f or recor ding with the pla yer , o r p eripheral device. Displa y See p age 11.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 9 9 T o operat e the play er with the shuttle switch Normal mode T o Operation In play mode Skip to the beginning o f the next song. Rotat e t he sh uttle switch to b rief ly . Skip to the beginning o f the current son g.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 10 10 HOLD switch Y ou can pr otect the player a gainst accidental opera tion by usin g the HO LD switc h when carr ying it. By sliding the H OLD switch t o t he HO LD position, all opera tion bu ttons a re disabled.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 11 11 When selecting Jacket Mode ON (Default setting) Display Jack et pic ture displa y Displa ys the jacket pictur e of an album after y ou register the jack et and tran sfer songs from SonicS tage.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 12 12 Pla ying S ongs ( All Songs) The transf er red son gs on the player a re pla yed b ack. to button DISPLA Y/HOME button to Shuttle switch P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 13 13 Pla ying Lists of Songs (Playlist Selec t) Y ou can pla y s ongs fr om “Pla y lists cr e at e d in SonicStage , ” “ Albums r ecently transf erred ” and “Y our 100 fa vorite son gs.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 14 14 T o skip to the beginning of the song By r ota t ing the sh uttle switc h to ( ) briefly whi le in the play o r stop mode, the pla yer skips t o t he beginning of the curren t (or next) song.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 15 15 Playing Songs... Playing Lists of Songs Playing songs from 100 fa vorite songs (F avorite 100) Y ou can pla y lists of songs a uto ma t ically creat e d in SonicStag e.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 16 16 Playing Songs... Playing Lists of Songs Playing songs from albums recently transferred (Recent T ransfers) Y ou can pla y a lbum s t ransf erred most recen t ly . P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 17 17 Pla ying S ongs in Random Order (Intelligen t Shue) The pla yer offers 4 differ ent ra ndom and r ep eat p l ay m o des (also known as “ shuffle play”) (In telligen t Shuffle).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 18 18 Playing similar genre songs to the selected artist in random order (Artist Link Shuffle) The pla yer randomly selects an a rtist, se ar ches similar genre son gs to the selected artist (Artist Link Shuffle), and pla ys them in rando m order r ep eatedly .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 19 19 Playing songs released in the same y ear in random order (Time Machine Shuffle) The pla yer randomly selects a release year a nd plays all transf er red songs o f that y e ar in ran dom order r epe at e dly .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 20 20 Playing songs in random order for a specified period of time (Spor ts Shuffle) The pla yer randomly selects songs fro m al l transf er red songs a nd plays them in rando m order r epeatedly (between 1 and 99 min utes).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 21 21 Searching for S ongs (Search) Y ou can search f or songs b y “Song na me, ” “ Ar tist name , ” “ Album nam e, ” etc.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 22 22 Searching for songs b y artist (Artist) P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears. Rota te the shuttle switch to select (Search) and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 23 23 Searching for songs b y album (Album) P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears. Rota te the shuttle switch to select (Search) and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 24 24 Searching for songs b y genre (Genre) P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears. Rota te the shuttle switch to select (Search) and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 25 25 Searching for songs b y release year (Release Year) P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears. Rota te the shuttle switch to select (Search) and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 26 26 Searching for Albums by Jack et Pic ture (Jack et Search) Y ou can search f or songs b y a lbum jack et picture a f ter yo u register the album jacket p ic tur e and transfer son gs f ro m S onicStag e.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 27 27 Changing the Play Mode (PLA Y MODE) The pla yer offers a variety o f pla y mo des, incl uding random pla y and selected repeat p l a y . PLA Y MODE/SOUND button P ress the PLA Y MODE/SOUND button r epeatedly to select the desired play mode .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 28 28 Reducing the A mbient Noise (Noise Canceling) (NW -S703F/S705F/S706F only) The in terna l micro phone o f t he headp hones can ca tch the ambien t noise. I t reduces n oise by ou tput ting an an tiphase sound again st the noise.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 29 29 Notes If the sup plied headpho nes are no t us ed pro perly , t he N oise Canceling function may n ot wor k. T o en joy the better sound quality , adj ust the earbuds ’ position to si t on your ears comfo r tably o r push them into y our ears so that they fit snugly .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 30 30 Setting the Sound Q uality Y ou can set the sound quality acco rding to the m usic genre, etc. Th ere are two pr es et settings, either o f w hich can be selected by the PLA Y MO DE/SOUND bu tton d uring the pla y or stop mode.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 31 31 Changing the sound quality (Equalizer) Y ou can select a s ound q ua lity fo r S ound1 a nd S ound2 fro m “EQ H e avy , ” “EQ P op , ” “EQ J azz” o r “EQ U nique. ” Y ou can lis ten to music wi t h your fa vori te sound quali ty by selecting and ad justing “EQ C ustom ” .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 32 32 List of E qualizer settings Setting item Description EQ OFF Sound quality setting is n ot activated. (Defa u lt setting) EQ H e avy Emp hasizes high and low ran ges for a pow er ful sound. EQ P op Str esses the middle range a udio, ideal fo r voca ls.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 33 33 Settin g th e EQ Cust om v alues Y ou can pr es et the value of Clear Bass (4 p has es) and 5 ban ds Equalizer (7 phases) to Sound1 o r S ound2 of the soun d quality setting as “EQ C ustom ” .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 34 34 Rota te the shuttle switch to select the Equalizer value and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 35 35 Making the S ound More V ibran t ( VPT) Y ou can select f ro m “VPT Studio , ” “VPT Liv e, ” “VPT Club ” or “ VPT Arena ” to make the sound even mo re vibra nt.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 36 36 Listening with Clear S tereo Sound ( Clear S tereo) Clear Ster eo enables individ u al left and right digital pr ocessing of the sound. to button DISPLA Y/HOME button to Shuttle switch Notes This setting cannot be made while using the FM tuner (NW -S703F/S705F/S706F only).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 37 37 A djusting the V olume L evel (Dynamic Nor malizer) Y ou can set to reduce the v olume level between songs. W i t h this setting, when listenin g to album songs in the sh uf fle play mode, the vo lume level between songs is modera ted to minimize the difference in their reco rding levels.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 38 38 A djusting the E ec t of the Noise Canceling F unc tion (Noise Cancel C ontrol) (NW -S703F/S705F/S706F only) The pla yer is designed to obt.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 39 39 Changing the S ong O rder (Sor t) Y ou can set the song or der by “ Album or der , ” “ Albums b y art ist o rder , ” “ Artist or der , ” “ Genre or der” or “ Rele ase year o rder .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 40 40 List of song order Setting item/Icon Description Sort Album (Album o rder)/ Songs a ppe ar in album o rder . In the album, son gs ap p ear in song n umber order . In the FO LDER mode, songs ar e skipped by album.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 41 41 Changing the D ispla y Mode Y ou can chan ge the desired displa y for the pla y or sto p mode. Pr ess the DIS PLA Y/HO ME butt on to chan ge the screen. The follo wing shows the scr een types. Y ou can select the screen to use from the setting men u in advance ( page 43).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 42 42 Changing the display mode DISPLA Y/HOME button P ress the DISPLA Y/HOME button while in the pla y or stop mode.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 43 43 Selec ting the display types (Display S creen) Y ou can select w hether or n ot to displa y t he fo l lowin g screens: “ Property , ” “ Clock, ” and “B reath ” when pr essing the DIS PL A Y/HO ME but ton.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 44 44 Setting the Jack et Pic ture Display ON/OFF (Jack et Mode) Y ou can displa y the album jacket p ic ture a fter you regis ter the album jacket pictur e and transfer so ngs from SonicStag e. For deta i ls on r egistering the jacket pictur e, se e SonicStag e Hel p.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 45 45 Setting the V olume Lev el ( V olume Mode) There a re 2 modes to adju st the volume level . Ma nual V olume: Pr ess t he V OL +/– b utton t o adjust the vo lume level from 0 t o 30.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 46 46 Setting a Preset Volume value P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears. Rota te the shuttle switch to select (Settings) and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 47 47 Setting to a Manual Volume (Manual V olume) P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears. Rota te the shuttle switch to select (Settings) and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 48 48 Limiting the V olume ( A VLS) Y ou can set A VLS (A utoma tic V ol ume Limiter Sys tem) to limit the maxim um vol ume to preven t audi tor y disturba nce or distraction. W ith A VLS, you can listen to m usic at a co mfortable vo lume level.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 49 49 T urning O the Beep S ound (Beep) Y ou can turn off the beep sounds of the pla yer . “Beep ON” is set by defa ult. to button DISPLA Y/HOME button to Shuttle switch P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 50 50 Setting the C urren t T ime (Set Da te - T ime) Y ou can set and disp l ay the curren t time. There a re 2 modes to adju st the c urren t time. Date-T ime A uto matic: Y ou can set the date a nd time of the play er to synchro nize with your co mpu ter aut omatically .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 51 51 Rota te the shuttle switch to select the desired setting and press the button to c onrm.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 52 52 Setting the c urrent time manually T o set t he current time m anually , select “Date-T ime Ma nual” in the curren t time setting in advan ce ( p age 50). P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 53 53 Setting the Da te F ormat (Date Disp T ype) Y ou can select the date fo r ma t display e d for the curren t time ( page 41) from amo ng “year/mo nth/day , ” “ day/mo nth/year , ” and “ mon th/day/year .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 54 54 Setting the T ime For mat (Time Disp T ype) Y ou can select the t ime fo rmat displa yed for the curren t time ( page 41) from ei t her a “12 h ” o r “24 h ” displa y .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 55 55 Displaying the Play er Information (Informa tion) Inf ormation s uch as product na me, built-in flash memory capacity , serial num b er , and firmwa re o r WM-POR T version can be sho wn.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 56 56 Resetting to F ac tor y Settings (Reset All Settings) Y ou can reset the pla yer to the defaul t s ettings. Resetting the pla yer does not delete the m usic songs you h ave transf er red to the p l ay er .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 57 57 F ormatting Memor y (F ormat) Y ou can fo r ma t t he built-in flash memo r y of the play er . If the mem or y is forma tted, all music da ta, other stor ed d a ta and regis tered jacket p ic tur es w ill be eras ed.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 58 58 T o cancel formatting Selec t “ Cancel ” in step and p ress the bu tton. T o return t o the previous menu Pr ess t he DIS PLA Y/HOME b utto n. Note D o not f ormat the built-in flash memo r y of the player u sing Win dows Explorer .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 59 59 Changing the USB C onnec tion S etting (USB Bus P ow ered) Depending on ho w you ar e using the com puter , if the power su pply (US B Bus P ower) is in suf ficient, inco mplete da ta transfer ma y o ccur from the com put er to the pla yer .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 60 60 Setting to the P ow er S a ve S creen (P ower S av e Mode) The screen cha nges to the power sa ve screen when the player i s not o p erat e d fo r abou t 15 s econds.
61 61 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Enjoy Listening to FM Radio Y ou can listen t o FM radio. Char ge the built-in rech argeable ba tter y befor e using the pla yer ( page 78), and co nnect t he headph ones to the headph one jack.
62 62 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) T o stop the FM tuner and return to the audio play er Pr ess and hold the DIS PLA Y/HOME b utto n until the HOME screen a ppears, and then select (All S ongs), (Pla ylist S elect), (I ntelligen t Shuffle) or (Rec Data) from the men u screen and pr ess the but ton to pla y back.
63 63 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Rota te the shuttle switch to select “ OK ” and press the button to conrm. The receiva ble broadcast s t atio ns wil l be preset in o rder from lo w to high frequency . “ COMPLETE ” appears when p resetting is com pleted, then the first pr es et statio n is received.
64 64 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Manual T uning Fr equency appears with and abov e and below . T o Operation Selec t the pr e vious frequen c y Rotat e t he sh uttle switc h to brief ly . Selec t the next frequency Rotate the sh uttle swit ch to briefly .
65 65 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Pr esetting Desired Broadcast Stations Y ou can pr es et br oadc ast sta tions that “ FM A uto Pr es et ” misses ( page 62). to button DISPLA Y/HOME button to Shuttle switch Select the desired frequency by the manual tuning mode ( page 63).
66 66 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Setting the Rec eption (Scan Sens) When y ou set t he “ FM A uto Preset ” ( page 62) or “ Ma nual T uning” ( page 63), it ma y receive ma ny unnecessary broadcast sta tions because the receptio n is too sensitiv e.
67 67 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Changing the Monaural/Ster eo (Mono/Aut o) If no ise o ccurs during FM r eception, set to “M ono ” for mon aural. If y ou set to “ A uto , ” stereo/mo naural receptio n is aut omatically set, depending on r e ception condi tions.
68 68 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Rec ording (Rec) Y ou can reco rd songs on the p l ay er without usin g t he com put er by connecting the play er and the audio device with the op tional accessor y for r ecording wi t h the play er .
69 69 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) P ress the button of the play er , and then start playing the audio device . When the sync hro nize d reco rding is set, recor ding starts au toma t ically when the play er detec ts sound fro m t he a udio de vice.
70 70 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Setting the Bit Rate for the S ongs to Rec ord (Rec Mo de) Y ou can select the bit ra te for the son gs to record .
71 71 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Changing the Synchr onized Recor ding Settings (S ync Rec) Y ou can select the synchronized r e cor ding settings. If no soun d * contin ues during r ecording f or mor e than 2 seconds, the pla yer pauses reco rding au toma tic ally , and when the sound co mes again, reco rding starts.
72 72 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Pla ying the Rec orded Songs (Rec Data) Play bac k songs r e cor ded by the play er . to button DISPLA Y/HOME button to Shuttle.
73 73 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Changing the Play Mode of Rec orded S ongs (PLA Y MODE) The pla yer offers a variety o f pla y mo des, incl uding random pla y and selected repeat p l a y . I t is no t p ossible to p lay back songs co ntinuo usly with songs transf erred to the pla yer .
74 74 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Deleting the Recorded Songs Y ou can delete son gs recorded b y t he pla yer . On ly son gs recorded b y t he pla yer can be deleted. Wh en you delete son gs recorded b y t he pla yer , you canno t rest ore them again.
75 75 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) T o stop deleting song Selec t “ Cancel ” in step and p ress the bu tton. T o return t o the previous menu Pr ess t he DIS PLA Y/HOME b utto n.
76 76 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Deleting the recorded f older (Delete Folder) Note It m ay take time to co mplete deletin g in the case of man y songs. P ress the button while playing the song in the folder t o be deleted.
77 77 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Deleting all recorded songs (Delete All Rec Data) Note It m ay take time to co mplete deletin g in the case of man y songs. P ress the button while playing the rec orded song. P ress and hold the DISPLA Y/HOME button until the HOME scr een appears.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 78 78 Recharging the Play er The pla yer is rechargeable when connec ted to a computer When y ou connect the play er to your com put er , use the sup plied USB cable. When the r emaining bat ter y indication o f the display sh ows: , char g ing is com pleted (char g ing time is a ppr ox.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 79 79 Maximizing Battery Lif e By fo l lowin g a few simple guidelines, y ou can extend the pla ying time availab le from a ba tter y char ge. Screen display aut o - off Setting the displa y to turn off after a certain perio d of time o f not using the pla yer (app rox.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 80 80 Advanced F ea tures Wha t ar e F orma t and Bit Rate? What is format? The fo r ma t of a song ref ers to the method use d by SonicS tage to sto re the song ’ s a udio informa t ion when son gs are im p orted to SonicStag e f rom the In ternet or a udio CDs.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Advanced F ea tures... what are F orma t and Bit Rate? 81 81 What is the relationship betw een bit rate , sound quality , and storage size? Generall.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 82 82 Advanced F ea tures Pla ying S ongs without P auses If y ou import songs t o S onicStag e in A TRA C * forma t and transfer them t o t he pla yer , yo u can play them o n t he pla yer con t inuo usly , withou t pauses between the songs.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 83 83 Advanced F ea tures Ho w is Song Informa tion Impor ted to the Play er? When y ou import CD son gs into SonicS t age, S onicStag e auto matica.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 84 84 Stor ing Da ta Other than A udio Files Y ou can sto re com puter da ta into the buil t-in f lash memory of the play er by transf erring it fro m your com puter wi t h W indows Exp lorer .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Upgrading the Play er ’ s F irm war e Y ou can upda te the pla yer’ s f irmwa re, ensuring y ou to add new fea tures fo r t he pla yer by installing the la test play er’ s firmwa re to the pla yer .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 86 86 T r oublesho oting If the p lay er do es not function as expected, tr y the following s teps to resolve the issue. 1 P ress the RESET button with a small pin, etc. All the songs and settings s tored on the p l ay er wi ll not be erased even when you reset it.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 87 87 Symptom Cause/Remedy N oise is genera ted. N oi s e Canceling is set in a quiet p lace. N oise tends to be mor e noticeable in a quiet place o r depending on the no ise t ype. Release No is e Canceling ( page 28).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 88 88 T roubleshooting Operation (continued) Symptom Cause/Remedy The vol ume is not loud enough. A VLS is enab le d. Disable A VLS ( p age 48). There is n o s ound fro m right cha nnel of the headpho nes.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 89 89 T roubleshooting Continued Connection with the computer/SonicStage Symptom Cause/Remedy The SonicStag e s oftware cannot be ins t alled. The com puter’ s operatin g system software is no t com patible with SonicS t age.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 90 90 Symptom Cause/Remedy “US B CONNECT” do es not a ppear when connected to the com puter wi t h the sup plied USB cable. The US B cable is not co nnec ted to a USB port on your co mpu ter pro p erly .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 91 91 T roubleshooting Symptom Cause/Remedy A udio data canno t b e transferr ed to the player from y our comp uter . The US B c able is n ot connected to a USB port on your co mpu ter pro p erly .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 92 92 F M T uner (NW-S703F/S705F/S706F only) Symptom Cause/Remedy Y ou cannot hear the FM br o adcast well. The r e ceiving freq uenc y is not fully tuned in. S elect the frequency manually to im pro ve receptio n ( p age 63).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 93 93 Symptom Cause/Remedy “ TRA CK FULL ” is displa yed even though the maximum r ecording time is not r eached. The maxim um number o f s ongs t o b e recor ded by the play er is 4,000. No mo re songs than the maxim um num b er can be recor ded.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 94 94 Symptom Cause/Remedy I t takes time to switch t o the recor d standby m o de. The fi le is fragment e d. After exporting the s on gs recorded b y t he pla yer to SonicStag e, forma t t he in terna l flash memory in the “F ormat ” men u of the player ( pag e 57).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 95 95 Messages Fo l low the in str uctions below if a mes s age a ppears in the displa y . Message Meaning Remedy AC CESS This message a ppears after disconnecting the USB cab le f rom the com puter , or r es etting the pla yer ( page 86).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 96 96 Message Meaning Remedy FILE ERROR The file cannot be r e ad. The file is not no rmal. T ran sfer the normal audio file back to the comp uter and then fo rmat the pla yer . Fo r det ails, see “ T o delete ab normal data from the built-in flash memory” ( page 98).
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 97 97 Message Meaning Remedy NO DA T A There a re no audio files in the built-in flash memo r y . If ther e are no a udio f iles in the built-in flash memory , use S onicStag e to transf er audio files.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 98 98 T roubleshooting... Messages Message Meaning Remedy UPDA TE ERROR The play er fails to update the firmwar e. Fo l low the o n-s creen instructions on the com puter a nd update again. USB CONNECT The pla yer is connected to a com puter .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 99 99 Uninstalling S onicStage T o uninstall t he su pplied software fro m your com put er , follo w the procedure below . Click “Star t”– “ Contr ol Panel. ” 1) Double- click “ Add/Remov e Programs .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 100 100 Owner ’ s Record The model and serial num b ers ar e lo cated o n t he rea r of the play er . Record the seria l n umber in t he space pr ovided below . Refer to these n umbers whenever you call upo n your Son y dealer regar ding this product.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 101 101 If y ou hav e any questions about this produc t: V isit: ww w .son y .com/walkmansup port Con tac t: Son y Cus tomer Inf ormatio n Ser v ice Center a t 1-(866)-456-7669 W rite: Son y Cus tomer Inf ormatio n Ser v ices Center 12451 Gat e way B lvd.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 102 102 Disposal of Old Electric al & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collec tion systems) This symbol on the p roduct or o n its packagin g indicat es t ha t t his pr o duct shall not be trea ted as household was te.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 103 103 Pr ecautions On saf ety Be sure no t to short-circuit the terminals o f t he pla yer with other metallic objects. Do not t ouch the recha rgeable bat ter y with bare ha nds if it is leaking.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 104 104 W hen using the play er , remem b er to fo l low the p recau t ions belo w in order to av oid warping the cab inet or cau sing the player t o ma lfunction. – M a ke sur e not to sit do wn with the player in y our back po cket.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 105 105 On the use W hen using a strap (sold separa tely), be careful to a void hooking i t on objects you pas s by . Refrain from u sing the player acco rding to the in-flight ann ouncements during take o f f or landin g in an aircra f t.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 106 106 The a bility to displa y the languages o n your SonicStage will depend on the installed OS on yo ur comp uter . For bett er results, please ensur e that the installed OS is com p a t ible with the desir e d languag e you wan t to displa y .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 107 107 Additional Information On Cop yrights SonicS t age an d t he SonicStag e logo are trademar ks or register ed t rademarks of Son y C orpora t ion. OpenMG, A TRA C, A TRA C3, A TRA C3plus, A TRA C Ad vanced Lossless a nd their logos ar e trademarks of Son y C orpora t ion.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 108 108 Specications Audio compression technology – MPE G-1 A udio Lay er-3 (MP3) – W indo ws Med ia A udio (WMA) * – A dapti ve T ran sfo .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 109 109 Capacity (User available c apacity) * NW -S603/S703F : 1 GB (A pp rox . 968 MB = 1,015,726,0 80 byte s) NW -S605/S705F : 2 GB (A pp rox . 1.89 GB = 2,035,974, 144 byt es) NW -S706F: 4 GB (A ppr ox.
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 110 110 Additional Information... Specifications Ba tter y life (continuous playback) * * This is when the power sav e s etting ( page 60) is .
NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) 111 111 Minimum Sy stem Requirements (f or the play er) C om put er IBM PC /A T or compa tible c omp uter p reins talled with the follo wing W i.
112 112 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Delete ................................................ 74 All data ................................................. 77 Fo lder ................................................... 76 Song ..
113 113 NW -S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F .GB 2-887-743-13(1) Additional Information... Index J J acket pictur e ........................ 11, 26, 44 J acket Search .................................... 26 L Linear -PCM ............................. 80, 109 M Ma nual V ol ume .
An important point after buying a device Sony S605 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony S605 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony S605 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony S605 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony S605 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony S605, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony S605.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony S605. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony S605 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center