Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RG475S Sony
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©2005 Sony Cor poration 2-580-011- 14 (1) Mini HI-FI Component System Oper ating Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and serial numbers are l ocated on the rear of t he unit. Re cord the ser i al number in the space provide d below. Refer to the m whenever you c all upon your Sony deale r regardin g this pro duct.
2 GB To reduce the risk of fire or ele ctric shock, do not expose this appara tus to rain or moisture. To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover the ventilation of the appar atus wi th ne wspape rs, tabl eclo ths, cu rtai ns, etc. And do not place lighte d candles on the ap paratus .
3 GB How to use this manu al .......... ........... ...... 4 Playable discs ....... .......... ........... ........... ... 4 Getting Started Hooking up the sy stem........... ........... ...... 6 Setting the cloc k ............. ........... ........ .
4 GB Thi s manual mainly expl ains operat ions usi ng the remote , but the sa me operatio ns can also be perf ormed using the butt ons on the unit havi ng the same or similar names. You ca n play bac k the f ollowi ng discs on this system. Other discs c annot be pla yed back .
5 GB Notes on C D-R and CD -RW • Som e CD-R s or CD- RWs ca nnot be p layed on thi s system depe nding upo n the r ecord ing quality or ph ysical conditi on of the dis c, or the ch arac terist ics of the recor din g device . Furthermore, the disc will not play if it has not been corre ctly finaliz ed.
6 GB Perform th e following procedures 1 to 6 to hoo k up you r syste m usin g the supp lied co rds an d accessories. A model equip ped with a s ub woofer is us ed for illus tration pur pose. 1 Connect the front speakers. Conn ect the r ight and le ft spea ker co rds t o the SPEAKER terminals as shown below.
Getting Started 7 GB 3 Connect the FM and AM antennas. Set up the AM loop ante nna, then conn ect it. Plug type A Plug type B Note To prevent noise pic kup, kee p the an tennas awa y from the spea ker cords. 4 (Mexican model only) Connect th e video input jack of your TV to the V IDEO OUT jack with th e video cable (supp lied) .
8 GB 6 Connect the power cord to a wall outlet . The dem onstra tion ap pear s in the dis play. When you pres s ?/1 , the system tur ns on and the demonstration auto matically ends. If the pl ug does not f it the wall socket, detach the su pplied plug adapt or (only for mode ls equi pped wit h an adaptor ).
Getting Started 9 GB Placi ng the sub woo fer (MHC-G X555/R G575S/RG4 75S only) To obtai n a bette r bass re produ ction , we recom men d you to pl ace th e sub wo ofer o n a sol id fl oor wher e re sonanc e is un like ly to occur . Notes • Always pl ace the sub woofe r verticall y, keeping it a few centi meters away fr o m the wall .
10 GB Use bu ttons on the un it for the opera tion. 1 Press Z . 2 Place a disc with the label side up on the disc t ray. To in sert add itio nal di scs, press D ISC SKIP/EX-CHANGE to rotate t he disc tray. 3 Press Z again to close the disc tray. Note s • Do not use a d isc with tape, s eals or p aste on it as th is may c ause malfun ction .
CD/MP3 – Play 11 GB 2 Press PLAY MODE repeatedly in stop mode unt il the mode you want appea rs in the display. 3 Press N . Other operations Sele ct To play ALL DISCS (No rma l Play ) All discs in th e disc tray continuo usly. 1DISC (No rma l Play ) The tra cks on t he d isc you have selec ted in or igi nal order.
12 GB Note s • On Mex ican model, you cannot per form the following oper ations – select ing the graphic ch annels of CD-Gs – displa ying CD -G image s wit h fading effects • On Mexican model , when you play back a CD-G, some ope ration may cause image dis tortion on the video outp ut.
CD/MP3 – Play 13 GB You ca n make a pr ogram of up to 25 s teps f rom all the d iscs in the orde r you w ant to p lay them . You can sy nchr o recor d the prog ram med tr acks ont o a cassett e tape (page 18). 1 Press CD (or FUNCTION repeatedly) t o switch the fun ction to CD.
14 GB You c an pres et up to 20 FM stat ions an d 10 AM statio ns. Yo u can then tune in an y of thos e statio ns simpl y by sele cting t he corre spond ing pres et num ber.
T une r 15 GB To change the AM tuning interval (except for European, Russian and Saudi Arabian models) The AM tuni ng interv al is fact ory- preset to 9 kHz (or 10 kH z for so me ar eas). To cha nge th e AM tuning interval, tu ne in any AM s tation first , then tu rn off th e system.
16 GB Listen ing to no n-preset radio station — Manual Tunin g 1 Press TUNER BAND (or FUNCTION repeatedly) to s witch the function to TUNER. 2 Press TUNER BAND repeatedly to select “FM” or “AM”. 3 Press TUNING MODE repeatedl y until “AUTO” an d “PRESET ” disappear from the display.
Ta p e – P l a y 17 GB Use butto ns on the un it for t he operation. 1 Press TAPE A/B repeatedly to select deck A or B. 2 Press PUSH Z . 3 Load a recorded/recordable tape in deck A or B with the side you want to play/record facing forw ard. You ca n use TYP E I (normal ) tape .
18 GB You ca n reco rd a w hole CD on a tap e. You ca n use TYP E I (nor mal) ta pe. The recording level is a djusted auto matically. Use bu ttons on the un it for the opera tion. 1 Load a recordable tape into deck B, then press TAPE A/B repeatedly to select deck B.
T ape – Re cording /Sound Adju stment 19 GB You can reinfor ce th e bass and creat e a mo re power ful soun d. Press GROOVE on the unit. Each time you pre ss the bu tton, th e disp lay chan ges cycl ically as foll ows: GROOVE ON* t GROOVE OFF * The volume switches to power mode, the e qualizer curve changes, and “GROOVE” lights up.
20 GB You can adjus t the soun d by rais ing or lowe rin g the leve ls of spe cific frequ ency ranges, then store up to three pe rsonal f iles (P FILE) in the memory. Befo re op eratio n, fir st se lect t he aud io emp hasi s you wa nt for yo ur basic sound .
Sound Adjust ment 21 GB You can sing alo ng by co nnecting a n option al micr opho ne. Use bu tton s on the unit for the opera tion. Enjoy ing kar aoke 1 Turn MIC LE VEL to M IN to turn down the microphon e control level. 2 Connect an opt ional mi crophone to MIC jack.
22 GB You can set the sy stem to turn off after a cer tain time, so that you c an fall asle ep to musi c. Pres s SLEE P. Each time you p ress the bu tton, the minute disp lay (the turn -off tim e) c h.
Timer 23 GB 8 Press ENTER. The type o f timer (“PLAY TIMER”), the start time, the s top time, a nd the sound source a ppear in turn, befo re the or igi nal displa y ret urns. 9 Press ?/1 to turn off the system. Other operations Notes • You ca nnot ac tivate t he Play Timer an d the Rec Timer at the same tim e.
24 GB Other operations Note s • You cann ot activ ate the Play Ti mer and the Rec Time r at the sam e ti me. • If you use the Rec Timer, th e Play Timer a nd the Sleep Ti mer at the sa me time, th e Sleep Timer has prior ity. • If the system is on at the preset time, the Rec Timer will not be act ivated.
Displa y 25 GB You can check the playing time and remaining time of th e current t rack or t hat of the disc. When a disc w ith MP3 audio tr acks is loaded , you ca n also ch eck t he infor mati on re cord ed on dis c, such as the ti tles . Chec king t he rema ining t ime and titles Press DISPLAY during Normal Play.
26 GB Press IL LUMINATION on the unit. Each time you p ress the bu tton, the power illuminato r changes cyclicall y as follows: MHC-GX555/RG575S/ RG475S/RG470 PATTER N 1 t PATTE RN 2 t PATTERN 3 t ILLUM OFF MHC-GX355/GX25 5/RG270/RG170 ILLUM ON y ILL UM OFF Press DISPLAY wh ile listening to the radio.
Optional Compone nts 27 GB To enhance your system, you can connect option al components. Refer to the operating instr uctions provid ed with ea ch com pone nt. A No rth Ame rican m ode l is used for illus tration purpo se. A AUDIO IN jack Use audio c ord (n ot s uppli ed) to conne ct an optional anal og component (Portable Audio Player , etc.
28 GB Should you encou nter a pr oblem with your syst em, do the fo llowi ng: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and f irmly connected. 2 Find your prob lem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corrective action.
T roubl eshootin g 29 GB The remote d oes not function. • Remov e the obstacl e. • Move t he remote closer to th e system . • Point the rem ote at t he sys tem’s sen sor. • Repla ce the batteri es (R6/si ze AA). • Locate t he system away from the fluoresce nt light .
30 GB The album name, track title and ID3 tag information do not appear correctly. • Use a disc that co nforms with ISO9 660 Level 1, Level 2 or Joli et i n the exp ansion form at. • The dis c ID3 tag is not ver. 1 nor ver. 2. • Only up to 30 char acters of ID3 tags a re displa yed.
T roubl eshootin g 31 GB One of the follo wing mess ages may appe ar or flash in the disp lay dur ing op eration . CD/MP3 NO DISC There is no di sc in the player or you have loaded a disc that c annot be playe d on this system (such as DVD, VCD, or CD-ROM without MP3 audio tracks, et c.
32 GB On oper ating vol tage Before ope rating the sys tem, check tha t the opera ting voltage of your system is ident ical with the volt age of your l ocal power supply. On sa fety • The unit is not disconn ected from th e AC power source (m ains) as long as it is c onnected to th e wall outle t, even if the uni t itsel f has been turned of f.
Additiona l Informa tion 33 GB Note s on dis cs • Before pla ying, clean the disc with a cleani ng cloth. Wipe the disc f rom the center out . • Do not use so lvents such a s benz ine, t hinner, commercia lly ava ilable cl eaners or anti-sta tic spra y intended for vin yl LPs.
34 GB Amplifier section AUDIO POWER SPECIFICATIONS (MHC-GX555/GX 355 USA model only) MHC-GX555 POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: With 6 ohm lo ads, both c hannels dr iven, from 120 – 1 0,000 H z: rate d 145 watt s per cha nnel minimum RMS power, with no more than 10% total har monic distort ion from 250 mill iwatts to rate d output .
Additiona l Informa tion 35 GB MHC-RG170 DIN power output (rated ): 20 + 20 watts (6 ohms at 1 kHz, DIN) Continuous RMS power ou tput (r eference): 25 + 25 watts (6 ohms at 1 kHz, 10% THD) Music power.
36 GB Tape deck section Record ing syst em 4-track 2-cha nnel, s tereo Frequency response 50 – 13, 000 Hz (±3 dB), using Sony TYPE I cassett es Wow and flutter ±0.15% W. Peak (IEC) 0.1% W. RMS (NAB) ±0.2% W. Peak (DIN) Tuner section FM stereo, FM/AM superhe terodyne tuner FM tuner section Tuning range North Americ an model: 87.
Additiona l Informa tion 37 GB European and R ussian models: Front speaker SS -RG475 for MHC -RG475S Speaker s ystem 3-way, 3- unit, b ass-reflex type Speake r u nits Woofer: 13 cm, cone typ e Sub woofer: 13 cm, cone type Tweeter: 5 cm, cone type Nominal im pedance 6 ohms Dimension s (w/h/d) Approx.
38 GB Front speaker SS-RG475AV for MHC - RG270 Speaker sys tem 3- way, 3-unit , bass-reflex type, ma gnet ically shielde d type Speaker uni ts Woofer: 13 c m, cone type Sub woofer: 13 cm, cone type Tweeter: 5 cm, cone type Nominal i mpedance 6 ohms Dimensions (w/h/ d) Approx.
Additiona l Informa tion 39 GB General Power req uirements North American model: 120 V AC, 60 Hz Europ ean and Russian models: 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz Australian m odel: 230 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Argentin.
40 GB Main unit ALBUM +/ – qs (11, 13 , 18) AUDIO IN wl (18, 27) AUDIO IN jack wf (27) CD es (8, 10 , 13 , 18) CD SYNC wj (18) Deck A wg (17) Deck B qk (17, 18, 21) DISC 1 – 3 qa (11, 13, 30) DISC.
Additiona l Informa tion 41 GB Remote control ALBUM + qa (11, 13) ALBUM – qd (11, 13) CD qk (10, 13) CLEA R qg (1 3) CLOCK/TIMER SELE CT 2 (23, 24) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 (9, 22, 23) DISC SKIP q; (11, 13.
Sony Cor poration Printed in China.
An important point after buying a device Sony RG475S (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony RG475S yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony RG475S - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony RG475S you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony RG475S will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony RG475S, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony RG475S.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony RG475S. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony RG475S along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center