Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product RDR-GX210 Sony
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2-548-697- E3 (1 ) © 2005 Sony Corporation D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-GX210.
2 WARNIN G To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabin et. Refer s ervicing to qualified personnel only. The mains lead m ust only be changed at a qualified se rvice shop.
3 On recording • N ote that the co ntents of the recording c annot be compens ated for under any and all conditio ns, including co nditions tha t may arise due to a malfu nctio n of this unit. • Make tri al r eco rding s b efor e making the ac tual r ecord ing.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 DV D ubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Before DV Dubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Connecting a Dig ital Video Camera to the DV IN Jack .
6 Ways t o Use Y our DVD Re cord er Quick access to recorded titles – T itle Lis t , Display the Title List to see all o f the titles on the d isc, includ ing recor ding da te, title length, a nd thumbn ail image (page 29).
7 Progressive PAL p layback , If your TV is compatible wi th progressive signals, yo u can enjoy accurate colo ur reproduc tion and high qu ality ima ges in Prog ressive m ode. Playing JPEG image fi les , You can enjoy viewing JPEG images on your TV screen.
8 Quick G uide t o Disc Typ es Recordable and play able discs Usable disc vers ions (a s of Februa ry 2005 ) • 4x-speed or sl ower DVD+RWs • 4x-speed or slower DVD-RWs (Ver. 1.1, Ver.1.2 with CPRM* 1 ) • 8x-speed or sl ower DVD+Rs • 8x-speed or slower DVD-Rs (Ver.
9 Discs tha t cannot be recorded on • DV D-RW s (Ve r. 1.0) • DVD+RWs that are not 2.4x-speed c ompatible • Do uble l ayer discs • 8 c m di scs Recording Features Editing Features Rew rit e (p.
10 Playable dis cs Note ab out CDs The record er c an p lay C D-RO Ms/ CD-Rs/ CD- RWs reco rded i n the f ollowi ng forma ts: • music C D format • video C D format • MP3 audio trac ks and JPEG i.
11 Note o n playba ck oper atio ns of DV D VIDE Os/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be intenti onally set by s oftware producers. S ince this r ecorder pla ys DVD VIDEOs/VIDEO CDs acc ording to the disc conten ts the s oftwa re produ cers design ed, som e playba ck fe atures m ay n ot be av ailabl e.
12 Hookups and Settings Hooki ng Up the Re corde r Follow steps 1 to 6 to hook up the re corder , and ste p 7 to mak e the ini tial sett ings for the reco rder (pag e 21). Notes • Plug cord s securel y to prev ent unw anted n oise. • Se e the instruc tions supp lied wit h the compon ents to be connect ed.
13 Hookup s and Settings Step 2 : Conn ecti ng th e Aeri al Cab le Conne ct the ae rial ca ble by foll owing the step s below . Do not co nnect th e main s lead unt il you re ach “S tep 5: Con necting t he Main s Lead ” (page 1 8).
14 Ste p 3: Conne cting the Vi deo Cord s Select one of the fo llow ing patter ns A thro ugh D , according to the input jack on your TV monitor, projector, or AV amplifi er (recei ver). This will enable y ou to view p ictures. Audi o connections are explai ned in “S tep 4: Conne cting t he Audio Co rds” (page 1 6).
15 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to a SCART input jack Conn ect usin g a SCAR T cord (not su ppli ed) t o the L I N E 1 - T V j a c k a n d y o u r T V . B e s u r e t o m a k e t h e connectio ns firmly to avoid hum and noise. See the operating instr uctions supplied with the TV to be connecte d.
16 Ste p 4: Conne cting the Audi o Cord s Sel ect one o f the fo ll owing p atter ns A or B , according to the inpu t jack on your TV monitor, projecto r, or AV am plifi er (re ceiv er). This will enable you to l isten to s ound. z Hint For cor rect sp eaker loc ation, se e the operatin g instru ctions s upplied with t he conn ected comp onents .
17 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to audio L /R input jacks This con nection w ill use y our TV’s or stereo ampli fier’s (receiv er’s ) two s peake rs for sound.
18 Step 5 : Co nnecti ng the Mains Le ad Plug t he record er a nd T V m ains l eads (pow er cords) into the mains. Afte r you connect the mains lead, you must wait for a short whil e before oper ating th e recorde r. You ca n oper ate the reco rder o nce the fro nt pane l disp lay lig hts up and the rec order en ters standb y mod e.
19 Hookup s and Settings Controlling TVs wi th the remote You ca n adjust the rem ote’s signal to con trol your TV. If you co nnecte d the r ecorder to an AV amplif ier (recei ver), you can us e the supp lied re mote to control the AV amplifi er’s (r eceiver’s) volume.
20 Controlling the v olume of your AV amplifier (rec eiver) with the r emote 1 Slide the TV /DVD switch to DVD. 2 Hold do wn [ / 1 , and enter th e manu factur er cod e (see the tab le be low) for your A V amplif ier (rece iver) usin g the number butto ns.
21 Hookup s and Settings Step 7: In it ial Setup Use the Setup Displ ays to make the initial set tings for using the recorder. Complete the initial setup in t he fol lowin g or der. Follo w th e steps f rom “Pr esett in g chan ne ls” to “Additional se ttings” b elow.
22 2 Press M / m t o select [OSD] (on-screen display) , and p ress , . 3 Press M / m to select a languag e, and pre ss ENTER . The on -scree n langua ge change s to the selecte d langua ge. 4 Press < to return to the S etup Disp lay, and foll ow the ste ps of “Set ting the clock” (see below).
23 Hookup s and Settings Connec tin g a VCR or S imila r Devi ce After disco nnecting the re corder’s main s lead from the mai ns, connect a VCR or similar rec ording device to the LINE IN jacks of this reco rder. Use the D V IN ja ck on the f ront pan el if the eq uipme nt has a D V outp ut jack (i .
24 Connecting to the L INE 2 IN or LINE 4 IN jack s Connect a VCR or simil ar reco rding d evice t o the LIN E 2 IN or LINE 4 I N jacks o f this r ecorde r. If you are conn ecting to the LIN E 2 IN jac ks and the equi pment has an S-vid eo jack, you can us e an S-v ideo cord instea d of a vide o cord.
25 Hookup s and Settings Connec tin g to a Sate llit e or Di gital Tuner Connect a satell ite or dig ital tuner t o this reco rder using th e LINE 3/DECODER jack. Disconnect t he record er’s m ai n s lead fr om the m a ins wh en conn ecting the tune r.
26 Connec tin g a PAY -TV/C anal Plus Deco der You ca n wat ch or r ecord PAY -TV/C anal Pl us prog ramm es if you conn ect a decode r (n ot supp lied) to the reco rder. Di scon nect th e record er’s mains lead fro m the m ains w hen co nnecti ng the de coder .
27 Basic O peration Basic O peration Insert ing an d Format ting a Disc When yo u fir st ins ert a ne w disc, the re corder will ask you t o forma t the dis c. Follow the steps below to fo rmat the disc . Yo u can also refo rma t a DVD+RW or DVD-RW to create a blank disc.
28 Record ing a Prog ramme to a Disc This sec tion int roduces the basic o perati on to reco rd the cu rren t TV pro gramm e to a dis c. For de tails abo ut reco rdin g, see pa ge 37. 1 Insert a disc. For details on h ow to inser t and form at a new disc, see “Inser ting and For matti ng a Disc” (page 27 ).
29 Basic O peration Viewin g the R ecorded Progr amme ( Titl e List ) The titl es of prog ram mes re cord ed on a dis c are displayed in the Ti tle List, which also d isplays disc in form ation, such a s disc na me, re maini ng time, et c. Follow t he steps be low to play t he record ed p rogr amm e.
30 To ch ange a title thumbn ail p icture You ca n sel ect a favo urit e scen e for the thu mbnai l picture shown in t he Title List menu. 1 Play a tit le whose t humbna il pictu re you want to chan ge. 2 Press PICTUR E MAR K at t he sc ene you w ant to set fo r a thumb nail pi cture.
31 Basic O peration Checki ng t he Pl ayback Inform ation an d Play ing Time You ca n check the play back inf ormati on and remaining time displayed on the TV screen or the fron t panel displ ay. Using the on-scre en displa y Press DISPL AY to sho w variou s play back informa tion on the TV screen.
32 Notes • Playin g time of MP3 au dio tracks ma y not be displa yed correct ly. • If you create a Playlis t title l onger than “13:15 :21,” the display is reset to “0:0 0:00” and resta rts counting.
33 Basic O peration 4 Selec t [Tit le Na me] and pre ss ENT ER. The dis play for enteri ng chara cters a ppears. The default ti tle name is dis played in the input row. •P r e s s < / , to move betwe en the sett ing buttons. To mo ve between the s etting butto ns, charac ter pale tte, a nd c harac ter ty pe box on the disp lay, pres s M / m .
34 Labell ing an d Protec ting a Disc Labelling a disc A disc is automatically labelled as its disc type. You can change the disc n ame (up to 21 characters). 1 Insert a disc. 2 Press SET UP to tu rn on the Setup Display. 3 Select [Disc Info] and press , .
35 Basic O per ation Playi ng a DVD on Oth er Equip ment (Fina lize) Final iz in g i s ne cess ar y w he n you pl a y discs recorded with this re corder on other DVD equipm ent. When you finali ze a DVD+RW, DVD-RW (Video mode), DVD+R, or DVD-R, a DVD menu will be au tomatically cre ated, which can be displayed on other DVD equ ipment.
36 z Hint You can check whethe r the disc has been finali zed or not. If you cannot sel ect [Fina li ze] in step 5 above , th e disc has already bee n fi na liz e d. Notes • The ti me requi red for fina liz in g depends on the disc type, re cording t ime, or the num ber of ti tles reco rded on th e disc.
37 Record ing Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… • Thi s recor der ca n recor d on va rious d iscs. Select the disc type accordi ng to your needs (page 8). • Use t he Title Li st to che ck the av ailable recordin g time for the disc (page 29).
38 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) Unrecordable pictur es Picture s with copy prot ectio n canno t be reco rded on this record er. Whe n the reco rder receiv es a cop y guard si gnal, the re corder s tops re cordin g. * The recorded dis c can be played onl y on CPRM compati ble equ ipment.
39 Record ing 1 Press Z (open/clo se), an d place a recor dable disc on the dis c tra y. 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to clo se the disc tray. Wait until “LOADING” disappears from the fron t panel displ ay. For deta ils o n how to i nse rt and form at a new disc, see “Ins ertin g and Form attin g a Disc” (page 27).
40 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) Rec Mode Adjust If ther e is not e nough availa ble disc space fo r the reco rding, the reco rder autom atical ly sel ects th e reco rding m ode t hat wil l record the en tire programme. To us e this fu nction, selec t [AT] for the reco rding mode and set [PDC/VP S] to [Off] .
41 Record ing 4 Press , to move to [ Repeat ], and press M / m to s elec t a re peat opti on. You ca n select [Toda y], [M on-F ri], or [Weekly]. 5 Press ENTER . The prog ramm e posit ion, date , start an d stop times , record ing mo de, repe at option , and PDC/ VPS sett ing (pag e 39) ap pear.
42 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) Checki ng/ Changi ng/ Cancellin g Timer Settings (Timer Lis t) You can chec k, change, or cancel time r settings using the Timer Li st menu. Changing the timer s ettings The Timer List can contain u p to seven ti mer settings .
43 Record ing ◆ When th e end time of one reco rding a nd the start ti me of an other ar e the sam e After f inishi ng the pr evious reco rdin g, the othe r record ing ma y be delay ed. Notes • Whi le recording , you cannot cha nge the time r setting for the c urrent re cording.
44 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) To s top r ecord ing Press x . Note that it may take a few s econds for reco rding t o stop . To paus e recor ding Press X .
45 Record ing Creating chapters i n a title The recorder a utomatically divides a recordin g (a title) in to chapters by inserti ng chapter ma rks at 5, 10, or 15- minut e int erva ls duri ng r ecor ding. Selec t the in terval, [5Min], [10Min] , or [15Min] for [Auto Ch apter] in [Rec Se tting] Se tup (pag e 77).
46 RDR-GX210 2-548-697- E2 (1) 5 Press z REC on this reco rder an d the paus e or play butto n on the con nected equip ment a t th e sam e ti me. Reco rdin g starts.
47 Playback Playback Play ing DVDs and VI DEO CDs 1 Press Z (open/clos e), and place a di sc on the dis c tray. 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to clo se the disc tray. If you inse rted a DVD VIDEO or VIDEO CD, pres s H . Playbac k starts a utomatically depend ing on the disc.
48 To stop playba ck Press x . To re sume playba ck fr om th e po int w here you stoppe d the disc ( Resume P lay) The reco rder stores the point wh ere you stoppe d the disc e ven if the disc is removed or the re corder turns of f. Press x once to stop pla yback.
49 Playback Playback options Buttons Operations Discs Z (open/close ) Stops playing a nd opens the disc t ray. All discs X (pause) Pauses pla yback. All discs . (previo us)/ > (nex t) Goes to th e beginni ng of the prev ious/n ext title/ chapt er/sc ene/tr ack.
50 To resume normal pl ayba ck, press H . Notes • If appears, th e operation is not availab le on the disc . • When pla ying the discs r ecorded on this recorder, angles and su btitles cann ot be changed. • For a Sup er VCD, you cannot s elect audio t rack 2 if one is recorded on th e disc.
51 Playback To play repe atedl y Press RE PEA T repea tedly to select an item to be repeat ed. [Chap ter]: repeat s the cu rrent ch apte r. (DVD o nly) [Title]: repeats t he current title. ( DVD only) [Tra ck]: re peat s the curren t trac k. (VI DEO C D only) [All]: repeat s all th e trac ks on t he disc.
52 Search ing for a Title / Chapte r/T rack, etc. You can sear ch a DVD by title or chapter , and VIDEO CD by track. As titles and trac ks are ass igne d indi vidu al numb ers on t he dis c, sel ect t he title or track by enterin g its number. You can a lso search for a sce ne using the time code.
53 Playback To eras e the boo kmark 1 Press SE ARCH MODE to turn on the book mark sear ch disp lay. 2 Press < / , or th e numbe r buttons to select the bo okmar k numb er you want to era se, and press CLEAR . 3 Press SEARCH MODE to turn off the display.
54 To stop playba ck Press x . When y ou s tart play back t he n ext t ime, the rec order res umes pl ayba ck fro m the poin t where you stop ped the t rack. Press x twice to play fro m the beginning of the disc/trac k. z Hints • For C Ds, you can a lso select the tr ack num ber by pressing the number button s in step 3 above.
55 Playback To resume norma l playback , press H . To canc el the S urround , Rando m, Repe at, or A -B Repeat functi on, pre ss the butt on agai n to turn of f the indicato r. Creating your o wn programme (Programme Play) You c an play th e conten ts of a disc in the or der you want by arr anging the orde r of the trac ks on the di sc.
56 5 Repeat step s 2 to 4 to ad d mor e tracks to the list. To add all th e tracks o n the disc, se lect [ ] (program me al l) and pres s ENTER. 6 Selec t the tra ck you wa nt to st art play ing in [Program] li st. 7 Press H or ENTER to star t Progr amme Play.
57 Playback Playin g JPEG Image Fi les You can pl ay JPE G im age f iles on DA TA CDs (CD -R s/CD -RW s). Fo r de tail s ab ou t JPE G i mag e files, see “A bout J PEG image f iles” (page 5 8). 1 Insert a D ATA CD . The list menu appears on the TV screen.
58 5 Select a file a nd press H or EN TER. Slide sh ow starts fr om the sele cted image file. To paus e play back, pres s X . To stop the slide sh ow and r eturn to th e list menu, press x or O RETURN. About JPEG image files JPEG is image c ompression technology.
59 Erasing and Edi ting Erasing and Ed iting Before Editing This rec orde r offers variou s edit op tion s for vario us disc and t itle ty pes. Be fore yo u edi t, chec k these types and se lect an available option . Notes • Yo u may l ose ed ited conte nts if you rem ove the disc while editi ng.
60 In this case, yo u can se lect a tit le or ch apter an d create a Playlis t title. You can even re arra nge the scene ord er within t he Playlist title (p age 65). z Hint For DVD-RW (VR mode), you c an display th e disc’s P laylist titles i n Title Lis t (Playlis t), or t he original tit les in Title Li st (Original ).
61 Erasing and Edi ting 2 Select a title, a nd press ENTER. The sub -menu appe ars w ith option s ava ilable for the selecte d title. [Chapt er List ]: Disp lays the Cha pter Li st menu, w hich di splays the title co nten ts by chapter (s ee “Editing a Titl e by Chapter” on page 63).
62 4 Press ENTER at the sta rt of th e scene to be erased (poi nt A). 5 Press EN TER at the en d of the sc en e (point B). To reset e ither point A or B, sele ct [Cancel] and repe at from s tep 3. 6 Select [OK ], and pres s EN TER. The disp lay ask s for c onf irma tio n.
63 Erasing and Edi ting Editi ng a Titl e by Ch apte r You can make det ailed editin g to a tit le by using the Chapter List menu that displays ti tle conte nts by chapt er.
64 Hiding a chapter You can ski p playing ch apters without deleting from the disc . 1 Select [Edit] in step 5 of “Editin g a Title by Chapte r,” and pr ess ENT ER. 2 Select [Hid e], an d pre ss ENT ER. The cha pter i s displ ayed shaded in th e Cha pter List menu.
65 Erasing and Edi ting 4 Selec t [New P laylist ], and pr ess ENTE R. The titl e or chapt er is added to the Pl aylist as a new Playlist title. To create more Pla ylist t itles, press TITLE LIST an d repeat the step s above. Adding contents to a n existing Playlist ti tle 1 Press TITLE L IST to tu rn on the Tit le List (Original).
66 DV Dubbing Befo re DV Dubb ing This se ction ex plains dubbin g with a digit al video camer a via the DV IN j ack on the front pa nel. If you wa nt to d ub by w ay of the LINE I N jac ks, see “Reco rding Fr om Conn ected Eq uipme nt” (pag e 45).
67 DV Du bbing Dubbin g From a DV/D igital 8 Format Tap e to a DVD You ca n reco rd a DV/D igital 8 form at tape onto a disc. Th e recorde r contr ols the d igital vide o came ra. Yo u can f ast f orwar d, re wind, and stop the tape to select a scene u sing the re corder’s remote co ntro l.
68 10 Press O RETUR N to turn off th e Setup Displa y. 11 Press H to star t playin g the DV /Digital8 format tape. The p laybac k pi ctur e appe ars o n th e scre en. 12 While wa tching the scr een, se arch for t he point you want t o start r ecordin g by pressing m / M .
69 Settings a nd Adj ustments Settings and Ad justments Using the Setup Disp lays By using the Setup D isplays , you can ma ke vario us adjus tment s to items such as picture an d sound, as well as select a langua ge for th e subtit les. The Setup Display co nsists of sev eral levels to set up o ptions.
70 4 Press M / m t o select the it em you wa nt to set up , and press ENTE R to co nform . Some items require ad ditional s ettings. To turn off the Se tup Dis play Press SE T UP. Channe l and Clock Sett ings The [Setting s] Setup helps you to make tuner, clock , and c hannel s ettings for the re cord er.
71 Settings a nd Adj ustments 2 Pres s ENTER whi le [Set tin g] is sele cted . The Ch annel List menu ap pears. 3 Press M / m to select the programme posi tion you w ant to set, and press ENTER. 4 Selec t an option from t he su b-men u, and pr ess ENTER.
72 [Clock] ◆ [Aut o Adju st] Turns on the A uto Clock Set fu nction whe n a c hannel in yo ur lo cal ar ea br oadcast s a ti me sig nal. 1 Select [Clo ck] and pr ess , . 2 Select [A uto A djust On ] and pre ss ENTER . z Hint If you select [Auto Adjus t On], the Auto Clock S et function i s activated whenever th e recorder is turned off.
73 Settings a nd Adj ustments TV and V ideo S ettings These settin gs will adj ust items rela ted to the image, such as size. Choose t he settings accordi ng to the ty pe of TV, tuner, or dec oder c onnecte d to th e reco rder. Sele ct [S etti ng s] in the S etup Disp lay .
74 Notes • You ca nnot select [On] if the VIDEO OUT SELECT switch on th e rear pa nel is set to “RGB” (page 15). Make sure that it i s se t to “ COMPON ENT.” • When se t to [On], pictur es appear on a progre ssive compa tible TV or monitor .
75 Settings a nd Adj ustments Audio Set tings The [Audio] Setu p allows you to adju st the sound accord ing to the playba ck and conne ction conditions. Sele ct [Au dio ] in the Set up D isp lay. T o use th e displ ay, see “ Using th e Setup D ispla ys” (pag e 69).
76 [Audio DRC ] (Dynamic Range Co ntrol) (Dolby Digital D VDs onl y) Makes the soun d clear when the volume is turn ed down when playi ng a DVD t hat co nfor ms t o [Aud io DRC] .
77 Settings a nd Adj ustments z Hin t If you for get yo ur password, clear t he passwor d and re gist ere d a new p as swor d. Press SE T UP to turn o n the Se tup Dis play. Enter the six- digit nu mber 2 10499 u sing the number buttons. Select [ OK ] and press ENTER.
78 Note Depending on the size of the rec ording b eing ma de, the actual interv al may vary from t he int erval sel ected in [Auto Cha pter]. The se lected inte rval should only be used as an approxi mation to c reate chap ters. Resett ing the Record er (Factor y Setup) Select th is to rese t the rec order to al l its default settin gs.
79 Additional I nformation Additional Inform ation Troubl esho oting If yo u expe rienc e any o f the f ollow ing di ffi culti es while u sing t he recor der, use t his trou blesho oting guide t o help re med y the prob lem be fore reque sti ng rep airs .
80 The pict ure fr om equip ment c onnect ed to the recorde r’s in put ja ck does n ot appea r on the scr een. , If th e equi pment i s conn ected t o the L INE 1-T V jack, select “LINE 1” in the front pa nel display by pressing INPUT SELECT.
81 Additional I nformation The rec order st arts pl aying the disc automatica lly. , The DVD VIDE O features an auto play back function. Playba ck stop s auto matica lly. , If the disc h as an auto pause signal, the r ecorder stops playb ack at the au to pause signal .
82 , Other timer setting ov erlappe d the timer sett ing (page 42). , There is no t eno ugh dis c sp ace fo r the recor ding. , The PDC/VP S function is worki ng (page 39). Conten ts pr eviously record ed we re erase d. , Data that h as been recorded on a DVD wit h a PC will be erase d from th e disc w hen th e disc i s inser te d.
83 Additional I nformation Notes Abou t Th is Rec orde r On oper atio n • If the r ecorder is brought directly from a c old to a warm loca tion, or i s placed in a very damp room, moistu re may co ndense on th e lenses inside th e record er. Should this occur, the recor der may not oper ate prop erly.
84 Speci ficat ions Syst em Laser: Semic on duc tor lase r Chan ne l cove rag e: PAL/SECAM (B/G, D/K, I , L) V H F : E 2 t o E 1 2 , R 1 t o R 1 2 , F 1 t o F 1 0 , I t a l i a n A to H, Ire la nd A t.
85 Additional I nformation About i.L INK The DV IN jack on this recorder is an i.LINK- compliant DV IN jack. This secti on describes the i.LINK stand ard an d its feat ures. What i s i.L INK? i.LINK is a digital serial interface f or handl ing digital vide o, digi tal aud io and oth er data in t wo directi ons betw een equi pment hav ing the i.
86 Guide t o Part s and Con trols For more informa tion, see the pa ges in pare nthe ses. Front panel Butt ons o n the recor der have t he sa me fu nctio n as t he bu tton s on t he re mote i f t hey ha ve t he same or similar names .
87 Additional I nformation Remote Butt ons on the remo te have the same funct ion a s the butt ons on the recorder if they ha ve the sa me or si milar names . Buttons with an oran ge d ot next to them c an be used with your TV whe n the TV/ DVD switch is s et to TV.
88 wl MENU button (47, 53) e; m / M (sea rch) buttons (49, 54 ) ea H (pla y) butto n* (4 7, 53) The butt on has a tact ile dot. X (pause) button (43, 49, 54, 57) x (sto p) but ton ( 28 , 29 ) es CHAPT.
89 Additional I nformation Rear panel A AERIAL IN/OUT jacks (13) B LINE 3/DECODER jack (23, 25, 26) C DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL) jack (16) D COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (P B /C B , P R / C R , Y) jack s (14) E LIN.
90 Glos sary Album ( page 53 ) A unit in which to s tore MP3 au dio tra cks on a DATA CD. ( Albu m is an excl usive definit ion for this r ecorder.) Chapter (page 52) Secti ons of a pict ure or a m usic fe ature tha t are smaller than titles. A title is compose d of severa l chapt ers.
91 Additional I nformation File (page 5 7) A JPEG imag e reco rded o n a DATA CD. (F ile is an exclu sive de fini tion fo r this re corder .) A sing le file c onsist of a single ima ge. Folde r (p age 57 ) A un it in whi ch to s tore JP EG im age file s on a DATA CD.
92 Langua ge C ode Li st For de tails , see page 74. The lang uage spe llings co nform to the ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) stan dard. Language Code L anguage Code Languag e Code Language Code Abkhazian 6566 Af.
93 Additional I nformation Area Code Li st For det ails, see page 77 . Code Area Code Area Code Area Code Area AF Afghanistan AN Netherlands Antilles AR Argentina AT Austria AU Australia BE Belgium BO.
94 Index Words in bracket s appear in the on-scre en displ ays. Numerics [16:9] 22 , 73 , 77 [4:3] 22 , 73 , 77 [48kHz] 75 [96kHz] 75 A [A-B Erase] 61 A-B Repeat 51 , 55 Aerial 13 Album 53 , 90 Angle .
95 O On-screen d isplay 31 Setup Display 69 Sub- menu 29 Original 29 , 59 , 91 OSD languag e 21 , 74 P [Pan Scan] 73 Parental Control 48 , 76 , 77 PAY-TV 26 PBC ( Playb ack Contro l) 47 , 74 [PCM] 75 .
Sony Corporat ion Printed in China Printed using VO C (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink..
An important point after buying a device Sony RDR-GX210 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony RDR-GX210 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony RDR-GX210 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony RDR-GX210 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony RDR-GX210 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony RDR-GX210, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony RDR-GX210.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony RDR-GX210. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony RDR-GX210 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center