Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product PCG-C1XD Sony
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nN About the Softwar e on your Sony Notebook Computer PCG - C1XD © 2000 b y Sony Cor porat ion..
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 2 nN NOTICE This pr oduc t contai ns soft ware owne d by Sony an d license d by thir d part ies. Use of such s oftware is subject to the t erms and conditions o f lic en se a greements e nclosed with this pr od uct.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 3 nN 1 Licens e. Th is SO NY SOF TW A RE and t he related doc ume ntation a re lice nsed t o you by SONY .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 4 nN 4 T ermina tion. This EULA is effective unt il terminat ed. Y ou may termin ate this EU LA at any t im e by de stro ying th e SO NY SO FT W AR E, re lated do cu men tat ion, and all copi es thereof.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 5 nN As an E NER GY S TA R Partner , Sony has determ ined that this pr oduct meets the E NE R GY S TAR guidelines for en er gy ef ficiency .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 6 nN Contents Ab out t he Sof twa re on Your Noteb ook Comp uter So ny s oft wa re .... ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ... .... .. ... .... .. ... .. .... ... .. .. ..... .. .. ..... .
Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Sony software About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 7 nN About the Software on Y our Notebook Computer Y ou r Son y no te boo k com p ute r i s re ady to h e lp yo u work , p lay , le arn , and commu nica te as soon as you tu rn it on.
Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Sony software About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 8 nN DVgate Sti ll Sony Electr o nics Attac hing a DV devi ce to the i.LIN K TM connector enables you to tra nsfer the imag es you ha ve captur ed to y our har d drive.
Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Sony software About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 9 nN CyberCode F inder Sony Electr o nics The CyberCode Finder is Sony’s new interface that pro vides you w ith task- relevant info rmation i n a clear and at tract iv e manner .
Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Sony software About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 10 nN Smart Publisher Sony Electr o nics W ith Sma rt Publisher , you can send memos to the Internet by e-mail and upload f i les t o your We b p a g e s .
Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Sony software About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 11 nN Sony Notebook Setup Sony Electr o nics Use the Sony Notebook Setup to confirm syste m information , specif y prefer ences for system be havior , and change har dware set tings for yo u r Sony N o tebo ok computer .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Operating S ystem and other pr e-install ed software 12 nN Oper atin g Sys tem and other pre -ins t.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Abo ut the S oftw are on Y our No teboo k Compu ter Operating S ystem and other pr e-install ed software 13 nN Adobe ® Ac robat ® Read e r 4.
Usin g Smar t Utilities Using Smart Capture About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 14 nN Using Smar t Utilit ies Usi ng Sm art Ca pture Y o ur computer in cludes a built-in "MOTION EYE" camera. Y ou can use the c am era softwa re to shoot sti ll ima ges a nd re c ord v ideo c lips .
Usin g Smar t Utilities Using Smart Capture About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 15 nN Display ing the capt ure d images in Still Vi e wer Fr om t he Start menu, select Progr am s, Smart Captur e and click Still V i ewer . Y ou can displa y , save or delete yo ur images or send them by e-m ail.
Usin g Smar t Utilities Capture m odes About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 16 nN 4 T urn the MO TION EYE lens towar d s the su bject. 5 Keep pressi n g the CAPTURE button to shoot a video clip. Y ou can shoot up to 60 second s. The Mov ie Player window will open.
Usin g Smar t Utilities T o send a video clip v ia e-mail About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 17 nN T o playback captured video clips 1 Start t he Movie Player software. 2 Cli ck B to playba ck the imag es. Click X to pause, x to stop pl ayback.
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 18 nN Customizi ng Y our Notebook Computer Y ou c an cu stomize the settings of y our no tebo ok com put er . T he fo llowing s ectio ns briefly describe h ow to change your compu ter ’s s ettings.
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 19 nN Id le/Sus pend/Hibe rnation P re ss the Jog Dial to selec t a power saving m ode. See "Controlling Po we r Ma nag em ent " for mo re inform ation .
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 20 nN Using the Sony Softwar e Y o u can use additional functions using the supplied Sony software. F or mor e in format i o n, see "Usi ng the Jo g Dial " on page.
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 21 nN Media Bar Pr ess the Jog Dial to la unch Medi a Bar . T urn the Jog D ial to sele ct a track. Pr ess t he Jog D i a l to p lay . Pr ess again to pa u se.
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 22 nN Sm ar t L abe l Pr ess th e Jog Dial to l aunch Smar t Labe l. T urn the Jog D ial to toggl e thr o ugh the labels. Press the Jog Di al to s witch tothe T ime V iew mod e.
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 23 nN Cyb er Cod e Find er * Si mple mode: turn the J og Di al to cho ose the Cybe rCode r ecogni tion mo de (nor mal, mu lti -se arc h and pick-up).
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 24 nN Allocating Other Functi ons to the Jog Dial Y o u ca n a llo c a te o th er f un c tio ns to t he J og Dia l o r d e le te t he m wi th the Jo g D i al se tu p sof t ware .
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 25 nN *Th e preins ta lled So ny so ftw are and y our c omput er's co nfi gur ation syst em s a r e al ready alloc at ed.
Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Setting up the Jog D ial About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 26 nN 6 Check "Display the Jog Dial launcher in the l ist" , then click End. 7 The window in step 1 appears. Cli c k OK to finis h the allocation.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Sony Notebook Setup 27 nN Sony Notebook Setup T o di splay t he So n y Notebook Setup scr een: 1 Cli ck the Sta r t b utt o n on th e Windo w s ® 98 t askbar . 2 In Progra ms , select Sony No tebook Set u p.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Sony Notebook Setup 28 nN Notebook Se tup T abs Ta b D e s c r i p t i o n About This Computer Displa y system informa tion, inc luding m em ory cap aci ty , ser i al num be r , a nd BIO S ve rs ion .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Pow er Pan el 29 nN Powe r Panel Controlli ng Power Management The PowerPanel ut ility contr ols the power ma n agement of yo u r n otebook c om puter and pr ovides key infor mation abo ut sy stem acti vity a nd batt ery life.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Pow er Pan el 30 nN 2 Select T oolbars fr o m the pop-up menu, then c lic k PowerPanel. The PowerPanel will appear on the task bar ( you can change it in t o a floati ng windo w b y dra gging a nd droppi ng i t on you r deskt op).
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Pow er Pan el 31 nN Other pre set profi l e s Ico n De sc ri pti o n Au tom at ic Pr of il e S ele ct ion – A nalyses the per f ormance of each applicati on you choose and matches the pr ofiles to its needs.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Pow er Pan el 32 nN Power Management Commands PowerPanel prov ides power managem ent commands that you c an use to activate specific power management functions and to contr ol pow er for a specific device.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Pow er Pan el 33 nN Automatic Profiles Se lection (APS) A Power Profile is a set of t imer values for a variety of sy s tem devices.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Displayi ng Battery Inf ormation 34 nN Disp layi ng Batt ery Inf ormatio n Y ou c an d isplay det ailed info rmation for the batt ery u sed in yo ur co mp uter .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Displayi ng Battery Inf ormation 35 nN Battery I con Descript ions Batte ry icon Bat tery status Dischar ging .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Displayi ng Battery Inf ormation 36 nN Display ing Detaile d Ba t te ry Infor mation Y ou c an ob tain d etailed info rmat ion a bout the b attery . ❑ Double-click the battery icon o n the task tray to d isplay the BatteryScope win dow .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Selecti ng the Displ a y M ode 37 nN Se l ecti ng the Displa y Mode When you connect an external display , you c an toggle the display mode between the com pu ter L CD a nd ext ern al dis pla ys .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Selecti ng the Displ a y M ode 38 nN Using a CRT or Projector When you s elect CR T/Project or as the display .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Selecti ng the Displ a y M ode 39 nN Proj ector Set tings: 4 Cli ck OK .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Using the Dual Display Funct ion 40 nN Usi ng the D ual Disp lay F uncti on Th e dual disp lay functio n allow s yo u to dist ribute portio ns of you r de sktop a cross separate displays .
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Using the Dual Display Funct ion 41 nN 3 Click the Display icon. 4 Cli ck the Se tt ing s t a b. 5 Click th e Ad vanced but t on. 6 Cli ck the Neo Magi c® ta b.
About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer Custo miz ing Y our N oteb ook Com puter Using the Dual Display Funct ion 42 nN Customizi ng the vir tua l de sktop Y ou can cus tomiz e dual disp lay mod e by ch anging th e positi on of the two deskto ps com p ris ing t he v irt ua l d esk top.
About the Pa rtitio ns of your Ha rd Disk Drive About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 43 nN About the Partit ions of your Hard Disk Drive In th e "M y Com pu t er" win d ow , you may ha ve n oti ce d th e avai la bil i ty of tw o dr iv es: C and D (depending on t he model).
About the Pa rtitio ns of your Ha rd Disk Drive About the S o ftwar e on y our Notebook Computer 44 nN ❑ When you perform a system and applic ation recovery of your co mputer , your D : drive wo n't be cha nge d.
An important point after buying a device Sony PCG-C1XD (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony PCG-C1XD yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony PCG-C1XD - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony PCG-C1XD you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony PCG-C1XD will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony PCG-C1XD, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony PCG-C1XD.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony PCG-C1XD. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony PCG-C1XD along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center