Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MXD-D400 Operating Instructions (primary manual) Sony
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©2003 Sony Corporation 4-245-486- 11 (2) Compact Disc MiniDisc Deck Oper a t ing Inst ructions MXD-D400.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to rain or m oi st ur e. To prevent f ire , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with news p apers, tabl e-cloths, cur tains, etc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an d le s on th e apparatus.
3 GB How to use this ma nu al ............. ........ ... ... 4 Playable discs ................. ........... ........ ...... 4 Getting Started Unpackin g ........ ........... ........... ........... ...... 7 Hooking up.............. ........... .......
4 GB • Before operat ing the de ck, con nect yo ur deck by re ferr ing to “Get ting Sta rted.” • This ma nual mainly expla ins operations using the remot e, but the s ame operations c an also be perf o r m ed using th e bu ttons on th e deck having the s ame or simil ar names.
5 GB Playi ng a dis c with M P 3 files About MP3 files MP3 (M PEG 1 Audio La ye r-3) is a st andard techn olog y and format fo r co mpress ing a s ound sequenc e. The fi le is com p ressed to abo ut 1/ 10 of its original si ze. Sounds out side the ra nge of human h earing are com pres sed whil e the soun ds we can he ar are not co m p r es sed.
6 GB The play back ord er of the MP3 files The play back ord er of the fol d ers and fi l es as follows. Notes • A folder t hat does n ot incl ude an MP3 f ile is s kipped. • When you insert a dis c with many trees , it tak es a longer time to star t playback .
Getting Started 7 GB Check that you received t he followin g items: • Aud io conn ecti on c ords ( 2) • Rem o te comm ander (r em o te) (1) • Son y R6 ( si ze -AA ) ba tteries (2 ) Inserting two.
8 GB 2 Connect the deck to an amplifier. Connect the ampli fier to the ANALOG IN/ OUT jac ks us ing the au di o c onnecti ng cor ds (sup plie d), ma king su re to match the color -coded co rds to t he a pprop ri a te jacks on the comp onents: red ( right) to red and white (l eft) to white.
CD/MP3/ MD – P lay 9 GB 1 Press OPEN/CLOSE. 2 Place a disc with the label sid e up on the disc tray. 3 Press OPEN/CLOSE agai n to close the disc tray. If you p ress H i nstead of OPEN/CLO SE, the disc tr ay will close and play back wi l l start automatically.
10 GB Other operations Tip If “ —Over—” appears while you are pres sin g M , the disc has re ache d to it s end. Press m or . (or turn AM S counte r clockwise) to go b ack. Note Tracks that a re only a few seconds long may be too short to scan u sing t he search function.
CD/MP3/ MD – P lay 11 GB 3 Press ALBUM/GR OUP – or + repeatedly until the desired album number appears. When usi ng the button s on the de ck, pre ss ALBUM (“ ALBUM SE LECT” ap pears) and tu rn AMS. 4 Press H . Playing the desired track in the album 1 Do step 1 to 3.
12 GB Example: When a MD is loaded 1 Set to MD in CD MD select switch. 2 Press PLAY MO DE in stop mo de repeatedly (or turn AMS) until the mode you wan t appears in the d isplay.
CD/MP3/ MD – P lay 13 GB Set to CD or MD in CD MD select sw itch. You ca n qu ickl y loca te any tra ck by us i n g the AMS (A utoma ti c M u sic Sens or) cont rol on t he deck, . and > buttons on the remote, or number bu ttons on th e remot e. Tips • To go quickly t o the beg inning of the last tr ack, press .
14 GB You ca n play al l the t racks or a sing le tr ack on a disc . 1 Set to CD or MD in CD M D select switch. 2 Press REPEAT during playback until “REPEAT” or “REP EAT 1” appears. REPEAT : For all th e t ra cks on the disc . REPEAT 1: F or a si ngle tr ack only .
CD/MP3/ MD – P lay 15 GB Other operations Tips • The program you made rem a ins a f ter Pr ogr a m Pla y finishes. To play the same prog ram again, press H . However, the progra m is cleared when you open the disc t ray, eject the MD o r pull out the po wer cord.
16 GB Note If you select a group th at does not ha ve any tra cks register ed and press H , playback st arts fro m the fi rst track of th e first group on the MD. Tip You can chan ge play mode (Norma l Play/Shuffl e Play/ Repeat Play/Prog ram Play) o nly for t he track s in th e group.
CD/MP3/ MD – P lay 17 GB You can change the pitc h of the MD by lowe r ing the playb ack speed. The tone fa lls at lower pit ches. Setting the pitch autom atica l ly in step s (Aut o Step C ontrol Functi on) You can low er the pitch b y up to 36 steps.
18 GB You ca n us e the d i sp lay to ch eck di sc and tra ck informatio n such as t otal track number, total playing time of the trac ks, track number and remaining time of the c urrent trac k, remaining recordable time of the MD, and disc n ame.
MD – Re cording 19 GB MDs (Mini Disc) let y ou digitally record and play mu si c w i t h hi gh qualit y s ound. An o ther featur e of MDs is t ra ck mark ing. The tr ac k marking feature le t s yo u quickl y l oca te a specifi c point or easily edit the recorded track s.
20 GB After recording Press EJECT t o remove the MD or press ?/ 1 (power) to turn off the deck. “TOC” starts flashi ng. The TOC is up dated and recording is complet ed . Before pulling out the power cord MD recording is comp leted when the MD Table of Cont ent s (TO C ) is upda te d.
MD – Re cording 21 GB To stop recording Press x . To record using the Group Function Press GROUP ON/OFF re peatedly until “GRO U P ON” app ears aft er st ep 2. Press ALBUM/GROUP – or + (or GROUP SKIP) repeat edly unt i l “N ew Gr oup ” or the de si red group app ears af te r s tep 4.
22 GB To stop recording Press x . To record using the Group Function Press GROUP ON/OFF rep eatedly until “GRO U P ON” ap pea rs after step 2. Pres s ALBUM/GROUP – or + (or GROUP SKIP ) repeat edly un til “N ew Gr oup” o r the desire d group ap pear s a fter step 3.
MD – Re cording 23 GB 3 Press REC MODE repeatedly to select the recording mode. Select the desired r ecording ti me. *Maximum rec or din g time using a 60-min ute MD. 4 Press z . The MD deck sta nds by for reco rding. 5 Start playing the desired source to rec ord .
24 GB 1 Set to MD in CD MD select switch. 2 Press MENU/NO repeatedly until “Setup Menu” ap pears. 3 Press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) until “T.Mark” appears, then press YES (o r AMS). 4 Press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) until “T.
MD – Re cording 25 GB 1 Set to M D in CD MD select switch. 2 Press MENU/NO repe a tedl y unti l “Setup Menu” ap pears. 3 Press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) until “S. Space Off” appears, th en press YES (or AMS). 4 Press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) until “S.
26 GB 5 Stop playing the sound source. To co ntinue record ing , foll ow the proced ures des cribed fo r each type of record ing. Adju stin g the r e cordi ng le v el when m aking a digital recording 1 Press INPUT repeatedly until “ CD” or “OPT” app ears.
MD – Re cording 27 GB You ca n re cord spe cific track s on a CD whi l e listen ing to them. This function all ows you to put only th e tr ac ks you like ont o t he MD. 1 Set to CD in CD MD select switch. 2 Press H to start playback. Make su re that the MD deck section is stopped .
28 GB You ca n gr adually i ncreas e th e r ec ording lev el at th e beg innin g of a record ing (f ade-i n recording) or gradually decrease th e recording leve l at t h e end of a reco rdin g (fa de-o u t record ing). Fade-in recording During recording pau se, press FADER at the position where you want to start fade-in recording.
MD – Re cording 29 GB Recording for long times This deck h as two long time recording modes: LP2 and LP 4 (MDLP recordin g) . Press REC MODE to sele ct the recording mode. Refer to eac h pages ab out reco rding ( pa ges 20 and 21). MDs rec orded i n MDLP St ereo m ode are pla yed back onl y on t he deck with the follow ing mar ks.
30 GB Before you start e diting You ca n ed it an MD o nly whe n: • The MD i s recordable . • The MD play mo de is Norm al P lay. Check th e follow i ng, before editing. 1 Check the tab of the MD to be edited. Slide th e tab to close the slot. If the MD i s pr ot ec ted, yo u ca nn ot edit the MD.
MD – E diti ng 31 GB What is t h e Group Funct ion? The Gr ou p Funct ion all o ws you to play, rec o rd and e dit t he t racks o n an MD i n groups . For example , you c an reg ister tra cks 1 to 5 on an MD to the “Rock” group , an d track s 6 to 9 to th e “Pops” gr ou p.
32 GB Theref or e, when an MD recor de d using t he Grou p Functi on is loaded on a d eck that do es not suppor t the Grou p Func tion or on this deck with the G roup Function turn ed off , the above characte r string is displaye d in its en tirety as th e disc ti tle.
MD – E diti ng 33 GB 2 Perform the following procedure depend ing on wh at you want to label: To label a track Press . or > repeatedly until the desire d tr a ck numbe r appear s, then pr ess NAME EDIT/SELECT.
34 GB Note If you enter th e sym bol “//” between the ch ara c te rs in disc t itles su ch as “ abc//def” , you m ay be un able t o use the Group Functi on. Tips • You can label a track title during playback . The playbac k repe a ts unt il you finish labeli ng.
MD – E diti ng 35 GB To re gister track s int o a gro up In step 6, press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) to select the number of the first track you want to register, the n press YES (or AMS). When reg i st ering o nl y one trac k, pr ess YES again.
36 GB 5 Press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) until “Gp Release?” appears, then press YES (or AMS ). “REL Gp** (s elec ted gr oup numbe r)??” appe ars. 6 Press YE S (or AM S). Rele asing all grou ps on an M D — All Release Fun ction 1 In step 5 above, press .
MD – E diti ng 37 GB 4 Press . or > repeatedly (or turn AMS) until the desired track number appears. 5 Press YES (or AMS). “Compl ete!” ap pears. The trac k selec ted in ste p 4 is eras ed and pl ay back of the followi n g track s ta rt s . When yo u erase t he las t trac k, the play back of the p reviou s trac k starts .
38 GB 6 Press YE S (or AMS) i f poin t A is correct. “Point B se t” appears and playbac k for settin g the ending point of t he portion to be eras ed (po int B) star ts. If the point A is i ncorrect, press m or M repeated ly to flash mi nute, secon d, or frame indica tion, th en press .
MD – E diti ng 39 GB You can use this function to combine 2 track s into a sing le tr ack . The to tal n u mbe r o f t rack s decreas es by one a nd a ll tracks fo llowin g th e comb ined o nes ar e renu mbere d. Example: Combining track 3 to track 1 Example: Combining track 1 to track 4 1 Set to M D in CD MD select switch.
40 GB You can use this fun c tion to mark track numbers after re cordin g. You c an a lso use thi s f unc tion when recordi ng from ta pe s or radi o pr ogra m s and tra ck number s are not marked automaticall y, and want to mar k tracks. The total number of tracks increases by one and all the trac ks follow i ng the divide d ones are renumb ered.
MD – E diti ng 41 GB You can use this function to cancel t he last edit and re st or e t he con te nt s of the MD t o th e condit ion befo re th e ed it. Note, ho w ev er, that yo u ca nnot und o the edi t if you do any of the follo w i ng a fter the ed it: • Do an other ed it .
42 GB 7 Press YE S (or AM S). “Edit OK?” appe ars. 8 Press YE S (or AM S) again . The deck starts re cordin g ove r the exis ting track. “S.F Edit ** %” appears while th e track is being reco rded. An amount o f time that is roughl y equal to or longer than the pl ayback time of th e track is req uired whe n recordi ng over t he tra ck.
T r oubles hooting 43 GB If you ex perien ce any of t he foll owing difficu ltie s while using the deck, use this troubles hootin g gu ide to he lp you remed y the proble m. CD player section The player does not star t playing. • Ins ert a CD. • Place the CD properly.
44 GB This deck h as a S elf-d iagnosi s di splay fu nction to let you know if there is a deck malfunction. The d ispla y shows a cod e made u p of three or five let ters an d a m es sage al te rn ately to show you the pr oblem. To solve the problem re fer to the following lis t.
T r oubles hooting 45 GB One of th e fo llowi n g message s may appe ar or flash i n t he di s play dur ing oper at ion. Blank Disc The inserted recordab le MD is new, or all t racks on the MD hav e been e rased. Cannot Copy An att empt was m ade to ma ke a se cond copy from a digita lly dubbed MD (page 47 ).
46 GB On sa fety • AC power c ord must b e changed on ly at the qua lified service shop . • The unit is not disconn ected from th e AC powe r source (m ains) as long as it is c onnected to the wa ll outle t , even if th e unit its el f has been turne d off.
Additiona l Inform ation 47 GB The record ing sys tem in your MD deck h as the limit ati on s desc rib ed below. Note, however, that the se limitatio ns are due to the inh erent nat ure of the M D recor ding syst em itself , not to mech anical cause s.
48 GB Guid e to th e Serial Copy Manag ement System Digital audio compon ents, s uch as C Ds, MDs, and DATs let you copy mus ic easily with high qua li ty by processi ng mu sic as a digita l sig nal.
Addition al Inform ation 49 GB Ma in unit ALBUM wh (11, 15) AMS wa wg (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42) CD SYNCHRO NORM AL/HIGH 4 (20) CLEAR ws (15) Disc tray 3 .
50 GB Remote control ALBUM/GROUP -/+ qf (15, 2 1, 22, 33, 34, 35) CD MD se le ct wk (9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42) CD SYNCHRO NORMA L/ HIGH wa (20) CLE.
Addition al Inform ation 51 GB.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Malaysia.
An important point after buying a device Sony MXD-D400 Operating Instructions (primary manual) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
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If you already are a holder of Sony MXD-D400 Operating Instructions (primary manual), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony MXD-D400 Operating Instructions (primary manual).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony MXD-D400 Operating Instructions (primary manual). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony MXD-D400 Operating Instructions (primary manual) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center