Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MHC-RV60 Sony
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©2003 Sony Cor poration 4-246-313- 11 (1) Mini Hi-Fi Component System Oper a ti ng Inst ructions MHC-R V60 MHC-R V50.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or m oi st ur e. To prevent fir e , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with ne ws papers, table-clo ths, curta ins, e tc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an dle s on the appa r at us.
3 GB How to use this manu al ............. ........ ... ... 5 Playable discs ....... .......... ........... ........ ...... 5 Getting Started Hooking up the sy stem........... ....... .......... 7 Setting the cloc k ............. ........ ........... .
4 GB Option al C om pone nts Hookin g up optiona l com po ne n ts ......... 35 Listening to a udio fro m a connect ed compon ent ....... ........... ........... ....... .. 36 Recording on a co nnected compon ent ....... ........... ........... .......
5 GB • This manual main ly explains oper ations using the remote, b ut the sa me operation s can also be perf orme d usin g t he b uttons on the uni t havi ng the same or si milar n ames. • The foll owing sym bols a re used in t his manu al. You can play ba ck th e fo llow ing disc s on th i s system .
6 GB Notes on CD-R and CD-RW • Som e C D - Rs or CD -RW s can no t be pl ay ed on this syst em depending upon th e reco rd in g qual ity or ph ysic al con dit ion of the disc , or the charac teri stics of t he record ing device . Furthe rm ore, the d isc will not play if it has not been corr ectly finali zed.
Getting Started 7 GB Perfor m th e fo llow ing proc edur es 1 to 7 to hook up your sy stem us ing the suppl i ed cords and access ories. 1 Connect the fro nt speakers. Connect the right an d left sp eaker cord s to the F RON T S PEA KE R te rm inal s as s how n below .
8 GB 3 Connect the FM and AM an tennas. Set up th e A M l oop ante nna , then co nnect it. Note Keep the antennas away fr om the sp eaker cord s. 4 Connect the video input j ack of y our TV to the VIDEO OUT jack with the supplied video cord.
Getting Started 9 GB Inserting two R6 (size AA) batteries into the remote Note If you do not use the remot e for a long per iod of ti me, remove the bat te r ie s to av oid pos sible dam a ge fr om battery le ak ag e a nd co rros ion. Tip With norm al use, the bat teries sh ould la st for about six months.
10 GB Position ing th e speake rs (MHC-RV6 0 only) 1 Place the fro nt speakers at an angle of 45 degrees from your listening positio n. 2 Place the surround speakers facing each other at ab out 60 to 90 cm above your l istenin g posi tion. 1 Press ?/1 to turn on the system.
VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 – Play 11 GB 1 Press Z on the unit. 2 Place a disc with the label side up o n the disc tray. To inse rt a dditional disc s, pres s DIS C SKIP/EX-CHANGE on the unit to rotate the di sc tr ay . 3 Press Z on the unit again to close the disc tray.
12 GB 2 Press PLAY MODE repeatedly in stop mode until the mod e you want appears in the display. * Dependi ng on VIDEO C Ds with PBC functi ons (Ver. 2.0) , the dis c does not chang e. 3 Press nN . Other operations *1 For VIDEO CDs, there are may be some disturbanc e in t he vide o image .
VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 – Play 13 GB Notes • You can not cha nge the p lay mod e durin g pla yback. • Some t ime may be needed to st art play back of discs recorded in c om plex conf igur a ti ons suc h a s ma ny layers. • When t he disc i s inse rted, th e player reads all the tracks o n that disc.
14 GB You ca n use P BC* menu s on yo ur TV screen to enjoy the dis c’ s in te ra cti ve software . The menu form at and stru ct ur e ma y di f fe r depe ndi n g on each di sc . * PBC: Play ba ck Cont ro l 1 Press CD. 2 Press nN to start playing a VIDEO CD with PBC functions (Ver.
VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 – Play 15 GB You can pl ay all the tr acks or a si ngle trac k on a dis c re peat ed ly. Press REPEAT until “REP” or “REP1” appears. REP: For al l th e tr a cks on th e d i sc , or all the tracks in the albu m up to five times.
16 GB 6 Program additional discs or tracks. 7 Press nN . Progra m Pl ay starts. Other operations Tips • The pr ogram yo u ma de rema ins after Program P lay finish es. To play t he same program again, pres s CD, then pres s nN . However, the progra m is cleared when yo u open t he d isc tray .
VIDEO CD/CD/MP3 – Play 17 GB Locating the desired track —D i s c D i g e s t You can sel ec t the trac k you w an t by view i n g the fir st fr am e of eac h track. 9 diffe rent tr ac ks can be dis pl ay ed on t he TV scree n at on e tim e . 1 Press SPECIAL MENU in stop mode.
18 GB You c an pres et up to 20 FM stat ions an d 10 AM statio ns . You ca n then tun e i n an y of thos e statio ns simpl y by select in g t he c orre sp ond ing pres et n umber.
T uner 19 GB Other operations To improve tuner reception When tu ner re ce ption i s po or, set CD pl ay er powe r of f by CD power mana ge fun ction . CD power is fac t or y se t to on. 1 Pres s CD. 2 Pres s ?/1 to turn off th e sy s tem. 3 Pres s ?/1 while holding x .
20 GB You ca n li s te n t o a r adio stat io n eithe r by selec ting a pres et stat ion, or by m anual ly tuning in the st ation. Listen ing to a p reset st ation — Preset Tuning Preset ra d io stati ons in the tu ne r’ s memory fir st (see “Pres ettin g ra dio st atio ns” on page 18).
Ta p e – P l a y 21 GB 1 Press TAPE A/B repeatedly to select deck A or B. 2 Press Z PUSH or PUSH Z on the unit. 3 Load a recorded/recordable tape in deck A or B with the side you want to play/record facing forw ard. You ca n us e TYPE I ( norma l) tape .
22 GB Searching for the beginning of the current or the next track (AMS) * To go forward Press > duri ng playba ck w he n H lig ht s . “TAPE A (or TAPE B) >>> +1” appears. Press . d ur ing play back w h en h lights. “TAPE A (or TAPE B) <<< +1” appears.
T ape – Recor ding 23 GB Tips • When setti ng the PB C funct ion to on, chan ge the setting to of f an d the n sta rt rec ordin g. • To check th e req uired ta pe len gth for re c or ding a disc, pr ess EDIT on the unit until “ EDIT” fl ashes after you have load e d dis c and pr es se d CD.
24 GB To stop recording Press x . Note s • You canno t listen to othe r sour c es while r ec or di ng. • If TAPE B is select ed in st ep 3, sil ence is record ed . Tips • When y ou record on bo th side s, be sure to start f rom the fr ont side. If yo u start from the rever se side, recording stops at the end of the re ve rse si de .
Sound Adjust men t 25 GB You ca n se lect th e sound ef fect from the mus ic menu. Press MUSIC EQ, MO VIE EQ o r GAME EQ to select the p reset you desire. The pr eset name appe ars in the dis pl ay. See t he chart “Soun d effe ct option s”. To cancel the sound effect Press EFFECT ON/OFF rep eatedly until “EFFECT OFF” appea rs.
26 GB Press CINEMA SPACE repeatedly to turn the surround effect on or off. Each time you press th e button, the display chan ge s as fo llow s: C.SPACE LO W* t C.SPACE MID* t C.SPACE HIGH* t SURROUND O N (on) t SURROUND O FF (off) * CINEM A SPACE is t he surround effect for m ovies.
Sound Adjust men t 27 GB You can si ng a long b y co nnect i ng a n option al micr ophone. Enjoying Karaoke 1 Turn MIC LE VEL on the unit to MI N to turn d own the micr ophone c ontrol level. 2 Connect an opt ional mi crophone t o MIC jack. 3 Press KARAOKE/MPX repeatedly to obtain the ka raoke effect you desire.
28 GB Tips • If acoustic f eedba c k (howling) occur s , move th e micropho ne awa y from the spe ak ers or ch an ge th e direction of the micr oph one. • If you want to recor d you r voice th ro ugh the micropho ne only, y ou can do so by s electing t he CD function and not playing a d isc.
Timer 29 GB You can set the syst em to turn off aft er a certain time, s o th at you can fall as leep to m u sic. Press SLEEP. Each time yo u press the b utton, the minu te displ ay (t he turn -off ti.
30 GB Other operations Note s • You ca nno t acti vate th e Dail y Timer an d time r recor d ing at the same tim e. • If you us e the Daily Time r and the Sleep Ti mer at the same time , the Sleep Timer has pri o r it y . • If the system is on at the preset ti me, th e Daily Timer will not be act ivat ed.
Displa y 31 GB Other operations Notes • You cannot a ct iva te the D a ily Ti mer and ti me r reco rd ing at the same ti me . • If you use t he timer re cording and t he Sleep T imer at the same tim e, the S le ep Timer h as pri or ity . • If the sys tem is on at th e prese t time , the tim er recordin g will n ot be activat ed.
32 GB You can check t he playing time and remaining time of the current tr ack or that of the d isc. Checkin g the remainin g time and tit le s (VIDE O CD/C D/MP3) Press DIS PLAY duri ng Normal Pl a y . Each time you press th e button, the display chan ge s cycl ica ll y as follo ws: x When playing a CD/MP3/VIDEO CD without PBC function (Ver.
Displa y 33 GB Press DIMMER. Each time you pre ss th e bu tto n, th e di sp lay chan ges cycl ically as fo ll o ws: DIMMER 1 t DIMME R 2 t DIMMER 3 t DIMMER OFF Press ILLUMINATION on the unit.
34 GB 4 * When th e MP3 audi o track inf or m ation incl ude s a n ID3 tag, the on- s c ree n dis play infor m ation may differ from the ID3 information shown on the system displa y in or der to di spla y the tra c k nam e . 5 6 * “– –:– –” appe ars for a disc with MP3 au dio tr a c ks.
Optional Compone nts 35 GB To enhance your system, you can connect option al componen ts. Refer to the operating instr uc tio n s provid ed w i t h ea ch com p onent . A GAME INPUT VIDEO jack Use a vide o cabl e (n ot su ppl i ed) to co nnect the video output of t he o ptiona l vid eo gam e machine to this jack.
36 GB Note s • The video gam e ma chin e image ma y ap pe ar on the TV screen even if th e sys te m is turned off. • See “Selecti ng the sou nd effect” on page 25 for video game so und e ffects.
Optional Compone nts 37 GB Makin g an an alo g r e cor di ng on an MD 1 Connect the op tional au dio cords. See “H ooking up option al com pone nts” on page 35. 2 Start recording. Refer to the operating inst ructions provided with con nected component.
38 GB Should you encou nter a pr oblem with your syst em, do the fo llow ing: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and f irmly connected. 2 Find your prob lem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corrective action.
T roub leshootin g 39 GB The color irregul arity on a TV screen pers ists. • Turn off the TV set onc e , th en tu rn it on after 15 to 30 minutes . If th e c olo r irre gula rity s til l persis ts , p lace t he s pe ak ers fa rther away from th e TV set.
40 GB Tuner Severe hum o r noise/stations cannot b e receive d (“TUNED” or “STEREO” flas hes in the di spl ay. ). • Set the proper band a nd f requ ency (page 1 8) . • Connect the a nte nna pr ope r ly ( pag e 8) . • Find a place and a n orie ntation t hat provide good reception , then set up the a nte nna ag ai n.
T roub leshootin g 41 GB One of th e fo llowing mess ages ma y ap pear or flash in t he di s play dur ing op er at ion . VIDEO CD/CD /MP3 CANNOT USE You pres se d an in va lid but ton.
42 GB On oper ating vol tag e Before ope r at ing th e sys tem, check tha t th e operatin g voltage of you r syste m is ide nt ic a l with the volt age of your l ocal power supply.
Additiona l Inf ormation 43 GB To sa ve a ta pe per man ently To prevent a tape from bei ng acc ide nt al ly r e corde d over, break off the casse tt e tab from si de A or B as illus trat ed. If you late r want to r euse the tape f or recor ding, c over the broken tab with a dhe si ve ta pe .
44 GB CD player section Syste m Compac t d i sc and d ig i tal audio syst em Laser Semicon duc tor la se r ( λ =780 nm) Emission durat ion: continuo us Frequency response 2 Hz – 20 kH z (±0.
Additiona l Inf ormation 45 GB Suppl ied acc essories: Remo te Comma nder (1) Batter ies (2) AM loop a ntenna (1) FM l ead ante nn a ( 1) Spe aker pa ds MHC-RV60 (1 6) MHC-RV50 (8) Video cable (1) Design and specific a tio ns are subject to change without notic e .
46 GB Track Secti on s of a pict ur e o r a mus i c pi ec e on a CD , VIDEO CD or MP3. An al bum is composed of several tra cks (MP3 only). VIDEO CD A compact disc that contai ns moving pictures. The pict ure data uses the MPE G 1 for mat, one of the worldwid e standards fo r digital comp re ssion technology.
Additiona l Inf ormation 47 GB Main unit ALBUM + qj (12, 15) ALBUM – wg (12, 15) CD ef (9, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23) CD SYNC wl (22) CINEMA SPACE *1 wl (26) Deck A wh (21) Deck B qh (21, 22, 23, 2.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Thailand Remote control ALBUM +/ – wl (12 , 15) CD r; (9, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23) CINEMA SPACE wh (26) CLEAR qd (16) CLOCK/TIMER SELECT 2 (30, 31) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 (10 , 29, 30) DIMMER ef (33) DISPLAY eh (31, 32, 40) D.
An important point after buying a device Sony MHC-RV60 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony MHC-RV60 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony MHC-RV60 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony MHC-RV60 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony MHC-RV60 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony MHC-RV60, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony MHC-RV60.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony MHC-RV60. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony MHC-RV60 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center