Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MHC-RG333 Sony
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©2004 Sony Cor poration 4-252-491- 12 (1) Mini Hi-Fi Component System Oper a ti ng Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and seri al numbers are located on the re ar of the unit. Re cord the serial n umber in the space provide d be low. Re fer to the m when ev er you c all upon your Sony dealer regardin g this produc t.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or m oi st ur e. To prevent fir e , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with ne ws papers, table-clo ths, curta ins, e tc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an dle s on the appa r at us.
3 GB NOTICE FOR THE CUSTO MERS IN THE U.S.A. (MHC -GX750 onl y) If you hav e any que stions a bout this product, you m ay call; Sony Customer Inf orma ti on S ervi ce Cent er 1-800-222-7669 or .com/ The Numb er be low is fo r the FC C rela ted matt ers only.
4 GB How to use this manual ........ ........... ........ 5 Playab le disc s ......... ... .... .... ....... .... ....... .... 5 Getting Started Hookin g up the sys tem.. .... ....... .... ........... 7 Settin g the clo ck ............ ........... ...
5 GB This manu al mai nl y ex plai ns op erat io ns usi n g the rem ot e, bu t the sam e op erat io ns can al so be perfor m ed using th e bu ttons on the un it havi ng the same or similar names. You can play ba ck th e fo llow ing disc s on th i s system .
6 GB Notes on CD-R a nd CD-RW • Som e C D - Rs or CD -RW s can no t be pl ay ed on this syst em depending upo n the re co rd in g qual ity or ph ysi cal con diti on of the disc , o r the charac teri stics of t he re cordi ng de vice . Furthe rm ore, the d isc will not play if it has not been corr ectly fina lized.
Getting Started 7 GB Perfor m th e fo llow ing proc edur es 1 to 5 to hook up your sy stem us ing the suppl i ed cords and access ories. A m odel equ ipped with a s ub w oofer is used f or illustr ation purpos e. 1 Connect the fro nt speakers. Connect the right and left speaker cords to the SPEAKER termin als as shown below.
8 GB 3 Connect the FM and AM an tennas. Set up th e A M l oop ante nna , then co nnect it. Plug type A Plug type B Plug type C Note Keep the anten n as away from th e spea ker cords. 4 For models with a voltage selector, set VOLTAGE S ELECTOR to the local power line voltage.
Getting Started 9 GB Attaching the front speake r pads Attach t he suppl i ed s peake r p ads to th e bottom of the sp eaker s t o sta bi li z e the s pea kers and prevent th em f rom sl ip pi ng .
10 GB Use bu tt o ns on th e r em o te for th e oper at i on. 1 Press ?/1 to turn o n the system. 2 Press CLOCK/TIMER SET. 3 Press . or > repeatedly to set the hour. 4 Press EN TER . 5 Press . or > repeatedly to set the minute. 6 Press EN TER . The cloc k s tarts wo rk ing.
CD/MP3 – Play 11 GB Use butto ns on the u nit fo r the opera tion. 1 Press Z . 2 Place a disc with the label side up o n the disc tray. To inse rt a ddition al d iscs, pres s DISC SKIP/EX-CHANGE to rotate the disc tray. 3 Press Z again to cl ose the disc tray.
12 GB 2 Press PLAY MODE repeatedly in stop mode until the mod e you want appears in the display. 3 Press N . Other operations * You may not be able to search be tween mul tiple files. Also, the ti me ma y not be displaye d co rrectly for some f iles. Select To pl ay ALL DISCS (Normal Play) All dis cs in the disc tr a y contin uously.
CD/MP3 – Play 13 GB Notes • You cannot change the p lay mod e durin g playba ck. • Som e time may be needed to start play back of discs recorded in c om plex conf igur a ti ons suc h a s ma ny layers. • When t he dis c is i nserte d, the p layer read s all the tracks on that di sc.
14 GB You c an m ake a prog ram o f up t o 25 step s from all the d iscs in the or der you want to pla y them. You ca n sync hro re co rd t he pr ogra mm ed trac k s onto a cas sette tape ( page 19). MP3 aud io trac ks can no t be play ed on MHC-GX250 , MHC-RG 121 and M HC-RG100 .
T une r 15 GB You c an pr eset up to 20 FM st atio ns an d 10 AM station s. You c an then t une in any of t ho se stations simply by s electing the correspond ing preset numb er.
16 GB To change the AM tuning interval (except for European, Russian and Saudi Arabian models) The AM tu ni ng in te rv al is fa ctory- pres et to 9 kHz (or 10 kHz for some ar eas). To chang e the AM tuni ng in terval , tune in any AM stat ion fir st, then tur n off the system.
T une r 17 GB Listen ing to non- pr eset radi o sta tio n — Manual Tuning 1 Press TUNER BAND (or FUNCTION repeatedly) to switch the functi on to tuner. 2 Press TUNER BAND repeatedly to select “FM” o r “AM” . 3 Press TUNING MODE repeatedly until “AUTO” and “PRESET ” disappear from the display.
18 GB Use bu tt o ns on th e un it for the ope ra tion. 1 Press TAPE A/B repeatedly t o select deck A or B. 2 Press PU SH Z . 3 Load a recorded/recordabl e tape in deck A or B with the side yo u want to play/record facing forward. You ca n us e TYPE I (nor ma l) ta pe .
T ape – Pla y/T ape – Recor ding 19 GB Other operations Searching for the beginning of the current or the next track (AMS) 1) To go forward Press > (or tu rn l L on th e unit clockw i se ) dur in g fo rw ar d pl aybac k . “TAPE A (or TAPE B) >>> +1 ” appears.
20 GB To record a disc by specifying track order You ca n re cord only yo ur fa vor ite CD tr ac ks usin g Prog ram Pl a y. Be t w e en st ep s 3 and 4, perf or m step s 2 to 6 of “Cr eati n g you r ow n progra m” (pag e 14).
Sound Adjustme nt 21 GB To stop recording Press x . Note You cannot liste n to oth er source s whil e recordi ng. Tips • For MHC-RG555 , when you record on both sides, be sure to star t from the fron t side. If you start fr om the re vers e si de, rec ord ing sto ps a t th e e nd of the re ver se side.
22 GB Sel ec tin g t h e effe ct f r om t he music menu Pres s EQ (or PRE SE T EQ on the un it ) repeatedly to select the preset you desire. The pres et nam e appe ar s in the di s play . See the chart “So un d ef fe ct op ti on s”. To cancel the sound effect Press E FFECT ON/OFF on the u nit.
Sound Adjustme nt 23 GB Press SURROUND on the unit. Each time you pre ss th e bu tto n, th e di sp lay chan ges as fol lo ws: SURROUND ON (SURR) Y SURROUND OFF (off) You need to connec t a video ga me mac hine (see “Hooki ng up op tional co mpon ents” on page 29).
24 GB You ca n si ng al on g by conn ec ting an optiona l micro phon e. 1 Turn MIC LEVEL o n th e unit t o MIN t o turn down th e microphon e contr ol level. 2 Connect an opt i onal micro phone to MIC. 3 Start playing th e music. 4 Adjust the mi c r op hone vol ume by turning MIC LEV EL on t he uni t.
Tim er 25 GB You can set the syst em to turn off aft er a certain time, s o th at you can fall as leep to m u sic. Press SLEEP. Each time yo u press t he button, the minute displ ay (t he turn -off ti.
26 GB 8 Press EN TER . The type of timer (“PLAY TIMER”), the start t ime, the stop ti me, and the s ound source ap pear in tu rn, befo re the original displa y re tu rn s. 9 Press ?/1 to turn o ff the sy stem. Other operations Note s • You cannot a ctivat e the Play T imer an d the R ec Time r at the sam e ti me.
Displa y 27 GB Other operations Notes • You cannot acti vate th e Play Timer a nd the Rec Timer at the same tim e. • If you use the R ec Tim e r, the Pl ay Time r and th e Sleep Ti me r at th e sa m e time , th e S le ep Time r has priority. • If the sy stem is on at t he pres et ti me, the R ec Time r will not be acti va te d.
28 GB You can check t he playing time and rema ining time of the current track or that of t he disc. Checkin g the r emain ing ti me and tit le s (CD/ MP 3) Press DIS PLAY duri ng Normal Pl ay.
Optional Com ponents 29 GB To enhance your system, you can connect option al componen ts. Refer to the operating instr uctions provid ed w i t h ea ch com p onent .
30 GB Note s • The video game ma chi ne image ma y ap pe ar on the TV screen even if th e sys te m is turned off. • See “Selecti ng the sur r ound effect” on pa ge 23 for video game sound effects.
Optional Com ponents 31 GB 2 Connect the transm itter to a wall ou tlet using the supplie d AC power ad aptor. The transmitt er automatic ally turns on. Notes • When you connec t the tr an smi tter to the an al og out jacks, do n ot set the NOISE FILTER to ON.
32 GB Listen ing to audio u sing wireless sys tem 1 Start playing the connected component. 2 Press WIRELES S on the unit to switc h the functi on to W IRELES S. When the sound is distorted 1 Move CHANNEL 1–3 on the transmitter to select a radio frequency.
T roubles hooting 33 GB Should yo u enco unte r a p robl em with you r system , do the fo llow ing: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are corre ctly and firmly connected. 2 Find your problem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicat ed corr ect iv e ac tion.
34 GB The remote does not function. • Remo v e the o b s tacl e. • Move th e rem ote closer to the system. • Poi nt th e remot e at the s ystem’ s se nsor. • Replace the bat teries (R 6/size AA). • Locat e the system a way from the fl uorescent light.
T roubles hooting 35 GB Tuner Severe hum or noise/stations c annot be received. (“TUNED” or “STEREO” flashes in the di splay. ) • Set the proper band and fre que nc y (p ag e 15). • Conn ec t the ante nna prope rl y (p ag e 8). • Find a place a nd an or ientation that pr ovide good reception, then s et up t he ant enna aga in.
36 GB One of th e follo wing m es sage s ma y ap pear or flash in the disp lay du ring ope rat io n . CD/MP3 NO DISC There is no disc in the pl ayer or you hav e load ed a disc that canno t be played on this sys te m (suc h a s DVD, VCD, or CD-ROM wi thout MP3 audio tracks, et c.
Additiona l Inf ormation 37 GB On oper ating voltag e Before operati ng the system, check that t he oper ating voltage of your s ystem is ide ntical with t he volta ge of your local power suppl y.
38 GB Cleani ng th e cab inet Clean the cab i ne t, panel and cont ro l s wit h a sof t cl oth slig htl y moi ste ned wi th mi ld de ter gent s oluti on . Do not use any type of abra si ve pad, sco uring po wder or solvent su ch as thinne r , benz ine or alcoho l.
Additiona l Inf ormation 39 GB MHC-GX450 Front speak er Continuous RMS power ou tput (r eference): 125 + 125 wa tts (6 ohms at 1 kHz, 10% THD) Total ha rmo nic dist ortio n less t han 0.
40 GB MHC-RG222/RG221 The following me asur ed at AC 120, 127 , 220 , 240 V 50/60 Hz DIN power o utput ( rated): 10 0 + 100 watts ( 6 ohms a t 1 kHz, DIN) Continuo us RM S power out put (referen ce) :.
Additiona l Inf ormation 41 GB Speaker North American models: Front speaker SS -RG555 for MHC -GX750/ RX550 Speaker s ystem 3-way, 3-uni t, b ass-reflex type Speake r u nits Woofer: 15 cm, cone type Sub woofer: 15 cm, c one typ e Tweeter: 5 cm, cone type Nominal im pe da nce 6 ohms Dimension s (w/h /d ) Approx.
42 GB Other models : Front speaker SS-RG555 for MHC-RG555/ RG551S/RG441 Speaker sys te m 3-way, 3-unit , bass- r e flex type Speaker uni ts Sub Woofer : 15 cm, cone type Woofer: 15 cm , cone t ype Tweeter: 5 cm, cone type Nominal i mpedance 6 ohms Dimensions (w/h/ d) Approx.
Additiona l Inf ormation 43 GB MHC-RG100: 55 watts 0.25 watt s (a t the Powe r Saving Mode) Other mode ls: MHC-RG555: 155 watts MHC-RG551S : 275 watts MHC-RG441: 155 watts MHC-RG222: 180 watts MHC-RG221: 180 watts MHC-RG121: 110 watts Dimension s (w/h/d) incl.
44 GB Main unit ALBUM + 1) qh (12, 14, 19) ALBUM – 1) wg (12, 14, 19) CD eg (9, 1 1, 14 , 1 9, 2 0) CD SYNC wj (19) Deck A wk (18) Deck B qj (18, 19, 20, 24) DISC 1 – 3 q; (12, 14, 35) DISC SKIP/E.
Additiona l Inf ormation 45 GB Sub w oofer ( MHC-GX75 0/GX450/ RG551S/ RG444S /RX550 only) Indicator 1 SUB WOOFER ON/OFF 2 (21) ALPHABETICAL ORDER 12 conti nue d.
46 GB Remote control ALBUM –* qd (12, 14) ALBUM +* qa (12, 14) CD qk (11, 14) CLEAR qg (14) CLOCK/TIMER SELECT 2 (26, 27) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 (10 , 25, 26) DISC SKIP q; ( 12, 14) DISPLAY wa (17, 27, 2.
Sony Cor poration Printed in China.
An important point after buying a device Sony MHC-RG333 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony MHC-RG333 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony MHC-RG333 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony MHC-RG333 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony MHC-RG333 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony MHC-RG333, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony MHC-RG333.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony MHC-RG333. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony MHC-RG333 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center