Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 Sony
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model name1[MHC-G SX100W/MHC-GS X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB01CO V] m asterpage: Right ©2003 Sony Cor poration 4-24.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB02REG- CEL T OC. fm] 2 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or m oi st ur e.
master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB02REG- CEL T OC. fm] 3 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 MHC-GSX100W onl y NOTICE FOR THE CUSTO MERS IN THE U.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB02REG- CEL T OC. fm] 4 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 How to use this manual ................ ....... .... 5 Playab le disc s .
master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB03REG-CE] 5 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 • This manual main ly .
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB03REG-CE] 6 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Notes on CD-R and CD-RW • Th is sy stem c an pla y CD- R/C D - RW di sc s edite d by the user .
Getting Started master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB04CON-CEL.f m] 7 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 Perfor m th e fo llow in g proc ed ures 1 to 3 to h ook up your sy stem us ing the sup plied cords and access ories.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB04CON-CEL.f m] 8 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Note Keep the ant ennas away from the spe aker cords to prevent noi se . 3 Connect the power cord to a wall outlet .
Wire le ss master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB04CON-CEL.f m] 9 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 1 Set the transmitter by the following procedures.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB04CON-CEL.f m] 10 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 C To connect to TV, etc.
Wire le ss master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB04CON-CEL.f m] 11 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 Notes • Wh.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB04CON-CEL.f m] 12 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Notes on sounds from the transmitter When there is no sound, do the foll owing: – Check the con nection of the opti ona l c o mp onent.
CD/MP3 – Play master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB05CDP-CEL. fm] 13 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 You can lo ad up to 60 d iscs into th is unit. Turn on the sy stem befo r e yo u load disc s.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB05CDP-CEL. fm] 14 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 5 Close the front cover by pressing Z PUSH on th e front cover. The rotary table turn s and the disc slot at the loading po sition is set to th e playing position.
CD/MP3 – Play master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB05CDP-CEL. fm] 15 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 4 Press nN . Other operations Note s • You cann ot ch an ge the play mode dur ing playback.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB05CDP-CEL. fm] 16 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 You ca n play all the t racks or a sing le tr ack on a disc . Press REPEAT repeated ly during playback until “REP ” or “REP 1” app ears.
CD/MP3 – Play master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB05CDP-CEL. fm] 17 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 Other operations Tips • The program you m ade remains a fte r Pr ogr a m Pla y finishes.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB05CDP-CEL. fm] 18 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 8 Repeat steps 6 and 7 to complete the entire title.
T une r master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 19 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 You c an pr eset up to 20 FM st atio ns an d 10 AM station s.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 20 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Note You cannot change the AM tun ing inte rv al in the Power Sa ving Mode .
Ta p e – P l a y master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 21 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 You can la bel e ach pr eset stat ion wi th up to 12 character s (S ta tio n Name).
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 22 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 You ca n us e TYPE I ( nor mal) ta pe . 1 Press TAPE to swi t ch the functi on to TAPE.
T ape – Recor ding master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 23 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 Tip.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX ] 24 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Enjoying t he power ful sou nd — GROOVE/V-GROOVE You ca n reinf orce the bass a nd cr eate a m ore power ful so un d.
Sound Adjustm ent master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX ] 25 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 You ca n en joy th e soun d ef f ect of video ga m es . 1 Connect a video game player (see “Hoo king up optio nal c omponen ts” on page 32).
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX ] 26 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 You can set the sy stem to turn off after a cer tain time, so that you can fall asle ep to music.
Timer master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX ] 27 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 Other operations Notes • You cannot act ivate the Daily Time r and record ing timer at th e same tim e.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX ] 28 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Other operations Note s • You canno t activate the Dail y Tim er and record in g time r a t th e sa me time.
Display master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB08DIS-CEL .fm] 29 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 The dem onstr a.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB08DIS-CEL .fm] 30 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Checkin g the to tal pl aying time and tit les (CD/MP 3) Press DISPLAY repeatedly in stop mode.
Using an O ptional K eyboar d master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB08DIS-CEL .fm] 31 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100 W/MHC-GSX 75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/C A 2 You ca n qu ickl y ente r or ed i t na mes usi n g a keyb oard.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB09OPT -CEL. fm] 32 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 To enh an ce your sy stem , yo u can co nn ect op tio nal co m p o nents. Ref er to the ope rat in g i ns truction s provided with each component.
Opt ion al Com pon en ts master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX 100WU2GB09OPT -CEL. fm] 33 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-G S X75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 1 Connect the au dio cords. See “H ooking up option al comp onents ” on page 32.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 34 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Should you encou nter a probl em w ith yo ur syst em, do t h e follow ing: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and f irmly connected.
T r oubleshoo ting master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 35 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 CD/MP3 Play d oes no t sta rt. • Clos e th e fro n t cove r.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 36 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 After pressing n N or Z PUSH on the tape deck, ther e is a mechanica l noise, “EJ ECT” appears, and the system enters standb y mode automaticall y.
T r oubleshoo ting master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 37 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 If the system still does not operate properly after performing the above measures, reset the system as follows: 1 Disconnect the AC outlet.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 38 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 On oper ating volt age Befo.
Additio nal Info rmation master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 39 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 T.
master page:Left filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 40 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 CD player section Syste m C.
Additio nal Info rmation master page:Right filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 41 GB model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/ CA2 S.
master page:Left-3 (3 co lumn) filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 42 GB model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 (2)] U2/CA2 Main unit For.
master page:Right-3 (3 co lumn) filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] 43 GB Additio nal Info rmation model name1[MHC-GSX100W /MHC-GSX75] [4-245-586- 12 .
master page:Right-3 (3 co lumn) filename[Win- 78got78GSX100WkaihanDTP 4245586122424558612MHCGSX] Sony Cor poration Printed in China model name1[ MHC-GSX100W/MHC -GSX75] [4-245-586.
An important point after buying a device Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony MHC-GSX100W, MHC-GSX75 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center