Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HT-SS2300 Sony
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©2008 Sony Corporation 3-296-084- 11 (1) Home Theatr e System Operating Instructions HT -SF2300 HT -SS2 300.
2 GB Owner’ s Recor d The mode l and serial numbers ar e locate d on the rear of th e uni t. Re cord th e serial number in t he space provided bel ow . Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony dea ler regarding this produ ct. M o d e l N o . ______________________________________________________ S e r i a l N o .
3 GB CAU TION You are cautioned that any chan ges or modi ficati on not expressl y approved in this man ual co uld void your author ity to oper ate th is equipm ent.
4 GB About This Manual • The instru ction s in this manual ar e for model HT-SF2300 a nd HT-SS2300. In this manual, models of area code CEL is used for il lustration purposes unless stated otherw ise. Any diffe rence in opera tion is clearly i ndicated in the text, for exampl e, “Models of ar ea code CEL only”.
5 GB Note for the supplied remote RM-AAU022 (Models of area code U, UC, CA only) RM-AAU 023 (Models of ar ea code CE L, CEK, AU, TW, TH only).
6 GB T able of Con tents Getting Star te d Descripti on and locati on of parts......... .......... 7 1: Installin g the speakers ............. ................ 14 2: Conn ecting the spea kers .......... ............... . 17 3: Co nnect ing the aud io/vid eo componen ts .
7 GB Getting Started Description and location of par ts Fr ont panel Getting Started Receiver MASTER VOLUME AUTO CAL MIC MUTING INPUT SELECTOR PRESET ACTIVE STANDBY TUNING SOUND FIELD ?/1 7 8 9 0 24 5 6 3 1 Name Function A ? / 1 (on/st a ndb y) Pres s to turn t he receiv er on or off (p age 2 5, 33, 34, 48).
8 GB About the indicator s on the display L CR SL SR SW D.RANGE RDS ST MONO MEMOR Y S DIGIT AL DTS HDMI PL OPT CO AX 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 q; qa qs qd qf SLEEP LFE Name Funct ion A LFE Lights up whe n the disc be ing play ed back cont ains an L FE (Low Freque ncy Effe ct) channe l and the LFE ch annel si gnal is actual ly bei ng repro duced .
10 GB You can use the supp lied remote RM-AAU022 (M odels of area code U, UC, CA only) or RM-AAU023 (M odels of a rea code CEL, CE K, AU, TW, TH o nly) to operate t he receiver a nd to control t he Sony audio/ video comp onents t hat the remote i s assigned to o perate (page 63).
11 GB Getting Started Name Function A TV ? / 1 (on/standby) Press TV ? / 1 and TV ( O ) at the sa me time to t u rn t he TV on or off. AV ? / 1 (on/standby) Press to turn on or off the Sony aud io/video compon ents that th e remote is assigned to operate ( page 63).
12 GB Name Functio n M MENU/HOME Press to display th e menu of the VCR, DVD p layer, satellite tu ner or Blu-ray di sc player on t he TV screen. Press MENU/HOME and TV ( O ) at th e same tim e to display the T V’s menu. Then, use V , v , B , b and ( Q ) to perform m enu operati ons.
13 GB Getting Started a) The n umber 5, TV VOL +, MA STER VOL + a nd H buttons ha ve tactile dot s. Use the tact ile dots as refe rences when o peratin g the re ceiv er. b) This button is als o av ailable for DIGIT AL MEDIA POR T ad apte r opera tion .
14 GB 1: Installi ng th e speake rs This receiv er allows you to us e a 5.1 chann el speaker system . To fully e njoy theater-lik e multi channel surround sound, be su re to connect all the speakers (two front speake rs, a center speaker, and two surr ound spe akers ) and a subwoo fer (5.
15 GB Getting Started Before you install the speaker and subwoofer, be sure to attach t he supp lied foo t pads to prevent vibrat ion or mov ement as s hown in th e illu stra tio n belo w. Example of HT -SS2300 fro nt speaker HT -SF2300 onl y You need to att ach the supplied foot pads to the center spea ker and subwoo fer only.
16 GB You can insta ll your speakers on the wall. 1 Prepare screws (not supp lied) that are suitable for the hook on the back of each s peaker. See the illustrations below . 2 Fasten the s crews to the wall. The screws shou ld protrude 5 to 7 mm (7 /32 to 9/32 inch).
17 GB Getting Started 2: Conne cting the speakers Before connecti ng the cords, be sure to disconnect th e AC power cord (mains lead ). A Front speaker (left ) B Front speaker (ri ght) C Center s peak.
18 GB Note on speaker cords The connect or of the speaker co rds are the same colo r as the speake r jack to be con nected. When connec ting a speaker cord, be sure to match the co lored connect or to.
19 GB Getting Started 3: Conne cting the audio/ video compon ents This s ection desc ribes ho w to hoo k up your componen ts to this receiver. Before you begi n, refer to “Componen t to be connec ted” below for the pa ges which de scribe how to connect the a udio/vi deo co mponents .
20 GB HDMI is the abbreviated nam e for High- Definition Mul timedia Interface. It is an interface whic h transmits vid e o and au dio signals in digit al forma t. HDMI feat ures • A digital audio signals transmitted by HDMI can be out put from the spe akers conn ected to the recei ver.
21 GB Getting Started Notes on HDMI connections • An audi o signal i nput to the HDMI IN jack is ou tput from the SPEAKERS jacks a nd HDMI OUT jack . It is not o utput from any other audio jacks. • Video signals inpu t to the HDMI IN jack can only be ou tput from the HDMI OUT j ack.
22 GB The followi ng illustration sho ws how to connect video compo nents such as D VD player, D VD recorder, VCR, etc. It is not n ecessary to connect all the cord s.
23 GB Getting Started When y ou connect a D V D pla yer or D VD recorder You can use the DVD inpu t button on the remote to c ontrol your DVD player or DVD recorder. Yo u may n eed to ch ange t he factor y setting of this bu tton dependi n g on t h e remote supplied with this receiver .
24 GB 4: Co nnecting the antenn as Connect the supplied AM loop antenn a and FM wi re ant enna . Before conn ecting the anten nas, be sur e to disconn ect the AC power cord (mai ns lead). * The shape of the conn ector v aries de pending on the area code of th is receiver.
25 GB Getting Started Before using the receiver for th e first time, initialize th e receiver by performin g the following procedu re. Thi s proce dure can also be u sed to retur n settings yo u hav e made to thei r fac tory defaults. Be sure to use the bu ttons on the receiver for this operat ion.
26 GB 6: Calibrating the approp riate settings automatically (AUTO CALIBRA TION) This receiver is equi pped with DCAC (Digital Cinema Auto Calibration) Techno logy which allows you to perfo rm automatic calibratio n as follows: • Check t he conne ction between each sp eaker and the recei ver.
27 GB Getting Started Example: HT -SS2300 1 Connect the supplied optimizer microphone to the AUTO CAL MIC jack on the front panel. 2 Set up the optimizer microphone. Place the optimi zer mic rophon e at your listening position. You can al so use a sto o l or tripod so that the opt imizer microp hone remain s at the same heigh t as your ea rs.
28 GB Tips • When A uto Calibra tion starts: – Stand some distance from th e speakers and th e listenin g position t o avoid me asureme nt failure . This is b ecause test sig nals ar e outpu t from the speake rs during measure ment. – Avoi d making noise to get a more acc urate meas urem ent .
29 GB Getting Started T o rectify t he error 1 Record down the error c ode. 2 Press , “RETR Y Y” app ears on the display . 3 Rectify the error . Fo r details , see “ When error co des appear ” above. 4 Pre ss to p erf orm Auto Ca lib rati on aga in.
30 GB When you ha ve finished Disconne ct the optimizer mi crophone from t he receiver. Note If you have chan ged the posi tion of the speake rs, it is recom mended th at you pe rform A uto Calibra tion again in order to enjoy th e surround so und. You can use the A.
31 GB Getting Started 5 Press V / v repeate dly to select “T. TONE Y” . The test tone is output fro m each spea ker in sequence as fo llows: Front left t Center t Front ri ght t Surro und ri ght t.
32 GB Selecting a comp onent 1 Press t he input butto n to se lect a component. You can also u se INPUT SELE CTOR on the receiver. The select ed input appears on the di splay. 2 Turn on the component a nd start playbac k. 3 Press MAS TER VOL +/– t o adjust the v olume.
33 GB Pl ayb a ck Liste ning/W atching a compon ent Listening to a Super Audio CD/CD 123 46 78 0/10 ENTER 9 SYSTEM STANDBY TV INPUT SLEEP DMPORT VIDEO1 VIDEO2 BD DVD 2CH A.
35 GB Amplifier Ope rations Navigating throu gh menus By using t he ampli fier menu s, you ca n make various adjust ments to c ustomize the receiver. 1 Press A MP MENU. “1-LEVEL” ap pears on the display. 2 Press V / v repeate dly to select the menu you want.
36 GB The follo wing options are av ailable in eac h menu . For deta ils on na vigating throu gh menu s, see page 35 . Overview of the menus Menu [Display] Parameter s [Display] Sett ings Initi al se tting LEVEL [1-LEVEL] (page 3 9) Test t one a) [T. TONE] T.
37 GB Amplifier Ope rations Menu [Display] Pa r am e t er s [Display] Settings Initial setting AUDIO [5-AUDIO] (pag e 41) Digita l audio input de coding priori ty a) [DEC.
38 GB a) For deta ils, refer to the page in the par entheses. b) The surroun d effe ct is not availa ble for 2CH STEREO and A.F .D. mode . c) “ AUDIO FOR HDMI” and “CONTROL FOR HDMI” scroll across the d isplay , then “ A UDIO” and “CONT ROL” appear re spect iv e ly .
39 GB Amplifier Ope rations Adjusting the level (LEVEL menu) You can use th e LEVEL menu to ad just the balance and l evel of each sp eaker. Select “1-LEV EL” in the ampli fier menus. For details o n adjusting th e parameters, see “Navigat ing thr ough menu s” (page 35 ) and “Overview of the menu s” (page 36).
40 GB Adjusting the tone (TONE menu) You can use the T ONE menu to adju st the tonal quality (ba ss/treble level) of t he front speakers. Select “2-TONE” in the amplifier menus. For details on adjusting the parameters, see “Navigatin g through menu s” (page 35) and “Overview of th e menus” (page 36).
41 GB Amplifier Ope rations Settings for the tuner (TUNER menu) You ca n use the TUNER me nu to set the FM station receiving m ode. Sele ct “ 4-TU NER ” in th e amp li fier m enu s. For deta ils on adjustin g the parameters, see “Navigat ing thr ough menu s” (page 35 ) and “Overview of the menu s” (page 36).
42 GB x DUAL (Digital br oadcast language selection) Lets you select th e language you want to listen to during digital broa dcast. This fe ature only functions for Dolby Digital so urces. • DUAL M (Main) Sound of the main langu a ge will be out put.
43 GB Amplifier Ope rations x CONTROL FOR HDMI (Control for HDMI) Lets you turn th e Cont rol for HDM I function on or off. For details, “Contro l for HDMI” (page 54). Settings for the system (SYSTEM menu) You can use the SYSTE M menu to s et the distance o f the speakers co nnected to this system.
44 GB x SW DIST. (Subwoo fer distance) Lets you set t he distance from yo ur listeni ng position to the sub woofer. Tip If you set “C AL LOAD” in A. C AL menu to “LOAD YES”, you can adjust the speakers distance in 0.0 1 met er (1 i nch) in cre ment.
45 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound Enjoying Dolby Digital and DTS Surro und sound (AUTO FORMA T DIRECT) The Auto Format Direct (A.F.D. ) mode allows you to listen to higher fidelity sound a nd select the decod ing mode for listening to a 2 chann el stereo soun d as multi chann el sound.
46 GB Selecting a pr e- progra mmed sound field You c an ta ke advant age of sur roun d sou nd simply by sele cting one of the recei ver’s pre- program med so und fi elds. They br ing th e exciting and powerful sound of movie th eaters and concert halls into your home.
47 GB Enjo ying Surround S ound Types of s ound field available Notes • The effects provided by the virtual speaker s may caus e increased noise in t he playba ck sign al. • Whe n listening wi th sound fields th at employ th e virtual speake rs, you will n ot be able to hear any sound com ing direct ly from the surround spea kers.
48 GB Using only the front speake rs and subwo ofer (2CH STEREO) In this mod e, the re ceiver outp uts the sound from the front left/right speakers and subwoofer only. When multi c hanne l surround formats are input, th e signals are downmix ed to 2 ch annel with bass fre quencies being ou tput from the subwoofer.
49 GB T u ner Opera tions Listening to FM/AM radio You can listen to FM and AM broadcas ts throug h the b uilt-in tune r. Before operatio n, make sure y ou have connected the FM an d AM antennas t o the receiver (page 24 ). Tip The tu ning sca le for dire ct tun ing differs depen ding on th e area code as show n in the fol lowing ta ble.
50 GB You can enter the freq uency of a station dire ctly by using the nu meric butto ns. 1 Press TUNER repe atedly to select the FM or AM band. You can also u se INPUT SELE CTOR on the receiver. 2 Press D.TUNING. 3 Press the numeric button s to enter the frequency.
51 GB T u ner Opera tions 4 Press the numeric buttons to select a preset number. You can al so press the PRES ET + or PRESET – to select a pre set num ber. If “MEMORY” goes out before you select t he preset number, start again fro m step 3. 5 Press ENTER.
52 GB Using the Radio Data System (RDS) (Models of area code CEL, CEK only) This receiver also al lows you to use RDS (Radio Data System), whic h enables radio stations to send addi tional information along with th e regu lar progra m signal. Y ou ca n display RDS information.
53 GB T u ner Opera tions Pr ogram type indicat ion Description VARIE D Other t ypes of programs suc h as celeb rit y inter view s, pan el gam es, and co medy POP M P opular music prog rams ROCK M Roc.
54 GB Using the Contr ol for HDMI function for “BRA VIA” Sync To use “BR AVIA” Sync, set t he Control f or HDMI function as exp lained belo w. By connect ing Sony compo nents that are compatib.
55 GB Contr ol for HDMI Before connecti ng the cords, be sure to disconnect th e AC power cord. T o enjoy TV m ulti channel surr ound sound broadcasting You can listen to TV multi channe l s urroun d sound broa dcast ing from th e speakers connected to t he recei ver.
56 GB Preparin g Control for HDMI function This receiver supports the Control for HDMI- Easy Settin g functio n. This functi on is only available for certain types of T V. When yo u perfo rm the Cont rol for HDMI-Easy S etting from the TV, the Control for HDMI settin g on this receiver will automatic ally c hange ac cordingly .
57 GB Contr ol for HDMI 1 Press A MP MENU. “1-LEVEL” ap pears on the display . 2 Press V / v repeate dly to select “6-VIDE O”. 3 Press or b to ente r the menu. 4 Press V / v repeate dly to select “CONTROL FOR HDMI”. “CONTROL FOR HDMI” scrolls across the displ ay, then “CONTROL ” appears.
58 GB Enjoying the TV soun d from the speakers connected to the r eceiver (System Audio Control) You can en joy the TV sound from th e speakers connect ed to the receive r by a simple operation . You c an oper ate Syst em Au dio Cont rol function using the TV men u.
59 GB Contr ol for HDMI T urning off the receiver with the TV (System Power Off) When you turn t h e TV off by using the POWER button on the TV’s remote, t h e receiver and the con nected co mponents t urn off autom atically. You can also use the receiver’s remote t o turn off the TV.
60 GB Switching between digital and ana log audio (IN MODE) You can se lect the audio input mo de setting when you conn ect components to both digita l and anal og audio input jacks on the receive r. 1 Press AMP MENU. “1-LEVE L” appe ars on the displa y.
61 GB Other Operati ons You can listen to th e sound from the componen t connected through the DIGITAL MEDIA PORT adap ter to the DMPORT jack on the recei ver. You can also view the images on the TV screen by conn ecting th e video out put of the DIGITAL MEDIA PORT adapter to the video input of the TV.
62 GB Tip When listening to MP3 or other compr essed music using a porta ble audio sour ce, you ca n enhanc e the sound. Press MUSIC repeatedly to select “PORTABLE” (page 46). Using the Sleep T imer You can set the recei ver to turn off automatic ally at a specifi ed time .
63 GB Using the Remote Changing b u tton assign ment s You can change th e factory settings of t he input bu ttons to suit the com ponents i n your system. For examp le, if you con nect a DVD recorder to the VIDEO 1 jacks on the receiver, you can set the VIDEO 1 bu tton on t his remo te to control the DVD recorder.
64 GB Glossar y x Cinema Studio EX A surround sound mode that can b e regarded as the compilation of Digital Cinem a Soun d techno logy, d elive rs the sound of a du bbing theater using thre e technologie s: “Virtual Multi Dimen sions”, “Screen Depth Matchi ng”, and “Cinema Stud io Reverberation”.
65 GB Additio nal Infor mation x HDMI (High-Definition Multimed ia Interface) HDMI (High-Defin ition Multimedia Interface) is an int erface that supports both video a nd au dio on a sing le di gita l con necti on, allowing you to enjoy h igh quality dig ital picture and sound.
66 GB On placement • Place th e receiver in a locati on with a dequate ve ntilation to prev ent heat b uildup and prolong th e life of the rece i ver. • Do not place the receiver near heat sources, or in a place sub ject to direct sunlight, excessive dust, or mec hanical sho ck.
67 GB Additio nal Infor mation T roubleshoo ting If you ex perienc e any of the follow ing difficulties wh ile using the receiver, u se this trou bleshooting gu ide to help you reme dy the proble m. A udio There is n o sound, no matte r which componen t is selected, o r only a very low-leve l sound is heard.
68 GB There is no sound from th e subwoofer. • C heck that the subwoofer is co nnected correctly and secu rely. The surro und effect ca nnot be obtained. • Make sure the sound f ield func tion is on (press MOVIE, or MUSIC). • Sound f ields do no t functi on for sign als with a samplin g frequency of more than 48 kHz.
69 GB Additio nal Infor mation The control for HDMI function does not work. • C heck the HDMI connec tion (page 20). • Ma ke sure “CONTROL FOR HDMI” is set to “CTRL ON” in VIDEO menu. • Make sure the con nected co mponent is compatib le with the Con trol for HDMI functi on.
70 GB The RDS informa tion that you want does not appear . a) • C ontact the rad io station an d find out whether they actually provide the servi ce in questio n. If so, th e service ma y be tempora rily out o f order. a) Models of ar ea code CE L, CEK on ly .
71 GB Additio nal Infor mation Specifications A UDIO P O W ER SPECIFICA TIONS PO WER OUTPUT AN D T OT AL HARMONIC DIST ORTION: (Models of area code U , UC only) With 3 ohm loads, both c hannels driv e.
72 GB FM tuner se ction Tuning r ange 87.5 - 10 8.0 MHz Antenna FM wi re antenn a Anten na ter minal s 75 oh ms, un balanced Int erm edia te fr eque ncy 10.7 MHz AM tuner section Tuning ran ge Antenna Loop a ntenna Int erm edia te fr eque ncy 450 kH z 3) Yo u can ch ange th e AM tuni ng scal e to 9 kHz or 10 kH z.
73 GB Additio nal Infor mation Surro und speak er 108 × 540 × 78 mm (4 3/8 × 21 3/8 × 3 1/ 8 inches) (witho ut stan d) 290 × 1,045 - 1,235 × 290 mm (1 1 1/2 × 41 1/4 - 48 5/ 8 × 11 1/ 2 in ches) (wit h stan d) Cent er speak er 380 × 50 × 64 mm (15 × 2 × 2 5/8 inch es) (with f oot) Mass (A pprox .
74 GB Supplied sp eakers Front spea ker (2) Center speaker (1) Surrou nd spe aker (2) Subw oofer (1) Supplied ac cessories Oper ating Ins tructions (this ma nual ) Quick Setup Gu ide (1) Speaker Stand.
75 GB Additio nal Infor mation Index Numerics 2 ch annel 48 2CH STEREO 48 5.1 chann el 14 A A UTO CALIBRA TION 26 A UTO FORM A T DIRECT (A.F .D.) 45 B Blu-ray d isc play er conn ecting 2 0 playbac k 3.
Sony Cor poration Printed in M alaysia (1).
An important point after buying a device Sony HT-SS2300 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony HT-SS2300 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony HT-SS2300 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony HT-SS2300 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony HT-SS2300 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony HT-SS2300, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony HT-SS2300.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony HT-SS2300. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony HT-SS2300 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center