Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product HMD-A240 Sony
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© 2002 Sony Corporation US FR ES 4-086-970- 12 (1) Trinitron Color Computer Display â Operat ing I nstructions Mode d ’emploi Manual de i nstru ccione s HMD-A240 HMD-A440.
2 Owner’s Record The model and serial numbers are located at the rear of the unit. Record these numbers in the spaces prov ided below. Refer to them whenever you call upon your dealer regarding this product. Model No. Seri al No. To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not e xpose the unit to rain or mois ture.
US 3 •T r i n i t r o n â and FD Trin itron â are r egister ed tradema rks of So ny Corpor ation. • Macin tosh i s a trad emark li cense d to Ap ple Co mputer, Inc., regist ered i n the U.S.A . and other cou ntries. • Windows â and MS-DOS are reg ister ed trad emarks of Mi crosof t Corporat ion in the Un ited States a nd other count ries.
4 Setup 1 Connecting y our monito r to y our computer Connecting to a Macintosh or compat ible computer When con necting thi s monitor to a M acintosh co mputer, use the Macintosh ad apter (not sup plied) if necessary . Connect the Macinto sh adapter to th e computer before co nnecting th e cable.
5 US On-Screen menu adjustments : To adjust the color of the pictur e The COLOR settings allow you to ad just the pictur e ’ s c olor temperatu re by changing the color level of the white color fiel d. Colors appear red dish if the temp erature is low, and bl uish if the temperature is hi gh.
6 Technical Featu res Preset and user mo des When the monitor receive s an inp ut signal , it au tomati cally mat ches the signal to one of t he factory p reset mode s stored in the monitor ’ s memory to provide a high quality p icture (see “ Preset mode timing table ” on p age i) .
7 US x Color is not u niform • Degau ss the mon itor.* I f you plac e equipm ent that ge nerate s a magne tic field, such as a s peaker, near the m onitor, or if you chan ge the dire ction the monitor fac es, color may lose un iformity. x White doe s not look w hite • Adju st the co lor temp eratur e.
8 If thin lines appear o n the screen (damper wire s) These lin es do not ind icate a malf unction; the y are a no rmal effect of the T rinitron pictur e tube with this moni tor. These are shadows from the damper wires used to stabi lize the apertu re grille.
3 FR • Trinitron â et FD Trini tron â sont des marques co mmerciales dé posées de Sony Corporat ion. • Macintosh e st une marque commerc iale sous licence d’Apple Computer, Inc .
4 Configuration 1 Raccor dez v otre moniteur à v otre ordi nateur Raccordement à un Macintos h ou un ordinateur com patib le Lors que vo us racc orde z ce moni teur à un or dina teur Ma cint osh, ut ilis ez l’ada ptateur M acintos h (non fou rni), le cas échéa nt.
5 FR R é glages du menu d ’é cran : pour r é gler la couleur de l ’ image Les par am è tres COU LEUR pe rmettent de r é gler la te mp é ra ture des coule urs de l ’ image en chan geant le ni veau de co uleur de s champ s de coule ur blanc he.
6 Caract é ristiques techniques Modes pr é r é gl é s et personnalis é s Lorsque l e monite ur re ç oit un signa l d ’ entré e, il compar e autom atiquem ent le signal à l ’ un des modes p.
7 FR x Les couleurs ne son t pas uniformes • Dé ma gn é tisez l e moniteur.* Si vous placez à c ôté du moniteur un appareil qui g énè re un cham p magn é tique, comm e un h aut-parleu r, ou si vous ch angez l ’ orientation du m oniteur, il est po ssible que les coul eurs perdent l eur uni formit é.
8 Si des lignes fines apparaissent à l ’é cran (fils d ’ amortissement) Ces lin gnes ne co nstituen t aucu nement un dy sfonct ionnem ent ; elle s r é sultent de l ’ utilis ation du tube image Trinitro n sur ce moniteur.
3 ES HMD-A230 • Trinitron â y FD Trinitr on â son marcas comercia les regis tradas de Sony Corp orat ion. • Macintosh es una marca comerci al de Apple Computer, Inc ., registrada en EE.UU. y ot ros países. •W i n d o w s â y MS-DOS son marc as comercia les regis tradas de Microsoft Corporation en Estados Unido s y otros países.
4 Conf igurac ión 1 Conexión del monitor a la computadora Conexión de una computadora Macintos h o com patib le Cuando conne cte este monitor a una c omputado ra Maci ntosh, ut ilice el adapt or Mac intosh ( no sum inistra do) en c aso de s er nece sario.
5 ES Ajustes de men ú s en pantalla : Para aj ustar el color de la imagen Los aj ustes de COLOR p ermit en defi nir l a tempe ratur a del col or de la imag en camb iando el ni vel del col or blanco. Los colo res apar ecer á n con un t ono roj izo si la te mperatu ra es ba ja, y con u n tono az ulado si e s alta.
6 Caract er í sticas t é cnicas Modos predefinidos y de usuario Cuando el monito r recibe un a se ñ al de entr ada, hace co incidir autom á ticam ente la se ñ al con uno de los modos predefi nido.
7 ES x El color no e s uniforme • Desmagn etice el monitor. * Si coloca equipo s que generen ca mpos magn é ticos, co mo alta voces, ce rca de l monit or, o si ca mbia la orientac i ó n de é ste, el color puede pe rder unifo rmidad. x El blanco no par ece blanco • Ajuste la te mperatur a del color .
8 Si aparecen l í neas finas en pantalla (hilos de am ortiguaci ó n) Estas líneas no in dican falla de funcionam iento; son un efecto normal del tu bo de imagen Trinitron con e ste monitor. Se trata de somb ras de lo s hilos de amor tiguaci ó n utilizados p ara estabili zar la rejill a de aper tura.
i Appendix Preset mode timing ta ble (For HMD-A240) Preset mode timing ta ble (For HMD-A440) If the input sign al does n ot match one of th e factory p reset m odes above, the Generalized T iming Formula fea ture of this mon itor will automatic ally provide an op timal image for the screen as lon g as the si gnal is GTF c ompliant.
Sony Corporation Pri nted in U.S.A. HMD A230.
An important point after buying a device Sony HMD-A240 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony HMD-A240 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony HMD-A240 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony HMD-A240 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony HMD-A240 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony HMD-A240, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony HMD-A240.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony HMD-A240. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony HMD-A240 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center