Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product COMMUNICAM MCA-25 Sony Ericsson
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This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 2 Shut ter button Botón ob turad or Déclen cheur V erschlu ssknopf Botão do obt urador Bag Bolsa Etui Ta s c h .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 3 Contents Engli sh 4 Esp añol 1 3 Français 23 Deut sch 34 Port uguês 45 Addit ional infor mation 62 Sony Erics son MC A-25 First edition (November 2002) This manual is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, without an y warranty .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 4 English CommuniCam™ W ith t he mobile camera C ommuniCam™, you can ta ke pictur es, view them in yo ur phone’ s display an d send them as e-mail at tachmen ts or usi ng MMS (Mul timedi a Message Service).
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 5 Before you st art Befo re you send a pi cture using e-mail, you ne ed to enter set tings for a data account and for an e-m ail accoun t in your phone.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 6 T o take and send a pi cture 1. Plug th e camera in to your mobile phone. 2. Select Ta ke pictu res , YES . 3. Hold t he phon e and the ca mera as shown in th e illustrat ions on the previ ous page.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 7 T ip: Y our CommuniCam™ gives the best r esults: • At a distance of 0.4 metres or more. • If you avoid su bjects with sharp contrasts betw een light a nd dark.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 8 Saving pictures in the phone Y ou ca n copy or mo ve the pic ture to the phone so that you ca n access the pi cture withou t plugging in the camera . T o do this, se lect Vie w pictures in the ca mera menu, press and sel ect Copy to phon e or Move to phone .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 9 • Dele te p ictur e – pre ss YES to de lete the pictu re fro m th e camera .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 10 balanc e on, ex cept in cases whe re you w ant to achieve a speci al e ffe ct. T o turn white bal ance on or off 1. Scroll to Fun&Games , YES , Co mmuniCa m , YES , Options , YES , White balan ce , YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 11 The effect applies u ntil you selec t anothe r effect or turn the ef fec t off by select ing No e ffect , YES . T ip: When in viewfi nder m ode, p r ess r epea tedl y to vi ew the different ef fects .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 12 DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO PLA Y WITH YOUR PRODUCT SINCE IT CONT AINS SMALL P AR TS THA T C OULD BECOME DET ACHED AND CREA TE A CHOKING HAZARD. The prod uct should neve r be placed in mu nicipal wast e.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 13 Esp añol CommuniCam™ Con la cám ara móvil Com muniCa m™ pued e hacer fotografías, verlas en la pantalla.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 14 Preliminares Para poder env iar un a foto grafía p or corr eo elec tróni co, debe i ntroduci r la configu ración d e una cue nta de da tos y una c uenta de corre o electrón ico en el tel éfono.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 15 Para h acer y envia r una f otogra fía 1. Cone cte la cá mara al teléfono móvil . 2. Sele ccione To mar imág enes , YES . 3. Sos ten ga la cám ara y el te léfon o como se mues tra en la image n de la pág ina anteri or .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 16 • Rotar a Drcha : puls e YES para gira r la fotogra fía hacia la de recha. C onfirme la acc ión pulsan do YES . • Rotar a Izqda : pu lse YES para gi rar la foto grafía hac ia la izquierda .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 17 V ea “G uarda r fotogr afías en el teléf ono” en la página 1 7. Para el imina r fotogra fías de la c ámara 1. Desplácese hasta Divers . y juego s , YES , Co mmuni Cam , YES , Ver im ágenes , YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 18 Si se encuen tra en la li sta de imág enes de Ver imáge nes , pu ede d espla zarse h asta u na foto grafí a y pulsar para: • Envi ar la fo tograf ía: pu lse YES y seleccione Como MMS o Como c.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 19 electróni co. En un mensaj e multime dia la f otografía siempre se envía en el tamaño 1 60x120, a no ser q ue elija el tam año 80x60.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 20 Para ca mbiar e l con traste d e la p anta lla de l teléf ono 1. Va y a a Ajustes , YES , Pant alla , YES , Cont raste , YES . 2. Aume nte el con traste pulsan do , YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 21 Información importante Debido a que un operad or distinto de Son y Ericsson propo rciona la re d en la cual fu.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 22 Cualqu ier c ambio o modif icació n que se rea lice en la Comm uniCam™ y que no haya sido ap robado expresa mente po r Sony E ricsson pue de suponer la suspensión de la au torización de l usuario pa ra utilizar e l equipo.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 23 Français CommuniCam™ L'appa reil phot o mobile Comm uniCam ™ vous permet de prendr e des photos, de l.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 24 Lorsque vo us branche z votre Comm uniCam™ à votre télé phone mob ile, vo us accé dez au tomati quement a u menu de l’a ppareil p hoto.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 25 Prise et envo i de photos La mod ification du format de la phot o doit être effectuée avan t la prise d e vue. V oir « Forma t d'ima ge » à la page 29. Pour prendre une photo et l’e nvoyer 1.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 26 6. Une lis te d'op tions appar aît : Rema rque : Si vous voulez fa ir e pivo ter une imag e, effe ctuez cette opér atio n avant de l’enr egist r er .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 27 • si les conditions d'éclairage sont satisfaisantes. L'ap pareil possède un zoom num érique.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 28 Enregis trement des images dans le télépho ne V ous av ez la possib ilité de copie r ou de déplace r l’image vers le télép hone afin de pouvoir y accéder sans conn ecter l’app areil photo .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 29 • Copie r ds tél. – appuyez sur YES pou r copier les p hotos dans le téléph one afin qu’elles soient e nregistrées à la fois dans l’a ppareil photo e t dans le téléphon e sous Mes image s .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 30 Si vous choi sissez un format d'image plus peti t, vous pouvez enregistre r davanta ge de photos a vant que la mémoir e de l' appare il soit satu rée.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 31 Effets V ous p ouvez ajouter u n effet à u ne photo (un cadr e, par exempl e). L'eff et do it êtr e séle ction né avant la pr ise de vue. Si l'e ffet et le sujet v ous co nvi ennen t, pre nez la photo.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 32 ce réseau. Sony Ericsson ne garan tit pas que la connex ion au réseau s'effec tuera sans interru ption ni que c elle-ci s era exem pte de tou te erreur. Garde z vot re produ it au se c.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 33 Pour des info rmations d'assistanc e et pour les guides d'utilisat ion des téléphon es mobiles Ericsso n, Sony et Sony Er icsson, cons ultez http://www .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 34 Deut sch CommuniCam™ Mit der mobi len Kamera Comm uniCam™ kön nen Sie Fotos machen, sie au f dem Dis play I hres T elefons anze igen un d als E-Mai l-Anha ng od er pe r MMS (Multim edia Message Service ) versenden .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 35 W enn Sie die Co mmuniCam™ auf Ih r Mobi ltelef on aufste cken, wird auto matis ch das Kame ramenü angeze igt.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 36 Fotogr afieren und S enden von Bilder n Sie müssen zue rst die Bildgröße änd ern, bevor Sie das Bild mache n. Sie he „Bild größe “ au f Seite 40. So mach en Sie ein Fot o und versend en es: 1.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 37 5. Im D isplay w ird eine V orsch au des Bildes an geze igt. Drüc ken Sie YES , wenn Sie da s Bild akzeptiere n möchte n.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 38 • Vermeide n Sie Motive mit starken Kontrasten zwischen he ll und dunkel . • Halten Sie di e Kamera bei m Fotografieren ruhi g und im rechte n Winkel. • Die Lichtve rhältnisse sollte n gut sein .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 39 Speichern von Bildern im T el efon Sie könne n das Bild kopiere n bzw . in das T el efon verschi eben, damit Sie e s jederzeit ansehen könn en, ohne die Kamer a ansc hließe n zu müsse n.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 40 Kamera als auch im T ele fon unter Eige ne Bi lder gespei chert. • Zu Telef. versch – Drü cke n Sie YES , um d as Bild in d ie Liste Eige ne Bil d er im T e lefon zu versch ieben und glei chzeit ig aus der K amera zu lösc hen.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 41 So legen Sie die Bi ldgröße fest: 1. Blät tern S ie zu Spaß + Spie le , YES , Commun iCa m , YES , Optione n , YES , Bildgröße , YES . 2. Wäh len Sie eine Bil dgröße a us und b estätigen Sie m it YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 42 Sind Sie mit Motiv und O bjekt zufrie den, fotogra fieren Sie e infach. So fügen Sie einen Effekt hinz u: 1. W ird das Menü Com muni Cam an gezeig t, wä hlen Si e Optione n , YES , E ffekt , YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 43 Halten Sie Flü ssigkeiten und F euchtigkeit vom Produk t fern.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 44 V erbinde n Sie diese Comm uniCam™ nur mit Mobilt elefonen von Eri csson oder So ny Eri csson, die für die V erwe ndung mit dies em Produkt vorgese hen sind.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 45 Português CommuniCam™ Com a câmera para celular CommuniCam™ , você pode tirar fotos, exibi-las no display do telefone e enviá-las como anexos de mensagens de e-mail ou pelo Serviço de mensa gens mul timídia (MM S - Mult imedia M essage Service).
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 46 Antes d e inici ar Ante s de enviar uma figura em um e-mail, é ne cessário inserir a s configura ções para a cont a de dados e pa ra a conta de e-mail no seu telefone.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 47 Para tirar e enviar uma foto 1. Cone cte a câm era ao s eu celul ar . 2. Sele cione Tirar fotos , YES . 3. Segure o telefone e a câme ra conform e mostrado na ilustraçã o da p ágina anterior .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 48 • Direita – pr ess ion e YES para gira r a foto para a di reita. Aceite , pressiona ndo YES . • Esquerda – pr essione YES para gira r a foto para a esqu erda.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 49 Para apaga r fotos da câmera 1. Vá até Lazer e Jogos , YES , Comm uni Cam , YES , Exibir fotos , YES . 2. Sele cione a foto que você dese ja apagar e pre ssione , YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 50 • Obter Info. da figura – pressione YES para obter informa ções como nom e, tamanho e tipo de arq uivo da foto.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 51 Se selecion ar um tama nho de foto meno r , voc ê poderá grav ar mais figura s na memória. Nã o é possível altera r o tam anho d e uma fo to já tirada. Para definir o tamanho da foto 1.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 52 um efe ito antes d e t irar a f oto. Quan do esti ver satis f eit o com o efeito e o te ma a s er foto grafad o, tire a foto . Par a adic iona r um ef eito 1. Quando o me nu Communi Cam for exibi d o, s elecio ne Opções , YES , Efe ito , YES .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 53 Não deixe ca ir , jogue ne m tente forçar o pr oduto, poi s esse tipo de de scuido pode rá danificá -lo. Não tente desmo ntar o seu prod uto. O produto nã o contém compon entes que po dem ser aprove itados para con sumo.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 7 9:;<=^>?D 7 1 y ()b /*2.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 6 *® 1p <(6 _`T¯°±n "#$%& ! '()*+ !,-.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. ®«¥ k ^+WT¯°±n ¶ /+ 4a] VW.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. «+W 01 ! ±nk xy z Ta p q W p <(6 .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. ç èéêëìq {LV" µ «.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. <# <# <# <# .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. µ* NOPQRSTU T5Ì VFW XABY % Z[ ]TU ^_`J ab`J st1y c d eA TU`J e 7 fg .
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 62 Additional information Declaration of conformity We , Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB of Nya V a ttentor.
This is the Internet version of the user ’ s guide © Prin t only for private u se. 63 FCC St at ement This devi ce complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules .
An important point after buying a device Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony Ericsson COMMUNICAM MCA-25 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center