Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DSC-S50 Sony
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3-060-523- 13 (1) Digital Still Camera Oper ating Instructions Bef ore oper ating t he unit , pleas e read this manu al th oroughl y , and re tain it fo r fut ure re fe renc e. Owner’ s Record The model and se rial numbers are lo cated on t he bottom.
2 T o prev e nt fire or s h ock haza r d, do not e x pose the un it to rain or moisture. Never e xpose the ba tte r y pa ck to temperatu re above 140°F (60°C) , such as in a car parked in the sun or unde r direct sunlight .
3 Note: This equi pment ha s been tes ted and foun d to comply with the lim it s for a Cla ss B digita l device, pursuant to Part 15 of t he FCC Rules . Thes e li mits are designed to pro vide reasonable pr ote c ti on against harm f ul inter ferenc e in a resi dential instal lati on.
4 The electroma gnetic fiel d s at the speci fic frequenc ie s ma y influe nc e the pic ture and sound of thi s cam era . For the Customers in CANAD A This C lass B digita l appa ratus com plie s with Canadian I CES- 003 . For the Custo m ers in the U.
5 T able of cont ents Identifyin g the p a rts ......... ........... ...... .... 6 Preparing the powe r supply ... ........... .... 8 Setting t h e date and ti me ........ ........... .. 13 Inserting t h e “Memory Stick” ........... .. 15 B Recording Recording sti l l images .
6 Gett ing st arted Identifying the par ts See th e pa ges in par ent hes es fo r de tai ls of op e ration . A Flash (19) B MODE selector (29) C Shutter button (16) ( 20) D Lens cap E Photoc e ll wi ndow for fl a sh Do not blo ck w h ile rec or di ng.
Getting started 7 A Flash button B FOCUS but ton (41) C LCD B A CKLIGHT BRIGHT/ NORMAL switch Usually se t to NORMAL. When you us e the camera outdo ors or in oth er b r igh t pl ac es , set tin g th is to BRIGHT makes t he LCD screen brig ht an d easy to see, b ut also uses up the ba tte ry fast er .
8 Pr eparing the power supply Installing the battery pack Y our came ra operat es only wi th the “Inf oLITHIUM” N P-FM 50 batt ery pack * (M seri es ). Y o u ca nnot use any other bat t er y pack . T o remove the batt ery pac k Open the batter y/“Memory S tick” cover .
Getting started 9 Char ging the battery pack Y ou cann ot ch arge the ba t te ry pack w hi l e yo ur cam e ra is tu rn ed on . Be s u r e to tu rn of f your ca mera before cha r ging . Batter y remaining indicator The LCD screen on the came ra sho ws the remaini ng time for wh ic h you can still record or play back i mages.
10 Approximate ti me to char ge a completely d ischar g ed battery pack u sing the A C -L10 AC p ow e r a d a p t o r. STILL mode recording* DSC -S5 0 DSC -S3 0 STILL mode playback** (DSC-S50/S30) App.
Getting started 11 Notes • The battery li fe and number of images will be decreas ed if you use your camera at lo w temper at u r es , use th e flash, repeat edly turn the po wer on/ off or use the zoo m. • The cap acity of the “ Memory Stick” is lim ited.
12 Using the AC power adaptor Using a car battery Use Sony D C adaptor /ch arger . 1 Open th e DC IN jack cover and conn ect the D C conne cting cable to the DC IN jack of your camera with th e v mark facing up. 2 Connec t the power cord (mai ns lea d) to the A C power adap tor and then to a wall o utlet (mains).
Getting started 13 Setting the date and tim e When you f irst use your came ra, set the date and time. If these are not set, the CLOCK SET scr e en appears whenev er you turn on your camera for record ing. 1 Slide down t he PO WER switch to turn on the power .
14 T o cance l the date and time setting Select [CANCEL] with v / V / b / B on the control bu tton, then p ress the center z . 5 Select the de sired dat e di sp lay f ormat w ith v / V on the control button, then pres s th e center z . Select f rom [Y/M/D] ( year/month/ day), [M/D/Y] (mont h/ d ay/y ear) o r [ D /M / Y ] (day/ m o nth/ ye ar).
Getting started 15 Inser ting the “Memor y Stick” Open the battery/“ Memory Sti c k” cov er, the n press th e “Memor y Stic k” once ligh tly . Notes • Inser t the “Memory Stick ” f irmly until it cl icks, other wise a m essage such as “MEMOR Y STICK ERROR” will be displayed.
16 Basic ope rations B Recording Recor ding still images Still images are re co rded in JPEG form at . T o record stil l i mages, slide the P O WER switch do wn to turn on t h e po wer and insert a “Mem ory St ic k. ” ∗ Exposu re and fo cus a re auto matical ly adj u sted.
B B B B Recor ding 17 Y ou can ch eck the l ast record ed image b y cleari ng the men u bar from the sc reen (page 31 ) and pressin g b on th e co ntro l button. T o retur n to t he n orm al re cordi n g mode, press lightly on the shu tter b utton or select [RETURN] with b / B on the con trol button and th en pre ss th e center z .
18 Press DISPLA Y to turn on/ of f the ind icators on th e LCD screen. See page 64 for a detailed descrip tion of the indicated items. Not es • Y ou ca nnot tur n off the se lf-timer indi cators a nd so me of the in dicator s used in a dvanced operatio ns.
B B B B Recor ding 19 The initial se tting is auto (no indic a tor). In th is mo d e, the flas h auto mat i c al l y st ro bes when t he surrou nd i n gs become dark . Wh en you ch an ge the flas h m o de, press the (flash) r e peatedly so that th e flash mode indica tor appear s on the LCD screen.
20 Recor ding moving images (DSC- S50 only) Movin g images wi th audio are reco rded in MPEG format . T o recor d moving i mag es , s li d e the POWER sw itch down to turn o n the power an d inse rt a “Me mor y St i ck.” See page s 17 and 18. Press DISPLA Y to turn on/ of f the ind icators on th e LCD screen.
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 21 Playing back still images When the menu ba r is not displayed Y ou can dire ct ly select an d play back th e i m ag e w ith b / B on the co nt ro l button. Notes • Y ou might not be able to corre ctl y play bac k imag es reco rded with this camera on other equipme nt.
22 Playing back moving images T o paus e playback Sele ct X (pau se) o n the L CD s cr een w ith v / V / b / B on the control b utton, then press the ce nter z . 1 Set the MO DE se lector to PLA Y . The last re cord ed imag e (st i ll or movi ng ) appe ars on th e LCD s cr ee n.
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 23 When the menu ba r is not displayed Y ou can di rectly sele ct th e image wi th b / B on the cont ro l button, an d pl ay back t he imag e an d s ound ( D SC- S50 on ly) by press i ng t he cen te r z . W he n you pr es s the cent er z during play back , pla yback is p ause d.
24 V iewing images using a personal computer Y ou ca n view dat a reco rd ed wi th your cam era on a person al c omp uter an d at tach i t to e-mail. This section des cribes the method for inst alling the USB dri ver and vie wing ima ge s on a per s onal co m p uter .
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 25 Befor e co nnect i ng y our ca m er a to your perso na l compu ter , instal l th e U SB driver to the computer . The USB dri ver is contained together with applicatio n software f or viewing imag es on a CD -ROM whic h is supp lied w it h your ca m er a.
26 For Window s 98 users 3 Double-c lick the CD-ROM drive icon to open the window . 4 Double-clic k the icon of the hard disk containing th e OS to open the window . 5 Mo ve the f ollo wing tw o files fr om the window opened in step 3 to the “System Folder” ic on in the window o pened in step 4 (drag an d dr op) .
B B B B Pl ay ba ck 27 “Memor y Stick” • “Memory Stick” o perations on your c amera cannot be assured if the “Memor y Stick” has been formatted on yo ur personal comput er . • Do not optimiz e th e “Me m or y Sti c k” on a Windo ws machin e.
28 Image file storage destinations and image files Image fi les record ed with yo ur camera are grou ped i n fold ers by recor ding mode . The meanings of the file n a mes are as follo ws. ssss s tands for any num ber within the range fr om 00 01 to 9999 .
29 Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations Advanc ed o perat ions Befor e per for ming advance d operations This sectio n describes the basic control methods that a re frequently u sed for “Advanced opera tions ”.
30 Not e Y ou cannot c le a r the menu bar during INDEX scr een di spla y ( pa ge 45). The “Advanced op erations” section of this manual refer s to selecting and entering items by the above procedure as “Select [(i tem name)].
Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 31 How to change the menu settings Some of the advan ce d operat io ns for your camera are ex ecuted by selectin g menu items disp la yed on the LCD scree n with the control b utton. Pres s V on the control b utton until th e LCD sc re en re tu rn s to the menu bar d is p lay in step 1 .
32 Menu settings Menu items that can be modi fied differ depend ing on th e setti ng of the MOD E selec tor . The LC D sc reen sho ws only the item s y ou ca n oper ate at the momen t. In itial settings a re indic ated with x . (SELF TIMER) Records with the self-timer (page 18).
Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 33 IMAGE SIZE x 1600×1 200 1600 ( 3:2) 1024× 768 640×4 80 Selec ts th e i mag e si ze whe n reco rdin g still ima ges (D S C-S50 only) . STILL 1472× 110 4 x 1280× 960 1280 ( 3:2) 1024× 768 640×4 80 Selec ts th e i mag e si ze whe n reco rdin g still ima ges (D S C-S30 only) .
34 CAME RA TOOL PRO TECT ON Protects ima ge s again st ac cident al erasur e (p ag e 49 ). PLA Y x OFF R el ea ses p rote ct io n of im ages a gai nst accidenta l er asur e. Item Setting Des cri pti on MODE select or DIGIT A L ZOOM x ON Uses digita l zoom.
Bef ore perf orming adv anced operations 35 SETUP INDEX* Displays s ix images a t a time (PLA Y (INDEX) mode) (page 45) . DELETE Item Setting Description MODE select or DEMO x ON/STBY OFF Dis pl ay ed onl y w he n you us e the AC power adaptor in MO VIE or STI LL mode.
36 3 (RETURN)** Returns t o PLA Y (single) mode . ∗ Displ ay ed only in P LA Y (single ) mode. ∗∗ Displayed only in PLA Y (INDEX) mode..
B B B B V arious record ing 37 B V ar ious recording Rotating the LCD screen — Face-to- Face recor ding Y ou can record ima ges with the lens facing y ou. 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Adjust the angle of the L CD screen . Rotate the LCD scre en b y 18 0° for Face-to -Face r ecor ding .
38 The number of images or the ti m e that you can record on a “ Memory Stic k ” (4 MB): ∗ When [REC MODE] i s set to [NORMAL]. ∗∗ Numbe r s in pa r en the se s ind icate the maxim um recording ti me during continu ous r ecor di ng. Image size Number of images or time* 1600×1 20 0 Approx.
B B B B V arious record ing 39 Adding audio files to still images (VOICE) (DSC-S50 only) 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [FILE], [ REC MODE], and then [V OICE] from t he menu . 3 Record the ima ge . If you press and rele ase the shutte r button, sound is r ecor ded fo r 5 sec onds.
40 Recording uncompressed images (TIFF) This mode si mult a neously r ec or ds s till ima ge s in bot h TIF F fo rma t (uncom pre ssed) an d JPEG for mat (com press ed). 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [FI L E], [REC MODE], an d t h en [TIF F] fr om the men u.
B B B B V arious record ing 41 Recording images in macro 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Pres s F OCUS r epeat edl y until the (auto ma cro) indicator appe ars on the LCD screen . Y ou can reco rd a sub ject as clos e as ab out 1 3/16 i nches (3 c m) f rom the le ns surface w i th the zo om se t all the w a y to the W side.
42 Using the PROGRAM AE function 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or ST ILL. 2 Press PROGRAM AE rep e atedl y to select t h e desired PR OGRAM AE mode . Aper ture pr iority mode Makes the su bjec t s ta nd o ut against an u ncle ar backgr ou nd or makes both the subjec t and the back ground s tand out clea rly .
B B B B V arious record ing 43 Adjusting the exposure (EXPOSURE) 1 Set the MODE selector to MO VIE or STILL. 2 Select [CA MERA] and t hen [EX P OS UR E ] from t he m enu. 3 Select the des ired exposure val ue . Adjust the expos ur e v alue while checki ng the brig htne ss of the backgr ound .
44 Recording t he date and time on the still image (DA TE/TIME) 1 Set the MODE selector to STILL. 2 Select [EFFECT] and then [D A TE / TI M E] f rom th e me nu . 3 Select the date and time setti ng. DA Y & T I M E The da te, hour and m i nu tes are impo sed onto the i m a ge.
B B B B V arious play bac k 45 B V ari ous pl ayback Playing back six images at once (INDEX) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Select [IN DE X ] on the LC D screen . Six i mages ar e di spla yed at on ce (index sc reen ). The following marks a re di spl ayed on each image accord ing to t he image type and settin gs.
46 Enlar ging a part of the still image (Zoom and trimming) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Di spla y th e ima ge to be enlarged. 3 Zoom in/out the image with the zoom button. The zoom scali ng indica tor appe ars on t he LC D scr een. 4 Pres s the co ntro l b utto n rep e atedl y to select t h e desired pa rt o f the image .
B B B B V arious play bac k 47 Rotating a still image (ROT A TE) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y . 2 Displa y the ima ge to ro ta te. 3 Select [F IL E] an d th en [R O T A T E] fr o m th e men u . 4 Rotate the image cloc k wise or counterc lock wis e , then sel ec t [ RETU R N].
48 Not e The [INTE R V AL] setti ng tim e i s appr oximat e, and may v ary d epe nding on the played ba ck image s ize or oth er f actors. V iewing images on a TV scr een Before c onn ectin g your came ra , b e sure to turn of f the TV . After connect ing A/V conn ecting cab le (DSC-S50) or VIDEO connecting cable (DSC-S30 ), turn on th e TV .
B B B B Editing 49 B Editin g Preventi ng accidental erasure (PROTECT) The - (protect) indicato r appears on prot ected imag es. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the image to protect. 2 Se l e c t [F IL E], [P ROTECT], and then [ON] from the menu.
50 Deleting images (DELETE) Y ou can no t delet e pr otec t ed files. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , the n displa y the ima ge to de le te . 2 Select [DELETE] and then [OK] fr om the menu. The image is deleted. 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the INDEX screen.
B B B B Editing 51 Changing the recor ded still image size (RESIZE) 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y an d di spla y the ima ge to resi ze. 2 Sel ect [TOOL ] an d th e n [RESIZE] fr om the me nu.
52 1 Set the MODE selector to PLA Y , then display the INDEX screen. 2 Select [T OOL], [COPY], and then [S E L E C T] f rom th e men u. 3 Select the ima g e to copy . The (selec t) indi cato r ap pear s on the ima ge. 4 Select [ENTER]. “MEMOR Y STICK ACCESS” appears .
B B B B Editing 53 Selecting stil l images to print (PRINT MARK) Y ou can mark a print mark on still images rec orded with y our camer a. This mark is c on venie nt when you hav e images printed a t a shop that con fo rms wi th the DP OF (D igi ta l Pr in t Orde r Forma t) st a ndard .
54 Additional information Precautions Cleaning the L CD screen Wi pe the screen surf ace with a cleaning cloth (not suppli ed) or a LCD cleaning kit (not supp lied) to rem ove fingerprints , dust, etc. Cleaning the camera surface Clean th e came ra surf ace wit h a soft cloth sligh tly moi s tene d wi th w a ter , the n wi pe the surface dry .
Additiona l informatio n 55 • Use onl y the s pecif ied ch arger with the charging fun ction. • T o pr ev ent accident from a short circuit, do not allow metal obj ects to co me into contac t with th e batt ery te rm inals. • K ee p the batter y pack awa y from fire.
56 “Mem ory Stic k”, , “Magic Gate Memory Stic k” and are trademark s of Sony Corpora tion. “M agic Gate ” and are tradem arks of Sony Corpor ation. Using your camera abroad P ower sour ces Y ou can use yo ur camer a in any count ry o r ar ea with t he suppl ied battery char ger within 100 V to 240 V A C , 50/60 Hz.
Additiona l informatio n 57 T r oubleshooting If you e xperience trouble with your camera, f irst check the follo wing items. Should your ca mera st ill no t operat e prop erly af ter you have mad e these ch ecks , consul t you r Son y dealer or local authoriz ed Sony service fac ili ty .
58 The pictur e is too dar k. • Y ou ar e shoo t ing a subj ect wi t h a l i ght so urce behind th e su bject. t Adj us t the exposu re (p age 43) . t Adjust the brightness o f the LCD screen (pag e 35). The flas h d oes no t work . • Th e flash is set t o .
Additiona l informatio n 59 Y o ur c amera can no t play back ima ges. • The M OD E se le c t or is se t t o S T ILL or M O VIE . t Set it to P LA Y (page 21). The im ag e and sound ar e int erfered b y nois e whe n you play back a n imag e on a person al com p uter.
60 Y o ur p ersona l com puter does not reco gni ze yo ur camer a. • The camera is turned of f. t T urn on the camera. • The battery le vel is low . t Use the A C po wer adaptor (p age 12). • The USB cable is not connected firmly . t Disco nnect t he US B cab le, a nd c onn ect i t agai n firmly .
Additiona l informatio n 61 W ar ning and notice m essages V arious m es sages app ear o n th e LCD scree n. Che ck the cor r espon di ng descri pt io ns in the follo wing list. Messag e Meani ng NO MEMOR Y STI CK No “Me mory St ick” has been i nserted .
62 Self-diagnosis display Y our camer a h as a s elf-d iagn osis disp lay . This function di splays th e camera co ndition o n the LCD screen with a c ombination of a lett e r and four di gi ts of number s. If t h is occurs, ch eck the followin g code ch art.
Additiona l informatio n 63 Specifications System Image device 1/2.7 type color CCD Lens 3× zoom lens f = 6.1 – 18.3 mm (39 – 117 mm when conve rted into a 35 mm still c a mera) F = 2.
64 LCD screen indicators A Battery remai ni ng indicator B PROGRAM AE/flash level/flash mode in d ica t or C White balance/EV level/ sharpness indicator D Picture effect indicator E Date/ti me indicat.
Additiona l informatio n 65 A Protect indicator B Print mark indicator C File n ame D Record ing mode indicato r E Image size indicator F Image number G Number of stored images in “ Me mory Stic k ” H Remaining memory capacity indic ator I Recor ding dat e of the pla ybac k image /m e n u bar and guide menu A V OL.
66 Index A A/V OUT ......... ............. ... 48 Adjus ting t he expo sure .... 43 AE (Aut o Expos ure) . ....... 16 Aper t u r e prio rity mo de .... 42 Auto power - off functi on . ... 9 Auto red- eye reduc tion .... 19 B Batt ery pa c k battery li fe .
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan.
An important point after buying a device Sony DSC-S50 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony DSC-S50 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony DSC-S50 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony DSC-S50 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony DSC-S50 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony DSC-S50, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony DSC-S50.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony DSC-S50. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony DSC-S50 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center