Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DI12023 Sony
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DI12023 a 99 | full -frame inter changeable lens camer a the po w er of full - frame.
Son y’ s full - frame int er changeable lens cam era , the a 9 9. a m a ze y o ur sel f.
The n ew DSC - RX1 is the wo rld ’ s fir st fixed lens 35 mm full- frame digital came ra which of fers an uncompromising design that fo cuse s on intu itive, user-friendly operation. The cam era fi ts in th e pal m of a han d and al lows us ers to carr y it nearly e ver y where to captu re any sho oting opportunit y that ar ises.
Th e n e w S on y N EX -V G90 0 int er chang eable l ens H andy cam ® camc orde r f ea tur e s a 2 4. 3 M P full-fram e 3 5m m s ens o r f o r h igh - qual ity H D v id eo w it h a t r ul y pro fessi ona l l oo k. S hoo t v ideo i n Fu l l H D 2 4p , 6 0 p or 6 0i , a n d t ak e ad v an t ag e o f s upe rb l ow-l ig ht pe rform ance .
By ful ly leveragi ng the p otential o f T ranslucent Mirror T echnology , the 35m m ful l - fram e form at and S ony' s professional broadcasting technology , it takes a major l eap fo r ward in quality , per formance and handling eas e. Meet the f utur e of So ny a .
“S t andin g on t he edge of t h is wa t erf all in Iceland , I k ne w I wan t e d t o cap t ur e t his scene as a pan or ama . I lo ve ha vin g t he abili ty t o shoo t dr ama t ic imagery wi t h one pr es s of a bu t t on . ” 1 6 -3 5m m F2.8 Z A SS M ( S A L16 3 5 Z ) , 1 /1 6 0 se c.
the calling “ T his a ssign me n t of a lif e t ime made me s t op and t h ink abou t t he w ay pho t ogr aph y has s haped my lif e . It made me appr eciat e how po werf ul pho t ogr aph y is . ” Sony took a major leap forward with the intr oduction of the new flagship Alpha a 99 int erchangeable lens camera .
“I lo v e t he wa y images , ligh t , and col or ar e so f leet in g . ” “I l ove sho oting i ce a nd ic eb erg s. Whe n we got to th is g lac ie r in I cel an d, the l ig ht was c old a nd th e wate r was st ill , whi ch wa s pe r fect for t he e nviron me nt.
“ As I s t ar t ed look ing ar oun d I saw t h is s t a t ue of Buddha li t b y neon ligh t s t ha t seemed mor e sui t ed t o t he w indow o f a bar t han a t emple . ” “We we nt to a Bud dhi st tem pl e in Vi etn am exp ect in g to see we at here d mo nks pra yin g in dra mat ic s haf ts of li ght.
“I w as amaz ed aft erwar d ho w much la t it ude t he f inal f r ame had , and h ow t he de t ail on t he back side of t he f isher man w as main t ained despi t e t he f ac t we w e r e sho o t ing in t o t he s un . ” “We go t up early one morning to shoo t a fisherman on t he Mek ong Delta.
pu sh the en v elop e Gorgeous full -frame sensor ima ge qualit y . David found the per fect travel companion in the a 99 b ec au se of th e ca me ra’ s ab ili t y to pe r form i n the re al wo rld. I n low l ight, co ntrar y l ight, fog, ra in, g ol den l ig ht, snow , ove rcas t li ght, all co nd iti ons we re con qu ere d by the a 9 9.
24.3 megapixel 35mm f u ll- frame Exmor CMOS sensor Th e new 24.3 m eg ap ixel 3 5m m fu ll - fra me E xmo r CM OS se nso r del ive rs beautiful, finely de tailed images from corner to corner w ith a wide dynamic range and low noise .
On - chip c olu mn A/ D c onversio n with d ual N R Thousands of parallel analog / digital converters in the sensor conv er t ligh t to digital signals with utmost pr ec ision and spe ed. Before and af ter conversion, the sensor cancels noise to ens ure ex c eptionally cle an 1 4 - bit signal outp ut at all ISO settings.
1 3 5m m F1 .8 Z A ( SAL 1 35F 1 8Z ) , 1 / 25 0 se c., F1 .8, IS O 50 0.
think fa s t Engineered f or speed and response . David was ab le t o capture crisp, sharp , per fectly-focused pho tographs as he globe tro t ted with the a 9 9. Th e Dua l Ph ase D etect A F syste m, a wor ld fi rs t* amon g interch an ge abl e le ns c ame ras, a llow ed hi m to per fectly capture each d ecisive moment with tack-sharp pr ecision.
Hig h - sp eed f ront- end L S I chip A new f ront- end LS I ( large scale in tegration ) chip suppor ts the BIONZ ™ im ag e processing engin e t o significantly boost per formance during the early stages of proc es sin g.
1 4 - b it R A W ou tput 1 4 - bi t R A W i ma ge d ata of ex tre me ly hi gh q ual it y i s out put by t he a 9 9 . Thi s da ta ful ly pre ser ve s th e ric h detai l ge ne rated by t he im ag e sen sor d uri ng th e 1 4 - b it A/D conver si on pro ces s.
85 mm F1 . 4 Z A ( SAL85 F1 4Z ) , 1 /80 s ec., F1 .4 , IS O 80 0.
sharpen y our fo c u s Du al AF S ystem Du al AF S yste m is th e wor ld’s firs t* AF syste m to emp loy t wo p has e dete ctio n sensors. By maximizing the strengths of bot h sen sor s, it vas tl y imp roves subject tracking performance as w ell as foc usi ng p reci si on.
Wide Local Spot Zone AF - D mode Contin uous autof ocusing is provided by a new A F - D ( D epth M ap A ssi st Continuous AF ) mode that delivers precision f ocusing for vir tually any subj ect. Thi s mo de ut ili zes th e 1 9 - po int ( 1 1 cross- point ) phase detection AF sensor t o keep subjects sharply f ocused in most shooting situations.
Cle ar ph oto and movie p layb ack Unlik e optical viewfinders, the viewfinder in the a 9 9 l ets you v iew ph otos an d movi es that have already been recor d ed. This conv eni ent capab ility is especially useful for confirming details in bright out door conditions.
V ersatile viewing Hig h - re sol utio n X GA OLED Tru - Fin der w ith 1 0 0 % fie ld of vi ew So ny’ s n ew XGA OLED Tru - Fin de r is e asy to vi ew in a lmo st any l ight ing. Eve r y deta il is fa ith ful ly repr oduc ed as it will appear in y our recording, including defocusing effects that f aithfully reflect your ap erture settings.
3 -way tilt able L CD suppor ts various shooting positions Th e LCD flex ibl y til ts to prov id e the m ost natural vi ewing angl e and its 3 -way tilting mechanism has b een enhanced for op erational ease.
Smooth in tegrated control dial Th e new S ile nt Mu lti Contr oll er on the front of th e bo dy co mb ine s a dia l an d but to n to ena bl e sm ooth, e asy selection and adjustment of nu mero us ca me ra settings incl uding focus mode, f ocus area, exposure compensation, ISO sensitivity and met ering method.
Refi nem ents for serious shooting Th e a 99 o f fer s even gre ate r com for t and handling e ase than the acclaimed a 7 7 . Its optimi zed cont ours, thick er and t alle r grip , and wider thumb grip fit y our hand more comfor tably and contribut e to a steady grasp .
g et to u g h Robust magnesium alloy body The rigidly construc ted a 99 is s upremely lightweight . Its rugge d magnesium- alloy top and rear panels in terlock with fr ont and side panels constructed o f highly rigid engineering plastic t o of fer pr otecti ve e x ternal shielding .
V er t ical g rip for t ripl e batter y adv antage The optional ver tical grip ( V G - C 9 9A M ) features optimized con tours and essential controls that make v er tical shooting ne arly as comfor table as horizon tal shoo ting.
g e t i n t o mo tion Experi ence mo vie making in full - fr am e high definition. Da vid l ikes to wor k fast a nd li ght wi th a s mal l prod ucti on fo otpr int. Bec aus e th e a 99 h as le ss rol lin g shu t ter than the compe tition. He can spend more time shoo ting hand held with signi ficantly less need for thir d par ty ri gs.
Estimated continuous movie shootin g time Ambient temperature Continuous recor ding time for mo vies 20°C App rox. 29 minutes 30°C App rox. 29 minutes 40°C Ap prox.
get i nto motion Full HD 60 p mo vie recording Creat e movies of amazing clarit y that play extra smoothly by recording them at Fu ll HD re sol uti on ( 1 920 x 108 0 pixe ls ) in th e A VCH D V e r . 2.0 ( Progressiv e ) format — at the extremely high frame rate of 6 0 fps.
1 6 -3 5m m F2.8 Z A SS M ( SAL 1 635F2 8Z ) , 1 / 6 40 s ec., F2.8, I SO 4 0 0, E V + 1 .7.
Mid- tone details captured Shadow de tails captured Final image with optimum shado w/ highlight det ail Auto HD R The Aut o HDR function cap tures the exp and ed d etail o f hig h dy nam ic rang e ph otos.
Creative St yle: Landscape Creative St yle: S tandar d Creativ e St yle Crea tive S t y le set t ing s swi f tl y br ing o ut th e ch aracte r of your s cen e.
ge t t o k n o w th e a 99 01 AF Illuminator / Self- timer 02 Mounting index 03 Cust om but ton 04 Lens contacts 05 Lens release button 06 Mount 07 Silent multi- controller 08 Pr eview button 09 Remo .
11 Viewfinder 12 Eyepiece sens ors 13 MOVIE but ton 14 AF /MF but ton /Enlarge button 15 Rear cont rol dial 16 AEL button /SLO W SYNC but ton / Image index but ton 17 Multi-s elector 18 DISP button 1.
01 Microphone 02 Drive but ton 03 White Balance button 04 Exposure but ton 05 Power switch 06 Shutter button 07 ISO button 08 Display panel illumination but ton 09 Image sensor position mark 10 D ispl.
23 Flash s ync terminal 24 Microphone jack 25 Headphones jack 26 HDMI t erminal 27 USB terminal 28 DC I N ter mi na l 29 Sp e ake r 30 REMO TE terminal 31 Diopter - adjustment dial 32 S LOT 1 ( Mem or.
e x t en d y o ur poi n t of vie w Distagon T* 24mm F2 ZA SSM ( SAL24F20Z ) Planar T* 85mm F1.4 ZA ( SAL85F14Z ) Sonnar T* 135mm F1.8 ZA ( SAL135F18Z ) V ario-Sonnar T* 16-35mm F2.
APS - C APS - C APS - C APS - C APS - C APS - C 75-300mm F4.5-5.6 ( SAL75300 ) 28-75mm F2.8 SAM ( SAL2875 ) 16mm F2.8 Fishey e ( SAL16F28 ) 20mm F2.8 ( SAL20F28 ) 50mm F1.4 ( SAL50F14 ) 50mm F2.8 Macro ( SAL50M28 ) 100mm F2.8 Macro ( SAL100M28 ) 85mm F2.
e xpand y o ur horiz ons This pow er ful flagship flash unit ( GN 6 0 ) feat ures a n LED l ig ht and d eli ver s crea ti ve lighting for both still image an d mo vie shoo ting.
Thi s ki t me ets th e au dio n ee ds of prof essional movie pr oduction by pro viding t wo pr o - standar d XLR terminals that r eliably connect the camera with pr ofessional XLR- connected microphones, mixing consoles and sound studios .
Shotgun Microphone ECM - CG50 Remote Commander RMT- D SLR 2 This wir eless remot e commander f or a A- mount a nd E - mo unt ca me ras provi des e asy re mote sta r t / sto p functionality whether sh ooting still ima ge s or m ovie s.
sy s te m a t a gl an ce Soft Carrying Case LCS -A MLC 4 Messenger T ype Bag LC S - MS10 Back Pack LCS -B P 2 Sc ree n Prote ctor Semi Hard Sheet P C K - L M 14 Rem ote Commander ( * Still images only.
GPS capability Th e bui lt- i n GP S ( Global P ositioning Sy stem ) feature can t ag your phot ographs with data that indicates where and when the y were tak en.
Main specifications of Type Camera type Interchangeable lens digital camera Lens compatibility Sony A-mount lenses , oper ation with Minolta/Konica lenses confirmed Image sensor Type 35mm full-frame ( 35.8 x 23.9mm ) , Exmor CMOS sensor Number of pixels ( effective ) Approx.
* is a tr ademark of Sony Corporation. * Exmor , BIONZ , BRA VIA , S teadyShot, V AIO , InfoLithium , Memory Stick , T ranslucent Mirror T echnology , Tru-Finder , Memory Stick PRO Duo , Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo , and Multi Interface Shoe , ar e trademarks or regist ered trademarks of Son y Corporation.
An important point after buying a device Sony DI12023 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony DI12023 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony DI12023 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony DI12023 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony DI12023 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony DI12023, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony DI12023.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony DI12023. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony DI12023 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center