Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product DAR-RH1000 Sony
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2-635-396- 11 (1) © 2005 Sony Corporat ion D VD Recorder Home Theatre System Operati ng Instruct ions DAR-RH7000 DAR-RH1000.
2 WARNIN G To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabin et. Refer s ervicing to qualifie d personnel only. The mains lead m ust only be changed at a qualified se rvice shop.
3 If the hard disk dri ve shoul d malfunc tion, you c annot r ecover l ost data. Th e har d disk drive is only a temporar y storage spa ce. About r epairi ng the ha rd disk drive • The contents of the hard disk drive may be checked in case of repair or inspect ion during a malfunc tion or mo dificati on.
4 If you have any questi ons or problems conc erning your recorde r, please c onsult y our nearest Sony dealer . About thi s manual • In this manual, the internal ha rd disk drive is wri tten as “HDD,” and “di sc” is u sed as a gener al reference for the HDD, DVDs, or CDs un less othe rwise s pecified by the text or illustr ations.
5 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Speaker Surround O ptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Selecting the Sound Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Reinforcing Bass Fre quencies (DSGX) .
7 Ways to Use Your DVD Re corder Home The atre System A li st of recor dabl e and play able di scs is on page 8. Recording/Playbac k Compa tible medi a and refere nce page s Quick a ccess to record ed titles – Title L ist , “3.
8 Quick G uide to Di sc Typ es Recordable and play able discs Usable disc vers ions (as of Ma rch 20 05) • 8 x-speed or slower DVD+RWs • 6 x-speed or slower DVD-RWs (Ver. 1.1, Ver.1.2 with CPRM *1 ) • 16x-sp eed or slowe r DVD +Rs • 16x-sp eed or slow er DV D-R s (Ver .
9 Discs tha t cannot be reco rded on • 8 c m di scs • DV D-R D L ( Dual Laye r) discs • DV D-Rs in VR mode (Video Record ing format) *3 Only if the recor ding mode is LSP, SP, HSP , or HQ, and “DVD Rec. Picture Si ze” is set to “16:9.” *4 Erasing t itles d oes not free up di sc space.
10 Playable dis cs “DVD VIDEO” and “CD” are trademarks. Discs tha t cann ot be pl ayed •P H O T O C D s • CD- ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs th at are not recor ded in mu sic CD or Vide o CD form at, o.
11 Maximum recordable n umber of t itles * The maxi mum le ngth for each title is e ight hours. Note o n pla yback op erati ons o f DVD V IDEO s/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be intent ionally set by sof tware producers.
12 Hookups and Settings Overvi ew Complete the followin g steps to start using this DVD recorde r home theat re system. Steps 1 t o 4 are for the sp eaker system ; ste ps 5 and 6 for the rec order. Aft er fi nishin g all of the hookups, conne ct the mains leads in step 7, and start sett ing up the system in “Step 8: Easy Setup.
13 Hookup s and Settin gs Inserting batt eries into the remote You ca n cont rol the recor der and t he spe aker system usin g the supplie d remote. Insert two Size R6 (AA ) batter ies by matc hing the 3 and # ends on the b atteries to the markin gs inside t he compartment.
14 Ste p 2: Conne cting the Spea ker Syst em For D AR- RH70 00 Connect the speaker syste m using the su pplied speaker c ords, matchin g the colours o f the terminal s with the cor ds. For de tails on fron t speak er con necti on and s peake r stand s, se e page 1 7.
15 Hookup s and Settin gs For DA R- RH1 000 Conne ct the speak er sy stem using t he su pplied spea ker co rds, m atc hing th e col ours of the ter mina ls wi th the cord s. Notes • Do not set the spe akers in an incline d positio n. • Do not place the speaker s in locati ons that are : – Extremel y hot or cold.
16 – Very humid. – Subj ect t o vibratio n. – Subj ect to d irect sunlight. • Do not connec t any sp eakers o ther than those s upplied with thi s system . • Use caution when placi ng the sp eakers and /or spe aker stands (n ot suppl ied) att ached to t he speaker s on a speciall y treate d floor (waxe d, oile d, polis hed, et c.
17 Hookup s and Settin gs Installin g the speakers (DAR- RH7000) Attach the fr ont s peake rs to th e supp lied speak er stands. 1 Thread the speaker cord through the hole in the bottom o f the speake r stand. 2 Thread the speaker cord through the post of the speaker sta nd, and connect it to the speake r ter minal s.
18 5 Attach the co ver. Notes • Set both spea kers to the same height . • You can install the fron t and surr ound speaker s on opti ona l spea ker stan ds (WS -FV 20 or WS- FV11 ).
19 Hookup s and Settin gs To inst all t he spea kers on a wall The fron t speak ers ca n be wal l mounte d, eith er vertical ly or horizontally. To mo unt the f ront spea kers horiz onta lly, f ollow the centre speak er in stal latio n proc edur e on page 20.
20 Notes • If you do no t set t he speaker correct ly, the speaker may fall down and cau se injury. • Use screws that ar e suit able for the wal l mater ial and str ength . In th e cas e of a pl as ter bo ard w all, atta ch th e scre ws se cu rely to a be am an d fas ten th em to the w all.
21 Hookup s and Settin gs 4 Hang the spe aker s on th e scre ws. Notes • Use screw s that ar e suitab le for the wall ma teria l and strength . In the case of a plaster b oard wall, attach th e scre ws s ecu rel y to a be am an d fa st en th em to th e wa ll.
22 Step 4: Conne cting th e Subwoo fer an d Recor der Conne ct the su bwo ofer and re corder u sing the su pplied syst em cord . AERIAL IN LINE 4 IN COMPONENT VIDEO OUT VIDEO S VIDEO R - AUDI O - L LI.
23 Hookup s and Settin gs Step 5 : Co nnec ting t he T V Ae rial Connect the TV ae rial cable following the s teps below. Do not connect th e mains le ad until you rea ch “Step 7: Connect ing the Mains Leads” (page 28). 1 Disco nnect t he TV ae rial cab le f rom your TV and con nect it to A ERIAL IN on the rea r panel of the reco rder.
24 Ste p 6: Conne cting the TV an d Record er Connect a video co rd to view pi ctures (not sup plied) . Selec t one of follow ing pat terns A thr ough D accord ing t o the type of input jack on yo ur TV monit or or pro jector . Notes • Do not connect more th an one type of vid eo cord between the recorder a nd your TV at the sam e time.
25 Hookup s and Settin gs A Connecting to a SCART input jack Conn ect usin g a SCAR T cord (n ot su pplied ) to th e LINE 1-TV jack an d your TV. Be su re of a firm connec tion to a void hum and noi se. See the operating instr uctions supplied with the TV to be con nected .
26 • Ne xTView Download You can easily set the timer by usin g the NexTV iew D ownlo ad funct ion on you r TV . See your TV’s instruct ion manual. *1 “MEGALOGIC” is a regist ered tradem ark of Grund ig Corporation. *2 “EASYLINK” and “CINEMALINK” are t rademarks of Philip s Cor porati on.
27 Hookup s and Settin gs Connecting an audio cord If yo u list en vi a yo ur TV ’s s peaker s, con nect the L INE OU T jacks of the r ecor der to the audi o input jack s of your TV. Notes • Do not connect your TV’s audio outp ut jac ks to the LINE I N (AUD IO L/R ) ja cks at the sam e time.
28 Step 7 : Co nnec ting t he Mains Le ads If y ou are con necti ng ad diti onal devi ces, go t o “Conn ecting the Recor der to Ot her Eq uipment ” (page 2 9) fi rst.
29 Hookup s and Settin gs Conne cting the Reco rder to Ot her Equip ment Before connecti ng the re corder’s mai ns lead, conne ct any other e quipment (VCR, s atellite tun er, PAY- TV deco der , etc. ) to t he LINE IN jac ks of th e reco rder . See a lso th e oper ating inst ructio ns su pplied with the c onnec ted e quipm ent.
30 To con nect to the LI NE 2 IN or LINE 4 I N jacks Connect a VCR or sim ilar re cord ing devi ce to th e LINE 2 IN or LINE 4 I N jack s of thi s recor der. If you are conn ecting to the LIN E 2 IN jacks and the eq uipm ent has an S-vid eo jac k, you can use an S-video cord instea d of a vide o cord .
31 Hookup s and Settin gs Connecting to a satellite or di gital tuner Connect a satell ite or dig ital tuner t o this record er using the LINE 3/DECODER jack. Disconnect the recorder f rom the mains when connecting th e tuner. To us e the Sync hro- Rec functi on, s ee b elow.
32 Connecting a PAY-TV/Canal Plus decoder You ca n w atch or reco rd PA Y-T V/Can al Plus prog ram mes i f you c onnec t a d ecode r (n ot supp lie d) to t he reco rder.
33 Hookup s and Settin gs Setting PAY-TV/Canal Plus chann els To watch or reco rd PAY- TV/Ca nal Plus progra mm es, set your r ecord er to rec eive channe ls using the o n-sc reen d isp lay. In orde r to se t the c hanne ls corr ectly , be su re to follow all the ste ps below.
34 11 Press M / m to se lect an availa ble TV system , BG, DK, I, or L, and pr ess ENTER . To re ceive b roa dcasts in F rance, sele ct “L. ” 12 Sel ect “No rmal /CAT V,” and pres s ENTE R. 13 Select “N ormal,” an d pres s ENTER. To pres et CATV (Cable Televi sion) ch annel s, select “ CATV.
35 Hookup s and Settin gs ◆ TV Type If yo u ha ve a wide- screen TV , selec t “16: 9.” If you ha ve a stan dard TV , selec t either “4 :3 Letter Box” (s hrink to fit ) or “4:3 Pan S can” (stretch to fit). This will de termine how “wid e-scre en” i mag es are di spla yed on y our TV.
36 Seven Basic Operati ons — Getting to Know Your DVD Recorder 1. Ins ertin g and F orma tti ng a DVD D isc (Disc Inf o) Inserting a di sc 1 Press DVD. 2 Press Z (open/close ), and pla ce a disc on the disc tray . 3 Press Z (ope n/clo se) to cl ose the disc tray.
37 Seve n B asic O per ations 3 Move th e curs or down t he TOOL S menu unti l “Disc Info” i s sele cted, and pres s ENTE R. Exampl e: Whe n a D VD-RW (VR mode) is insert ed.
38 2. Re cording a Progra mme This sec tion int roduces the ba sic oper ation to record the cur rent TV programme to the h ard disk (HDD) or to a di sc (D VD). F or an explan atio n of how to make timer recor dings, see page 48. 1 Press HDD or DVD. When y ou rec ord to a DVD, inse rt a recordabl e DVD (see “Insertin g a disc” on page 36) .
39 Seve n B asic O per ations About t he Telete xt functio n Some br oadc asts incl ude a Te letex t servi ce* in which all programme informat ion (title, date, channel, r ecording sta rt time etc.
40 Title List with Thumbnail Images (Example: DVD-RW in VR mode) Extended Title List A Disc type: Displays a medi a type, HDD or DVD. Also displa ys the title ty pe (orig inal or Playlist) for HDD or DVD-RWs (VR mode ). B Disc space (remai nder/tot al) C Title in formation: Displays t he title number , title na me, and recording date.
41 Seve n B asic O per ations To ch ange a title thu mbnail pictur e (Thumbn ail) (HDD/DVD-RW in VR mo de only) You ca n select a favo urite scene fo r the th umbnai l picture sh own in the Titl e List menu. 1 Press TITLE LI ST in stop mode. 2 Selec t a title wh ose thum bna il pictur e you want t o chang e, and pres s ENTER.
42 C The currently selected funct ion or audi o setting (appear s momentarily) Example: Dolby Di gital 5. 1 ch D The current selec ted an gle ◆ Disp la y 2 Exampl e: When pl aying a DVD- RW (VR mo d.
43 Seve n B asic O per ations Exampl e: When playin g a VIDEO CD Exampl e: When p layin g a CD Track pl aying t ime and curre nt trac k/index n umber m Remain ing ti me of c urrent tra ck m Playing ti.
44 5 Press < / M / m / , to selec t the cha racter you wa nt to en ter, a nd pr ess ENTE R. The sel ecte d charact er ap pears at the top of the displa y. Example: Input Title Name The ty pe of char acters wil l chang e acco rding to the lan guage you sele ct in “Eas y Setup.
45 Seve n B asic O per ations 6. Label ling an d Protect ing a Disc You ca n apply op tion s to the en tire di sc usin g the Disc Info rma tion disp lay. Labelling a disc 1 Insert a disc . See “I nser ting a di sc” on pag e 36. 2 Press TOOLS, select “Disc I nfo, ” and pres s ENTE R.
46 7. Pl ayin g th e Di sc on Oth er DVD Equi pmen t (Fin ali ze) Finaliz ing is ne cess ary in or der to pl ay discs reco rded with th is reco rder on oth er DV D equipm ent. When you final ize a DVD+RW, DVD-RW (Video mode), DVD+R, or DVD-R, a DVD menu will be au tomatically cre ated, which ca n be display ed on other DVD equ ipment.
47 Seve n B asic O per ations Unfinalizing a di sc For DV D-RW s (Vi deo mode) To recor d or ed it furt her, yo u can un fina lize DVD-RWs (Video mode) that hav e been finalized on t his r ecorde r. (No t pos sible if f inali zed on othe r DVD equipment.
48 Timer Recording Before Record ing Before you start recording … • This r ecord er ca n rec ord on var iou s discs . Selec t the dis c typ e acco rdin g to you r need s (pa ge 8). • Chec k that th e disc ha s enou gh avai lable space for th e recording ( page 36).
49 Time r Recordi ng Recording stereo and bilingual programmes The re cord er autom atic ally re ceiv es and recor ds ster eo and bili ngua l prog rammes base d on t he ZWEITON syst em or the NICAM system. The HDD and a DVD-RW (VR mode) can r ecord both m ain and s ub soun ds.
50 Timer Recor ding (S tandar d/ Vide o Plus+) You can set the timer for a total of 3 0 programmes (8 progr amm es when usin g the PDC /VPS functi on), up t o o ne mo nth in ad vance . There are two methods to se t the ti mer: the stan dar d meth od or Vide o Pl us+.
51 Time r Recordi ng 3 Select “O K,” and pr ess ENTE R. The Tim er List (p age 55 ) appe ars. The TIMER RE C indica tor light s up in the fr ont panel and t he re corder is re ady to star t record ing. Unli ke a VC R, th ere i s no ne ed to t urn off th e rec order befo re the tim er re cord in g sta rts.
52 z Hint You can play the reco rded progra mme by selecti ng the programm e t itle in t he Ti tle List. Notes • If a mes sage indica ting that th e disc is full appears on the screen , change t he disc, or make ava ilable sp ace for the recording (HDD/DVD+RW/DVD-RW only) (page 74) .
53 Time r Recordi ng 3 Select “O K,” and pr ess ENTE R. The settings for date, star t and stop times, programme po sition, re cording mod e, etc., appear (page 51). • If you wan t to change the sett ing, press < / , to select the item and p ress M / m to change the s etting.
54 Adjusting the rec ording pictu re quality and s ize You can adju st the re cord ing pi cture quali ty and pic ture si ze. 1 Before recor ding starts, pre ss TOOLS, select “Rec Settings,” and press ENTE R. 2 Select the item you wan t to adjus t, and press ENT ER.
55 Time r Recordi ng Creating chapters i n a title The re cord er can auto mati cally di vide a re cordi ng (a titl e) into cha pters by inserting c hapter marks during re cord ing. To disabl e t his f unct ion, set “Aut o Chapt er” in “F eatu res” setu p to “Of f” (page 9 8).
56 : Indi cates the se tting that t he Update functi on is s et for. When all o f the timer settings d o not fit on the list, scroll bar ap pears. To vie w the hidd en ti mer se tting s, pr ess M / m . 2 Select the timer setting yo u want to check / change/ canc el, an d pre ss ENTER .
57 Time r Recordi ng Automatically era sing old title s (Auto Title Eras e) If there i s not e nough space for a timer reco rdin g, the record er aut omatic ally erases old title s recorded on the HDD, st arting with th e oldest. Protected titles a re not eras ed.
58 3 Press INPU T SELECT repe atedly to sele ct “L3.” 4 Select the line input audio when rec ording a bili ngua l prog ramm e on th e HDD o r DVD- RWs (VR mode). Pre ss TOOL S, se lect “Line A udi o Inpu t,” an d press ENTER. Then se lect “Bilin gual,” and press ENTE R.
59 Time r Recordi ng Recording from connected equipment without a timer You can record from a connected VCR or similar devi ce. For co nnect ion det ail s, see “Con necti ng a VCR or simila r device” on page 29. 1 Press HDD or DVD. If you s elect DVD, insert a recordable DVD (see “I nsert ing a dis c” on pa ge 36).
60 Playback Playi ng 1 Press HDD or DVD. • If you select DVD, in sert a disc (se e “Inse rting a dis c” on p age 36) . • If you insert a DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD , or CD, pre ss H . Playback st arts. 2 Press TI TLE LIST. For details abou t the Title List, see “3.
61 Playback To resu me playb ack from the po int w here you stoppe d (Resu me Play) When you pres s H agai n after you stop playb ack, the rec order resu mes pl aybac k from t he point where yo u press ed x . To st art f rom the be ginn ing, pre ss TO OLS, s elect “Play Be ginnin g,” and pr ess ENTER .
62 Playback options You can check the loca tion of the button s belo w on page 60. Button Operation (aud io) Selec ts on e of the audi o tr acks r ecord ed on t he dis c when press ed re peated ly. : Sele cts the la ngu age. : Selects t he ma in or sub soun d.
63 Playback To res ume no rmal pla ybac k Press H . Notes • If the playba ck signa l does n ot con tain a s ignal for the rear spe akers, s urround eff ects will be diffic ult to he ar. In addit ion, surround e ffects may al so be difficu lt to hear depend ing on the ti tle being play ed and the environme nt where the record er is being used .
64 Adjusting the de lay between t he picture and soun d (A/V SYNC) If p ictur e and so und do not ma tch, you c an adj ust the delay between them. 1 Press TOOL S du ring pl ayback to sel ect “Audi o Sett ing,” and pres s ENTE R.
65 Playback Playing a previ ous recording whi le making another (Si multaneous Rec and Play) “Si multan eous Rec and Pl ay” al lows you to view a previous ly recorded programme while re cording anothe r prog ramm e. Playb ack co ntinue s even if a timer re cording sta rts.
66 Search ing for a Tit le/ Chapte r/T rack , etc. Searching by Thu mbnail (Visual Search) Each chapt er is di spl ayed as a thum bnail . You c an search for th e de sired sce ne v isua lly. 1 Press VIS UAL SEAR CH dur ing playb ack. 2 Selec t a sc ene us ing < / , , and pre ss ENTER .
67 Playback Playi ng MP3 Au dio Trac ks or JPE G Imag e Fi les You ca n play MP 3 audi o tracks and JP EG image files o n DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD- RWs). 1 Insert a disc . See “I nser ting a di sc” on pag e 36. 2 Press H . For MP 3 disc s, play back s tarts from th e first MP3 aud io trac k on th e disc.
68 z Hint Press the (audio) button to swit ch b etwe en stereo or monaur al audio t racks. Selecting a J PEG album or image 1 Press TI TLE LIST. The albu m lis t appear s. To chang e the page , press / . 2 Selec t an albu m, and pr ess ENT ER. The su b-men u appe ars.
69 Playback About MP3 audio tracks and JP EG image files MP3 is au dio com pres sion te chnol ogy tha t satisf ies ISO/MPEG regulation s. JPEG is image compr essio n techno logy. You ca n play MP 3 (MP EG1 Audio La yer 3) form at aud io tracks and JPE G im age files on DATA CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs).
70 About playback orde r of albums, tracks, and fil es Albu ms play in the fo llow ing orde r: Structure of di sc co ntents When y ou i nsert a DAT A CD and pres s H , the numbered t racks (or f iles) are played sequ entially, from 1 throu gh 7 .
71 Erasing and Editing Erasing and Ed iting Before Editing This rec order offers variou s edit opt ions for diff erent di sc type s. Before you edit, check th e disc type in the fron t panel display, and sele ct the optio n availa ble for your di sc (p age 8).
72 Notes • A Playlist tit le ca lls up data from the original ti tles fo r play back. W hen an orig inal ti tle is used for a Pl aylis t titl e, th e o rigin al t itle can not be era sed. • If a message appear s and indicat es that the disc ’s control inf ormat ion is full, er ase or edit unn ecessary titl es.
73 Erasing and Editing “A-B Erase”: Erases a section of the titl e (page 7 3). “Del ete Ch apter” : Era ses chap ter un its of th e title whi le viewing th umbnails (see below).
74 Notes • Images or sound may be mo ment arily in terrupte d at the point where you erase a sec tion of a title. • Sections shor ter tha n five se conds m ay not be e rased. • For DVD+R Ws, the e rased sec tion ma y be slightly differen t from the poin ts you selecte d.
75 Erasing and Editing Erasing all titles on a dis c 1 Press TOOLS , select “Disc Inf o,” and press ENTE R. The “D isc Inf ormat ion” di spla y appea rs. 2 Select “E rase All, ” and press EN TER. 3 Select “O K,” and pr ess ENTE R. All titles on the dis c are erased (except th e protected tit les).
76 Creat ing an d Edit ing a Playlis t Playlist edit al lows you to edit or re -edit withou t chang ing t he ac tual record ings. You ca n crea te u p to 97 Play list titl es. Note Once yo u creat e a Pl aylist t itle f rom or iginal titles, you will be un able to er ase or e dit t he orig inal title s.
77 Erasing and Editing 8 Selec t th e scene you wa nt to r e-ed it, a nd pres s ENTE R. The su b-men u appe ars. “Move” : Chan ges t he sce ne ord er. “Era se”: Er ases the scene . The s elec tion is cancelled. “Previ ew”: Disp lays t humbn ail pictures of the scene s.
78 6 Select “OK, ” and press ENTER. The display for selec ting a ti tle name from among the se lected titles ap pear s. • To ente r a new name, select “Enter Te xt,” and fol low the e xpla nation s on page 43 . • To change the se lection, select “Ch ange” and go to s tep 3.
79 Dubbin g (HDD y DVD) Dubbing (HDD y DVD) Before Dubbing In this secti on, “dub bing” refe rs to “copyin g a recorded title on th e internal hard dis k drive (HDD) to another disc , or vice versa.
80 Required times for Hig h-speed Du bbing from HDD to DVD (for a 6 0-minute programme) *1 *1 The values in the above table are fo r reference onl y. Actual time s for dubbi ng also require tim e for creat ing the disc’s contr ol informa tion and other data.
81 Dubbin g (HDD y DVD) Notes • The followin g titl es in the HDD c annot b e move d. – Pr otec ted title s – Playlis t titles – O riginal tit les reference d from the Playlist • If the move operation is sto pped before co mpletion , the title in the HDD i s not erased.
82 C Availabl e space on the di sc to be dubbed (ap pro xima te) D Informatio n about the title to be d ubbed E Dubbin g mode an d the size of the t itle after dubbing (approximate) 6 Select “Dub Mode.” 7 Select a du bbing m ode b y pres sing M / m .
83 Dubbin g (HDD y DVD) To adjust t he setting s for each title You ca n mak e deta iled se tting s for e ach of the selected titles during Multi ple Title Dub bing. 1 In step 6 of “Dub bing multip le titl es (D ub Selected Ti tles)” on pag e 82, select “ Settings” and pre ss ENTER .
84 Speaker Surround Options Select ing the So und F ield You ca n take advan tage of sur round soun d sim ply by sele cting on e of th e syst em’s prepr ogra mmed sou nd fi elds , whi ch br ing t he e xciti ng a nd powe rful sound o f a mo vie t heatre into y our home.
85 Speaker Su rround Option s “PLII M OVIE/P LII MUSIC ” (Dolby Pro Lo gic II Movie/Mu sic) Produc es five f ull-band widt h output chann els from 2 ch annel source s.
86 Reinfo rcing Ba ss Freque nci es ( DSGX ) The DSGX (Exte nded Dyn amic Sound Gen erator ) func tio n rein forc es bas s fre qu enci es. Press DSGX. The DSGX function is activated, and “DSGX” appea rs in the fron t pane l dis play . • To canc el th e func tion , pre ss DSGX again .
87 Other O perat ions Other Operations Enjoy ing th e Radi o Conne ct the FM /AM aeri als to the sub woofe r (page 21 ) and p reset radi o statio ns. Note You cannot reco rd FM/AM radio sou nd using the recorder or connected equip ment . Presetting radio stations You ca n preset 20 FM sta tions , and 10 A M statio ns.
88 If FM s ound is nois y Press F M M ODE s o th at “MO NO ” appe ars in the front pane l display. There will be no s tereo effect, but receptio n will improve. • To re store th e stere o effec t, pres s FM M ODE agai n. z Hints • Y ou can also selec t a preset statio n using the numbe r buttons an d SET button.
89 Other O perat ions 4 Releas e [ / 1 . When the TV/DVD switc h is set to TV, the remote performs the follo wing: * For two-di git numbe rs, if you use the number butto ns to select the TV’s programm e position, press - /-- fo llowed by the number butt ons.
90 Settings and Adjustmen ts Aeria l Rece ption and Langua ge S etti ngs (Sett ing s) The “S ettings” setu p helps yo u ma ke tun er, langua ge, cl ock, and p rogram me p osi tion set tings for the re corder . 1 Press HDD or DVD, and press SYSTE M MENU wh ile the rec order is in stop mo de.
91 Settings and Adjustments 8 Press M / m repeatedly until the channe l you want i s di splaye d, the n pr ess E NTER. The ch annels are scan ned in the order show n in the ta ble below. • If you k now the number of the cha nnel you want, press th e num ber but tons.
92 Station Nam e Change s or ent ers a new stat ion nam e (up to 5 charac ters ). The recorder must recei ve chan nel informatio n (for instance , SMARTLINK informa tion) for stati on names t o appe ar automaticall y. 1 Select “Channe l Setting” in “Settings,” and press ENTER.
93 Settings and Adjustments Channel List ( Changing/Disabli ng the channels) Chan ges or disa bles the pr ogram me posi tio ns aft er setting the ch annels . If any pr ogra mme p ositi ons are unu sed or contai n unwa nted chann els, you c an disable them .
94 4 Press the number buttons o r < / M / m / , to enter the TV guid e page n umb er, and pres s ENTER to confirm the s etting. • If you m ake a mis take, pr ess CLEA R to re- enter the co rrec t numbe r. • To set or cha nge anoth er T V guid e page numbe r, re peat s teps 3 an d 4 ab ove.
95 Settings and Adjustments Language OSD (On-Sc reen Disp lay) Switch es the di splay l angua ge on the screen. DVD Menu (DVD VID EO only) Switches the language for the DVD menu . Audio ( DVD VIDE O only ) Switch es the la ngua ge of the s oundtr ack.
96 Note Dependin g on the disc, “4: 3 Letter Box” may be selected automat ically inste ad of “4 :3 Pan Scan” or vice ve rsa. Paus e Mode (H DD/DV Ds onl y) Selects the pict ure qu ality in pause mo de. Compon ent O ut Select s whethe r or no t to outp ut vide o sign als from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks.
97 Settings and Adjustments ◆ Line3 Inpu t Select s a metho d of inpu tting video sign als for th e LINE 3/DECODER jack. The picture will n ot be clear if this se tting does not match the type of video inp ut signa l. ◆ Line3 Ou tput Sel ects a meth od of outp utti ng vide o signa ls for the LINE 3/DECODER ja ck.
98 CD Pr io rity Record ing and Pa rent al Contro l Setti ngs (Fea tures) The “Feature s” setup allows you to adjust record ing and pa rent al cont rol set tings. 1 Pres s SYSTEM MENU while t he recor der i s in stop mod e. 2 Sele ct “SET UP,” an d pr ess ENTER .
99 Settings and Adjustments Note The actu al chapte r ma rk inter val ma y vary de pending on the amount of information c ontained in the video to be recorded . Parental C ontrol (DVD VI DEO only) Playback of some DVD VIDEOs can be restricted accord ing t o a pr edeter mined leve l, such as the a ge of the us ers.
100 Synch ro Rec Selects the reco rding desti nation us ed for Synchr o-Recor ding ( page 5 7). HQ Setting (HDD on ly) Selec ts the HQ mode used for re cording on the HDD (page 48) . Colour System Sel ects th e col our sy stem wh en pl aying VIDEO CDs (i ncludi ng S uper V IDEO CD s).
101 Settings and Adjustments Size Select s the s urround spea ker po sitio n and w hethe r to enga ge the speaker s. Front Cent er Surround Subw oofer Distance Set the distance from your listening posit ion to the front s peaker s in “F ront” (fron t spea ker) fi rst ( A ).
102 Leve l Sets the l oudne ss of eac h spea ker in dividu ally. Use th e test t one fo r easy adju stmen t (se e “Tes t Tone” on p age 102 ). To adjust the volume of all the spea kers at on e time, pr ess 2 +/–. Front Left Set t he front le ft speake r level wi thin -6.
103 Settings and Adjustments Disc S ett ings/ Fact ory Setti ngs (O pti ons) The “Op tions ” setup al lows you to set up other operatio nal settings. 1 Pres s SYSTE M MENU whi le the r ecor der i s in stop mo de. 2 Selec t “SETU P,” an d press EN TER.
104 Auto Disp lay Factory S etup Allows you to select th e setup settings by group, and ret urn them to their d efault sett ings. Note that all of your previous se ttings will be lost. 1 Select “Fac tory S etup” i n “Op tions,” and press , or ENTER.
105 Additi onal Info rmation Additional Inform ation Troubl esho oting If yo u expe rience any of the fol lowi ng dif ficu lties while u sing t he rec order, us e th is troubl esho oting guide t o help remed y the pr oble m befo re reque sting rep airs .
106 TV prog ramme re ception d oes not f ill the scr een. , Set the c hanne l manual ly in “C hanne l Setting” in “Settings” setup (pa ge 90). , Sele ct the cor rec t sour ce usi ng the INP UT SELECT butto n, or select a ch annel of any TV program me using the PRO G +/– button s.
107 Additi onal Info rmation Sound There is no sound. , Re-co nnect al l connec tions securel y. , The c onnec ting c ord i s dam aged. , The record er is in rev erse play, fast -forward, slow motion, or pa use mode. , Press MUTING if “MUTING ON” appears in the f ront pa nel di splay .
108 No so und is heard from th e cent re spea ker. , Check th e speaker c onnec tions and setti ngs (page 14, 100 ). , Make sure the Sou nd Field fun ction is on (page 84). , Dependi ng on the sourc e, the effect of the surround sp eakers may be less noticea ble.
109 Additi onal Info rmation The s ubtitle l anguag e canno t be ch anged or turned off . , Mult ilin gua l sub titl es ar e not reco rded on th e DVD VIDEO. , The D VD V IDEO p rohibits ch anging of the subtitle s. , Try changing the subtitle using t he DVD VIDEO’s menu.
110 Timer rec ording is no t complet e or did not s tart from th e beginni ng. , There was a powe r failure during reco rding. If the p ower r ecovers w hen t here is a time r recordi ng, the recor der resum es record ing. Should t he powe r failure continue for more t han 1 hour, reset th e clock (page 94).
111 Additi onal Info rmation The clo ck does n ot app ear in the fron t pane l displ ay. , “Dimmer” in “Optio ns” set up is se t to “Pow er Save” (page 103) . , The “Powe r Save” in “Option s” setup was set to “On,” a nd the reco rder is in standby (p age 103 ).
112 Mechan ical so und is hear d from the s ubwoofe r or the re corder when no disc is pla yed. , The re corde r and t h e su bwoofe r ha ve ven tilat ion fans, which ope rate whe n the power is on . Mech anic al so und ma y also be heard w hen th e disc sp in s.
113 Additi onal Info rmation Notes Abou t Th is R ecor der On oper atio n • If the recorde r is broug ht directly from a c old to a warm loca tion, or is p laced in a very damp room, moistu re may cond ense on th e lenses inside th e recorder . Should th is occur, the recor der may not op erate prop erly .
114 Spec ifica tio ns Design and spe cifica tions are subj ect to ch ange withou t notice. For su pplie d acces sorie s, see pa ge 12. DVD recorder speci fications Syst em Laser: Semic onduc tor lase .
115 Additi onal Info rmation AUDIO POWER [RH7 000] Amplifier s ection Stere o mode (rat ed): 120 W +120 W (2. 7 oh ms at 1 kH z, TH D 10% ) Music pow er o utput whe n in sur round m ode (refer ence ):.
116 Guide t o Parts an d Contro ls For more informa tion, see the page s in pare nthese s. Remote A TV/DVD switch (88) B Z (open/cl ose) but ton ( 36) C HDD button (3 8) DVD button (3 6) D Number but tons (52 , 66) SET button (52 ) The num ber 5 but ton ha s a tacti le dot * .
117 Additi onal Info rmation W PROG (programme) +/– buttons (38) The + button has a tactil e dot * . X INPUT SEL ECT button (59) Y t TV/DVD button (88) Z DSGX button (86 ) wj SOUND FIELD +/– butto.
118 DVD recorder A [ / 1 (on/sta ndby) bu tton (34 ) B TIMER REC indicator (5 0) SYNCHRO REC indicator (57) C HDD button/indicator (38) D DVD button/indicator (36) E FM/AM butto n/indicator (87 ) F Di.
119 Additi onal Info rmation Front pane l dis play A HDD/DVD indicators Displays t he selected me dia an d the play ing/rec ording/ dubbing statu s or direc tion .
120 Rear panel A AERIAL IN/OUT jacks (2 3) B LINE 1 – TV ja ck (24 ) C LINE 3/DECODER jack (2 9) D COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (Y, P B /C B , P R /C R ) jacks (24) E AC IN termina l (28) F LINE OUT (S VIDEO.
121 Additi onal Info rmation Glos sary Albu m (page 67) A unit in whic h to store JP EG image file s or MP3 audio t racks on a DATA CD . (A lbum is an exclus ive def initi on f or th is reco rder .) Chapter (p age 66) Secti ons of a pi cture or a musi c featur e that ar e smaller than title s.
122 DVD+RW (pa ge 8) A DVD+RW (read “plus RW”) is a rec ordable and rewri table dis c. DVD+RWs use a reco rding format that is comparable to the DVD VIDEO form at. DVD-R (page 8) A DVD-R is a recordabl e disc that is the s ame size as a DVD VIDEO.
123 Additi onal Info rmation Langua ge C ode L ist For det ails, see page 95 . The l angua ge s pelling s co nfor m to the ISO 639 : 19 88 (E /F) stan dard.
124 Index Words in quotatio ns appear in the on-scre en disp lays. Numerics 16:9 35 , 95 4:3 Letter Box 35 , 95 4:3 Pan Sc an 35 , 95 A A/V SYNC 64 “A-B Erase” 73 Adjusting playba ck pictu re 63 r.
125 F “Facto ry Setup” 104 “Featur es” 98 File 67 , 122 “File Sea rch” 66 “Finalize” 46 Finaliz ing 46 “Format DVD-RW” 103 Formattin g 36 Freeze F rame 62 Front pa nel 118 Front pa nel disp lay 42 , 119 G GB 37 H Handlin g discs 11 3 “HDD Bilingual Rec.
126 S S VIDEO 25 “S Vi deo” 35 , 96 Scan A udio 60 “Scart Setti ng” 96 Scene L ist 76 “Screen Saver” 100 “Search” 66 Searching fast reverse/fast forward 62 locat ing the beg inning o f.
Sony Corporat ion Printed in Malaysia.
An important point after buying a device Sony DAR-RH1000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony DAR-RH1000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony DAR-RH1000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony DAR-RH1000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony DAR-RH1000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony DAR-RH1000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony DAR-RH1000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony DAR-RH1000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony DAR-RH1000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center