Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CMT-CPX11 Sony
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©2004 Sony Corporation 2-048-589- 11 (2) Micr o Hi-Fi Component System Oper a t ing Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and serial n umbers are located on the re ar of the unit. Re cord the seria l number in the space provi de d be low. Ref er to them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regardin g this product.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to rain or m oi st ur e. To prevent f ire , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with news p apers, tabl e-cloths, c urtains, etc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an d le s on th e apparatus.
3 GB How to use this ma nu al ............. .... .......... 4 Playable discs .......... .................. ........... ... 4 Getting Started Hooking up the sy stem........... ........... ...... 6 Setting the cloc k ............. ........... ........ .
4 GB This manual mainly explai ns op erat ions u sing the remote , but the sa me operatio ns can also b e perfo rm e d us ing the but to ns on the sys t em having the same or simila r names. You ca n pl ay back t he f ol l ow i ng discs on this system.
5 GB Notes on C D-R and CD -RW • Som e CD-Rs or CD-RW s cannot be p layed on thi s sy stem depend in g upo n the reco rdi ng quality or p hysical conditi on of the dis c, or the ch arac te ri st i cs of the re cordi n g device . Furthermore, the disc will not play if it has not been correctl y finaliz ed.
6 GB Perform th e following pr ocedures 1 to 3 to hook up your s ystem us ing the s upp lied co rds an d access ories . 1 Connect the speakers. Conn ect the r ig ht and le ft spea ker cord s to the SPEAKER terminals as shown below. 2 Connect the FM and AM antennas.
Getting Started 7 GB Note To prevent noise pic kup, keep t he antenna s away fr om the system an d other com pone nt s. 3 Connect the mai ns lead to m ains. If the pl ug does no t f it th e w a ll sock et, detach the supplie d plug adap tor (only fo r models e quipped with an adaptor).
8 GB 1 Press CD (or FUNCTIO N repeatedly) to switch the function to CD. 2 Insert a disc in the disc slot with the label s ide up. Note s • When you tur n on the system, the disc is not pulle d int o the d isc slot u ntil “ NO D ISC” appears i n the dis play.
CD/MP3 – Play 9 GB Other operations Notes • You c annot cha nge the p lay mod e durin g playbac k. • Some ti me may be needed to start p layback o f discs recorded in c om plex configur a ti ons suc h as many layers. • When th e disc is inserte d, the pl ayer reads a ll the audio trac ks on that disc.
10 GB You ca n m ake a prog ram of up t o 25 steps . You ca n sync hr o reco rd t he pr og ram med t rack s onto a cas sette tape (pa ge 15). 1 Press CD (or FUNCTIO N repeatedly) to switch the function to CD. 2 Press PLA Y M ODE in s top mode repeatedly until “P ROGRAM” ap pears.
T une r 11 GB You c an pr eset up to 20 FM st atio ns an d 10 AM station s. You c an t he n tune in any of tho se stations simply by sele cting the cor responding preset numb er.
12 GB To change the AM tuning interval (except for European models) The AM tu ni ng interv al is fa ct or y-pres et to 9 kHz (or 10 kHz for so me areas) . To chang e the AM tuni ng int erval, tune in an y AM sta tion fir st, then tur n off the sy stem.
T une r 13 GB What i s the Radio Data System? Radio D at a Sy stem (R D S ) is a broa dc astin g service that allows radio statio ns to send add i tion al in form at ion al on g w i th th e re g u la r program signa l. RDS is a vailable only o n FM stations .
14 GB 1 Press T APE Z on the uni t. 2 Load a tape into the cassette holder. You ca n us e TYPE I (no r ma l) tape. 1 Press TAPE (or FUNCTION repeated ly) to switch the function to TAP E.
T ape – Recor ding 15 GB You can rec or d a w h ole CD on a ta pe . You ca n us e TYPE I (normal ) tape . Use butto ns on the unit for the operation.
16 GB You can rec ord just the por tions yo u like from a CD on a t ape . You ca n al so re co rd a ra di o prog ram. Use bu tt o ns on the un it for the opera t io n. 1 Load a recordable tape. 2 Press FUNCTION repe atedly to select the desired sou rce to record.
Sound Adjust men t /Tim er 17 GB You can set the syst em to turn off aft er a certain time, s o th at you can fall as leep to m u sic. Use buttons on the remote for the operati on.
18 GB Other operations Note s • If you use Pl ay Timer and Slee p Tim er at the same time, Slee p Tim e r has priority. • Do no t ope r at e the sys te m f r om the ti me the sy st em turns on until the play s tarts (about 15 s econds b efore the preset tim e).
T ape – Recor ding 19 GB Other operations Notes • If you use Ti mer Re cording a nd Sleep Timer a t the same tim e , S le ep Time r has prior ity . • Do not ope rat e the system fro m th e ti me the syst em turns o n unti l the re cording starts (about 15 seconds before t he preset t ime).
20 GB The cloc k displa y can be turn ed off to m inimiz e the am ou nt of pow e r cons um ed du ri ng stan dby (Powe r Sa ving Mode ). Press DISPLAY repeatedly while t he system is off until the clock display disappears. To ca ncel P ower Sa ving Mode Press DISPLAY while th e system is off.
Displa y 21 GB Note When fast forwa rd or fast reverse is perform ed, elapsed playing tim e and rema ini ng time o f th e tr a ck may not be display ed accurate ly.
22 GB To enh an ce your sy stem , yo u ca n conn ect optio nal co m po nent s. Ref er to the ope ratin g instru c tions provided with each component. A MD/VIDEO IN jacks Use au di o cord s ( n o t supplie d) to conn ect a n optio na l analog compon ent (M D deck or V C R , etc.
Optional Com ponents 23 GB 1 Connect audio cords. See “ Hooking up optional compone nts” on page 22. 2 Press FUNCTION repeatedly until “MD” or “VIDEO” appears.
24 GB Should you e ncou nter a proble m w ith your syst em, do t he follow ing: 1 Make sure the power cord and speaker cords are c orrectly and f irmly connected. 2 Find your prob lem in the troubleshooting checklist below and take the indicated corrective action.
T roubles hooting 25 GB The disc does no t eject. • Consult your ne are st Sony dea le r. Play d oes not star t. • Wipe th e disc cle an (page 28). • Repla ce the disc. • Load th e disc th at this sy stem can p lay (page 4). • Load the disc co rrectly .
26 GB The tape does not record. • No casse tte is load ed . Loa d a ca s s e tt e. • The tab ha s been remov ed from the casse tt e. Cover t he broken tab wi th adhesiv e tape (page 29) . • The tape has wound to the end. Optional components There is no sound.
T roubles hooting 27 GB Other INVAL ID You pressed o n invalid button..
28 GB On oper ating vol tage Before ope r at ing th e sys tem, check tha t th e operatin g voltage o f your sys te m is ident ical with the volt a ge of your local power supp ly.
Additiona l Inform ation 29 GB Notes on CD- R and CD-RW • This syst em can play CD-R /CD-RW dis cs edited by the user. Howe ver, note that playba ck of some discs may not be possib le depending on th e recording device u sed for recordi ng or the disc co ndition.
30 GB Main Unit Amplifier section For the U nited States model AUDIO POWER SPECIFICATIONS POWER OUTPUT AN D TOTAL HARMON IC DISTORTION: With 4-ohm lo ads, both c hannels driv en, from 120 – 1 0, 00 0 Hz: ra ted 75 w at ts pe r chan nel minimum RMS power, with no more than 10% total har monic di stort ion from 25 0 mill iwatts to rate d ou tput .
Additiona l Inform ation 31 GB General Power re quirements North American model: 120 V AC, 60 Hz European model: 230 V AC, 50/60 Hz Korean model: 220 V AC, 60 Hz Australian model: 230 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Other models: 220 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Power consumpt ion North American mod el : 50 W European mode l: 50 W 0.
32 GB Main unit BASS +/ – wa (16) CD SYNCHRO qa (15) DIRECTION wd (14, 15, 16, 18) Disc sl ot ql (8) DISPLAY wf (13, 20) Display win dow 3 DSGX w; (16) FM MODE qs (12, 25) FUNCTION 0 (8, 1 0, 12, 14.
Additiona l Inform ation 33 GB Remote control ALBUM +/– qa (9, 10, 15) CD qh (8, 10) CLEA R qd (1 0) CLOCK/TIMER SELECT 2 (18, 19, 24) CLOCK/TIMER SET 3 (7, 17, 18) DISPLAY ql (13, 20) ENTER 9 (7, 1.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Hungar y.
An important point after buying a device Sony CMT-CPX11 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony CMT-CPX11 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony CMT-CPX11 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony CMT-CPX11 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony CMT-CPX11 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony CMT-CPX11, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony CMT-CPX11.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony CMT-CPX11. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony CMT-CPX11 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center