Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product Bravia KLV-46R452A Sony
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© 2013 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia Customer suppo r t KL V -46R472A / 46R452A / 40R472A / 40R457A / 40R452A / 32R422A / 32R407A / 32R402A / 24R422A / 24R402A Operating Instructions LCD TV 4-.
~ • When “1 Digit Direct” is set to “On”, you cannot select channel numbers 10 and above entering next digit using the remote. Auto T uning T unes in all the available channels. Programme Sorting Changes the order in which the channels are stored on the TV .
71 Comprobación de la información del programa 72 Lista de canales 72 Cambio de canal 72 Clasificación 73 Género 73 Cambio de la señal de transmisión 73 Cambio de la lista de canales Programar v.
105 T emporizador 105 T empor. encendido 106 T empor. apagado Protección de la pantalla y mantenimiento 107 Solución económica 108 Protección pant. 108 Cambio píxel 108 Tiempo protec. autom. 109 Desplazamiento 109 Lateral gris 109 Tiempo protec. autom.
Phot o Playback 157 Changing the v ie w mode 157 Sl ideshow 157 Slideshow Settings 157 Playl ist Cr eation 157 Opening a Diff ere nt Fil e 158 Backgr ound Music 158 Mini Player 158 Additional Phot o P.
T roubleshooting Scree n Sound 3D TV Conne ction 199 Aer ial (Air / Cab l e / Sate ll ite) Conne ction 199 Compu te r Connection Netw orking Misc e llane ous Data Se rv ice Sche dul e Reco rding / Tim.
1 e-Manual Guide V iewing the e-Manual The emb edde d e-Manual contains info rmation ab out your TV's k e y f eatu re s. This TV has a buil t-in use r guide. T o read it, us e one o f the following m ethods: ● Open th e Support me nu and choose e-Manual (T roubleshooting) .
2 Searching P ages Pre ss the { butt on or s e le ct on the t op o f the scree n to acc ess th e se arch scree n. Ent er a s earch phr ase and s e l ect Done . Se l e ct an item f r om the s earch r esul ts l i st t o na v igat e to th e re l e v ant pag e.
3 Conne ctions Aerial Connection Ref er t o the diagr am and conne ct the a er ial cabl e to th e ae rial inpu t conne cto r . Mak e sur e that you do n ot b end th e cabl e. Th e numbe r o f conne cto rs and th eir nam es and loca tions may v ary depe nding on the mode l.
6 7 Component Connection F or the LED 7000/7500 series models Ref er t o the diagr am and conne ct the TV’s compon en t v ideo and audio inp ut conn ect or s to th e e xte rnal de vic e’s compone .
8 F or the S9 models Ref er t o the diagr am and conne ct the compon en t v ideo and audio cab l es t o the compon en t adapt er (acce ssory) and t o the On e Connect compon en t inpu t conne cto rs. Mak e sur e the cab l e colours ma tch the conn ect or colou rs.
10 Conexión del ordenador Este TV tiene los siguientes puertos de conexión para ordenadores: ● HDMI ● HDMI a DVI Par a obtener la mejor calidad de imagen, conecte el ordenador al puerto HDMI/D VI. No todos los ordenadores están preparados para HDMI.
12 13 F or the LED 7000/7500, 8000, 8500 and PDP 8500 series models Ref er t o the diagr am and conne ct the op tical cabl e t o the TV's digital audio ou tpu t conn ect or and th e de v ice's digital audio inpu t conne cto r .
14 ARC (Audio Return Channel) F or the LED 7000/7500, 8000, 8500 and PDP 8500 series models This TV suppo rts 3D and ARC (Audio Re turn Channe l) functions v ia an HDMI cab l e.
14 15 F or the S9 models This TV suppo rts 3D and ARC (Audio Re turn Channe l) functions v ia an HDMI cab l e. ARC enab l es digital sound t o be ou tpu t using just an HDMI cab l e. How e v er , ARC is only a v ailabl e thr ough the HDMI (ARC) port and only wh en th e One Conn ect is conn ect ed t o an ARC-enab l ed A V re ce i v er .
18 ● Configuración del posicionador : Configura el posicionador de la antena. Inténtelo Posicionador : Habilita o inhabilita el contr ol de posicionado. Tipo posicionador : Configura el tipo posicionado entre DiSEqC 1.2 y USALS (Sistema universal de localización automática de satélites).
18 19 Exploración de canales satélite Menú en pantalla > Emisión > Ajustes del canal > Sintonización manual Pulse Buscar después de configurar los elementos siguientes. ● Transpondedor Selecciona el transpondedor. ● Modo Exploración Selecciona los canales gratuitos o todos los canales para guardarlos.
20 F or the S9 models Ref er t o the diagr am and conne ct the HDMI-t o-DVI cabl e t o the On e Conne ct HDMI (DVI) port and the comp ut er's DVI ou tpu t port. The HDMI-t o-DVI conne ction is a v ailabl e thr ough the HDMI (DVI) po rt only . DVI cann ot carry audio.
22 Eliminación de canales Menú en pantalla > Emisión > Editar canal Eliminar canales registrados del índice. Si se eliminan canales que aparecen en la lista Últimos vistos o Más vistos estos solo desaparecen de la lista pero no se eliminan del índice.
22 F or the S9 models Ref er t o the diagr am and conne ct the MHL cab l e to On e Conne ct's HDMI (MHL) conne cto r and the mobil e de v ic e's USB port.
24 Programming Scan and inde x a vailab l e channe ls. Y ou can also r emo v e chann e ls fr om the inde x and designa te fa v our ite s channe ls for a mo re con v eni en t TV v ie wing expe ri enc e. Progr amming i s n ot n ec essary if you ar e conne cte d to a cab l e or sa te ll ite receiv er .
26 27 Satellite System Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Channel Settings > Satellite System T ry Now A se t o f sate ll it e dish s ettings mus t be configu re d for e ach want ed sa te ll ite b efo r e perfo r ming a channe l scan. Satellite System is a v ailab le wh en Aerial is set to Satellite .
28 ● P ositioner Settings : Configu re s the a er ial positione r . T ry Now P ositioner : Enab l es o r disab le s the position ed con tr ol. P ositioner T ype : Set s the position ed type b etw een DiSEqC 1.2 and USALS (Uni v e rsal Sa te ll ite Aut omatic Loca tion Sys tem) .
30 Channel Management Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Edit Channel T ry Now T ry Now Br oadcas ting Aut o Tuning Aer ial Air Channe l Lis t Guide Sche dule Manag er Edit Channe l Edit F av our ites " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
32 3. En la pantalla Config. IP , establezca Config. IP como Introducir manualmente , introduzca la Dirección IP , la Máscara de subred , la Puerta de enlace y los valores del Servidor DNS y seleccione A ceptar . Config. IP Config. IP Introducir manualmente Dirección IP 0.
34 35 F avourites Channels Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Edit F avourites T ry Now Br oadcas ting Aut o Tuning Aer ial Air Channe l Lis t Guide Sche dule Manag er Edit Channe l Edit F av our ites " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
36 37 Botón WPS Si el enrutador tiene un botón WPS, puede utilizarlo para conectar automáticamente el televisor al enrutador. WPS configura automáticamente el SSID y la clav e WP A. 1. Si se establece Tipo de red como Inalámbr. se muestra automáticamente una lista de las redes inalámbricas disponibles.
38 F or the S9 models The re ar e three ways t o connect th e TV to a Local Ar ea Ne two rk (LAN) . ● Exte rnal Modem ● ① IP Rou te r + ② Exte r nal Modem ● W all-moun te d LAN Out le t.
40 Wired Network Setup Screen Menu > Network > Network Settings T ry Now Netw o rk Netw ork Sta tus Netw ork Se ttings Wi-Fi Dir ect AllShare Se ttings Set Remo te Acce ss De vic e Name [TV]Samsung LE... " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
42 43 F ailed Wired Connection No network cable found T ry Now T ry Now Mak e sur e the n e tw ork cab le i s plugge d in. If it is conn ect ed, mak e su re th e r out er i s turne d on. If it is on, try tu rning it off and on again. IP auto setting failed T ry Now Perfo rm the following or s et th e IP addre ss manually fr om IP Settings .
44 45 Funciones especiales Mantenga pulsados los siguientes botones del Smart T ouch Control para acceder a varias funciones especiales. Botón Descripciones MUTE / AD Mantenga pulsado este botón para seleccionar Descrip. de audio y Subtítulos . (Según el país o la región.
44 45 Manual Wireless Network Setup If th e ne tw ork re quir es a s tatic IP addr ess, e nt er th e IP addre ss, subn et mask , gat eway and DNS v alu es to conn ect t o the n etw ork manually . T o ge t the IP addr ess, subn et mask, ga te way and DNS v alue s, contact you r Int erne t Serv ic e Pr o v ider (ISP) .
46 5. Fr om the IP Settings scr een, s et IP setting to Enter manually , enter IP Address , Subnet Mask , Gateway , and the DNS Server v alu es, and th en s e l ect OK . IP Settings IP se tting Ent er manually IP Addre ss Subne t Mask Gat eway 0.
46 47 F ailed Wireless Connection Wireless network connection failed, or no wireless r outer selected. T ry Now T ry Now Go to Network Settings and se l e ct the co rre ct rou te r . Unable to connect to a wireless router T ry Now T ry Now Che ck the following: 1.
48 Network setup complete, but unable to connect to the Internet T ry Now If the p r obl em per sis ts, con tact your In te r ne t Serv ice Pr o v ider . Dynamic versus Static IP Addresses If the n etw ork r equi re s a dynamic IP addre ss, use an ADSL modem o r r out er tha t support s the Dynamic H ost Configu r ation Pr ot ocol (DHCP) .
48 49 Mobile Device Connection Netw o rk Netw ork Sta tus Netw ork Se ttings Wi-Fi Dir ect AllShare Se ttings Set Remo te Acce ss De vic e Name [TV]Samsung LE.
50 AllShare Settings Screen Menu > Network > AllShare Settings This TV can play m edia fil e s fr om compu te rs o r oth er DLNA-e nabl e d de v ice s conne cte d to th e TV v ia a ne tw ork. Ref er t o the "Using Ne two rk ed Exte r nal St or ag e De v ice s", for mo re info rmation.
52 Config. mando universal Menú en pantalla > Sistema > Admin. de disp. > Config. mando universal Inténtelo Este televisor tiene una función de mando a distancia universal que permite cont.
52 Reconnecting the Smart T ouch Control If you nee d to r ees tab l ish th e conne ction be tw een th e TV and the Smart T ouch Con tr ol, pr ess th e pair ing butt on at th e back o f the Smart T ouch Con tr ol t oward the Remo te r ec ei v e r o f the TV .
52 53 Buttons and Descriptions " The p roduct colou r and shape may v ary depe nding on the coun try o r re gion..
60 Control de mo v . Menú en pantalla > Funciones Smart > Control de mov . Inténtelo Control de mov . Control de mov . Activado Guía de movimientos animados Desactivado V eloc. puntero Medio Prueba del entorno del control de mov . Tutorial de control de movimiento " La imagen mostrada puede variar según el modelo.
60 Adjusting the T ouchpad Screen Menu > System > Device Manager > Smart T ouch Control Settings > T ouch Sensitivity T ry Now Use rs can adjus t the s ensiti v ity o f the Smart T ouch Con tr ol’s touchpad. Se t T ouch Sensitivity t o adjust se nsiti v ity and mak e it mor e con v eni en t to us e.
60 61 Using the V ir tual Remote Control Pre ss MORE butt on to di splay the v i rtual remo te pan e l on the scr een. Th e v irtual r emot e pane l consi st s o f a numbe r pane l, a playback cont rol pan e l, and a quick acce ss pane l. Use th e touchpad t o se l ect numbe rs and bu ttons.
64 F or the S9 models Plug the cab l e int o the On e Conne ct IR conne cto r and the n point th e tr ansmitt er at th e oth er e nd o f the cab l e towards th e ext ernal de v ice's r emot e pane l r ec ei v er . How e v er , the re can' be any obs tacl es be tw een the IR e xt ension cab l e and the e xte r nal de v ice.
66 SMART Interaction Using this function, you can acc ess and con tr ol me nu options and functions using mo tions. Whe n using the Mo tion Cont rol f ea tur e for th e fir st tim e, the TV mus t be conn ect ed t o the In te rne t so that it can downlo ad the so ftware modul e r e lat ed t o Mo tion Cont r ol.
66 67 Motion Control Motion Con tr ol w orks by using th e came r a, so the us er mus t be within th e came r a's recognition r ang e. The cam er a's r ecognition r ange v ar ies de pending on th e ambie nt l ight l e ve l and o the r fact or s.
68 V oice Recognition Screen Menu > Smart F eatures > V oice Recognition T ry Now V oice Re cognition V oic e Recognition On Language UK Engl ish Trig ger W ord Hi TV Use TV V oice V oic e Recognition En vi ronm ent T e st V oic e Recognition Tut orial " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
70 71 Grabación del progr ama actual Resalte un programa que se esté emitiendo y seleccione el botón INFO del panel del mando a distancia virtual o del mando a distancia normal. Aparece la pantalla de información. Seleccione Grabar . Grabar solo está disponible par a el programa que se está emitiendo.
70 71 V oice Recognition Settings Screen Menu > Smart F eatures > V oice Recognition ● Language : Se l ect a languag e fo r V oice Re cognition. T ry Now ● T rigger Wor d : Designat e ce rtain commands as tr igge r w ords. Saying a tr igge r wo rd acti v ate s V oice Re cognition.
72 Motion Control Screen Menu > Smart F eatures > Motion Control T ry Now Motion Con tr ol Motion Con tr ol On Animat ed Motion Guide Off Point er Speed Medium Motion Con tr ol Env ir onme nt T e st Motion Con tr ol Tuto rial " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
74 Motion Control Activation Screen Menu > Smart F eatures > Motion Control > Motion Control T ry Now Rais e your hand with th e palm facing the TV . Hold it fo r a mome nt and slowly wa v e you r hand fr om side to side thr ee or fou r time s.
76 The Smart Hub Screen Composition Launching Motion Con tr ol whil e using Smart Hub displays th e following icons on the scr een. Icon Descr iption / Adjust th e v olume. H owe v er , this can only be us ed fr om On TV . Turns th e TV sound on / o ff .
76 77 Re t r i e v ing Icons on th e Scr een Whe n using Motion Con tr ol with Smart Hub, the icons will di sappear au toma tically afte r two s econds o f inacti vity . T o re tr ie v e the icons, mo v e the poin te r to on e o f the thr ee edg es shown b e low (mark ed in b lue) and th en hold it th er e fo r 1 se cond.
78 F ace Recognition Use rs can r egi st er th ei r face s and log int o the ir Smart Hub accoun ts thr ough F ace Re cognition. One face may b e re gis te re d per accoun t. Depe nding on the ambi en t brightn ess l e v e l and the us er's skin ton e, the TV may ha v e difficulty r ecognizing th e use r's face.
82 Mouse Connection Screen Menu > System > Device Manager > Mouse Settings T ry Now Conne ct a mouse t o the TV and r ight-cl ick on the mous e to br ing up the go t o screen. Y ou can the n use th e scree n menu, Smart Hub , and oth er TV functions using th e mouse as you w ould on a co m p uter .
83 TV V iewing Br oadcas ting Aut o Tuning Aer ial Air Channe l Lis t Guide Sche dule Manag er Edit Channe l Edit F av our ites " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l. Use thi s fe atur e to v i ew th e pr ogr amme guide and p rogr amm e information mo re e asily .
86 87 Analogue Channel Schedule V iewing The Sch edul e Vi ewing function fo r pr ogr amme s on analogue chann e ls can be s et up by spe cifying the time and da te. 1. Run Schedule Manager and the n se l ect Schedule . A pop up me nu will appear . Sel e ct Schedule Viewing to proces s .
88 89 ● The maximum r eco rding time i s 360 minu te s. ● The TV's s ettings apply wh en playing back r eco rdings and using the Tim eshift function. ● If the inp ut signal i s change d whil e re cording i s in pr ogre ss, the scr een will go b lank until th e switch i s made.
90 Dedicated Recording Device Management Manage th e e xte rnal sto r age de v ice tha t has been configu re d as the de dicate d re cording de v ice. 1. Pre ss and launch Smart Hub. Se l ect Recor ded TV fr om th e b ott om o f the On TV or Photos, Videos & Music scr een t o display a l is t o f conne cte d de v ice s.
90 91 Guide Fr om Guide , se l ect a p rogr amm e curr en tly b eing ai red, s e l ect the v i rtual remo te pane l's o r the r e gular remo te's INFO bu tton. Y ou can re co rd the s e l ect ed p rogr amm e. Alt ernati v e ly , whe n you se l ect a pr ogr amme sch edul e d to ai r lat er , you can re se rv e the r eco rding.
92 Recorded Progr amme Playback Pre ss and launch Smart Hub. Se l ect Recor ded TV fr om th e b ott om o f the On TV or Photos, Videos & Music scree n. Se l ect th e e xternal s tor ag e de v ice con taining the r ecorde d pr ogr amme s to display a l is t of a v ailab l e re cordings.
94 Additional Recorded Progr amme Playback Settings ● Repeat Se l ect th e Repeat on-screen bu tton. Thi s change s the r epe at mode. Repeat One repea ts the curr en t pr ogr amme only . Repeat All re pe at s all pr ogr amme s contain ed in th e folder .
94 95 Timeshift Time shift tempo r arily r eco rds the cu rre nt p r ogr amme. Using thi s fe atu re, us er s can pause and r esum e a l i v e p r ogramm e and e v en scan thr ough it backward or fo rward. How e ve r , Time shift is only a v ailabl e for digital chann e ls.
98 99 Uso del producto como una pantalla de ordenador (PC) Introducción de la configuración del vídeo (basado en Windo ws 7) Par a que el producto funcione correctamente como pantalla de ordenador, debe introducir los ajustes de vídeo correctos.
102 Show Subtitles Screen Menu > Broadcasting > Subtitle > Subtitle T ry Now Show subtit l es. Sub titl es will b e display ed wh en you choos e a bro adcast tha t supports sub titl e s. Switch es sub titl e s On or Off . ● Subtitle Mode Set s the sub titl e mode.
103 TV Settings Basic Picture Settings Screen Menu > Picture The basic imag e se ttings alt er th e look and fee l o f the imag e display ed on th e TV scree n.
104 ● Relax Consum es l e ss powe r and re duce s e y e st r ain. This mode i s only a v ailabl e fo r PDP TVs. ● Movie Dark ens th e scree n and reduc es glar e. Appr opr iat e for dark e ne d r ooms, for wat ching mo v ie s, and whe n e xper ie ncing e ye fa tigue.
106 ● Fuente Selecciona una fuente de señal de la lista. Especifique el canal o la fuente que desea que aparezca cuando se encienda el televisor. Par a especificar un dispositivo USB, primero se debe conectar un dispositiv o USB al televisor.
106 Picture Size Screen Menu > Picture > Picture Size > Picture Size Most TV p r ogramm es and v ide os are di splay ed in full scr een, bu t some p rogr amm es and v ideos don’t fit th e scree n. Use rs can chang e the pictu re size fo r such pr ogr amme s and v ideos.
106 107 Screen P osition Screen Menu > Picture > Picture Size > Zoom/P osition The scr een position can b e adjust ed if Picture Size is set to Wide Zoom , Zoom , or Screen Fit . " Zoom is n ot a v ailabl e whe n Picture Size set to Wide Zoom .
108 Advanced Settings Screen Menu > Picture > Advanced Settings T ry Now Adv ance d Settings Dynamic Cont ras t Medium Black T one Off Fl esh T one 0 RGB Only Mode Off Colour Spac e N a t ive White Balanc e 10p White Balanc e Off " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
108 109 ● 10p White Balance Adjust s the whit e balance by adjus ting the br ightne ss o f the r ed, gr een, and b lue e l eme nt s in 10-point in te rv als. This option i s only a vailab l e whe n Picture Mode is set to Movie and may no t be suppo rte d by some e xte r nal de v ic es.
110 111 Funciones adicionales Sistema Configuración Idioma del menú English Hora Admin. de disp. Solución económica Tiempo protec. autom. 2 horas Servicio de datos Inhabilitar " La imagen mostrada puede variar según el modelo. Hay muchos elementos del televisor que el usuario pueden personalizar a su gusto.
112 Basic Sound Settings Screen Menu > Sound Sound Sound Mode Standard Sound Effe ct 3D Audio Low Speak er Se ttings Additional Settings Sound Cust omise r Res et Sound " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l.
114 Smart Hub Menú en pantalla > Funciones Smart > Abrir Smart Hub Inténtelo Smart Hub es la característica principal del Samsung Smart TV . Convierte el televisor en un centro de entretenimiento multiuso.
116 Digital Audio Out Screen Menu > Sound > Additional Settings > Digital Audio Out T ry Now This SMART TV i s SPDIF-enab l ed. Th e Sony Phil ips Digital Int erfac e (SPDIF) pr o v ides digital audio outp ut t o speak er s and v arious digital de v ice s, including A/V Rec ei v e rs and hom e the atr es.
116 117 Clock and Timer Syst em Setup Menu Languag e Engl ish Time De vic e Manager Eco Solution Aut o Pro tection Tim e 2 hour s Data Se rvic e Disabl e " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l. Use th e clock and time r to mak e sch edul e d use o f the TV e asie r and mor e effici en t.
118 119 Redes sociales Redes sociales Sus amigos eligen Sus amigos eligen Novedades Amigos Videollamadas " La imagen mostrada puede variar según el modelo. V er los últimos vídeos de Y ouTube y los posts de vídeo suyos y de sus amigos en F acebook y Twitter.
122 Scrolling Screen Menu > System > Screen Burn Protection > Scrolling This r emo v es aft er-imag es on th e scree n by illuminating all the pix e ls on the PDP acco rding to a s et patt ern.
122 123 P assword Syst em Eco Solution Aut o Pro tection Tim e 2 hour s Data Se rvic e Disabl e General Change PIN Anyne t+ (HDMI-CEC) On Di vX® Video On Demand " The di splay ed imag e may diffe r depe nding on the mode l. This TV r equi re s a passw ord t o lock ou t channe ls and t o re se t its s ettings t o the fact ory de fault.
124 125 Fitness Fitness es una aplicación que ayuda a mantenerse en buena forma física. Cree un perfil, establezca un plan de ejercicios y empiece a ejercitarse siguiendo un régimen estructurado. Lea y acepte los términos y condiciones antes de utilizar Fitness.
An important point after buying a device Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony Bravia KLV-46R452A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center