Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product BDV-HZ970W Sony
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©2010 Sony Corporation 4-187-302- 11 (1) Operating Instructions BDV -HZ97 0W / IZ 1000W Blu-ray Disc/DVD Home Theatr e System.
2 US Do not inst all the applianc e in a confine d space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet . To reduce the risk of fire, do not cover t he ventilat ion o pening of th e apparatus wit h newspapers, tablecl oths, curtains , etc. Do not place the naked fl ame sourc es such as lighted candles on the appar atus.
3 US NOTE: This equipm ent has been tes ted and found to comp ly with t he limits f or a Class B digi tal device, pursuant to Part 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es. Thes e limits are designed to prov ide reasonable protect ion agains t harmfu l interf erence in a resident ial installa tion.
4 US For the wireless transceiver (EZW- RT10/EZW-RT10A) (For th e custom ers in Canada ) This Cl ass B dig ital appar atus complies with Canadian ICES- 003.
5 US • “BD-LIVE” a nd “BONUSVIEW” are trademar ks of Blu-ray Disc Ass ociation. • “Blu- ray D isc ” is a tr adem ark . • “B lu-ray Disc,” “DVD+RW,” “DVD-RW,” “DVD+R,” “DVD- R,” “DVD VIDEO,” and “CD” logos ar e trademark s.
6 US Table of Cont ents About T hese Ope rating Ins tructions ... .... 5 Unpac king ... ....... ........... ........... ........... .... 7 Index to Parts and Control ....... ........... .. 10 Getting Started Step 1: Installing th e System .... ... 16 Step 2: Connecting the System .
7 US Unpacking BDV-HZ970W • Main un it (1) • Fron t spea kers (2) • Surr ound s peake rs (2) • Cente r speaker (1 ) • Subw oofer (1) • Ba ses fo r the fron t spea kers (2) • Pos ts for t.
8 US BDV-IZ1000W • Main unit (1) • Fro nt and surroun d speake rs (4) • C enter sp eake r (1) • Sub woo fer (1) • Fro nt sp eaker st ands (2) • Bases for t he fro nt spe aker stan ds (2) .
9 US Inse rt two R6 (s ize AA ) batte ries (s upplie d) by ma tching the 3 and # ends on the batteri es to the markings inside the compartment. Preparing the remote.
10 US Index to Parts and Co ntrol For mo re in forma tion, refer to th e pages indica ted in pa renthe ses. A " / 1 (on/stan dby) Turns on the u nit, or set s it to sta ndby mode. B Play operation buttons N (play) Start s or re-s tarts pl ayback ( resum e play).
11 US About the indications in the front panel display A Displ ays the cu rrent so und format . B Lights up when outputting 1920 × 1080p/24 Hz video signals.
12 US A Wireless transceiver (EZW-RT10) slot (page 27) B S-AIR ID swit ch (pages 29, 46) C LAN (100) terminal (page 2 8) D HDMI (IN 1/IN 2) jack (page 24) E HDMI (OUT) jack (page 22) F ANTENNA (75 Ω .
13 US A " / 1 (Power) Turns t he su rrou nd am plifier on/o ff. B S-AIR/STANDBY indi cator You can check th e status of wirele ss transm ission of surro und sp eaker aud io signal s betwee n the ma in unit and surroun d amplifier . C S-AIR ID switc h Sele cts t he S-AI R ID.
14 US The bu ttons for system operati on only ar e descri bed belo w. See “Cont roll ing Yo ur TV o r Other Components wit h the Supplied Remote” (page 56) for the butto ns for operat ion of the connec ted com pone nts. • Number 5, AUDIO, CH +, a nd N butt ons have a t actile do t.
15 US M Playback operation buttons See “ Pla yback” (pa ge 35) . . / > (previous/next) Skip to the previous/n ext chapter, track, or file . REPLAY/ADVANCE Briefl y replay the cu rrent s cenes fo r 10 seco nds. /Briefl y fas t for wards t he cu rrent scene s for 15 se cond s.
16 US Getting Started Step 1: Installing the System For the best po ssib le surr ound so und, p lace al l speak ers at the sam e distanc e fro m the lis tenin g posit ion ( A ).
17 US Getting Started To add the optional surround back speakers You can enjoy 7.1 surr ound sou nd by purch asing t he Wire less Su rround Speake r Kit (W AHT- SBP2, option al). The opti onal produ ct lineup differs de pend ing on the ar ea. For the po sition of the su rround back sp eakers , refer the illus tration below ( C ).
18 US Getting Started For a ssemb ling the sp eake rs, ref er to “Sp eaker In stall ation Gu ide” (supple ment ). To connect speaker cords to the center speaker and subwoofer (BDV- IZ1000W only) Speak er termi nals ar e located on the rear of the spea kers.
19 US Getting Started 1 Prepare screws (not supplied) that are suitable for the hole on the back o f each speaker. See the illu strations below. 2 Fasten the screws to the wall.
20 US Getting Started 3 Hang the speakers on the s crews. 5 mm ( 7 / 32 inch) 10 mm ( 13 / 32 inch) Hole on th e back of the spea ker Rear of the speake r.
21 US Getting Started Step 2: Conn ecting th e System For conn ecting the system, rea d the infor mation on th e following pa ges. Do not con nect the AC power cord (mains le ad) of the unit to a wall outlet (main s) until all the other connect ions ar e made.
22 US Getting Started This connec tion send s a vide o signal to the TV. Depe nding on the jacks on y our TV, se lect the co nnecti on met hod. Method 1: HDMI cable ( A ) connection If your TV has an HDMI jack , connec t to the TV with an HD MI cable.
23 US Getting Started This connection sends an audio signal to the unit from the TV. To listen to TV sound via the system, perfo rm this conn ection . With a di gital audio c onnection, th e system r eceives a Dolb y Digital multip lex broadca st signal and you can enj oy mul tiplex br oadcas t sound.
24 US Getting Started When another component you wish to connect to the system has an HDMI OUT jack You ca n conne ct a compo nent that has an H DMI O UT jack such as a s et-top box/dig ital satel lite receiver or P LAYSTATION ® 3, etc. , with an HDMI c able.
25 US Getting Started When the component does not have an HDMI OUT jack Video signals fr om the system an d the compone nts are sen t to the TV, and a udio signa ls from the compon ents ar e sent to the sy stem as fo llow s. You ca n enjoy co nnect ed compo nents vi a the s ystem’ s speake rs.
26 US Getting Started Note • Be sure to fully e xtend th e FM wire antenna ( aerial) . • Afte r connecti ng the FM wire ant enna (aeri al), keep it as horizonta l as possi ble. Ti p • I f you have poor FM reception , use a 75-ohm coa xial cable (not supplied) to co nnect the unit to an outdoor FM anten na (aer ial) as sh own be low.
27 US Getting Started You can transmit the audio signal from the main unit to an S-AIR product, such as the surround amplifi er or S-AIR re ceiver. To transmi t sound fro m the unit, in sert one wireless tr ansceiver into the main unit and th e other one int o the S-AI R prod uct, e.
28 US Getting Started Step 3 : Conne cting to the Networ k Co nnec tin g th e sy ste m to the I nte rne t al low s you to watch In ternet vide o, listen to Internet audio, use BD-LI VE, and up date th e Home The atre System softwa re. Use a LAN ca ble t o conn ect to th e LAN ( 100 ) terminal o n the unit.
29 US Getting Started WEP WEP appli es security to communicatio ns to prev ent outs ider s fro m in terc ep tin g communicati ons or intruding into your wireless network. WEP is a legacy security technology that ena bles older device s, which do not supp ort TKIP/AES, to be connected.
30 US Getting Started 4 Press " / 1 to turn the surround amplifier on. When w irel ess t ransm issio n is ac tivat ed, the S-AIR/STANDBY indica tor turns green. If the S-AIR/STANDBY indic ator does not turn gr een, se e “Surro und am plifie r” (page 1 3).
31 US Getting Started 3 Press [ / 1 on the unit, and [ / 1 on the surroun d amplif ier. 4 Switch the input s elector on your TV so that the signal from the system appears on the TV screen. The Easy Setup Disp lay for OSD languag e select ion appe ars.
32 US Getting Started Step 6 : Selec ting th e Source You ca n select the playba ck sou rce. Press FUNCTION rep eatedly until the desir ed functi on appears in the f ront panel display. Each time you p ress FUNCTION, the fun ction chan ges as fo llow s.
33 US Getting Started Step 7: En joying Su rround Sound After pe rform ing th e previ ous Step s and st arting playba ck, you can ea sily enjo y surro und so und. Y ou can als o sele ct pre -progr amme d surr ound set tings t hat ar e tailor ed to differen t kind s of sound s ources .
34 US Getting Started Note • When you select “A.F.D. 7.1CH,” depending on the disc or source, the beginning of the sound may be cut off whil e the opti mum mod e is automa tically selecte d.
Pl ayb a ck 35 US Playing a Disc For play able dis cs, see “Pl ayab le Disc s” (page 75). 1 Switch the input s elector on your TV so that the signal from the system appears on your TV screen. 2 Press Z , and place a disc on the d isc tray. 3 Press Z to close the disc tray.
36 US You ca n check th e playba ck infor mation , etc., by pres sing D ISPLAY. The di splaye d inform ation differs de pend ing on the dis c type an d player status.
Pl ayb a ck 37 US Enjoying an iPod You can en joy the sound a nd charge the battery of an iPod via the sys tem. Compatible iPod models The compatible iPod models are as follows. Update your iPod with the latest softwa re before using w ith the sy stem.
38 US Playing via a Network BRAVIA Internet Video serves as a gateway deli veri ng the select ed In ternet cont ent an d a vari ety of on-d emand e nter tainme nt st raight to your uni t. 1 Prepare for BRAVIA I nternet Video. Connect the uni t to a networ k (pag e 28).
Pl ayb a ck 39 US [Video] only [Music] only [Photo] only [Play from be ginning] Plays the item fr om the beginning. [Information Display] Displa ys information on the BD-ROM/DVD-ROM/ CD-DA (music CD ) by using Grace note technolo gy. [Add to Favo rites] A dds an Inte rnet content to the Favori tes List.
40 US When t he sound do es not ma tch the pic tures on the TV screen, you can adjust the delay between the pic ture an d sound. 1 Press SY STEM MENU. 2 Press X / x repeatedl y unti l “A/V SYN C” appears in the fron t panel display, then press or c .
Sound Adjustm ent 41 US Selectin g the Effe ct to Suit the So urce You ca n se lect a s uitabl e soun d mode for m ovies or mu sic. Press SOUND MODE repeatedly during playback until the desired mode appears in the front panel displ ay.
42 US Press AUDIO repeatedly d uring playback to select the desired audio signal. The audi o inform ation appe ars on th e TV screen . x BD/DVD VIDEO Depending on the BD/DVD VIDEO, the choice of lang uage var ies. When 4 digi ts ar e dis play ed, t hey in dica te a lang uage code.
Sound Adjustm ent 43 US Using the Sou nd Effect You ca n enjoy so und ef fects or dialog, as you would in a movie thea ter, even at low volume. It is u seful for wa tchi ng movi es at nigh t. 1 Press SYSTEM MENU. 2 Press X / x rep eate dly un til “ NIGH T MODE” app ears in the front panel display, then press or c .
44 US Listenin g to th e Radio You ca n enjoy ra dio sou nd wit h the syst em’s spe akers. 1 Press FUNCTION repeatedly u ntil “TUNER FM” appears in the front panel display. 2 Select the radio station. Auto ma tic tu nin g Press an d hold TUNING +/– unt il the auto scanni ng star ts.
T uner 45 US 5 Press X / x to select th e preset nu mber you w ant. Ti p • You can select the pre set number directl y by pressing the number button s. 6 Press . “COMP LETE” ap pears i n the front panel displa y, and th e station is stored. 7 Repeat Steps 2 to 6 to store other stations.
46 US Using an S-AIR Product About S-AIR products There ar e two typ es of S-AI R product . • S -AIR ma in uni t (t his un it) : This is fo r transmitt ing sound. You can use up to three S-AIR main units. ( The number of u sable S-AIR m ain units de pends on the use envi ronment .
External A udio De vice 47 US To enjoy a 7.1 channel system You can enjoy t he mor e realisti c surro und soun d eff ect of 7.1 chann els when you use th e Wirele ss Surroun d Speake r Kit (W AHT-S BP2, op tional). For de tails, r efer to th e operatin g inst ructions of the Wirel ess S urroun d Speak er Kit.
48 US When us ing S-AI R product s, neigh bors may also receiv e you r syste m’s so und if IDs ar e the same , or y ou may receiv e sou nd from neig hbors. To prevent this , you can identi fy the unit with a speci fic S-AIR su b unit by per formin g the pair ing op erat ion.
External A udio De vice 49 US If you us e multipl e wireless sy stems, such as wireless LAN or Bluet ooth, th e transm ission of S-AIR signals or other w irele ss signal s may be unstabl e. In this c ase, the transmission may be impr oved b y chan ging the fo llowi ng [RF Chan ge] sett ing.
50 US Using the Contro l for HDMI Function f or “BRAVIA” Sync This fu nction is availa ble on TV s with the “BRAVIA” Sync function. By conn ecti ng Sony co mponen ts that ar e compatibl e with.
Other Operati ons 51 US 3 Press X / x to selec t [System Set tings], then press . 4 Press X / x to selec t [HDMI S ettings], then press . The [HD MI Setti ngs] di splay ap pears. 5 Press X / x to sele ct [Cont rol for HD MI] , then press . 6 Press X / x to selec t the setting, then press .
52 US can change th e output metho d to the sp eakers of th e TV via t he T V menu . • Wh en sound of the TV or other compone nts is outp ut from the speake rs of the sy stem, yo u can adjust t he volu me and turn off th e sound o f the system usin g the TV remote.
Other Operati ons 53 US 6 Press X / x to selec t [OK]. To canc el, s elect [ Cancel ]. 7 Press . [Aut o Cali brati on] sta rts. The syst em adju sts the speaker settings automati cally. For prope r calib ratio n resul ts, pleas e remain q uiet during th e measurement.
54 US 5 Press X / x to select the item, then press . Check the fo llowing se ttings. x [Conne ction] If you do not conne ct cent er or surro und spe akers , set th e para mete rs for [Cent er] an d [Surr ound]. Since th e front sp eaker a nd subw oofer set tings a re fixed, you cann ot chan ge them.
Other Operati ons 55 US x [Test Tone] The speake rs will emit a test tone to adjust [Lev el]. [Off] : The test tone is not emitted from the speak ers. [On]: The test tone i s emitted f rom each sp eaker in sequence while adjus ting level.
56 US Controlling Your TV or Other Co mponents wi th the Supplie d Remote You c an cont rol y our TV and ot her co mpon ents such a s a ca ble b ox or digit al sa telli te re ceiver with the supplied re mote. The remote is initially set to control Sony componen ts.
Other Operati ons 57 US Note • In TV or STB mode, i f you pre ss any of the b uttons above, the TV or STB ope ration mode butt on lights up. (H owever, dep ending on the code setti ng, some buttons may not wor k, and the TV or STB operation mode butt on may not light up .
58 US • You cannot use z indiv idually. z is used with H , X , or x . When l earning, p ress H , X , or x while pres sing z . 9 Point the remotes at each o ther. 10 Press the button on th e other remote that you want to program to the supplied remote.
Settings and Adjustments 59 US Using the Set up Display You can make vari ous ad justme nts of i tems such as pict ure and so und. Select (Setup) on the home menu when you need to change the settings o f the syste m. The defaul t settings a re underlined.
60 US [Network Update] You ca n upda te and imp rove th e func tions of t he system. For informatio n about update functio ns, refer to the following websit e: http:// yhtsupport During a softwa re update, “UPDATING” appear s in the f ront pan el displa y and vid eo signa ls via HD MI may no t be disp layed.
Settings and Adjustments 61 US x [YCbCr/RGB (HDMI)] [Aut o] : Automati cally detects the type of external device, and s witches to the matching color s etting. [YCbCr (4:2:2 )]: Out puts YCbCr 4:2:2 vid eo signal s. [YCbCr (4:4:4 )]: Out puts YCbCr 4:4:4 vid eo signal s.
62 US x [Speaker Settings] To obtain the best possib le surround sound, set the speakers . Fo r detai ls, se e “Set ting the Speake rs” ( page 53). x [Auto Cal ibration ] You ca n calibra te the app ropri ate set tings automaticall y. For details , see “Calibr ating the Appropriate S ettings Automatic ally” (page 52).
Settings and Adjustments 63 US x [Inter net Vi deo Parent al Con trol] Playba ck of some Inter net videos can be limited accordi ng to the ag e of t he use rs. Scen es ma y be blocked or repla ced with differ ent sce nes. Follow t he on -scree n instru ctions and e nter yo ur four-d igit pa ssw ord.
64 US x [Qui ck Star t Mo de] [On]: Sho rtens the st artup time from standby mode. You c an oper ate the syste m quickl y afte r turning it on. [Off] : The d efault setti ng.
Settings and Adjustments 65 US x [Connection Server Setti ngs] Sets whether or n ot to displa y the connec ted DLNA server. x [BD Remo te Device Registration] Register s your “B D remo te” devi ce. x [Registered BD Rem ote Devices] Displays a lis t of your registered “BD remote” devices .
66 US Precau tion s On safety • To prevent fire or shock hazard, do no t place obje cts filled with liqu ids, such as vas es, on the system, or place the system near water, such as near a b athtub or shower room.
Additio nal Informat ion 67 US On moving the system • Before moving the system, make sure that there is no disc inserted, and remove the AC power cord (mains lead) from the wall outle t (mains). About S-AIR function • As the S-A IR produc ts trans mit s ound by r adio waves, sound may skip when radio waves are obstructe d.
68 US Troublesh ooting If you exp erience any of the followin g difficulti es while using the system, use this troubl eshooting guide to h elp remedy t he problem be fore reque sting repai rs. Shoul d any proble m persist, consult your neares t Son y de aler.
Additio nal Informat ion 69 US Sound No pict ure appears wh en the video out put resol ution s elected in [Output Vide o Format] is incorre ct. • Pr ess and hol d N and VOLUME – on the unit for more than 5 seconds to reset the video outpu t resolution to the lowest resolut ion.
70 US There is no soun d from t he subwoofer . • Check t he speaker connect ions and s ettings (pages 21, 53). There is no digita l sound from the HDMI (OUT) jack when using the Audi o Return Channe l function. • S et [Contro l for HDMI] in [HDMI Settings] of [System Set tings] to [On] (page 63) .
Additio nal Informat ion 71 US Operation There is no sound fro m the surround sp eakers or surround back speakers. Check the stat us of the S-AIR/STA NDBY indicator on the surround amplif ier. • T urns off. – Check t hat the AC power cor d (main s lead) of the s urround amp lifier i s connect ed securely .
72 US File names a re not displayed correct ly. • The system can only display ISO 8859- 1-compli ant character for mats. Other character for mats may be displ ayed differently . • De pending on the writing software used, the input cha racters ma y be dis played different ly.
Additio nal Informat ion 73 US USB device S-AIR BRAVIA Internet Video Bo nus co nten ts or othe r da ta th at are co ntained i n a BD-ROM cannot be played . • Try t he following: 1 Re move th e disc. 2 Turn the system off. 3 Remove and reconnec t the USB de vice (page 3 6).
74 US Network connection USB Wireless LAN Adapter (BDV-H Z970W on ly) Other The pict ure is s mall. • Press X to zoom in . Symptom Problem s and solu tions The system cannot conn ect to the net wor k. • Check the network connec tion (page 28) an d the network setti ngs (page 64).
Additio nal Informat ion 75 US Playable Disc s 1) Since the B lu-ray Disc specifi cations ar e new and evolving, som e discs may not be playabl e depending on the disc ty pe and the version . Also, the audio output di ffers de pending o n the s ource, con nected output jack , and selected au dio setting s.
76 US Playable Types o f Files Video Music Photo 1) The system does not play files encode d with DRM. 2) Canadian models onl y ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX ® is a digita l video format cr eated by DivX, Inc. T his is an offi cial DivX Certifie d device that plays Di vX video.
Additio nal Informat ion 77 US Suppor ted Audio Formats Audi o format s su pporte d by th is sy stem ar e as follow s. a : Sup ported fo rmat. –: Unsupported f ormat. Note • HDMI (IN 1) and HDMI (IN 2) do not input sound in the case of an audio fo rmat that contain s copy protectio ns such as Super Audio CD or DVD-Audio.
78 US Specifica tions Amplifier Sec tion U.S. models: POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION: (FTC) Front L + Fron t R: With 3 ohms loads, both channels drive n, from 180 H z - 20,000 Hz; rated 60 W per channe l minimum RM S power, with no mo re than 1% total harmonic distorti on from 250 mi lli watts to rate d output.
Additio nal Informat ion 79 US Surround (SS-TSB 101) for BDV-HZ970W Speaker sys tem Full range Bass reflex Speaker u nit 55 mm × 80 mm (2 1 / 4 in × 3 1 / 4 in) cone type Rated impe dance 3 ohms Dimension s (approx.) 75 mm × 225 mm × 71 mm (3 i n × 8 7 / 8 in × 2 7 / 8 in) (w/h/d ) Mass (approx.
80 US Standby p ower consu mption 0.9 W (standby m ode) 0.13 W (turned of f) Dimensions ( approx.) 206 mm × 60 m m × 256 mm (8 1 / 8 in × 2 3 / 8 in × 10 1 / 8 in) (w/h/ d) with th e wireless transceiver insert ed Mass (approx .
Additio nal Informat ion 81 US Language Code List The langua ge spellings conform to th e ISO 639: 19 88 (E/F) st andard. Parental Control/Area Code List.
82 US Glossary AVCHD The AVCHD format is a high-definition digita l vide o camera format used to reco rd SD (sta ndard defi nitio n) or HD (hi gh def ini tion) sign als of eithe r th e 1080i spec ifica tion* o r th e 720p spe cificat ion** on DVDs, us ing effic ient data compre ssion coding technology.
Additio nal Informat ion 83 US Dolb y Pro Logic I I Dolb y Pro Lo gic II crea tes fi ve full- band width output channel s from 2 ch annel so urces. This is done usi ng an advan ced, hi gh-p urity matr ix surround decoder that extracts th e spatial propert ies of the origin al recordi ng wi thout adding a ny new so unds or t onal color ation s.
84 US Pare ntal Co ntrol A function of the BD/DVD to limit playback of the d isc by th e age of t he use rs acco rding to the limitation level in each c ountry. The limita tion var ies fro m dis c to d is c; wh en it is ac tiv ate d, playback is completely prohibited, violent scenes are ski pped or replac ed with o ther sc enes and so on .
85 US Index Numerics 24p True Cinema 84 3D 35 3D Outpu t Sett ing 6 0 A A/V SYNC 40 ARC 23 Attenuate - A UDIO 61 Audi o 62 Audio DRC 61 Audio O utput 61 Audio R eturn C hannel 23, 63 Audio Se ttings 6.
86 US Sound Effect 61 Speak er Se ttings 53, 62 Conn ection 5 4 Distan ce 54 Lev el 54 Subtit le 62 Super Au dio CD Playback Channe l 63 Super Au dio CD Playback Layer 63 Surr ound ampl if ier 13, 46 .
The software of this system may be updated in the future. To f ind out details on any available updates, please visit: ht tp:// (1) Printed in Malaysia.
An important point after buying a device Sony BDV-HZ970W (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony BDV-HZ970W yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony BDV-HZ970W - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony BDV-HZ970W you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony BDV-HZ970W will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony BDV-HZ970W, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony BDV-HZ970W.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony BDV-HZ970W. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony BDV-HZ970W along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center