Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 7 Sony
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After the Sou nd Forge so ftware is i nstal led and you start it f or the first t ime, the regi strat ion wizar d appea rs. This wizar d offe rs ea sy ste ps tha t all ow yo u to re gist er the softw are o nline with Sony Pictu res Digit al Med ia Software and Ser vices .
The i nform atio n con tai ned in this m anu al is subje ct to c hang e wi thou t noti ce an d do es no t repre sen t a guarant ee or commitme nt on beha lf of Sony Pictures Digital Inc.
TABLE O F CONT ENTS 1 T able of Contents Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Introduci ng Sound Forge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 2 The m ain scree n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Main screen components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONT ENTS 3 Crea tin g a pro ject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 5 Gett ing medi a files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 4 Navigating, Zooming, and Selecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Sett ing t he cu rsor pos ition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Prev iew ing audi o wi th p re-rol l .
TABLE OF CONT ENTS 5 Cha ngin g th e b it de pth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Increasing bit depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 6 Usin g r egio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Inserting regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONT ENTS 7 Ext racti ng a udi o fro m CD s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Previewing CD tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 8 Sou nd F orge p roce sses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Auto Tr im/Cr op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONT ENTS 9 Sw ap Ch ann els . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 6 Tim e Str etch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 10 What is Acoustic Mirro r? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 The acoustic signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONT ENTS 11 MID I tri gger s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Playback versus triggered playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 12 Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Sustaining and release loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONT ENTS 13 Wor king in t he frequ ency dom ain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Fast Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE O F CONTE NTS 14 Audio data compression and decompression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Transparent playback and recording of non-hardware support ed audio files . 267 SMPTE Timecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 CHP. 1 INTRODUCT ION CHAPTER 15 Introduction Introduc ing S ound F orge Tha nk y ou f or pur cha sin g Soun d F org e ® and fo r your c on tinue d su pport of th e Son y Pict ure s Digi tal fa mily of products .
16 INTRODUC TION CHP. 1 S ystem requ irement s The follo wing list s the m ini mum s yste m req uirem ents for using Soun d For ge a nd Sc reenb las t Sou nd Fo rge: • 400 MHz processor • 64 MB RA.
CHP. 1 INTRODUCT ION 17 The Contents tab pr ovides a list o f availa ble hel p topics . Double- click a c losed book ( ) to open t he pages , and then cl ick on a topic pag e ( ). The Inde x tab provides a comple te listing of the hel p topics avail able.
18 INTRODUC TION CHP. 1 About Y our Privacy Sony Pictur es Dig ital re spects yo ur privacy and ar e committ ed to p rotecti ng pers onal info rmation.
2 CHP. 2 OPTIMIZ ING FOR SOUND FORGE CHAPTER 19 Optimizing for S ound F orge This chapt er cont ains inf ormation on configu ring y our syst em to opt imize the p erformance of Sound Forge.
20 OPTIMIZ ING FOR SOUND FORGE CHP. 2 Increasing prelo ad siz e The preload size value determ ines ho w much sound data So und Forg e prepare s and l oads in to the so und card driver pr ior to s tarting playba ck. Preloa ding occ urs betwe en the t ime you cli ck the Play button ( ) and the first s ound of playba ck.
CHP. 2 OPTIMIZ ING FOR SOUND FORGE 21 T urning on passive updat ing for video displays From the Options menu, choos e Vid e o , and choose Pas s i v e U p d a t e from the s ubmenu. A check mar k appears next to th e com man d to i ndi cate t hat this o ptio n is tu rned on.
3 CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE CHAPTER 23 L e arning the S ound F orge W orkspace This chapt er pro vides a detai led overv iew of Sound Forg e toolbar s and c ontrols. Using the mouse The follo wing tabl e defi nes the m ous e-rel ated ter ms us ed thr oug hout this m anu al.
24 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Using the mouse wheel Sound Forge a llows y ou to us e your mo use wheel to naviga te audio files . The foll owing tabl e brie fly d escribes the avail able mou se wheel f unction ality . The main screen When you s tart Sound Forge, the main s creen appear s.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 25 Floating and doc king wi ndows W ith the many fe ature s in Sound For ge, it is easy for the workspac e to bec ome clutte red. Docking windows allows yo u to keep more windows open while mai ntaini ng a gr eater de gree of organiz ation.
26 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Floating a window Drag the han dle on the left sid e of a d ocked window a way fro m the edge of the work space. Hiding the wind ow doc king ar ea Y ou can double-cli ck the separato r between the works pace and window doc king area to hide the doc king area.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 27 The data wind ow Data windows contain aud i o data (a s a wavef orm) as well as a number of cont rols and commands used t o edit and pro cess audi o. Compon ent Desc ripti on T itle bar Display s the file name.
28 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Displayin g data wi ndow components Sound Forge a llows you to cus tomize the appearance of ind ividual d ata windows. 1. From the File menu, cho ose Pro p e rti e s or press + . The c urrent fi le ’ s Pr opert ies dial og appe ars.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 29 To o l b a r s Sound Forge ’ s toolb ars contain butt ons use d to quick ly execute many of the pro gram ’ s command s and functions . T oolbars can be dragged t hroughout the works pace, do cked, re size d, hidden, and customize d.
30 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Standard t oolbar The Standard toolba r displa ys by d efault whe n you st art So und Forg e. The buttons on thi s toolbar provide quick acce ss to many common co mmands. T r anspor t bar The transpo rt bar also dis plays by def ault and c ontain s basic a udio transport buttons.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 31 Navigation toolbar The Navigati on tool bar co ntains but tons u sed to navigate wi thin t he curr ent da ta windo w . V iews toolbar The V iews too l bar cont ains buttons use d to stor e and re trie ve data window views .
32 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Status/Selection toolb ar The Status/ Selec tion tool bar con tains but tons us ed to spec ify a file ’ s stat us fo rmat and cont rol s napping functions .
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 33 Process toolbar The Proce ss too lba r con tains but tons c orres pond ing to all c omm and s locat ed i n the Proc ess menu. Auto T rim/Cr op: re moves sil ence and automati cally fades i n/out the end-poi nts of each p hrase .
34 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Effects toolbar If you ar e usin g the f ull ve rsion of S ound Forge, the Ef fects t oolbar conta ins butto ns corr esponding to all Sound Forge ’ s built-in XFX ™ plu g-ins. Acousti c Mirror: ad ds envir onment al colorat ion to your exist ing recordings.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 35 T ools toolbar The T ools tool bar cont ains but tons co rresp onding t o commands in the T ools menu. Levels toolbar The Leve ls to olbar disp lays t he a udio level s in t he lef t an d rig ht ch anne ls in th e u ser -spec ifie d form at .
36 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 T empo window The ACID Loop Creat ion T ools toolba r also co ntains a T emp o window that appear s to the r ight o f the toolbar b uttons . This window c a lculate s and disp lays the ACID pr oject ’ s te mpo as i f the c urrent se lect ion represe nts a complete measure .
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 37 Meter s Meters display audio l evels i n a number o f diffe rent pl aces in Sound F orge: the Pl ay Mete rs show audio fil e levels; m eters in the Rec.
38 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 PPM scal es are usef ul for monito ring pea k levels. The meters u se a fixed integr ation t ime ( 5 or 10 ms) t hat is sens itiv e to incr ease s in vol.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 39 Controls A ma jor st ep in m as terin g Sou nd F orge is be comi ng fam ilia r wit h the cont rols use d to se t and a dju st feat ure para mete rs, inclu ding f ade rs, sl ider s, an d env elo pe gra phs .
40 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Understanding the envelop e graph T o use the envel ope graph, you mu st firs t under stand what it re presents.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 41 Adding an e nvelope point 1. Hover over t he enve lope. 2. Double-cl ick th e mouse. A point is ad ded to t he envelope graph and can be pos itioned as neede d. For more infor matio n, see Movi ng an en velope poi nt on page 40 .
42 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 S electi ng da ta in stere o fil es Wh en ed iting a ste reo fil e, t he wa vefo rm dis pla y is div ide d into th ree sec tio ns. Th e mou se p oint er lo catio n dete rmin es wh ich ch an nel (o r cha nnel s) is select ed.
CHP. 3 LEARNI NG THE S OUND FORG E WORKSP ACE 43 5. Positio n the tool near the bot tom of the ri ght channel and notice its appearance. The to ol displays as .
44 LEARNI NG THE SOUND FORGE WORKS PACE CHP. 3 Single-c hannel editing Stereo fi les a re held toget her by t he natur e of their ster eo forma t. Becaus e of this , you cannot perform certai n editing o perat ions (suc h as cut or paste ) on a s ingle chan nel of a stereo file .
4 CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D CHAPTER 45 Get t ing Star ted Sound Forge is a state-of-t he-ar t digita l audi o edit ing tool f or us ers from a ll musi cal backg r ounds. It is an extremely deep pr ogram, c ontaining featu res th at may on ly be requ ired by the most a dvanced o r specia lize d users.
46 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Get ting media fi les Sound Forge c an open a varie ty of audi o and vi deo fi les. Th ere are t hree main methods for l ocati ng, previewin g, and ope ning media f iles: • From the File menu, cho ose Open to displa y the Ope n dial og.
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 47 2. Loca te a nd sel ect a med ia fi le us ing th e Lo ok i n drop-down list at the to p of the dialog. 3. T o preview the file befor e adding it to yo ur proj ect, c lick the Play button. Note: If you have the Aut o p la y check box se lect ed, y our fil e will automa tica lly begin pre viewi ng when you sele ct it.
48 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Extracting audio from CD The Explorer window al lows you t o easi ly extra ct audio f rom a CD in to a dat a window . Each audio t rack on the C D is e xtr acted into a sep arate data wind ow . 1. Use the Expl orer window t o browse t o and se lect your CD drive.
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 49 W orking with video files Sound Forge has the ability to ope n and sav e many video f ile formats. The vid eo files ca nnot be edited within Sound Forge, but this f unctional ity a llows you to attach , detach, and edit a udio for t he vide o.
50 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Playi ng a fil e After you o pen a fi le, you ca n play it by cli cking the Play All button ( ) on the trans port b ar . For mo re info rmation, see T rans port bar on pag e 30 .
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 51 Playing in Loop Playbac k mode Y ou can play an enti re fi le or a se lecti on in Loop Playback mode. I n Loop Pla yback mode, Sound Forge pla ys the audio in a continuous lo op. Click the Loop P layback button ( ) on t he tra nsport bar to tu rn Loop Pl aybac k mode on and off.
52 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 V iewing selection statistics Choosing Statis tics from th e T ools menu displ ays a Stat isti cs dial og showing informat ion abou t the current selecti on or , i f ther e is no s elect ion, on t he enti re fi le. The f ollo wing tab le des cribes a ll st atisti cal c ategor ies disp lay ed in t he Sta tistic s di alog.
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 53 Acti ve data windows vs. i nacti ve data windows When mult ipl e data wind ows a re disp lay ed on the w orksp ace, only the w indo w curr ently bei ng ed ited is active, a nd all operatio ns affect this window ex clusivel y .
54 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Using the Save As dialog The Save As dialog allo ws yo u to sa ve an aud io file with a ne w nam e, in a n al terna te f orma t, or wi th n ew attribu tes. Save as type The Sa ve as type drop-down list al lows yo u to choo se any format supported by Sound Forge.
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 55 Fast vid eo re sizin g Thi s opt ion ap plies to fil e type s tha t cont ain a video stre am. Se lec ting th e Fast vide o resi zing check box sp eeds the p roc ess of s avi ng v ideo . Wh en th is opt ion is tu rned off, th e ti me re qui red to sav e the fi le c an inc rea se dramatica lly .
56 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 S aving files as a workspace T o accommodate complex editi ng scenar ios, Sou nd Forge allows yo u to save the enti re work space as an alternat ive t o savi ng individ ual files. W or kspace s are sa ved as Sound Forg e W orkspa ce (SFW ) files .
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 57 Copying Y ou can copy audio dat a from a data window t o the c lipboard wi thout changing the origi nal fil e. Once audio data is on the cl ipboard, you can p aste it into existing f iles or use it to creat e new fi les. Copying data to the clipboard 1.
58 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Pa s t i n g Once audio da ta is on the cli pboard, you can paste or mi x it i nto an exis ting data window or use i t to crea te a new data wi ndow . P asting data in an existing data window 1. Move the cursor t o the beginning of the V oiceover .
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 59 Pre viewing a cut Sound Forge allows you to previe w cuts pri or to performing the edi t. This opt ion al lows yo u to det ermine if you m ade the s ele ction acc urate ly an d if th e re sults are d esir able . 1. Crea te a select ion a nywh ere in V oiceover .
60 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 T r imming/Cropping T r imm ing al lows you t o re tain a select ion whil e dele tin g all su rro undi ng da ta. 1. Create a s elect ion con taining “ W ow , sou nd ed iting just gets e asie r ” in V oiceover .p ca, but d o not sele ct the second “ and easier .
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 61 6. V erify that the Source and Destination volume f aders ar e set to 0 dB a nd click OK . The dr um hit is mixed equally with the spoken passage. Prev iew th e fi le and noti ce th at, u nli ke pa sting , m ixing does n ot c hang e the len gth of the fil e.
62 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Using the Undo/Redo History window The Undo/Redo His tory window m ay seem c onfusing a t first , but yo u will fi nd it inva luable once you hav e mastered i t. This window allo ws the audio fil e to be audi tioned in vario us vers ions by und oing/r edoing multip le operat ions.
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 63 2. In the Undo pane, cli ck the correspondi ng to the Mi x operatio n. The audio f ile plays without the dr um track. 3. Sele ct the Mix operati on and ch oose Undo fr om the Edit menu. The drum tr ack is ex tract ed from the V oiceove r .
64 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 Clearing the Undo/R edo History for the cur rent file Clea rin g the curren t fi le ’ s Undo/R edo Histo r y frees up disk spac e by de leti ng th e fil e ’ s temporar y undo/r edo fil es.
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 65 Experimenti ng with status fo rmats Y ou can expe rime nt w ith th e V o ice over . pca f ile to see h ow st atus form ats a ffec t valu es i n the s tatu s di spl ay boxes. 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file. 2. From the Options menu, c hoose Status F ormat , and c hoose Samp l e s from the submenu .
66 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 T o quickly c hange a fi le ’ s sta tus f orma t, r ight- clic k any of th e dat a wi ndow ’ s status display boxes and ch oose a new fo rmat fr om the sh ortcut menu .
CHP. 4 GETTI NG STARTE D 67 R ender ing files Once you are fini shed editi ng a Sou nd Forge proje ct (.frg) file, y ou can sa ve it to any t ype of medi a file supporte d by Sou nd Forg e. Y ou ca n render a fil e using a standard templ ate, or you can cu stomize t he se ttings to su it yo ur ne eds.
68 GETTI NG STARTE D CHP. 4 R ecovering f iles after a crash If Sound For ge te rminates i mproper ly , you can rec over all o pen and unsaved audi o fil es not opene d in re ad- only mode. When Sound Forge opens a file, it automa tical ly creat es te mporary file s that i t uses to save a ny changes m ade to the file.
5 CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING CHAPTER 69 Navig ating, Zooming, and S electing This chapt er int roduces some o f Sound Fo rge ’ s navig ation and select ion fe ature s.
70 NAVI GATING, ZOOMI NG, AND SELECTI NG CHP. 5 P revie wing audio with pre-roll Many audio edi ting oper atio ns depen d upon accur ate pl acement o f the cur sor in the data wi ndow . The Pre- roll to Cursor command al lows you t o previ ew audio da ta lea ding up to the current c ursor position .
CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING 71 2. Place the mouse poi nter over the wor d “ Wo w, ” an d clic k. A smal l ver tica l mar ker , repres en ting th e curs or , appea rs in t he o verv iew bar . 3. Crea te a select ion c ont ainin g the word “ Wo w.
72 NAVI GATING, ZOOMI NG, AND SELECTI NG CHP. 5 4. Double-cl ick any where in the overvi ew bar . The cursor posit ion upda tes an d centers in the data window . Playing audio in the overview bar T o make navigati ng a f ile from th e overvie w bar ea sier , Sound Forge allows you to start audio playback f rom the overvi ew bar .
CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING 73 Zooming the time ruler (horizontal) The curre nt ti me ru ler magn ifica tion ratio app ears i n th e low er - righ t co rner of th e dat a wi ndow a bov e the status boxes.
74 NAVI GATING, ZOOMI NG, AND SELECTI NG CHP. 5 Changing the z oom ratio T o edit th e zoom ra tio, us e the Zoo m In/Out spin con tro l locat ed a dja cent t o th e zoom ra tio di spla y . • Clic king the magnif yin g glas s bu ttons incre ase s/de creas es the zoo m rat io by s ing le-ste p incr em ents.
CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING 75 Changing the level z oom T o edi t the le vel ru ler zoom , use t he Zoom In/Out spinner c ontr ol loc ated abov e the playb ar . • Clicking the magni f ying gl ass buttons incr ease s/dec rease s the leve l ruler zoom by single -step increm ents.
76 NAVI GATING, ZOOMI NG, AND SELECTI NG CHP. 5 Using zooming shor tcuts Zooming to a selection 1. Cre ate a selec tion. If n o sele ctio n is cr eat ed, thi s fun ctio n is n ot av ailab le. 2. Right-cl ick the wav eform and c hoose Zoom S electi on from the shor tcut menu.
CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING 77 Zooming the time ruler with the Magnify tool 1. Drag the Magn ify t ool on the wa veform t o make a sm all sel ectio n box. 2. T oggle-cli ck the mou se until the se lection b ox is the same heig ht as the dat a window .
78 NAVI GATING, ZOOMI NG, AND SELECTI NG CHP. 5 Selecting au dio usi ng start and end va lues Y ou can select audio by dra gging the mouse or by using keyboard s hortcuts ( pg. 261). For the sake of accur acy , however , it is often us eful to create s e lections by enter ing specif ic start and end point values.
CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING 79 Zero-crossin g preference Wh en usin g a Snap-Zero command, you ca n configur e Sound Forge to snap to positive slope, negative slope, or eit her slope zero- cro ssing s. 1. From the Options menu, c hoose P references, and click the Editing tab.
80 NAVI GATING, ZOOMI NG, AND SELECTI NG CHP. 5 R estoring a selection If you lo se a selection while e diting , you ca n rest ore it by choosing T oggle Sel e ction from th e S pecial menu or by pressing .
CHP. 5 NAVIGATING, ZOO MING, AND SELECTING 81 Displaying the Views toolbar 1. From the View menu, choose T oolbars . 2. Sele ct the Vi ews check box and click OK . The V iews toolbar a ppears . Creating vi ews 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file and cr eate a selecti on cont aining “ Wo w.
6 CHP. 6 CHANGING FILE ATTRIB UTES AND FORMATS CHAPTER 83 Changing File At tributes and Fo r m a t s Thi s chap ter deals w ith t he f ile att ribu tes and fo rmat s Sou nd Fo rge suppo rts . This c hap ter al so d iscus ses f ile sum mary infor mat ion.
84 CHANGING FI LE ATTRIBUTES AND FORMATS CHP. 6 Changin g the sample rate The samp le rat e is th e nu mber of sa mple s per s eco nd, me asur ed in hert z (Hz) , us ed to r ecord au dio. W hen creating a new fi le in the full version o f Sound Fo rge, yo u can sp ecify sa m ple ra tes f rom 2,000 Hz to 192,000 Hz.
CHP. 6 CHANGING FILE ATTRIB UTES AND FORMATS 85 Decreasing bit depth T o maximize stor age spa ce, larg er sound fi les (24- an d 16-bit ) are frequent ly conve rted to smal ler (16 - and 8- bit) fi les us ing Sou nd Forge .
86 CHANGING FI LE ATTRIBUTES AND FORMATS CHP. 6 Noise shaping dan gers Noise shapi ng pla ces qua ntizati on nois e near the audi o ’ s Nyqui st frequ ency , a value eq ual to one-half o f the file ’ s sam ple r ate. C onsi der th e fo llow ing: • A file wit h a sample r ate of 44.
CHP. 6 CHANGING FILE ATTRIB UTES AND FORMATS 87 Normalizi ng Nor maliz ing a file prio r to d ecre asi ng its bit d epth en sures t hat the e ntire dyn amic ran ge is u sed . In a dditi on, norm aliz atio n low ers th e sig nal- to-no ise ratio. 1. From the Proces s menu, choose Normaliz e .
88 CHANGING FI LE ATTRIBUTES AND FORMATS CHP. 6 Specifying the au dio destination The De stinati on radio buttons in the Mo no T o Stereo dialog al low you to spe cify where the mono a udio da ta is pla ced in a st ereo fil e. The foll owin g tab le de scri bes the av ailab le d ata de stin atio ns.
CHP. 6 CHANGING FILE ATTRIB UTES AND FORMATS 89 Adding sum mary informa tion Spec ific audi o fil e type s all ow yo u to store text fiel ds of s um mary infor matio n in addi tio n to th e aud io and video dat a. File t ypes offe ring this featur e incl ude W A V , A VI, ASF , and RealMedia ™ file format s.
90 CHANGING FI LE ATTRIBUTES AND FORMATS CHP. 6 Editing extended summary informati on 1. Sele ct the fiel d to be edi ted in the Fields pane. It s cont ents disp lay i n the Cont ents pane. 2. Ent er the new info rmati on in the Contents pane and cli ck OK .
7 CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST CHAPTER 91 Using Mark er s, R egions, and the Playlist/Cutlist This chapt er de scri bes th e use of ma rkers, c omm and ma rkers , the Regions List, a nd the playl ist/cu tlist. These tools al low you to tag and org anize audi o data and make a udio ed iting more efficient.
92 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Using marker s A marker is a tag p laced in an aud io file that i s used as a refere nce point. Markers make navi gatin g a file easi er an d mo re ef ficie nt. Inserting mark er s 1. Click to po siti on the c ursor in the wavef orm.
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 93 Customizing automatic labe ling Y ou can customize t he way t hat Sound For ge names new files , marker s, or regi ons. 1. From the Options menu, c hoose P references . The Prefer ences d ialog app ears.
94 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Changing the mark er positi on Y ou can change a marke r ’ s positi on by dragging it t o a new loca tion or by updat ing its po siti on to the current cursor l ocation. Y ou can also ente r prec ise va lues to mov e a marke r to a spe cifi c locati on.
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 95 Detecting and marking clipping The clip i ndicator s in the play mete rs hel p you deter mine whet her cl ipping occ urs in your fil e, and you ca n use the Find command to find audio that mat ches levels you specify .
96 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Using comma nd marker s in streaming m edia fi les Command mar kers add i ntera ctivi ty to media s treamed over t he Inte rnet by i nsert ing meta data into streaming media fil es. As y our file plays , any number of other ac tions can be progr ammed to occu r .
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 97 Defining Scot t Studios data commands For W A V fi les using Scott Stud ios data, command mark ers ca n be use d to defin e information abou t the W A V file. Inser ting command markers 1.
98 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 4. Click OK . The ne w command marker a ppears in the dat a window . Editing command prop er ties Right-cl ick a c ommand marker and choo se Edit from the shortcut menu to open t he Command Prop erties dialog an d edit the mark er .
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 99 Using regi ons Regions i dentify r anges of t ime and provide a way to su bdivid e an audi o file. A region is defin ed as the a rea betw een t wo re gio n tags . Re gion s can func tio n as se mi -perm anen t ti me se lecti ons that c an be sav ed w ith t he file.
100 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Inser ting regions usin g drag-and-drop One of th e easies t ways to ins ert a reg ion is to dra g a selec tion f rom a data wi ndow int o the Reg ions List . 1. Create a s elect ion con taining t he openi ng drum roll in Fil l.
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 101 4. Specify a pres et from the Preset drop -do wn li st or conf igur e a ne w sett ing using the di alo g ’ s act ive para mete rs sh own in the ta ble below . 5. Click OK . Sou nd F orge inser ts re gion s in th e a udio f ile b ased o n th e dia log param eter s.
102 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Inser ting regions ba sed on marker positions Sound Forge c an auto matica lly i nsert regions b y using all marke rs in the audi o file a s region boundari es. Regions cr eated this way ar e adde d to the Regions Li st, but not to the playl ist.
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 103 Editing regions in the Re gions List Y ou can also e dit r egi ons by do uble- clic king the regio n na me in the R egion s L ist. F or mor e in forma tion , se e Usin g the R egi ons Li st on page 104 .
104 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Using th e R egions Lis t The Region s List co ntains inform ation p ertaini ng to all regions in the cu rrent data window . Sound Forg e can save the Re gions L ist info rmation as meta data in mos t file t ypes.
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 105 Changing region order By defaul t, the Re gions Lis t displa ys re gions i n alphabet ical order by na me, but y ou may al so spec ify an alterna t e order . 1. From the Options menu, c hoose P references .
106 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Using the playl ist Once you cre ate re gions, you can a rrange t hem in the playl ist. Unl ike the Re gions Li st, which d i splays its contents i n alpha betical or chr onological order , the playli st displ ays a nd play s its re gions in a user -spec ified arrangement .
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 107 Unde rstandi ng th e pla yli st dis play When you add a region to the p laylist , its appearanc e is simi lar to i ts appe arance in the Regions List , with the except ion of the Count (Cn t) column.
108 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Playing fr om the playl ist The playli st di splays t he sequ ential or der in whic h regions play .
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 109 Using stop points Y ou can attach sto p points t o regi ons in the playl ist. When Sound Forg e encoun ters a s top point d uring playback, it repeats the corre spondin g region t he number of ti mes spec ifie d by the Count valu e and hal ts playback.
110 USING MARK ERS, RE GIONS, AND THE PLAYLIST/C UTLIST CHP. 7 Configurin g the playlist as a cutlist When trim ming l engthy r ecording s , conf iguring t he play list as a cutl ist c an som etim es de cre ase ed itin g tim e.
CHP. 7 USING MARKER S, REGI ONS, AND THE PLAYLI ST/CUTL IST 111 Saving a playlist/cutl ist file Y ou can save a file's playl ist/cut list to an extern al file. This offers th e flex ibility of using m ultip le playli sts for the sam e file. 1. From the Specia l menu, choose Pl aylist/C utlist , and choose S ave As fr om th e sub men u.
8 CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING CHAPTER 113 Re c o r d i n g , Extracting, and Burning This chapt er des cribes r ecordi ng audi o in Sound For ge, ext racting audio fro m a CD, and wri ting audi o to a CD. R ecordin g audio Sound Forge has two central met hods for record ing: manua l (nor mal) and automati c.
114 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 2. From the Method drop-do wn list, ch oose Norma l . 3. Choose the de stina tion d ata window fo r your recording .
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 115 11. Click the Stop button ( ) to stop reco rdin g. 12. Click the Close but ton to clos e the Re cord dial og. R ecording automatically In additi on to t he normal recordi ng method, Sound Forge also has t hree au tomatic r ecordi ng methods: T ime, Thresho ld, and MI DI T imecode.
116 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 8. T o end timed rec ording , clic k the St op butt on ( ). 9. Clic k the Close b utton to close t he Record di alog.
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 117 T riggering by MIDI time code Note: Y ou can specify a MIDI i nput port in the MIDI/S ync tab in t he Pre feren ces dial og (f rom the Options men u, choose P referenc es ). For more info rmation, see Synchroni zing with other devices on pag e 124 .
118 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 4. Choose the de stina tion d ata window fo r your recording . By def ault, Sound Forg e records into the act ive data wind ow .
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 119 8. Click the Reco rd button ( ) in the Record dial og. 9. Click the Stop butt on ( ) to st op r ecord ing. 10 . Clic k the Close bu tton to cl ose t he Recor d dialog. Arming to record When yo u click t he Re co r d button ( ) in the Rec ord dialog, reco rding does not beg in immedi ately .
120 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 Automatic retake ( automatically rewind) A utomatic retake mode is the eas iest meth o d of reco rding. Re cording be gins a t the p osition d ispla yed in the Start box when you click the Recor d button ( ) and continue s until you cli ck the Stop button ( ).
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 121 Adjusting for DC offset The DC adjust c hec k box instr uct s Soun d Fo rge t o com pens ate for DC offse ts g enera ted by yo ur sy stem ’ s sound card during recordi ng.
122 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 Playing b ac k recorded audi o Audition yo ur rec orded audi o by pla ying it b ack in t he Recor d dialog. Click t he Play button ( ) to begin playback a nd cli ck the Stop button ( ) to en d playback .
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 123 Using remote recording mode Click the Remo te button to put Sound For ge int o Remote Record ing mode. In t his mode, the Rec ord Rem ote d ialog repl ace s the S oun d Forg e wo rksp ace . The R emo te Re cord dialo g rem ains the topm ost window regar dless of the number of open applic ations.
124 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 Sync hronizing wi th other de vices Clic k the Sy n c O u t button to conf igure synchroniz atio n option s for rec ording in conjunct ion wit h other devices o r appl ications that r espond to M IDI/SMP TE timecode.
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 125 Vi ewing input l evels The input met ers on the Reco rd dialog show the level of the inc oming si gnal. F or record ing purposes, the incomin g audio should remain p rimari ly in the yello w , only occ asionall y ente ring t he red.
126 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 Configurin g gap detection During rec ording , Sound For ge cont inually list ens for ga ps (or drop-out s) that oc casionally occ ur when working wit h digi tal au dio.
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 127 Extract ing aud io from CDs Sound Forge allows you to extract 4 4,100 Hz, 1 6-bit , stereo d ata fr om CD.
128 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 6. Click OK . Sound Forge b egins ext racting d ata from the CD and displ ays a progress meter . Previewing CD trac ks In the Extr act Audi o fro m CD dialog , select a track and clic k the Pl a y button t o preview a track prior to extract ing it fr om the CD.
CHP. 8 RECORDING, EXTRAC TING, AND BURNING 129 2. Choose a se tting from th e Ac t i o n drop-down li st: • Burn audio be gins recor ding aud io to your CD when you click the St art but ton. Y ou will need to cl ose the disc bef ore it can be pla yed in a audio CD pla yer .
130 RECORDING, EXTRACTING, AND BURN ING CH P. 8 Closing a CD Closing t he CD allo ws you to l isten to it in a n audio CD player . However , you cann ot add t racks to a CD once it i s closed. 1. From the T ools menu, choos e Burn T rac k-at-Once Audio CD .
9 CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO CHAPTER 131 Editing, R epairing, and S ynthesizing Audio This chapt er int roduces some o f Sound Fo rge ’ s advanc ed edit ing, repa ir , and synthe sis fea tures .
132 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 Overwriting a selection 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file. 2. Create a s elect ion con taining “ Wo w. ” 3. Copy the sel ecti on. The data i s placed on the clipboard. 4. Cre ate a selec tion of ap prox ima tely th e sam e le ngth cont ain ing th e fina l “ .
CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO 133 Replicating a selection 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file. 2. Crea te a select ion c ont ainin g “ Wo w . ” 3. Copy the se lecti on. The da ta is pla ced on t he clipboa rd. 4. Crea te a select ion c ont ainin g “ So und e dit ing ju st get s eas ier .
134 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 Repeating an o perat ion Once you perf orm an op eration on an audio file, yo u can quickl y rep eat it wi th the same p aramete rs by choosing Rep e a t from the Edi t m enu.
CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO 135 P asting, mixing, and crossfadi ng with drag-and-drop Y ou can drag an audi o sele ction and p a ste, mix, or cros sfade it into a nother dat a window . Pa s t i n g 1. Open the V oiceover .pca and Drumhit.
136 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 Mixing 1. Open the V oiceover .pca and Drumhit.pca audi o files. 2. Select al l audi o data in the Drumhit data window . 3. Drag the s e lection to the V oiceover data window . • A sh aded regi on rep res entin g th e sou rce s elect ion a ppe ars i n the destin ati on wi ndow .
CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO 137 Creating new windows with drag-and-drop Drag-and- drop al so allows you to creat e a new data window from a select ion. 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file. 2. Crea te a select ion c ont ainin g “ Wo w .
138 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 Repairing audio Sound Forge p r ovide s severa l ways to rep air audio glitches. Copying the o ther c hannel For glit ches in a s ingle channel of a ste reo file , Sound Forge can re place the glitc hed secti on of da maged channel wit h the co rresponding data from t he “ goo d ” channel.
CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO 139 Interpolating new a udio This is t he most basi c method of r epairing glitches . Sound For ge simply i nterp olate s new audio da ta bas ed on the data a t the beginning a nd end of the sele ction.
140 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 2. Create a 5 to 50 ms s electi on conta ining the d a maged au dio. Note: The maximum a llowed rep lace ti me is 0.5 s econds. 3. From the T ools menu, choos e Re pa i r , and choose Replac e from the sub menu.
CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO 141 S ynthe sizing au dio Sound Forge allows you to generate custom t ones and wave forms f or use in your audio projects . Generating DTMF/MF tones Y ou can use Sound Forg e to generate st andard dial tone s used by teleph one compani es.
142 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 Generating audio with frequency modulati on Sound Forge ’ s FM Synthesis fe ature can be u sed to create co m plex so unds fr om simpl e wavefo rms usi ng frequency modulatio n (FM).
CHP. 9 EDITING, R EPAIRING, AND SYNTHESIZING AUDIO 143 Specifying the number and ar rangement of operators Dragging t he Configura tion slider change s the g raphic al repre senta tion of the arra ngement and number of operator s used t o generate the wavef orm.
144 EDITING, REPAIRING, AND SYN THESIZING AUDIO CHP. 9 Generating simple waveforms The Simple Synthes is tool is u sed to gen erat e simp le w avef orms of a g iven shape , pitc h, an d len gth . 1. From the T ools menu, choos e Sy nt h e s i s , and c hoose Si mple from the su bmenu.
10 CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO CHAPTER 145 P rocessing Audio This chapt er pro vides d escript ions of proce ssing pr esets and previ ews as well as an o verview of all f unctions in the Sound Forge Pro c e s s menu. Applyi ng preset s Many Sound F orge di alogs co ntain drop-down li sts of pr eset s used to quic kly apply proce sses and effect s.
146 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Creating p resets Y ou can also creat e cust om effe cts an d save the m as pres ets. 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file. 2. From the Proc es s menu, choose Fade , and choose G raphic from t he submenu . The Graphic F ade dia log appears.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 147 Customizing prev iews for the cur rent process 1. Right-cl ick the dialog a nd choos e Configuration from the shortcut menu. The Pre view Conf igurati on dialog a ppears. 2. Edit the pr evi ew pa rame ters as d esired . For more inform ati on, se e Prev iew pa rame ters on page 147 .
148 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Reac tive previewing Selectin g the Reactive p reviewing check box allows y ou to update previ ews in re al ti me by manip ulating the dialog ’ s cont rols . Tip : Y ou can temp orar ily sus pend r eac tive pr evie wing by pressi ng .
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 149 Auto T rim/Crop Aut o T r im/C rop re mov es si lence fro m an a udio file . In ad ditio n, th is fun cti on au toma tica lly fa des the endpoints of a phras e. Using A uto T rim/Crop 1. Open the V oiceover .pca file. 2. From the Proces s menu, choose Auto T rim/Crop .
150 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Releas e threshold Determi nes the thres hold lev el for det ection of t he trim /crop en d point: -Inf . indicat es comple te silenc e, and 0 dB indica tes maximum ampl itude level.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 151 Conver ti ng a file ’ s bit dept h 1. Open the Mus icbed.pca file . 2. From the Proces s menu, choose Bit-Depth Con verter .
152 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Noise shaping Determi nes the aur al pos itionin g of quanti zati on noise. U sing thi s cont rol, y ou can sh ift the noise into a udio regist ers t hat are le ss perceptibl e to huma n hearing. Thi s lowers the per ceive d noise fl oor and creates the illusi on of cl eaner audi o.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 153 Using the C hannel Conver ter 1. Ope n the V oic eove r .pc a file . No tice th at this is a mon o fil e. 2. From the Proces s menu, choose Channe l Conv erter . The Ch an nel C onve rter d ialog app ears. 3. From the Pre s et drop-down lis t, choo se Mono to St ereo -1 0 0% and click OK .
154 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 DC Of fset Audio that i s not centered a round the z ero bas eline in the wave form displ ay is said to have a DC of fset . DC offsets are t ypicall y caus ed by elec trical confli cts b etween th e sound car d and i nput dev ice.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 155 EQ The EQ option s avai lab le in th e P ro cess menu depend upon whether you are using the fu ll vers ion of Sound Forge or t he Scr eenblast version. If you ar e worki ng with the full version of Sound For ge, three option s appear i n the EQ submenu : Graphic , Pa ragraphic , and Para m e tr i c .
156 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Creating a custom graphic fade 1. Open the Mus icbed.pca file. 2. Select t he first half of the a udio (appr oximate ly 5 seco nds). 3. From the Proc es s menu, choose Fade , and choose G raphic from t he submenu . The Graphic F ade dia log appears.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 157 Fad e - Fa d e O u t The Fade Ou t command is u sed to linearly fade a select ion from a vo lume of 0 dB to a volume of -I nf. The size of the se lecti on determ ines the length of the fa de. 1. Open the Mus icbed.pca file and selec t all aud io dat a.
158 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 In ver t/Flip The Inver t/F lip com man d inv erts the au dio s elect ion at its ba seli ne, in effec t rev ersi ng its pola rity . Inv erti ng a file , wh ile c reatin g n o aud ible d iffe ren ce, is occas ion ally u sefu l for m at ching samp le t ransi tion s wh en executing cert ain paste s, mixes, or loops .
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 159 Normalizing Audi o 1. Open the Mus icbed.pca file . 2. From the Proces s menu, choose Normaliz e . The Normalize di alog appe ars. 3. From the Pre s et drop-down lis t, choose No rmaliz e to -1 6 dB a nd clic k OK . The file is normal ized a nd its overall “ loudness ” incr eased .
160 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Normalize to Thi s fade r spe cifie s the le vel to wh ich th e hig hest p eak sh ould be s et. • Wi t h Pe a k l e v e l , if th e pe ak le vel i s -10 dB an d the Normalize to value is -3 dB , a co nsta nt b oost o f 7 dB is applied t o the e ntire file .
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 161 If value s have n ever been c alcul ated, two da shes di spla y . Click S can Le vels to calcul ate valu es. Note: If the RMS leve l never rea ches the Ignore belo w thresh old, a value of - 96 dB dis plays. If t his occ urs, decreas e the Ig nore be low thre shold leve l and resca n.
162 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Creating a pan A pan is used to c ontrol the a pparent po sition of a sou nd betwe en the l eft and right channels o f a st ereo file. 1. Open the Mus icbed.pca file. 2. For users of the full vers ion of Sound F orge: from the P roces s menu, choo se P an/Expand .
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 163 P an/Expand controls The following control s are locat ed in the Pan/Ex pand dial og if you are usi ng the full version of Sound Forge, or the Grap hic Pan d ialog if you ar e usin g Scree nblast Sou nd Forge . Pro cess mode drop-dow n list The Process mo de drop-down list contai ns the following optio ns.
164 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Downsampling audio 1. Open the Music bed.pca file . 2. Right-cl ick the data window a nd choos e P roper ties from the sho r tcut menu. The Properti es dial og appears. N otice t hat th is fi le has 44,100 Hz sample r ate a nd a fi le size of 0.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 165 Interpolation accuracy The Inter polat ion ac curacy value de termine s the comple xity of the interpol ation met hod used du ring resamp ling.
166 PROCESSI NG AUDIO CHP. 10 Sw ap Chan nel s The Sw ap Channels comma nd allows y ou to ex change t he right and lef t channels if yo u are wo rking with a stereo r ecordi ng. Important: This op tion is on ly ava ilable in Screenblas t Sound Fo rge.
CHP. 10 PROCESSING AUDIO 167 Note: Once audio data is cli pped, it ca nnot be r estor ed by perfor ming a s econd V olume o peratio n. The i niti al V olume operati on must be undone . V olume cont rol The V olume dialog cont ains only one control, Gain .
11 CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHAPTER 169 Applying Ef fects Effects , or plug- ins, ca n be used t o improve the qua lity of the aud io or to cr eate special artist ic effec ts. Additional Direc tX plug-i n effe cts, bo th from Sony P ictures Digita l and ot her thir d-par ty vendors , can al so be used.
170 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHP. 11 Saving ef fect se t t ings as a custom preset Once you have a djust ed the par ameters in the ef fect dialog, yo u may want to save yo ur settings as a c ustom pres et fo r lat er use . Y ou ca n sel ect th e pr eset fr om the Preset d rop-down list t o apply the sa me sett ings at a later t ime.
CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS 171 Applying effects using the Plug-In Chainer 1. Select t he data you want to proces s. If no data is sele cted, Sou nd Forge applies the ef fect chai n to the enti re fi le. 2. From the View menu, choose Plug -In Chaine r .
172 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHP. 11 Adding pl ug-ins to a c hain Y ou can add plug-ins to a c hain in the Plug-In Chainer in several ways. Adding a plug-in to a c hain from the Plug-In Chainer 1. Clic k the A dd Plug-I ns to c hain butt on ( ) on t he Plug -In Chainer window .
CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS 173 3. Drag the plug- in(s) from the Plug-In Manag er window to the Plug- In Chainer wind ow . The select ed plug- in(s) are added to the chain a nd can be config ured and ar ranged as needed. Tip : Y ou can also dr ag plug- ins o r a plug- in chai n from the Plug-In Manager window t o a data wi ndow .
174 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHP. 11 Arranging plug-ins on a c hain Y ou can arrange the order of plu g-ins in t he chai n in ei ther the Pl ug-I n Chainer or the Plug -In Explorer . Note: The order of pl ug-ins i n a ch ain can ha ve a dr amatic effect on the fina l product of au dio s ignal pr oces sing.
CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS 175 Remo ving pl ug-ins from a c hain T o remove a spec ific plug-in fr om a chain, sel e ct it and cl ick the R emo ve Selected Pl ug-In butto n ( ).
176 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHP. 11 Loading plug-in c hains Once you have s aved a plug-in c hain, you can eas ily loa d it i nto the Plu g-In Chainer . Loading a plug-in c hain from the Plug-In Chainer Choose a plu g -in ch ain from th e Chain P reset dr op-down lis t.
CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS 177 Org anizing ef fects in the DX F avori tes m enu The DX Fav o rites menu provides eas y acce ss to the plu g-ins you use most frequent ly . Y ou c an add and remove plug -ins and folder s to or ganize t he menu howev er you like.
178 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHP. 11 Automating E f fect Pa rameters When you add an effect that support s automat i on to the Pl ug-I n Chainer , a list of the effec t ’ s automatabl e para mete rs is disp layed on th e ri ght sid e of th e win do w . Y o u can use t hese contr ols t o add , sho w/hi de, an d enable/by pass automati on envel opes.
CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS 179 Adjusting ef f ect parameter s with envelopes An e nvel ope is disp lay ed in t he da ta w indo w for e ach e ffec t pa rame ter th at yo u've cho sen to auto mat e. Env elope poin ts re prese nt plu g-i n para mete r se tting s at a speci fic po int i n tim e.
180 APPLYI NG EFFECTS CHP. 11 Remo ving effect automation envelopes Clic k the Au tomate None button ( ) in the Plug-In Cha iner t o remove al l auto mation e nvelope s for the selecte d plug- in.
CHP. 11 APPLYI NG EFFECTS 181 S et ting fa de pr oper tie s Y ou can adjust the fade c urve for each envelop e segmen t indi vidual ly . T o change the fa de curv e, rig ht-cl ick an envelope segment and choo se a fade command (su ch as Line ar Fade or Fas t Fad e , fo r ex ampl e) fro m the shortcut menu.
12 CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER CHAPTER 183 Using Acoustic Mir r or and W ave Hammer This chapt er is desig ned to f amiliar ize yo u with Sou nd Forge ’ s Acou stic Mirr or ™ and W a ve Hammer ™ effect s.
184 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 3. Click the Bro wse butt on loc ated next to the Impulse fi eld and lo cate the Aco ustic Mirro r Impulse Fil es folde r on the Sound Fo rge CD. 4. Double-cl ick the folde r . Several impuls e subfolders d isplay .
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 185 The Acou stic Mir ror dialog The Acousti c Mirror di alog cont ains f our tabs: Ge ne ral , Env elope , Summary , and Rec ove r . Ea ch tab cont ains controls that allow y ou to preci sely configur e the e ffect as well as r ecover cust om impulses.
186 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 Quality/speed The Qu ality/Spee d slider a llows yo u to strike a bala nce betwee n the quality and sp eed of the audio pro cessing. Lowering th is val ue immedi ately af fect s the fre quency r espons e of the i mpulse.
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 187 The horizon t al axis of the graph rep resents t he ti me of the impulse f ile an d the ve rtical a xis r epresent s peak amp litu de in dB. S pecif yin g an im pu lse fi le fro m th e Impulse drop-d own l ist a uto mati call y disp lay s its envelope i n the g raph.
188 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 We t O u t This contr ol is identi cal t o the Wet O u t fader on the General tab. For mo re info rmati on, se e We t O u t on pag e 185 . Quality/speed This contr ol is identi cal t o the Qualit y/s peed check box on the General tab.
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 189 Auto-detect timing spik es This opti on speci fies t hat the timing spikes ex ist near the st art an d end of the recorded file and tha t they should be a uto-d etected. T iming spike s are us ed to co rrect f or clock or tape speed mismat ches.
190 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 Reco vering an impulse from an electronic device T o recover an i mpulse from an e lectroni c device, you need the foll owing equ ipment: • A play.
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 191 Other impulses Any number o f methods can be used t o create an impuls e, inc luding st arter pistol s, clap boa rds, or even a shar p ha nd clap. The d raw back of t hes e “ impu lse ge ner ators ” is that t hey add their own c oloration to the sound.
192 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 T r imming the impulse file After the imp ulse file i s recover ed, it may s till r equir e minor trimm ing. In general , you should try to make the impuls e resp onse as sho r t as pos sibl e to in creas e process ing sp eed when us ing Acou stic Mirror .
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 193 Using the new impulse file T o use your ne w impuls e file, o pen the Acousti c Mirror d ialog and choose i t fr om the Im pulse drop-down l ist as you woul d any ot her impuls e file.
194 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 W e ha ve i nclud ed se ver al sho rt fi les on the Soun d For ge CD -RO M to all ow yo u to ex pe rimen t wit h this technique.
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 195 T rouble shootin g Acou stic M ir ror The follo wing sectio ns de scri be pro blem s tha t may be enc ou ntere d when work ing w ith A cous tic Mi rror .
196 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 Reco vered impulse is t oo noisy T o maxi mize the impu lse ’ s signal-to -noise ra tio, you should ve rify that the f i eld re cording ’ s nois e floor i s not too high.
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 197 What is W ave Ham mer? Sony Pictur es Digit al ’ s W av e Ham mer Dire ctX plug- in is an a udio maste rin g too l con sis ting o f a cl assi c compressor a nd a volume maxi mizer .
198 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 Output ga in The Output ga in fader allows y ou to determin e how much th e audio signa l is boos ted fol lowing its com press ion. At tac k tim e The At tack time slider allow s yo u to de ter mine how soon a fte r risin g ab ove th e thr esh old th e au dio si gna l is atten uated.
CHP. 12 USING ACOUSTI C MIRROR AND WAVE HAMMER 199 Input/Output meter This meter allows you to mo nitor the level of the inc oming and outgoing s ignal s. When the Input button appears, the meters displ ay the incoming signa l level. Clicki ng Input toggl es the button to an Output button and displ ays t he outgo ing signa l level.
200 USING AC OUSTIC MIRROR AN D WAVE HAMMER CHP. 12 Inp ut/O ut put mete r This meter allows you to monitor t he lev el of the incoming and outg oing sig nals.
13 CHP. 13 WORKING WITH MIDI /SMPTE CHAPTER 201 Wo r k i n g w i t h MIDI/SMPTE Thi s chap ter descri bes u sing Soun d For ge in conju nc tion wi th in tern al an d ext erna l MIDI d evi ces . Note: MIDI/SMP TE features a re only a vailabl e in the f ull versio n of So und Forg e.
202 WORKING W ITH MIDI /SMPTE CHP. 13 T r iggeri ng file playbac k Using the MIDI Keyboa rd or any other MIDI d evice to tr igge r audio p laybac k in Sound Fo rge invo lves th ree separat e proce dures: • Configuri ng the MIDI device (i n this case, the MIDI Keybo ard).
CHP. 13 WORKING WITH MIDI/ SMPTE 203 Star ting playbac k 1. From the Options menu, c hoose M IDI In/Out , and c hoose T r igger from MIDI Timecod e from the s ubmenu . A chec k ma rk app ear s adj acen t to t he co mman d, in dic ating tha t it is ac tiv e and Soun d Forg e is ready to rec eive M IDI comm and s.
204 WORKING W ITH MIDI /SMPTE CHP. 13 6. Enter 1 in the Channe l box and C-4 in the Note box. 7. Click OK . A small m usical note appears a djacent to the “ Wo w ” region in the R egions List to indi cate that a trigger has be en confi gured. 8. Repeat st eps 4 t hrough 7, provid ing eac h region wi th a uni que MIDI t rigger .
CHP. 13 WORKING WITH MIDI/ SMPTE 205 T r iggering playbac k from addition al internal/external MID I devices The basic c oncept s of MIDI rou ting a nd trigge ring f rom the Sound F orge MIDI Keyboard de scri bed in previous sections apply to any hardware or soft ware dev ice capab le of g eneratin g MIDI commands .
206 WORKING W ITH MIDI /SMPTE CHP. 13 Sound F orge and MIDI tim ecode syn c hronizat ion MIDI time code (MTC) is a method of us ing SMP TE timing signals to sy nchronize m ultipl e devices . Although MIDI timecode is ty pical ly used to synchroni ze audi o and video, it can also be used to synchroniz e play back dev ices.
CHP. 13 WORKING WITH MIDI/ SMPTE 207 T urning on MIDI input sync hronization 1. From the Options menu, c hoose P references . The Prefer ences d ialog app ears. 2. Click the MIDI/Sy nc tab. 3. Specify t he MIDI i nput tha t corres ponds to t he outpu t port of the se quencer and cli ck OK .
208 WORKING W ITH MIDI /SMPTE CHP. 13 Configuring the sequence r 1. Specify t he sequ encer ’ s MIDI input port that corr esponds to Sound For ge ’ s MIDI out put por t.
14 CHP. 14 SAMPLING CHAPTER 209 Sa m p l i n g Used in c onjunct ion with the Sample r T ool, Sound Fo rge ’ s power ful edit ing c apa bili ties a llow yo u to c reat e, edit, and transfer sample s betwe en exte rnal an d interna l sampl ers.
210 SAMPLIN G CHP. 14 Inter nal sa mpl ers Internal sample rs ar e cards installed in your system tha t, unl ike typi cal s ound ca rds, a ctually allow sounds to be downlo aded in to memory a nd play ed at v arying pitches to simulate a m usical i nstru ment.
CHP. 14 SAMPLING 211 Creating a sam pler co nfiguratio n The Sampler Con f igurat ion dia log allo ws you t o creat e new sample configurations th at can be saved as presets and acces sed fro m the Sample r dial og. Creating ne w custom configu ratio ns require s you to specify th e sample r and s ample tr ansfer mod e.
212 SAMPLIN G CHP. 14 8. Select t he Send request wh en retrievin g sampl es check box if you want the Sampl er T ool to s end a re quest for th e sampl e to th e sample r when you clic k Get Sample . Clearing t he Send requ est check box req uires that the s ample tra nsfer be ini tiated fro m the sampl er , ev en after yo u click Get Sample .
CHP. 14 SAMPLING 213 S aving samp ler config urations Once you compl ete a s ampler conf igurati on, you can save it as a pre set and quickly a ccess it in the futur e. 1. From the S amp ler Co nfig ura tion d ialo g, cl ick S ave As . The Save Prese t dialog appears.
214 SAMPLIN G CHP. 14 MIDI unity not e and Fine tune Once you spec ify a confi guration i n the Sa mpler di alog, the Sa mpler area near the b ottom of the dialog displays all relev ant samp ler confi g uratio n information. The bottom pane of the dialog c ontains t wo addit ional par ameters: MIDI un ity note and Fin e tune .
CHP. 14 SAMPLING 215 Configuring the MIDI Keyboard output port and c hannel 1. Click the MIDI Out button ( ) and choose an output devic e from the me nu. 2. Choose Send P rogram Changes from the menu if the key board wil l be used to c hoose ins trument voi ces.
216 SAMPLIN G CHP. 14 S et ting up MIDI/SD S hardw are T o use MIDI/SDS protocol with an e xterna l sampler tha t support s MIDI/S DS, you mu st insta ll a MIDI ca rd with MIDI input a nd output po rts in the syst em. 1. Using a MI DI cable, c onnect the MI DI output port of the sampler to the MIDI inpu t port of the MI DI card.
CHP. 14 SAMPLING 217 T rouble shootin g SCS I/SMDI A brief de scripti on of s ome common pro blems en counter ed with SCSI a nd sampl ers foll ows. Conflict ing SCSI IDs When connect ing de vices on a SCSI chain, each devi ce must have a unique device i dentifie r (ID).
218 SAMPLIN G CHP. 14 Adaptec 154 0/15 42CF does not recogn i ze a sam pler If the Adap tec 1540/1542CF d oes not re cogniz e the s ampler , a c hange may be requir ed in th e confi guration of th e Ada ptec contr olle r . So me sa mple rs do n ot op erate when th e Re set SCSI Bus at P ow e r -On opti on of the Adaptec cont roll er is tur ned on.
15 CHP. 15 LOOPING CHAPTER 219 Lo o p i n g Sound Forge is an excellent tool fo r creat ing lo ops and provid es the per fect c ompliment to Sony Pic tures Digital ’ s revolut ionary ACID ™ line of lo op-based mus ic cr eation to ols.
220 LOOPING CHP. 15 Creating a sustaining loo p 1. Open the Drumhit .pca f ile and cr eate a sele ction cont aining the snare hit at the begi nning of the waveform. 2. Wi t h t h e Loop Pla ybac k button ( ) selected in t he transport bar , c l ick th e Play Normal b utton ( ) on the playbar t o preview t he loo p.
CHP. 15 LOOPING 221 Creating a sustaining loop with a release loop T o add a re lease lo op to the sustai ning lo op crea ted in the pre vious pro cedure, you must reconf igur e the dialog a nd rear range the loop tags in the data wi ndow . Configuring the dialog 1.
222 LOOPING CHP. 15 Loo ping tec hniques Depending upo n the source mater ial, cre ating a natural -sounding l oop can be a di fficult task. Many factor s beyond your contro l may pr oduce distra cting pops an d glitche s, ther eby ca lling unwant ed att entio n to the loop.
CHP. 15 LOOPING 223 A void very shor t loops If the l oop is shorter t han ~50 ms (1/20 Hz), the pit c h of th e loop may not e qual the s ample pi tch. Pitc h- tuning a l oop is accompl ished by cr eati ng short l oops wi th a lengt h equal to 1/f requency .
224 LOOPING CHP. 15 Displaying the Loop T uner 1. Open the Loop.pc a file. A s ustaini ng loop appear s in the da ta window . 2. From the View menu, choose Loop T uner . The Loop T uner appea rs at the botto m of the dat a window an d disp lay s the w avefo rm o f the fi le ’ s loop.
CHP. 15 LOOPING 225 Switc hing between the sus tain and release loops When workin g with a file tha t conta ins sust ain and relea se loops , you can quickl y toggle between the loo ps by clicking the Loop Sel ect but ton ( ). When workin g with a file cont ainin g two lo ops, thi s butt on indicat es whi ch loop is activ e.
226 LOOPING CHP. 15 Fine-tuning loop points Y ou can use the Loop T uner to fine-t une loo p point s in three ways: • T o move loop point s by sma ll amounts , use th e Loo p Start P osition and Lo op End Pos ition arro w spin ners . Clicking t he up or down a rrow incr ements th e loop poi nt by one sample .
CHP. 15 LOOPING 227 Using the Crossfade Loop tool 1. Open the Loop.p ca file. A sustaini ng loop appe ars i n the data window . 2. From the To o l s menu, choose Cros sfad e Loop . The Crossfade Loop dia log ap pears. 3. Drag the Loop slider to con f igure t he perc entage of the loo p to be crossfa ded.
228 LOOPING CHP. 15 Creating loo ps for A CID Sound Forge i s an exc ellent tool for creat ing and e diting l oops to b e import ed into any of th e ACID family of products. Y ou can use So und Forg e to cr eate four diff erent ty pes of files f or ACID: • One -sho t file • Loop file • AC ID 2.
CHP. 15 LOOPING 229 4. Sele ct the Lo op radio butt on. The Root not e for t ra nspo sing and Number o f beats boxe s act ivate. 5. Choose one of the following op tions: • If the l oop should b e transposed when i nserted i n an ACID pr oject , choose its root note fro m the Ro ot note f or transposing d rop-do wn list .
230 LOOPING CHP. 15 Creating an ACID beatmapped fi le ACID beatmap ped fi les c an change tempo and pitch to match an ACID p roject. Y ou must speci fy the fi le ’ s original tempo and root no te for tr ansposing upon conf igura tion. If y ou do not s pecify t hese values, no te mpo or key chan ges occur .
CHP. 15 LOOPING 231 Editing loops for A CID Sound Forge provid es a numbe r of tool s to pr epare aud io for us e in ACID. Halving or doubl ing a loop These commands allow y ou to qu ickly chan ge the size of a se lection. Halving a loop From the Specia l menu, choose A CID Looping T ools , and choo se Halve S elec tion from the su bmenu.
232 LOOPING CHP. 15 Rotating audio Y ou can move the beginning of a loop to th e end, or the end of a loop to the beg i nning by rota ting th e audio. From the Special menu, choose AC ID Loop ing T ools , and choose R otate Audio from the s ubmenu. Click t he Rot a t e Au d i o button ( ) on the ACID Loop Cr eati on T ools toolba r or pr ess .
CHP. 15 LOOPING 233 Set ting loop tempo Y ou can calculate , and if necessar y edi t, the tempo of your loops. Loop tempo is espec ially i mportant if the loop will be use d for b uilding a project in any A CID product . For m ore inform atio n, se e Creating lo ops for ACID on page 228 .
234 LOOPING CHP. 15.
16 CHP. 16 WORKI NG WIT H VID EO CHAPTER 235 W orking with V ideo Sound Forge suppor ts open ing and sav ing Micr osoft ® Aud io and V i deo Inter leave (A VI), W indows Med ia ® V ideo (WMV), QuickT ime ® (MO V), and MPEG video fi les. Usin g Sound Forge, you can edit a video file ’ s audi o tra ck with s ingle -fra me ac cur acy .
236 WORKIN G WITH VIDEO CHP. 16 Changing video strip height Y ou can change the vi deo str ip height by dra gging the thin bar at the bo ttom of the video s trip . T o change the defaul t height for al l video f iles yo u open in Sound For ge, choose P references from the O ptions menu and set a Defa ult video strip height on the Display tab .
CHP. 16 WORKI NG WIT H VID EO 237 Ani mati ng t he vi deo st ri p During pla yback o f a video f ile, the video strip can display a nimated or stil l fra mes. This can vi sually a id in editing and positi oning y our audio t o match the video. From the Options menu, choose Vid e o , and then choose Animate V ideo Strip .
238 WORKIN G WITH VIDEO CHP. 16 Previewing files with video If you ar e worki ng with a medi a file t hat cont ains vid eo, you can use the V i deo Pre view window f or previewin g. Y ou must have the V ideo Previ ew window d isplayed to pre view the au dio stream.
CHP. 16 WORKI NG WIT H VID EO 239 Changing the V ideo Preview set tings The V ideo Pre view wind ow can be configure d in a nu mber of wa ys to make it more u seful.
240 WORKIN G WITH VIDEO CHP. 16 3. Click P roperties and adj ust the f ollowing settings as needed: • If your source media does not c onform to DV stan dards, choose a se tting fr om th e If proj ect f orma t is in valid for D V output, conf orm to the fol lo wing dro p-down list.
CHP. 16 WORKI NG WIT H VID EO 241 Deta c hing vide o from a n audio file Y ou can use Sound Forg e to detach the vi deo st ream fr om a media fi le. 1. Open the media file you want to use. Fo r more info rmat ion, se e Getting me dia fil es on page 46 .
242 WORKIN G WITH VIDEO CHP. 16 Configurin g your vi deo set tings Y ou can use the Vid eo tab on the Pref erences dialog to choose y our vi deo set tings. Fr om the Options menu, choose P refer ences , and then click t he Vid e o tab. The item s on th is ta b are e xpl aine d be low .
CHP. 16 WORKI NG WIT H VID EO 243 5. From the Te m p l a t e drop-down list, se lect a templ ate fo r rende ring and c om press ing the file . Y ou can click Custom to custo mize the settin gs in the C ustom Sett ing s dialo g. Fo r hel p on th e diff ere nt setting s, cli ck the What ’ s This Help button ( ) or press + and then click a contro l.
17 CHP. 17 USING S PECTRUM AN ALYSIS CHAPTER 245 Using Spectrum Analysis This chapt er int roduces you t o the concept o f frequen cy and de scri bes Sound Forge ’ s Spec trum Analysis. Spectrum Anal ysis allows yo u to exa mine audi o frequen cies and overtone s using either spect rum graphs o r sonograms.
246 USING S PECTRUM ANALYSIS CHP. 17 Fast F ouri er T ransform A Fo urier tr an sform is com putat iona lly in tens ive an d for this rea son it is comm on to use a tec hn ique ca lled a Fast Four ier T rans form (FF T) to perform spectra l analys is.
CHP. 17 USING S PECTRUM AN ALYSIS 247 4. Use t he t oolb ar at the to p of the w indo w to se t yo ur disp lay opti ons . Tip : Y ou can also cl ick the Set tings button () in the Spectru m Analys is win dow to s et addi tiona l opti ons.
248 USING S PECTRUM ANALYSIS CHP. 17 Right-cl ick the graph and choos e Show P osition from the sh ortcut m enu to togg le the display of T oolT ips. The settin g for each grap h in a s tere o file is in depe nden t.
CHP. 17 USING S PECTRUM AN ALYSIS 249 Changing the zoom level Zooming can be accompl ished in s evera l ways: 1. Drag on the graph t o draw a box a r ound the a r ea you want to magni fy .
250 USING S PECTRUM ANALYSIS CHP. 17 6. Click OK . 7. Use the Slice slider to ad d/re mo ve slic e gr aphs in th e Sp ectr um Anal ysis dial og. Creating and comparing sna pshots of the Spectrum Analysis window Y ou can store up to four s napshot s to com pare mul tiple sp ectrum graphs.
CHP. 17 USING S PECTRUM AN ALYSIS 251 Using a so nogram The sono gram is an oth er wa y of displa yin g spe ctra l da ta va riati ons ove r time . In a son ogram , t he ho rizon tal axis r epr ese nts tim e, a nd th e ve rtical axis repre sen ts freq ue ncy .
252 USING S PECTRUM ANALYSIS CHP. 17 Right-cl ick the sonogr am and choo se Show P osition from the short cut menu to tog gle the di spl ay of T oolT ips.
CHP. 17 USING S PECTRUM AN ALYSIS 253 Adjusting color intensity Adjust the so nogram ’ s color inte nsity using the Colo r slide r located direc tly beneat h the sonog ram. Notice t hat the bottom p ane of th e dialog depic ts the color sc ale in dB.
254 USING S PECTRUM ANALYSIS CHP. 17 Smoothing window Cho ose a se tting from th e Smoothing wi ndow drop- down li st to determine the wi ndow functi on applied to the inpu t da ta pri or to anal ysis . Th is op tion infl uenc es th e sha rpne ss of peaks in a n FF T gr aph a nd th e lea kage into neig hboring frequ encies.
CHP. 17 USING S PECTRUM AN ALYSIS 255 Maintain last monitored view Sele ctin g thi s chec k bo x “ freezes ” the a ppearance of the spectrum gr aph when play back stops. Clear ing th is check box r esult s in t he graph re setting to the cursor positi on when pla yback s tops.
A APPENDIX A SHORT CUTS APPENDIX 257 Shor tcuts K eyboard shor tcuts P roj ect file comma nds Magnificati on and view commands Press Res ult Create a new da ta windo w . Open a soun d file or project. Save modifi ed sound data back to the file. + Display th e Pr oper ties di alog fo r the acti ve da ta wind ow .
258 SHORT CUTS APPENDIX A Data wi ndow edit commands ++ Go to t he prev ious d ata w indow . + T ile the data win dows vert ically . + Cascade the da ta wind ows. Show/hid e windo ws docke d at the botto m of th e wor kspace . + Show/hid e windo ws docke d at the sides of th e worksp ace.
APPE NDIX A SHOR TCU TS 259 Create a loop fr om the current s election. + Create a loop fr om the current selection withou t displayi ng th e Edit Sam ple dialog. Stop or cance l the current action (including play back). T oggle drag-and-dro p snapping on a nd off.
260 SHORT CUTS APPENDIX A Cur sor movement Press Cursor moves t o / Move o ne pi xel right /left. ++ / ++ Move one audio sample right/l eft. + / + Prev ious /nex t vide o frame (vide o files) . Displ ay t he G o T o d ial og. Go to the first samp le visible in the waveform displa y .
APPE NDIX A SHOR TCU TS 261 Selecting data Press T o select fro m cu rsor to Show the Set Selection d ialog. + / + Select fro m the cursor to the next /pre vious scre en pixel. ++ + / ++ + Selec t from the cursor to th e next/ pre vious samp le. ++ / ++ Select from th e curs or to t he nex t/previous video frame .
262 SHORT CUTS APPENDIX A Navigation and playbac k Record dialog keyb oard shortcuts Press Resu lt +<Number> Save a view in cell <Numbe r> where <Nu mber> r anges from 1 to 8. <Numbe r> Resto re a view usin g cell <Num ber> wh ere <Numb er> rang es from 1 to 8.
APPE NDIX A SHOR TCU TS 263 Plug-In Chai ner Regions List Playlist Press Res ult + Preview au dio through plug -in chain. ++ Process selection u sing the plug-in ch ain. + Bypass the pl ug-in chai n while p reviewing a udio. + Save plug -in chain (packa ge).
264 SHORT CUTS APPENDIX A Mouse whe el shortcuts Additional mouse shortcuts Select all Double-cl ick the wavefor m displ ay to sel ect t he enti re so und file. T riple-cli ck when regi ons, loops, or markers are p resent. Tip : Y ou can turn o ff the t ripl e-cli ck fea ture on t he Editing tab of t he Pref erenc es dial og.
APPE NDIX A SHOR TCU TS 265 Go to marker Double -click a mark er tag in the ruler to m ove the cursor t o the pos itio n of the m arker . Set selection to region/loop Double-c lick a region or loop t ag in the r uler to chang e the cu rrent se lection to the r egion o r loop end points.
B APPENDIX B MICROSOF T AUDIO COMPRE SSION MANAGER APPENDIX 267 Microsof t Audio Compression Manager The M icro soft A udio Com pres sion Ma nage r (AC M) i s a st anda rd int erfa ce for audio com pressi on in W indo ws.
268 MICROS OFT AUDIO COMPRE SSION MANAGER APPENDIX B The Sound Mapper f uncti ons as fol lows. When faced with a sound f ile rec orded a t an unusua l sample r ate such as 22,2 57 Hz and a sound c ard that s upport s 22,050 Hz, t he sound file nor mally c annot be pla yed.
C APPENDIX C SMPT E TIME CODE APPENDIX 269 SMPTE T imecode The Societ y of Moti on Pictur e and T elevi sion Engi neers (SMP TE) timecode may b e one of the most misunders tood concepts among in dividu als withi n the musi c indu stry .
270 SMPTE T IMECODE APPENDIX C SMPTE 30 (30 f p s, Aud io) SMP TE 30 is a n audio-onl y forma t and runs at exac tly 3 0 fps. SMP TE 3 0 is co mmonly use d when synchroniz ing au dio app licatio ns such as mult itrack r ecorde rs or MI DI sequence rs.
D APPENDIX D USING CSOUND, MTU, IRCAM, BICS F, AND EBICSF FIL ES APPENDIX 271 Using CSOUND, MTU , IRCAM, BICSF , and EBICSF Files Although Sou nd Forge suppor ts a lar ge number of sou nd file f ormats di rectly , it does not sup port the CSOUND, MTU, IRCAM, BICSF or EBICSF file types.
272 USING C SOUND, MTU, IRCA M, BI CSF, AND EBICSF FILES APPENDIX D 4. Con figur e t he foll owi ng p aram ete rs: • Specify a sample rate f rom the Sampl e rate drop- down li st. • In the Sampl e t ype area, select t he 1 6-bit PCM radio button. • In the Fo r m a t ar ea, se lec t the Signed radio but ton.
INDE X i Index S ymbols 122 A ACID Creating loop s for , 228 – 233 Loop C reation T ool s toolb ar , 35, 230 Acoustic Mirror , 183 – 196 Adjusting impulse length, 187 Enve lope t ab, 186 Error mes.
INDE X ii Bit dep th Changing, 84 Converter , 150 For CD burning, 128 Blinking status whi le recording, 1 26 Burning CDs, 128 prop er use of soft ware , 130 C Calculatin g loop tempo, 233 Calibrating .
INDE X iii Cutlist, 110 – 111 Adding regions to, 110 copying to the clipboard, 111 Creating a n ew file fr om, 110 Deleting all cutlist regions, 110 Opening c utlist file s, 111 Reverting to playlis.
INDE X iv Expo rting to CLI É devices, 67 to Net MD devices, 67 Extended summ ary information, 89 External MIDI devi ces, 205 Monitors, 239 Sampl ers, 2 09 Extract Regions, 103 Extracting audi o prop.
INDE X v Internal MIDI devi ces, 205 Samplers, 210 Interpolating audio to repair glitches, 139 Int roduci ng So und Forg e, 15 Invert/Flip, 15 8 IRCAM, 271 K Keyboard MIDI, 214 L Label s Automatic all.
INDE X vi Navig ation t ool bar , 31 Net MD de vice s exporting to, 67 New window Creating, 52 Creating for each reco rded take, 120 Creating through drag-and-drop, 137 Noi se ga te, 86 Nois e s hap i.
INDE X vii Presets, 145 Creating, 146 Deleting, 146 Mana ging, 1 77 Using, 145 Pre viewi ng Cuts, 59 Operations, 146 video, 2 38 Previewing effe ct automation, 179 Previ ews, 1 46 Bypass , 148 Fade o .
INDE X viii Replicating Audio, 1 32 Regions in the playlist, 108 Resampling, 163 Downsampling, 1 64 Upsamplin g, 164 Restoring a selection, 80 Reverse, 165 Rotating audio, 232 S Sample rate, 84 Editin.
INDE X ix Spectrum analysi s, 245 – 25 3 FF T , 246 Sonogram, 251 – 25 3 Spectrum graph, 246 Spectrum graph, 246 Ceiling, 254 changing zoom l evel, 249 Displaying, 2 46 Displayin g frequen cy and .
INDE X x T rim ming impu lse files for Acoustic Mirror , 192 T roubleshoo ting Acoustic Mirror , 195 MIDI Key board, 215 SCSI /SMD I, 217 System performance, 19 – 21 T uning a sonogram , 252 U Undo/.
An important point after buying a device Sony 7 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony 7 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony 7 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony 7 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony 7 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony 7, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony 7.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony 7. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony 7 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center