Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3-873-945-12 (1) Sony
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3-873-945- 12 (1) © 2008 Sony Corporation Digital Wireless Transmitter Operating Instructions Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
2 WARNING Batteries sha ll not be expo sed to excess ive heat s uch as sun shine , fire or the like . You are cautio ned that any cha nges or modificat ions not ex pressly app roved i n this m anual coul d void you r author ity to operate thi s equipm ent.
3 For customers in Canada This Class B dig ital appara tus complies with Cana dian ICES-00 3. For the c ustomers in Cana da Operation is su bject to th e followi ng two conditio ns: (1) this d evice m.
4 l’appare il respecte les limite s de la ban de de radiodiffusion, la licence est accordé e sur la base d’u ne non-i nte rfére nce, non - protec tion po ur les si gnaux de radi odif fusi on.
5 For the c ustom ers in Eu rope Hereby, Sony Co rporat ion, de clares tha t this DWT-B01 is in compliance with the essen tial requi rements an d othe r relevan t provisio ns of the Directive 1 999/5/ EC. For details, please acce ss the followin g URL: http://www.
6 För ytterlig are information gå in på följand e hemsida: Den här p roduk ten ä r avsedd fö r använd ning i följande länder: Storbr itanni en, Tysk land, No rge, Luxemb ourg, Belg ien, Danmark, Frankrike, Italien, Sverige, Schweiz, Finlan d, Island och Turkiet.
7 Pro zákazníky v Evropě Sony C orporati on tímto prohla šuje, že tento DWT-B01 je v e shodě se zákl adní mi pož ada vky a dal šími přísluš nými ustanov eními směrnic e 1999/ 5/ES . Podrob nosti lze získat n a následujíc í URL: http:// w ww.
8 Luksem burgu, Belgii, D a nii, Fr ancji, Włoszec h, Szwecji, Szwaj c arii, Finlan dii, Islandii i Turcji. Pentru clie nţii din Euro pa Pri n preze nta , Son y Corpo rati on de clară că aces t D WT-B01 respect ă c erinţel e esenţiale și este în conformitate cu prevederile Directivei 1995 /5/EC.
9 Ilmoitus Yh distynee ssä kuningaskunnassa as uville asiakkaille : Laittei ston käy ttöön tarv itaan paikallisen viesti ntä viran omaise n myöntä mä henk ilökoh tai nen l upa. Note for cus tomer in Germa ny: According to German regulatio n this equipm ent can onl y oper ate in cha nnels (specify which chann els are allowed ).
10 Laittei ston käy ttöön tarv itaan paikallisen viesti ntä viran omaise n myöntä mä henk ilökoh tai nen l upa. Note for c ustomer i n Norw ay: According to Norwegian regulation this equipm ent can onl y oper ate in cha nnels (specify which channels a re allowed) with a maximum RF outp ut po wer of 20mW .
11 Anvä ndand et av den här utrus tningen sk er under enskilda licen ser som utfärd as av den natio nell a mynd ighe t som hand har frekvenstillstå nd.
12 Note for cust omer in Belgium: The use o f this equipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistration Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in Belgien: Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unt erliegt einer ents prechen den Lize nz von de r nation alen Frequ enzverwa ltung sbehörd e.
13 avec des cana ux (spécifiez l es canaux autorisés). L’utilisati on de c et équip ement est soumi se à la licenc e individuel le accord ée par les autorités d’ad ministration des fréquences national es.
14 unique ment avec de s cana ux (sp éci fiez les canaux auto risés). L’utilisati on de c et équip ement est soumi se à la licenc e individuel le accord ée par les autorités d’ad ministration des fréquences national es.
15 Remarque pour le s clients résidant en Suèd e: Confo rmément à la régleme ntation suéd oise, cet éq uipe ment fonct ionne unique ment avec de s cana ux (sp éci fiez les canaux auto risés).
16 Bruken av dett e utstyr et er underlagt en spes iell lis ens som uts tedes av nasj onale frekven sforv altning smyndig heter. Remarque pour le s clients résidant en Suisse: Confo rmément à la régl ementation suisse, cet é quipem ent fonctio nne unique ment avec des cana ux (spécifiez l es canaux autorisés).
17 Bruken av dett e utstyr et er underlagt en spes iell lis ens som uts tedes av nasj onale frekven sforv altning smyndig heter. Remarque pour le s clients résidant en Finlande Confo rmément à la régleme ntation finlan daise , cet équi pemen t foncti onne unique ment avec de s cana ux (sp éci fiez les canaux auto risés).
18 Opmerking voor klanten in IJsland: Het gebrui k van deze ap parat uur is onderh evig aan e en afzonderl ijke lice ntie die is v erleend door de nation ale autoriteit voor frequentie beheer. Bemærkning til kunde r i Island: Bruge n af dette udst yr er unde rlagt individ u el licens givet at telemy ndig hedern e.
19 Table of Con tents Table of Contents Features ....... ................. ................ 20 Using the CD-ROM manual ....... 21 Preparations ........... ................ 21 Reading the CD-ROM manual ........ ....................... .... 21 Parts identification .
20 Features Features The DWT-B01 is a digita l wireless transmitter for a UHF synthesized wireless microph one sy stem to be use d for broadc ast or mov ie productio n pur pose. Th is transmitter is su itable for Electronic Ne ws Gathering (E NG) and Electroni c Field Prod uction (EFP ).
21 Using the CD-RO M manual Easy-to-see, f ull dot- m atrix OLED (Organ ic Light-Emitting Diode) Displa y The quic k respon se of the OLED disp lay enables real-time operating conditi ons to be displaye d clearly and accurate ly.
22 Parts iden tification If it does n o t appe ar automatica lly in the bro wser, dou ble-c lick on the inde x.htm fi le on the CD-RO M. 2 Select a nd c lick on the O peratin g Instruc tions or the freque ncy li sts that you want to r ead. This opens the selected PDF file.
23 Parts i dentificat ion To connec t a microphon e e + or – button Select s func tions or va lues shown on the display. Holding down the – button while switc hing on the tran sm itter activa tes the pairing operation f or the wireless remote contro l functio n.
24 Power supply F Power switch lock ind icator Indicates that the power switch i s locked, preventing the transmitter from b e ing accidenta lly turned off or on .
25 Setting t he transmission chan nel Be sure to c heck the e x piration d ate printed date on th e new b att eries b efore usin g th em. The in dicatio n is ba sed on the use of new LR6 (size AA) Sony Alkaline batteries.
26 Using the wirele ss remote control funct ion 1 Turn off th e power, a nd then while holding d own the SET butto n, turn the power on. The signal tran smission stops. 2 Press the + or – button repeatedly un til the G P/CH indica tion i s disp layed.
27 Using the wireless remote control function For details , refer to t he operat ing instruc tions supplied wi th the re ceiver. 2 Press the + or – button repeatedly un til the RF REMOT E indication is displa yed. 3 Hold do wn the S ET button unt il the ite m to be set f las hes .
28 Using the enc rypted tr ansmission function Using the encrypted transmis sion function To prevent h acking of the signal, the transmitte r scrambles the sig nal durin g transmi ssion.
29 Using the encrypted tr ansmission funct ion For details on receiver ope rations, refe r to the operating in struc tions supp lied with th e recei ver.
30 Using a USB keyboa rd Using a USB keyboard Conn ecting an op tional USB ke yboa rd to the transmitter allows yo u to perform menu operati ons and enter yo ur name an d password for the en crypte d transm ission functio n from the keyboard. A Micro USB conne ctor is used on the transmit ter.
31 Basic me nu operations Basic menu operations 1 Press the + or – button repeatedly un til the func tion to be set a ppears. 2 Hold do wn the S ET button unt il the ite m to be set f las hes . 3 Press th e + or – butt on to chan ge the setting . 4 Press the SET but ton to enter the setting .
32 Setting menu s Setting menus The func tio ns and parame ters o f the se ttin gs menu are explain ed here. Underlin ed items are the factory se tting. Naming of transmitter (NAME) You can specify a transmitter na me of up to 16 characters. The factory sett ing for the transmitte r name is the model n a me and serial number.
33 Setting menu s the SET button, turn the power on. Then change th e setting after the signal transmission h as stopped . Setting the RF Output Pow e r (RF PO WER) You can set the RF ou tput power.
34 Setting menu s Using wireless remote c ontrol, thi s function can be control led from the rece iver and other dev ices. P ower save setting (POW ER SA VE) To conserve power, th is setting allows you to put al l transmitter functions to sleep. ACTIVE : The transmitter opera tes normally.
35 Setting menu s LOCK: The power switch is locked. When LOCK is selecte d, the power switc h lock ic on appe ars in the di splay. Wireless remote c on tr ol function (RF REMO TE) This functio n must be se t to allow th e wireless remote c ontrol func tion to b e used between the transmitter and receiver.
36 Attach ing with the soft case Attaching with the soft case The tran smitter can be attache d to the us er with the supp lied soft case. All ope rations are possib le when the transmitter is a ttached with the soft case .
37 Bloc k d iagr am Block di agra m 1: NC 2: Hot 3: Cold 4: GND Attenuator Head amp. A/D converter Intern al SG Audio codec modulator High- frequency circ uit Low-cut filter Digital signal processor.
38 Troubleshoo ting Troublesho oting If you encou n ter a pro blem using th is transmitter, use the fo llowing ch e cklist to find a solution . For any problems with the receiver o r adapter, re fer to the operat ing instructi o ns supplied w ith the respectiv e device.
39 Troublesh ooting There is to o much ba ss. The micro phone c onnecte d to the transmitt er produc es e xcessi v e bass b ecause the freque ncy res ponse of t he trans mitter e xtends into the lo w 20-Hz ra nge. Use the low-cut filter to cut the bass.
40 Important notes on operation Importa nt notes on operation Notes on using the transmitter • The digita l wire less m icroph one sys tem produc t must be used within a tempe ratu re range of 0°C to 50 °C (32°F to 122° F).
41 Specifications connect ion away from the antenna , or lowering th e transmission po wer. Specificati ons T ransmitting section Oscillat or type Crystal-con trolled P LL synthe sizer Carrier frequen.
42 Specifications MIC: –2 2 dBu (wit h 0 dB atte nuator) LINE: +24 dBu Audio att enuator adjustme nt rang e (pad) 0 to 48 dB (3dB ste ps, MIC in put mode onl y) Micr ophon e input connec tor Sony 4-pin (SMC9 -4S) (female) Input im pedanc e 4.7 kohms or more Frequ ency resp onse 20 Hz to 22 kHz T.
43 Specifications Note Always verify that the unit i s operat ing prope rly before use. SO NY WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAM A GES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COM P ENSATION OR REIMBURSEMEN.
Sony Corporation Printed in Japan.
An important point after buying a device Sony 3-873-945-12 (1) (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sony 3-873-945-12 (1) yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sony 3-873-945-12 (1) - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sony 3-873-945-12 (1) you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sony 3-873-945-12 (1) will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sony 3-873-945-12 (1), but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sony 3-873-945-12 (1).
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sony 3-873-945-12 (1). Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sony 3-873-945-12 (1) along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center