Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product G85139 Siemens
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© Sie me ns plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 26/09/ 97 Contents Safety Instructions .............................................................. 2 1. OVERV IEW ...................................................................... 3 2. INSTALLATION ..
G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 Safety Instru ctions Before installing and putting this equipm ent into operation, please r ead these safety instructions and warnings car efully and all the warning labels attached to the equipment.
1. OVERVIEW English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 3 2 6/09/9 7 1. O VERVI EW The MICROMAS TERS are a range of frequency inverters for controlling the speed of three phase AC motors. Various model s are available, ranging from the compact 120 W single phase input MICR OMASTE R up to the 7.
Engl ish 2. INSTAL LATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 4 2. INS TA LLA TION 2.1 Wiri ng G uidel i nes to Mi ni mi se the Effects of EMI The inverters are designed to operate in an industrial environment where a high level of Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) can be expected.
2. INSTAL LATION Englis h © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 5 2 6/09/9 7 When cable glands cannot be used, terminate screen to metal panel by removing cable sheath. MAIN S POWER CABLE MOTO R CABL E * CONT ROL CABLE SCREENE D CABLE SCREENED CABL E * Note: Screen must be terminated at the motor.
Engl ish 2. INSTAL LATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 6 2.2 Mechanical I nstallation WARNING THIS EQ UIPMENT MUST BE EART HED. To guarantee the safe operation of the equipment it must be installed and commissioned properly by qualified personnel in compli ance wit h the warnings l aid down i n these operating i nstructions.
2. INSTAL LATION Englis h © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 7 2 6/09/9 7 DIN R ail Dep th D W H2 H1 F ∅ ∅ = 4. 5 m m Dep t h D W H H1 ∅ ∅ = 4.
Engl ish 2. INSTAL LATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 8 2.3 Electri cal I nstal l ati on The electrical connectors on the MICROMASTER are shown in Figure 3. Connect the cables to the power and control terminal blocks in accordance with the information supplied in sections 2.
2. INSTAL LATION Englis h © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 9 2 6/09/9 7 Co nt ro l Termi nals Mains Input Termi nals M o to r Te rm in a l s V U PE PE L/L1 N/L2 L3 W FUS ES CONTACTOR FILTER (.
Engl ish 2. INSTAL LATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 10 2.3.2 Power and Motor Connections - Frame Si ze B The terminal arrangement for frame size B is identical to frame size A (see Figure 3) .
2. INSTAL LATION Englis h © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 11 2 6/09/9 7 2.3.3 Power and Motor Connections - Frame Si ze C The terminal arrangement for frame size C is identical to frame size A (see Figure 3) .
Engl ish 2. INSTAL LATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 12 2.3.4 Cont rol Connections 1 2 3 4 8 5 6 7 9 10 11 Power Sup ply (+ 10 V, m ax . 10 mA) An alog ue In put (0/2 - 10 V) (i nput im pedan ce = 70 k Ω ) Output R ela y (n orm all y ope n) max.
2. INSTAL LATION Englis h © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 13 2 6/09/9 7 2.3.5 Mot or Over load Prot ecti on When operated below rated speed, the cooling effect of fans fitted to the motor shaft is reduced. Consequentially, most motors require de-rating for continuous operation at low frequencies.
English 3. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS & BASIC OPERATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 14 3. FRO NT PANEL CONTRO LS & BASI C OPERATI O N 3.1 Front Panel Cont rol s CAUTION The digital frequency setpoint has been set at 5.00 Hz in the factory.
3. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS & BASIC OPERATION English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 15 2 6/09/9 7 3.2 Basic Operation Refer to section 5 for a full description of each parameter. 3.2. 1 Gener al (1 ) The inverter does not have a main power switch and is live when the mains supply is connected.
English 3. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS & BASIC OPERATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 16 3.2.3 Basi c Operat ion - 10 St ep Guide The basic method of setting up the inverter for use is described below.
4. OPERATING MODES English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 17 2 6/09/9 7 4. OPE RA TIN G MODES 4.1 Di gi t al Control For a basic startup configuration using digital control, proceed as follows: (1) Connect control terminal 5 to terminal 8 via a simple on/off switch.
English 4. OPERATING MODES G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 18 4.3 Stoppi ng t he M ot or Stopping can be achieved in several ways: • Cancelling the ON command or pressing the OFF button ( O ) on the front panel causes the inverter to ramp down at the selected ramp down rate (see P003) .
4. OPERATING MODES English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 19 2 6/09/9 7 4.6 Cl osed Loop Cont rol 4.6.1 Gener al Descr ipti on The MICROMASTER provides a P I control function for closed loop control (see Figure 11) .
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 20 5. SYSTEM PARAM ETERS Parameters can be changed and set using the membrane-type buttons to adjust the desired properties of the inverter, such as ramp times, minimum and maximum frequencies etc.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 21 2 6/09/9 7 P000 Operating display - This displays the output selected in P001. In t he event of a faul t , the rel evant fault code (F xxx) i s displ ayed (see section 6) .
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 22 P004 • Smoot hing (seconds) 0 - 40.0 [0.0] Us ed to smoot h t he acceleration/deceleration of t he motor (useful in applications where it is important t o avoid ‘jerking’, e.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 23 2 6/09/9 7 P011 Frequency setpoint memory 0 - 1 [0] 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled after switch-o ff.
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 24 P022 • Maximum analogue f requency (Hz) 0 - 400.00 [50.00] Frequency corresponding to the highest analogue input value, i.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 25 2 6/09/9 7 P041 • Fixed frequency 1 (Hz) 0 - 400.00 [5.00 ] Valid if P 006 = 2 and P 053 = 6 or 18. P042 • Fixed frequency 2 (Hz) 0 - 400.
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 26 P051 Selection control f unction, DI N1 0 - 19 (terminal 5), fixed frequency 3 [1] or binary fixed frequency bit 0.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 27 2 6/09/9 7 P061 Selection relay output RL1 0 - 13 [6] Value Rel ay functi on Active 3 0 No function assigned (relay not acti ve) Low 1 Inverter is running High 2 Inverter f requency 0.
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 28 P066 Compound braking 0 - 1 [1] 0 = Off 1 = On. Permits f ast er ram p-down t imes and enhances stopping capability.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 29 2 6/09/9 7 P077 Control mode 0 - 2 [1] Controls the relationship bet ween t he speed of the mot or and t he voltage supplied by the inverter.
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 30 P092 • Serial link baud rate 3 - 7 [6] Sets the baud r.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 31 2 6/09/9 7 P121 Enable/ di sabl e RUN but ton 0 - 1 [1] 0 = RUN butt on di sabl ed. 1 = RUN button enabled (only possi bl e i f P007 = 1).
English 5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 32 P210 Transducer reading (%) 0.0 - 100.0 [-] Read only. Value is a percentage of full scale of the selected input.
5. SYSTEM PARAMETERS English Para mete r Function Range [Default] Descrip ti on / Notes © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 33 2 6/09/9 7 P947 P958 P963 Specific to P ROFI B US-DP.
English 6. FAULT CO DES G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 34 6. FAULT CO DES In the event of a failure, the inverter switches off and a fault code appears on the display. The last fault that occurred is stored in parameter P930. e.g.
7. SPECIFICATIONS English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 35 2 6/09/9 7 7. SPECI FI CATIO NS 230 V Si ngl e Phase MICROM AS TE R Inverters Order N o.
English 7. SPECIFICATIONS G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 36 Input frequency: 47 Hz to 63 Hz Power factor: λ ≥ 0.7 Output frequency range: 0 Hz to 400 Hz Resolution: 0.
8. SUPPLEMENTARY INF O RMAT ION English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 37 2 6/09/9 7 8. SUPPLEMENTARY I NFORMATI ON 8.1 Appli cati on Exampl e Setup pr ocedure for a sim ple application Motor: 220 V 1.
English 8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 38 8.3 Electro -Magne tic Comp atibility (E MC) All manufacturers / assemblers of electrical apparatus which p.
8. SUPPLEMENTARY INF O RMAT ION English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 39 2 6/09/9 7 Class 2: Fi lt er ed Indust r ial This level of performance will allow the m anufacturer/assemb ler to s.
English 8. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION G85139-H1750- U049-B © Si emens pl c 199 7 26/09/97 40 Compliance Tabl e: Model No. EMC Class MM12 - MM220 Class 2 MM12/2 - MM300/2 Class 1 MM12/2 - MM220/2 with .
8. SUPPLEMENTARY INF O RMAT ION English © Si emens plc 1997 G85139-H1750- U049-B 41 2 6/09/9 7 8.5 User’ s Parameter Settings Record your own parameter settings in the table below: Parame ter Your setting Default P000 - P001 0 P002 10.0 P003 10.0 P004 0.
Herausgegeben vom Bereich Antriebs-, Sc halt- und Installationstechnik Geschäftsgebiet Antriebstechnik Postfach 3269, D-91050 Erlangen Siemens plc Sir William Siemens House Princess Road Manchester M.
An important point after buying a device Siemens G85139 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Siemens G85139 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Siemens G85139 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Siemens G85139 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Siemens G85139 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Siemens G85139, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Siemens G85139.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Siemens G85139. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Siemens G85139 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center