Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 4100 Series Siemens
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SpeedStream ® Router User’s Guide Series 4100 and 4200 Part No. 007-4035-001.
© Copyright 2004, Siemens Subsc riber Network. All right s reserved. P rinted in the U.S.A . Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or regi stered trademarks of their respectiv e companies.
SSN will not honor, and w ill consider the warranty voided, if: (1) the seal or serial number on the Product have been tampered with; (2) the Product’ s case has been opened; or (3) there has been a ny attempted or actual repair or modifica tion of th e Product by anyone other than an SS N authorized service provider.
Router User’s Guide Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Features of the SpeedStream ® Router ...........................
Router Us er’s Guide Contents Dynamic DNS ............................................................................................................................... .3 7 CONFIGURING SECURI TY FEATURES ...........................................
Router User’s Guide 3 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Congratulations on the purcha se of the SpeedStream ® Router with Secu re Route TM SpeedStre am ® Router (Router) is a powerful yet simple communication dev ice for conn ecting your computer or local area network (LAN) to the Internet.
Router Us er’s Guide Introductio n • Virtual Private Network Virtual Private Network allows remote users to es tablish a secure con nection to a corporate network by setting pass-through of the three most comm only used VPN prot ocol s: PPTP, L2TP, and IPSec.
Residential Gateway Family User Guide 5 Chapter 2 Physical Installation This chapter covers the ph ysical in stallation of the SpeedStream Router. Minimum System Requirements • DSL service and an Internet access account from an Internet Service Provider (I SP).
Residential Gateway Famil y User Guide Installation Installing Line Filters Because DSL shares your telephone line , you may need to separat e the two sig nals so they do not interfere with each other. A line filter (may be includ ed with some m odels) prevents DSL traffic from disrupting the voice signal on the telephone line, an d vi ce versa.
Residential Gateway Famil y User Guide Installation Connecting Cables The Router provides ports for either a USB or an Et hernet connection to your primary co mput er. Select the interface you will use to connec t the Router, and follow the step-by-step instructions below for your chosen installation method.
Residential Gateway Famil y User Guide Installation USB Installation Method (Microsoft Windows) 1. Connect the USB Cable 1) With your computer off, co nnect the provided USB cable to the USB port on the Router. 2) Connect the other end of the USB cable to an open USB port on your computer.
Router User’s Guide Chapter 3 Operating System Configuration This chapter explains how to configure y our computer to work with the Router. To access the Internet through the SpeedStream Rout er, the TCP /IP protocol must be installed on your computer.
Router Us er’s Guide Operating System Configuration Checking TCP/IP Settings (Windows 9x/ME) 1. Select Start>Control Panel >Network . This displays the Configuration tab on the “Network” window. 2. Select the TCP/IP protoc ol for your network card.
Router Us er’s Guide Operating System Configuration Checking TCP/IP Setti ngs (Windows 2000) 1. On the Win d o ws taskbar cli ck Start>Settings>Control Panel . This displays the “Control Panel” window. 2. Double-click Net work and Dial-up Con nection s .
Router Us er’s Guide Operating System Configuration Checking TCP/IP Setti ngs (Windows XP) 1. On the Win d o ws taskbar cli ck Start>Control Panel . This displays the “Contro l Panel” window . 2. Double-click the Net work Connection icon. This displays the “Network Connections” windo w.
Router Us er’s Guide Operating System Configuration Checking TCP/IP Settings (MAC OS 8.6 through 9.x) 1. Select Apple >Control Panel >TCP/IP . This displays the “TCP/IP” window. 2. Select one of the following from the Connect v ia drop-down menu.
Router Us er’s Guide Operating System Configuration Checking TCP/IP Settings (MAC OSX) 1. Click Apple -> Sy stem Preferences . This displays the “System P references” window. 2. Double-click t he Net work icon under the Internet & Net work section.
Router Us er’s Guide Operating System Configuration Internet Access Configuration Windows users must co nfigure thei r computers to use the Router for Internet access.
Router User’s Guide 16 Chapter 4 SpeedStream Router Setup This chapter provide s deta ils for the Ro uter setup processe s. This chapter describe s the steps to set up the Speed St ream Router configuration using the Router Setup Wizard.
Router Us er’s Guide SpeedStream Router Setup Connecting to the Router The SpeedStream Router contains a n HTTP serve r that allows you to connect to the Router and configure it from your Web browser (Microsoft Interne t Explorer or Netscape Navigator, versi ons 5.
Router Us er’s Guide SpeedStream Router Setup • If you have multiple Point-to-Point (PPP) connections configured, the PPP Login [choose connection] screen displays the available con nections.
Router Us er’s Guide SpeedStream Router Setup PPP Login If you have configured only one PPP (Point-to-Point) session on your computer, the “Login” window for that PPP connection is displayed after you log on us ing the “Administrative User Setup” window.
Router Us er’s Guide SpeedStream Router Setup Home Window After initial startup, the “Home” window is displayed on startu p. In the left navigation pane of the “Hom e” window, there are configur ation, diagn o stic, status and statistic options for the Router.
Router User’s Guide 21 5 Chapter 5 Configuring User Profiles This chapter contains d etails for config uring users on the SpeedStream Router. User profiles are used as a means fo r co ntrolling Rout er and network access by individual users. Access to the configuration and management of the Ro uter should be rest ricted to authorized users only.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Use Profiles 6. Click Next . This display s the “Profile Co ntent Filtering” window. Content filtering rest rict s access to undesirable Web sites and Web content.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Use Profiles 11. Optionally do one of the following: • Click one or more of the available featu res permitting the use r to access that feature. This places a checkmark in the corresp onding box. (Click agai n if you want to remove the checkmark and deny access).
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Use Profiles Editing User Profiles This section describes ho w to edit a user. To edit a user: 1. Select Setup>User Profiles from the left navigation pane of the Web inte rface. This displays the “Current Profiles” window.
Router User’s Guide 25 Chapter 6 Configuring ISP Connection Settings This chapter describe s ho w to set advanced ISP confi guration settings. The options in thi s section should only be configured with the help and gu idan ce of your ISP. Incorrect changes to any of these options could result in the failure of your Interne t conne ction.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings Host Host configuration attributes i dentify the Router on the network and, optionally, specify a defaul t “gateway” to the Wide Area Network (WAN).
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings DHCP DHCP, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, de sc ribes the me ans by which a system can connect to a network and obtain the nece ssary info rmation fo r communication upon that net work. Do n ot change the default DHCP Configuration settings unl ess directed by your ISP.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings 4. In End IP Range , enter the ending IP address of the rang e of addresse s from which the DHCP serve r will lease to requesting DHCP clients. This range definition should con side r the followin g add ress restrictions: • The range of IP addresses may extend over only one IP subnet.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings Static Routes The SpeedStream DSL Router direct s d ata traffic by “learning” sour ce and destination inform ation, then building a routing table. In some ca se s, network mappings cannot be learned because of inco mpatible addressing schemes.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings RFC2684 The SpeedStream Router supports tw o basic types of connections: Po int-to-Point (PPP) and RFC2684.
Router User’s Guide 31 Chapter 7 Configuring Network Settings This section contains details for configuri ng network -related inform ation. The network settings options are listed below.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings RIP (Routing Information Protocol) By default, the SpeedStream Router does not support rout ing protoc ols. Ho wever, support for the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), versions 1, 2 or 1 and 2, can be activated.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings Port Forwarding Port forwarding allows selected servers running on the LAN side of the router to be accessed from the WAN side. Requests from the WAN to a configu red T CP or UDP port will be forwarded to the selected IP address on the LAN.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Microsoft UPnP allows the Router to communicate directly with certain Wind ows operating systems to trade information.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings Bridge Mode The Router supports two f undam ental modes of operati on with respect to connectivity between the Lo cal Area Network (LAN) and the Wide Area Network (WA N): bridge/routing mode and bridge mod e.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings Server Ports Common applications such as HTTP (Web site tr affic), FTP, and Telnet use pre-defined incomi ng port numbers for compatibility with other services. If you wi sh to change the ports used by these applications you may do so using this option.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuring Network Settings Dynamic DNS Use the dynamic DNS advanced option to set up Dyna mic DNS. Dynamic DNS tran slate s IP addresses into alphanumeric names. For example, an IP address of 333.136.249.80 could be translated into siemens.
Router User’s Guide 38 Chapter 8 Configuring Security Features The Router provides broad security measures agai nst unwa nted u sers. Security also allows fo r the configuration of the firewall, administrator passw ord, (NAT) Network Address Transl ation, and DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) config uration.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Admin User The Administrator profile controls the require ment s for logging into the Web interface and accessing configuration pages, as wel l as defining t he administrator login name and pa ssword. To configure administrator settings: 1.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Time Client An accurate log timestamp is one of the requirem ents of the ICSA Labs firewall criteria (ver 3.0a). In order to maintain accurate timestamps in each log message, the firewall implements a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health NAT/NAPT Server Hosts located on a Local Area Networ k (LAN) a r e often require d to use private IP addresses a s opp osed to public IP addresses. Private IP addresses, however, are not known on the pu blic Wide Area Network (WAN).
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Firewall A firewall is a system designed to preven t unauthori z ed access to or from a private network. The firewall is designed to protect hosts located on t he Local Area Network (LAN) from attacks initiated on the Wide Area Network (WAN).
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Level The firewall contained within the Router may be confi gure d to ope rate in one of several modes, referred to as levels. For ease of use, three generic leve ls are preconfig ured – Lo w, Medium and High.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Snooze The snooze feature allows you to temporarily disabl e the firewall fo r a set amo unt of time so outside support personnel can access your Router or net work or so you can run an application that conflicts with the firewall.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health DMZ The firewall supports virtual DMZ in singl e (LAN) port router models. Virtual DMZ redirects traffic to a specified IP address rather than a physical po rt. Becaus e this redirection is a logical ap plication rather than physical, it is called “virtual DM Z.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Filter Rules If the firewall security level is set to Custom, this features allows you to spe cify a unique set of firewall rules for handling inbound and outbound traffic cu sto mized to the user’s specific requirements.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Creating Custom IP Filter Rules To add a new rule: 1. Type up to a five digit numeric value in the Rule No box to uniquely identify the rule. 2. Select either Permit or Deny from the Access drop-down menu.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health 9. If you selected This IP Address , enter an IP address in the IP Address field. And do one of the following: • Enter a netmask in the Netmask field. • Or, select or Host to use y our Router netmask as the source netmask.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health TCP/UDP Options Window The “TCP/UDP Options” window is di spl ayed if you select TCP or UDP protocol from the “ Protocol Definition ” window. If you selected either of these protocol types, you must identify the source an d destination ports.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health ICMP Options Window The “ICMP Options” window is displayed if you select ICMP proto col from the “ Protocol Definition ” window. 1. Do one of the following: • Select any of the ICMP options you wish to filter.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Clone IP Filter Rules The “Clone Rule Definitions” window is displayed when you select Clone IP Filter Level from the “ Firewall IP Configuration Wizard ” wind ow. Using thi s option, you can clon e either hig h or low level rules and modify them according to your needs.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Log Firewall Logging displays attempts (both failures and successes) to access data throu gh he firewall. Firewall log entries are defined on the Fi rew all Settings Configuration screen found un der the Security menu.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health ADS The firewall provides an advanced Attack Dete ct ion System (ADS) that may be used to detect and identify various types of attacks initiated on the Wide Area Network (WAN).
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health • LAN Source Address on LAN An outside device can se nd a forged source addre ss i n an incoming IP packet to block trace back. • Invalid IP Packet Fragment An outside device can se nd fragmented data packets that can bring down you r system.
Router User’s Guide 55 Chapter 9 Monitoring Router Health This chapter describe s ho w to m onitor the health of the Router. The Router health options listed bel ow a re used to gauge the Router’s health. Status and Statistics View Internet, home networking, security statistics, system and firewall log files.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health System Summary The “System Summary” window provid es basic descriptiv e information that identifies the router , system type, current software and firmware versions, the MA C addre ss (unique device i dentifier), and the status of currently configured connections.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health ATM Statistics View status and statistical information for the WAN-side Asynchronous Transfer Mo de (ATM) network connection. WAN-side con nection to the service provider is based on an Asynchronous Transfe r Mode (ATM ) ne twork connection.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Ethernet Statistics View status and statistical information for LAN-sid e Ethernet connectivity. Pay special attention to the status (up or down) reported for each Ethernet port to verify that each cable is connected properl y and detected by the Router.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Diagnostics The Router provides a considerabl e amount of diagnosti c functionality for testing connectivity on both the Local Area Network (LAN) and the Wide Area Net work (W AN).
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Tools This section describes ho w to use the tools listed below. Interface Map View a graphical representation of the current LAN a nd WA N configurations. Reboot Reboot the Router. Update Update Router firmware.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Reboot You can reboot the Router usin g the Reboot option, or you can reset the Router to factory def aults u sing the Reset option. Reboot should be use d when the Router needs to be restarted without losi ng your current configuration settings.
Router Us er’s Guide Monitoring Network Health Update This features updates the firmware of your Router th rough the Internet or from a device connected to your Router. Note : This option may not be available on your Rout er configuration. To update the firmware: 1.
Router User’s Guide 63 Appendix A Troubleshooting Connection problems u su a lly occur when the router’s software configuratio n co ntains incomplete or incorrect information. The router’s diagnostic tools can help you id entify and solve many of these problems.
Router Us er’s Guide Troubleshooting Interpreting the LED Display The LED indicators on the front of the router give you a visual clue to the route r activity. When the router is configured and working correctly, all LED indi cato r lights briefly turn a solid green.
Router Us er’s Guide Troubleshooting Resolving Specific Issues pwr LED Not Lit If the pw r (power) LED i s not lit, it is not connecting to the power source. Verify that the power cord is firmly plugged into the back panel of the router and that the other end is plu gge d into an active AC wall or power-strip outlet.
Router Us er’s Guide Troubleshooting Contacting Technical Support If you still cannot resolve the issue after following the recommended trouble shooting procedures, contact Efficient Networks Technical Support. Telephone: (972) 852-1000 Fax: (972) 852-1001 Email: ssn@siemens.
Router User’s Guide 67 Appendix B Configuration Data Sheets Your router is preconfigured with setting s specific to your network. We st rongly suggest that you record these settings in case you need to re estab lish your original configuration.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets DHCP Parameter Default Value Your Value DHCP Server Start IP Range End IP Range IP Netmask Default Router Or Self DNS Server Or Use Wan Domain Name Lea.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets Parameter Default Value Your Value Destination Port Operator Enable/Disable Rule # Status Access Direction Protocol Source Interface Source Addre ss So.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets Parameter Default Value Your Value Enable/Disable Rule # Status Access Direction Protocol Source Interface Source Addre ss Source Mask Destination Port.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets Firewall - DMZ Parameter Default Value Your Value Status Enable With Host IP Address Enable With Host Name Settings Duration Firewall – Level Paramet.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets Parameter Default Value Your Value NAPT Enabled Interface 2 NAT/NAPT Disabled NAT Enabled Internal (LAN) IP Address NAPT Enabled Interface 3 NAT/NAPT D.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets Parameter Default Value Your Value Internal (LAN) IP Address NAPT Enabled Port Forwarding Parameter Default Value Your Value 73.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets PPP Login Parameter Default Value Your Value Connectio n 1 User Name Password Access Connection Service Name Auto-Connect On Disconne ct Use Idle Time-.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets RIP Parameter Default Value Your Value Static Route Parameter Default Value Your Value Destination Netmask Next Hop Interface System Log Parameter Defa.
Router Us er’s Guide Configuration Data Sheets UPnP Parameter Default Value Your Value Disabled Discovery and Advertisement Only Full IGD-Supported Enable Access Logging Read-Only Mode 76.
Router User’s Guide 77 C Appendix C Technical Specifications AAL and ATM Support VCI 0-65535 address range VPI 0-255 address range AAL5 support Bridging IEEE 802.
Router Us er’s Guide Technical Specifications R outing DHCP server/DHCP client Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) Network Address Tr anslation (NA T ) Packet filtering RFC 2364 Point-to-Point P.
Router User’s Guide 79 Appendix D Firewall Security Levels The following table shows the se curity of each mode of the firewall for specifi c applications a nd protocols. Note : All applications and protocols are con ditionally allowed IN if the outbo und session was initiated locally and allowed OUT.
Router Us er’s Guide Firewall Security Levels Security High Medium Lo w NAPT Off ICSA- Compliant Application/ Protocol In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out H.
Router Us er’s Guide Firewall Security Levels Security High Medium Lo w NAPT Off ICSA- Compliant Application/ Protocol In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out PPPoE √ √ √ PPTP multi-session √ √.
Router Us er’s Guide Siemens Subscriber Networks 4849 Alpha Road Dallas, TX 75244 USA (972) 852-1000 Tel (972) 852-1001 Fax http://www.
An important point after buying a device Siemens 4100 Series (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Siemens 4100 Series yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Siemens 4100 Series - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Siemens 4100 Series you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Siemens 4100 Series will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Siemens 4100 Series, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Siemens 4100 Series.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Siemens 4100 Series. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Siemens 4100 Series along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center