Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product UX-5000 Sharp
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UX5000U- FCC-2 WARNING F CC Re gulat ions stat e t hat any unaut ho rize d changes or m odif icat ions to this equ ip ment not exp ressly ap proved by t he ma nufact urer co uld void the user ’s auth ority to o perat e t his equipm ent.
UX5000U- INBU <P=001> INTRODUCTION Welcom e to the UX-5000 and thank you for choosing Sharp! In addition to providing you with the ease and convenience of plain-paper printing, the UX-5000 features a variety of special functions designed to increase the range and power o f your comm un i cations.
UX500 0U-T CTC YF <P=001> TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INS TAL L AT ION 1-1 Unpacking Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Installing the Printer Cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UX5000U-ISUN YF <P=001> 1 INSTALLATION UNPACKING CHECKLIST After unpac king your fax, mak e sure you have al l the items shown below. I f any are missing, cont act your dealer.
UX5000 U-ISPC YF <P=001> INSTALLING THE PRINTER CARTRIDGES The laser printer in your fax creates printed tex t and images by applying toner to th e page with a photoconductive drum. Fo llow the steps below to install or replace th e toner cart ridge and the drum cartridge.
<P=002> 5 Align the arrowhead on the ri gh t si de of the drum cartrid ge (the right side is marked "R") w ith the arro whead pointi ng down which is marked on the rig ht side of the c.
<P=003> 8 Clo se the prin ter cover. 9 If you replaced the toner cartri dge, reset the toner co unter by pressin g the LIFE key (flip up the Rapid Key overl ay i f necessary), t h e "2" key, an d the START key.
UX5000U-ISAC DD <P=001> ATTACHMENTS AND CONNECTIONS Han dset Con n ect the handset co rd to the han dset and the fax as sho wn. • • The ends of the handset cord are iden- tical, so they will go into either jack. Place th e han dset on the hand set rest.
<P=002> Po wer lead Plug t he pow er lead into a 120 V , 60 Hz, gro u nd ed (3- pron g) AC outlet. Press the po wer swi tch to turn on the power. Trays OFF 0 ON | Attach t he orig inal documen t OUT tray by i nsertin g the tabs i nto the ho les in the fax as sho w n.
UX500 0U-ISLP YF <P=001> LOADING PRINTING PAPER The paper casset te and the paper tray hold the paper on which received document s are print ed. The paper casset te can hold 500 sheets of l egal- or l etter -size paper. The paper tray can hold 150 sheets of legal- or letter-size paper .
<P=002> 3 Push th e pressu re pl ate do wn u ntil it locks i nto positi on. 4 Place a stack of paper in the cassette, print side up. Make sure the two far corn ers o f the pap er go under th e pap er ho l ders as shown . • • Make s ure the s tack of paper is not higher than the tabs at the top of th e paper guide.
<P=003> LTR Lett er LGL Legal 2 M ov e t he pa pe r gu i de to t he ap prop riate p ositi on depen ding o n whet her yo u are loadi ng letter or leg al paper. • • To remove the paper guide, press i ts in- ner side at the ar row marks and l ift.
UX5000U-IPOP AY <P=001> CHANGEOVER LINE-STATUS RESOLUTION IN USE STANDARD FINE SUPER FINE HALF TONE 2 INITIAL SETT INGS A LOOK AT THE OPERATION PANEL Before you can begin using your fax machine, ther e is some information that must b e set using the keys on the operation panel.
<P=002> CLEAR SP SHIFT SPACE A I Q Y B J R Z C K S D L T E M U F N V G O W H P X 01 09 17 25 02 10 18 26 03 11 19 04 12 20 05 13 21 06 14 22 07 15 23 08 16 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 CLEAR SP SHIFT SP.
<P=003> Tel ephone dial keypad (num er ic k e ys ) Us e th ese ke ys to dial a nd pr ogram n u mber s. FUNCTIO N key Press this key t o selec t various sp ecial funct ions. COPY key Press this key to make a copy of a docum ent . REPORT key Press t his key to pr int out a repor t on t he tra nsac tion just com pleted .
UX5000 U-IPSN RT <P=001> ENTERING YOUR NAME AND FAX NUMBER To have your name and fax/telephone number (called the "Sender’s name" and "Sender’s number" ) printed at the top of every page you transmit, program them by pr essing the panel keys as shown below.
UX5000U- I PEL YF <P=001> CLEAR SP SHIFT SPACE A I Q Y B J R Z C K S D L T E M U F N V G O W H P X ENTERING LETTERS FOR NAMES Nam es are programm ed by pressing the letter entry keys (if the Rapid Key overlay i s up, first flip i t down). To enter a l etter , press the key on which the letter is marked.
UX5000 U-IPSD YF <P=001> SETTING THE DATE AND TIME The date and time appear in the display, on reports, at the top of each page you transm it, and are also used for timer operations. Set the date and time by pressing the keys on the operation panel as shown below.
UX5000U-IPAD YF <P=001> STORING NUMBERS FOR AUTOMATIC DIALING Autom atic d ialing is a quick and convenient way of di aling which is done by either pr essing a Rapid Key (Rapid Key Di aling), or pressing the SPE ED DIAL key a nd entering a 1-, 2-, or 3-digit number (Speed Diali ng).
… … <P=002> Step Press these keys: Comments 1 "ENTRY MODE" will appear in the display. 2 "FAX/TEL # MO DE" will appear in the display. 3 Select SET. 4 (Exam ple) To store a Rapid Key numb er , press a Rapid Key (to selec t Rapid Keys 33 thr oug h 48, flip th e Rap id Key overlay u p ).
<P=003> 12 (Exam ple) En te r a n a me fo r th e b a ck -u p n u mbe r (ma x. o f 20 letter s). If you don ’t want to ent er a nam e, skip t his step. 13 14 St ep 4 or Retur n to St ep 4 to st ore anot he r nu m ber , or pr e s s STOP to exit.
<P=004> St orin g Numbers in Grou p Keys Group Keys allow you to dial a group of fax numbers automatically by simply pressing the appropriate Group Key once. Group Keys are convenient for the Broadcasting and Serial Polling functions, which are used t o transm i t to or rec ei ve from a group of other fax machines.
UX5000 U-IPVA DD <P=001> VOLUME ADJUSTMENT You can adjust the volume of the speaker, handset, and ringer using the UP and DOW N keys on t he operation panel (flip up the Rapid Key overlay to ac cess the keys ). Sp ea ker The speaker has three volume levels: HIGH, MIDDLE, and LOW.
UX5000U-BOPS AY <P=001> 5. 8" ( 14 8 mm ) 11. 0" (28 0 m m) 14 lbs. 36 l bs. 3 BASI C OPERATIONS SENDING DOCUMENTS Trans mitt abl e docu ments Your fax can transm it most standard office document s.
<P=002> Other res trictions ♦ Document s written in yellow, greenish yell ow, or light bl ue ink cannot be transm it- ted, as the scanner does not recognize these colors. ♦ Ink, glue, and correct ing fluid on documents must be dry before they pass thr ough the document feeder.
<P=003> If the memor y b ecom es full.. . If the memor y becomes full while t he document is b eing scanned, M EMORY FULL will appear in the display. I f Opt ion Setting 24 (Quick on-li ne) is set t o YES, the transmiss ion wil l be canceled and you will need to retransmit a ll pages of the document.
<P=004> Che ck ing docum e n ts in memor y To disp lay informat ion on the document s that are wa iting in memor y for trans mission, fol low the s teps below. You can also cancel a transm ission with this procedure. Step Press these keys: Comments 1 Pre s s th e MEM.
<P=005> Loa din g the docu ment Up to 50 pages can be placed in the feeder at one time. The pages will be automat ically fed into the fax start ing f rom the page on the bottom. ♦ If you need to send or copy more than 50 pages, pl ace the additional pages gently and carefully in the feeder just before the last page i s scanned.
<P=006> O ptional tran smission set ting s If desired, there are sev eral transmission set tings which y ou can make before dialing and transmit ting the document. Note: T o make the se ttings , the do cum ent mus t first be loaded in t he feede r.
<P=007> Contras t The contr ast is normally set to AUTO, which means that the machine autom atically controls the cont rast . However, for very light documents you can change the setting to DA RK, and for documents with a dark background you can change the setting to LI GHT.
<P=008> Exampl e Ba tch P age Numbe rin g This sett ing is used to change the page numbering of the transmitted document from simple num bering ("P.1", "P.2", etc .) to batch numbering, w hich means that a slash and the total number of pages being sent are added af ter each page number (for ex ample, "P.
UX5000U- BOSD YF <P=001> Di alin g and tra nsmis sion Once you have loaded the document and made any desired transm ission settings, you are ready to dial the number of the receiving fax machine and transmit the document . There are severa l ways of dial ing, and you can select the one which best su its your needs.
<P=002> 4 When you hear the reception t o ne, press t he START key. Rep lace th e han dset if you used it . • • When trans mission is completed, th e fax will beep.
<P=003> Spe ed Dia l ing If the number you want to dial has been stored as a Speed Di al number, you can dial it by pressing the SPEED DI AL key and then entering the Speed Dial number (see "Stor ing Numbers for Automatic Dial ing" in Chapter 2).
<P=004> Usi ng the SEARCH DIAL key If you don’ t remem ber the Rapid Key or Speed Dial number in which you have stored a particu lar fax number, you can search for the number by following the steps below. Once you have found the number, you can di al i t and transmit the loaded document by simp l y pres sing the START key.
<P=005> 4 Press the ST ART key. The documen t wi ll be au tomati cally transmi tted o nc e the co nnecti on is made. Note: T he SEARCH DIAL key can be used to acc ess the f irs t num ber in a Chain D ialing se que nce, but not sub sequent num bers .
UX5000 U-BORD YF <P=001> RECEIVING DOCUMENTS Your fax has two modes of reception: AUTO and MANUAL. With MANUA L reception, you must firs t pick up the handset and then press the S TART key to rec eive a document . With AUT O reception, your fax aut omat icall y answers eac h call and receives the incoming document .
<P=002> MANUAL re ception 1 Wh en your fax rings, p ick up the han dset. 2 You will either hear a fax tone or the oth er party will speak to you. • • If you hear a fax tone, press the START key. • • If the other party first speaks with you and then want s to send a document, press the START key af ter speaking.
<P=003> Su bs titut e recept ion If your fax runs out of paper, toner, or the paper j ams, incoming documents w ill be automat ically s tored in memory. When you have rece i ved a document in memory, FAX RCVD IN MEMO RY will appear in the disp lay, together with NO PAPER, REPLACE TONE R, or PAPER JAM .
UX5000U- BOCY YF <P=001> MAKING COPIES Your fax can also be used to make cop ies. Singl e and multiple copies (up to 99 per original) can be made, enabling your fax to doubl e as an office copier.
<P=002> Che ck ing copy oper ations in me m ory You can display the s tatus of c opy jobs in m emory by following t he steps b elow. Yo u can also cancel copy jobs with this procedure. Step Press these keys: Comments 1 Pre s s th e MEM. STATUS key ( flip up the Rapid Key over lay if ne cess ar y) and t he " 1 " key.
UX5000U- BOVC YF <P=001> MAKING TELEPHONE CALLS Your fax can be used like a r egular telephone to make and receive voice ca ll s. ♦ To make or receive a phone call , the power must be on. 1 Pick u p t he h andset or press the SPEAKER key. L isten for the dial ton e.
UX50 00U-SF BR YF <P=001> 4 SPECIAL FUNCTI O NS BROADCASTING This funct ion allows you to send the same document to many different locations with just one operation. First load the document, then enter the numbers of the receiving machines. The document will be automat ically transm itted to each l ocation.
<P=002> 5 Press th e START key t w ice. Tran smissi on will be gi n. • • A T ransaction Repor t is automatica l ly printed out after Broadcast ing is com- pleted. Check the "Not e" co lumn of th e report to see i f any of the locations are marked "Busy" or have a communica- tion error code.
UX5000 U-SFCO YF <P=001> CONFIDENTIAL OPERATIONS The Confidential funct ion can be used to t ransmit and receive confidential documents. Co nfident ial tran smission When you send a document using the Confidential function, the receiving machine stores it in memory instead of immediately printing it out.
<P=002> 5 Dial the recei v ing u nit usin g o ne o f the foll owin g metho ds: • • Press a Rapid Key. • • Press the SPE ED DIAL key and enter a Speed Dial number. (I f you enter less than 3 digits, press the START key to complete the entr y.
<P=003> Progra mmi ng the c onfidentia l pass code To receive a confidential document, you must firs t program a 2-digi t mailbox number and a 4-digit passcode. Step Press these keys: Comments 1 "CONF. FUNCTIO N" will appea r in the display.
<P=004> 3 (Exam ple) Ent er the 2-digit number identif ying the mailbox you want to clear . 4 (Exam ple) Ent er the 4-digit passc ode wit h the numer ic key s. 5 1 START 2 3 4 1 3 Pri nting out receive d docum en ts When you have received a confidential document, RCVD CONF.
UX50 00U-SF RR YF <P=001> RELAY REQUEST Relay Request allows you to send a document to another fax machine and have that fax broadcast the document to a number of other fax machines. This funct ion is useful when the relay fax mach ine is closer to the end fax machines than your fax, as it reduces telephone line costs.
<P=002> Step Press these keys: Comments 1 RELAY FUNCTION will ap pear in the display. 2 RELAY GRO UP SET wi ll appear in the display. 3 (Exam ple) Ent er a 2-digit relay gro up num b er ("01" to "10"). Th is number ident if ies th e relay gr oup.
<P=003> 13 (Exam ple) Enter a ful l fax nu mber (skip th is ste p if you don’t wan t to ent er fu ll nu m bers) . Inc l u de t he ar ea code (fo r example "201") if the numb er i s outsid e of the calling area of the relay unit , and "1" for a long dista nce ca ll.
<P=004> Maki n g a rel ay reque st Imp ortant : • • T o make a relay r equ est , your fax numb e r must be ent er ed int o the Relay Pass code Lis t o f the rela y fax machine by the oper ator of that fax . (Your num b er mu st also be ent ered in your fax as descr ibed in "En te ring Your Nam e and Fa x Num ber" in Chapt er 2.
<P=005> Re lay Broad cast Your fax can also act as a relay s tation. It wi ll receive a document from a fax machine making a relay request, and automatica lly broadcast i t to the stations which the requesting machine specifies.
UX50 00U-SF PO YF <P=001> POLLING Po l ling allows you t o request another fax m achine to s end a document to y our fax machine. In other words, the receiving fax machine, not the transm itting fax mach ine, initiates the transmission. You can use your fax to both poll and be polled by o thers.
or <P=002> Se ria l P oll ing usi ng a Group Ke y If the fax m achines y ou want to poll have a ll been programm ed int o one Group Key , you can poll them by simply pres sing t hat Group Key. ♦ Make sure no documents are in the feeder before you press the Gr oup Key.
<P=003> 5 Press th e START key t w ice. • • The document will be scanned i nto memory, and your fax will go on pol ling standby. To cle ar a docum e nt Step Press these keys: Comments 1 MEM ORY PO LL MODE w ill appear in the display. 2 Select CLEAR.
<P=004> Storing a nd cle ari ng fa x numbers for polli ng perm ission You can store up to 10 fax numbers in your fax’s list of permitt ed numbers. Step Press these keys: Commen ts 1 ENTRY MODE will appear in the display. 2 PASSCODE # MODE will ap pear in the display.
<P=005> 4 (Exam ple) Enter the number ( 4 digits) with the num eri c keys. 5 6 Press STOP one or m o re ti me s u n ti l yo u re tu rn to the date and tim e display. Storing a nd clea ri ng ID number s for polli ng perm iss ion Up to five 4-digit ID numbers can be programm ed in your fax for giving and receiving polling permission.
UX5000U- SFTI YF <P=001> TIMER OPERATIONS The Tim er funct ion all ows you to set an operation to be performed aut omatica lly at a time you specify. Up to 48 operations can be set a t any one time, and the time of each can be set up to a week in advance.
<P=002> 5 (Exam ple) Ent er the hour (2 digit s - "01" to "12"). 6 (Exam ple) Ent er the minut e (2 digits - "00" to "59").
<P=003> Co nfident ial tran smission (Continued f rom " Initial proc edure".) 10 Enter t he m ailbox nu m ber ( 2 dig its). (Sk ip this step i f the receiving m ac hine doe s not have mailbox es .) 11 12 (Exam ple) Enter the fax numb er of the receiving machine usin g one of the f ol low ing met hods : • Press a R ap id Key.
<P=004> Po lling (Continued f rom " Initial proc edure".) 10 (Exam ple) Enter the fax numb er of the machine to be polled usin g one of the f ol low ing met hods : • Press a R ap id Key. • Pr ess SPEED DI AL and en te r a Speed numbe r.
<P=005> Broadcast in g (Continued f rom " Initial proc edure".) 10 (Exam ple) Enter the num b ers of the rec eiving mach in es using one or mor e of the following meth ods: • Press on e or mo re Rapid Keys. • Enter one or m or e Spee d Dial number s , pressing SPEED DIAL bef or e ea ch numbe r.
<P=006> 13 14 Load t he doc um e nt 15 Th e docum ent will be scanned in to m emo ry . START START Ca ncelin g a ti m er op eration If you need to cance l a timer operat ion before it is perform ed, use the procedure shown below. ♦ You need to know the number assigned to the operation in order to cancel it.
UX5000U- SFBT YF <P=001> BATCH TRANSMISSION Batch tr ansmiss ion allows you to s tore a number of documents in memory at different times for automat ic transm ission to one l oc ation at a set time.
<P=002> 2 Press the app ro priate Batch Key. • • After scanning, the mess age number assigned to y our document will appear in the display. 3 Press th e STOP key. • • The document will be transmitted along with any other doc uments stored under the same key at the designated time.
UX5000U- SFE P YF <P=001> ENTERING AND USING PROGRAMS If you frequently perform the same operation inv olving the same party, you can pr ogram all the s teps of the operation into one Program Key. T his allows you to perform the oper ation by sim pl y pres sing that key.
<P=002> 8 (Exam ple) Ent er the minut e (2 digits - "00" to "59"). 9 or Press " " to select A.M., or " # " to s el ec t P .M. 10 (Exam ple) Enter the day of the wee k by ent ering t he ap propr iat e code num ber (see ab ove t able) .
<P=003> 17 18 or If you want the doc um ent to be sen t from memory, pre ss START . If you want the doc um ent to be sen t from the fe ed er, pr e s s DOCUM ENT . (This is not possible if yo u ma d e a ti me r s e tt i ng .) 19 Press STOP on e o r mo re t i me s un ti l y o u re tu rn to the da te and time display.
<P=004> Po lling (Continued f rom " Initial proc edure".) 14 (Exam ple) Enter the fax numb er of the machine to be polled usin g one of the f ol low ing met hods : • Press a R ap id Key. • Pr ess SPEED DI AL and en te r a Speed numbe r.
<P=005> Broadcast in g (Continued f rom " Initial proc edure".) 14 (Exam ple) Enter the num b ers of the rec eiving mach in es using one or mor e of the following meth ods: • Press on e or mo re Rapid Keys. • Enter one or m or e Spee d Dial number s , pressing SPEED DIAL bef or e ea ch numbe r.
<P=006> 18 or If you want the doc um ent to be sen t from memory, pre ss START . If you want the doc um ent to be sen t from the fe ed er, pr e s s DOCUM ENT . (This is not possible if yo u ma d e a ti me r s e tt i ng .) 19 Press STOP on e o r mo re t i me s un ti l y o u re tu rn to the da te and time display.
<P=007> Be ing p olled ( Memory p ollin g ) (Continued f rom " Initial proc edure".) 14 or Press "1 " to al low po lling to be done on ly once, or "2" to allow it to be done repea tedly. 15 16 Adjust the reso lution and con trast if desir ed (ot herwise sk ip this step ).
<P=008> Us in g a P rogram Key A progr ammed operation is performed as f ollows: 1 Lo ad th e d ocu men t. • • Skip t hi s step if the operat ion is a poll- ing operation.
UX50 00U-SF DC YF <P=001> DEPARTMENT CONTROL Departm ent Control is used to limit the use of the fax to authorized personnel. When it is activated, a department code must be entered before an operation can be per formed with t he fax. Departm ent Control can only be activat ed by Sharp dealer service.
<P=002> 7 (Exam ple) Enter a n ame for the Depar tmen t Code ( ma x. of 20 letter s). (Se e "Entering let t ers fo r nam es" in Chapter 2 . ) 8 9 St ep 4 or Retur n to Step 4 to e nter (or clear) anoth er De p artm e nt C ode, or pre ss STO P on e or mo re tim es unt il you r et ur n to th e date and t im e display.
UX50 00U-SF AJ YF <P=001> ANTI JUNK FAX The Anti Junk Fax function a llows you t o block reception of faxes from part ies which you specify. This saves paper by not printing out unwanted "junk" faxes.
UX5000U-IPDR DD <P=001> DISTINCTIVE RING Distinctive ring is a service offered by some local telephone companies which al lows you to use up to four different telephone numbers, each wi th a different ring pattern, on your regul ar single line.
UX5000U- OSOS YF <P=001> 5 O PTIONAL SETT INGS A variety of optional settings are available which you can use to customize your fax to better suit your needs. The sett ings are made by pressing the panel keys, and each sett ing is described in the l ist below.
<P=002> Se tti ng 4: ACTIVI TY REPORT AUTO PRINT OUT Pres s " 1 " (YES) to have you r fax auto mat ical ly print an Act ivit y Report once ever y 30 send/ r ece ive oper ations . (The rep or t can still be printed on de m and at any tim e.
<P=003> Se tti ng 11 : MEM ORY SCANNI NG Pres s " 2 " (REDUCE) to have the fax reduce the size of document s wider than 8.9" (226 mm) wh en it sc ans them int o mem or y for t ra n smission o p erat io ns.
<P=004> Se tti ng 16 : CASSETTE SEL ECTI O N Pres s " 1 " if you want the fax t o autom at ically selec t the sour ce fro m whic h it draws paper fo r p rint ing accor ding t o the size of the doc um ent receive d or copied.
<P=005> Se tti ng 21 : JUNK FAX NUMBER CHECK Pres s " 1 " to preve nt rec ept ion f rom fax number s en te red in the Anti Junk Fax List .
<P=006> Se tti ng 28 : DEPARTMENT CODE DIGITS Us e this setting i f you are us ing Telephone B il ling and nee d to chang e the num ber of digits used for Depa rtmen t Codes to accord with your PBX’s telephone bill ing sys tem. Enter any number from " 3 " to " 9 ".
UX5000U-PRPR YF <P=001> 6 PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LI STS You can print a variety of li sts showing sett ings and i nform ation entered in the fax. You can also print out reports on recent activity and reports on individual transac tions after they are made.
< P = 002 > BUSY - The l ine was busy. COM .E-0 to COM .E- 14 - A telep hone line err or preven ted the tran saction. Explanatio ns of t he error numbe r s ar e given in th e following tables, howev e r , these a r e pr imar il y for use by serv ice e ngineers .
< P = 003 > Ti me r li st This list shows the timer operations which are currently set. Tel ephone Number Lis t This list shows the fax and voice numbers which have been stored for autom atic dialing. Re l ay Group Lis t This list shows the relay groups which have been s tored.
< P = 004 > Pa s sc ode Li st This list shows s ettings m ade for polling sec urity, your nam e and fax number as entered in the fax machine, a sample of the header printed at the top of every page you t ransmit ( HEADER PRINT ), and the numbers entered in the relay passcode li st.
< P = 005 > Ba tch Tra nsmi ssion Li st To check the docum ents which have been stored for batch trans mission, you can print out the B atch Transm i ssion List .
< P = 006 > Anti J unk Number List This list shows the fax numbers from which reception is not allowed. Trans action Re port This report is printed out automatically after an operation i s completed to allow you to check the result.
UX500 0U-M AMA RT <P=001> 7 MAINTENANCE Re ading glass an d rol lers Clean the reading glass and rollers frequently to ensure the quali ty of trans mitt ed images and copies.
UX5000U- TSPS RT <P=001> 8 TROUBLESHOO TING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Problem Check a n d reme dy Nothing app ear s in the display. • • Make su re the power cord is pr oper ly plugged int o a power outlet . • • Make su re the power switch has be en swit ched to the "O N " position.
<P=002> The print ing pap er does no t come out . • • The print ing paper ma y be jamm ed. See "Clear ing Jamm e d Prin ting Paper " in this chapter . • • Make su re tha t the print ing pap er is prop erly loaded in you r mach ine.
UX500 0U-T SDM DD <P=001> MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Di splay mes sages CHECK XXXX (paper source) Eith e r or bot h of the pa p er sour ces (t he ca sset t e or tray ) will appear i n place of "XXXX". This indicat es that the paper source is no t prop erly insta lled in the mac hine, or a paper jam has occur red in that sour ce.
<P=002> OFF HOOK DIAL MOD E T he han dset has been lift ed and t he fax is waiting for you to di al . ON H OOK DIAL MODE T he SPEAKER key has been pressed and t he fax is waiting for you to dial. PAPER JAM T he print ing paper is jamm ed. See the f ollowing section , "Clearing Pap er Jams".
UX500 0U-T SCP RT < P=001> CLEARING PAPER JAMS Cl earing a jammed do c ument If a doc ument doesn’t feed t hrough the s canner properly during t ransmission or copying, or DOC UM ENT J AM appears in the display, first try pressing the START key.
<P=002> 3 Ge nt ly pu l l t he p a per o ut of the comp artment. • • If the leadi ng edge of the paper has en- tered the fusing unit, first pull the lead- ing edge out of the f using unit, then pull the paper out of the compart ment . • • Be sur e to rem ove any t orn p i ec es of paper.
UX5000U-SPSP YF <P=001> SPECI FICATIONS Appli cable tele phone li ne: Public switched telep hone net work Compat ibility: ITU- T (CCIT T ) G3 mod e Confi gurat ion: Half -d uplex, desktop tra nsce i ver Compr ession scheme: MH, MR, MMR and Sh a rp special mode Me mo ry s iz e *: 1MB ( appr ox .
UX500 0U-FCC68UX FCC REGULATORY INFORMATION This equipm ent comp lies with FCC rules, Part 68. On this equipment is a label that contains, among other informat ion, the FCC Registr ation Number and Ringer Eq uivalenc e Number (REN) for this equipment .
UX5000 U MSDS SHARP Dat e Is sued : 1996. 8. 1 MATERI AL S AFETY DATA SHEET MSDS No. B-10 08 Sectio n 1. Pro duct Ident ification Pr oduct Co de: F O-50N D Tone r Cartr i dge Section 2. Supplier’s Name an d Address Sh ar p Co rp ora tion 22 -22 N a gaik e- ch o, Ab en o-ku , Os aka , J apan Loc al sup pliers are li sted be low.
UX500 0U-QRQ R YF <P=001> QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Note: Steps which are opt io nal are enclos ed in a dott ed f ram e: Tra nsmi t ting doc uments Nor mal Di ali ng ( 1 ) Nor mal Di ali ng ( 2 ) Di.
<P=002> FUNCTION key menu The f ollowing chart shows the layout of the f unctions and s e ttings acc essed by pressing t he FUNCT ION key. F irst press the FUNCTION key, the appropriat e numeric key as shown, and then "#" or " " until the desired sett ing appears.
7 8 9 <P=003> Progr am/G roup Mode Progr am Ent ry Mo d e (4 -2 5) Gr oup Ent ry Mo d e (2 -1 0) Serial Pollin g Mode (4- 12) Me mo ry Poll ing Mode Memor y Polling Set (4- 13) Memory Polling Cl.
UX5000U-ESQR YF <P=001> GUIA DE CO NSULTA RAPIDA Nota: El marc o punt eado signif ica que el procedim ient o pue de ser opcio nal: Tra nsmi s ión de docum en t os Mar cac ió n n or ma l (1) Ma.
<P=002> Menú de la FUNCTI ON La tabla siguiente muestr a una vista general de las funciones y ajustes obtenibles al pulsar la tecla FUNCTION . Pulse primero la tecla FUNCTION , la tecla numérica respectiva, tal como se indica, y luego "#" o " " hast a visualizar el ajust e deseado.
7 8 9 <P=003> Modo Programas / Grup os Mo do Ent r ad a Pro gra ma (4 -2 5) Mo do Ent r ad a Gr u p o (2 -1 0) Modo po lli ng en serie (4- 12) Modo d e memo ri a de polling Ajuste de m emo ria d.
UX5000U- ININ INDEX A Activity Repor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 -1 - 6- 2 Alarm Bu zzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Ant i Junk F a x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35, 5- 5 Audible sign als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4 Auto Cove r She et .
Mem ory r et ransm i ss ion . . . . . . . . . 3-3, 5- 4 Memory Sca nning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -3 Me mo ry S ta tu s k ey . . . . . . 2 -2 , 3 -4 , 3- 16 , 3- 18 Multi TTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -5 N Normal Di alin g . . . . .
UX5000U-WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANT Y SHARP ELECTR ONICS CORPORATION warrant s to the first end user pur chaser that this Sh a rp brand product (the "Prod uct"), whe n shipp ed in its origi na .
An important point after buying a device Sharp UX-5000 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sharp UX-5000 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sharp UX-5000 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sharp UX-5000 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sharp UX-5000 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sharp UX-5000, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sharp UX-5000.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sharp UX-5000. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sharp UX-5000 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center