Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product MX-M160D Sharp
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Be sure to become thoroughly f amiliar with this manual to gain the maximum benefit from the product. Before installing this pr oduct, be sure to read the cautions and installation requirements sections.
Warranty While e very effor t has bee n made to make this docum ent as accura te and help ful as po ssib le, SH ARP Corpo ration make s no war ranty of any kind with reg ard to its content. All informati on incl uded he rein is subject to chang e witho ut notice.
1 P ar t 1: General Inf ormation.
2 Trademark acknowledgm ents The fol lowing tr ademarks and re gistered tr ademark s are use d in conj unction w ith the mac hine and its peri pheral devi ces and accessor ies.
3 Notes • Consider able care ha s been tak en in preparing this manu al. If y ou have a ny comme nts or c oncern s about the manua l, please contact your nea rest authoris ed serv ice repr esentativ e. • This p roduct has undergon e strict qu ality c ontrol an d inspecti on proce dures.
4 CONTENTS Part 1: General Informatio n PROD UCT CO NFIGU RA TIONS ....... .... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... . ..... .. 3 CAUTIONS ........ ............... ..............
5 CONTENTS Part 2: Copier Operation 4 COPY FUNCTIONS NOR MAL C OP YING . ...... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... .. 45 ● MAKING A COPY DARKER OR L IGHTER ....4 8 ● SELECTIN G THE TRAY ..... ............. ............. ..49 ● SETTING THE NUM BER OF COP IES .
6 CA UTIONS Follo w the cauti ons belo w when us ing this mach ine. CA UT IONS ON USIN G Warning: • The fus ing area is hot. E xercise care in this ar ea when re moving m isfed pap er. • Do not lo ok direc tly at the light source . Doing so may d amage y our ey es.
7 CA UTIONS LASER IN FORMA TION W av e length 785 nm + 1 0 nm/- 15 nm Pulse ti mes (8.141 µs ± 0.1 µs )/7 mm Output power 0.14 mW - 0.22 mW Caution Use o f controls or adjustme nts or perf or mance of procedu res other t han those specifi ed herein m a y result i n hazardo us radi atio n expos ure.
8 INST ALLA TION REQ UIREMENTS Imprope r installat ion may damage this produc t. Please n ote the follo wing durin g initi al instal lation an d whenev er the mach ine is m oved. 1. The machin e should be ins talled ne ar an ac cess ible powe r outlet for easy conn ection.
9 MANU ALS PRO VIDED WITH THE PR ODUCT Multipl e manu als are pr ovided for use of the ma chine . Pleas e read e ach manu al as ap propria te for th e functio ns that you wis h to use.
10 MAIN FEA TURES High-speed laser copyin g • Fi rst-cop y time* 1 at 600 x 300 dpi* 2 is o nly 7. 2 second s. • C o p y i ng s p eed is 20 ( M X - M 200 D ) o r 16 ( MX- M 16 0 D) co p i e s p er m i nu t e. T h i s p r o v id e s a b i g b oo s t to wo r k pl a c e produc tivity.
11 MAIN FEA T URES Fax functi on (op tion) Install ation of the optio nal facs imile expan sion kit enabl es the pl ain-pape r, Super G3 laser fax fu nction to be used. Network connection (option) The opt ional network e xpansio n kit (MX- NB10) can be instal led to enable the machine to be us ed as a n etwork printer a nd network scanner.
12 1 BEFORE USING THE PR ODUCT This ch apter con tains bas ic info rmation required fo r use of the machi ne. Pl ease read th is chapt er bef ore using t he mach ine. P AR T NAMES AND FUNCTIONS (1) USB 2. 0 por t Connect t o your comput er to this por t to use the pri nter and scanner functions.
13 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT 1 (13) Docu ment cover (wh en installed ) Open to make a copy from the docume nt glass. (14) S ide cover Open to remove misf e d paper. (15) S ide cover handle Pull to open the s ide cover . (16) By pass tray guides Adjust to the wi dth of the p aper w hen using the byp as s t ray .
14 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT OPERA TION P ANEL (1) K eys f or fax function (when the fax opt ion is installed ) Thes e are used i n f ax mo de. F or more informat ion, see t he "Operat ion manual ( for facsimile)" that accompani es the opt ional facsimile e x pansion kit.
15 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT 1 (13) [ F AX ] key / indicato r (when th e fax opt ion is installed ) LINE indicator , D A T A indicator This ke y is used in f ax mo de. F or mor e informat ion, see t he "Operat ion manual ( for facsimile)" that accompani es the opt ional facsimile e x pansion kit.
16 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Display (base screen) Example: Copy mode * The displ ay sh own i s the MX -M20 0D (w hen t he opt ion al RSPF is installed ) display . Icons a ppeari ng in the specia l func tion ic on dis play (1) Exposure displa y Indicate s the sel ected e xposur e mode.
17 1 TURNING THE PO WE R ON AND OFF The pow er switch i s located o n the le ft side of the machi ne. PO WER ON Turn the power switch to the "ON" position • It will take abou t 45 seco nds for the ma chine to warm up. • When t he power switch is turned to the "ON" positio n, the messag e "Sys tem che ck.
18 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Default set tings The machi ne is s et at the fac tory to return all settings to t he defau lt settin gs one mi nute after a copy job is finis hed (auto clear function) or when the [CA] key is presse d. When the setti ngs return to the default se ttings, any functions that we re sele cted are cancell ed.
19 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT 1 Special paper Follow these guidel ines whe n using s pecial paper. • Use SHAR P recom mended transpa rency f ilm and l abel shee ts. Using other than SHARP recom mended pap er may re sult in m isfee ds or sm udges on the outp ut.
20 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT Loading paper in the b ypass tray 1 Open the bypass tr ay. Pull ou t the bypas s tray extensi on to load B4 and A3 (8-1/2" x 14" a nd 11" x 17") size paper. 2 Set the bypass tr ay guid es to the paper width.
21 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT 1 CHANGING THE P APER SIZE SETTING OF A TRA Y If the si ze of t he loaded p aper is differen t from the size s hown in the displ ay, foll ow the step s belo w to chang e the paper s ize settin g of the tray.
22 BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT DISABLING (ENABLING) A UT O TRA Y SWITCHING When au to tra y switchin g is en abled and paper runs out durin g copyi ng or p rinting, the job w ill con tinue using pa per from a d ifferent t ray if that tr ay has the same s ize of p aper in t he same or ientatio n.
23 1 A UDITING MODE When aud iting mode is e nabled, a count is kept o f the pages printed by each a ccount. Th e page counts c an be viewed i n the dis play. This func tion is enabled i n the sys tem setti ngs. (For th e coun ts in co py, prin t, and s can mode s, see pa ge 79.
24 2 TR OUBLESHOO TING AND MAINTENANCE This ch apter explains ge neral tr ouble shooting and mainte nance procedu res su ch as re moving m isfeeds , replacin g the toner cartridg e, and cl eaning the machine, as well as troubleshoo ting fo r the cop y function.
25 2 TR OUBLESHOO TING MA C HINE/COPYING PROBLEMS Check the fo llowin g troublesho oting li st before reque sting service as many proble ms can be fix ed by the user. If you are una ble to sol ve the pr oblem by check ing the li st, turn off the p ower swit ch, unplu g the po wer cord.
26 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAINTE NANCE The paper siz e used for the copy is diff erent from the selected paper s ize (par t of t he i mage i s cut off or too much of the page is blank). The original was placed in the wrong position. → Plac e th e orig ina l co rrect ly.
27 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAI NTENANCE 2 The original size is not auto mati ca lly se lect ed or the copy is not made on paper t hat mat ches th e size of the or iginal.
28 INDICA T ORS AND DISPLA Y MESSA GES If one of th e foll owing mes sages ap pears in th e disp lay, tak e prompt a ction as instru cted by th e messa ge. < >: T ray number < >: Size of pap er that sho uld be lo aded Message Ac tion (Mainte nance ic on) It is ti me for regular mai ntenance.
29 2 REMO VING MISFEEDS When a misfeed occurs during copying, the message " Clear paper path." and the location of t he misfeed will appear. Check th e locati on and re move the m isfeed. First chec k the mis feed loca tion. * The i llustratio n shows m isfeed lo cations in the MX-M 200D.
30 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAINTE NANCE Section C Remove t he misfed origina l from th e exit area . If the misfed or iginal cannot be easily removed from the exi t area, ope n the moveabl e part of the document feeder tray and remove th e original. 2 Open and close the SPF to make the misfeed location indicator stop blinking.
31 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAI NTENANCE 2 MISFEED IN THE MA CHINE To remov e a pap er misf eed from t he machin e, the b ypass tra y and then the side c over m ust be ope ned. Che ck whether the misfee d occurred i n A, B, or C below a nd then follow the misfeed rem oval pr ocedure for that loc ation.
32 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAINTE NANCE Misfeed in B 1 Open the front c over. Push gently o n both ends of th e front cove r. 2 Turn the roller rotating knob in the direction of the arrow. 3 Lower the right and left fusing unit release levers and re move the m isfed paper.
33 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAI NTENANCE 2 Misfeed in C 1 Lower (1) in the illus tration, open the fusing unit paper guide, and remove the misf ed paper. Be care ful not to tear the misfe d paper du ring remov al. 2 If the misfed pape r cannot be removed by the previous s tep, remove it from the paper output area.
34 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAINTE NANCE MISFEED IN TRA Y 2 1 Open the side cov er. Grasp the handle to open the side cove r. 2 Remove the misfed paper. Be care ful not to tear the misfe d paper du ring remov al. 3 If there w as no misf ed paper in st ep 2, pull out tray 2 and remove the mi sfed paper.
35 2 REPLA CING THE T ONER CAR TRID GE When t he toner r eplace ment icon ( ) appears, littl e toner remains. Obtain a replacem ent car trid ge as soon as p ossib le. When the message " Add ton er. Can no t copy or print." ap pears in th e disp lay, the t oner car tridge mus t be replaced before c opying c an be res umed.
36 CHECKING THE T O T A L OUTPUT COUNT To che ck the to tal number of pages output in c opy, pr int, and fa x mode s and the total s can count in scanner m ode, ho ld down the [COPY] k ey when th e mach ine is in th e stan dby state. T he cou nts will appear while t he ke y is held down .
37 2 CLEANING THE MA CHINE CLEANING THE DOCUMENT GLASS AND SPF/DOCUMENT CO VER If the docume nt glass, S PF, unders ide of the docum ent cover , or the scan ner for origi nals comin g from SPF (A) (the long nar row glass surface on the righ t side of the docume nt glass) become di rty, the dirt may appear o n copies.
38 TROUBLESHOO TING AND MAINTE NANCE CLEANING THE TRANSFER CHARGER If whit e or black lines a ppear in copie s or the image is blotchy , the tran sfer cha rger ma y be dir ty. Follow the ste ps below to c lean the char ger. 1 Turn the power switch off.
39 2 ADJUSTING THE DISPLA Y CONTRAST The co ntrast of the di splay can be adju sted a s explai ned below . 1 Press the [SPECIAL FUNCTION] key. The sp ecial fu nction screen wi ll appea r. 2 Select "DISPLAY CONTRAST" with the [ ] or [ ] key. 3 Press t he [OK] ke y.
40 3 PERIPHERAL DEVICES AND SUPPLIES Optiona l equipm ent and supplies are expla ined i n this chap ter. To purchas e optional equipme nt and supp lies, contact your au thorise d service repres entative . OPTIONAL EQ UIPMENT Conveni ent opti onal equi pment can be inst alled o n the mach ine as needed.
42 PERIPHERAL DEVIC ES AND SUPPLIES ST ORA GE OF SUPPLIES Standar d suppli es for th is produc t that are to be repl aced by the user are paper a nd tone r cartrid ge. PR OPER ST OR A GE ● Store th e supplies i n a locati on that is : clean and dry, at a s tab le tem perat ure , not exposed to direc t sunlight.
43 P ar t 2: Copier Operation.
45 4 COPY FUNCTIONS This ch apter explains the basi c proc edures f or making c opies, i ncludin g selec tion of the co py ratio and other copy settings. NORMAL COPYING This se ction explains h ow to mak e a regu lar cop y. If "Audi ting m ode" has been enabl ed (page 23), enter your 5 -digit a ccount n umber.
46 COPY FUNCTIONS 5 Press the [START] key ( ) to begin copying. The copy wil l be delive red to the centre tray. Copying f rom the SPF 1 Open the SPF a nd make sur e th at an original has not been left on the documen t g lass . Gent ly clos e the SPF.
47 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 Auto paper select mode When au to pape r select m ode is enabled, "AUTO" a ppears i n the paper size dis play. T his functi on autom aticall y selec ts paper tha t is th .
48 COPY FUNCTIONS MAKING A COPY D ARKER OR LIGHTER The co py exposur e ca n be adjusted as nee ded to the o riginal . Three ex posure modes are a vaila ble: "AUTO" , "TEXT " and "PH OTO". W hen "TE XT" or " PHOTO" is se lected, th e exp osure c an be m anually adjusted to 5 level s.
49 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 SELECTING THE TRA Y By defau lt the auto pa per sel ect functi on (page 4 7) opera tes, and thus the appr opriate tray is autom atically select ed when the o riginal is placed on the d ocument g lass or i n the docum ent fee der tray, o r when the origina l size is specif ied.
50 COPY FUNCTIONS SELECTING THE ORIGINAL SIZE If you lo aded a non- stan dard size* original or t he ori ginal siz e was not co rrectly detecte d, set th e origin al size manuall y. Perform t he foll owing ste ps after placing the docume nt in the d ocument fe eder t ray or on t he docume nt glass .
51 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 USING THE BYP A SS T RA Y T O COPY A SPECI AL SIZE ORIGI NAL When the bypas s tray is bei ng used for copyin g and an origina l that is pla ced on the d ocume nt glass is detect ed as bein g a specia l size , the disp lay will prompt th e user to set the origina l size.
52 REDUCING OR ENLARGING A COPY There ar e three wa ys to enl arge and reduce copie s: • Automati c selectio n of a r atio acc ording to th e paper size: Auto rati o selectio n • Specifyi ng a rat.
53 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 3 Select a preset ratio w ith the [ ] or [ ] key, or set the rat io (zoom) with the [ ] or [ ] key. [ ] key: Sel ect a larger p reset rati o [ ] key: Select a smal ler prese t rati.
54 SELECTING THE VER TICAL AND HORIZONT AL COPY RA TIOS SEP ARA TE L Y (XY zo om cop ying) Separa te ratio set tings can be selecte d for t he length a nd widt h of a copy . Exampl e: Reducti on only i n the h orizontal directi on • This f eature canno t be us ed with the 2 in 1 / 4 i n 1 fea ture or card shot fe ature.
55 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 7 Pres s the key. The ve rtical ratio can no w be sele cted. 8 Set t he ver tical ratio wi th the [ ], [ ], [ ], or [ ] keys. A pres et ratio can be se lected with the [ ] o r [ ] keys. The rat io can be adj usted in increm ents o f 1% with the [ ] or [ ] keys.
56 TW O-SIDED COPYING TW O-SIDED COPYING The mac hine is capable of the foll owing typ es of a utomatic two-side d copying. T he copy pa per is turned ov er automa tically, a llowing t wo-side d copyin g to be accompl ished wit h ease .
57 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 TW O-SIDED C OPYING OF ONE-SIDED O RIGINALS • Paper siz es that c an be use d are A3, B4, A 4, A4R, B5, B5R, A 5, 11" x 17", 8- 1/2" x 1 4", 8-1/2 " x 13", 8-1/2" x 11" and 8-1/ 2" x 1 1"R.
58 COPY FUNCTIONS Copy ing fr om the docum ent gla ss 1 Place the original for the front side of the copy on the docu ment glass, and clos e the SPF. 2 Pres s the [2-S IDED COP Y] key. The du plex m ode s elect ion screen a ppears. 3 S el e ct " 1 t o 2" w it h t he [ ] o r [ ] k e y, or with the [2-SIDED COPY] key.
59 COPY FUNCTIONS 4 TW O-SIDED COPIES OF TW O-SIDED ORIGINALS (ONL Y WHEN USING THE RSPF) • Paper siz es that c an be use d are A3, B4, A 4, A4R, B5, B5R, A 5, 11" x 17", 8- 1/2" x 1 4", 8-1/2 " x 13", 8-1/2" x 11" and 8-1/ 2" x 1 1"R.
60 COPY FUNCTIONS ONE-SIDED COPIES OF TWO-SIDED ORIGINALS (ONL Y WHEN USING THE RSPF) • Paper siz es that c an be use d are A3, B4, A 4, A4R, B5, B5R, A 5, 11" x 17", 8- 1/2" x 1 4", 8-1/2 " x 13", 8-1/2" x 11" and 8-1/ 2" x 1 1"R.
61 4 TW O-SIDED COPIES USING THE BYP ASS TRA Y Follo w the st eps below to per form two- sided c opyin g manuall y. Exampl e: Copyin g origin al A and o riginal B ont o both sid es of the p aper 1 Copy original A.
62 DU AL P A GE COPY (Dual pa ge copy) The dua l page copy fun ction pr oduces s eparate copie s of open b ound ori ginal pag es. Thi s functi on is co nvenient when you wish to ma ke a s eparate copy of e ach page o f a book or othe r bound do cumen t.
63 4 INTERR UPTING A COPY R UN (Inter rupt cop ying) A copy run can be tempor arily interru pted to all ow anoth er copy j ob to be performed. (Interr upt copy ing) When the other job is fi nished, the cop y run wi ll resume using the orig inal cop y set tings.
64 5 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS Select convenient copy fun ctions a fter press ing the [CO PY] key to select c opy mod e. R O T A TING THE IMA GE 90 DEGREES (Rotatio n cop y) When " Auto p aper se.
65 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 5 1 Plac e the orig inals in the docume nt feeder tray or the first original on the document glass. If the o riginals are placed in the document feeder tray, sort mode will be automa tically selecte d. This can b e changed to no sort in the syst em sett ings.
66 COPYING MUL TIPLE ORIGINALS ONT O A SINGLE SHEET OF P APER (2 in 1 / 4 in 1 cop y) Multipl e origi nals can be co pied on to a sing le sh eet of paper in a se lected layo ut. This func tion is conveni ent when y ou wish to present multiple pages in a comp act format, o r sh ow a view o f all pages i n a docum ent.
67 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 5 5 Select "2in1/4in1" w ith the [ ] or [ ] key. 6 Press t he [OK] ke y. The 2 in 1 / 4 in 1 selec tion sc reen wil l appear. 7 Select "2 in1" or "4in 1" with the [ ] or [ ] key. 8 Press t he [OK] ke y.
68 CREA TING MARGINS WHEN COPYING (Margin shift) The mar gin shift functio n shifts the image to cre ate a margin at the edge of the paper. By default the function cr eates a 10 mm ( 1/2") m argin at the left edge of the paper. • You can select w hether to c reate a margin a t the top edge or a t the left ed ge of th e paper.
69 5 ERASING SHADO WS AR OUND THE EDGES OF A COPY ( Erase cop y) This feat ure is u sed to er ase shad ows that ap pear ar ound the edg es of cop ies of books a nd other t hick or iginals . (Edge e rase) The fea ture can also eras e the shado w that ap pears down t he cen tre of boo ks and ot her ori ginals th at open up.
70 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 7 Selec t the er asure widt h with the [ ] or [ ] key. If you se lect 0 mm (0"), the printed result i s the sa me as when "O FF" is sele cted. 8 Press t he [OK] ke y. You will return to th e bas e screen . 9 Select other copy se ttings as needed and press th e [START] key ( ) .
71 5 CARD SHO T When co pying a c ard, thi s functi on allows y ou to prin t the fron t and ba ck sides of the c ard next to e ach ot her on a single sheet of pape r. This func tion creat es 2 in 1 images of the fr ont and bac k side of the card a nd cent res them on the pap er.
72 CONVENIENT COPY FUNCTIONS 8 Press t he [STAR T] key ( ) . The front si de of the card is scanned . 9 Turn the original over on the document glass. 10 Press t he [STAR T] key ( ) . Copying will start a fter both sides o f the ori ginal have been scanned .
73 6 APPENDIX SPECIFICA TIONS Name Digital Multifuncti onal Sys tem MX-M1 60D MX-M200 D Ty p e D e s k t o p Photocon ductive type O PC dru m Document g lass type Fixed Copy system Laser electros tatic meth od Or iginals S heets, bou nd docume nts, max.
74 APPENDIX Output tray specificatio ns * When the job se parator tray kit is i nstalled , 150 she ets in centre tray, 100 sheets in top tray. The max imum numbe r of pag es that ca n be held v aries dep ending on ambient c ondition s in the i nstallati on locati on, the typ e of paper , and the st orage con ditions of the pape r.
75 7 SYSTEM SETTINGS GUIDE PURPOSE OF THE SYSTEM SETTINGS The system settings are used by the adm inistrator of the machine to enable or dis able functions to suit the needs of your wor kpla ce.
76 PR OGRAMMING AN ADMINISTRA T OR PA S S W O R D 1 Press the [SPECIAL FUNCTION] key. The sp ecial fu nction screen wi ll appea r. 2 Select "SYSTE M SETTINGS" with the [ ] or [ ] ke y. 3 Press t he [OK] ke y. The adm inistr ator password e ntry sc reen appears .
77 7 SYSTEM SETTINGS LIST A list of basic programs used for the machi ne and a list o f programs used for the copy function are show n below . Programs for general use of the machin e * OFFSET FUNCTION is no t available in some count ries and regio ns.
78 USING THE SYSTEM SETTINGS 1 Press the [SPECIAL FUNCTION] key. The sp ecial fu nction screen wi ll appea r. 2 Select "SYSTE M SETTINGS" with the [ ] or [ ] ke y. 3 Press t he [OK] ke y. The adm inistr ator passwo rd entry s creen a ppears.
79 SYST EM SE TTING S GUI DE 7 A CCOUNT CONTR O L These programs are used to contr ol use of the machin e by acc ount. To a ccess one of thes e programs, select "ACCOUNT CONTROL " in the mode selection scree n, select the desire d program i n the accoun t control s creen, and p ress the [O K] key.
80 SYSTEM S ETTINGS GUID E Resetting a single account 1 Select "RESET 1 ACC." with t he [ ] or [ ] key and th en press the [OK] key. 2 Select the desir ed account with the [ ] or [ ] k ey. If "---, ---" appears fo r a page li mit, a lim it has n ot been set.
81 SYST EM SE TTING S GUI DE 7 ACCOU NT LIMIT This pr ogram is used to s et limi ts for the number o f pages th at can be p rinted by each ac count in print mode and co py mode. Select "ACCO UNT LIMIT" and press the [OK] key. Th e followin g scre en appe ars.
82 SYSTEM S ETTINGS GUID E DEVICE CONTR OL These programs are used to con figure s ettings f or hardwar e functio ns of the m achine. To acce ss one o f these pr ograms, s elect "DEVICE CONTROL" i n the mode se lecti on screen, selec t the d esired pr ogram in the devi ce contr ol scree n, and p ress the [O K] key .
83 SYST EM SE TTING S GUI DE 7 RETURN FROM COPY MODE TIMING When the re are print j obs or fax print jobs wai ting to be printed after co py job i s finish ed, this p rogram is used to set a b rief wait time unti l printing of those j obs begins.
84 SYSTEM S ETTINGS GUID E Sele ct "ME SSAGE TIME" and press the [ OK] ke y. The followin g scre en will ap pear. 1 Select t he desired displ ay time with the [ ] or [ ] key. 2 Press the [OK] key. KEY TOUCH SOUND This progr am is us ed to set the volum e of the key touch s ound that i s heard each time a key is p ressed .
85 SYST EM SE TTING S GUI DE 7 To ena ble the settin g, select "DISABLE P APER SIZE SE T" and press the [OK] k ey so tha t a checkma rk appear s in the c heckbox. To disable the setting, select "DISABLE PAPER SIZE SE T" once ag ain and press the [ OK] key so that th e checkmar k is cleare d from t he checkbo x.
86 SYSTEM S ETTINGS GUID E COPY SETTINGS These programs are used to enab le va rious cop y function s. To ac cess o ne of thes e progra ms, select "COPIER" in the mode select ion scree n, selec t the desir ed progr am in the c opy settings screen , and press the [OK] ke y.
87 SYST EM SE TTING S GUI DE 7 Sele ct "DEFA ULT TRAY SET" and pres s the [OK] ke y. The f ollow ing sc reen will a ppea r. 1 Select the tray with the [ ] or [ ] key. 2 Press the [OK] key. DEFAULT EXPOSU RE This pr ogram is used to s elect th e exposu re mode/l evel t hat is in itial ly sele cted whe n the [EXPOS URE] ke y is pr essed.
88 SYSTEM S ETTINGS GUID E RESOLUTI ON IN AUTO/ TEXT MO DE This pr ogram is used to s et the re solut ion used when the expo sure mo de is set to " AUTO" o r "TEXT" . When "300dpi " is selec ted, th e first cop y time i s shorter than when "60 0dpi" is sele cted.
89 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 1/4 Date Issued : Apr. 1, 2009 MSDS No. F-01801 1.PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name : MX-206NT/ MX-206GT/ MX-206AT/ MX-206FT (Black Toner) Supplier Identification : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below.
90 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 2/4 Date Issued : Apr. 1, 2009 MSDS No. F-01801 3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Most Important Hazards and Effects of the Products Human Health Effects : There are no anticipated ca rcinogenic effects from exposure base d on animal tests performed using toner.
91 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 3/4 Date Issued : Apr. 1, 2009 MSDS No. F-01801 Exposure Limit Values OSHA-PEL(USA) : 15mg/m 3 (Total Dust), 5mg/m 3 (Respirable Dust) ACGIH-TLV(USA) : 10mg/m 3 (Total Dust), 3mg/m 3 (Respirable Dust) Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection : Not required under intended use.
92 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 4/4 Date Issued : Apr. 1, 2009 MSDS No. F-01801 Chronic Effect : In a study in rats of chronic inhalation exposure to a typical toner, a mild to moderate degree of.
93 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 1/4 Date Issued : May. 1, 2008 MSDS No. F-31651 1.PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name : AR-205ND/ AR-205DV / AR-205SD/ AR-205SD-C (Black Develope r) Supplier Identification : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below.
94 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 2/4 Date Issued : May. 1, 2008 MSDS No. F-31651 3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Most Important Hazards and Effects of the Products Human Health Effects : There are no anticipated ca rcinogenic effects from exposure base d on animal tests performed using toner.
95 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 3/4 Date Issued : May. 1, 2008 MSDS No. F-31651 Exposure Limit Values OSHA-PEL(USA) : 15mg/m 3 (Total Dust), 5mg/m 3 (Respirable Dust) ACGIH-TLV(USA) : 10mg/m 3 (Total Dust), 3mg/m 3 (Respirable Dust) Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection : Not required under intended use.
96 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page : 4/4 Date Issued : May. 1, 2008 MSDS No. F-31651 Chronic Effect : In a study in rats of chronic inhalation exposure to a typical toner, a mild to moderate degree of.
97 INDEX Symbols / Numbers [ ] key ................... ................ ................ ................. .15 2 in 1 / 4 in 1 copy .......... ................ ................ ........... 66 250-sheet pap er feed unit / 2 x 250-shee t paper fee d unit .
98 L LINE indic ator ................. ............ ................. .............. 15 Loading pa per ...... ................ ................ ................ .....18 Loading pape r in the bypass tray ...... ................ ........2 0 M Main featur es .
99 Convenient copy functions 2 in 1 / 4 in 1 copy .......... ................ ................ ........... 66 Card shot .... ................ ................ ................. .............. 71 Erase copy ........... ................ ................
1 00.
101 ✂ ADMINISTRA T OR P ASSW ORD NUMBER: F A CT OR Y SETTING The foll owing is the factor y setting of the Administr ator Passw ord Number, whi ch must be used to access the System Sett ings. Facto ry setting = 0000 0 This num ber m ust be ent ered when accessin g the S ystem Settin gs for th e first time.
1 0 3.
Attention: Your product is marke d with this symbo l. It means that used el ectrical and electronic prod uct s should not be m i xed with general house hold w aste. There is a separa te collection system for these product s. A. Information on Disposal fo r Users (private households) 1.
SHARP ELECTRONICS (Eur ope) GmbH Sonnins traße 3, D-20 097 Hamburg Notice for Users in Europe.
An important point after buying a device Sharp MX-M160D (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sharp MX-M160D yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sharp MX-M160D - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sharp MX-M160D you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sharp MX-M160D will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sharp MX-M160D, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sharp MX-M160D.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sharp MX-M160D. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sharp MX-M160D along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center