Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product AL-1215 Sharp
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FOR YOUR PROTECTION... To aid in reporting this unit in case of loss or theft, please record below the model number and serial number located on the back of the unit. We also suggest you record all the information listed and retain for future reference.
1 CAUTIONS Caution label on t he unit The label ( ) in the fusing a rea of the u nit indic ates the followi ng: : Caut ion, risk of danger : Caut ion, hot s urface Cautions on using Follow the cauti ons below when using this uni t. Warning: • The fusi ng area is hot.
2 Cautions on handling Be careful in handl ing the un it as follow s to mainta in the perf ormance o f this unit. Do not drop the unit, subject it to shock or s trike it again st any objec t.
3 1 2 4 3 5 6 8 7 9 1 INTRODUCTION USING THE MANUALS .............. ... 4 PART NAMES ..... ................. ......... 5 OPERATION PANEL ............ ......... 6 2 SETTING UP THE UNIT SETUP PROCEDURE ................... 7 CHECKING PACKED COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES .
4 This ch apter provi des basi c informa tion for us ing the u nit. USING THE MANUAL S In addition to this printed manual an online manual is also provided. (The AL-1215 does not have an online manual.) To get full use of all features and functions of this product, be sure to familiarize yourse lf with both manuals.
5 1 PART NAMES Interface TD cartridg e Drum cartridg e SPF/RSPF (AL-1540CS/1551CS) Original cover (AL-1215/1530CS) Original e xit area Re vering tra y 2 3 4 1 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 7 Single bypass .
6 OPERATION PANEL Origin al to copy key and indicat ors (AL-155 1CS) Two-sid ed copies from one-sided origin als. Turn on Lon g Edge or Turn on Sho rt Edge can be sel ected. Two-sided copies from two-sided originals. (Can be selected only when the RSPF is used.
7 2 Foll ow th e inst allati on pro cedur e bel ow to us e the u nit pr operl y. SETUP PROCEDURE When usi ng the uni t for the fi rst time, setu p the unit following the proced ure shown below. * 1 If you are only usi ng the uni t for copy ing, skip th is step.
8 CHECKING PACKED COMPONENTS AN D ACCESSORIES Open the carton an d check if the follow ing compo nents and accessories are include d. If anythi ng is not included or is dam aged, co ntact our T echnica l Assista nce Department at 1-(630)37 8-3590 in the USA or 905 -568-7140 i n Canada.
9 2 2 Remove all pieces of tape shown in the illustration below. T hen open the o riginal cove r/SPF/RSPF and remove pr otective materials. After that, take out the bag containing the power cord and TD cartridge. 3 Release the scan head lo cking swit ch.
10 INSTALLING THE TD CARTRIDGE 1 Open the multi-bypass tray (AL-1551CS , p.17), and t hen open the side cover. 2 Remove the CA UTION tape from the fr ont cover and remove the two protective pins from the fus ing unit by pulling the strings upward one at a time.
11 2 5 Gently insert t he TD cartridge until it locks in place while pushing the lock release button. 6 Close the fro nt cover and th en the side cover b y pressin g the round projections nea r the side cover open but ton. When closing the cove rs, be sure to clo se the front c over securel y and then c lose the side c over.
12 POWER ON Ensure that th e power swit ch of the unit i s in the OFF po sition. Plug the other end of the power c ord into th e nearest out let. Turn the power switc h on the l eft side of the unit to th e "ON" position .
13 2 Initial settings of operation panel When the unit power is on, t he oper ation pane l will rev ert to the in itial se ttings when the time set with the "Auto clear time" setting (p.55) elapses afte r a copy or scanne r job is fi nished, or when the cle ar ( ) key is pressed twice.
14 Follow the steps be low to load paper into the tray. PAPER For best re sults, us e only p aper recomm ended by SHARP. * Do not use no n-standard envelop es, and envelop es that have m etal cl asps, plastic snappers , string c losures, w indows, li nings, s elf-adhes ive, patches or synth etic material s.
15 3 LOADING TH E PAPER TRAY 1 Raise the handle of the paper tray and pull the paper tray out un til it stops. 2 Remove the pressure p late lock. Ro tate the pre ssure plate lock in the direction of the arrow to remove it while pressing down the pres sure plate o f the paper tray.
16 5 Fan the paper and insert it into the tray. Make sure the edges go under the corner hooks. 6 Gently push the paper tray back into th e unit. Do not l oad pape r above the maximum height line ( ).
17 3 BYPASS FEED (including speci al paper) The mult i-bypass tray (AL-155 1CS) or the s ingle byp ass (AL-12 15/AL-1530CS/ AL- 1540CS) can be us ed to feed standard paper, trans parency film, lab els, envelo pes, and other special purpos e paper.
18 3 Press the tray select ( ) key to sele ct the multi-by pass tray. The single bypass (AL-1215/AL-1530CS/AL-1540CS) 1 Select copy and print set tings before you begin the copy job. For info rmation on the copy se ttings, see "MAKING COPIES" (p .
19 4 This ch apter expl ains how to in stall the software tha t allows the AL -1530CS, AL- 1540CS, and AL-1551 CS to be use d as a pri nter and sca nner, and th e procedu res for using the printe r and scanne r function s. The foll owing term is used in this chap ter.
20 HARDWARE AND SOFTW ARE REQUIREMENTS Check the follo wing ha rdware and sof tware re quirem ents in order to install t he softw are. * 1 Compat ible wi th Window s 98, Windows Me, W indows 2000 P rofessional , Wind ows XP Professi onal or Windo ws XP Home Edit ion preinstalle d model with USB interface equipp ed as standar d.
21 4 Flow of installation Refer to the followi ng table a nd then be gin insta llation. INSTALLING THE SOF TWARE The follo wing term i s used in th is secti on.
22 3 Double-clic k the "setup " ( ) ic on. 4 Select t he software packages to be installed, and then cli ck the "Nex t" button. The software pac kages w ith check mark ( ) on the l ist on the screen wi ll be ins talled. Clic k the "Dis play REA DME" but ton to sho w the i nformatio n on the s elected p ackage.
23 4 3 Click the "Nex t" button in th e dialog box to install th e MFP driver o r Cancel to quit the installation. The s etup p rogr am will star t to co py the files . If the foll owing scre en appears while the files are being co pied (the m essage may appe ar more than once ), click "Continue Anyway".
24 10 Make sur e that the p ower of the M FP is tu rned on, a nd then connect t he USB interfa ce cable or p arallel interf ace cable. (p.4 5) Window s will de tect the MFP a nd the Plug and Play screen wil l appear. If you are using Wi ndows XP with the parall el interface, go to step 12.
25 4 Installing onto Windows 98/Me/2000 (USB interface) Before sta rting th e install ation, ma ke sure th e USB interfac e cable is not co nnected to the MFP. 1 Insert the supplied CD -ROM into your CD-ROM drive. 2 Double-click "My Computer" ( ), and then double-click the CD-ROM ( ) icon.
26 6 Copying files for MFP driver in stallation. 1 After confir ming the m essage in th e "Welcome" window, click the "Next" button. 2 A dialog b ox appears a sking you to verify tha t the interface cable is not conne cted to the M FP.
27 4 8 Begin installa tion of the Shar pdesk (This step will start if it was sel ecte d in st ep 4). 1 After confir ming the m essage in th e "Welcome to Sharpdesk installation" window, clic k the "Next" button. 2 Read the m essage in the "Informatio n" window, an d then click the "Next" button.
28 Installing onto Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000 (Parall el inte rface) Before sta rting the in stallati on, make sure the USB o r parallel interface cable is not connect ed to the MFP. 1 Insert the supplied CD -ROM into your CD-ROM drive. 2 Double-click "My Computer" ( ), and then double-click the CD-ROM ( ) icon.
29 4 7 Copying f iles for MFP d river i nstallation and parallel i nterface setup (Thi s step wil l start if it was selecte d in step 4). 1 After confir ming the m essage in th e "Welcome" window, click the "Next" button.
30 8 Begin installa tion of the Shar pdesk (This step will start if it was sel ecte d in st ep 4). 1 After confir ming the m essage in th e "Welcome to Sharpdesk installation" window, clic k the "Next" button. 2 Read the m essage in the "Informatio n" window, an d then click the "Next" button.
31 4 INDICATORS ON THE OPERATION PANEL The ONLIN E indic ator and th e start ( ) indi cator ind icate the state of the printer or scanner. Start indicator On: Indicat es the un it is ready for copyin g or scann ing is b eing perfor med. Blinking : The indica tor blink s in the fo llowing s ituations : • When a p rint job is interrupte d.
32 USING THE PRINTER MODE Opening the printer driver from the start menu Open the printer dri ver setup sc reen by th e method sh own below. 1 Click the "start" button. 2 Click "Control Panel", select "Printers and Other Hardware", and then click "Prin ters and Faxe s".
33 4 How to print 1 Make sure that the paper of the desi red size and type is loaded in the tray. The pr ocedure f or loading paper is the s ame as f or loading copy paper. See "LOADING PAPER" (p.14). 2 Open the document you intend to print, and select "Print" fr om the application's "File " menu.
34 USING THE SCA NNER MODE The scan ner driver for this unit includes an STI (Stil l image) dr iver and WIA (Window s Image Acqu isition) d river. You can install software that supports the STI driver an d WIA driver to enable scan ning usin g the ope ration pane l of the un it.
35 4 Windows 98/Me/2000 To scan directly into an applica tion usin g the Button Manager on Windows 98, Window s Me and Win dows 2000 . Set the Eve nt Manage r properties to send only to Button Manager a s shown below .
36 Scan Button Destination Setting Dia log Box After you h ave comple ted the Butt on Manag er setting s in Window s, configure the scan se ttings in Button Man ager. To config ure the sca n settings in Bu tton Manag er, right cli ck the ( ) icon in the Taskbar and se lect "Sett ing" from the menu tha t appears.
37 4 Flow of the Button Manager setting The Button Manager can dire ctly han dle a AL-xxx x (where xxxx is the model name of your unit ) series devic e event and s tart yo ur selected application ac cording to the scan se tting mad e on the AL -xxxx (whe re xxxx is the model name of your unit) operation panel (SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6).
38 All About The Windows Event Mana ger and scanner events in Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2 000 and Windows XP. Windows Pl atforms p rovide a mec hanism for software to h andle ext e rnal e vents for a scann er device like the SHARP AL-xxxx (where xxxx i s the mo del name of your unit) seri es produc ts.
39 4 Using the SCANNER key to begin scanning 1 Press the SCANNER ( ) key. The uni t enters scan mode . 2 Place the o riginal yo u wish to sca n on the orig inal table/S PF. For the p rocedure fo r placing the original , see "OR IGINAL PLACE MENT" (p.
40 4 Press the start ( ) key. Scannin g will sta rt and t he scanned d ata will be transferre d to the applic ation. Opening the scanner driver and scanning from your computer Follow the steps b elow to open the scanne r driver set up screen . As an example , this instruct ion is given us ing Sharpd esk as a n image capture ap plicatio n.
41 4 3 Select " SHARP P ersonal M FP series", an d click the "Select" button. 4 Select " Acquire Image " from the "File" me nu, or click the "Acquire" but ton ( ) . 5 Set the configuration f or scanning (refer to the online manual and help file), and click the "Scan" button.
42 Scanning with the "Scann er and Camera Wizard" in Windows XP Window s XP includes as a sta ndard featu re an ima ge scann ing function . The procedure for scann ing with th e "Sca nner and Cam era Wiza rd" is ex plained here. 1 Place the o riginal yo u wish to sca n on the orig inal table/S PF/ RSPF.
43 4 HOW TO USE THE ONLINE MANUAL The onli ne manua l provide s detail ed instru ctions fo r operating the unit as the p rinter or scann er and a li st of met hods for de aling with printing o r scanne r problems . To acces s the on line manual , your compu ter must h ave Acrobat Rea der 5.
44 USING OTHER INSTALL ED DRIVERS If you us e another GDI printer o r a Win dows Printin g System prin ter, interfe rence between printers may occur and p rinting may not be performed properly.
45 4 CONNECTING THE IN TERFACE CABLE This uni t include s both USB an d paralle l interface c onnectors . Interface cables f or connec ting the u nit to you r compute r are not in cluded w ith this unit. Plea se purchase the appropria te cable for your computer .
46 This ch apter expl ains bas ic and ot her copying functions. The unit is equipped wi th a one -page mem ory buffe r. This mem ory allo ws the un it to scan an original once only and make u p to 99 c opies.
47 5 About interrupt copying If you pre ss the start ( ) key to begin a c opy job wh ile a prin t job usin g the pape r tray or mul ti-bypass tra y is in prog ress, the copy job will be gin automa tically afte r the print data in the un it's memory i s printed (interrupt copying).
48 Using the SPF/RSPF The SPF/R SPF is desi gned to h old up to 30 origina ls measuri ng from 5-1/ 2" x 8-1/ 2" to 8-1/2" x 14" and weig hting from 14 lbs. to 23.9 lbs. (52 g /m 2 to 90 g /m 2 ). 1 Make sure that no original is left on the original table.
49 5 SET THE COPY QUANTITY Set the num ber of copi es using the two copy quantity ( , ) keys when co pying from the o riginal ta ble or cop ying from SPF/RSP F. • Press the ri ght copy q uantity k ey to set the un it digit from 0 to 9. This k ey will no t change the tens digi t.
50 Automat ic exposure adjust ment The autom atic exposu re l evel c an be adju sted t o sui t yo ur cop ying needs. This leve l is set f or copyi ng from th e origin al table and cop ying fro m the SPF /RSPF re specti vely.
51 5 REDUCTION/ENLARGEMENT/ZOOM Three pr eset reduc tion ratios and two enlarg ement ratio s can be se lected. The zoom function enables copy rati o selection from 25% to 4 00% in 1% incremen ts. 1 Set the or iginal and check the p aper size. 2 Use the co py ratio se lector key and/or ZOOM ( , ) keys to select t he desired c opy rati o.
52 This ch apter de scribes the special function s of this unit. Use th ese functions as needed. ABOUT THE SPECIAL FUNCT IONS OF AL-1551CS Two sided copying When cop ying from the RSPF, tw o-side origin als can be copie d automat ically without having to man ually turn them ov er.
53 6 A: When copying in a one-sided to two-sided mo de: Use the original to copy key to se lect the d esired on e-sided t o two-sided copying mode (Tu rn on Long Edge or Turn on Short Edg e).
54 DESCRIPTION OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Toner save mode (page 54) Reduce s toner c onsumption by approx imately 10% . Power s ave modes (p age 55) The unit h as two power save modes o f operation : preheat mode an d auto powe r shut-off m ode.
55 6 2 Press and hold dow n the exposure mode selector key for approximately 5 seconds. The MANUAL ( ) indicator w ill go out and the PHOTO ( ) indicator will begin to blink. The light an d dark indicator marked "5" will light up, indi cating the standard toner mode is active.
56 * Factory d efault se ttings are ind icated wit h an asteris k (*). 5 Press the start ( ) ke y. The righ t-hand numbe r in the dis play will be steadily lit and the entered value w ill be stored. 6 Press the light ( ) or dark ( ) key to return t o the norma l copy mode.
7 57 This c hapter de scribes how to re place th e TD cart ridge and drum c artridge and how to clean the unit. TD CAR TRIDGE R EPLACE MENT The TD cart ridge repla cement requi red ( ) indicator wil l light up whe n toner is needed. F or more in formation on purchasin g the TD cartridge, see "ABOUT SUPPLIES AND OPTIO NS" (p.
58 4 Close the f ront cover and then the si de cover by pr essing the round projections near the side cov er open button. The indicator ( ) will go out and the start ( ) indicator will li ght up. DRUM CARTRIDGE REPL ACEMENT The usefu l life of the drum cartri dge is ap proximately 18,000 cop ies.
59 7 4 Gently inst all the TD ca rtridge. To install the TD cartridg e, see "INSTALLING THE TD CARTRID GE" (p.10). 5 Close the front cover and then th e side cove r by pressin g the round projectio ns near the side cover open button. The drum replacement required ( ) indicator will go out and the start ( ) indic ator will light up.
60 Transf er charger If copies start becom ing strea ky or blo tchy, the transfer c harger may be dirty. C lean the charg er using t he followin g procedure. 1 Tu rn the p ower swit ch of f. (p. 13) 2 Ensure th at the multi-bypa ss tray is open (AL-1551CS ) and then open the side cover while pressing the side cover open butt on.
61 8 This ch apter de scribes mi sfeed rem oval and troublesh ooting. For prob lems with the printer function o r the scan ner functio n, see the online manu al or the He lp file for th e printer/s canner driver. TROU BLES HOOTIN G If any pro blem occ urs, check the list below before contacti ng our Tec hnical Assi stanc e Depar tment.
62 STATUS INDICA TORS When the foll owing in dicators li ght up or blink on the operati on panel or the fo llowing alphanum eric cod es appea r in the di splay, solv e the prob lem immed i ately referring to bot h the table below and the releva nt page.
63 8 MISF EED R EMO VAL When t he misfe ed ( ) indi cator blin ks or blin ks in the display , the unit will stop because of a misfe ed. If a mis feed occ urs when u sing the SPF/R SPF, a nu mber may appear in the dis play after a minus sign .
64 A: Misf eed in the pa per feed area 1 Gently re move the misfed paper from t he paper fee d area as shown in the illustration. W hen the misfeed ( ) indica tor blinks, and the misfed paper is not se en from the paper feed area, pull out the paper tray and remove the misfed paper.
65 8 2 Gently re move the misfed p aper from under the fusin g unit as shown in the illustration. If t he paper cannot be removed, proceed to "C: Misf eed in the transpor t area". 3 Raise the f using unit re lease lever and then close the s ide cover by pressing the round projections near the s ide cover open button.
66 4 Raise the f using unit release le ver, close th e front cove r and then close the side cover by pressing the round projections near the s ide cover open button.
67 8 (B) Open the SPF/RSPF a nd rotate the rol ler rotating knob to remove the misfed origin al from the exit area. If the misfed origina l cannot be e asily removed , proceed to (C). (AL-155 1CS) With the R SPF, pull o ut the revers ing tray to remove the m isfed origi nal.
68 SPE CIFI CATIO NS Mode l AL-1215 AL-1530CS AL-1540CS AL-1551 CS Type Digital laser copier desk-top type Digital multifunctional system, desk-top type Copy/printing system Dry, electrostatic transfe.
69 9 * 1 Feed paper lengthwise only. * 2 Leading and trailing edges. * 3 Along the other edges in totals. * 4 The trailing edge of the second (Two-sided copy mode). * 5 Data transmission time is not included. (Only for printer) * 6 Not includes TD an d drum cartrid ges.
70 ABOUT SUPPLIES AND OPTIONS When or dering su pplies, please use the correct pa rt numbers as listed b elow. Supply list * Based on copying onto lette r-type paper at 5% toned area (The life of the TD cartridge which has been inc luded in the unit at the factor y is approxim ately 2, 000 sheet s.
71 9 MOVING AND STORING THE UNIT Moving instructions When mov ing the u nit, follow the procedure below. 1 Turn the p ower swit ch of f and re move t he po wer co rd fr om the outl et. 2 Open the side cover an d front cove r, in that order. Remove the TD cartridge and close the front cover and side cover , in that ord er.
72 INDEX A Acrobat Rea der .... ................. ............ 43 Alar m in dicato r - Drum replac ement req uired indicator ........... ................. .. 6, 58, 62 - Misfeed ind icator ................ 6, 62, 63 - TD cartri dge replacem ent require d indicator .
73 M Making copies ........... ....................... . 46 MFP d river - Print Stat us Window .................... . 19 - Printer dr iver ..................... ............ 19 - Scanner dri ver ............ ................. . 19 Misfeed indicator ..
74 U USB interfac e cable ............... ...... 45, 70 Using other inst alled drivers .............. 44 Using the manua ls ...................... ......... 4 Using the printer mo de ..................... . 32 Using the scanner m ode ....... .........
76 6. Limit ed W arra nty on Med ia. SHARP wa rrants the dis ks on which the Softwa re is reco rded t o be fr ee from de fects in materi als and workmans hip und er nor mal use for a p eriod of ninety ( 90) day s from t he date o f purch ase as e viden ced by a copy of the rec eipt.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-00831 Page: 1/4 1. PRO DUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name : AL-100TD / DM-150TD / AL-110TD / AL-110DC (Black Toner) Supplie r Identif ication : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-00831 Page: 2/4 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION This Preparation is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-00831 Page: 3/4 8. EXPOSURE CO NTROL / PERSONAL PROTECTION Eng inee ring Me asure s Ventilation : None required with intended use.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-00831 Page: 4/4 Chronic E ffect : In a study in rats of chronic inhalation exposure to a typi cal toner, a mild.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-30831 Page: 1/4 1. PRO DUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product N ame : AL-100TD / DM-150TD / AL-110TD / AL-110DC (Black Develope r) Supplie r Identif ication : Sharp Corporation 22-22 Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan Local suppliers are listed below.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-30831 Page: 2/4 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Most Important Hazards and Effects of the Product s Human Health Effects : There are no anticipated carcinogenic effects from exposure based on animal tests perform ed using toner.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-30831 Page: 3/4 Personal Prot ective Equipment Respiratory Protection : Not r equired under intended use. Hand Protection : Not required und er intended use. Eye Protect ion : Not r equired under intended use.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Data Revised: Jun.28.2002 Data Issued: Jun. 1.1998 MSDS NO. F-30831 Page: 4/4 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data are available. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION Waste from residues : W aste material may be dumped or incinerated under conditions which meet all federal, state and local environmental regulations.
For users in the USA This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
PRINTED IN CHINA KS TINSE0738QSZ3 2002H Printed on Recycled Paper SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Sharp Plaza, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-2135. SHARP ELECTRONICS OF CANADA LTD. 335 Britannia Road East, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z 1W9 SHARP CORPORATION 1 AL-1215_1530-1551CS.
An important point after buying a device Sharp AL-1215 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sharp AL-1215 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sharp AL-1215 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sharp AL-1215 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sharp AL-1215 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sharp AL-1215, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sharp AL-1215.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sharp AL-1215. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sharp AL-1215 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center