Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product FD91185SS Servis
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T : 0800 0124 382 GUARANTEE NOW 2 YEAR REGISTER TO ACTIV A TE YOUR Parts & Labour for 2 years. Go to www for more information SERVIS.
Contents 01 Welcome 02 Safety Instructions 07 Y our Fridge Freezer 13 T echnical Specification 14 Installation 17 Usage 28 Food Storage T ips 32 Cleaning and Care 35 T roubleshooting 39 Guarantee 41 .
01 T : 0800 0124 382 W EL C OME WE LC OM E Th ank you for ch oosing this Ser v is FD91 185 SS A meric an St yle Fr idge Fr eezer , w hich has be en designed and m anufa ctur ed to gi ve you man y year s of trouble -fr ee ser vic e.
02 T : 0800 0124 382 SA F E T Y INS T R UC T IONS T o en sure y our sa fe t y and t he sa fe t y of o th er s, pleas e re ad the f ollowing s af et y pr ecau tion s bef ore yo u use yo ur Fr idge F ree zer. Y our F ridge Fr eezer co nfor ms to curren t safe t y requirem ents.
03 T : 0800 0124 382 SA F E T Y INS T RUC T IONS Do not c onnec t your Fr idge Fr eezer to t he mains elec tricit y sup ply using an ex tension lead. A damaged p ower c ord /plug can caus e fire or give y ou an elec tric sho ck. W hen damage d it must b e replace d, this should only be done by qualified pe rsonn el .
04 T : 0800 0124 382 Th e pack aging of the ma chine could be haz ardous to children. Pleas e refer to t he dispos al inst ruc tions on t he rear c over .
05 T : 0800 0124 382 SA F E T Y INS T RUC T IONS Ecolo gical Hint s and T ips : We have pr ovide d a few impor t ant hint s and tips, so t hat you c an sav e on the co st of ener gy an d help prote ct th e environment . Do not ins tall the F ridge Fr eezer clos e to sour ces o f heat su ch as a radiator.
06 T : 0800 0124 382 Y our S er vis Fr idge Fre ezer con tains sev eral adv ance d feat ures including: Multi-Z one T e chnology; t hi s al lows you t o independentl y cont rol the dif fer ent zones of your F ridge Fr eezer . For ex ample you may w ish to decre ase your f reez er capa cit y while incre asing your ref riger ator cap acit y.
Y O U R FR I D G E FR E EZE R F RONT V IE W Figure 3 Bottom basket To p basket 9 Crisper s Adj ustab l e glass s helf (1 of 3) Bottom door shelf Middle door shelves 8 7 T op door shelf C hille r Cool .
08 T : 0800 0124 382 Th e foll owing inf orma tion will help you to ident if y the dif fer ent par t s of your F ridge Fr eezer an d pro vide sugge stions on t he bes t way t o use them.
09 T : 0800 0124 382 Y O U R FR I D G E FR E EZE R CON T ROL P A NEL OV ER VIE W Figure 4 Y our F ridge F reez er has a touc h scre en cont rol p anel to allow you to e asi ly sele ct t he req ui red functi on.
10 T : 0800 0124 382 Icons Be verage C ooling Timer Se gment Hol iday Mode Eco Mod e Be verage C ooling Alarm Door L ight On Door Light O ff Night Sensor Chi ld Loc k Lo w Vo ltge War ning Ala r m Coo le r Information Zone 1 Information Zone 2 Information SC in dica te s th at t he Super cool fu nction is in use.
11 T : 0800 0124 382 Y O U R FR I D G E FR E EZE R 1 RE A R VIE W 2 Figure 6 Va porisati on Conta ine r Condenser.
12 T : 0800 0124 382 1 Condenser . 2 Vaporis ation C ont ainer; P ar t of th e ‘No Fro st ’ tec hnolog y which allows w ater c ollecte d during aut omatic de fro sting to n atur al l y evap orat e. EL EC T RICA L INF ORM A T ION Y our F ridge F ree zer require s a 22 0 -2 4 0V , 5 0 Hz mains suppl y .
13 T : 0800 0124 382 T ECHNIC A L SPEC IF IC A T ION T ECHNICA L SPECIF IC A T ION Model Numb er FD 91 1 8 5S S Pow er Sour ce 22 0 -2 4 0 V AC, 5 0Hz Pow er Consump tion (W ) 4 81 K W /ye ar Energy E.
14 T : 0800 0124 382 INS T A L L A T ION INS T AL L A TION R EQUIREMEN T S Bef ore unp acking and man oeuv ring your F ridge Fr eezer , please t ake the t ime to read an d bec ome famili ar wit h the f ol lowing p oints: Make sure t hat yo ur Fridge F reez er can fit t hrou gh al l door wa ys on rou te to it s final loc ation.
15 T : 0800 0124 382 INS T A L L A T ION ADJU STIN G TH E FE ET Fo r safe op era tion, it is impor t ant th at your F ridge Fr eezer is s table and b alanced . The t w o adjust able feet at t he fr ont ar e used to le vel your Fr idge Fre ezer . M ake sure th at your Fr idge Fr eezer is level b efor e placing any foo dst uf fs inside it .
16 T : 0800 0124 382 W hen using your Fridge F ree zer for the f irst t ime, or aft er tr anspor ta tion, keep it in an uprigh t position fo r at leas t 3 hours b efor e plugging into th e mains. This al lows e f ficient oper ation and pr event s damage to th e compre ssor .
17 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Th e Con trol P anel (Figure 4) is use d to re gulate th e temper atur e in the fr idge and fr eezer compar tments. Refri ge rator Compa r tment Y ou c an selec t a temp erat ure set t ing for the r efr igerator c ompar t ment b y using the but ton: Pr ess the but ton until the desired temperatur e i s reached.
18 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Freez er Zone 2 Y ou c an adjust the t empera ture of t he Zon e 2 compar t ment b y pres sing the bu t ton until the de si red t emper ature is r eache d: If t his compar t ment is set as a f ree zer the a vailable tempera ture s are: - 16, - 17 , - 1 8, - 1 9, -20, -21 , -2 2, -23 or -24 0 C.
19 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Beve rage C ooling A larm This f unct ion al lo ws you t o cool be verage s for up to 3 0 minutes b efor e an audible alarm sounds. Th e coldes t area of t he ref riger ator is the lo wer par t. We sugge st placing your b ever age ther e.
20 T : 0800 0124 382 This fu nction w il l n ot be ac tiva ted if y ou are using Zone 2 as a r efr igerat or . Impor t ant : Please re member to r emove y our bever ages af t er the audible aler t as ther e is a risk tha t bot tle s lef t in the r efr igerat or for too lo ng may ex plode.
21 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Q uick Fr eez ing (SUP ER FR EE Z E) Mo de This mo de al lows yo u to fr eeze pr epare d meals or large am ounts o f food quickl y .
22 T : 0800 0124 382 Lig hts Y our F ridge Fr eezer co ntains a ser ies of LE Ds hidden within the do or handles and an int erior light (tha t is i lluminated up on door opening). T o t urn the L EDs an d interior light on: Pr ess the but to n for at leas t 3 se conds un til is displaye d on the C ont rol Pane l.
23 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Screens aver This mo de al lo ws you t o save en ergy b y tur ning the C ontr ol Panel of f w hen it is not r equired. T o activa te screensaver mo de: Pr ess the but to n for at le ast 3 se conds un til the Co ntr ol Panel display is tur ned of f.
24 T : 0800 0124 382 Y ou c an tur n the au dible beep of f by p res sing the but to n. The wil l continue to be displayed on t he Co ntrol P anel until the f ault is fixed. In order to s ave ener gy you c an tur n of f zones t hat you do no t require.
25 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Refri gerato r T o tur n just th e refr igerat or of f: Pr ess t he and but t ons simultaneously f or at leas t 5 sec onds until all grap hics indicating t he comp ar tment o n the C ontr ol Panel disapp ear .
26 T : 0800 0124 382 If you ar e changing a zon e from a f ree zer to a ref rigera tor , emp t y the zon e complet ely and leav e the door op en for 4 hour s befo re ref il ling and using as a ref riger ator .
27 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Cr isper A ir Adju st me nt S wi tch W hen you hav e a large amount o f food in th e crisper , slide the Cr isper Air Adjust ment S witc h to the op en position, as sho wn in Figur e 8. This will i ncre ase air flow in the crisp er and ensure th at your fo od rem ains fres her for long er .
28 T : 0800 0124 382 T o help you use y our Fridge F ree zer ef ficientl y , plea se take t he time to r ead the f ol lowing tip s and guidance. Sto ra ge Are as : Th e circulation or air within your F ridge Fr eezer c auses are as of dif feren t temper atur es.
29 T : 0800 0124 382 F OOD S T OR AGE TIP S T ake c are when s toring t ropic al fruit such as pine apples as t hey can quickl y deter iorate in lower temperatures. Divide and s epar ate fo od into smaller pieces b efore s torage. Cov er or wr ap food t o preven t odour s.
30 T : 0800 0124 382 T he Fr eeze r Com par t men t: Y ou should use t he fr eezer co mpar t ments f or stor ing food fo r long per iods and making ic e. Aim to fr eeze f resh f ood as quickl y as possible so t hat it keep s its t ast e and app earan ce.
31 T : 0800 0124 382 F OOD S T OR AGE TIP S WA R N I N G: D o not re -fre eze fr ozen food o nce it h as thaw ed. It m ay be a dang er to your health. Ice C ube T r ay: Y our c an make ice cub es usin.
32 T : 0800 0124 382 Power Disruption: In the e vent of a p ower cut , please do n ot open any o f the door s of your Fr idge Fr eezer . Your Fridge Fre ezer will preser v e your fro zen food in an ambient enviro nmental te mperat ure of up to 2 5 0 C for appr oximatel y 1 3 hour s.
33 T : 0800 0124 382 CL E A NING A ND C A RE Cleanin g The Vapo ris atio n Con tain er: Y our F ridge Fr eezer us es ‘No Fr ost ’ techn ology an d per for ms fully auto matic def ros ting.
34 T : 0800 0124 382 Replacing t he L ED s: If t he inter nal l ight or any of t he LE Ds need r eplacing please c ont act t he Ser v is helpdesk as th ey should only be change d by aut horised p erson nel.
35 T : 0800 0124 382 T ROUBL E SHOO T ING Y our F ridg e Fre ezer is e quipped w ith a b ui lt-in fault d ete ctio n sys tem, w hich is able to o f fer guidance sh ould your Fridg e Free zer not op erat e as exp ec ted. In t he even t of an err or , a s ymbol will be displaye d on the C ont rol Pa nel.
36 T : 0800 0124 382 Error Symbo l Meanin g Advice T he ref rigera tor co mpar t ment is too c ool. F ood in t he refrigerator i s at risk of be ing frozen. Cancel the SUPERCOOL function if it i s active. Decr ease t he temper atur e of the re fri gerat or compa rtment.
37 T : 0800 0124 382 T ROUBL E SHOO T ING If yo ur Fridg e Fre ezer is no t oper ating as e xp ec ted, yo u may fin d a simple solution list ed in t he ta ble below. If y our Frid ge Fr eezer h as dev eloped a f ault not c over ed in t his manual, pleas e cont ac t the S er vis helpdesk.
38 T : 0800 0124 382 Faul t Po ssible C ause Solu tion Fo od in t he Fr eezer comp ar tme nt is colder t han necessary . Th e temper atur e set ting ma y be t oo low. Selec t a higher v al ue for t he temperature setting. Y our F ridg e Fre ezer is nois y .
39 T : 0800 0124 382 G U AR ANTE E All pa ckaging an d mate rials used ar e enviro nment ally fr iendly and r ec yclable. Ple ase dispo se of any p acka ging in an envir onmen tally fr iendly m anner . C onsult y our loc al council for f ur ther details.
40 T : 0800 0124 382 Dama ge cause d by for eign object s or subs tan ces Claims in re spe ct to rou tine insp ec tion or m ainten ance T he Ser v is guarant ee is not t rans ferable. F or your S er vi s guar an tee t o be valid, y ou will ne ed to r et ain you r original p urc hase re ceipt an d be able to pr ovide i t wh en you ma ke a claim.
41 T : 0800 0124 382 INDE X F Faul t det ec tion s ys tem .................................3 5 Fe et, adjust ment o f ....................................... 15 Fo od st orage guidanc e .................................28 Fun ctions ..................
42 T : 0800 0124 382 N Night sens or ..................................................22 No fr ost t echn ology ..................................... 06 P Pow er disrup tion ...........................................3 2 Q qdrink f unct ion..........
T : 0800 0124 382 E: The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it sha ll be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
An important point after buying a device Servis FD91185SS (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Servis FD91185SS yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Servis FD91185SS - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Servis FD91185SS you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Servis FD91185SS will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Servis FD91185SS, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Servis FD91185SS.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Servis FD91185SS. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Servis FD91185SS along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center