Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ST93811A Seagate
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Prod uct Ma nu al Momentus ® 5400.2 10036 7120 Rev . B Aug ust 2007 ST91 20 821A ST91 00 824A ST98 82 3A ST96 81 2A ST94 81 3A ST93 81 1A.
©2004- 2007, S eagate T echnology LL C All rig hts res erved. Pub lication nu mber: 100 36712 0, Rev . B Aug ust 2007 Sea gate , Seagate T echnology a nd the Wa ve logo a re regi stered tra demarks of Seag ate T echnology LLC in the Uni ted S tates an d/or other countri es.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B i Conte nts 1.0 In troduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Dr ive speci fications . . . . .
ii Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B iii List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA disc drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 2. Typical 5V star tup a nd operatio n current profile .
iv Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 1 1.0 I ntroducti on This man ual descr ibes the functi onal, mechan ical and inte rface speci fications fo r the foll owing Seagat e ® Mom e ntu s ® 5400.
2 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 3 2.0 Drive specificati ons Unles s otherwi se noted, all specific ations are m easur ed u nder amb ient con ditions, a t 25°C, a nd nominal pow er.
4 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Average seek time ( msec typi ca l) 12.5 Average seek , read (mse c typi cal) 12 .5 Average see k, wri te (msec typi cal) 14 .5 Full-stroke seek (msec) 22 (typi cal) ; 24 (max ) Seek powe r (typ ical) 2.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 5 * During p eriod s of dri ve id le, some offl ine a cti vity m ay occur , accor di ng to the S.M.A .R .
6 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2. 5 Record in g an d int er fac e tech no l o gy 2.6 Phy sical ch a racte ri sti cs T ec hno logy S pecification Int erfa c e Parallel A T A Recordin.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 7 2.7 S ee k ti m e Seek mea surem ent s a re t ake n w ith nom inal po wer a t 25 °C amb ient t empe ratur e.
8 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2. 9 Pow er spe cif ica ti on s The dr ive re ceives DC powe r (+5V) thro ugh the inter face connecto r . 2. 9.1 Powe r c onsum ption Power requir emen ts for the dr ives are l isted in the ta ble on p age 8 .
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 9 T ypica l current prof ile Figure 2. T ypical 5V st artup and o peration current profile 2.9.2 C onduct ed nois e Input noise r ipple is measured at th e host system power sup ply across an equivalen t 15-ohm resistive load on the +5 volt line.
10 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.9.4 P owe r- manag eme nt modes The drive provid es programm able power man agement to provide greater energy ef ficiency . I n most syst ems, you can contro l power ma nagement t hrough th e system setup pro gram.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 11 2.1 0 Envi ron men t al sp ec if i ca t ions 2.10.1 Ambient t emperatu re Ambie nt temp eratu re is d efined as the te mperatur e of t he environmen t im mediatel y surro unding the d rive.
12 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.10.5 S hock All shock specifi cations assume that the dri ve is moun ted securely with the input shock applied at the drive mounting screws.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 13 2. 1 1 Ac o ust ic s Drive acoustics are measu red as over all A-wei ghted ac ou stic sound power l evels (n o pure ton es). All me a - sureme nts are consi stent with ISO document 7779. S ound power m easuremen ts are t aken und er e ssentially free-f ield cond itions ove r a reflecting plane.
14 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 2.13 R eli abilit y 2.1 4 A gen cy cert ifi cat ion 2.14.1 Safety cert ificatio n The drives ar e recog nized in accord ance with UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 (950) and meet all app licable sections of IEC9 50 and E N 60950 as tested by T UV North A merica.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 15 Korean RRL If these drive s have the Korea Ministr y of Informatio n and Communicat ion (MIC) logo, they comply wit h para - graph 1 of Ar ticle 1 1 .
16 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B If necessary , you should consult your dealer or an ex perienced ra dio/tele vision technician for addition al sug - gestions.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 17 3.0 Conf igur ing an d mountin g the dri ve This secti on cont ains t he specifica tions an d instructions f or con figuring and moun ting the dri ve.
18 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 3.2 Jump er set ti ngs 3.2.1 M aster/s lave con figura tion Use the optio ns jumper block shown in Figur e 3 to configure the dr ive for operati on. This jumpe r block is the 4-pin hea der ad jacent to pin s 1 and 2 of the I/O sig nal pins.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 19 3. 3 Dri ve m o unt i ng Y ou can mount the dr ive using four screws in the side-m ountin g holes or four screws i n the bottom- mounting hol es. See Fig ure 4 f or drive mou nting dim ensions (di mensions in i nches wit h mm in pa renth eses).
20 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 21 4.0 A T A interface These drive s use the industry-st andard A T A task file inte rface t hat support s 16- bit dat a transfe rs. It support s A T A programm ed inp ut/output ( PIO) mo des 0–4; multi word DMA modes 0– 2, and U ltra DM A modes 0–5.
22 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 4.1.1 Sup port ed A T A comman ds The follow ing tab le list s A T A -st andard comm ands that the dr ive suppo rts. For a det ailed descri ption of the A T A comman ds, refer t o the Draf t A T A-6 S tandard.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 23 Secu r i t y Unl o ck F2 H Seek 70 H Set Drive Parameters 91 H Set Features EF H Set Max Address F9 H Note: Individual Set Max com - mands are ident ified by the value placed in the Set Max F eatures register as defined to the right.
24 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Security Freez e Lock F5 H Security Dis able Password F6 H T a ble 7: Suppo rt e d com ma nds Command n ame Command co de (in hex).
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 25 4.1.2 Ident ify D evice com mand The Id entify De vice command (command code EC H ) transfer s information abou t the drive to the host foll owing power up . The d ata is organized as a single 512 -byte bl ock of data, whose cont ents are shown in T able 7 on page 22 .
26 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 57–58 Current capacity in sectors xxxx H 59 Number of sectors transferred during a Read Multiple or Write Multiple command xxxx H 60–61 T otal number of user-addressable LBA s ectors available (see Section 2.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 27 129–159 Seagate-reserved xxxx H 160–254 A T A-reserved 0000 H 255 Integrity word xxA 5 H Note. See t he bit descripti ons below for wor ds 63, 88, 9 3 and 94 of the Id entify Dr ive data. Description (if bit is set to 1) Bit Wor d 63 0 Multiword DMA mode 0 is s upported.
28 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 4.1.3 Set Feat ures com man d This com man d con trol s t he im pleme nt ation of var ious f eatur es th at th e dr ive sup port s . When th e dr iv e r eceives this command, it se ts BSY , che cks the content s of the F eatures reg ister , clears BSY and gene rates an inter - rupt.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 29 5.0 Co mpatibili ty su mmar y 5.1 Ins t all at ion con si der atio ns Many of tod ay’ s mobil e com puters have bee n desi gn ed to make it possibl e for the end use r to rep l ace the ha rd drive.
30 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Syst em Compa tib ility Seag ate Product Assur ance has tested Momentus drives in t he syste ms listed in T able 9. T esting included m ul - tiple B IOS versions and operating systems. T his testi ng was done to demo nstrate compatibility with various hardwar e and software configu rations .
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 31 5.2 BIO S ve rs io ns test ed The fo llowing list indica tes the types of BIOS S eagate teste d during th e compa tibility testing pro cess.
32 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 5.3 O per ati ng sys te m ve r si on s te ste d This list indicate s the types of Oper ating Systems Se agate tested d uring the com patibility testing process and highlight s the major OS manu facturers.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 33 6.0 Seagat e T echnology suppo rt service s Onli ne s ervic es Inter net www . seagate. com fo r in formation about S eagate p roducts and service s. Wor ldwide su ppor t is avai lable 24 hours d aily by e- mail for your ques tions.
34 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B Custo mer Se rvice Op era tion s W arranty Ser vice Seag ate of fers wo rldwide custome r support for Se agate drives. Seagate di stributors , OE Ms and oth er di rect customer s should cont act their Sea gate Customer S ervice Operati ons (CSO) repr esent ative for warra nty- related issues .
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 35 Eu rope an s uppor t s erv ices For presal es and tech nical su pport in E urope, dial th e Seag ate Serv ice Cen ter toll -free n umber fo r your sp e - cific locatio n.
36 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B As ia/Paci fic s uppor t serv ices For As ia/Pacific presa les and tech nical suppor t, dial the to ll- free numbe r for your specif ic locatio n. The Asia/ Pacific toll - free n umbe rs are avai lable f rom 6:00 A .
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 37 Publ ic ati on feed b ack sur vey W e are inte rested in you r comment s and sug gestions regardi ng this pub lication. P lease ta ke a fe w minut es to par ticip ate in o ur survey at the fol lowing URL: http://sur vey .
38 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 39 Index Numerics 3D De fense System 1 A acoustics 13 Active m ode 10 AFR 14 agency cer tification (re gulatory) 1 4 altitude 1 1 ambient condi tion s 3.
40 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B I I/O data- transfer r ate 6 Identify Device 22 Identify Device command 2 5 Idle 8 , 2 3 Idle and Standby ti mers 1 0 Idle Imm ediate 23 Idle mod e 1.
Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B 41 security com mands 23 Securi ty Disable Passwor d 24 Securi ty Erase Pre pare 23 Securit y Eras e Unit 23 Secur ity Freeze L ock 24 Secu rity Se t Pa.
42 Momen tus 5400.2 P ATA P roduct Man ual, Rev. B.
Sea gate T echnolog y LLC 920 D isc Driv e, Scot ts V alley , Calif ornia 9 5066-454 4, USA Pub lication N umber: 100367120, Rev . B, P rint ed in U.S.
An important point after buying a device Seagate ST93811A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Seagate ST93811A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Seagate ST93811A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Seagate ST93811A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Seagate ST93811A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Seagate ST93811A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Seagate ST93811A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Seagate ST93811A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Seagate ST93811A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center