Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ST36421A Seagate
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 84 21 (ST38421A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 64 21 (ST36421A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
© 1999 Seagate T echnol og y , Inc. All ri ghts rese r v ed. Publica tio n Num ber : SG3 5126 -0 01 , R ev . A, Febr uar y 1999 Seagate , Seaga te T echnolog y , the Seagate lo go , Med alist and the Meda list logo are re gistere d trade marks of Seagate T echnol - og y , Inc.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A -1 Contents The easie st wa y to install your drive .............. ........... ........... 1 What y ou ne ed ........... ................. ........... ................. ................ 2 Before y ou begin .
0 Medali st 8421, 6 421, 4311 and 2112, Re v . A iv.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 1 The easie st way to ins tall y our drive DiscWizard is Seagate’ s exclus iv e Win- dow s progr am, pro vided on a disk ette , that makes it easy to inst all your Me dal ist drive. Disc Wizard help s you configu re your ne w drive and you r com puter .
2 Medali st 8421, 6 421, 4311 and 2112, Re v . A What y ou need • Stra ight-edge and Philli ps scre wdriv ers • F our 6-32 UNC dr ive mounting screws • A standa rd 40-pin A T A interface cable ,.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 3 Handling precautions Disc drives are e xt remely fragil e. Do not d rop or j ar you r dr i ve. K eep the dr ive in it s ant ist atic ba g unt il you ar e ready to install it. Prote ct your d r ive from st at ic di scha rge by mak ing sure y ou are well ground ed be fore touchin g the drive .
4 Medali st 8421, 6 421, 4311 and 2112, Re v . A Master/s lave jumpers If y ou al ready ha v e one hard d rive in you r com puter and y o u are inst allin g a seco nd driv e , y ou m ust c onfigu re on e driv e as a ma s- ter and th e othe r as a sla v e.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 5 Figure 1. M aster and sl ave jum per settings Master or single drive Drive is slave 135 24 6 8 7 Master/slave jumper block pin 1 4-pin power connecto.
6 Medali st 8421, 6 421, 4311 and 2112, Re v . A Attaching cabl es and mounting the dri ve 1. If yo u are at taching a n A T A (IDE) interf ace c ab le to a si ngle drive , atta ch one end of the cab le to the inte rfa ce connec tor on y our motherbo ard.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 7 Note. I f you ar e u sing th e 80 -c onduc tor cable, atta ch t he blue connec tor (with the long est sec tion of th e cab le) to th e motherb oard, attach the b lac k connec tor to the master or single drive , and att ach th e gre y conn ector to the sla v e.
8 Medali st 8421, 6 421, 4311 and 2112, Re v . A Figure 4. Ca ble c onnectors Caution. T o av oi d possi b le dama ge to the driv e , do not ov ertighten the screws or use me tric scre ws. Note. If you are mou nting the drive in a 5.25-inch drive ba y , yo u need a m ountin g adapter or f rame kit.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 9 Configuring y our computer Bef ore yo u f ormat or partition y our ne w driv e, y ou must conf igure yo ur comput er’ s BIO S.
10 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Note. Set the wr it e p rec omp or landi ng zo ne param eters to z ero . R ecommendation W e recomm end y ou use D isk Manage r to e v aluate y our BIO S and det ermine whet her y our sys tem need s add itional B IOS su p- por t.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 11 Addressing drive-capacity limitations Some D OS-based c omputers and oper atin g syste ms are not design ed to acco mmoda te large-ca pacit y hard disc drives . Th e most co mmon syst em l im ita tio ns are list ed b e low .
12 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A • Thir d-pa r ty device d r iver , such as Dis k Man ager (Dis k Man - ager is p rovide d on the Dis cWizard di ske tte includ ed with y our dri v.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 13 Preparing y our drive f or use One- driv e s yst em F or a quic k install ation we rec ommend y ou use Disk Manager to automat icall y par tition and f ormat y our driv e. Disk Manager als o ensures th at you r comput er can acces s the full cap acity of y our ha rd drive .
14 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Installation using Disk Ma nager 1. Boot y our c omputer fro m y our Disc Wizard d isk ette. Bo oting from a dis kette en sure s tha t the Disk Mana ger ins talla ti on does n ot confli ct with other soft ware .
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 15 5. F ollow the instructi ons in the post-i nstallati on screens and contin ue wit h y our Windo ws 95 or Wi ndow s 98 ins tallat ion.
16 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Standar d DOS insta llation Caution. P artitioning or f ormatting a driv e er ases all data on it .
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 17 Drive formatti ng Caution. Use th e cor re ct dr ive let te rs so that you do not f ormat a driv e tha t already contai ns data. At the A: prompt, type form at x : /s, where x is the l etter of y our first ne w pa r tition.
18 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Additional installation options Figure 5. Non -A T A compatible and cab le select ju mpers Non-A T A compatible slave jumper If y our co mpute r does not recogn ize y our n e w driv e as a m aster in a tw o-driv e s ystem, t he sla v e driv e ma y not be A T A-compa ti- ble.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 19 Adv anced Disk Manager options The Disk Mange r online manual Disk Ma nag er co ntain s an extens ive onl ine m anual . This manual includ es detaile d inst allation i nstruction s, troub leshoo ting an d a list of ma ste r/s la v e jumper s etti ngs f o r man y popul ar ha rd driv es .
20 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Supported operating systems The Di sk Mana ger dynam ic driv e o v erla y prov ides su pport for dri ves with cap acit ies great er th an 52 8 Mbytes unde r MS-D OS, Window s 3. x, Windo w s 95, Wi ndo ws NT 3.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 21 Follow these ins tructions to rem ov e a DDO fr om a drive. 1. Boot the c omputer t o drive C . 2. Insert your Dis cWizard disk ette into drive A. 3. Ty p e A:DM to start Disk Manager . 4. Select th e Sele ct In sta lla tio n Opt i ons Menu .
22 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A T roubleshooting If y ou ha v e inst alled y our driv e and it does not functio n prope rly , perfor m th e followin g b asic checks: W arning . Alwa ys tur n off the computer bef ore changing jumpers or unplug ging cab les an d cards .
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 23 • V erify the drive -type settin gs in the system setup pr o- gram. The drive-ty pe setti ngs in th e system BI OS mus t not e xcee d the ph ysic al speci ficati ons of y our driv e . Also , th e set- tings m us t not e xcee d the l imitation s set b y the oper ating s ys- tem and BIOS .
24 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A discs reach oper ating speed. If t he driv e mo tor does no t start up , re check al l dr ive cables. • V er if y th at for eac h dr ive, a d r ive-type valu e is liste d in th e sys - tem set up prog r a m.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 25 there is n o disk ette in driv e A and reb oot. If y ou w ant to bo ot from the d iskett e, follow the “ Bo oti ng wi th a Dis kette” i nst r uc- tions u nder “Adv anced Disk Manager Opti ons” on p age 19.
26 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A guide for ass ist ance. Be s ure t o re -ena ble th is im por tant fea- ture when FDISK is done . The syste m err or mess age, “Drive not Read y ,” appears. • Check a ll c able c onn ect ion s.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 27 Caution. If you c hange the drive-ty pe v alues i n the system setup pr ogram , you mus t partition and f ormat the driv e ag ain.
28 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Seagate T echnology support serv ices Online ser vices Internet F or onlin e inf ormation abou t Seagate product s, vis it www .seagate.c om or e-m ail y our disc or tape qu estions to: Presales support: DiscPreSales @Seagate .
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 29 SeaF AX ® is Seagat e’ s auto mated F AX deliv ery system. Using a touch-to ne phone , yo u can obtain tec hnica l support info rmation by retu rn F AX 24 hours dai ly . This s ervice is a v ailab le w orldwide .
30 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Customer Ser vice ( CSO) W arranty repa ir Seagate o ff ers w orldwide cu stomer support fo r Seagate dri ves . Seagate direct O EM, D istributi on and System Integr ator c ustom- ers shou ld conta ct their Seagate s ervice center representa tiv e f or w arrant y inf ormation .
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 31 USA/Canada/Latin Amer ica suppor t serv ices Presales s upport Disc: 1-877-271-3285 or +1-405-936-1210 F AX: +1-405-936-1683 T ape: 1-800-626-6637 o.
32 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Eur opean suppor t services F or Eur opean c ustomer s upport, dial the toll-fre e num ber f or p re- sales s uppor t, technical s uppor t, SeaF AX and warr anty repair . If your coun tr y is not listed her e, dial ou r Eur opea n cal l cente r at +31-20-31 6-7222 fro m 8:30 A.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 33 Africa/Middle East suppor t servic es F or pres ales , technic al suppo r t, warr anty re pair and F AX ser- vices in Africa and t he Mi ddl e Eas t, dia l o ur Eur opean cal l c en ter at +31 -20 -316 -7 222 fr om 8: 30 A.
34 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Asia/Pacific support ser vices T echnical suppo rt A ustral ia +61-2-9725-3366 F AX: +61-2 -9725-4052 Hong K ong +852-2368 9918 F AX: +852-2368 7173.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 35 Storing and shipping y our drive K eep y our origin al bo x and pac king materials f or storing or ship- ping y our d rive . Th e bo x h as a Seagate App ro v ed P a c kage label. Shipping a driv e in an unap prov ed container v oids the warr anty .
36 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A W arranty See y our authoriz ed Seagat e distribu tor or dealer . Preinstalled or b undled s oftware is prov ided “as is .” There are no warr anties of merc hantabil ity or f itness f or a par ticular purpose.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 37 nung muss SEL V entsp rechen. 5. All e Arbeiten auf de m F est- platte d ürf en n ur v on A usg ebildetem Servicepersona l durchge führt werden. Bitte entfe rnen Sie nicht die Au fschriftens- childe r des L aufwe rkes .
38 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A.
Medalis t 8421, 64 21, 43 11 and 211 2, Re v . A 39.
40 Medali st 842 1, 6421, 43 11 and 21 12, R ev . A Seagate T echnolog y , Inc. 920 Di sc Drive, Scott s V alley , CA 95066-4544 , USA Publication Num ber: SG35 126-0 01, Rev .
An important point after buying a device Seagate ST36421A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Seagate ST36421A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Seagate ST36421A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Seagate ST36421A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Seagate ST36421A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Seagate ST36421A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Seagate ST36421A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Seagate ST36421A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Seagate ST36421A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center