Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product ST34555N/W Seagate
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Contents Pr eface .. ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..... .. .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... .. .. 1 El ectr ost a tic disc ha rge pr ot ect ion ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..... .. ..... .. .. 1 Im por t a nt s afety in form at ion an d p rec aut ion s .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 1 Pref ace This manua l contains i nf or mati on for user s of the Seagate® Hawk 4XL SCSI disc drive s. It provi des suppor t services , perf or- mance specific ations, and init ial set up inf ormation. Additi onal inf ormation is av ailab le.
2 Hawk 4XL Instal l ation Guide , Rev . A • Do not rem ov e any ci rcui t boar ds from the driv e. • Ne v er use an ohmm ete r on any circui t bo ard s. • When installin g the drive on a c arrier or tra y , d is charge the car- rier or tr ay pri or to inserti ng it into the syst em.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 3 • Do not remo ve an y cir cuit boar ds from the dri ve . Ret ur n th e entir e driv e f or dep ot repair i f any circu it board is d efect ive . Remov al of c ircuit boards b y personnel not pe r f orming depot repai r will damage components and ma y v oid the war rant y .
4 Hawk 4XL Instal l ation Guide , Rev . A W ich tige Si c herheitshinwei se Vo r s i c h t . Beim T esten des Laufwe r ks au f dem Prüf tisch i st F remdbe lüf t ung vor zuse hen, um eine ausr eichende Kühl ung der Laufwerk komponen ten sicherzu stellen.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 5 • T reff en Sie be im Betrieb , bei der I nstalla tion oder bei der Entf ernung d er Einheit angemess ene Sicherhe itsv or k ehrun- gen. • W enn eine Einhei t unter Spannu ng steht , gehe n Sie bei der Fehl erdi agnose besonder s v orsichti g v or .
6 Hawk 4XL Instal l ation Guide , Rev . A Als T e i l k o mponen te ist die ses Laufwer k für di e Installati on und de n Be trie b in Über eins timm ung m it U L 195 0, E N60 950 , CSA C22.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 7 Regulat ory a g ency c omplian ce El ec t rom agn e ti c s u sc e p ti b i l i ty As a com ponent as semb ly , the dri ve is not r equired t o meet any suscept ibili ty perf ormance requi rement s.
8 Hawk 4XL Instal l ation Guide , Rev . A Electr o magnetic complia nce for the Eur opean Union If t his mo del has t he CE Marking it co m p l ies with the Europea n Union r equireme nt s of the El e.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 9 Seag ate tec hnical sup por t services If y ou ne ed assi stance instal ling y our dri ve , consul t y our d ealer . Dealers are fam iliar wit h their un ique sys t em con figurat ions an d can help y ou with sys tem confl icts and ot her techni cal issues .
10 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A Se ag a t e C o m p u S e r ve for u m Online technical support fo r Seagat e products i s a vailab le o n CompuServe . T o acces s our technic al suppor t f orum, type go seagat e . Thi s f oru m pro vides in fo r matio n si milar t o that f ound o n SeaBO ARD .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 11 F AX ser vices SeaF AX ® Y ou can use a touch -tone teleph one to acces s Seagat e’ s auto- mated F AX syste m to recei ve techni cal supp or t inf or mati on by r etu r n F AX . Th is s er v ic e i s avai la ble 24 ho ur s da i ly .
12 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A Direct-su ppor t serv ices Seag at e t echnica l support For on e-on -one help , you can ta lk to a t echni cal suppo rt special- ist during local bus iness hours. Bef ore call ing, not e you r syst em confi guratio n and d rive m odel nu mber (ST xxxx ).
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 13 Customer ser vice centers Seagate d irect O EM, Distrib ution, and System s Integr ator cus- tomers should contact their Se agate s er vice represent ativ e f or warr anty inf ormation. Other c ustomers should con tact their pl ac e of purcha se.
14 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A General des cr iption Hawk 4 XL SCSI di sc driv es ar e high-s peed, ran dom-access dig- ital -data st orage de vices .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 15 T able 1. Drive cha racteri st ics In te r f ace Ult ra S C SI [1 ] Capacit y F or matte d [2] 4.55 Gb yte Unf ormatted 6. 5 Gbyt e Recording Cyli nder s (user ) 6,311 Rea d/wri te d ata hea ds 8 Acce ss ti me [3] A ver age r ead 10.
16 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A T able 2. DC pow er requi rements ( Amps) [1] Measured with an av er age reading DC ammeter . Inst anta- neous +1 2V curr ent p eaks will e xceed th ese v alues . [2] A –10% droop is permissib le during init ia l star t of the spindl e but mus t return to ±5% bef ore reachi ng 7,200 RPM.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 17 [5] For co nducted noise i m m unity inf or mat ion, call Seagat e techni cal sup port services . The spe cif i ed vo ltage tol er ance is incl usiv e of ri ppl e, noise , and tr ansient resp onse. [6] Operat ing condi tion is d ef ined a s random see k read opera- tions with a bl ock count of 64.
18 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A Initial s etup inf ormation The gener al i nformati on beginni ng on t his page a pplies to all of the Ha wk 4XL driv e models .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 19 SCSI ID jumper s Each de vice o n th e SCSI chain must hav e a unique SCSI ID . The host syst em’ s SCSI cont roller usually uses t he ID t hat has th e highest priori ty i nterrupt i n the SCSI I /O syst em.
20 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A the ca se, change t he ID so that e ach de vice on the SCSI chai n has i ts o wn uni que ID . Also chec k y our s ystem o r contro ller user’ s manua l to ens ure tha t you hav e not viol ated its SCSI I D numbe ri ng r ecommendati ons.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 21 For inf ormation about ho w to ter mi nate your driv e, ref er to th e appropri ate d ri ve -specifi c sec tion.
22 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A F or d evi ces having dif fer ential I /O circuit s, a maxi mum c abl e lengt h of 25 met ers (82 f ee t) is al lowe d. A max imum of 8 devi ces can be connect ed on an 8-bit wide data bus , and a maxim um of 16 devi ces can be conne cted on a 16-bit wi de dat a b us .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 23 Figure 3a. Fif ty pin I/O conne ction to drive (“N” model) Figure 3b. Sixty- ei ght pin connection to dri ve (“W” model ) Pin 1 HDA Pin 1 HDA.
24 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A [1] “X” m eans up to 6 or t he ma ximu m all owab le numb er o f de vices on the S CSI b us . See T able 4 and sy stem doc ume ntat ion .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 25 [1 ] “X ” m ea ns u p to 15 o r t he max imum a llowa ble numb er of devic es o n the S CSI b us . See T able 4 and sy stem doc ume ntat ion .
26 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A Pr ovid ing a d equate coolin g The encl osure design m ust en sure a dequate cooling fo r th e driv e. The max imum ambient t e m p eratu r e i s 50 ° C at driv e loca- tion.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 27 Kühlun g des Systems Die Gehäusekonst ruktion muß eine aus reichende Kühlung de s Laufwerk e s g ewä hrleisten .
28 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A . Figure 4. Suggested ai r flow Abbildun g 4. Em pfohl ener Luf tstromver lauf Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Above unit Über der Einheit Under unit Unter der Einheit Note. Air flows in the direction shown (back to front) or in reverse direction (front to back) Hinweis.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 29 Mounti ng the d rive and conne cti ng cables Do not touch the connect or pins or any component s on the con- trol board with out observing s tatic-d ischarge pr ecautions . Alwa ys handl e the driv e by th e fr ame only .
30 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A 1. Befest igen Sie das Laufwerk mit vi er 6-32-UNC- Sc hrauben am Ge häuse de s Host-Syste ms. D i e b ei d en Seiten de s Laufw erkes sin d mit j ewe ils z wei Bef estigung slöch ern versehen, die Untersei t e des Laufwerkes weist vier wei tere Bef estig ungsl öcher auf .
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 31 the DC powe r connector . T o connect th e DC powe r cable t o the driv e, si m p l y inse r t the cab le end into the dri ve’ s DC power connec tor . 4. Schli eßen Si e das SCSI-Kabel an den SCSI- Stec kv erbinder des L aufwerkes an.
32 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A Note. Signal g round on the po wer co ntrol boa rd (PCB) and the head and di sc asse m b l y (HD A) ar e connect ed t ogether i n this drive a nd yo u cannot separ at e them.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 33 elekt romagnetisc he Strahlung fällt in den Zuständ igkeit s- berei ch des Systemdes ign ers. 5. Replace t he host system ’ s cov er .
34 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A Figure 6. Mounting conf igurat ion dim ensi ons A F D E L [1] [3] B G [1] Mounting holes three on each side, 6-32 UNC. Max screw length into side of drive 0.15 in. (3.81 mm). Screw tightening torque 6.0 in-lb (.
Hawk 4X L Inst allation Guide , Re v . A 35 Formatting th e drive W arning. Formatt ing a driv e eras es all user d ata. Be su re that you und erstan d this principl e bef ore f or matt ing any hard dis c drive .
36 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A N drives N/ND dri ves section Setti ng th e SCSI I D jump e r s Use the J6 con nector to set the SCSI ID (see Figur e 7). T o change t he SCSI I D , i ns t all jumper s on t he appropria te pins as show n in t he il lustr ation.
Hawk 4XL Instal lation Guide , Rev . A 37 N drives T er m in at in g t h e dr i ve “N” model dri ves are te r minat ed with perm a nently mounted IC activ e t er min ators.
38 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A N drives T er m in ator powe r There are t hree po ssible ter mi nator po wer ( TP ) c onfigur ations fo r “N” model driv es ( see Figur e 9). Y ou will not normall y need t o change t his o ption and can lea v e the driv e conf igured a s it was shipped fro m the f actory .
Hawk 4XL Instal lation Guide , Rev . A 39 N drives Ot her ap plic ab le j ump er opti on s Sev era l other jumper op ti ons ar e av ailabl e as illust rated. Figure 10. Additional jumper options Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check. J2 Pin 1 Reserved Parity Check option Write protect = Off (enables writing).
40 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A W drives W/WD drives section Setti ng th e SCSI I D jump e r s Use the J 6 jumper bloc k to set the SCSI I D (Figur e 11). T o change t he SCSI I D , i ns t all jumper s on t he appropria te pins as show n in the i llustr ation.
Hawk 4XL Instal lation Guide , Rev . A 41 W drives Figure 12. Using J1 -Aux illary c onnector for model “W” drive al ternate ID sele ct and LED connecti on J1-DC Power J1 68 Pin SCSI I/O Connector.
42 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A W drives T er m in at in g t h e dr i ve “W” model dri ves are termin ated with permanent ly moun ted IC activ e t er min ators.
Hawk 4XL Instal lation Guide , Rev . A 43 W drives T er m in ator powe r There are t hree po ssible ter mi nator po wer ( TP ) c onfigur ations fo r “W” model driv es (see Figure 14) . Y ou will not normal ly need to chan ge thi s option and can lea v e the driv e config ured as i t was s hipped from the f actory .
44 Hawk 4XL Ins tallation Guide , Rev . A W drives Ot her ap plic ab le j ump er opti on s Ot h er opti on ju mp e rs ar e availa ble as illu s tr at e d bel ow . Figure 15. Additional jumper op ti ons Enable parity check of SCSI bus. Disable parity check.
Seaga t e T echnology , In c. 920 Di sc Dri ve, Scotts V alle y , CA 950 66-4544, USA Publ ica tion Nu mber : 77 767 507, Rev . A, P r inte d in U SA.
An important point after buying a device Seagate ST34555N/W (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Seagate ST34555N/W yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Seagate ST34555N/W - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Seagate ST34555N/W you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Seagate ST34555N/W will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Seagate ST34555N/W, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Seagate ST34555N/W.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Seagate ST34555N/W. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Seagate ST34555N/W along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center