Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product X23 Sceptre
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SCEPTR E X23 Page1 Dear Scept re Custo mer , Congratulati ons on your new SCEPT RE X23 LCD m onitor purc hase. T hank you for y our s upport. T o ensure saf ety and m any years of troub le free o pera.
Page2 SCEPT RE X23 Important I nforma tion.
SCEPTR E X23 Page3 Tips and Safety Precautio ns THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN T ESTED FOR COMPLI ANCE W ITH REGUL A T OR Y S AFETY CERTIF ICA TIONS This product is designed and manufactured to operate within de fined design limits, and misuse may result in electric shock or f ire.
Page4 SCEPT RE X23 • The X23 LCD MONITOR is equipped with a three-pronged grounded plug, a plug with a third (grounding ) pin. T his plug will fit onl y into a grounded power outlet as a safety feature.
SCEPTR E X23 Page5 Table of Contents Important Information ........ .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... 2 T ips an d Safety Pre cautions .... .....
Page6 SCEPT RE X23 Opening the Package The SCE PTRE X23 is pack aged in a c arton to gether with standard ac cessor ies. The weight of the LCD displa y is approxim ately 15.2 lbs. Since the LCD p anel can be easil y scratched or brok en, please ha ndle t he prod uct gentl y .
SCEPTR E X23 Page7 Installing the Base 1. Please place the base on a f lat surf ace (i.e. table). 2. Hold the m onitor dir ectl y 90 degrees ab ove the base .
Page8 SCEPT RE X23 3. Connect the m onitor to the bas e b y inserting the m onit or into the bas e. QUICK ST A RT The f ollowing are short s teps to connect an d use the m onit or with your PC under Microsoft W indows.
SCEPTR E X23 Page9 Mounting Preparations 1. Place the m onitor on a flat s urfac e with cloth so t he beze l does not get scratc hed. 2. S tart removing th e base b y putting pressure to the top buck le until it releases .
Page10 SCEPTRE X 23 3. Keep the top bu ck le releas ed while putting pressure to th e lower buck le u ntil it releases as well. Pl ease tak e the stand off when both buck les are released. 4. Once the bas e com es off, please rem ove the label s tick er that covers the screws you need to rem ove .
SCEPTR E X23 Page1 1 5. Unscrew the 4 scr ews that l ock the arm to the m onitor . 6. Once the 4 scr ews are removed, slide the arm of f the monitor and the monitor will be rea dy for m ounting.
Page12 SCEPTRE X 23 Identifying Front and Rear Panel Front V iew POWER IN DIC A T OR : If light is blue, th e m onitor is tur ned on. If the ligh t is blinking red, the monitor is turned on but not receiving a signal fr om the computer . If the light is s olid r ed, the p ower cor d is plugg ed in but the m onitor is not turned on.
SCEPTR E X23 Page13 Side Vie w Control Buttons and Hotkey Functions POWER – This butto n turn s the m onitor ON or OFF . A UTO A DJUST – T his button autom aticall y adjusts the screen , m ak ing words clearer and p ictures c enter ed. W hile in the OSD, th is button acts as a n exit k ey to get out of th e current m enu .
Page14 SCEPTRE X 23 Side Vie w T ilt A ngle The LCD Mo nitor ’s angle setti ngs range f rom 0 ° to 10 ° . 0 o to 10 o.
SCEPTR E X23 Page15 Rear Vie w Mounting S pecificat ion : 10 0mm x 100mm us ing scr ew size M 4 . Length of s crew shou ld not excee d 10mm ..
Page16 SCEPTRE X 23 Rear Vie w Connections Th e followin g descriptions ar e from l ef t to righ t . DVI – DVI s tands for Digital Video Interf ace. This connection is for c om puters to send video si gnals to the m onitor digitall y so that col ors and video ar e m ore accurate an d vivid.
SCEPTR E X23 Page17 Underst a nding Y our Cable s & Connections Cable Name Cable Pictur e Correspon ding Con necti on Picture DVI (digital video) (No HDC P) VGA (analog video) 3.5 mm Mini-jack Cable Name Cable Pictur e VGA to Fem ale Com ponent YPbPr ( option al accessory ) 3.
Page18 SCEPTRE X 23 Connecting the LCD to Your PC If Y ou Ha ve DVI Connection on Y our Video Card… 1. Make sure the pow er of X2 3 LCD MONIT OR is turned of f. 2. Obtain a DVI cable and c onnect to the D VI connection o n your PC. Connect the other end of the cable to your X 23 LCD MON ITOR.
SCEPTR E X23 Page19 If Y ou Ha ve VGA Con nection on Y our Vide o Card… 1. Make sure the pow er of X2 3 LCD MONIT OR is turned of f. 2. If y ou w ere previous ly using a CRT (bulky ) monitor , please hoo k up your old monitor first and m ake s ure yo ur refresh rate is set to 60 Hz frequen c y before using the X23 LCD MONIT OR.
Page20 SCEPTRE X 23 Connecting the LCD to Your Video Dev ice If Y ou Ha ve Component Connection on Y our DVD Pla y er… 1. Make sure the pow er of X2 3 LCD MONIT OR is turned of f.
SCEPTR E X23 Page21 If Y ou Ha ve Component Connection on Y our HD Box… 1. Make sure the pow er of X2 3 LCD MONIT OR is turned of f. 2. If y ou have component connecti on on y our HD set-top box, pu.
Page22 SCEPTRE X 23 If Y ou Ha ve Component Connection on P lay St ation® 3 … 1. Make sure the pow er of X2 3 LCD MONIT OR is turned of f. 2. If y ou have component connecti on on y our Pla y St at.
SCEPTR E X23 Page23 If Y ou Ha ve Component Connection on Xbox 3 60™… 1. Make sure the pow er of X2 3 LCD MONIT OR is turned of f. 2. If y ou have component con nection on y our Xbox 360 ™ , pur.
Page24 SCEPTRE X 23 On Screen Displa y (OSD) Fun ctions The O SD m enu of the m onitor provides v arious adj ust m ents for the monitor suc h as color , brightn ess, c ontras t, screen setti ngs…..etc . W hen you press the MENU button o n the side of the m onitor , the O SD scr een would appe ar .
SCEPTR E X23 Page25 A UTO A DJUST This f unction auto a djusts the clock and phase of the m onitor when usin g VGA cable so the m onitor will s ync better with the vid eo car d and pro duce a c learer picture. 1. T o use this function press t he butto n labeled .
Page26 SCEPTRE X 23 Please Note : • BRIGHT NESS adj usts the black level in a p icture. If th e value is adjusted too high, t he pictur e will look washed out . If too l ow , the picture wi ll not ha ve muc h detail in dark colors. • BACKLIGHT adjus ts the LCD lam p’s current.
SCEPTR E X23 Page27 SCREEN SE TTINGS This f unction adjusts the s creen’s image qual it y manuall y . 1. Press MENU to open the OSD then highlight SCRE EN SETTING by pressing the ▼ button three times. 2. Press MENU to enter the function. 3. Press ▲ or ▼ bu tton to sele ct the option you w ant to adjust.
Page28 SCEPTRE X 23 Please Note : • It is alwa ys suggested f or t he USER to use the AUTO ADJ UST function instea d of m anual adjustm ents. • LCDs will alwa y s be a little blurry whe n the y’re not in t heir nativ e resolution.
SCEPTR E X23 Page29 color givin g the pictur e a re ddish tin t and warm er look . d. USER COLO R – This optio n lets the us er adjust t he white balance b y tweak ing the R ED, GR EEN, and BLUE col or . i. Use the ▲ or ▼ buttons t o select the color you want to adjust and pr ess M ENU to select it.
Page30 SCEPTRE X 23 Please Note : • Changing th e langua ge of t he OSD will alter a ll the m essages and OSD lan guage of the m onitor . Ther e is no reset f or this function.
SCEPTR E X23 Page31 SOURCE This f unction selec ts the different connect ions that the LCD c an take. 1. Press MENU to open the OSD then highlight OSD SETTING by pressing the ▼ button seven times. 2. Press MENU to enter the function. 3. Press ▲ or ▼ bu tton to sele ct the source you wa nt.
Page32 SCEPTRE X 23 RECALL This f unction recalls brightnes s and contr ast adjustm ents to the monitor . 1. Press MEN U to ope n the OSD th en highligh t RECA LL by press ing the ▼ button nine times .
SCEPTR E X23 Page33 18 VESA 1 152X864 108. 75.00 68.70 19 VESA 1280X1024 108 60 63.98 20 VESA 1280X1024 127 70 74.6 21 VESA 1280X1024 135 75 80 22 VESA 1280x960 108 60 60 23 VESA 1280X960 130 75 75 24 VESA 1360x768 108 60 60 25 VESA 1440X900 106.5 59.
Page34 SCEPTRE X 23 Troubleshooting Problem Possible solut ions DISPLA Y IS UNCLEAR A ND UNST ABL E T o stabil ize and c larif y your display , use t he AUTO ADJUST func tion or chang e the resolu tion to th e display’s optim al setting 1360 X 768 at 60H z, the n AUTO ADJUST .
SCEPTR E X23 Page35 driver b y using either the “Add / R em ove Program s” icon or go ing into “S ystem Properties” an d m anually rem oving an ything under “Mon itors” an d “Displa y Adapters ”. 4. After removing a ll the dri vers, ple ase reboot your com puter and you sho uld be able to see windows.
Page36 SCEPTRE X 23 THE VIDEO I S TOO BRIGHT NO MA T T ER W HA T I ADJUST Sometim es having older video car ds this t ype of problem m ight happen due to newer LC Ds ha ving to provide HD video ca pability and not being ful l y compatible with ol der video cards .
SCEPTR E X23 Page37 Specification Displa y p anel Item Illustration Active Area / Scree n Size 508.152 mm x 285.696 mm Display Area (diagonal 22.95 inches) Aspect Ratio W idescreen 16: 9 Resolution Na.
Page38 SCEPTRE X 23 Features (con tinued) Video – Y PbPr 480i @ 60 Hz 480p @ 60 Hz 720p @ 60 Hz 1080i @ 60 Hz 1080p @ 60 Hz PC timing 640 * 350 @ 70, Hz 640 * 400 @ 70, Hz 640 * 480 @ 60, 7 0, 72, 7.
SCEPTR E X23 Page39 Call Us If Y ou Need He lp! Products are often retur ned due to a techn ical prob lem r ather than a defec tive product that m a y result in unnec essar y shipping c harges billed to you. Our trained sup port pers onnel c an often resolve t he probl em over the p hone or em ail.
Page40 SCEPTRE X 23 LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY Please rea d this warranty car d caref ully , it is a “O NE- YEAR LIMIT ED WA RRANT Y” on part s and labor an d is onl y valid when pur chase d from an.
SCEPTR E X23 Page41 Packaging and Shipp ing I nstruction W hen you send the product to a n authori zed SCE PTRE s ervice f acility you mus t use the orig inal cart on box and pack ing material or an equ ivalent as designated by SCEPT RE.
Page42 SCEPTRE X 23 dead pixels. An y number of dead or b ad pixe ls under t he lim it is consid ered norm al specificatio n. Ow ner ’ s Respon sibility Effective Warrant y Date War ranty begins o n the da te of sale to the e nd use r . T o ensure warrant y service, keep the d ated bill or s ale r eceipt as e vidence of the p urchase dat e.
SCEPTR E X23 Page43 Disclaimer & Copyright Information Microsoft, W indows are reg istered tradem ark s of Microsoft Corporatio n in the United S tates and other c ountries. Xbox 360™ is a registered tradem ark or trademark o f Microsoft Corporation in the United S tates and other c ountries.
Page44 SCEPTRE X 23 FCC Comp liance Statem ent This devic e com plies with Part 1 5 of the FCC Ru les. Operation is subject to the f ollowing co nditi ons: This devic e m ay not cause harmf ul interference This devic e m ust accept an y interfer ence rece ived, incl uding interf erence that m y cause undes ired oper ation.
SCEPTR E X23 Page45 Radio Frequ enc y Interference St atem ent W arning: This is a Class B pro duct. In a dom es tic environm ent, this product m ay cause radio interf erence i n which case the us er m a y be requi red to tak e adequate m asures.
An important point after buying a device Sceptre X23 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sceptre X23 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sceptre X23 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sceptre X23 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sceptre X23 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sceptre X23, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sceptre X23.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sceptre X23. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sceptre X23 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center