Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3370 Savin
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3355/3370 Operating Instruct i ons COPY RE FERENCE Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, p lease follow the instru ctions in t his manual.
Introduction This man ual conta ins deta iled inst ructions on the operation a nd maint enanc e of this mac hine. To get maximu m versa til ity from this machi ne all op erat ors should careful ly read an d follow th e instru cti ons in this man ual. Pleas e keep th is manu al in a ha ndy plac e near the machi ne.
In accord ance wi th IEC 60417 , this machine uses the following symbols for the m ain pow er switch: a means POWE R ON. c means STAN D BY. SAVIN CORPORATION 333 Ludlo w Street, S tamford, CT 0 6904 2.
i Safety Information When using your equip ment, the followin g safety precaut ions should always be followed. Safety Du ri ng Operatio n In this manual, the following i mportant symbols are used: R W.
ii R CAUTION: • Protect the equipment from damp ness or wet weather, such as rain, snow, and so on. • Unplug the power cord from the wall outle t before you move the equipmen t. While moving th e equipment, you should take care that the power cord will not be dam aged under the equip ment.
iii How to Read this Manual Symbols In this manual, the following sy mbols are used: R WARNING: This symbol indicates a potentially ha zardous situation that might r esult in death o r serious injury when y ou misuse the ma chine with out fo llowing the in- structions under this symbol.
iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Machine Types .......... .............. .............. ......... .............. .............. .............. .. 1 What You Can Do with This Machine (Copy Mode)............ .............. ...... 2 Guide To Components ........... .
v Auto Reduce/Enlarge ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..... ... ....... ........ ...... .. ........ ... 47 Copying onto Tab Stock ............ ........ ........ ........ .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ 48 Sort/Stack/Staple .
vi 1 Sided 8 Pages → Combine 1 Side ......... .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 120 1 Sided 4 Pages → Combine 2 Side ......... .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 122 1 Sided 8 Pages → Combine 2 Side .......
vii Printing Saved Docume nts .................. ......... .............. .............. ............ 216 Sample Prin ting ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 218 Print First Page .... .
viii Changing the Paper Size ....... ......... .............. .............. .............. .......... .. 282 Changing the Paper Size in Tray 2 ...... ....... ........ ........... ........ ........ ....... .... 282 d Adding Staples .................. .
ix 8. Specification Mainframe.... .............. .............. .............. ......... .............. .............. ............ 339 Document Feeder ..... .............. ......... .............. .............. .............. .......... .. 343 50-Sheet Fi nisher.
1 Machine Types This machine comes in two models which vary in copy speed. To make sure which mo del you have, see the inside front co ver. Type 1 Type 2 Copy speed 55 copies/minute (A4 K , 8 1 / 2 &q.
2 What You Can Do with This Machine (Copy Mode).
4 Guide To Components 1. Document Feeder (ADF) The document feeder automatically feeds a stack of ori ginals one by one. 2. Exposure glas s Place original s here face down for copy- ing.
5 1. ADF tray When copying t wo-sided or iginals, th e orig inals are deli vered h ere. Note ❒ Even when copying one-sided orig i- nals, you can select the ADF t ray. 2. ADF external tray When copying one-si ded origina ls, the orig inals are deli vered h ere.
6 1. Ventilation hole Prevents overheating . Do not obstruct the ventil ation hole by placi ng or leani ng an object near it. If the machine over- hea ts, a faul t mig ht oc cur. Output T ray Guide When copying onto OHP transparencie s and translucent paper, raise the guide.
7 Options 1. 50-Sheet Finishe r Sorts, stacks, and staples copies. Yo u can also punc h copies. (The Punch functio n is optional .) • A: Finisher pr oof tray • B: Finisher shift tr ay 2. 100-Sheet Fini sher Sorts, stacks, and staples copies. Yo u can also punc h copies.
8 Control Panel 1. Screen Contras t knob Adjusts the brightne ss of the display pan- el. 2. Indicators These indica tors show erro rs or the stat us of the machine.
9 12. { Start } key Press to start copying. Use to set Aut o Start. See ⇒ P.90 “Auto S tart” . 13. { Clea r/Stop } key •C l e a r Press to delete a number entered. •S t o p Press to stop a copy job in pr ogress. 14. Numb er keys Use to enter the d esired number of copies and data for sel ected modes.
10 Display Panel The display panel shows the status of the machine, error messages and function menus. Important ❒ Do not apply a strong shock or force of about 30 N (about 3 kgf) or more to the displ ay panel. Otherwise, the display might be damaged.
11 9. Shows th e available functions. Press a func tion name to dis play its menu. For example, pres s the [ Re- duce/Enl arge ] key to br ing up the Re- duce/E nlarge menu . ❖ Function menu 1. Items you c an select. 2. The [ Check Modes ] key appears when you have selected function(s).
12 ❖ Document Server ini tial display 1. Operational stat us and messages. 2. Display titles. 3. The number of originals scanne d into memory, number of copies set, and number of c opies made.
13 Function List Based on Options The functions that are availa ble to you depend on your machine configuration and which options you have. See the table below.
14 Duple x 1 Sided → 2 Side d ❍❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ 2 Sided → 2 Side d ❍❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ Combine 1 Sided 2 pages → 1 Side ❍❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ 1 Sided 4 pages → 1 Side ❍❍❍❍❍�.
15 *1 You can u se this fu nction when “Rotate Sort ” is select ed in “Sel ect Stack or Rotate sort” of the User Tools. *2 The Saddle Stitch function i s available . *3 When the same type of fi nishers are equippe d with the master a nd sub-unit.
17 1. Basics Turning On the Power To turn the machine on, pres s the operation switch. Note ❒ This ma chi ne aut omat ical ly e nter s Ener gy Sa ver mode or turn s it self off i f you do not use the machine for a while. See “Auto Off” in ⇒ P.
Basics 18 1 Sta rti ng t he M achin e A Press the operation switch to make the On indicator go on. The display panel will come on . Note ❒ If the power is not turned on when the operation switch is pressed, chec k if the main power switch is on. If off, turn i t on.
Originals 19 1 Originals Sizes and Weight s of Recommended Origi nals ❖ Met ric vers io n *1 Except B6 L *2 A5 K , B6 KL , 52 – 128g /m 2 ❖ Inch version *1 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " K , 14 – 34 lb. Bond Note ❒ The number of originals that can be set in the document feeder is about 100.
Basics 20 1 • Stapled or clipped originals • Perforated or torn originals • Curled, folded, or creased originals • Pasted originals • Originals with any kind of coating, such a s thermal fax.
Originals 21 1 ❖ Inch version *1 You ca n sel ect f rom 8 1 / 2 " × 13", 8 1 / 4 " × 13" and 8" × 13" with the User Tools (Syste m Settings).
Basics 22 1 ❖ Docum ent fe eder Limita tion ❒ Even if you correctly set origina ls in the document feeder or on the exposure glass, 3mm (0.1") margins on all four sides might not be copied.
Copy Paper 23 1 Copy Paper Recommended Pap er Sizes and Types The following limitations apply to each tray: Metric versio n Inch version Paper weight Paper ca - pacity Tray 1 *1 A4 K , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K 52 – 128 g/ m 2 , 14 – 34 lb.
Basics 24 1 *1 The paper tray fence is fixed. If you wish to change the size of paper set in this tray, contact your service re presentative. *2 If you wish to co py onto non-s tandard si ze paper, set the paper in t he bypass tr ay and specify the siz e.
Copy Paper 25 1 Important ❒ If you use damp or curled p aper, a misfeed might occur. In this case, try turn- ing over the paper stack in the paper tray. If there is no improvement, change to copy pap er with less cur l. Note ❒ When you use the bypass tray, be sure to set the copy pap er direction to L .
Basics 26 1 Note ❒ Do not use the following kinds of paper or a misfeed might occur . • Bent, folded, or creased paper •T o r n p a p e r • Slippe ry paper • Perforated paper • Rou gh pap .
Toner 27 1 Toner Handling Ton er R WARNING: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: Important ❒ If you use toner other than the recommended type, a fault might occu r. Toner Stora ge When storing toner, the following precautions shoul d always be followed: • Store toner containers in a cool, dry place free fr om direct sunlight.
Basics 28 1.
29 2. Copying Basic Procedur e A Make sure that the machine is in Copy mode. If th e machin e is not in Copy mode , press t he { Copy/New J ob } key. B When the machine is set for the user code, enter the user code with the number ke ys an d then pr ess the { # } key.
Co pyin g 30 2 Note ❒ The maximum copy quantity can be set between 1 and 999 (default: 999 ). See “Maximum Copy Quantity” in ⇒ P.313 “General Features 2 / 3 ” . ❒ To change the number entered, press the { Clear/St op } key and enter the new number .
Setting Originals 31 2 Setting Originals Limita tion ❒ Set originals after cor rection fluid and ink has completely dried. Not taking this precau tion could mark the exposure glass and caus e marks to be copied. Note ❒ Basicall y originals should be aligned to the rear left corner.
Co pyin g 32 2 B Set the original face down o n the exposure glass . The original should be aligned to the rear left corner. 1: Reference mark 2: Scale Note ❒ Start with the firs t page to be copied. C Lower the document feeder. Setting Or igi nals in the Doc ument Feeder Note ❒ The last page should be on the bottom.
Setting Originals 33 2 A Set the aligned originals face up into t he docum ent feeder. Setting a stack of original s is completed when the bottom plate rises. Important ❒ After the bottom plate of the document feeder rises, do not add or force in ori ginals.
Co pyin g 34 2 B Select the original orientation. Stan dard Or ientat ion A Make su re t hat t he [ Standard Orientation ] key is selected. 90 ° Turn When you want t o copy A3 K , B4 K or 11" × 17" K size origina ls, set you r original in the l andscape orienta tion and then press the [ 90 ° Turn ] key.
Setting Originals 35 2 Note ❒ It is recomm ended to use this fu nction together wi th the Auto Paper Select or Preset Reduc e/Enlarge function. A Press the [ 90 ° Turn ] key.
Co pyin g 36 2 Setting Special Originals Use this function when you want to use Batch (SA DF), Mixed Sizes, Thin mode, or when you select the original orie ntation. Batch (SADF) mode Up to 100 standard originals can be set in the document feeder at a time.
Setting Originals 37 2 E After all the previously set originals are fed, set the next originals while the Auto Feed indicator is on. The second and subsequent originals can be fed automaticall y without pres s- ing the { Start } key.
Co pyin g 38 2 A Press the [ Special Or iginal ] key. B Press the [ Mixed S izes ] key. C Press the [ OK ] key. D Align the rear and left edges of the originals as shown in the illustration.
Setting Originals 39 2 Thin mode Use Thin mode if the scanned image is dis torted at the edges when copying thin (52g/m 2 , 14 lb. Bond or lighter) original s. Important ❒ Set to Thin mode when you place thin paper into the document feeder, other- wise your origin als might be damaged.
Co pyin g 40 2 Basic Functions The following basic functions are explained in this secti on. ❖ Adjusting Copy Image Density Auto and Manual Image Density ❖ Selecting O riginal Type Setting Text, T.
Basic Functions 41 2 Note ❒ In Connect C opy mode, make adjustments to copy image density on the mas- ter uni t. • The image density level set on the master unit will be used by both units, However, in order to produc e similar images on both un its, make sure that the “Original Mode Quality Level” settings are the same on each unit.
Co pyin g 42 2 Combine d Auto and Manu al Image De nsity A Make su re t hat t he [ Auto Image Density ] key is selected. B Press the [ Lighter ] or [ Darker ] key to adjust the density. Note ❒ If yo u do not wi sh to set any other f uncti ons, press t he { Start } key to start copying.
Basic Functions 43 2 A Press the appropriate key to select the original type. Note ❒ If “Yes” has been selected in “Original Mode Displ ay” of the User Tools, press the [ Original Mode ] key to select the original type, t hen press the [ OK ] key.
Co pyin g 44 2 Note ❒ See the following table for possible copy paper sizes and dire ctions with Auto Paper Select (when copying at a ratio of 100%): ❖ Metric vers ion *1 You can select fro m 8 1 / 2 " × 13", 8 1 / 4 " × 1 3" an d 8" × 13" with the User Tools (Sys- tem Settings).
Basic Functions 45 2 A Select the c opy paper. Auto P aper Se lect A Make su re t hat t he [ Aut o Pa per Se lect ] key is selected. Note ❒ If the [ Auto Pape r Sel ect ] key is not selected, press th e [ Auto Pape r Se lect ] key. ❒ If yo u do not wi sh to set any other f uncti ons, press t he { Start } key to start copying.
Co pyin g 46 2 - Rotated copy If the direction in which your original is set (landscape or p ortrait) is differen t from that of the paper you are copying onto, this fu nction rotates the original im- age by 90 ° and fits it on the copy paper. This func tion works when Auto Paper Select or Auto Reduce/Enlarge is selected.
Basic Functions 47 2 Auto Reduc e/E nla rge The machine can choose an appropriate rep roduction ratio based on the paper and original sizes you select.
Co pyin g 48 2 ❒ For some originals, the o riginal size might not be detected co rrectly. See ⇒ P.21 “Sizes difficult to detect” . ❒ You can set originals of different size s in the document feeder at a time. See ⇒ P.37 “Mixed Size s mode” .
Basic Functions 49 2 Preparation Select “Tab Stock” in “Tray 2: Special Pap er Indication” of the User Tools (System Settings). See “Tray 2: Special Pap er Indication” in the System Set- tings ma nual.
Co pyin g 50 2 1. Set originals 2. Place the tab stocks in tray 2 3. Make copi es ❒ Use the originals which do not have any images on the top or bottom part of the index tab. If the images are on the top or bottom part of the index, the im- ages are not copied on the paper, and the machine will b e damaged.
Basic Functions 51 2 B Adjust the back fence as follows: • Metric version: 10" ( Paper Size Settin gs is A4 K ) • Inch version: B5 (Paper Size Settings is 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K ) C Attach the tab sheet tray to the back fence in the paper tray.
Co pyin g 52 2 Sort/Stack /Staple The machi ne can scan your originals in to memory and automatically s ort the copi es. ❖ Sort •S o r t • Rotate Sort ❖ Stack (optional finisher required) •S.
Sort/Stack/Staple 53 2 ❒ The maximum tray capacity is as follows. ❖ Metric vers ion *1 If you copy whe n paper remai ns on the tray, the capacit y might be r educed.
Co pyin g 54 2 ❖ Inch version *1 If you copy whe n paper remai ns on the tray, the capacit y might be r educed. Output tra y •5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 ", 11" × 17": 250 sheets ( 20 lb. Bond) •8 1 / 2 " × 11", 8 1 / 2 " × 13": 500 sheets (20 lb .
Sort/Stack/Staple 55 2 Sort Copies can be as sembled as sets in sequential orde r. ❖ Sort Copies can be ass embled as sets in s equential order. • 50-Sheet/100-Sheet Finisher The shift tray moves .
Co pyin g 56 2 ❖ Inch v ersion ❖ Rotat e Sort Every other copy set is rotated by 90 ° KL an d delivered to the copy tray. Note ❒ When the optional finisher is installed, you can switc h to or from the Ro- tate Sort function with the User Tools.
Sort/Stack/Staple 57 2 A Press the [ Sort ] or [ Rota te Sort ] key. ❖ When the f inisher is not inst alled ❖ When the 50 -Shee t/100 -Shee t Fini sher is instal led ❖ When the booklet finisher is installed Note ❒ When the optional finisher is installed, us e the User Tools to display [ Rotate Sor t ] .
Co pyin g 58 2 When sett ing a sta ck of origi nals in the documen t feeder A Set a stack of originals in the document feeder, then press the { Start } key. After all the originals are s canned, the copies are delivered to the tr ay. Note ❒ The last page should be on the bottom.
Sort/Stack/Staple 59 2 • Booklet Finis her Note ❒ The paper siz es that can be used in the Stack function a re as follows: ❖ Metric vers ion ❖ Inch version Reference For the maximum tray capacity of the optional finisher, s ee ⇒ P.344 “50-Sheet Finisher” , ⇒ P.
Co pyin g 60 2 When sett ing a sta ck of origi nals in the documen t feeder A Set a stack of originals in the document feeder, then press the { Start } key. After all the originals are s canned, the copies are delivered to the tr ay. Note ❒ The last page should be on the bottom.
Sort/Stack/Staple 61 2 • OHP transparencies • Adhesive labels • Curled pa per • Low stiffness paper • Paper of different vertical siz es Note ❒ For this mode, the following l imitation applies. When the number of copies exceeds the tray capa city, copying stops.
Co pyin g 62 2 ❖ Inch version *1 Depending on the number of sheets to be stapled and whet her sheets have punched holes o r not, the maximum tray cap acity might be red uced. *2 If you copy whe n the paper r emains on the tray, the ca pacity might be r educed.
Sort/Stack/Staple 63 2 Stapling position and original setting When there is co py paper that is identical in s ize and direction as your original, stapling positi ons are as follows: ❖ 50-S heet /1 .
Co pyin g 64 2 *1 Original images are not rotat ed. When selecting these stapl ing positions, set the or ig- inals i n the same di rection as co py paper i s set. *2 This positi on is avail able if “9 0º Turn” is selected with t he origina l orientatio n.
Sort/Stack/Staple 65 2 *1 Original images are not rotat ed. When selecting these stapl ing positions, set the or ig- inals i n the same di rection as co py paper i s set. *2 This positi on is avail able if “9 0º Turn” is selected with t he origina l orientatio n.
Co pyin g 66 2 ❒ If you sele ct “Saddle Stitch”, the machine staples and f olds the paper i n the center, then delivers the p aper folded. ❒ If you se lect “Saddle Stitch” in Magazine mode, the machine s taples the pa- per, and folds it like a book, then delivers the paper fol ded.
Sort/Stack/Staple 67 2 C Set your origin als, then press the { Start } key. When sett ing a sta ck of origi nals in the documen t feeder A Set a stack of originals in the document feeder, then press the { Start } key. After all the originals are s canned, the copies are delivered to the tr ay.
Co pyin g 68 2 When Memory Reach es 0% Scanning will be stopped if the size of scanned image data exceeds memory ca- pacity. Note ❒ There is enough memory to store approximate 200 to 1,000 originals of A4, 8 1 / 2 " × 11" size.
An important point after buying a device Savin 3370 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Savin 3370 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Savin 3370 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Savin 3370 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Savin 3370 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Savin 3370, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Savin 3370.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Savin 3370. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Savin 3370 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center