Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 3150eDNP Savin
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3150eDNP OPERAT ING INS TRUCTI ONS TSLH02HE Read this manual carefu lly before you use this pro duct and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please fo llow the instructions in this manual.
Introdu ction This manual c ontains det ailed ins tructi ons on the operati on and maint enance of t his machine. To get maximum v er sa til ity fro m t his machine all o perato rs s ho uld careful ly re ad a nd fol low the in structi ons in this manu al.
Note to users in the Uni ted States of America Notice: This equipm ent has be en tested and f ound to comply with t he limit s for a Clas s A digita l devices, pu r- suant to Par t 1 5 of th e FCC Rule s.
i Safety Information When using your mac hine, the following safety precautions should be always be followed. Safety Duri ng Operation In this m anual, the follow ing important symbols are used: Examples Of Indications R WARNING: Ignoring this warning could c aus e se rious inju ry or ev en de at h.
ii R WARNIN G: • Only conn ect the machine to the power so urce desc ribed on the inside front cover of this manual. • Avoid mul ti-wiri ng. • Do not damage, break or make any modifications to the pow- er cord. Do not place heavy obj ects on it, pull it hard or bend it more than necess ary.
iii R CAUTIO N: • Keep the m achine away fr om humidity a nd dust. A fire or an el ec- tric shock might occur. • Do not place the machine on an unstable or tilted surface. If it top- ples over, it could cause injury. • After you move the machine, fix it with the cast er fixture.
iv • Keep the ink or ink container out of reach of children. • If ink is ingested, force vomiting by drinking a strong saline solu- tion and consult a doctor immediately. • Be careful not to cut yourself on any sharp edges when you reach inside the machine to remove misfed sheet s of paper o r masters.
v How To Read This Manual Symb ols In this m anual, the follow ing symbols are used: R WARNING: This symbol indicate s a potentiall y hazardous situati on that mi ght result in death or se rious injury when you m isuse the machine with out following the in- structi ons un der thi s symb ol.
vi What You Can D o With This Machine ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Standar d Prin ting See ⇒ P. 5 “Standard Printi ng” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting The Print Image Position See ⇒ P. 8 “Adjusting The Print Image Position” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting The Print Image Density See ⇒ P.
vii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Erasing Ed ge Margin s See ⇒ P. 19 “Edge Erase—Erasing Edge Margins” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Erasing The Shadow Of Pasted Originals See ⇒ P. 21 “Paste Shadow Era se—Erasin g The Shadow Of Pasted Originals” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Prin ting On Thic k Or Thin P aper See ⇒ P.
viii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Combining Originals Into One Prin t See ⇒ P.3 2 “Combine Copies—Combining 2 Originals Into One Print” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Skip Fee d Pr inti ng See ⇒ P.3 5 “Ski p Fe ed Pr intin g” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Storing Your Prin t Settings In Memory See ⇒ P.
ix Guide To Components Machi ne Ext erio r 1. Front Door Open for ac cess to the inside of the m a- chine. 2. Oper ati on Pane l Ope rator contro ls and indica tors are lo- cated here. See ⇒ P. xii “Operation Pa nel” . 3. Platen Cover Lower this cover over an original before printin g.
x 10. Behind Cove r Flip up when you use the keys under- neat h. Machi ne Int erior 1. Document Feed er (Option) Original inserted into the document feed- er are individual ly and auto matically fed onto and removed from th e exposure glass. See ⇒ P.
xi Options ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 30 Originals Document Feeder Note ❒ Othe r options: • Color D rum: LG drum • Color Drum: B4 dru m • Tape Dispenser • Key Counter TSLP015E.
xii Oper ati on P ane l Keys 1. { { { { Security } } } } key Press to make prints of secret documents. See ⇒ P.40 “Sec urit y Mode —Prin ting Se- cret Documents” . 2. { { { { Paste Sha dow Erase } } } } key Press to erase the shadow of pasted orig- inals.
xiii 13. { { { { Type of Orig inal } } } } key Press to select Letter, Photo, or L etter/ Photo mode. See ⇒ P.23 “Select ing Origi- nal T ype ” . 14. { { { { Fine } } } } key Press to select the fine image. See ⇒ P.12 “Fine Mode—Ma king Clea r Prints” .
xiv Indic ators 1. Error I ndicators These indicators are lit when a non-stan- dard condition occurs withi n the ma- chine. 2. Memory /Cl ass In dicat or Shows the number entered in Memory or Class mode. 3. Speed Indicat ors These indicators show the printing speed that is selected.
xv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OPERATIO N Printi ng Pa per ........ ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ... 1 Origi nals ..... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .... ...... .......
xvi Program—Storing Your Print Settings I n Memory ............................... 36 Stori ng Your S etting s ....... .... ....... ..... ....... ....... .... ....... ..... ...... ....... ..... ....... .... 36 Recall ing A Pr ogram ... ....... .....
xvii x Clearing Misfeeds ............................................................................... 82 “ x ” +“ORIG INAL JA M. REMOVE ORIGINAL” ......... ....... .... ....... ....... ..... .... 82 “ x ” + “PAP ER FEED JAM . REMOVE JAMMED PAP ER” .
xviii This page i s intenti onally blank..
1 1. OPERATION Printing Paper The follow ing types of pr int paper are no t recommend ed for this mac hine. • Paper s maller t han 90 mm × 148 mm, 3.6" × 5.9 " • Paper l arger than 2 68 mm × 3 88 mm, 10.5" × 15.2" • Paper heavier than 157.
OPERATION 2 1 Originals Note ❒ Originals that can be set on the exposure glass are as follows: • Maximum si ze: 25 7 × 364 mm, 10. 2" × 14.4" • Maxi mum tot al thic knes s: 30 mm , 1.
Preparati on Fo r Print ing 3 1 Preparation For Printing Loading Paper A Carefully open the paper feed ta- ble. B Put the paper feed side plates loc k lever. Adjust the side plates to match the paper size. 1: Paper Feed Side Plates Lock Le- ver C Place the paper on the paper feed table.
OPERATION 4 1 D Make sure that the paper feed side plat es touch the pa per light- ly. Put back the lock le ver. Setting Up The Paper Delivery Tabl e A Open the paper delivery table. Referen ce When the p rints are not deliv- ered in a neat stack, see ⇒ P.
Standard Pri nting 5 1 Standard Printing - - - - Printing In this manual, the wo rd, “ Printing ” is used as opp osed to “Copying” in order t o dist inguis h bet ween t he pro- cess that your machi ne uses to make prints, and the process used by a stan- dard c opier machi ne.
OPERATION 6 1 E Pre ss th e { { { { Pro of } } } } key and che ck the image density and th e image position of the p roof print. Note ❒ If the ima ge position is not cor- rect, adjust it using the { Im age Position } keys or th e fine adjust- ment dial.
Restori ng Paper Feed An d Paper D eliv ery Tabl es 7 1 Restoring Paper Feed And Paper Delivery Tables A Remove the paper from the paper feed table . The pape r feed t able will l ower. B Turn off the main switch. C Close the paper feed table. D Move the end plate until the plate handle is flush with the end of the table.
OPERATION 8 1 Adjusting The Print Image P ositi on After master maki ng, you can adjust the pri nt image position t o suit your needs. T here are two ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting The Image Positi on Forward Or Backward Shift the ima ge positio n usin g the { Ima ge Posi ti on } keys.
Adjusting The Pri nt Image Position 9 1 A Turn the side table fine adjusting dial as shown in the illustrations. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting the image to the right ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting the i mage to the left Note ❒ The image position can be shift- ed up to about 10 mm, 0.
OPERATION 10 1 Adjusting The Print Image Density You can adjust t he print image densi- ty to suit your needs. There ar e two ways: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Before Making A Master Adjust the image d ensity using the { Imag e D ens ity } key. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ After Making A Master Adjust the image d ensity using the {W} or {V} key .
Tint Mode—Mak ing Half- tone Print s 11 1 Tint Mode—Making Half-tone Prints Use the { Tint } key to make half-tone prints. A Pre ss th e { { { { Tint } } } } key to sel ect Tint mode. B Set your originals on the exposure glass or in the optional document feeder.
OPERATION 12 1 Fine Mode—Making Clear Prints Use the { Fine } key to make clear prints. A Pre ss t he { { { { Fine } } } } key to select Fine mode. B Set your originals on the exposure glass or in the optional document feeder. C Pres s th e { { { { Star t } } } } key.
Changing The Pri nting Sp eed 13 1 Changing The Printing Speed Use the {W} or {V} key to adjust the speed of the m achine with the im age density and p rinting paper. A Pre ss th e { { { {V V V V} } } } key to increase the speed and press the { { { {W W W W} } } } key to re- duce th e speed.
OPERATION 14 1 Stopping The Machine Dur ing The Multi- prin t Run When You Want To Stop The Machine During The Multi- print Run And Print Th e Next Original A Pre ss th e { { { { Clear/Sto p } } } } key. B Set the new original. C Enter the number of prints and pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key.
Preset Reduce/Enl arge—Red ucing And Enlargi ng Using Preset Ratios 15 1 Preset Reduce/Enlarge—Reducing And Enlarging Using Preset Ratios You can select a preset rat io for print- ing. Note ❒ The center and th e leading edge of the prin t image do not shift w hen a print im age is made wi th this func- tion.
OPERATION 16 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Enlargement (Metric version) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Enlarg ement (Inc h version) A Select the desired reduction or en- largement ratio using the { { { { Re- duce } } } } key or the { { { { Enlarge } } } } key. B Make sure that the original an d the print paper are the c orrect size.
Center/Ed ge Erase—Era sing Center And Edge Mar gins 17 1 Center/Edge Erase—Erasing Center And Edge Mar gins When p rinting from thick books, or similar orig inals, the bind ing margin at the cente r and the edge s might ap- pear on prints. To prev ent this, follow the steps below.
OPERATION 18 1 C When you reach th e desire d paper size and direc tion, press th e { { { { # } } } } key . D Set the book on the exposure glass. E Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. F Check the image p osition of the trial or proof print. Note ❒ If the ima ge position is not cor- rect, adjust it using the { Im age Position } keys (see ⇒ P.
Edge Erase—Eras ing Edge Mar gins 19 1 Edge Erase—Erasing Edge Margins If you want to erase edge margins of a book original , follow the steps bel ow.
OPERATION 20 1 E Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. F Check the image p osition of the trial or proof print. Note ❒ If the ima ge position is not cor- rect, adjust it using the { Im age Position } keys (see ⇒ P.8 “Ad- justing The Print Image P osition” ) or the side table fine adjusting dial (see ⇒ P.
Paste Shadow Era se—Erasing The Shadow Of Pasted Ori ginals 21 1 Paste Shadow Erase—Erasing The Shadow Of Past ed Or iginals If you want t o erase the shadow of pasted originals, fo llow the steps be- low. A Set the original on the exposure glass.
OPERATION 22 1 Printing On Thick Or Thin Paper When you make prints o n thick (127.9 to 157.0 g/m 2 , 34.0 to 41.7 l b) or thin (47.1 to 81.4 g/m 2 , 12.5 t o 21.6 lb) pa- per, perform the followi ng steps. Printing On Thick Paper A When you use paper heavier than 127.
Selec ting Orig inal Ty pe 23 1 Select ing Original Type Select one o f the following three typ es to mat ch you r orig inals : ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Photo mode Delicate to nes of pho tographs and pictur es can be reproduced wi th this m ode . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Letter mode Select this mode when your origi - nals cont ain only le tters (n o pic- tures).
OPERATION 24 1 Economy Mode—Ink Saving When you want to save i nk, select Econom y mode . Note ❒ Print s will come out lig hter. A Pre ss th e { { { { Economy } } } } key . B Set your originals on the exposure glass or in the optional document feeder.
Auto Cyc le—Printing Fr om Several Originals At Once 25 1 Auto Cycle—Printing From Several Originals At Once Use th e { Auto Cy cl e } key to proc ess mas ters an d make pr ints a t one stroke. Note ❒ When you use the optional docu- ment feeder, it is not necessary to place originals one by one.
OPERATION 26 1 F If you use the optional t ape dis- penser, turn on the tape disp enser power sw itch. G Pre ss th e { { { { Print } } } } key. Note ❒ Repeat steps A through C until all origi nals are printed when you set originals o n the expo - sure glass.
Class Mode—Gr oup Printi ng From The Same Origina l 27 1 Class Mode—Group Printing From The Same Original Use the { Memory/Class } key to make sets of prints from the same origin al.
OPERATION 28 1 E Turn on the optional tape dis- pens er powe r swi tch. F Set one original face d own on the exposure glass or in the optional document feeder. G Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. H Check the image p osition of the trial or proof print.
Memory Mode—Group Pr intin g From Diff erent Originals 29 1 Memory Mode—Group Printing From Different Original s Use the { Memory/Class } key to make sets of pr ints fr om dif ferent o rigin als. Note ❒ With th e opti onal docume nt fee d- er, you can set several orig inals and ma ke print s of all of t hem at once.
OPERATION 30 1 D With t he { { { { Number } } } } keys, enter th e number of prints for the second original. E Pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key . This stores the number of p rints to be m ade fo r th e sec ond or igina l in memor y 2. Note ❒ Repeat steps D and E for eac h orig inal.
Memory Mode—Group Pr intin g From Diff erent Originals 31 1 J Turn on the optional tape dis- pens er powe r swi tch. K Pre ss th e { { { { Auto Cycle } } } } key. Note ❒ If you press the { Auto Cycle } key, you cannot make proof prints by pressing the { Proof } key.
OPERATION 32 1 Combine Co pies—Combining 2 Originals Into One Print As a def ault, this function ca nnot be used. If you want to use this functi on, set “S ET COMB INE KEY ” to “Ye s”. See “SET COMB INE KEY” in ⇒ P.55 “Service Program Menu” .
Combine Copi es—Combin ing 2 Original s Into One Prin t 33 1 mm, 0.16" for the second o riginal) from the leading edge. ❒ You can select different kinds o f image settings for the fir st and sec- ond o riginal. ❒ Make sure that th e paper feed side plates touch th e paper ligh tly when in the Com bine Copies func - tion.
OPERATION 34 1 F Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. G The beeper sounds after the first original is on the master. Set the secon d ori ginal face do wn. H Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. I Check the image p osition of the trial or proof print.
Skip Fe ed Printing 35 1 Skip Fe ed Printi ng If the back s of prints are dirty, yo u can increase t he time betwe en two prints using the { Skip Feed } key. In the default setting, when one sheet of pape r is fe d the drum rota tes twice. However, you can select th e number of ro tations of t he drum.
OPERATION 36 1 Program—Storing Your Print Settings In Memory You can store up to 9 frequently used print job sett ings in m achine memory , and recall them for future use. Note ❒ The stored progra ms are not cleared when you t urn off the main switch.
Program—S toring Your Print Set tings In Memor y 37 1 E Select the program number you want to store the settings in with the { { { { Number } } } } keys. Note ❒ Make sure that the previous job settings stored und er the select- ed program numbe r are over- written .
OPERATION 38 1 E Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. Protecting A Program If you want to prevent someone from writing over your progr am, do the following p rocedure. A While holding down the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key, pre ss the { { { { Pro gram } } } } key .
Program—S toring Your Print Set tings In Memor y 39 1 Removing Program Prot ection A While holding down the { { { { Clear/ Stop } } } } key, pre ss the { { { { Pro gram } } } } key . B Enter “0” with the { { { { Number } } } } keys . C Pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key .
OPERATION 40 1 Security Mode—Printing Secret Document s This function prevents other s from makin g prints of secret doc uments from the master. For example, i f you want to pri nt some document s with sensitive information, use t his func- tion a fter m aking your prints s o that nobody ca n access th at master again.
41 2. OPTIONAL FUNCTION S Printing U sing The Optional 30 Originals Document Feeder Insert a stack of origi nals in the document feeder. They will be fed automatically. Document Feeder Ext erior 1. Original Tray Original used to m ake masters are deliv- ered to this tray.
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS 42 2 • Originals with glue on them • Originals perforated for ring binder s • Book origi nals • Originals wr itten wit h a pencil or bal l-point pen • Orig inals sm aller th an 148 mm × 105 mm, 5.8" × 4.1" • Originals larger than 257 mm × 364 mm, 10.
Printing Usi ng The Optional 30 Originals Doc ument Feeder 43 2 A Adjust the guide to the original size. B Insert the aligned originals face up in the document feed er until they stop. Lim ita tion ❒ Approximately 30 o riginals (64 g/m 2 , 17 lb) can be inserted at one time in the 30 ori ginals doc ument feeder.
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS 44 2 Note ❒ If the next or iginal has been set in the document feeder before the m achine stops, that origin al is fed aut omatical ly and a trial print is d elivere d to the paper delivery table after the print of the first original is completed.
Printing Usi ng The Optional 30 Originals Doc ument Feeder 45 2 D Pre ss th e { { { { Start } } } } key. E Check the image p osition of the trial or proof print. Note ❒ If the image position is not cor rect, adjust it using the { Image Po sit ion } keys (see ⇒ P.
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS 46 2 A Pre ss th e { { { { Mem ory /Cla ss } } } } key to light the Memory indicator. B Wit h the { { { { Number } } } } keys, enter the desired n umber of prints for th e first original. C Pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key . This sto res the nu mber o f prints to be made f or the fir st orig inal in me mory 1.
Printing Usi ng The Optional 30 Originals Doc ument Feeder 47 2 D Set your originals face up in to the document feeder. Note ❒ When you use the optional 30 originals document feeder, the ori ginals are fed from the bottom of the stack. Make sure that the originals are set in the correct seq uence wi th the first o riginal on t he bottom.
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS 48 2 G Turn on the optional tape dispenser power switch. H Pre ss th e { { { { Auto Cycle } } } } key. Note ❒ In Auto Cy cle mode, printing s tarts au tomatica lly afte r a trial print i s de- liver ed. I Pre ss th e { { { { Print } } } } key.
Colo r Prin ting Usi ng Th e Optiona l Color Drum 49 2 Color Pr inting Using The Opti onal Color Drum Color drum units (red, blue, green, brown, yellow , purple, navy, m a- roon, orange, t eal and gray) are avai l- able a s options in ad dition to the standard black unit.
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS 50 2 C Pull out the drum unit handle. Note ❒ If you cannot p ull out the drum unit, push the drum unit han- dle, then pull out the drum unit. D Hold the rail on the drum and slide out the drum while p ulling the release t owards you.
Colo r Prin ting Usi ng Th e Optiona l Color Drum 51 2 I Close the front door. Note ❒ Make sure that the Cover Open indica tor ( M ) turns off, and the COLOR is shown in th e guid- ance display. Printing In Two Colors After p rinting in on e color, you can print in anothe r color on the same side of the print .
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS 52 2 E Pre ss th e { { { { Print } } } } key. F Remove the prints from t he paper delivery table and set t hem on the paper feed table again as sh own in the illu stration. G Exchange t he drum unit. See ⇒ P.49 “Changing The Color Drum Unit” .
53 3. SERVICE PROGRAM MODE Accessing Service Programs The service programs can be set by foll owing thi s proce dure. Referenc e For the service pro gram menu, see ⇒ P.55 “Service Pr ogram Menu” . A Pre ss th e { { { { Clear Modes } } } } key. B Hold down the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key for at least 3 seconds.
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 54 3 Changing The Settings Of Service Programs A After entering the desired SP No., press the { { { { # } } } } key. The value or mo de set at the facto ry will be displaye d at the end o f the second line on the guidance display .
Changing The Set tings Of Servi ce Programs 55 3 Note ❒ If you enter th e wrong value or mo de, press the { Clear Modes } key. Then, go back to step A . When you want to leave t he service program mode A Press t he { { { { Clear Modes } } } } key. Service Program Menu SP No.
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 56 3 12 SET DISPLAY If you want to change the l anguage used by the gui dan ce d ispla y, s elec t th e lan guag e v ersio n. Note ❒ Default : 1 ❒ Adjustable va lue: •0 : J .
Changing The Set tings Of Servi ce Programs 57 3 21 PRINTS/MASTER COST The option al key counter usua lly counts the num- ber of prints made regardless of the number of masters used. Fo r accounting purposes, it is possi- ble for the key counter to be incremented by a va l- ue between 0 and 50 whenever a new master is used.
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 58 3 41 IMAGE DENSITY Specifies the image density at power on. Note ❒ Default : 1 ❒ Adjustment value: •0 : L i g h t •1 : S t a n d a r d •2 : D a r k • 3: Darker 42 PRINT SPEED Specifies the printing speed at power on.
Changing The Set tings Of Servi ce Programs 59 3 84 AUTO MULTI COPY If you set an original on the exposure glass and press the { Comb ine Cop ies } key a nd { Start } key, two identical images are printed on the one sheet. Note ❒ Default : 0 ❒ Adjustment value: 0: No 1: Yes ❒ For details about Combine Copies, see ⇒ P.
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 60 3 114 CLR RE SETTABLE COUNT Clears the resettable master/print counter. Note ❒ Default : 0 ❒ Adjustment value: 0: No 1: Yes 120 USER CODE MODE S elects user c ode mode. When you set this fu nc- tion, you have to also specif y the auto reset time.
Changing The Set tings Of Servi ce Programs 61 3 Entering decimal val ues in SP No. 160–162: • Press the { Program } key to enter a decim al point. • Press the { q } key to fi x the value. 160 SIDE ERS. Adjust the default side edge margin width i n Edge Erase and Center/Edge Erase mode.
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 62 3 User Codes If the machine is set to use the User Code function, oper ators must input their user c odes before t he machine can operate.
User Cod es 63 3 key . F Pre ss t he { { { { Clear Modes } } } } key to lea ve Servi ce Prog ram m ode. How To Use User Code Mode A Input you r assign ed 3-digit us er code with the { { { { Number } } } } keys, the n pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key .
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 64 3 for at least 3 seconds. C Enter “121” with the { { { { Number } } } } key s and pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key. The number of masters and pr ints made under the user code “382” will b e display ed in the g uidance displ ay.
User Cod es 65 3 B Hold down the { { { { Clear/Stop } } } } key for at least 3 seconds. C Enter “122” with the { { { { Number } } } } key s and pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key. D Keep pressi ng the { { { { # } } } } key until desir ed user c ode is displ ayed .
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 66 3 C Enter “123” with the { { { { Number } } } } key s and pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key. The total numb er of masters and prints made un der all u ser cod es will b e display ed in the g uidance displ ay.
User Cod es 67 3 D Enter “1” (Yes ) with the { { { { Number } } } } key s and pre ss th e { { { { # } } } } key. E Pre ss t he { { { { Clear Modes } } } } key to lea ve Servi ce Prog ram m ode.
SERVICE PROGRAM MODE 68 3 This page i s intenti onally blank..
69 4. REPLENISHING SUPPLIES Loading Paper On The Paper Feed Table The Load Paper indicato r ( B ) blinks when t he paper feed table runs o ut of paper. Replenish ing Paper A Pre ss th e { { { { Clear/Sto p } } } } key. Note ❒ This step is necessar y only if you want to pause a print run to replen ish paper.
REPLENISHING SUPP LIES 70 4 Note ❒ Correct pap er curl befor e set- ting the pa per. D Pre ss th e { { { { Pri nt } } } } key to res ume printing. Changing The Paper Size A Remove the paper from the paper feed table . The paper feed tray will lower.
When The Add Ink Indi cator ( j ) Bl inks 71 4 When The Add Ink Indicator ( j ) Blinks The Add In k indi cato r ( j ) b links when it is time to supply ink. R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: R CAUTIO N: A Open the front door. • If ink comes into contact with your eyes, rinse immediately in run- ning water.
REPLENISHING SUPP LIES 72 4 B Pull out the ink holder and remove the used ink cartridge. C Remove the cap of the new ink cartridge. D Insert the new cartridge into the ink holder. E Return the ink holder to its original position until it clicks. Note ❒ Always supply ink of the same c olor.
When The Add Ink Indi cator ( j ) Bl inks 73 4 ❒ Make sure to firmly inse rt the par t indicate d by the arrow m ark into the guide. F Close the front door. The machi ne will start idling to suppl y ink to the drum. Note ❒ It will st op when the c orrect amount of ink re aches the drum .
REPLENISHING SUPP LIES 74 4 Master Ro ll Replacement The Maste r En d indicato r ( C ) is lit when i t is time to replace t he master roll. A Open the original table. Note ❒ Lift the or iginal ta ble releas e le- ver and li ft th e ori ginal tabl e.
Mast er Ro ll Re plac eme nt 75 4 F Se t the paper edg e of t he mast er roll as shown. Note ❒ Rotate th e spools bac kward to take up any slack in the master. G Close the plotter cover. H Close the right s ide cover. I Return the original table to its or igin al p osi tion .
REPLENISHING SUPP LIES 76 4 Placing A New Roll Of Tape In The Tape Dispense r (Option) Note ❒ Make su re that the main swit ch is turned on and the p ower switch of the tape d ispenser is off. A Open the cover of the tape dis- pens er. B As shown, put the roll in the dis- pens er.
Placin g A New Roll Of Tape In The Tape Dis penser (O ption) 77 4 E Press the manual c ut button to trim off the leading edge of the tape. TSLP014E.
REPLENISHING SUPP LIES 78 4 This page i s intenti onally blank..
79 5. WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG If Your Mach ine Does Not Operate As You Want If a m alfu nction or a mis feed occurs within the ma chin e, the follow ing in dica tors will blink or l ight. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the misfeed indicator ( x x x x ) blinks Indic ator Guidance Display Page x ORIGIN AL J AM.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 80 5 R CAUTIO N: Note ❒ To prevent m isfeeds, do not leave any torn scr aps of paper withi n the ma- chi ne. ❒ When clearing mi sfeeds, do not turn off the m ain switch. If you do, yo ur copy settings are cleared.
If Your Mach ine Does Not Opera te As You Want 81 5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When on e of the fol lowing messages is displ ayed on th e guidance d isplay - - - - When a s ervice cod e (E-XX) is d isplayed in the guid ance dis play Turn the main switch off and on.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 82 5 x Clearing Misfeeds Important ❒ When clearing m isfeeds, do not turn off m ain switch. If you do, your prin t set- tings are cleared. - - - - After clearing misfeeds Press the { Clear Modes } ke y to reset the er ror indic ators.
x Clearing Mis feeds 83 5 B Pull out the original gently. C If you c annot remove the misfed original, pull out the original from the side of the original tray and remove the original. D If you still cannot remove the misf ed paper, press the ADF open lever and open the ADF unit to remove the original.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 84 5 • Originals lighter than 40 g/m 2 , 10.6 lb (when set ting one ori ginal at a time) • Carbon coat ed originals • Damaged originals • Originals with glue.
x Clearing Mis feeds 85 5 “ x x x x ” + “PAPER FEED JAM. REMOVE JAMMED PAPER” R CAUTIO N: Misfeed in the paper feed section A Slowly but firmly pull out the paper. Paper is wrapped around the drum A Pull out the drum unit. B Remove the mi sfed paper.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 86 5 C Re-insert the drum unit until the drum unit locks in position and put the lever back in place . D Close the front door. - - - - To prevent paper misfeeds: If the pa per is curled or the originals lead ing edge margin i s too narrow, the fol- lowing actio n is necessary.
x Clearing Mis feeds 87 5 • If you cannot c orrect the pap er curl, stack the pape r with the curl face d own as shown. • When the leadi ng edge mar gin of the origi nal is less than 5 m m, 0.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 88 5 “ x x x x ” + “MASTER FEED JAM. REMOVE JAMMED MASTER” A Open the origina l table. Note ❒ Lift the original table release lever and slide the original table all the way to the left. B Open the right side cover.
x Clearing Mis feeds 89 5 D If you cou ld not remove t he misfed ma ster in st eps B B B B and C C C C , take out the drum and remove the misfed master from the ins ide. Referen ce For how to take out the drum unit, see ⇒ P.49 “Changing The Color Drum Unit” .
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 90 5 A Remove the mi sfed paper. B If the paper is c ompletely wrapped a round the drum, pull out the drum unit and remove the misfed paper from th e drum. C Re-install th e drum unit l ocks in po sition and put the lever bac k in place.
x Clearing Mis feeds 91 5 • When you use curled paper, correct the curl as shown. • If you cannot c orrect the pap er curl, stack the pape r with the curl face d own as shown. • When the leadi ng edge mar gin of the origi nal is less than 5 m m, 0.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 92 5 “ x x x x ” + “MASTER EJECT JAM. REMOVE JAMMED MASTER” A Check where the misfed master is. Remove the misfed master as follows. When a master misfeed occurs i n the master eject section A Pull out the master eject box.
x Clearing Mis feeds 93 5 When a master misfeed occurs on the drum A Lift the lever to unlock the drum unit and pull out the unit. Refe rence For how to remove t he drum unit, see ⇒ P.49 “Changing The Color Drum Unit” . B Grasp the drum unit ha ndle an d remov e the maste r from th e drum .
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 94 5 D Re-insert the dr um unit until the drum unit locks in posi tion and put the lever back in place. “ x x x x ” + “DELIVERY JAM. REMOVE JAMMED PAPER” A Remove the mi sfed paper. Note ❒ Make sure that the paper delivery end plate and paper delivery side plates are in the proper positi on.
When The Open Cover/ Unit Indi cator ( M ) Bl inks 95 5 When The Open Cover/Unit Indicator ( M ) Blin ks M Make sure that t he following door/units are closed. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orig inal Tab le Close the or iginal t able u ntil it lock s in p osition .
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 96 5 Make sur e that the drum is complete ly set in posi tion. • Set the drum unit com pletely un til it lo cks in positi on.
When T he Master Eject Indicat or ( k ) Blin ks 97 5 When The Master Eject Ind icator ( k ) Blin ks The Master E ject indi cator ( k ) and the Re set indi cator blink wh en it is time to empty master eject box o r when yo u need to set the master eject box.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 98 5 When Other Indicators Blink u Set the key co unter The key counter (option) is not set. Insert the key counter.
When The Prints Ar e Thrown Over The Pape r Deliver y Table 99 5 When The Pr ints Are Thr own Over The Paper Delivery Table A Reduc e the print ing sp ee d by pres sing the { { { {W W W W} } } } key.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 100 5 Poor Print ing Dirt On The Back Side Of Paper Note ❒ When you use p aper smaller than th e original, selec t the proper red uction ra- tio. Oth erwise, you m ight get dir ty background pr ints. ❒ When you use postcards and the like, the bac kground might be dirty because postcards do not absorb ink well.
Poor Printing 101 5 Referen ce See ⇒ P.49 “Changing The Color Drum Unit” for the details . C Clean the pressure roller with a clean cloth. D With a clean cloth, remove any ink that has accumulated on the trailing edge of the drum unit. E Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, then lower the drum unit lock lever.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 102 5 G Turn on the main switch. Dirt On The Front Side Of Paper (Black Line/Stain) Note ❒ When black lines or stains still appear on p rints even if you clean the above, contact your service representative.
Poor Printing 103 5 • Make sure th at the pape r feed side plates touch the paper lightl y. Put back th e lock lever . • When you use the optional doc ument feeder, make sure that the original guides contact the originals lightly. When you get w hite or incompl ete prints even if you chec k the items above, per- form the fol lowing procedur e.
WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG 104 5 C Remove paper that is stuck to the drum . D Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, then lower the drum unit lock lever.
An important point after buying a device Savin 3150eDNP (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Savin 3150eDNP yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Savin 3150eDNP - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Savin 3150eDNP you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Savin 3150eDNP will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Savin 3150eDNP, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Savin 3150eDNP.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Savin 3150eDNP. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Savin 3150eDNP along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center