Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product vcc-zm300p Sanyo
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MANUEL D’INSTRUCTIONS VCC-ZM300P COLOUR CCD ZOOM camera CCD-Farb-Z oomkamera Caméra CCD COULEURS avec ZOOM CCD About this manua l Before installing and using the camera, please read t his manual carefully. Be sure to keep it handy for later ref erence.
CONT ENT S MAIN FEA TURES ..... .... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... . 2 ACCESSO RIES .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... ...... .... .... .... .... ...... .... ... 2 PRECA UTIO NS ... .... ......
MAIN FEATURES • Buil t in Int erli ne tra nsfe r meth od 1/ 4” CCD, appr ox. 470 ,000 pictu re el emen ts. • High sens itivit y, m inimum requi red illum inatio n is 2.0 lux. (F1.6, gain max) • Mor e tha n 52 0 TV lin es o f ho rizo nt al r esol uti on.
PRECAUTIONS In c ase of pro blem Do not use the came ra if sm oke or a str ange odour comes f rom the unit, or if it seem s not to funct io n corr ectl y. Dis conn ect th e power cord immed iate ly, and cons ult y our dea ler (or a San yo Autho rized Ser vice C entre ).
PARTS NAMES AND FUNC TIONS 1 Video output connector (VIDEO OUT: BNC type) Conne ct this con nect or to a de vice su ch as a t ime laps e VCR o r moni tor w ith a VIDEO I N c onne ct or. 2 Power indicator (P OWER) Come s on whe n th e p ower to t he came ra i s on .
PARTS NAMES AND FUN CTIONS Camera inst allation brac ket The brac ke t ca n be f ixe d at th e to p or b ottom of the ca mera . When fixin g th e brac ket, be su re to u se th e lon ger screw s a nd instal l the shor ter screw s on t he op posi te sid e to seal the openin gs.
CONNEC TIONS Basic co nnection for moni toring or reco rding The peri phera l devices (V CR, monito r, lens, etc.) and ca bles are sold sep arately . 1 Make the video signal connection betwe e n the camera and the monitor or time lapse VCR.
CONNECTIONS Coaxial cable t ype and ma ximum lengt h • Cable type RG-5 9U (3C-2 V), 250 m maxi mum. • Cabl e ty pe R G-6U (5C -2V ), 50 0 m ma ximu m. • Cable type RG-1 1U (7C-2 V), 600 m maxi mum. CAUTION: • The R G-59U t ype cabl e should not be run thro ugh ele ctrical condui ts or throu gh the air .
DISPLAYING/CLOSING THE MENU SCREEN 1 Pres s the SET b utton for a bout 3 secon ds. The MAIN MENU sc reen will appea r. 2 Usi ng th e cu rsor b utton 1 Use the curs or b utton ( l ) to m ove the c urs or d own . When the cur sor re aches th e bott om of th e scr een, it goe s back up to the t op of the scr een.
MENU ITEM FLOW AND MENU OPERATION 1 LANGUAG E sett ing (Se e p10 ) Choose fro m among English, French and German. 2 CAMERA ID setti ng (S ee p11 ) 3S Y N C s e t t i n g ( S e e p 1 2 ) Sets c amer a to i nternal sy nchroniz atio n (IN T) or powe r sou rce synch ronizat ion (L-L).
LANGUAGE SETTING Sele ct one o f the l anguag es sho wn o n t he menu scre en (En glish , Fren ch, Ger man ). 1 In t he M AIN M ENU, use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t SET fo r LANGUA GE, the n pre ss the SE T button. The LANGU AGE scre en wi ll a ppear.
CAMERA ID SETTING Camera ID setting Example: Setting the Camera ID to “CAM 1” 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to CAMERA ID, and t hen u se the c ursor butto n ( d or c ) to change the set ting t o ON. Then pres s th e SET butt on.
CAMERA ID SETTING 4 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to POSITI ON, a nd the n pre ss t he SE T but ton. The came ra I D wil l be d ispl ayed o n on e line . (Displaying the ID on 2 lines.) 1 Use the cursor b utton ( d or c ) to mov e the cursor to the locat ion in th e ID fie ld where the carr iage re turn is wanted.
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PRIVACY MASK) Mask s etti ng 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t SET fo r PRIV ACY MAS K, then p ress the SET but ton. The PR IVACY M ASK SE TTING scre en will a ppear. 2 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SET for MAS K SET a nd pre ss t he SE T but ton.
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PR IVACY MASK) (Abo ut t he P OSI TION scr een) It i s possib le to se t as m any as 4 ma sks o n the s ame PO SITION screen . 4 Use the cu rsor button ( j l d c ) to m ove the gra y mask, then pres s th e SET butt on .
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PR IVACY MASK) PASSWORD setting You can lock the pri vacy m asks i n pl ace as gray pattern s afte r they have be en set . The p assword r equirem ent is ini tially set t o OF F, but to begin using i t, you must en ter the factory set pa sswo rd “ 12 34 ”.
PRIVACY MASK SETTING (PR IVACY MASK) PASSWORD LOCK cancellation For use when PASSW ORD LOCK is ON 1 Pres s th e S ET bu tton . The PASS WORD screen w ill appe ar. 2 Enter the fa ctory se t pas sword “ 1234 ”. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t “1”, then use the cu rsor butto n ( c ).
LENS SETTIN G (LENS) This item a llow s adju stme nt of fo cus (for manua l fo cus or auto focus) and adj ustment of zoo m when nee ded. FOCUS setting ☞ Sett ing the m anual focus (MANU) Sets a limit for nea r dista nce foc using and se ts f ocu s spe ed for manu al focu s.
LENS SETTING (LENS) ☞ Sett ing the auto focu s (AU TO) Sets a limit for nea r distan ce focu sing and sets fo cusi ng sensit ivity and focus iris. Note: As a n ormal practice , use m anual f ocu s wh en keepi ng the cam era focused on the sam e targe t obje ct f or a long p eriod o f t ime (ov er 2 4 ho urs) .
LENS SETTING (LENS) 5 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SET for AREA, and pr ess the SET butt on. The A REA SE TTIN G scr een for AR EA 2 (in itial se tting) w ill appear to al low setti ng of foc us target ar ea. 6 Use the cur sor but ton ( d or c ) to selec t the foc us target area.
LENS SETTING (LENS) ZOOM setting Sets z ooming sp eed an d ma gni fica tion p ower of the el ectr onic zo om. Thi s it em a lso has a set ting fo r im prov emen t of v erti cal re s olution of stil l pict ures. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t SET fo r LEN S, then press the SET button .
LENS SETTING (LENS) 5 V-RES O.UP (Ver tica l r esol ution ) s etti ng Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to V-RESO .UP, then us e the curso r but ton ( d or c ) to select the vertical resolution.
VIEW SETTING ITE M FLOW ☞ Signifies that VIEW SETT ING 1 is the came ra settin g 1. The c urs or butt on can be used ( d or c ) to selec t o ne of th e nine VIEW SETT ING patt erns (0 – 8) . A IRIS setti ng (S ee p24) This setting allow s select ion of I RIS to either au toir is (AUT O) o r m anual i ris (MAN U).
VIEW SETTING ITEM FLOW (About creating image setting files in VIEW SETTING) You can se t 9 differ ent patt erns with view fi les. U se the cu rso r butt on ( d or c ) to c han ge the f il e num ber (1) for VI EW SET TI NG and pr ess the SET button. The s elec ted im age s etting file wi ll appear .
VIEW SETTING A IRIS setting Ther e ar e 2 poss ible set tings f or I RIS, auto iris (AUT O) an d ma nual iris (MA NU) . Autoiris setting (AUTO) Sets b acklight c ompensatio n, magnif ication o f ele c tro nic sensit ivity an d iris lev el. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING Backlight compensation additional settings 1 • • • • Multi-spot evaluative metering ( MULT) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to BLC, then us e th e cu rsor b utton ( d or c ) to select a backlight compensa t ion method.
VIEW SETTING Backlight compensation additional settings 2 • • • • 5 spot centerweighted average metering (CENT) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( d or c ) to selec t CENT, then press the SET bu tton. The B L C SET TING (POS ITION) sc reen will app ear.
VIEW SETTING Exam ple of set ting the ma sk in the cen ter weigh ting pos ition . 6 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to selec t a z one, t hen use th e cursor but ton ( d or c ) to adj ust weigh ting . Each set ting will cha nge as sh own in t he illu str atio n.
VIEW SETTING Backlight compensation additional settings 3 • • • • 48 multi-spot metering (MASK) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( d or c ) to selec t MASK, the n press the SET bu tton. The BLC MASK ING scr een will ap pear and the mask p attern will b e bl inki ng.
VIEW SETTING SEN SE UP sett ing Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SENSE UP, t hen u se the curs or bu tton ( d or c ) to selec t th e power of the electronic sensitivity.
VIEW SETTING Manual iris setting Sets e lectro nic ir is ON/OF F, l ens aper ture and iris lev el. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button. (Ex: 1) The VIEW SETT ING 1 screen will a ppe ar.
VIEW SETTING B WHITE BALANCE adjustment Adjustme nts can be made to 3 m ethods of white balan ce c orrectio n: Auto t race whi te bal ance (A TW), one-pus h automa tic whit e bala nce (AWC ), an d ma nual whit e balance (MWB). 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING White balance additional set t ings 1 MWB setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to WHIT E BA LANCE , then us e the cursor butto n ( d or c ) to s elect a white balance type (Ex: MWB). The n press the SET button.
VIEW SETTING 3 Use the cur sor but ton ( j l d c ) to move the mask patte rn over the b right lig ht sourc e, then pre ss the SET button. Use t he same s teps to pl ace addi tion m asks a s ne eded . Note: Initia l settin gs place no masks on the s creen.
VIEW SETTING White balance additional set t ings 3 AWC setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to AWC for WHITE BALANCE and press the SET button. The AWC S ETT ING s cr een will appe ar. 2 With SET blinking for AWC LOCK, press the SET button.
VIEW SETTING C Electronic SHUTTER setting Sets the ele ctroni c shutte r to e ither t he fa st s hutter s peed m ode (SHOR T) or the slow shutter spee d mode (LONG). Fast shutter speed (SHORT) mode set ting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING Slow shutter speed (LONG) mode settin g 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to SHUTTE R, th en use the cursor button ( d or c ) to selec t the spee d mode f or the electro nic s hutter. (Ex: LONG) Then pr ess the S ET b utton.
VIEW SETTING D MOTION detector settin g This func tion div ides th e mo nitor sc reen int o 48 zone s (8 x 6) . Ba sed on i nfor mati on f rom the sep arate zon es, ta rget image s th at show intrud er mov ements are detec ted and an ala rm is gener ated.
VIEW SETTING 4 Set the size of t he t arget obj ect desi red for detec tion 1 Determine the vertical size Tilt t he curso r button t o the rig ht ( c ). The “ V ” va lue (v erti cal patt ern) will cha nge t o “ 2 ” an d th e detect ion patt ern will expan d dow nward.
VIEW SETTING MOTION MAS KING set ting Maskin g targ et obj ects t hat are not d esir ed for detec tion (s wayin g trees , fl icke rs o f light , et c.) wi ll pre vent un wanted alar m s from being gene rated. This is done in the M OTION SETT ING scr een.
VIEW SETTING SENSITIVITY setting Set th e deg ree o f sensitiv ity for motion detection correspon ding to MOT ION SIZ E. Se nsit ivit y ca n be set so that natur al m otions on the screen such as wi nd and light chan ges wi ll not be detected . When t his i s nece ssar y, activ ate the follo wing s etting.
VIEW SETTING ZOOM setting This i tem is set in the MOTI ON SETT ING s creen. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to ZOOM , then u se the c ursor bu tton ( d or c ) to se lect the zoom magnification power (Ex.: x2). Available settin gs: O FF, x1.
VIEW SETTING ALARM SIGN setting This i tem is set in the MOTI ON SETT ING s creen. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to move the c ursor to OFF for A LARM SI GN, and then use the cursor bu tton ( d o r c ) to se lect ON. Available settin gs: • ON: The cam era ID displ ay bli nks wh en mot ion is detec ted.
VIEW SETTING E Profile compensation setting (APERTURE) Set th is f unction to fur ther em phasize the pro file o f the target objec t. The amount of com pensat ion ca n be adjust ed for horizon tal or vert ical d irections. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
VIEW SETTING F Automatic gain control (AGC) s etting Sets AGC to ON or OFF and adju sts th e gai n. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button. (Ex: 1) The VIEW SETT ING 1 screen will a ppe ar.
VIEW SETTING G GAMMA correction sett ing In addi tion t o tur ning gamma cor rect ion ON o r OFF, con tras t se nsit ivity can be b oost ed a t 2 leve ls. 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to VIEW SETTING, then pre ss the SE T button.
OPTION SETTIN G CONTROL setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to OPTI ON, the n pre ss the SE T button. The O PTION scree n will ap pear.
OPTION SETTING ADDRESS setting 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to OPTI ON, the n pre ss the SE T button. The O PTION scree n will ap pear.
OPTION SETTING Motion sensor inpu t setting (MOTION) Matc hes inf orma tion f rom the c amer a’s moti on sen sor and the extern al ala rm a nd outpu ts it. Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to MOTION, then u se t he cur sor butt on ( d or c ) to sel ect the input.
OPTION SETTING B Alarm ou tpu t sett ing (AL ARM OU T) 1 Use the cur sor but ton ( j or l ) to mo ve the cursor to ALARM OUT , th en us e th e cur sor button ( d or c ) to select the “ON” or “ OFF” .
OPTION SETTING c Operation of alarm signal ou tput to the System Controller setting (LINE OU T) Outpu ts alarm signal to the Syst em Contro ller. The ALARM lamp on th e Sys tem Con trolle r wil l bl ink when it rece ives an alar m signal .
SPECIFICATIONS Pickup device : 1/4" Effective pixels : 752 (H) x 582 (V) Hor izon tal re solut ion : Over 520 TV lines Lens : 22 power zoom lens, f=4.
SPECIFICATIONS Dimensi ons Extern al a ppearan ce an d spe cifi cation s s ubjec t to chang e with out notice. 124.3 mm 54 mm 1/4"-20UNC 115 mm 9.
An important point after buying a device Sanyo vcc-zm300p (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Sanyo vcc-zm300p yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Sanyo vcc-zm300p - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Sanyo vcc-zm300p you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Sanyo vcc-zm300p will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Sanyo vcc-zm300p, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Sanyo vcc-zm300p.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Sanyo vcc-zm300p. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Sanyo vcc-zm300p along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center