Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product 2420 Avaya
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2420 Digital T elephone User’ s Guide 555-250-7 01 Issue 1 Ma y 200 2.
NO TICE While re asonab le eff or ts w ere made to ensure t hat the in fo r mation in thi s docum ent w as comple te and acc ura te at the ti me of printing , A va ya In c. can assume n o respons ibility f or an y errors . Changes or correc tions to t he inf or mation containe d in this docum ent ma y be inc or pora ted in to future is sues .
iii Contents Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Support for Call Center Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Support for Optional Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Safet y In forma tion .
1 Over vie w The 2420 Digital T elephone is a m ulti-line digital te lephone f or use w ith an A va ya M ultiV antage™ soft ware 1.1 or late r . It is desi gned to pu t con v enient f eatures and ca.
2 Suppor t f or Call Center Users T o meet th e needs of th ose working in call center s, the 2420 tele phone off ers the f ollo wing: • Call Center M ode operation— a vailab le from the Opt ions Scree n, this setting changes the st andard displa y from 8 to 12 call appea rance/f eature bu tton la bels .
3 Support f or Optional Devi ces Optiona l de vices are a v ailab le to e xpand the c apabiliti es of the 2420 telephon e. They incl ude: • 20A Stand — Ev er y 2420 telephone comes equipp ed with a con v er tibl e stand that allo ws y ou to in stall the 2 420 teleph one on y our desk top or on a wal l.
4 2420 T elephone Components Refer to Figure 1 be low to famil iarize yours elf with you r 2420 telephon e screen displa y, buttons, and prog rammable feature s. FIGURE 1 2 420 T elephone Compone nts T abl e 1 describes the 2 420 telephone c omponen ts pres ented in F igure 1.
5 T ABLE 1 Th e 2420 T elephone Comp onents The f ollowing items corres pond to th e num bers in Fi gure 1. 1) Call appearance/feature buttons — F or acc essi ng i ncomi ng/o utgoi ng lin es and pr ogra mmed f eatur es. An underscore indica tes the currently select ed call app earance.
6 2420 T elephone User Chec klist The remainder of th is guide conta ins proc edures f or using s pecific sc reens , f eatures, an d ke ys on the 2420 tele phone . The f ollo wing tab le directs y ou to sectio ns e xplaining spe cific ac tivities y ou ma y want to p erf or m.
7 The Home Screen The Hom e screen , which co nsists o f three pag es, d ispla ys the a vaila ble call appear ance/fe ature b uttons, ca ller ID inf or mation, the current date and t ime, softk e y s , and inf ormation pro vided b y the A va ya call proc essing system.
8 Navigating i n the Home Screen P ages Call Appearance a nd Call Identification Displa ys By def ault, the 2 420 telep hone has eight cal l appear ance /f eature b uttons per screen page; 12 c all appe arance /f eature b uttons are shown on the firs t two pages of the Ho me Screen when Call Center m ode is enab led.
9 Status Icons The icon s displa y ed on the call appe aran ce/f eature b uttons of y our 2420 telephon e are e xplained i n the f ollow ing tab le. These icons re place th e function ality of t he green LEDs and equi va lent flas h rates . In additi on, the f ollow ing ico ns are di spla yed in ce r tain f eature-spe cific applica tions .
10 Call-Handling Features The procedures in this section assume t hat y ou are pe rf orming call h andling with the Ho me screen displa ye d on the 2420 telepho ne. I n addition to comm on procedu res pro vided i n this se ction, ref er to the Ov erview f or the A va ya MultiV antage™ Softw are (555-233-767) f or alter nate proce dures .
11 . The Speed Dial f eature all ows yo u to ha v e the 242 0 telephon e auto maticall y dial cal ls to tel ephone numbe rs stored in y o ur per sonal direct or y . See the procedure s in “Managi ng Y our Speed D ial List ” on page 17 for creat ing and maintai ning y our pers onal 2420 telephon e directory .
12 . The tw o-wa y b uilt-in s peak er phone allo ws yo u to mak e and ans wer calls witho ut lifting you r handset. K eep in mind th at tw o-wa y speak er phones ma y not ope rate satisf actorily in e very en vironmen t (such as in v er y noisy locati ons).
13 . The T ransf er fea ture allo ws you t o trans fe r a call from y our telephon e to another e xtensio n or outsi de num ber . T o transfer the current ca ll to another e x tensio n 1. While on a cal l, pres s . 2. When y ou hear di al tone , dial th e numb er to which the call is to be tran sf erred.
14 The Conf erence f eature allo ws you t o conf erence up to six parties (inclu ding y ourself) on a call. T o ad d another party to a call 1. Press . 2. When y ou hear dial tone , dial the numbe r of the pers on y ou wa nt to add to t he call. 3. W ait for an ans wer .
15 The Speed Dial Screen Using the Speed Di al screen , yo u can sto re up to 104 spee d dial ent ries in the personal directory of y our 2420 teleph one.
16 W orking in the Speed Dial Screen Note: After y ou access specific screens to manag e y our speed dial entries , the sof tke ys displa yed at the botto m of the s creen ch ange to ref lect the activities that y ou can perf orm. F or e xample, w hen y ou access th e Edit sc reen, y ou can choose f rom the Add , Delete , and Done k eys.
17 Mana ging Y our Speed Dial List Usin g the Speed Dial scre en, y ou can s tore up to 104 speed dial entries in y our person al 2420 te lepho ne directo r y .
18 Dialing Con ventions It is impor tant that y ou obse r v e the f ollo wing con ven tions as you enter s peed dial number s: • Y ou can en ter tele phone n umbers u p to 20 ch arac ters long , includi ng speci al char acters an d spaces .
19 6. When y ou are don e entering the telephone num ber , do one of the f ollowing: • T o sav e yo ur entries and return to the Speed D ial sc reen, press the Save softkey . • T o contin ue wit hout sa ving your entr ies , press th e Cancel so ftke y .
20 7. When y ou are don e making changes , do one of th e f ollo wing: • T o sav e yo ur entries and return to the Edit screen, p ress the Save softk e y . • T o return to the Edit scr een without sav ing y our entries , pre ss the Cancel softkey .
21 The Call Log Screens The 2420 telep hone can store up t o 100 entrie s in the Ca ll Log . By def ault, all ne w calls are logged, a nd the n umber of new ca lls is d ispla yed below the dat e and tim e on y our 2420 telephon e (see “The Home Screen” o n page 7).
22 The mos t recent ca ll is di spla yed in the top-m ost posit ion of the first page . When the log i s full (th at is , 100 cal ls), the log autom atically deletes the olde st call inf ormation to allo w f or continuo us loggi ng witho ut interruption.
23 Call Log Detail Screen The Call Log Deta il scree n, whic h is acces sed from t he Call Log Summary screen , allo ws y ou to: • Vie w addit ional inf ormation, such as call type and the date and time th at the cal l w as proc essed.
24 W orking in the Call Log Detail Screen W orking in t he Call Log Detail Scr een T o Press Mak e a call to th e entry displ a yed The Call s oftk ey Vie w the ne xt call log e ntry The right arro w .
25 Using the Call Log The Cal l Log f eature is f actory set to rec ord ans wered, una ns wer ed, and outgoing calls . For in formation o n disab ling the Call Log or changing the ca ll types y ou want logged, s ee “Call Log Set up” on p age 30 in “Selecting P ersonal ized Options .
26 4. Press the Save softk ey . The Edit Na me scr een is di splay ed show ing the n ame an d numbe r information f r om the Call Log. 5. Do on e of the f ollow ing: • T o sa v e the entry to y our Speed Dial L ist as sho wn on the curren t screen , press th e Save softk ey .
27 The Options Screen The Opti ons screen, which is accessed b y pressin g the Option softk e y at the Home scre en, allo ws you t o set y our pref erences f or the f ollowin g: • ring pattern • s.
28 W orking in the Opti ons Screen Note: If y ou press th e right arro w ke y ( > ), a seco nd scree n is disp la ye d that allo ws y ou to enab le and di sab l e the A utomatic G ain Co ntrol (A GC) f eature f or the handset and he adset conn ected to the 2420 telep hone.
29 Selecting P ersonalized Options The Rin g P attern optio n on the O ptions s creen al lows y ou to choo se a personal ized ringing p attern for you r telepho ne.
30 3. Use t he arro w ke ys to adjust the le v el of cont rast. Note: If an EU24 is connecte d to y our 2420 telephon e, the displ a y sho ws the contras t le vel f or the EU24 as well. Press the appr opriate b utton to in dicate whe ther y ou w ant to ad just the contr ast f or the telepho ne or the EU 24.
31 The Visua l Ring o ption on t he Op tions sc reen allo ws you to choose a visua l alert for incom ing calls . When y ou enab le this o ption, the tel ephone rings an d the la mp above the 24 20 disp lay area flas hes wh en an inc oming call ar ri v es.
32 When the 2420 telephone is first i nstalled , it is set to di spla y 8 call appear ance/f eature b uttons pe r screen p age. Th e Disp la y Mode option on the Op tions sc reen allo ws users (p ar t.
33 The Er ase All o ption on t he Options sc reen allo ws you to er ase all o f the personal ized settings and res et the 24 20 telephone to i ts def ault se ttings . This opti on er ases all e ntries sa ved in you r Call Lo g and Spee d Dial L ist. Note: The c ontrast lev el setting i s not change d by the Er ase All option.
34 When the 2420 telephone is fir st installed , it is set to di spla y screen te xt in English . The L anguage o ption on t he Option s screen allo ws y ou to choose anot her language , incl uding: .
35 Using Selected V oice Features The f ollowi ng f eatures are a vail abl e only if you r system manager has adminis tered them as f eature b uttons on yo ur 2420 telephone or has supp lied yo u with th e required fe ature acc ess codes .
36 The Ca ll P ark fea ture allo ws you to put a ca ll on hold at your tel ephone f or retrie val at a ny e xtension. T o park a call at y our extens ion (fo r retriev al at an y extensio n) when a Call P ark button is administe red 1. Press Call P ark .
37 . The Lea ve W ord Callin g (L WC) f eature le av es a messag e f or a pers on at another e xtensio n to call y ou bac k. The c alled party will be ab le to dial the messag e service (fo r exam ple, a n attendan t, A U DIX or o ther v oice mail system , a co ve ring user , etc.
38 The Send All Call s f eature temp orarily sends al l y our calls to your v oice mail syste m or to ano ther e xtension in the same s ystem. Note th at priority calls and aut omatic callbac ks are not redire cted b y the Se nd All Calls f eature.
39 Using Displa y Features The f ollowi ng f eatures are a vail abl e only if you r system manager has adminis tered them as f eature b uttons on yo ur 2420 tel ephone . The Cal l Timer a nd the Tim er f eatures are used to mea sure elap sed time on a call.
40 T o place a call to the name sho wn on the displa y 1. Pic k up the handset. 2. While t he name is sho wn, press the butt on (if administe red) or , if you do no t ha v e a button on y our set, press and then dial the number using the dial pad . Note: Y ou can also lea ve you r handset on-hoo k.
41 T ones and Their Meaning Note: The ta bles belo w desc ribe the def aults f or each ringing and f eedbac k tone. Check wi th y our syste m manag er to v er ify if the desc riptions in the Mean ing colum n are acc urate f or y our syste m. Ringing T ones are produced by an incomin g call.
42 Feedbac k T ones (c onti nued) T ones Meanin g cov erage One sh or t burst of tone ; indica tes y our call wi ll be se nt to anoth er e xtension to be ans wered b y a co v ering user .
43 Inde x Numerics 200A Mod ule Analog (U.S.) Ad junct Interface , 3 201A Mod ule Recorder In terface , 3 20A Stand , 3 2420 telepho ne displa y featu res , 39 feedbac ktones , 41 persona l directory .
44 E editing Spe ed Dial en tries , 19 Erase All fe ature butto n , 33 Erase All op tion , 33 Erase softkey , 33 EU24 Expans ion Modu le , 3 Exit button , 5 F feature , 15 , 36 feedback tones , 41 G G.
45 S safet y informat ion , 3 saving Call Log entrie s , 25 scree n , 29 Self Test feature butt on , 31 Self Test optio n , 31 self-t est mode , 31 Send All Cal ls , 38 softkey s , 5 speaker but ton ,.
An important point after buying a device Avaya 2420 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Avaya 2420 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Avaya 2420 - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Avaya 2420 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Avaya 2420 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Avaya 2420, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Avaya 2420.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Avaya 2420. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Avaya 2420 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center