Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product SM352F Samsung
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Main Pa g e Safet y Precaution s Notati onal Installation While Operat ing Other Usin g the Driv e Using the COMB O Drive Storing and Clea ning Your Discs Upgrading t he Firmware Flash Memory System R.
Warning / Caution Warning : T his symbol indicates explanati ons about ext remely danger ous matters . If users ignore this s ymbol and handl e the devic e the wrong w ay, serious injury or d eath could result. Caution : This symbol indicates explanat ions about dang erous matte rs.
Place the driv e on a level sur face. - Failure to do so may caus e the device to fall onto a ha rd surface, resultin g in damage or ma lfunction. Do not pla ce the driv e in direct su nlight. A void low- or high-te mperature environmen ts. A void high-h umidity env ironments .
Handle with cau tion to prev ent damage from external shock. Do not drop the drive, and pr otect it froms evere shocks. - It can dama ge the dri ve or cause it to malfunct ion. Do not move the drive wh ile in ope ration and do not attempt to open the disc tr ay byforce .
Never allow food particles or fo reign substanc es to enter t he drive casing. To protect aga inst the risk o f fire, do ot spill such liquids as alcohol an d benzene on th e drive. Do not disassemb le, attempt to repair or mod ify the device without expr ess approv al as directed in the manual.
Introduction Front 1. Emergency ej ect hole. (i f the compart ment does not op en when you pres s the Eject but ton, power off the computer , insert a pin or unfolded paper clip in the hole and push firmly) 2. Indicator Ligh t. 3. Eject button . 4. Disc compa rtment.
1. Two-pin di gital audio output termin al for use with a sound or MPEG car d supporting digital audio features. 2. Four-p in sound out put termin al for use wi th a soun d card. (ref er to the so und card docu mentation for further d etails) 3. Master/slave s elect terminal.
To install your CO MBO Drive in th e PC, proceed as fo llows. Make sure t o use the standa rdized sc rews supplied (M3 X 6). To use sc rews other than M3 X 6 may res ult in malfuction . Installing the COMBO Drive Make sure th at the PC is po wered off an d disconnecte d from any po wer source.
Connecting the Cables Connecting the power cable The 4-pi n power cable from the in ternal powe r unit of yo ur computer must be con nected to th e power terminal o n the rear of th e COMBO driv e. A - Cut Side 1 +5V DC 2 Ground 3 Ground 4 +12V DC Note: An improperly con nected power c able may cause trouble.
a : Master Drive ( Choose the MA Jumper) b : Hard Drive c : MainBoa rd d : Primary 1 e : Secondly 1 If there i s two COMBO dr ive, selec t MA (Maste r) / SL (Slave) .
To record data o n a CD-R or CD -RW disc in the COMBO drive, you mu st first install the CD record u tility. For compatibility reas ons, you are re commended to u ninstall any existin g software of t he same type b efore installing this utility. Installing the CD Record Uti lity Insert the dis c supplied with the COMBO dr ive in the drive.
No additional d evice driver is needed for W indows 98/2 000/ME/XP/NT 4.0, as the default Wind ows device driver is used. You can c heck that the C OMBO drive ha s been correc tly detect ed by Windows.
Setting Up the Device Driver Automatic Setup The device drive r is located in th e Ddriver folder of the CD Recor d Utility disc which is provided in the package. Insert t he CD Record Utility disc into the CD-RO M drive and op en the Ddriver folder. Run the CDSETUP.
To play audio or video CDs and / or DV Ds in your COMB O drive, pro ceed as follow s. Using the COMBO Drive Push the power button and boo t the computer .
To ensure a long servic e life for yo ur discs an d drive, fol low the pre-ca utions bel ow when sto ring and clea ning your discs. Storing and Cleaning Your Discs Do not place a disc in direct sunlight. Store a disc ve rtically in a well -ventilated and s table location.
The product firmware ca n be upgraded by downloading the update d file from th e followin g Web site: h t t p : / / s ams u ng . c o m htt p ://samsun g -ODD.
Before you in stall the COMBO drive, w e strongly re commend that you check t hat your setup meets the sy stem requirem ents listed be low. System Requirements Item Description Computer Intel Pentium II 400MHz/Celeron 46 6A(or higher), 12 8 MB of RAM (or higher) with an 80pin IDE i nterface f or Ultra DM A.
Hard Drive Network Drive CD-ROM Drive If you hav e any proble ms recording v ia your COMBO dr ive, follow th e appropri ate instruc tions bel ow for the s ource tha t you are usin g. Note The COMBO Dr ive provide a Hig h Speed rewriting Disc recording function (CD -RW 24X).
Caution with errors Term Description Recommend ed Disc T ypes Every CD-R or CD-RW drive re cords data b y applying re cording la ser onto a CD. If the CD is damaged or rec ording dat a is not possi ble, you ne ed to remove th e followin g causes of t he error before using the CD.
interfac e is strongly r ecommended. We recommend DMA mode for fast writi ng. DMA Setting Before you in stall your COMBO drive, we re commend to se t DMA to enabled o n your PC system . See the following procedu re to set DMA tr ansfer mode in windows opreratin g system.
Problem Meaning / Solution The COMBO drive is not detected b y the comp uter. After inst alling the CO MBO drive, the PC gets slower . Check th at the po wer, audi o and ID E cables a re correc tly con nected to the computer. Change the IDE cable and re connect it to the comput er.
SAMSUNG continually striv es to impro ve its product s. Both the desi gn specific ations and the se user instruc tions are thus subje ct to change without noti ce.
An important point after buying a device Samsung SM352F (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Samsung SM352F yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Samsung SM352F - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Samsung SM352F you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Samsung SM352F will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Samsung SM352F, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Samsung SM352F.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Samsung SM352F. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Samsung SM352F along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center