Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A Samsung
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PORT ABLE TRI-B AND MOBILE PHONE User Manual Please read this manual before operating your phone and keep it for future reference..
MPC_SCH-R910_Indulge_Engl ish_UM_EA14_CB_012711_F4 Intellectual Proper ty All Intellectual Property , as de fined below , owned by or which is otherwise the proper ty of Samsung or its respective supp.
Printed in K o rea. 4GL TE coverage is available in se lect markets. 4G, as used with th is phone, refers to the fact th at the phone is design ed with LT E technology . Samsung ® and Indulge™ are both trad emarks of Samsung Electron ics America, Inc.
MPC_SCH-R910_Indulge_Engl ish_UM_EA14_CB_012711_F4 Disc laimer of War r anties; Exc lusion of Liability EXCEPT AS SET FORT H IN THE EXPRESS WA RR ANTY CONT AINE D ON THE W ARRANTY P A GE ENCLOSED WITH.
1 Table of Contents Section 1: Getting Started .............................................. 5 Understanding this User Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Displaying Your Phone Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Section 6: Messaging ................................................... 61 Types of Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Text and Multimedia Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Gmail .
3 Music Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 My Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 MyExtras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 FCC Notice and Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Other Important Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Section 14: Warranty Information ............................. 149 Standard Limited Warranty .
Getting Started 5 Section 1: Getting Star ted This section allows you to qui ckly start using your Samsung Galaxy Indulge phone by instal ling and charging the batter y , activating your service, and setting up voicemail. Under standing this User Manual The sections o f this manual generally foll ow the features of your phone.
6 T e xt Co nv e nti ons This manual provides condensed in formation a bou t how to use your phone. T o make this poss ible , the follo wing text conv entions are used to represent often-used steps: Example: “From the Home screen, press Menu , then touch Settings ➔ Wireless & netw orks ➔ Wi-Fi settings .
Getting Started 7 Batter y Co ver The batter y is under a removable co ver on the back of the phone. Remo ving the batter y co ver 䊳 Pull up using the slot provided (1), while lifting the cover off the phone (2). Installing the batter y co v er 䊳 Align the cover and press it fi rmly i nto place, maki ng sure it snaps into plac e at the corners.
8 R emo ving the Batter y 1. Remove the ba tter y cover . (For more information, refer to “Removing the battery cover” on page 7.) 2. Lift the ba ttery up by the slot provided.
Getting Started 9 2. On the phone, slide the connec tor cover (1) to expose the connector . 3. Insert the USB cable into the port (2). 4. Plug the charging he ad into a standard AC power out let. 5. When charging is complete, unplug the charging head from the po wer outlet and remo ve the USB cable from the phone.
10 T ur ning Y our Phone On and Off T urning Y our Phone O n 䊳 Press and hold the Powe r/Lock Key for three seconds. While powering on, the phone connects with the ne twork, then displays the Home scre en and active al erts. Note: Y our phone’ s internal antenna is located along the bottom back of the phone.
Getting Started 11 V oicemail All unans wered calls to your phone are sent to vo icemail, even if your phone is turned off, so you’ ll want to set up y our voicemail and personal greeting as soon as you activate your phone. Setti ng up V oi cemai l 1.
12 Memor y Card Y our phone includes a r emovabl e microSD™ memor y card, for storage of musi c, pictures, and ot her files, and sup ports optional microSD™ or microSDHC™ memo ry cards of up to 32GB capacity . Note: Y ou can only store music files that you own (from a CD or purchased using the phone) on a memory card.
Getting Started 13 R emo vin g a Memor y Card Impo rtant !: T o prevent damage to information stored on the memor y card, unmount the card before removing it from the phone. 1. From the Home s creen, press Menu , then touch Settings ➔ SD card & phone storage ➔ Unmount SD card .
14 3. If there are Not ificati on alerts on your phone, touch and drag the unlock puzzle piece to fit it int o the empt y space to show the screen that was visible when the phone was locked. 4. Special puzzle pie ces display for miss ed calls or new messages.
Understanding Y our Phone 15 Section 2: Understanding Y our Phone This section outlines key features of your phone, inc luding keys, displays, and icons.
16 F ront V iew 1. Earpiece : Listen to callers. 2. Light and Proximity Sensors : Light sensor adjusts screen brightness when Br ightness is set to Automatic bright ness .
Understanding Y our Phone 17 Side Views 1. V olume Key : From a Home s creen, press to adjust Master V olume. During ca lls or music playback, press to adjust volume. Press to mute the ringtone of an incoming call. 2. USB Pow er/Accessory P ort : Plug in a USB cable for charging or to sync music and files.
18 Open View (F ront) of Y our Phone Features 1. Display : The Display automaticall y rotates when you slide open the QWERTY keypad. 2. Function Key (Fn Key) : T oggles the QWERTY keypad keys between th eir default characters /functions and their alternate symbols/functions.
Understanding Y our Phone 19 Bac k View 1. P ower/Lock Key : Press and hold to power your phone on or off. With the phone on, press to lock you r phone and blank or waken t he display . 2. Camera Lens : Used when taking photos or recording videos. 3. Speaker G rill : Plays ringtones, call audio when in Speakerphone mode, music and other sounds.
20 T ouch Screen Display Y our phone’ s touch screen display is the inte rface to its features. 1. Annunciator Li ne : Presents icons to show network status, battery power , and connecti on details. (For more information, refer to “Annunciator Line” on page 21.
Understanding Y our Phone 21 Changing the Screen Orie ntation Y ou ca n manually chan ge the orien tation of most of you r phone’ s screens by opening the QWERT Y keypad. Y our Gala xy Indulge c an also auto matically change the orientation of some scre ens.
22 Naviga tion Naviga te your phone’ s features using the command keys and the touch screen. War n in g! : If your handset has a touch screen display , please note that a touch screen responds best to a light touch from the pad of your finger .
Understanding Y our Phone 23 Bac k K ey Press Back to return to the prev io us screen, option or step. Sear ch K ey Pres s Search to launch Quick Search, to searc h the web and your phone. Context-sensitiv e Men us While using you r phone, context- sensitive menus offer options for the feature or screen.
24 Connec tion Buttons Buttons at t he top of the Noti fication Panel show connection statuses for Wi-Fi , Bluetooth , GPS , Sound , and Airplane mode. Y ou can enable or disa ble any of t hese connections by t ouching the appropriate button. Clearing Notifica tions 1.
Understanding Y our Phone 25 Extend ed Home Scr ee n The Home screen consist s of the Home panel, plus 6 panels that extend beyond the display width to pro vide more sp ace for adding shortcuts, widgets and folders. Slide your finger horizont ally across the screen to scrol l to the le ft or right side panels.
26 Primar y Shor tcuts Primar y Shortcuts a ppear at t he bottom of the di splay . Y ou can edit the Primar y Shortcuts, except for the Applicatio ns / Home shortcut. Note: When you access Applicati ons , the Home shortcut replaces the Applications shortcut to provide quick return to the Home screen.
Understanding Y our Phone 27 W idgets R emoving Widgets 䊳 T o uch a nd hold the Widg et unti l the tra shcan icon ( ) appears, then drag th e Widget t o the icon. AccuW eather Clock : Display a c lock with weather information from A ccuWeather .c om ® .
28 Add ing Sho r t cuts to a Home Scr een pa nel Use Shortcuts for quick access to applicatio ns or features, such as Email or other applications. 1. Naviga te to a Home scree n panel, then touc h and hold on the screen to display the Add t o Home scr een menu.
Understanding Y our Phone 29 Remo ving Folders 䊳 T ouch and ho ld the Folder until the trashc an icon ( ) appears, then drag the F older to the icon. Changing the W allpaper on a Ho me Screen pa nel Choose a picture to display in th e background of a Home screen panel.
30 Cam era : T ake pictures or record videos. (For more information, refer to “Camera” on page 78.) Clock : Keep trac k of time with Alarm, W orld c l ock, Stopwatch, and T imer features. Email : Send and receive ema il from your pho ne. (For more information, refer to “Email” on page 66.
Understanding Y our Phone 31 Metro411 : Access on-l ine directory ass istance service. Metro Navigator : Access maps and driving directions. MetroPCS Easy WiFi : Automatical ly or manually loca te and connect with Wi-Fi WAPs (Wireless Access P oints / “Hot Spots”).
32 R emo ving Applications 䊳 T ouch and hold the Applicatio n shortcut until the trashcan icon ( ) appea rs, then drag the s hortcut to t he icon. Vi de o P l ay e r : The Vi deo Player applic ation plays vi deo files stored on your microSD ca rd. (For more information, re fer to “Video Player” on page 81.
Call Functions 33 Section 3: Call Functions This section describes how to ma ke, answer , or end calls. This section also describes your phone’ s features and functionality associated wi th making or answering calls.
34 Dialing Emer gency Numbers When you call an Emergenc y Number , such as 911, your phone locks itself i n emergency mode, only allowing you to make calls to the eme rgenc y call cent er you origin ally cont acted. This enables emergency operators to more easily dispatch aid.
Call Functions 35 Maki ng Cal ls usin g Fav or ite s Favorites are Contacts you designate as fa vorites by starring them, or Contacts you call fre quently . (For more information about designating favorites, see “Favorites” on pa ge 57.) 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Phone .
36 Sending C alls to V oicemail When your phone alerts you to an incoming call, you c an ignore the call to send the cal ler to voice mail, or reje ct the call and send a message to the caller . Ignoring a call When you ig nore a call , the call is forwarded to voicemail.
Call Functions 37 In-Call Op tions While in a call, you c an use these features: • Add call : Display the Phone Dialer to set up a multi-party cal l. • End cal l: End the phone call. • Dialpad : Display a d ialpad to enter numbers. • Bluet ooth : Switch the call’ s audio to a Bluetooth headset.
38 Call Log When you place, ans wer , or miss a a call, a record of the call is saved in the Ca ll log. Accessing Call Log 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Phone ➔ Call log . Sending M essages u sing Call Log 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Phone ➔ Call log .
Call Functions 39 Deleting Call log r ecor ds 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Phone ➔ Call lo g . 2. While vie wing the Call log, press Menu , then touch Delete . 3. T ouch call records to mark them for de letion, or touch Select all .
40 Section 4: Entering T e xt This section describes how to ente r words, letters, punctuation, and numbers when you need to en ter text. Y our phone provides both sliding and screen QWERTY keyboards to sup port quick and easy text input.
Entering T e xt 41 Enter ing Numbe rs and Symbol s The default entry mode is lower case letters (abc). Enter symbols by pressing the Fn key ( ) to toggl e the entry mode , before pressing the key(s) correspon ding to the number(s) or symbol(s) you want to enter .
42 Screen Keyboard Types Y our phone offers three screen QWERTY keyboards: • Swype (default): Use the Swype k eyboard to enter words by gliding your finger over the virtual QWE R TY keyboard, lifting your finger between words. Y ou can also touch individual keys or use Swype W ord Prediction or V oice Recognition.
Entering T e xt 43 Here are a few tips to get you started: • Spacing is automatic : When you finish a word, just lift your finger and start the next word. • Double letters : Just “scribble” o n the key . • Capitalization : Swype recogniz es and capitalizes the first word of sentences.
44 Edit ing Keyboar d The Editing Keyboard provides a qui ck way to mov e the cursor and highlight text. If the applic ation in which you are working supports editing, you can cut, copy or paste highlighted text. T o access the Editing Keyboard: 䊳 Swype from the Swype Key to the SYM Key .
Entering T e xt 45 Entering Upp er and Lo w er Case Le tters The default case is lo wer case (abc). Enter upper and lower case alphabet letters by to uching the Shift key to toggle the case, before touching the letter key(s).
46 Confi gur ing t he Sams ung Keypad Configure the Samsung Keypad to your preferences. • While entering text, touch . The Samsung keyapd settings screen appears in the display .
Entering T e xt 47 7. T ouch to send the messa ge, or touch for more options. (For more in formation, refer to “Creating and Sending Messages” on page 61.) Usi ng Symbol /Numeri c Mode Use Symbol/Numeric Mode to add numbers, symb ols, or emoticons.
48 6. Continue typing your messa ge. T o uch to send the message, or touch for more options. (For more information, refer to “Crea ting and Sending Messages” on page 61.
Accounts and Contacts 49 Section 5: Accounts and Con tacts This section explai ns how to manage your accounts and contact s. Accounts Y our phone provides the ability to synchronize informa tion from a variety of a ccounts, including Google, a Corporate Exchange server , and social networking si tes such as Face bo ok, T witter , and MySpace.
50 Managing a Goog le account 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, press Menu , then touch Settings ➔ Accounts & sync . 2. T ap your Google account to disp lay the Data & synchronization screen . 3. T ap a setting to enable or di sable synchronization.
Accounts and Contacts 51 Managing a C or por ate Exc hange account 1. Navigate to a Home screen panel, press Menu , then touch Settings ➔ Accounts & sync . 2. T ouch your Corporate account to display settings, then touch Account settings for these settings: • General settings – Account name : Enter a nam e to identify the accou nt.
52 Setting Up a Twitter account Note: Y ou must register your phone with T witter before using the phone to access the site. From T witter .com Settings, follow the instructions in the Mobile area to register your phone. 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, press Menu , then touch Settings ➔ Accounts & sync ➔ Add account ➔ Tw i t t e r .
Accounts and Contacts 53 • To u c h Instant m sg to enter an instan t message ad dress, then touch the la bel butt on to choose a label , from Google T alk , AIM , Windows Live , Ya h o o , Skype , QQ , ICQ , Jabber , or Custom to creat e a custom l abel.
54 Updating Contacts from th e Phone Dialer Enter a p hone number with the Phone Dial er keypad, th en save it. 1. Naviga te to a Home sc reen panel, touch Phone . 2. T ouch the digits of the phone nu mber on the keypad. 3. T ouch Add to Contacts , then select Create contact from the pop-up menu.
Accounts and Contacts 55 Cont act s Disp la y Opti ons 1. Navigate to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts . 2. Press Menu , then touch More ➔ Display options to set these op tions: • To u c h Only contacts with phones to restrict display to contacts with phon e numbe rs.
56 Sending a Namecar d 1. Naviga te to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts . 2. T ouch a contact to di splay its information. 3. Press Menu , then touch Send v ia . 4. At the promp t, choose a sen ding method , then follow the prompts to send the namecard: •B l u e t o o t h : For mo re inform ation, refer to “Bluetooth” on page 86.
Accounts and Contacts 57 Expor ting and Im por ting Contacts Y ou can export your cont act list to an opti onal installed me mor y card, or import a list of contac ts (previously exported) from a memor y card. 1. Navigate to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts .
58 Groups Assign contacts to G roups to make se arching for cont acts faster , or to quickly call or se nd messages to group members. Accessing Groups 䊳 Naviga te to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts ➔ Groups . Creat ing a New Gr oup 1. Naviga te to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts ➔ Groups .
Accounts and Contacts 59 Adding Contac ts to a Group Tip : Y ou can also add a contact to a group when you create the contact. (For more information, refer to “Creating Contacts ” on page 52.) 1. Navigate to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts ➔ Groups .
60 Activities Use Activities to vi ew updates to Co ntacts from your social networking accoun ts, such as F acebook, T witter o r MySpace. Note: If you haven’t updated Contacts from an y accounts, the Activities tab will be blank. 䊳 Naviga te to a Home sc reen panel, touch Contacts ➔ Activities .
Messaging 61 Section 6: Messaging This section describes how to send and receive messages, and how to use other features associated with messaging. Types of Messages Y our phone supports thes e types .
62 3. T ouch the Ty p e t o c o m p o s e field and compose your message. While composing a message, press Menu for these options: • Add subject : Add a subject fiel d to the message and ent er a subject. (This option also converts the message to MMS.
Messaging 63 Message Set tings Configure message settings. 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Messaging . 2. Press Menu , then touch Settings to set: • Storage settings : – Del et e ol d mess ages : T ouch to enable or disab le automatic erasure of messages when stored message reach default limits.
64 Gmail Send and receive e mails via Gmail, Go ogle’ s web-based emai l. 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ Gmail . Confi gur ing Y our Gmai l Ac count Set up your Google account to synchronize contacts, calendars, and allow ac cess to Gmail.
Messaging 65 Gmail ac count settings 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Gmail . 2. Press Menu , then touch More ➔ Settings for these options: • General Settings : – Signature : Create a text signature to add to outgoing mes sages.
66 Email Send and receive e mail usi ng popular email services. Note: Only some paid “Plus” accounts include POP access to allow this program to connect. If you are not able to sign in with your correct email address and password, you may not have a paid “Plus” account.
Messaging 67 Composi ng an d Sendi ng Email 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Email . 2. T ouch an d hold on an acco unt, th en touch Compo se . 3. T ouch t he To field to ente r recipients. A s you enter names or numbers, matching contacts disp lay .
68 Email Account Settings Use Account settings to configure handling of email from your accounts. Note: These are basic settings for most accounts. Some email accounts may have additional settings. 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ Email .
We b and Social Network ing 69 Section 7: W eb and Social Netw or king Y ouT ube View and upload Y ouT ube vide os, right from your phone. 䊳 Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Y ouT ube . V oice Search Voic e Search of fers voice-ac tivated Google searches.
70 Selecting items on a pa ge While browsing pages, use gestures and menus to navigate links on pages: • T ouch an item or hyperl ink to select it. • T ouch and hold on a hyper link fo r these op tions: – Open : Go to the link ed page. – Open in new window : Op en a ne w wi ndow to di spl ay t he li nk ed pa ge.
We b and Social Network ing 71 Using B ookma r ks While browsing, bo okmark a sit e to quickly ac cess it in th e future. Cr eating a bookmar k Create a bookma rk to a page, for late r browsing. 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ MetroW EB .
72 – Share link : Send the page ’ s URL via Bluetooth, F acebook, Email, Gmail, m ail@metro, or M essaging. – Copy link URL : Copy the page’ s URL to th e clipboard for pasting. – Remove from history : Remove the record of this page. – Set as homepage : Set this p age as the default first page when opening MetroWEB.
We b and Social Network ing 73 MetroWEB Men u While viewing a web page, touch Menu for these option s: • New window : Open a new browser window . The previous browser windows remain open in the backgrou nd (use the Windows option to switch between windows).
74 – Set home pag e : View and set the de fault first page that displays when you l aunc h Metr oWEB. – Default storage : Select wh ere MetroWEB stores files. • Privac y settings – Clear cache : Delete cont ent and databases stored on the phone.
We b and Social Network ing 75 T ouch and T ouch and hold • T ouch and hold on an area of the ma p to displ ay pop- up informat ion abou t the locat ion. •T o u c h a pop-up for these opti ons: – What’ s nearby : Display nearby p oints of interest.
76 Section 8: Music Music Player Music Player plays m usic files st ored on a microSD or microSDHC Memor y Card. (For information on inst alling a Memory Card, For more information, refer to “Memory Card” on page 12.
Music 77 5. During playback, use the s ound and playlist controls: •V o l u m e : Enable on -screen volu me con trol. • Now p laying : Display the current son g title and inform ation. • 5.1 Ch annel Mode : Enable surround so und (hea dphones only).
78 Section 9: Pictures and V ideo Camera Use your phone’ s built -in Camera to take pictures and record video. 䊳 Press the Camera key ( ), on the lower right side of your phon e. Important!: Do not take take photos of people without their permission.
Pictures and Video 79 Camera Options Configure the camera. 䊳 While in Camera mode, touch the Options tab to configure: • Shooting mode : Cho ose an a utom atic shoo ting m ode, fro m: – Single Shot : T ake a single photo. – Smile shot : T ouch th e Camera button to automatically focus on the subject’ s face and take the picture.
80 Camc or der Use your phone’ s built-in Camcorder to record video. 䊳 Press the Camera key ( ), on the lower right side of your phone, then t ouch Camcorder . Important!: Do not record videos of people without their permission. Do not record videos in places where cameras are not allowed.
Pictures and Video 81 Camcorder Options Configure the camcorder . 䊳 While in Camcorder mode, touch the Options tab: • Recording mode : Choose a recordin g mode, from : – Normal : Record a video of any length. – Limit for M MS : Record a video up to 1 minute long, suitable for sending in a Video message.
82 3. T o play a v ideo, touch it. 4. T o display or hide on-screen playback contro ls, touch the Video Player screen. The foll owing controls are availab le: •S i z e : T ouch to chan ge image siz e from fu ll screen to small propor tional si ze image or la rge prop ortion al size ima ge.
Pictures and Video 83 Galler y Use Galler y to view , ca pture, an d manage pictures and videos. Note: T o take pictures or record video, you must install an optional memory card in your phone. (For more information, refer to “Memory Card” on page 12.
84 Sharing picture s and video Share pictures and videos via Email, AllShare , Bluetooth, Messaging, Picasa, or Gmail. 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ Gallery . 2. T ouch a category , then touch a pi cture or video to select it.
Connections 85 Section 10: Connections Y our phone inc l udes features to conn ect to the i nternet and to other devices, via Wi- Fi, Blueto oth, VPN and Dial Up Networking. W i-Fi Wi-F i is a wireless networking technology th at provides acc ess to local are a networks.
86 Add ing a Wi- Fi Networ k Manuall y 1. Press Home ➔ Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Wireless & Netwo rks ➔ Wi-Fi settings . 2. T ouch Wi-Fi to turn Wi-Fi On . 3. Under Network Settings , touc h Add Network , then enter these fie lds: • Network Name ( SSID) : Ente r the nam e of the Wi-Fi W ireles s Access Point.
Connections 87 Air plane mode When acti vated, Airpla ne mode disables all radio-based fun ctions of your phone. Tip : Y ou can still place emergency calls with Airplane mode activated. Y ou can also enable/re-enable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS functions with Airplane mode activated.
88 T rans fer ring Fi les to a M emor y C ar d 1. Attach your phone to the comput er with the USB Dat a Cable. Y our phone recognizes the connection and the USB mass storage screen appears in the display . 2. T ouch Connect USB storage . Y ou are prompted to verify that you want to enable USB storage.
Applications 89 Section 11: Applications Applications display on the A pplications screens to provide access to your pho ne’ s applications. Y ou can also place shortcuts to applicatio ns on the Home screen , for quick access to the appl icat ion. (For more information, refer to “Addin g Applications to a Home Scre en panel” on page 29.
90 AllShare Share your medi a content with other DLNA certified™ (Di gital Living Network Al liance) Devices over W i-Fi connections. Note: Y ou must activate Wi-Fi and connect to a Wi-F i network to use this application. (For more information, refer to “Wi-Fi” on page 85.
Applications 91 Selecting M edia to Play 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ AllSha re . 2. Next to Play file from my p hone on another player , touch . 3. Select Vi d e o s , Audio , or Picture s . 4. Select on e or more m edia files y ou want to transmit to the playback device.
92 Calendar Record events and appoint men ts to manage your schedule. 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ Calen dar . 2. T ouch a tab to choose a calenda r view: •M o n t h : Display the c urrent m onth, and scro ll to other m onths.
Applications 93 Sendi ng Events via Emai l Send even ts as vCalen dar attachme nts in Email. Note: T o send Events via email, you must define an email account using the Email applica tion. (For more information, refer to “Email” on page 66.) 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Calendar .
94 Gmail Send and receive e mails via Gmail, Go ogle’ s web-based emai l. (For more information, refer to “Gmail” on page 64.) 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ Gmail . Google Search With Goog le Search, you ca n search the W e b and the contents of your phone’ s a pplica tion list.
Applications 95 3. T ouch the desired Wi -Fi ne twork listing to connect to it. 4. Log on to your Google acco unt. (For more information, refer to “Configuring Y our Gmail Account ” on page 64.) 5. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Latitude .
96 2. T ap the following ico ns for the following a dditional options: Loopt Access and share soci al network maps indi cating locations of friends, selected locations and ev ents, directio ns to selected locati ons and events. 䊳 Naviga te to a Home scre en panel, then touc h Applications ➔ Loopt .
Applications 97 Mark et Browse for new Android applica t ions, games or downloads for your phone. Y ou’ll need to have a Go ogle ac count set up on your phone to download a new applica tion. 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Market .
98 Metro411 With Metro411, you can access on -line directory assistance service. 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applications ➔ Metro Studio . MetroNavigator With MetroNa vigator , you can acce ss maps and dr iving directions. 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applications ➔ MetroNavigator .
Applications 99 My Fi les Find, v iew and manage files stor ed on an optional insta lled memory card. If the file is as sociated with an application on yo ur phone, you can launch the f ile in the applica tion. 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ My File s .
100 Places Fin d places of interes t near your Lati tude location. (F or more information abou t La titude, see “Latitude” on page 94.) 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ Places .
Applications 101 V ir tual C ar d Use your phone as a pre-paid credit or d ebit card. 䊳 Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applicatio ns ➔ Vi r t u al Ca r d .
102 Lookup <Name> Access a contact record by speak ing the name of the contac t. 1. Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ V oice Commands . 2. At the audi o prompt “ Say a c ommand .”, say “ Lookup ” followed by t he name of a C ontact entry .
Applications 103 Check <It em> Access devi ce informat io n by speaking the command. 1. Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Voice Command s . 2. At the audi o prompt “ Say a comma nd ”, say “ Check ”, followed by a co mmand: • Status : Displays and announces all p hone status indicato rs.
104 V oicemail Listen to and mana ge your voice mail messa ges directly , tha t is, without call ing your voicemai l box. 䊳 Naviga te to a Home screen panel, then touch Applica tions ➔ V oicemail .
Settings 105 Section 12: Settings This section explains Settings for customizing your phone. Ac cess ing S ett ing s 䊳 Press Home ➔ Men u , then touch Settings . – or – Navigate to a Home scre en panel, then touch Applications ➔ Settings . The Settings menu appears in the display .
106 Advanced W i-Fi settings 䊳 Fro m th e Settings menu, touch Wireless & network ➔ Wi-Fi settings ➔ Network settings ➔ Advanced . • Wi-Fi s leep polic y : Sp ecify when to s witch from Wi- Fi to m obile data f or data co mmunica tions. T ouch t o choose from When sc reen turns off , Never when plugged in , or Never .
Settings 107 T ur ning Blue tooth On or Of f T urn your dev ice’ s Bluetooth service On or Off. For more information abo ut using Bluetooth to exchange information with other Bluetooth devices, see “Bluetoot h” on page 86.
108 Air plane m ode When airplane mode is activa te d, all your phone’ s wireless connections are disabled, and yo u cannot make or receive call s or messages or connect to networ ks. While in airplane mode, you can use othe r features of you r phone, such as playing music, watching videos, or other ap plications.
Settings 109 Other Call Settings Ignor e with message Create me ssages to use when reje cting incoming call s. (For more information, refer to “Sending Calls to V oicemail” on page 36.) 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Call s ettings ➔ Ignore w ith messag e .
110 Call Restrictions Call Restrictions lets you limit calls ma de with and to you phone 1. From the Settings menu, touch Call settings ➔ Call Restri ctions . 2. T ouch Incoming to choose to Allow Al l Incoming calls, Allow Contacts Incoming call s only , or to Allow No ne .
Settings 111 Vib rat e When enabled , your phone vibrates to alert you to incomi ng calls, as well as playing the c all ringtone. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Sound settings ➔ Phone vib rate . 2. Select Always , Never , Only in s ilent mod e , or Only when n ot in silent mo de .
112 Tip : Y ou can also set songs as alarm ringtones. (For more information, see “Setting a song as a ringtone” on page 77.) 1. From the Settings menu, touch Sound & display ➔ Notification ringtone . 2. T ouch a ringtone to hear a sample and select it.
Settings 113 Haptic feedback When enabled, the phone vibrates to indicate scre en touches and other inter actions. 䊳 Fr om the Settings menu, touch Sound settings ➔ Haptic feedback to enable or disable vibrati on. When enabled, a check ma rk appe ars in the check box and Vibration intensity is activate d.
114 Display settings Fo nt style Select the font used to dis play text in screens. 1. From the Settings menu, touch Display settings ➔ Font style . 2. T ouch a font to select it. Y ou are prompted to verify your selection. 3. T ouch Get fonts online to download ad ditional fonts.
Settings 115 K eyboard time out Set the length of delay be tween the last key press or screen touch and the automatic keyboar d time out (dim an d lock). 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Display settings ➔ Keyboard tim eout . 2. T ouch a setting ( 3 seconds / 6 seconds / 15 seconds / Same as Scr een ti meout ) to select it.
116 Tip : T o receive better GPS signals, avoid using your device in the followingn conditions: • inside a building or between buildings • in a tunnel or underground passage • in poor weather �.
Settings 117 Set unlock Pass word/ Change unlock P assw or d A screen unlock P assword is a word or series of4 or more characters that you can store and then use to un lock yo ur phon e. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Location & security ➔ Set screen lock or Change screen lock .
118 Install encr ypted cer tificates Install en crypted certificates from an optional inst alled micro S D memor y card. Note: Y ou must have installed a micro SD memor y card containing encr ypted certificates to use this feature. 1. From the Settings menu, touch Location & security ➔ Install encrypted certif icates , 2.
Settings 119 Mana ge ap pl icatio ns Manage and remove applications from your phone. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Applications ➔ Mana ge applications . 2. T ouch an application to vie w and update info rmat ion about the applicatio n, inclu ding St orage (memory) usage, default settings, and P ermissions.
120 Accounts & sync Set up and manage your accounts, includin g your Google and Backup Assist ant accounts. Gener al s ync sett ings Backgr ound data When enabled, all accounts can sy nc, s end, and receive data a t any time, in the background. Important!: Disabling background data can extend battery life and lower da ta use.
Settings 121 Remo ving an account Impo rtant !: Removing an account also deletes all of its messages, contacts and other data from the phone. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Accounts & sync .
122 P ersonal da ta Factor y data reset Use Factory data reset to retu rn your phone to its factory defaults. This setting erases all data from your phone, including your Google or other email account settings, system and application data and settings, an d downlo aded applica tions.
Settings 123 USB settings Select how your pho ne responds to a USB connection to a personal computer . 䊳 Fro m t he Settings menu, touch USB settings . The following options are a vaila ble: • Samsung Kies : Y our pho ne is c ontrollable by Samsun g Kies, a utility progr am not av ailable in the U nited States.
124 T ext set ti ngs Configur e text entry opti on s to your preferences. Swype Configure Swype set tings. Swype is a new way to enter text by gliding your finger over the characters on the on-screen keyboard. (F or more information, see “Using the Swype Keyboard” on page 42.
Settings 125 Samsung keypad Configure Samsung keypad settings. F or more informa tion about entering text with the Samsung keypad. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch Language & keyboard ➔ Samsung keypad to enable/disable the Samsung screen keyboard.
126 • V oice input : Voice In put is an expe rimental feature using Google’ s networked speed r ecognit ion. When enabl ed, the Voice input ke y appear s on the Andr oid keyboa rd. T o use Voi ce input, to uch the Voice input key , or slide your finger over the keyboard .
Settings 127 V oice output T ext-to-speech settings T ext- to-speech prov ides audibl e readout of t ext, for exampl e, the contents of text me ssages, and the Cal ler ID for incoming call s. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch V oice input & output ➔ T ext-to-speech settings .
128 Th e po w e r k ey When enabled, th is option lets you end calls by pressing the Power -Lock key . 䊳 From the Settings menu, touch Accessibility ➔ The power key ends calls to enable/disable this opti on. When activa ted, a check a ppears in the box .
Settings 129 About phone View information about your phone, inc luding status, legal information, hardware an d soft ware versions, and a tutorial. 1. Fr om the Settings menu, touch About phone .
130 Section 13: Health and Saf ety Infor ma tion This section outlines th e safety precautions associated with using your phone. The term s “mobile dev ice” or “cell phone” are used in this section to refer to your phone. Read this inform ation before using your mobile device .
Health and Safety Information 131 While RF energy does no t ionize pa rtic les, la rge amounts can increase body tempera tures and cause tissue d amage. T wo areas of th e body , the eyes a nd the testes, ar e particula rly vulnerable to RF hea ting because there is rela tive ly little bl ood flow in them to carr y away excess heat .
132 Risk of Brain Cance r fro m Expo sure to Radio Frequency Fields in Childhood and Adolescence (MOBI-KIDS) MOBI-KIDS is an interna tional stud y investiga ting the relationshi p between expos ure to rad io frequency energy fro m communicati on technologies in cluding cell pho nes and brain cancer in young people.
Health and Safety Information 133 • Use speaker mode o r a headset to place more distance between your head and the cell phone. Hands-F ree Kits Hands-free kits may incl ude audio or Bluetooth® headsets and various types of body-worn acce ssories such as belt-clips an d holsters.
134 Additional inf ormation on the safe ty of RF exposures from various sources can be obtained from the following organizations (updated 10/1/2010): • FCC RF Safety Program: http://www . • Environmental Protection Agenc y (EPA ): http://www .
Health and Safety Information 135 SAR tests are conducted using st andard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the pho ne transmitting at its highest certified power level in all test ed frequenc y bands.
136 Responsible drivers understand that no secondary task should be performed while driving whet her it be eating, drinking, talking to passengers, or talk in g on a mobile phone - unless the driver has assessed the driving conditions and is confident that the secondary task wi ll not inter fere with th eir primary responsibility .
Health and Safety Information 137 Batter y Use and Saf ety Important! : Handle and stor e batteries pr operly to avoid i njury or damage . Most batter y issues arise from improper handling of batteries and, particularly , from the continued use of damaged ba tteries.
138 manufacturers and carriers, might b e selling incompatible or even counterfeit batteries and chargers. Consum ers should purchase manufacturer or carrier -r ecommended products and acc essories. If unsure about whether a replacem ent batter y or charger is compatible, contact the manufacturer of the b atter y or charger .
Health and Safety Information 139 F ollow local re gulations re gar ding disposal of mobile devices and batteries Dispose of your mobile device and batteries in accordance with local regula tions. In some areas, the disposal o f these items in household or busin ess trash may be prohibited.
140 satellites controlled by t he U.S. Government that are subject t o changes implemented in accordance with the Departm ent of Defense polic y and the 2008 Federal Radio navigation Plan (FRP). Changes may affect the perf ormance of locat ion-based technology on your mobile dev ice.
Health and Safety Information 141 Emergency Calls This mobile devi ce, like any wireless mo bile device, operates using radio signals, wireles s an d landline networks, as well as user -programmed functions, which cannot guarantee connection in all conditio ns, areas, or circ umstan ces.
142 Microwaves Do not tr y to dr y your mobile device in a micro wave oven. Doing so may cause a fire or explosion. Dust and dirt Do not expose your mobile device to dust, dirt, or sand. Cleaning solutions Do not use harsh chemicals, c l eaning solvents, or strong detergent s to cl ean th e mobile device .
Health and Safety Information 143 • When using headphones , turn the volume down if you cannot hear the people speaking near you or if the person sitting next to you can hear what you are listening to. • Do not turn the volume up to b lock out noisy surroundings.
144 Operating En vir onment Remember to follow any spe cial regulation s in force i n any area, and always s witch your mobile device off whe never it is forbidden to use it, or when it may cause interference or danger .
Health and Safety Information 145 For more information see: http://www faq ml# . Other Medical Devices If you use any other personal me dical devi ces, consu lt the manufacture r of your device t o determine if it is adequately shielded from external RF energy .
146 FCC Hearing Aid Compa tibility (HAC ) R e gulations f o r W ir eless De vices On July 10, 2003, the U.S. F ede ral Communicati ons Commission (FCC) Report and Order in WT Docket 01-309 modified th.
Health and Safety Information 147 “Normal usa ge” in this context is defined as a sign al quality that is acceptab le for normal o peratio n. The M mark is intended to be synonymous with the U mark. The T mark is intended to be synonymous with the UT mark.
148 FCC Notice and Cautions FCC Notice The mobile device may cause TV or radio interferenc e if used in close proximity to receiving equi pment. The FCC can require you to stop using the mobile device if such interference cannot be eliminat ed.
Warran ty Information 149 Section 14: W ar r anty Inf or ma tion Standar d Limited W ar r anty What is Covere d and For How Long? SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNI CA TIONS AMERICA, LLC ("SAMSUNG") warran.
150 evidence of tampering, or (iii) the batter y has been used in e quipment other than the SAMSUNG phon e for which it is specified. What are SAMSUNG's Obligations? During the applicable warranty period, SAMSUNG will repair or replace, at SAMSUNG's sole option, without charge to Purchaser , any defective c omponent part of Product.
152 whether oral or written, do not c onstitute warranties by SAMSUNG and should not be relied upo n. Samsung T elecommunications America, LLC 1301 E. Lookout D rive Richardson, T exas 75082 Phone: 1-800-SAMSUNG Phone: 1-888-987-HEL P (4357) ©2011 Samsung T elecommunications America, LLC.
Warran ty Information 153 applicable law notwi t hstanding this limitation), or modify , or disable any features of , the Softwa re, or crea te derivative works based on the Soft ware. Y ou may not rent, lease, le nd, sublicense or provide commerci al hosting ser vices wit h the Software.
Warran ty Information 155 damage s you incur in reasonable relia nce on the Software up to the amount actually paid by yo u for the Softwa re or US$5.00.
156 Customer Care Center: 1000 Klein Rd. Plano, TX 75074 T oll F ree T e l: 1.888.987.HELP (4357) Samsung T elecommunicati ons America, LLC: 1301 East Lookout Drive Richardson, T exas 75082 Phone: 1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864) Important!: If you are using a handset other than a standard numeric keypad, dial the numbers listed in brackets.
157 Inde x A Abc mode 46 Accessibility settings services 127 Text-to-speech 127 Accounts adding a Corporate account 50 adding a Google account 49 setting up 49 setting up a Fac ebook account 51 settin.
158 silencing a ringer 35 three-way 35 using the Dialer 33 using Voice Commands 34 Voice Di aler 34 Camcorder recording video 80 settings 81 Camera settings 79 taking pictures 78 Care and Ma intenance.
159 G Gallery 83 sharing pictures and vid eo 84 viewing pictur es and video 83 Get Friends 54 Gmail account settings 65 composing and sending 64 confi guri ng yo ur acco unt 64 refreshing your accou n.
160 setting a song as a ringtone 77 My Location 115 My Profile 57 sending via Bluetooth or Gmail 57 MySpace setting up an account 52 N Namecards sending 55 Navigation 22 command keys 22 , 26 context-s.
161 Smart Practices While Driving 135 Sound settings audible selection tones 112 audible touch tones 112 haptic feedback 113 notification ringto ne 111 phone vibrate 111 screen lock sounds 112 silent .
162 Voicemail checking 11 setting up 11 Volume key 17 W Wallpaper setting 84 Warranty Information 149 Widgets Video Play er 32 Wi-Fi adding a conne ction manually 86 scanning and conn ecting 85 settin.
An important point after buying a device Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:
If you have not bought Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A - thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.
If you already are a holder of Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A.
However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Samsung GALAXY INDULGE GH68-32785A along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center